DEATH 8H0RTLV FOLLOWS HIS FAREWELL SERMON. ' London, June 22. The very Rev Herbert Vnnghan, cardinal archbish op of Westminster, whose death oc curred Friday night, had been sink Ing for some weeks frc.m heart fall lire and dropsy. His death was nol expected so soon. Friday he wn 'wheeled In a bath chair about the cor ildors.of St. Joseph 'a colleRe, which :he founded with money which ho col Jected in America and elsewhere. Th "previous day he appeared In the col lege chapel in full cardinal robes and made a. farewell address to his blsh tips and prlosts.j His retnainu will li in mate in ir.e cauieurui at wesiniitia rter and will be buried at St. Joseph's college. : V i ' ; Rome. "June 22. By order of Dr Lapponl, all persons having access tc (the pope' withheld the news of th Meatli 'of Cardinal Vaughan, the Uor - hor fearine lis effect on the venerable pontiff, owing to the latter's special iaffectlon for the dead cardinal. .He It was not until last evening that the IKUitiff laarned that Cardinal. Vaugta an waa dsaul. H waa. eitremelv tciivvd at th new and iaslsted upon kneeling, for a leeuj Mm before retir iDC-praytnc tor UK upoee of U soul of tfee ewateal. Olj jf Mow's This? i' ve offer One Hnndrcd l)bllar'Rewa'rdfor iht case of Catarrh that eanuot bo cured by Hall's vatarrn cure. - J. F. CHKKKY A TX, Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersianetl, have known F. J Cheney lor the last 15 yea, and believe htm perfectly honorable iu all bustuesg trawsac hens and financially able to carry out any ob- lic-alions maue oy meir nrm. Wist .t Thi'aX. Wholelale DrUBKlsu. Toledo. O WAddino, Kinkan Jt Mahvix, wholesale Drug. slit. Toledo, u. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act. Itir dirwtlr unon the bloKl and inucoui sur face, of tbe svssem.' Testimonials nu tree. Price. "Scents per bottle. Sold by all druggist. Hair, ramuy nus are we oesi. St, Petersburg, Juno 22. Accord- Ing to the Novoe Vremya, the Russian-Chinese bank has been author ized to open a branch at San Fran. Cisco. Sllgo, Ireland, June 22. P. A. Mc Hugh, M. P., vice president of the Irish league, who was arrested June C under a warrant for' contempt of court, has been released from jail. New York.. June 22. The Cunard Steamship Company has notified the Continental and Mediterranean con ferences of its withdrawal from cer tain articles of agreement concerning traffic anfl traffic schedules. It is not stated what rates are to be affected by tbe withdrawal "I have been troubled for some time with indigestion and sour stomach," says Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis, of Lee, Mass., and have been taking Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets which have helped me very ranch so that now l can eat manv tnines mat neiore l could not." If you have any trouble with your stomach why not take these Tablets and get well? For sale by Unas. Strang. Vancouver, B. C, June 22. The cteamer Princess May arrived yester day with 100 passengers, being the first to come out since navigation opened on the Yukon this spring. The rteamer Humboldt is on her way to Seattle with about sixty more, and between them the two vessels have about half a million dollars In gold dust and drafts. Driven To Desperaitiou. Living at an out of the way place, remote from civilization, a family is often driven to desperation in case of anitfrlant ToonlHnGT in Rnrna flllta. Wounds Ulcers, ect. Lay in a supply of -BucKien s Arnica eaive. u e me nern. on earth. 25c, at Cbas. Strang's Drug Store. New York, June 22. The liberty bell, on its way back to Philadelphia from Boston, was warmly reclved in this city. Whistles, bands and can non saluted th bell and school chil dren sang the national anthem. Speeches wer mad by the receptioa committee. STOPS PAIN Athens, Tenn., Jan. 27, 1901. Erer since the fl rat appearance of my msDsei they were verv irregular and I suttered with great pain -In my hips, back stomach and legs, with torrlble bearing down pain fa the abdomen. Daring the past month I bve been taking Wine of Cardui and Thedford'a niack-lraaarht,;ip(J 1 pat-?d the month ly period without puiii for '.he firnt time in yean. Namsib Davu. Whal is llle worth" lo a woman suiter Ing like Nannie Davis suffered? Yet there are women in thousands of homes to-day who are bearing those terrible menstrual pains In silence. II you are one of these w want to say that this same ; 171-CARDUI will bring you permanent relief. Con sole yourself with the knowledge that 1,009,000 women have been completely oured by Wine of Cardui.; These wom en suffered from leucorrhoea, irregular menses, ' headache, : backaohs, . and bearing down pains. Win of Cardui will slop all these aches and pains for you. Purchase a 1.00 bottle of Win of Cardui to-day and take it In th privacy of your home. For advice and literature, address, firing frmp ttinj. "Tlm Ijwicr' Advisory Jletiartinent," OOOOO0'i-,.OO000O, ! EFFECT I OF THIRTY I SIDES Hy "Richard JConn CwitMit. 1902. k) U S. S. MttVare Cww o- O0-O-O-O-!-0s,-0 00 O O0s' ltiirrliiKtoii bad up spasmodlciil- ly from small porta to leads. Wbllu Im was iilny !n;: In stock oil the way up ho hud written a plu.v. Of course the pltiy was never piMihuvd. And about Unit time HatTiul,toii lii-giui to ooim down UU coming down biul not been spa iiuhIIo. It litut been cerulu and sure ns Tate. He sw'iiicd, however. 'a Mo to hold a position u.s suiu iloor ULt'lior, He couiil be mhi'aI into l aillinj; luonnd on time, for t-nv cosslve weeks by the threat Unit he would be unsigned lo Uie billposter's forces.' 1 . And be wus only thirty-live. Some times when lie becuiuu very bad he would mumble something about "HU'a- nor." But mumblings about "Klwuior'' didn't excuse his eoiulltlou to Buscoe, who believed that there was uo reason on earth good enough to keep a niau way from the theater later than T:30 aud no trouble great enough to ueed an extended stay along a bar rail to drown So HarrliiRtou, with all bis bril liancy, all his urtlsUc trainiug ami bis wonderful uiiud that could absorb thir ty sides In n night, got finally to be a back door keeper. It was only because he never ulteiupud to excuse his con- duet that Buscoe kept him at (ill. He was merely penilcjit after one ot bis periodical attacks. J ' " ' ' " ' And. UuiciUiCtou .was the back doui keeper wtieu the company moved iuto New York for a run.' Ue.stood. book in hand, checking the eouipnny as It ar rived for a rehearsal a day before the opening. Harrington not the note, with a doctor's certificate . inclosed, telling that Temple, the leading man, had brain fever. He turned pale as he read it He was that kind of a back door keeper. Buscoe didn't turn pale, but every one who heard what be said a minute later did. "Send a boy to tbe manager," he or dered. "Tell him Temple can't possibly go on tomorrow nllit. Tell him that unless he wants me to use a bad under study we'll have to postpone tbe open lug." Harrington came over to him. "I haven't sent the boy yet," he said. "You know I can get up in that purl by tomorrow night. Maybe they wouldn't know Temple wasn't play ing it. If you'll let me" He looked wistfully at Buscoe. "You could, you know," said Bus coe kindly, "but it's too important. They've been bunking on this New York opeuiug. A set of good notices will carry them the rest of the sea son, aud I'd rather postpone than take any chances." Harrinirton went mechanically back to the door. Buscoe held the company until he heard from benibiiiarters. "Use the understudy," said the note. 'Can't possibly postpone." Buscoe walked over to the call board. "Company culled for all dny rehears al at S o'clock tomorrow," he wrote. "Now. Harrington," he said kindly, you take this part to my hotel nnd begin on it. If you're letter perfivt by tomorrow morning. you go on 111 Tem ple's place. At 4 o'clock this after noon I'll come over. We'll work on It all night." ' . . . The hotel people wondered next rooming what had been going on in 42" during the night. Two men had left at 7:yo in the morning with a bur bill of $2 for black coffee. It bud gone up regu'nrly every thirty minutes since 4 o'clock. Around on the walls were pinned strips of paper with mean Ingless sentences written upon tbem. They took them down and read them curiously. 1 They seemed to be pas sages chosen broadcast from a book. They would have understood if they bad known that the process of i-rnm mlng thirty sides of typewritten man uscript Into the brain of a man means that the brain must be stimulated with something and that strong coffee Is the only harmless thing that will do It. They didn't know that a man's brain sometimes refuses to memorize past a certain amount, but tbitt It will receive impressions of things seen. That was why Mime of the speeches Harring ton couldn't get, although they were repeated to Mini endlessly. -'were writ ten on strip of iiaper. pinned ort the walls and s n'red nt lilm thrniigb the night until they sank info his rnlnd. KiiKcoe had been cruelly Insistent. but his method had won out.. Hur- rlngton. hasgaid. and l.rnln weary, went through Hie 8 o'clock rehearsal with but fi-.v hltcjies. T!in I'.nseor ran them tliiou-.'h again ami illsinlssei1 them' at I2::!il wllli orders lo report ai for a dress rehei: is;; I. He drugged Hari'lnton back to the hotel and again sent him over the part, this lime with the business included. He went on that night almost cruised, Forty-eight hours without, sleep anil not much nourishment but black cof fee did it but In his bruin were the thirty sides. ' ' He played the three nets without a break, and be played them as Har rington could when be wunted to. But lis big scene didn't come until the fourth. It was strongly written and Intensely emotional. It depicted a Anal parting from the woman bo loved, in a set lighted by blue borders, with the foots low. The exit of tbe leading woman wus tbe cue for the first speech. i Buscoe, all attention, stood In the side entrance ns Harrington began. He was playing It low, but fiercely, acting It beautifully. Be bad the audience We sat at the table the alderman, the doctor and I The subject of dieting was brought up in conversation. "No man," said the alder man, "can tell me what 1 ought to eat without know ing my habits of life, my temperament and all is that not so, doctor ?" " Per fectly right," said he, " what suits vour stomach may not fit mine, and yet nine men out of ten are presumptuous enough to tell you what you ought to eat." " Yes," said I, "they don't appreciate that t lere is just as great a difference between two men's stomachs as there is betwe.-n their brains. Overwork some men's stomachs and they will eas ily res mnd to the task, just as so ne men's brains can take -are of endless details, but tie majority will break down with the overload." "Indig estion," said the doctor,- not a disease but an admor.tion it is the red light .hat signifies danger. It is the language of the stoma h to prepare .for seri ous t ouble if allowed to breathless. Suddenly Buscoe felt tor tbe curtain signal. "Heavens!" be said under bis breath, "He's way off the text" Out In the weird light of the blue borders ifnrrlngtou rnved ou. Not a line he spoke bud even been In tbe manuscript, but he tulked of a part ing from u woman. He was horribly earnest, ami instead of cursing the woman he cursed himself. Buscoe Jammed the signal. The big drop bo gnu to slide, .lust then Harrington reeled across the stage and fell In a queer heap. The drop came down with a thud within a foot of his face. Then from out In front came roar upon roar of applnuse. "They didn't know he was off," thought Buscoe. "Harrington," he almost yelled, "get npl I'm going to give you n cull alone!" But Harrington was past curtain calls. They curried him to a dressing room and tucked him comfortably on n couch. He was asleep when the womnn asked for him. She was too well dressed to be asking for a inun like Harrington, Buscoe thought. Still, he asked him self, how did she know that Harring ton was on the bill? The programme said "Temple," "Nobody here by that numc," he told her. "I know he Is." she said quietly.' "I was In the audience. I am Miss Bur ton. I have known Mr. Harrington a very long film." "Are you 'Eleanor?' " asked Bugc,oe quickly. "Yes," she said softly. When he n wu keued, she was beside him. So was Buscoe. But Buscoe left at once. He only knew that when Har rington awakened and saw her beside him he seemed to take everything for granted. She came out a little later und asked that some breakfast be sent In lo him. "He will be able to act tonight lie says," she told Buscoe. "He'll tell you about us when you go in." "I gather," said Buscoe,. trying to be diplomatic, "that you are what ailed blm." ""But I didn't know It," she replied, "until lust night" " CutA, Bruise and Burns Quickly .,v' - Healed. Chamberlain Pain Balm is an antl- pentto (liniment, and when applied to cuts, bruiBOH and burns, causes them To Meal without maturation ami much more quickly than by the usual treat ment., ,jror saie py .utiat. mrang, , The Mail for Job Work. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Rofioburg, Oregon, .Iinif-W, lOOU. Notice In horebv if I von that thn fnllowltn. named Keillor ha filed notiuo ofhiK intention to make flnul couimutHtion proof (n support of iilN claim, and that nitld proof will bo made ho fore A.H. Hilton, U.S. Commtfitiiortnr, at Mod ford, Oregon, on Saturday, Augimt 8, v.m, viz: IlANB F. ANDKK80N, On ,H. K. No. the HK Hcotlon 2, Township itffloutb, flange East. HennmOHtbo following wltnoHHofl to provo itH continuous ruHidcnce upon und cultivation f said I nml, viz; John J, jiaiiiwrn, Klmer II Roardman, Ira Tuiigute and Jasper 1'uiigaio, all of Hig Hut o, Oro son. J. Vfp linwuKH, Uugintor, persist. Hitters and alco holic medicines are poor means for stimulating the stomach to perform a larger share of work than it ought. .The effect on the stomach is like the spur to the weary horse it weakens him and shortens his life, A rational treat ment," continued the doctor, " is moderate eating of whole some foods, and only those which the person likes. Occasionally, say once a week, a dinner pill should be taken which should be entirely of vegetable ingre dients like Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets that will not purge, but act .gently en the liver, stomach and bow els. To my mind the main dependence for 'curing per manently the indigestion which has become chronic the ' heart-burn,' the sour. eructations, the worst cases of dyspepsia is that al terative extract made from medicinal herbs that Doctor Pierce' calls his 'Golden Medical Discovery,' for it contains no alcohol to over- stimulate the stomach, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is everywhere recognized as tho one remedy that can always be dupondod upon and that Is pleasant to take, ll la espeulally valuable for aummur diar rhoea in children and Is undoubtedly the means of saving the lives of u great many children each year. For ralu by (Jhas. Strang. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In tho Cotmly Court fn JnrkMOlt (Nullity, In the mutter of the Kinte of Itlchftnl K. ryno, ifcinel NOTIt'K fi he re by xivvti Mint riiHiitin T. Pit) no, lutiiur, mlinintnirntor f tliu vMnl of Kk'hnnl r. 1'ityuu, lee;tM?l, IihvIhk IUI hi thiM'uiinty court (or Jknii County, Onon, hid ilrt kihI tlntt) rt'iHtri wiH'M'ln tut Mtltioii for lit" iIIbcIiiuku nit Mii'li MiliHlitlklratnr, it lot thnt ttHM'il upon fmhl riMKjrt unit petition tho l;itli tiny of July.A. l).,!!ui, nt I o'clock In tho n( tiTiMMju oIhhIiI lny hn 1khm HpiMiimcd hy Hun ornuiu t.jjiirij ithii, jikixc i Jncsnnii county. , Oregon, im tin 1 1 mo for tlw ht-urliiK o nawi iltinl ruport ami Imni-'I upon the lon t(oliiK nil ptTMHift InlCTUHlnl hi oithl uslHtf ttrtj ho re by notified to nppirar ou or tx'forii naM lny nnrl dull-, nml II It- in "nhl court thulr objection. If any ihuru be, to nnitl huul Account ntnl ro-j-ort. Tht notice of IIiiaI Motttcmi'iii In ptihllahcd iu the MEpniKn Mail by onler of Ilonornbln CliArli'K I'rfui, JinlKt f tlio t-'ounly ,'ouri for .J hi-Won County, Oregon, uirulii a ml urii;ri'tl ou thefUh i)ny of Juno, A. !., m. CHAMI'ION T. I'AVNK JK.. AflirilnlMrntor ol the Kntntu of ItU-hani K,' I'ayiie, oVccukciI. ' w mniwii w inni,iiviivs,;uift loin nay Ol JUiy, In the County Court for Jack no n County urogon. In tho matter of tho tiatato of Anna Gurry, dccpnneil . NOTICK i hereby tfivcu lhat II. 0. Nfcholnon, admiolatiutur of tho t'tdato of Anna Curry, decuAHcri, bus filed In iho County Court for Jackon County, Orcg-on, ax auch admlulstra tor hla Hrat and final rnjxirt and that thoroln and In tiald report ho potltionn for the din charge as micb administrator; that baaed upon aald report ami petition tho H h day of Jtiii', lWJd. atone o'clock In the afternoon of nold day has been appointed by the Hon rablo Chua. Prfm, Judge of tho Count v Court for I auk win County, Orcion, m time for aatd hearing nnd all pernonM hitcrcnied In raid citato am here hy nottllcd tc appear on or before ml'! dnv ad date and tile, in nald court their obj-i'ttonnlf any there bo, to tiald llmil account uinl roport. Thia notice Ih nubllrthud in Iho Mkhvohii Mail by order of the Houornblc Couutv Court for JficUnon County, Oregon, made ou tho -lib duy of Muy, A. D., MA. II. O, NICHOLSON, Admlnlntrator of the Elalu of A una Curry, do 'ceuHud ' , NOTICE FOK PUBfJCATION. I'NtTBn HTATF.H IA N It OYPWP.. Koxeburg, Ore., June Ih, W.i. Notice Ih hereby given that In compliance with tliu nrovlntoiiH of the act of CougruMA of Juno :it 1H7H, entllleil, "An act for tho nale of timber land In the flhitcn of California, Ore gon, Nevaila and WhbI ting toll Turritoiv "h extended to all the public laud fitalus by net ol AugllhH, lWfJ, . 'K. OKKTKl'DR BUTTON, of AI) land, county of Jnckmiti, Hlale of Oregon, bait th Ik day (lleil In Hi fa ofllcc her hwiii'ii Mliito mont No. ftlftl. for the mirehaie of tho hh ly w -aj nivA, oi ncrnoii no. ;i ln iownhirp i'!ii".,,!..V ' ,.' .-NO.-vi noutu, ivaiiK1 no. ; r.nt! imii proof to Hhow (hat tlx; land vlii S IHTR vahiabln for ltd timber or xton i('.r cnllurtil iinrnnKeh.Hiid ro estnbllth I'm c . I miff I land before A. R. Hilton, V. H. I . t.ttiiuix nioner, at Medlord Orttgou.on Friday, the 'JKth day of AugUMt, llMCl, rtno names a whiichjirk: a, jtinxoy, oi nig " Untied BtntoH Lund Oflr 11, Ronoburr;, OniKon,.lunp 17. null. Notice In bcroby given that In compllnnco Oiciinii: (Inn. V. KIiik, of .Mmlfnrd, pruK"ii; . niuiit No. Mail, for llio f.nrn iiiku -of tin. Nl ), nioil lu ' 1 0 oltloo of tfc OlorL 0 tlio Vmu! ' MnrioK. Kliijr.of-.Moilford.Oroiton. ' ijk , of Hootloii No. ll; Tiiwunlllli No. 2 ty (;i,url of JaoU.011 County, (Won. M ffnil Any nml HI puraonii t'lnlmlim n.lvercly the Himtli. IIiiuko No. a fiiint, ami w 11 offor , B,,ni f hln ndlnlliliitrnllon of ant I o"tnlo nbovu-ilererlhi'il Inmln am roiiucmod to file proof In nliow Mint Iho lnml HOUKht l moro 1 Tllnl by orilor of the Moil l" barli,. l'ri tholrolnlm In thlomoe on or boforo mi Id mh va nubfa for II, tlnibor or mono thn.11 for nirrl-1 jiKU f ,,1,1 Coumy i:nrl. nnid nnai ,Inn?l day ol AuifUHl, 1UUSI. olilllirnl l.un.innK. nml tooHlnbll"li hla tlnlin lo w) ,., on f(lr hoiirliiR-ai it film "olllelnm ! : . J. T. nnllWEa, Hesl.tor. hi.I.I linn milon, A. H. Hilton. IJ. N. I o.nui I- ,i, cnun roln , ' ," " l .. .... "'" ' r,' ?' Ml' 'I'i J0"""'"" M"""J'i '" 1 vlllu, Or,,,,,,,, on Hnturiliiy, 11,0 In Iny f a i t.renyri-t ,n mMi mint rn I HMXT! but it simply goes to work in the right way--correcting the liver, purifying the blood and assimilating the food so that the stomach takes up its labors with ac tivity and refreshed powers, It fills the arteries with the pure, rich, red blood of health. It tears down, and carries off ' old, inert and half-dead tissues ''and re places , them by new, ; It builds firm, healthy llesli. It makes the.muscles strong and elastic and steadies and tones the nerves. It cures debility and weakness of every description," . W. Walter MeGloslien, of Reinbevk, , Iown, writes: "I took i only four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery aud two vinls of his ' I'lensnut Pellets,' aud these remedies did mc a world of good. I m thankful for your kind advice and pnii.te the medi cines highly. Will recommend Dr. Pierce 8 medicines to all my friends as the liest medicines ever made for the troubles for which they arc recommended. There is nothing equal to them for stomach troubles," C. P. Stiencer, of PlnnO, Okla., wrote : " I cun hardly express my thanks for the benefit I have received from taking Dr. Pierce's Gtdden Medical Discovery and ' I'lcasant relicts,' I hey work ed like a charm in my case, Am iu liettcr health now than for some time, nnd will not fail to recommend your medicines to my suffering friends I hone you will receive my thanks for the good your medicine has done me." A'A'.-f' all iilioiil yourself, win system, Iht physiology of life, uioto ttty, hygiene, :tute home elites, eti., in Ihiil slo iuIii ai family tloilor hoot, file Common Sense Jleiidil Aill iser, d book of ttHKi futxes. I'or eloth'botind evfy semi tr eentt in uiie-eenl sluinhs, or for paper rovers Ji sttitrps. Ad dress Dr. h V, lieree, Hujulo, N. Y, with the pravlntonN of the rt of Conitrmus of Juon .n. lhn. entitled "An fcol for thn win of Umber land in tho Htainn of California. Or Ituii. Nuvudn, anil WtDihinKtoti Tnrrttorv," an exumdrd tu all tho Publlo I.aiid HUtoa by in Of AUKUNt J, tiKOltliK K.'KINU, of Mfdfnrd. iMinty n Jackoti, Htatn of Orn kmi, ha thin dnv (llrd In thlM ortim bin wworo Mtalomcilt No. Vt.!, tor lh purtihNNc of thn NK'.-of Hntillon No. In Towunhlp No. XI Houlli, Hunun No " KanI. and will ofTnr proof to nhow thrtt thn land nought ih mora valuable for lla limiMir or ttionn than for aitrictilttiral FrUrtioNf, and to riubHh hU claim to AAld noil trrforo a, H. Hilton, I). H. (;oinmlHtpiir, at Mcilfonl. Orrxoii, on Ktlday, Iho Jnih day of AiiKiiNt. met. Ilu nttmtot a wltrtrooiMi: ' MnKi'y, of Hl Hutir, On iron,; tlvirxo ICIhk, of Trail, (jn'Kou ; W. V. Parker and J. I. I'aiton, of II'k Hutio. OrfKon. Any and nil ptirnonn claliiilnjt advorttcly tho above drrrltiMl laudn arn rniui'ittnd to III' thrlr clttimh In ihln oiUcn on or lfore aaid ;'ih day of AuicuRt, IMM. J. I". iiiiiiMiait, nriiiHirr. NOTICH KOK I'Ultl.ICATION. IJNITKII HTATKH UNIlOlTlIT, Koni'hurK. Orrton, May '2, JWOJt. Notlru la hurohy ivcn that Iu onmpliauc with tho prnvlnlonit of Iho ai't of (onKnuw ol Junit -t, JH7H, oiitlth'd "An ad for tho Halo of llrubnr tanda In tho HtiitcA of California. Orp Kun, Novuda.and WahhliiKtoti Territory," an ex. icoiltd to all tliu 1'ubllo Laud Htotca by act of AuKUal4, IKVJ, AUlt HT I.AWItKNTZ, of Medford, county of Jarknoji Htnip of Ori'Kon, haa thlHiluy til oil in tlilaontnt hln NWoru alato nit'ttt No. MM), for tho nurchuHo of tho KU NW'i. NWW NV.4. of Mi'ctlou No. :w, In Town Hhlp No. :w Hotith, ltuttKo No. 1 Went, und will ofTor proof to aliow that thn land noukIH la more valuable for Ita tlmhor or utonc than for agricultural purpoaca, nnd to iatabllrih hi ciuim to aaiu wnti wioro a. n. union, u,n He nnnioN a wit- i iiun"in; ui'iitko i . iiniiinii, juwhi ruiniuii. liainliti, Jowph Polnton, jhiiich nmiiTrKorr, iiifiiBro (jiavmaiiu, an oi Mud ford, Oregon, Any nnd all no mom olaimlufr nlverMely the above-dnanrlbca landa are roquoatod to II In thulr clalroa in thia offlco on or boforo auld 10th day of July, Itm. ' J.T. IliuiHJi, ItoglHter. CONTEST NOTICE, ' DKl'ARTMKNT OK TDK iNTEItlOlt, ' tlNlTKI) rtTATKH UNDOmCK, Uonchurg, Oregon, April H. i'.MCt. ) A HufTielont content afTidavlt having been (Mod In Inla ofllcc by Norton h. Narregan, nontont ant, agrttiiMt hoinvrtlcad ontry No, low I, mado March m, 1001, for NKU Kecllon8, Townahlp WHouth, Bauue 3 Wont, by John L. DeCoudraa, conteMtoe, lu which It U alleged that tho entry, man hn abnndoncd tho laud for IH niontha lnit pant, and that hehaa aold tho Improvement conBi.llriKOl houm null Intnl. wtni-h wurp upon thnVn.1, nnd Hint Iho name Imvu hraii removed by 1 1, purcliaHnrn. Bnhl iinrllnn pr hnl.v nnt.ll.-il to m...r. i...uinil mill nltlT ovlluni!U muchltiK nnld nllcdnllon nt 10 n'cliK'lc a, in., on July I'iIIi, ma, linrore A. 3. Hilton, IJ. 8. oinmlnhtonor. nt Mmlforil. Oli'Son, nml Ihnt llnal lii'tirliiK will lin hold nl 1(1 oclooli 11. iu., on July llotli, 1IKKI, bulorn tho rrulntor nml rennlvcr at the UnlK'il Ulaton r.ntul (ifllcn J11 RonuburKt Orniroii. Tlio Nnid contcHiiint imvlng In propur nflldnvll, llloil ,urll 11th, um, net forth ractn whloli nliow that aftur duo dlllRouce pernonnl nervlcn of., thin notlao nan not bo murtn. It I. bordby xirdornd ami dlrnotcd that Hiwh notli'n hoslven hyUnoftnd proper publl L'ution. ) T. 1II1IHUK8. luiKlnlrr. . - - .1, II. Uom'ii, HvMirsr. ' . ' . - ::m .rs " . ..." N0T10E FOR PUnLICATFON. Uti n il HluU'S I.nn.l niriL'e, . . Rnralniril, Ornunn, May S, IWlll. nl1,.n I. ln.ri.liv ulvi.n Ihiil. Iti f.f.iiii.lliiiii.A with llio nrovlhloiin ol the not nl Cnngrc ot 1 Jiimo 3, WW, ontlllleil "All nut (or thn unto nil ...r lu I 11... u,ui. ur i r........ Novnilii. nnd tViinhlimlon Torrllorv.'' ait ox Uniik'd 10 nil tho J'ubllo Lnml HtnloM by act of Annual I, mi, WILLIAM T.dRIKVH, ' I of rniHpiiiH, (lounly nf .ludltnoii, Hlnlnof Oi-mkoii, in Jhiiioh K. flilovn. John Hrlnvo. Htnn S. Alkon. Krvlil Mi'C.'Hll, nllofl'ro"pcf.l,Orn(r(ill, I Any nnd nil imrfoim olillinhiK artvniwly Iho nliovo ilfiMirlliml lnml" nio roiiiaeleil to llio tliolr claim III llilHiiflleo mi or boforo nld loth dnyof AiiKiiKl, iiki:i. J.T. IlitiuuKH, JttuiHlor.J HOOIKTIKB OF MEDlfOKl; Y i. 0, P.-Utlnr. Nu.alt, mittiLH lit I, O. O V hull fvtiry Haliirdiiy utM in. VUiilnti tiituli itN ulwnya wuluomu, A, It, Navmjm, N. U. J. l'J. Uav ou. Htio, 1. O, O, K. ItoBun Ktvor ICiicaiuptnrhl, No, ilu, utcctn in 1, O. O, K. hull lliu i t'itiiO miiU fifurth Wcdnrmlnya of ruolMiiuntlt iuh p, m, II, II, llAHvicr, II. P. , W.T. YoiiK, Horibo ' J Olivu Ht lH'ititli l.tidK" No. ;h, mi'fta In ,o. 0, K. hull llrat ami third TuitHilaya of (mot. UHMtUit VlMiiinu nlMtoiH Itivllcd to atiuntl. Mua. Krt'A HiiiaamkHi N, tl Mmh. luA HrilaitfikHiicittN, Ufc. Hmv A. V, und A. M.-Mt'iM llitil Krlday on ot bty fore full union at ft p. in., Iu MnmiiiU- hall. J A Wlll'IAIAN, i. M, J. w. I.XwiiiN. Hue, Hic. K . ol I - TalUinan lud(0, No. Ill, mm i'Ih ,Im. Uav nvt nil K ' t'- 'lllliH liioilMib wt- -11." Cur i l.iiv, t . i ami. t' K. ol l(, ami h. i- KiilyhlM uf tho Mit('tMiutiN,--llYiun.ili 'I'oitl No. H.iiiPntalti roynliir mvlnw on lt Mid Krldaya or ucli inuiith Iu A. u, II, W, Halt at Tittop. m. VtHltinir Htr Knii'hlnutmllul ly tuutU'Ud, . A, ll. Ki.i.uow, Cotuumudar, W.T.Yohk. It. K. A. O. U. W., bngroa of Honor- Hather lodun No, M, iiMiula nvniy )fd and 4 Hi Widncada ovnulutl ul ouch month, itt A. (, U, W, hull, MUM, DKI.I.A JODUHf! ol 11. (U.AHKNI'K Mlll'IIHMNON, KlMt, A.O, U. W, t.odga No, VN, iiiitota tivnrv ilrai aud third Woduomlay Iu tho inaiitli at H p. m. Iu their hall Iu tho opnra block. VtaUloK brotheraluvltU loaitand. W A.KiawAHT, M.Wj AailAjgl. llUmUHt), H reorder, ' K. U. ol A.WoiHuiil l.mltfo No. W moot a wry Haturdny ovniilnc la A O. U W. hall. V Ifdtlnv Kratar luvltnl to attrurt, 11. W. UTKI'IIMHaoM. W. ht. if A. JUKIIAI Woodttmii of the World-Camp No. yO, i avnrv Tliuraday ovoiiIhn lo K, uf V, MadforU.Uroituu. 1.11 J. U Wii.,UK, vi. w. , 1 HnwAf-w Makn. Vlork. t'hryaanthnmuiu 1'lralr, No H4, Womnn of WotHlvraft Mcclt aiH'oud ami fourtaTiifwdaya of vach month alf :0 p. ui. lt K. of P ball VtAltttiK alAtora Invllod. Miih. HoitAt'M MaKH, U, N, , KAriiKuiNK Wait, Clnrk. W, It, 0.-t.hriinr A. Arthur torpa No. i ipttctn Drat and third Wmlnpntlay of flick mouth at V o'clock p. tu., 'o Wouilioati a nail, VlaltluicaUtrra Invited, Mita I. K. A a iin'. "nn M mm. Ivan HttiiAMiN, H-o. u. A. It.-(?hcatnr A. Arthur I'uat No, 1 Hi 0(11 in Woodmatt'i Hall ovary (lri Htnl tMrd WmlueAday nlt(ht In each month at lit), VUlUutt Colorado cordially Invitml to tttloi. I, K M. ftBWAin, t:oiu. ViuhK K A aa ll a rill, Adiuiant.. W. l T. If MnntM avnry olhrr Ihurauay at tut I'mUijicrlnu church. .,m. hiick, piv'tict t Mwa. J, .iltflAH. Hfcrolaij' . iratriml llrothorhiHd-Mpat flrnl and thtr I Friday vcnluir at 7 :M. m., in thMr hAl' m K. of P, bulldliih. Mrdfurd. (troi). Vtalttlttf SlMlora and llrothcra cordially Invilril. W. L. Vim. i rta, MkMTIIA IUVia Hiit-lotUrV. O K. H. Kranifw Ctmidcr. No. w, mouta ond and fourth ny'it of cm h month t HuaoIIIc Unit, MedfnrU, tlrriftiii. Vuit.i( lcr aud htothnr alwava woUomo. Mna. (. a. l.trMabitx, rt.M. Matt i K I'lt aai.. Hccrtftary. A. t. t-'.McctA every Monday ntKhi at ? .:u In A ll. V. W. hall. VUltlnit Kor.-t.-r. dhilly wntconiod. K, I.. (IUHNKa, ll, K. Jah. K-thWamt. Hoc. Hcy. tinlfurm ktttik. K. ur P Meet at the call ul Iho captain In K. uf I', hall. II. It. IIowahu, Captain. It. K. Kt.WtMili, Kcciirtlcr, 0HUB0HE8 OF M ED FORD. ' Method I it KpUcopal ChurcnW. II. Monro, paMtnr. Prfachlns every Habbath at II a.m. -nd n unp, ui. Sunday achoul at IU a. m., It, T I.awtuii, aupt. tjlajwi nirntliiK foltnwa prcachlnir "ervlr Hunday mornluf, Jullui Mcokor, Iradur. Ktwirth am at f :cD i, m (Iroritn Kox, proaldnot. IttKular praym inoct-litii-n avorv Thiirvday cvvuIuk al Am) p. in, I.adtei Aid tWlnly evr-ry TuMday afioruoou, Mr l W. Cou kiln. iimAldnni, Junior hp worth I.Kutfur rVtjrv Hunday at p, m., Mr, owrn, aiipmlnlondt-nt. Miaaluimry tfoctoty mt-aii firm Krldwy in oah month, Mn. Char lotte Huhhant, prealdi'nl. Proftbytnrlan Churcn Hrv. W. K. Hhlnlda, pator. 1'rnachlng every Kuhhaih at ll a. m, and :w p. m. Httuday nchool at 10 a.m.. Ja Martin. Hunt. Chrbttlan Kudeavor, 7 p. m. Inn or ChrUtian Kmh-nvor. :i i. tu. I'vnrv Tnurday prnyur iio'cilug, a ii, m, Fir-I Tue- nay evriiniK tu mry litniitll eunreh out lnt, sroiid Titradny i-vt-ry month, if::) p m , Mi. nlon ooUiy Mmtand third TiH'.itiijs, nnry month, J ji mi.. AM MH'liMy, l.llltun Itarr. Supt. . C. k.; liAVld M. Puy, I'rct. H C, K. ; Mra. J 0. Van I'yke, Pre. Ahl Mclrty; Mr. J. W. Cox, I'ren. MlMloll Hih'IpI)', liuptltt church-kev.T. Cratiduli, iiasuir. Hnblmth dorvioca: Preaching 11 u, in. and p. m.i Hubluith aehoo) iiin.ui.; ll. V, I, U. 7 p. m.: prayor meeting ThurMtay nt 7:H0p. m.; covenant mooting .it Hfti p. m, on Naturduy pro cfidlutr itrat aubbalh. Htrutigora and Irleuda al. way welcome, Chnnttan church Corner of Htvth and I atrcuta. I'reuchlng every lurd'a Day at ll a. m. and " p. in Hunday Hohool at It) a. m. Prayoi meeting overv Tliuraday rvnitlng. Thopoopln wulootne, K. M, Putturaon pan tor. Itealdca ut tho churoh. MnthodlHt Kptacopal Churoh Houtli Kcv. M Darby, uaator. Preaching every Hunday al 11 a. m. and evening; Sunday achoo) al 10 u. m. j PrayormcetlngThurMday evuulug at B o'clock ; Woman' Homo Miaaloo Society tnoeta firat WtdtieNday In cuoh month at 2:30 p. m Kvor. one la cnrdlallv Invited to all our aorvlco Ht. Mark' F.plhconal Church -.Kvonaoiig and aermon, Ut aim :td Hunday of each month m 7:P p. in. Holy enmmuulon, !fd Hunday of each motlth ut 11 u, m. Morning prayer and aor moti, 4th Hunday of each month ut 11 a. m. Hun day school al 10 a. m. All invited, pewa fruo. I M. Idluman. I'rleat lu uhurg Chrlatlan Hctence lorvlcua arc held overy Rundav mornlnff at eleven o'eloek al thn tn. denceofK, l. Dunham, of Talent. All aru welcome. - NOTICE FDR PUBLICATION. ' llnlUMl Hutim I.nnd Oflleo', .. ..... .. Jty.tclmrit, Owsun, Mu 1, HKtl. To horn it May Conuorn : ' Natlrni l, hcreliv Blvuii thnl thn fi,.wAn .... U.llrood CD'nvsnr 1lo ninl In nils odVooallnt. nt londii .Inmli'd in llic tuwinclilpn iloncrllMHt ; " '".J: ", ".Vil V oiim. V n.,hli n."! J, Jjiiolfs ,, . hi .CJJh.ilil I Zilm'!, I.n S ,, ! n.m..J !.. i !,V.1'U':1"!?1.'.1' i'l," I?"?.1! .WW" 1,1 . ConrtlildlHi i iiiiiuc id ,dih on on. or inu inHo.miion or nil iu.r nmiH InlcnuKiil mill of tlm iiublli'. ni'nomlly. Hoiilh of llnnu l.lnc nnd Knnl or Wlllumclto Mnrldlnn. r Tho NIC': UVM ol Hoc. '1'wp. .17, HanRo 1. : Tho SVIJi Nl40l 8oo.'J7, Twp.a7, IUiikii I, V Hauth of tliu Hugo I. Inn nnd W'o.tol Wlllniiiiittn Murldlan. - lot I, or NKlNKJi BKt. nnrt Ut S, or BKI HKH ol Rcntlon Wi'nrp. 117, ItuliKO 11 Wont. flbln thn noxl sixty dnyn. (ollnnrlnii llin onto of thl. nolloo. protenUfiroontfittii nirnliiiit tlm claim fif Iho oonipftny tonny trnot or nub 1lvlnlon within ny anptlon or pnrt ol nootlon,' ilnncrllmil 1m llio ll:il. 1A1 tho iirniimr that llin nnmo In moro valunbln lor inlnornl thnn for uu rlcMltmul nurpnwiH. will I10 rcoolvnil und uotort for rn(l. lo tlie Oonernl f.sml Oniuo ut WHh liiRtnn, I). 0. . ' , .. .. .. J T llltllJOKa, liCKlntor. .1. If. lloiyi'H, Ronclvor. ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL NOTICE, NO'I'ICK IH HKIIKI1V (IIVKN TO hl.1i' pnmoiiH Inluronlt'il Hint tho unilnrslKiioil, an Ailmlnlmmlnr of tho KhIMo nf r. If. I'lilllirloli ' n; il l. ',',..; .'. T. ?:."!. I"1" "Ky; Ma 11, lii , rVimilTo i f i 111 oril ir ' ''fin ,! KllTi" n IIHI'I h V i l'itrn AilinlnlNlritlnr nf 11m ir.inin .7, o Ii ...V iu""k ii 1110 ""nl! "' ' 1