The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, June 26, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Hizo 2J to H, l'rico $1; Regular $1.25
Misses Black, White and Red one-Strap Sandals,
fimw (I to 8, l'rico 90c
SizoH 8 to 11, Prico $1
, ' SizoH 11J to 2, l'rico $1.16
Misses Black, Lace Oxford, Patent Tip
SizoB 8J to 11. l'rico $1
Sizes 11 to 'J, l'rico $1.25
Men's Linen Shoes,
Lonthor nolo, at $1 jor
jmir, rcgulur$l 25 value
bioH 5 to 1 1
Men's Black Vid Calf
Oxford, extra fiiio('nizo
0 to 10, l'rico $2.60
' Homombor, wo carry a
coniploto lino of Ladies'
and Men'a shoos from
$1.50 to $5. Kvory line
in a well known inako
Hole Agonta for Tho Walk-ovor shoo for mon,
$3.50 to $1; Florahoim's famouH $5 men's shoes;
K. 1. Rood it Co.'h Ladies' shoos
J j Rutler Funeral !",UU)' "k'1 to 00 dlvldod among
Director, with iwecnora
Furniture Co., House
furnlehers and Under
takers. Day 'Phone
Main 353. Nlfiht Phone
Main 251
C. JIaswell, photographer fur tho
Southern Pacific company, waa In Med
(ord Wednesday, on hi return Irom a
trip to Orator lako, rullcan bay ami
othor point of Intercut. Ho tenured
a number o( One views ol tho scenery
nlong life route, among which win one
o( Crater lake with It lolly rlmcnveri-l
with annw and aiiow liunka on thoaldi
oltho least precipitous cllll' surrounding
II. Tbo picture l a unique one, anil
how tho groat iiuturni wonder In a
vnv 11 In aeldom aeon hy the vlaltora,
an tho anow l noarly all gone by
tlino tho aeaaon coininoncoa.
ilo 11I110
took vlewa o( Mill creek falla, Annie
creek canyon and other ploturenque
apot. Wednesday ho made a irlp to
lubln Rock lor Iho purpose of photo
graphing lhat famous spot, and the
same afternoon look a picture o( ono ol
Mudford'a principal alreeta.
Found A lun, on tho streets ol
Mi-dlor.i, on T"nday of this week.
Owner call nt Mail office, provo prop
erly and pay for thla noiico. Jl-H
Mr. J. U. Norrla loft for Portland
MnmUir. whuro alio will HWolv rciimln
for a low weoka, to bo near hor dnuj(h
tor, Mlaa Fern, while tho lultor Is
prosecuting hor atudloa. A
toupto of months ago Mra. Norrla re
ceived word of Iho death of her undo
In Nowport, Kontuoky, loavlng an
hla scviral helra, aa thero wa no will.
The eslalo la. quite an extonaive one,
Jual how large, la not yet known; but
the attorney eatlmato that tho beira
will receive from VW.0O0 to $40,000
each when the ealale la finally settled
The property conalala of a turn of
monoy which baa alroady been (I la
trlbuled, Mra. Norrla having received
her aharo, amounting to several thous
and dollara, a abort time ago and
largo Iracla of land In Florida and
Kentucky. Whether the real oatate
will bo aold by the executors or divided
will bo loft to tho decision of tho part
lus interested. It depends somewhat
upon how thla quo-tion la decided
whether tho NnrrU fumlly will make
in Eastern trip any lime soon. In the
latter event Mra. Norrla and duiightora
will atari from Portland, pick up Mr.
Norrla at Orovlllo and they will go
Kaal together. Tho Irlenda of the
family in Medlord will ho glad to learn
.if thla good fortune. Mra. Norrla wrs
-iccompanted to 1'ortlaud hy hor daugh
lor, Mi-n Kuth.
L. V. 0.irdnor'a bankrupt clothing
uilo In Modford this week hua been a
rmid success. Ho hua a splendid,
urim alock of llral-ciaaa, up-to-date
,mi,U. which are sold bv number at
jual two-thlrda of tbo wholesale price.
No ohanglng ol prices. You simply
nil lit. imv vour iiMini v and take
iho gooda. Uo will he at Kugle Point
alKml the 2rih of this month. 2il-lt-pd
George Pcllett, on of M. L. I'ollott.
of Talent, waa seriously injured Satur
dnv night near Ashland, by being
thrown from a wagon. Young IVllott
and his brother, James and Homer,
had been nllondlng tho carnlvnl at
Ashland and on tholr return homo got
mixed up in a little fast driving conical
with another carriage load of boys,
tth driving mulo teams. The PelloU
boy' rig collided with a tolegraph polo
and they were all thrown to the ground
It la only a few WeeRs
until the & & &
Fourth of July
Buy your Supply of
Fire Works
While the Assortment
See Our Display Window
Brown Sb Owen.
Ooorgo received a gush two incliea doop
In the horny part of tho left thigh,
which levered ono of tho main nrtorlea.
mid he waa only kept from bleeding to
luath by the presence, of mind of hi
brother James, who staunched " tho
blood with dust from the road until
help arrived. Young I'ellett was taken
to tho Myor resldenco nour by, wboro
every attention was given and It la be
lieved he will rocovor.
For Bale Good, gentle milch cow.
Inquire of Huiiiiakd Diiob. 2fl-2t
Messn.Olwoll Bros., the orchard
lata, aro experimenting with an Irrigat
ing plant down ut their orchard, near
Central Point, there la aoertaln portion
of their orchard that i Juat a little
higher than the general lay of the or
chard and It ii feared by tbo owoers
that there Is mora fruit on tho tree of
this particular part than 'can properly
mature without more moisture than Is
being supplied by nature. A three
horse powor gasoline engine Is being
put In and with It they will pump wa
ter from a well and lorco It through
1200 feet of pipe to this high land and
there distribute It among the trees by
moans of Irrigation ditches. Hhould
thla plan prove beneficial, and can be
auccoaafuly operated, It l more than
nrobilblo that another aoason they will
endeavor to thus Irrigate tho greater
cart ol tbe orchard. Should this be
deemed advisable a dozen or more
plant will be necessary In speaking
of the fruit crop this year, with one of
the ownora of the orchard, a Mail, re
porter was told that the orop would ox
cued any former orop hy at least
twonty-flve carloads. Tho greatest
number ol carloads ever harvested in
ono season were forty-seven this
means that there will be over seventy
uarloads harvested from this orchard
this year. The apple and pear crop Is
unquoilionably a record beater th"
year lu all orchards of the valley. All
the growers ol tho valley will watch
lib considerable Interest the result of
the experiment which Messrs. Olwell
Bros, are now making.
The Russ mill will grind from now
until alter harvest, as business re
quire. 2Wt
T. Nicholson and hie son, Will,
who have been engaged in the cattle
business in tbe Fort Klamath country
(or the nasi four or five years, are figur
ing on branching out a little more
extunslvoly In the future. This spring
tboy purchased, through E. E. Weekly,
alao of Fort Klamath, somo seventy
head of cattle in Douglas county, but
they have not succeeded in getting
thom delivered as yet. Mr. Weekly
purchased something liko 200 bead for
himself and started to drive them across,
tho Cascade via the head of tho
Umpqua and Diamond lake. On reach
ing one of the many crossings of the
river ho found the water too high for
fording and has beet, compelled to wall
until it went down, Mr. Nicholson
n (armed a Mail reporter that over
2000 head of cattle had been driven
across the Kogue river road this season
nto tho Fori Klumalh country. Pcllon
Llros.. alone took between 800 and UOO
head across ami other large bands
have been driven over. With tbe
recent purchara Moesrs. Nicholson
will have about 300 bead of cattle and
wil; turn quito an amount of beef off
this fall, as some of those thov bought
uro two-year-olds and a few months on
Kramath county grass will put them In
ood shape for the market. They
started five years ago with HO fccad,
but two years ago lost heavilv by tbe
attlo being nlllicted with anthrax
They now own 31!0 acres ol meadow
ami paslure InndB and have 3'JO acre
moro leased. Asa Fordyco has about
200 head of cattle aud is doing well
Lost On Thursday morning, June
18th, between Medlord and fcagie roinv,
lady's small oasKei toiescope.
will plcaso leave at this ofllce.
Tho Mcdford bull team came back
from Grants Pass a pretty badly orip
pled up aggregation. Out of fifteen
men playing for Medford only throe
came back uulnjured. Mllea had his
knee badlv sprained, Barlowe had his
thumb split and knocked out of joint,
Macauley stopped a swift ball with ms
arm and had an old injury to his hand
hurt over again, Orth tore all the akin
off the inside of his hand in sliding to a
baso. and lake it altogether the boyi
looked more like the aouldent ward of a
honnital than a baseball team when
they came home. The result of the
gme waa very unsatisfactory. The
first day the game was tie. Medford
won the second 18 to 0. The third waa
taken by Grant Pass, and in that
game was where five of the Medford
players got hurt, and the fourth game
was also declared a draw, although our
boye were anxious to play H "out
xrn,,n1 Rnbloa. tho little Filipino
mascot of the 2d Oregon regimont, will
with hla native Bones and
dances at the Iudlan Band Conoort.Juno
26th. Don't miss it.
We learn that T. H. B. Taylor has
taken hla ateam feather ronovater to
Ooos county to work. Mr. Taylor baa
v.n a rnsident of Jaokson county for a ouartor of a century, and is
honored and respeotod by all who know ITia work ol renovating und
purifying of feathers (pillows and feath
er beds) la endorsed by all physioiani
and by ovory ono who appreciates com
fort and health. THE mail wisnea
,iv that U considers Thos. H. B. ono
its stanohost friends and It will take
great ploaeuro In recommending Dim
the good people of Coos county. Th y
will find him honest and conscientious
nail thing and what he promises ho
will perform.
Window glass. Building papor,
folt paper and carpet lining. Wkkks
& IJakku.
II. D. Mapleaden returned last week
from a three months' trip Into Eastern
Oregon and Nortboaatern California.
Ho has boen engagod In soiling nursery
took for tbe Oregon Nursery Co., ol
Balom, and upon bl travel he did an
Immenao business better than npon
any previous visit and tun was nis
fifth season of travel In that locality.
Mr, Mapleaden represent a thoroughly
reliable firm and a he Is cracking
good fellow himself thero 1 really no
good reason for him not to be business-
Every promise made to purchaser l
fulfilled by hi company and that
make easy and profitable Bailing for
tbe forty-five agent they bave on the
Four thousand roll of wall paper
tbe very latcat pattern and at price
lhat are witnin reaon Of an received
thla week by Week St Baker, tbe West
Bide furniture dealer.
Next week Tub Mail will publish
an Interesting story of early day In
Southern Oregon, tbe matter for which
ha been furnished ua by a descendant
of one of tbe participant in the events
detailed. Somo of the bardahlp en
dured by tbe pioneer of Oregon in
their long and arduous journey across
the trackless. plains, as well a humor
ous incident, and social gathering
when danger lurked be.ilnd every rook
and in every defile through whioh the
weary ox team dragged the oreaklng
wagon which contained the all of tie
men who rode in tbe duet of tbe train
with tbolr rifle on their arm to guard
their dear one from "lavage beasts
and still more savage men."
Wm. Hovor. agent for "Our
Standard Remedy," a guaranteed care
(or all blood, liver and kidney iroooie.
haa left a few boxes of the remedy 'at
Orr Go's grocery store, where parties
wishing to secure It can do so. zo-et
Prof, and Mrs. G. H. Samuel have
been elected to teacb a nine month'
term of school in the Enterprise school,
on Griffin creek, to commence Septem
ber 7th. The principalshlp, which is
taken by Mr. Samuels, pay a salary of
(50 per month, and the primary, which
will be in charge of Mrs. Samuels, pays
M0 per month. The professor and his
wife will rent a dwelling near the
school bouse and move thereto in time
to commence their school. These are
good, thorough educators and the peo
ple of Griffin creek are to be congratu
lated. Mr. Samuels has been an em
ploye in The Mail, office for several
months past, and more faithful, honest
and competent help was never bad in
Ibis printery.
j W. L. O.-r & Co. have a full and
p-to-dute stock of shoes, for men,
onion, or children. All ninus ami
I prices From 81,2a to a,uu. ian
nd examine our stock, whether you
make a purchase or not, and be satis
tied that we can save yo-J money on
hoee as well as groceries. W. L Orr
J.'W. Denton, of Fort Klamath,
while coming In from east of the moun
tains this week, lost hla coat from the
wagon. He didn't learn of his loss un
til he had traveled several miles, and
he waa pretty badly prelurbed for
while, not from losing the coat, but
on account of Its C3ntents. Tbo con
tents consisted, among other things, of
a bunk book, showing a goodly credit.
nd 800 in currency. Frank Gould and
party were coming In from rrospect
and found the coat. Investigation
bowed papers with Mr. Denton's name
thereon and tbey were able to return
the gentleman his property.
Don't forget the Indian Band Con
cert Friday night, June 2flth, at Wil
son's opera house. One chance in a
lletime to hear firat-olass music by a
first-class band. Admission 25, 35 and
.')0 cent.
The Mail Is In receipt of a program
of tho commencement exercises of the
W. F. ISAACS. Proprietor
Palm.Bodg; BlocK
Phone. Main 553
"The Toggery" has juat received a large Assort
ment, of the latest effects in Neckwear
Midg e t F our-in-Hands
and Beaus, in
and Peau de
Sole Silks, the new
French materials im
ported especially for
this season
It is hardly neces
sary to tell you
that you must come
to us in order to se
cure, the largest
asso rtment and
most correct styles
for the season
Also a New Line of
Shirts, Hats, Caps
ISAACS, Uta Toggery Man
Weeks & Baker!
district. Messrs. Cook A Howland
bave piped off some five acres of ground
this season and are now engaged in
cleaning np. In cleaning the bed rock
tbey use a two and one -half incb hose,
which is far superior to the old method
of scraper and broom. With tbe old
method it would take three month to
clean the amount of bed rock they have
exposed, while with the boee they will
accomplish the same result In but little
more than as many weeks.
The Chewanee Indian Band of 30
nieceB comnosed of Indians from over
twenty different tribes of the Western
States and Alaska, will give a grand
concert at Wilson's Opera House, Med
ford. Friday evening, June 2lilh. This
is the finest eouioned band on tbe Pa
cific coaet and will give the oltizens of
Medford and Jacksonville tbe best mu
sical entertainment "of the season.
Songs by Filipinos and Indians, which
will amuse and delight the audience.
Don't miss hearing this concert of
classical, operatic and popular selec
tions. Popular prices. Tickets for
sale at Haskina drug store.
Mat Selby, of Applegate, was
brought before Justice Purdin, Wed
nesday, on complaint of John Johnson
Selby is about half as big aa Johnson,
but the latter bore convincing evidence
upon bis countenance that he had been
a part in a personal altercation. Selby
pleaded guiltv, acknowledging that he
tad struck the first blow, but claim
ing that the provocation had been
great. Upon tbe recommendation of
Asst. District Attorney C. L. Reames
Judge Purdin fixed the fine at the
minimun $5 and assessed tbe cost to
the defendant, amounting to $1-35 more,
For sale or rent Good residence,
two lots, house nearlv new, six rooms
tf W. T. YORK, Medford.
Two Interesting games of baseball
nr. Vallev Busines.College.located 1 be played at jaoasonvuie on -u,
- " " " ' . I .. I 1,,ml,n Tankdnhm lA and
. ni,.ar.i,lu rvnr ThB first name in " """""""
th n.t f flf..,n araduataa la that of Roseburg teams on tho 4th and Jack
m a t.i, fr.rmrW . .fiinkaon ooun- Uonville and Grants
H u aauwwo, -J
t .. tnanlia nnrl av.nnnntv ill Ark
. .ul .-, man, fl-land. I UUbtl MUIM, " -
Ol .UIBV.TJUUVJ. - . , , ..! ka -111
and there are many of them here-willi raw juugou. - a--.
K. nil tn nnin lhat he has added ee m wJa
..MH.llarviAntB tsi It la ttlrOBfl V
.rrBlntB category of things which 8an08 a'e he A in thl8.end of the
Pass on the 5th.
W. F. Horn, of Hornbrook, Calif., will
he can be "a dotn' " when occasion
For Sale A span of black horses;
well matched; seven yeara old; weigbt,
1100 nounda each: sood drivers and
workers. Inquire of J. C. Pendleton,
Table Rock.
J. D. Cook, of the firm of Cook
Howland, was in Medford this week,
from the firm's mine In Jump-off-Joe
In I
From now until July 4th
Our rnmplole line of Trlmmcil ami
KiMdv to Wear Hats will Iw sola at
greatly reduced prices
I( vou wish a bargain (or your money
Cult on
I'uflors bauk of Modford Uauk.
state, and the play era are all right.
Wall paper, latest stock, latcat pat
eras, lowest prices. Weeks & Baker.
Frank Hull will leave about the
first of July for Orator Lake and Mt.
Pitt, where, for several weeks, he will
give hla attention to taking photo
graphs of the various places of interest
Mr. Hull has made some fine views of
valley points and in all probability will
bring back some good one from tbe
Dressmaking and plain sewing at
Miss Maud E. Wilson & Co.'s,
The member of .Talisman Lodge,
K. of V., at their meeting on Monday
evening, ordered a warrant drawn on
tbe funds of the lodge for $50, to be do
nated to the suffering oitizens of Hepp
ner and vlolnity. This make over $200
which ha been seat from Medford, and
our oltizens are ready to "dig up"
again If it becomes ueooesarj .
Well & Shearer have the best
equipped outfit for draylng and house
hold moving in Medford. All kinds
of wood for sale full measure ami
prompt delivery. '
8. S. Strayer, who, with Mra.
Strayar, left Medford a few weeks ago
to seek a location in California writes
The Mail that they have about de
cided to locate at Ontario. Says tbe
country lay high. Is healthy and water
la food. Orange growing la the prin
cipal Industry.
Both hose companies made a mad
dash for a fire on Monday of thi week.
but upon reaching the scene the fire
bad been put out. Some dry grass in the
yard around tbe Wortman house, on
West Seventh street bad been set on
fire and there being a breeze blowing at
the time tbe flames got the better of
those who set tbe fire and for a time
things looked suspiciously like tbe
barn would sorely be caught, but this
waa prevented by prompt action .-
A wedding will take place in Med
ford on Sunday, July 5th, at the Ger
man church, at which time and place.
Mr. Pool, who recently returned from
the East, and Miea Augusta Peck, of
Central Point, will be married. Mr.
Pool expects to buy a ranch near Med
ford and make Jackson county bis fu
ture home.
Since the first day of January, 190S,
to tbe present time.U. S. Commissioner
Bliton, of Medford. has sent to the
Roseburg land office $21,671.72. This
is money collected by him on timber
land proofs and for homestead filings
and homestead and commuted home
stead proofs made before blm.
Tbe Tndians and Filipinos are nat
ural born muaioians. Come out and
hear the Grand Concert Band ai n 11
son's opera house Friday evening, June
26th. Admission 25, 3-5 and 50 cents.
Mrs. J. Mosher was taken to the
Medford hospital last week where a.
minor operation' waa performed by Dr.
Clarence Keene. Tbe patient is doing
nicely and will probably be all. right
within a short time.
Lost Between Medford and Jack
sonville, about June 1st, paicel contain
ing black silk gooda. Finder pleasa
leave at Mail office. 2o-2t
A number of the members of the
Knights Templar degree of Masonry of
Jackson coutity went to Grants Pass
Monday night to institute a comtnand
ery at that place. ,. .
Just reoelved a carload of sash and
doora, and screen doors. J. H. Cham
bers, Medford. 19-tf
Miss Bertha King,daughterof Eman- .
uel King, who left Medford last week:
for her former home in Lisbon, Michi
gan, waa married this week, to Mr.
Earl Thurston.a weU-to-do-farmer,resid-ing
near Lisbon.' 1 - t
Fine line of linoleum, matting,
hades and curtain fixtures. Weeks
Jt Baker. '
Tuesday night was regular social
time for the Women of the Woodcraft
and thi was no exception to the gen
eral good time which they, and their
friends, always enjoy.
John Failing, son of N. D. Failing,
formerly of Jacksonville, was killed
near Redding, Calif., last week by a
runaway team.
The Mail is under obligations to
Welborn Bee son for as fine a branch of
Tartarian cherries as ever grew on Ore
gon trees. . '
Merchant L, B. Brown has moved,
to the residence formerly oooupied by
J.H. Norris, on sonthO street.' " ' ,i
E. F. Winkler, the popular ahoe
maker, has moved his repair hop to,
the Eads aecond-hand store. V
fleeting Fraternal Union. .
Medford Lodge No. ' 421 Fraternal
Union of America, will hereafter meet
la the A. O. V. W. hall, on Tuesday
evening of each week. All members
are requested to attend.
Secretary 421. .
For Sale.
A good brood sow and ten pigs.
20-tf J. D. Anderson.