WAD MULLAH MARCHING TO ATTACK THE BRITISH. ' New York, Juno IS. A r-ablo to the Bun from London snys: An oinclnl aisimtcli to tho war tloiinrtmont from Bohtle snva HnJI Moliamimnl Pen Ab dullah, tho mad mullah or Somlllnml.. Jibs, with Ills whole Torre, made a flank march to Nonal l way of Pnmot nnd Is now koIiik to Hnlln with tli Intention of ratdliiR the British lino? of con.munlcatlon from nohtlo to Dor Jiora. Ho has more than 6000 mount ed nion. Tho British are strengthen ing their positions as far as possible i How's This? .Wo offer Ono llmi.lrt'.l IVH.r. rU-witr.!' tor nv i'iiso of tmnrrn tlut cruiuh o i-utoh .... Hull's. 0t.irrli Ouro. ,,,, J. K. CHKN'KY :0 , Toledo, Ohio. Wo. the mulMfiuiUHl, havo known r . Chonov (or tlio lasi I j yor, and Mti'vo him lxirlecily lionornbln In nil ImuIiii'ni imnsiu-. lion unit lluniielnlty !lo to curry out n- o.- liitmlous tim.u-by llu'ti arm- ,.,, WAiidimi, KikxasA .Mnvifs, Wlioleaaiu lints- Blsts. Toledo, O.- ' , ,, ii.1i'. .-Ui..Vrl. I'ur.. Is tHkon Internally. 't iBK direcllr upon tho blood nn.l timeout, sur faces of tlio fvwitn Testimonials sent free. 1'rU-o. T5cnts por botllo. Sold by all druggists. unit's fauiuj "is nre : - - v Honolulu, ' June 15. The lower house of tho legislature has stricken iromi tae appropriation bill the clause ! providing for a commissioner of Im migration. Representative Beckley, Kanilo and others strongly opposed the measure declaring It to be a part of a scheme to bring Americans here In sufficient numbers to outvote the natives. - The debate was a heated one and the vote was on race lines Joplin. Mo., June 15. Pursuant to an order from seorot- service officers of the Frisco railway, fifty well armed men left . Joplin early yesterday on . passenger train No. 140 for Empire Junction, Kansas, two miles west of Galena! where It was reported robbers bad planned to hold up the train. The plot was discovered last night and a telephone message was sent to Jop ' lln for armed men. When Empire Junction was reached there were no robbers In sight. Driven To Desperaitlon. T inlnff at n nnt l1 t.VtP WAV Til dm ' remote from civilisation, a family is Olten driven to uespera.iua ui caw ui Mlflnnt vaenltina- in RnrnR. flnla. ' Wounds Ulcers, ect. Lay in a supply of Bueklen's Arnica Salve. It's the best on earth. Soc, at Unas, strang e Drug store. Toneka, Kan., June 15. The Union Pacific road yesterday ran its first train through Topeka since the begin ning of the flood on May 29. The line Is now open to SL George, fortyflve miles west, and a local train passed through at 11 o'clock yesterday to Kansas City. From St. George west the roadbed is still Impassable. The . 'Hock Island has Its wrecked track In 1. running order in" the flooded districts of the state, save between Enterprise and Salina. A bad-order bridge at Wilder is yet giving the Santa Fe trouble, also a section of track -near --Conner Springs. , -itry9. ' "I have been troubled lor some time with indieestion and sour stomach." says Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis, of Lee, Mass., and have been taking Ubamber ' Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets which have helped me very mnch so that now I can eat many things that before I could not." - II you have any trouble with your stomach why not take these Tablets and get well? For sale by Unas, btrang. City of Mexico, June 5. The ruins of a large city have been discovered in a remote part of the state of Puebla by Francisco Rodrlquez, an archaeolo gist, who has just made a report of his find to the authorities here. The city contains large pyramids and ex tensive fortifications. It is situated in the midst of a dense forest, and a large amount of excavation will be necessary to learn Its true extent and importance. A commission will be ap pointed by the government to explore the ruins. HOUSEWORK Too mnch bouSeworlr. wrecks wo men' nervw. And the constant i care of ohTidren,"day and night, is often too trying for even a strong ! Jroman.,, A haggard face tells the 1 story of the overworked housewife yif&JI'iik 3JCran?,il1 menses, t iuolcu'1'liu.a aud falling of the womb result ' from overwork. .fiverjliouituw'ife seeds a tcmedy, I to regulato her menses and to keep her) .innsiUve female rganis In perfect condition. U i ''; I Willi" CARDUI is f doing thi ; for thotasnd ) of I American women to-day. It cared Mrs. Johcs and that 'is why "thi I writes this, frank letter 1 , 1 ' 37)ndeane, Ky'., Feb. 10, 1901 I am so Rind that your Wine of Cardal is helping i.ie., I a:u feeling better than I have felt for years. I am doing- my own work without any help, and I washed Jatt week and was not one bit tired. That shows that .the. Wine is doing: roe f,d. I am getting fleshier than I ever was before, and Bleep good nmi IiuhtLv. Ha fore I betrB.n takincr r Wlnn nf DliTdui. I UBed to have to lftV down five or alx times every day, but now I do not think of lying down through the day. Mns. Biohabd Jones, 1.0 I AT mtUCMJINTS. fomi. "The h tdlei' Advlwrjr Dcpat?inoaT'VTbo Chtntooof Jicdlclo Co., ChtUooogt Tana. Tie ARIZONA KICKER Brceiy lloms Frtini the Pen of a Fcm-Icis Editor ICoiiyrlKlii. Itoi, by C. H. Lewis. ET is nuimiUiHl In St. l.onts paper that tlu Kr.inu of pokor wouM never liave lieen known In tills town tint fur ur efforts. We re ply that It was liero niul hi full swluj! when we nrvlwil. ami tlie only part we have plujv.1 In tin r.iutter lias ltn a losluc one. We Imvo never lmd nu n ee full that some one else Imilu't fours to beat us. We do not Kn-nv the name of the man who vn'ui(l us last Tuesday nlslit on Cochise idaeo as w o were re- HB WAS UUPIKO WHEN HB IN THE D4HS!CB8a. . . turning home from Mrs. McGee'f high tea, but as he was limping when be disappeared In tbe darkness we are willing to pay a doctor for digging the bnllet out of his leg!' ".a.v.l- . It Is stated In a Buffalo paper that we have mnde four different attempts to nssasslnate the editor of the other weekly paper published In this town Here we laugh, it Is a well known fact that on r esteemed has pegged away at us about three times a week for the last five years, but up to date has not even cut a buttou from our coat We find In a Montana paper the state ment that we mgkt a practice of klJJ ing at least two Chinamen each month In the year. Sing Lee has been with us for the last five years as pressman and Is alive and well today, and all communications on this subject can be addressed to him. It was reserved for a Detroit newspa per to announce that we stood by and laughed In fiendish glee while s grizzly bear - ate up a companion who was hunting with us. We have never bunt ed the grizzly. We have never seen one, dead or alive. In this territory. In fact, we have not seen a bear of any species. and, as for "fiendish glee," we couldn't come within forty rods of It If we tried ever so hard. A Baltimore paper gives credence to the report that we shoot men dead In their tracks for refusing to subscribe to our paper. This Is an original way of building up a circulation, and we call the attention of our contemporaries to It An -Ohio editor has learned from a reliable source that we are constantly surrounded by a bodyguard of twelve desperate men and but for that fact we would be lynched within an hour. If that editor saw us strolling around town, with our hands clasped under our coattalls, be'd probably Invent some other canard. We bought another mountain the oth er day, making five that we now own, and If. any of our esteemed eastern contemporaries can spare a couple of weeks this winter we will give them no end of sliding down bill on the trail of grizzly bears. We believe we are the only editor In the world owning five mountains and each and all of them wild and untamable. We proceeded tq llie general offices of the Ulvendmn Gulch Stage company the other day and leveled two guns on the president and demanded that our onnunl pass Ua renewed. After n blull or two It was renewed. It nlways Is, but we have to go (lirougb the same old programme year after year. ' The fnct that v?p now and then take a baud In a enme of pol.er Is not con sidered by tuu postinuKtur. jreiieinl to be against our uwfiilnei.K ux pfl.tuins fer,. mill the people yuo nre trying to make 'a liund'e of It .uilgb't as well save their breath. ' ,. A Tucson paper ad'nounceH that we have ihe cheek to Wsplre to the gov ernorship of Arleonn. 'TIs true, and we'll bet a hat that we get there; afterward tire iprcsldency! We arc a critter of such alms and ambitions that It makes 'our hair stand up,now and then. . -, M, QUAD. Itabtilnar It In. "An7 de text say," remnrked the old colored 'parson, "'An' he shall sep'rati: de sheep from de goats.' Now, brudrcn an' slstern, Ah ain't oustin' no '(Ice BlioiVH on dis cougrcgnuhun; but, know- In hit as Ah doc-s, All's willin' to bnl foiili dollabs l:it when de day ob Judg ment done rolls eround dor will In sometbln' doln' In de goat market"- Cleveland Plain Dealer, . . 1 v mmmmmm A A Notable Young Woman. Miss EMMA WKLLER, who U Sec retar)' of the Young People's Christ Ian Association, at 1818 riadlson Ave., New York City. Your. "Favorite Prescription" is a boon to sick and tired women, for it cures them when other medicines fail. I know whereof I speak, for I hnve had experience with it. For four teen months I had constant headaches ; seemed too weak to perforin my daily duties, and when the day was over I was too tired to sleep well. I suf fered from nervousness and indigestion, aud everything I ate distressed me. Doctored with different physicians but received no relief. After read ing one of your books I decided to give your "Favorite Pre scription " a trial. Am very glad I did, for I found it was just w.iat I wanted. I com menced to improve at once and kept getting better until, after seven weeks, I was entirely cured. I have remained in per HL Pet Super.llUon. "Superstition seems to be connected In the minds of most ncople with wo men, ladders', riTLLrls' 'feet and horse shoes," said the young girl at the plnno. "As a matter of fact, bowover, I know that men are fully as suporstltloux as the women of my acquaintance, nnd sometimes more so. One young man of my acquaintance, for Instance, who has literary yearnings and who feels sure be could astonish the public with bis brilliant stories If be could only get some editor to accept them, spends bis summers In tbe country gathering In spiration, local color and four leaf clovers. When winter comes be returns to bis ballroom In tbe city, writes sto ries by the wholesale and dispatches with each consignment to the editors a four leaf clover. Sometimes tbe arti cles are accepted, and then the writer ascribes bis success to the talisman. More often, however, they are re turned, with tbe mascot In a more or less crumpled condition, and bo spends what leisure hours he has In trying to figure out why it is those clovers don't work every time. Never for a moment does he ascribe fullure to any faults In his manuscripts. Isn't that tbe limit In the way of superstition?" Philadel phia Ledger. Ever Notice Itt Say, have you ever noticed how some folks helle their names, From Algernon to Zachary and back again to James? How In the name of common sense such errors happen to Creep Jnto nomenclature baules me; It'. up TrTyoTir There's Algernon, for Instance, six f.et four, rawboned and stou - - And BUI, a dainty chup, whose mother doun't know he's out, And Moses, who la generally anything but meek. And Mike, who Is so timid that he hardly dares to speak; The Infant christened Georgle usually turns out tough. And Percy In the cradle later on gets kckI and rough; Napoleon Is nervous and as fussy as u ban. And Quisle somehow proves to be a leader among men. 1 Is the same. old principle Tube's tough and tough Is tame, And we opine with Btmkespearc that Ther.' nothing In a name. Baltimore News New York, Juno 15. Bight thous and dollars' worth of diamonds are alleged to have been stolen from J. H. Taylor and wife at a small ,hotol here anil under arrest are Alice How ard, who is employed In the hotel, nnd Normon H. Powell, No trace of the diamonds or pawn tickets wero found at their home, but some, of the hotel silverware was found and they were unable to explain Its presence.'" .,. Worst of AH Experiences. Can anvthln? be worse than !to 'feel that every minute will be your last? Such was the experience of Mrs, 'S. H. Newson, Decatur, Ala. "For three years" she writes, "I endured inaiifror able pain from indigestion, stomach and bo Wei trouble. Death seomed In evitable when doctors and. all remedies failed. At leniith I was induced to try Electric Bitters - and tho result was miraculous. I improved at oncn and now I'm completely recovered." For. Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine, Urlp 50c. It's guaranteed by Clias, Strang) Druggist. - fect health ever since niul tctttmi: u linn f fit-nil til' your "Fa vorite rrescnplitm," Yours very truly. Miss Kmma Wim.i.KR. (AM .- In Jlr, iVffiV,) .The woman who suf- fern iVoui wcaUnemi ntid (Hm-.is.- of the distinctly feminine organs, whether ulic leali.-ea it or not, In belli); slowly hut surely tortured to "death. .She tmlU-i'ii almost contiuu ally with siek hr-mlai'lio, She lnm iiiiiiin In the tmek, what site calls "mill-lies" in the side ami shooliiiK pains ee where. She eterU-m-c!t burning and ili-,ij;;.;iiijr ilmvu Herniations, Sim becomes weak, neivuua ami ilrHiii(leiit. if tthc consults the average pity sieian, there is not our cllanec in ten that he will hit upon the real cause of her trouble. He will at tribute Iter bad fceliiHrs to stomnch, liver, heart or nervous trouble. A woiunti in this condition should consult some eminent niul skilful specialist who tins had a wide experience. V)r. R. V. l'icrce, for thirty year, chief consulting physi cian to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical lustitutc, at lliiffulo, N. Y., haa, with the assistance of a atnlt of able physicians, prescribed for many thou sands of women. - He used most frequently a wonderful medicine fur ailing women, which he afterward put up in ready -to -use form anil called It Dr. I'lerce'a l'nvorite Pre scription. It has stood the test for thirty years. It acta directly on the delicate and iriirtiiiit organs con cerned In wifehood and motherhood, nuking them tttroug and well. It allays inflammation, ileal, ulceration, soothes pain and tones and builds up the nerves. It transforms weak, nervous women into healthy, happy wives and inothem. "I was an invalid for over n year with change of life," writes Mrs. C. Smith, of Orr, Cascade Co., Mont. "Had pains across the pit of my stomach and such extreme weakness I could hard ly walk. I took one bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and five of his ' Fa vorite Prescription ' and am en tirely well." A million of suffering women cry with uplifted hands for some relief from the pains and tortures n( disciuea peculiar to their sex, A million more Mother Willie, don't you know If. wicked to steal Jam? Willie Er it ain't no worso than tellln' lies, an' you said you wns golu' out this evonln'l Now York Journal. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are just what you nued when you nave no appetite, net dull alter eating and wake up with a bad taste in your mouth. They Will improve your appetite, cleanse and Invigorate your stomach and give you a rolisli for yonr food. For salo by Chas.) Strang. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Hurea tnd Office, , ftmetairg. Oreiroii, M.y S. 10(13. Kntlre Is hereby Klvn tlml III roiiiin.nre with the pruvlHlnnR nf the t:t of ConKrcM of Juno 11, 1B7H, ulitlttlcit "All art far the nl. nf timber l.llitn III the Htsli-mif '.llfnrtllA,Or-ou, NuVnilA, anil Wn'hlliKtoll Territory,' R ox temli'il to all the l'ublig Unit Hlatea by act of August 4, tm. Wll.l.UM T. (IK1KVK, of Prospect, rminty of Jackson, Htstnof Oregon, hns thin duy II lot (11 this odlee his sworn stnte menl No. !.vj tor the lain-haic of ihe NU NK?-, of Section Nu. M. In Towtmhlii Nn. 112 South, ftfuiKO Ni. S Kant, and will offer proof to Hlntw mat the land nought In mnro valuable for It. limber or ulnae than for aurt. cultural pllrnnnca. an1 tnoitabllnh lila claim to ald Inaii before A. H. Illlloii. IT. H. t'oiinnlN Motier, at Medfnrd.OreKon.oti Monday, the luih day of Align!, HAM. Ife nauien an wlttii'ntCN: Jame. K. flrlove. John Urli-ve. Hlnn H, Alkeu, n,rvin airi.ai . an 01 l-ronorri. ure.nn. Anv and alt ncrnon. claltiiliur .ilvonelv the , abovo defirrlla-d InndH are rcUmcri to file; their clalinii In thin onicc nn or liefore "aid lath day of August, llt3. J, T. Uhujoem. ItcglRter. ' ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL N01 ICE In tbe County Court for Jnckpon County OroKon. In tho matter of tho Khiiuo of Anna Curry, aecoAHcn , NOTICE In horoby given that H. 0. Nlelioldon, tutminlHtrBinr ot tho ontdtft Of Anna Currv. deccHKcd, ha itlrd In tho County Court for Jnclcnon County. Oroffon, oh nufh fidmlnlNlra tor bin flrntftnd llnol report nnd Uint thoroln and Id Rftld report ho polltlontf for lUo dl charffe an mich nilmlniHirntor; thftl baurd upou Hatd report Bml pntltlon Iho 8lh day of Juti. inn, Rione o ciui'H in tuu niivrnpun ni niiia imy tin burn appointed tv tho Hon roHo (than. Prtm. Judivft of the County Court for Jnckfloh County, Oreeon, a time for faUl hfmrlnjf and all pernor. Intorontod In eald ntato are hero liy notitlrd to appear on Or heforo niM dav ad date and lite Hi aald court their bblentlonulf iiiiy there he, to nald final oeoount and report. Thin notice Is puhllfihed In tho Mkhkoiio Mail by ord-r or tho Hounrabtv County Conn for JarkKon County, Oregon, made on tliti 4th day of May, A. D., 100:1. H.H. NfCHOLBON,1 Admlnlfitratot of tlio Kit to of Anna Curry, do ccancd. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, United Hlatea Land onic. 'V'"' Koifjburif, Oropon, May 1, 11KW. To WbbVii TtMay Concern: NcWlto ih ht-reoy Kiven that tho Oregon nnd Ktfrmad Company nan flled In thin olflcoallut 'rtf lands situated in the towiiBhlpn deMorlbefl bow, and had applied for a patent for enu VrtndHi that tho IIhMh onen to " ' "iibllu for InHpeelton and a copy tlioreof b. ''(-'ptlvo nuhdlviHlonfl ha been pout no in n " in.' plnce lu thla olTieo, for tho Infloccttou or i-i',? vr' hoiih Interested nnd of tho public generally- , South of Uqmu Line and Kunl of WlllamoUo Moridlan. -The KKU VFM of Hec. ih. Twp. ii7, Itanfefl 1. ' ThoNWCi'NFiof Hoe.27. Twn.87. naiitfO I. South of the Hhbo Lino and West of Wlllnbietto iMendliin, -t . loi i, or vv,'A nwi aw, and ioi a, or v 4. BR'BEK Hoetfon IW,Twp. 7, HuiikoAAVohU Within the nevt Hlxtv dnvH followlnK. ttiu date of thin notloo, proteHtHorcontoHin ualtiHt mo einim or mo ooinpuny to any nic-i or hiid division within any Hootlon or part ol n'octlon, described In tho lliit, on tho grmind Hint 'Iho name in more valuable for minora than foffift ricultutiil purnoHOH, will bo received nnd noted ror ropori. to mo uoncrai iann umcu tib Tiiutn Ington, I), 0. t , J.T.IIHIDfflilSncglfltor. J. H. booth, Receiver. . sulTer In silence rather than siiliieet themselves to the iililiiineiil mid I111. uilllatltiK exnmliiallniiii and local lioal'iieiil so uniformly Insisted upon by physicians. " Vctualc weakness" ran lie cured surely, speedily without exposure, with sHlil expense without leavliiK your own home. Ur. I'leice's l'nvorite rteseilitlou will cure any dlsonler or disease of the oikhiis distinctly femi nine, l'crhups its greatest usefulness in in nciuiiiig women lor the mileal of chilil-lititli. Taken during the ex pectant period it practically elimi nates mitt anil i)kii;ci' at the" time of patliiiiliiiu. Write Ur. I'lerre for advice and yon will receive an iiiitiu-illaU- an.'iucr and wiih'-iet co-it tu yiai. All correspond ence Hliictly cniitidi-iilial. We also ailvlie nil women who suf fer j;reat aiu at each icciirtiiii: period to l.vke a kooil vci talila laxative, such H'i lir, Pierce's Pleasant I'cllcls, Just I'leviiiiis to tills time, as constipation I" usually mi iigK'avatiuK (ealiire of the tniiililR. i Hi ai t allow the druggist to sell you soiiielhiiii( "just us' go"d," liecause I .'s eliea ei'. The cheap kind has mil ti e thousands of cuica to Its credit that Dr. Tierce's medicine has. .Via r.lA'A'; SrHKCIEK, rf Mouttl ilorrit, till,, writes Doctor A'. I', fierce at followt; "I was back in niy old home when your letter came. I will try and explain regarding the good I received from your medi cines. I'or over one year I suf fered from what mv tiliysiciiin pronounced womb trouble. Had doctored with doctors in the cast and also in the west but found only temporary relief. The next time of my sickness I found my self no better, and in that way it kept going on from time to time until I became discouraged. I finally resolved to write you for advice. I purchased two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre script ion, two vials of his ' Picas- nnt Pellets,' and by using only that small quantity I have found wonderful rvlicf. I sny to all who are suffering front troubles similar to mine that it is unnec essary to lie sick when one can use Dr. Pierce's remedies " How to preservf health and beauty are tola in Dr. Irene's Common Sense Medical .-liriser. It is free. I'or a patier-cmereil coty send 11 one-rent stamps, TO COVER MAI I. IXC OXI.Y; cloth binding. jr stamps. slddieis Or. A. V, fierce, Huffalo, N, f. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UHrran Statim Lakh QVrtoii. Ituaetmrg, Ort-Kua, stay 3, 1903. Notice I. hereby given Hint In ooinpll.no Willi the provl.lona ol Iho .el of CotiKreM of Juno 9, tins, .milled "An set for tlio a.lo of timber land, la the Hlatea of Callforal., Ore gon, NoToda.and Waitiln.ton Territory." u .1. tended 10 .11 tho 1'ubllo Laud Slate, by act of Augu.l I, imft. AUGUST LAW11ENTZ, ot Med ford, county ef Jseltioo.siaie ofOri-gnn, baa thli day mod In Ihla office his .worn al. le nient No. Mrt), for tho purcnaae of Iho K'4 NWl-i, Ntt'K NK'-i'. of Xeclinn Nn. SO. In Town ahlp No. ss South, Hallk-a No. 1 Weal, and Kill offer proof 10 .how that the l.od aouu.t la more vnluahlo for Ita limber or alone lhan tor agricultural purpoaea. and to eMAbllKh hi. claim to a.ld land before A. H. Blltl.u. U. H. tNimttliaalenor, .1 Medlord, Oregon, 00 Friday, lire luih day of July, lua.1. He namra aa wll newuN: Oeor.0 W. Hamlin, Joarph I'olaton, J am cm Vandorkarr, Klehartl Clorul.nd, all ol Medford, Ori-iton. Any.nd .11 noninr. elataing odverflrly the .bove-deacrlbed landa aretetiurated 10 Itle Ihtilr claim. In thin office on or before auld loth day of July.llM). J.T. Uiiiimik., Koglator. CONTEST NOTICE. IrttrAllTWiNT Of Tilt lHTll!On( :: i. AI NITKU WTATBH LANUUrriCK, RfiDi-ljiirir. Oriivfin. Aurll 14. IWn, A KUflicirut contRt aindnvlthavltiR tnmi fllrd In IhlM o0.ee by Norton I. NnrrcKntt. conttnU nnt, afxHiit hottiMteitd i-nlry No. IO.V.'l, mndo March 'JSUi, IV01, for HVM H. cllun 8, Towntihlp :iftHu1h, ltBno2 Wont, by John I. DoCoudrnti, con t tee, tn which It 1 allfHiid that tho entry man hat abandoned the land for 1H moiitliM lant patrt, and that he ban nold tho Imprnvementri, conHthiinc of a houwi aud barn, whioli were upon tho land, and that tho numo have been removed by the piirehaKcra. Buld itartlen are hero by uohllrd to apnrnr, tentond and offer a. m., on July 1Mb, IfUJ, before A. H. Hilton. U. B. CoinmlBslonor, at Medford, Oiegon, and that final hcnrtnfr will bo bald at 111 ooloek a. in., on July 30th. iwtt, buforo the rck'tttter and receiver at the United Htatei l,ntu Oftlco In KoMcburK, Oretron. Tho nab! contOHtant linvltiK In a proper atlldavlt, lllod April Utli, lWtu, wet forth facUi whleh Hliowthitt after duo dlllKonuo porMonal norvtcu of thin noitoo can not be in n do. It U he rob v ordered and directed that mioli notlco bOHlveu by duo and propor publi cation. J. T. HltirxiRM. KeuiHter, . ... . J. II. Booth, lUcoivor. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Lmu oflUG III flOMOburg, Oregon, My 7, 1903. Notice In hereby Klven thai tho following named nuttier ban filed notice or his Intention to make Hnal commutation proof In aupporl of n i eiaim, nno mat uiuo prooi win ou uinini tic. fore A H. Hilton. U. H. Commlnnlonor, of Mcd lord, Oregon, on Friday, June 1U, 1003, Vlz: -' FltANK W. 1IOLLIH, ; On li? n, NO, I14W), for the NWW Nte ICU NW tHH HVli, bootlon 5, Towiisatp in South, Range 2 lunt no'namoH tho following wUnonftmi 1 provn hlM qoiittnuoiiH resldonco upon and'WtUlvallon of HBld land, vln: ... Jnhn J. vm, KrnnK h. aouift, wmiam t. Oiiove and Itlobanl V. (tray, of "Prospoot, Oro gtjo. J. W. hUitifim, HuglHtor, Notice for publication, 'liid Olllcu lit Koao'bbfK, Orogon, Mnv7, wk, vptlue Ih hereby, ghw-n that tho followlng n ui nod settlor has inrd notice of his Intention to make Dual comriHitatlon proof In support ot h lt claim, and that suld proof will bo mode bo fore A. H. nhtfon. U. 8. Commlfmloner. of Med fo'd, Oregon, on Friday, the lltlh day of Juno, iwm, via. ,(."" . - , . WKANK 8. GOULD, On II. E. N. 114M, for tho WUoI tho EJti, Ho iiamrt the following wltnonHos to prOvfl his eontlnuotiM residence upon and cultivation of snld fr.r.d, viz: John J. Vis, Krnnk W. Mollis, William T. Orlevr, and Itlchurd W, (I ray, all of 1'roHpooL Orate. ' 4 ; J, T. BniDflKH, KcglstOt.: Notice for publication. Lanil oilltto at llosnburK, OroRiin. Mny 7, IIHW Notloo In horoby ulvon that tlio lullnwInK llninnd nottlnr lina ft ect notlrio of tifa Intonttou to miiko flncil commutation proof Id atippnrlof 1 In olulm. and thnt tho Nald nroof will ha miido hnfora A H. Itlllorii IJ. H. CommlHHlnnor, oT Moilford, Oroijon, on Krldny, Juno IV, 1WIH, viz: JOHN J. VJB, On II. E, No. 1M62, for tuo KX ot tbo V.ii Mouxii.a'iia.kj 01' mt:iiXuu.L. I. ), O, I' . - badge No HU, nicelH In 1. U. O. V hull every Haiurotty ui h l' in ViHiUng bioth Vlh ItlWUYN vMtleoino. A, U. Naviaik, W. t,l. .1. I a v lieu, Htm. I. (I (1. Uogun Itlvei1 Itluennipiiirnl, No. IUI, itie 1 1 lit 1. O. i). I1', hull iho mM'Miid ittnl Itiui'ih Wmliivntlayn ul cneh uiuntli at m p. in tl. 11. 1UUVKV, u. 1. W. T, Ynim, Hcrlbu Dllvn lli'liriiuli I.imIk" No, ,'H. im-nlH In I. O, 0, V. hall Ilri4i and llilid TueHdayn of e oh intuitu. Vililiig riitiiiN titvltd to ittleiirt, MMH. Ivl'l A Hit It A IIKK, N,(.J. Mdh. Ima H(;iii'UHi:tHi(iiN, Itec.K.e. A. 1'. mid A. M.- Mnetrt lltui t'rliny ou 01 ha fore full moon iti p. in., In Mit.nli' lotil, J. A. WlifiMAN, i-. M. J. U', , Aw J "is. Keo. H o. ' t I' Ti'M'iiian lodijo, No. Ill, Ho flu V fe dn f'.tfiii.y . , ,i j in, 'ii.t!iiij hiiiiir at n n i w ' .ip , I mi l I I ) , t '. t',lft.CiVo.Al., li. til l, in n H, Kulthtf 01 llu .MlU'i'uliri'n, 'I'i Hill pll 'I'fllt No. I'l, iih'mIh In tvt'itlur i'it tu I'll-I ol 'lit! !!. I l'i hlu.v.1 of ntt li itmntli In A, O, II, , Hull at 7.1ip, in. VIMlhiH Mir Kniglitboordliit Ij ItivlleU loittttind. A. li. Ki.t.iKtfN, Coiiiinunder. JV. T, ViutK. It. K . ' : A. O. (I, W,, Di greu Ol I loinit1 -Untlinr IhiIku No, fl, lueetn nvmy fit nmi llti Wod.itutitii OVuliUiK (tf eni'h luoiltli, at A. . t'. W. hull. Mllf. 1 ) I; i I A Uonilli, C jl . ('l.AKKht-K Mii'liaiiMiN, Uee. A.O, V. W..-I odgn NO, W, meets ovorv Mitl and thlid Winlueailay lu the umiith ut s , u . In their hull In the opeiu blouk. Vlntlliiu brothurnlnvlli'illu atumd, W A.Hl tWAIIT, t, 'V, AHAKI. llt'ltllAllli, Iteentiler. K.U. ol A. Med lord Lodge No. HI' intol vnry Haturdoy nvenlsg in A. . U W. bull.. Vlaiilug 1? rotors Uiviud to attend, r U. W. hTki'iir.NSoM, V, M I.. A, JnitiiAt :.co. 4 innniKM, ui 11 urill 1 Hill I 0. mCClJt evitrv Thurmlny ovuiilug lu K. ol J', n, i Modfiml. Oregon. J- U vva,vaii, IIomacm Mann. Clerk. - Chryimnthemom Circle, N. w, Women ol WwHluraft loci second and fniir(his,tunii.k of it ni 1 1 UMMith al T:i p, rj), , It, jf . bail,. Katiikuinr Wait. Clork. W. It. C.-Cliriiler , Arthur vorpa N '4 menlii tlmt und third Wodnmday of ek mouth at i o'ohwk . ni n Woodman nail, VUlttng sUtern Invltml. MMS. U, K. AHIiM'i, "HMt MllS. 1TAW IIPtlAlN, Ho. O. A. It. hf-tor A, Arthur font No. 'I mrntN lu Woodman'a ball ovary nrii and third WtMlneadfty night In each month at 7M VUttlug toutraUDaourdlallv litvltod tu atleat. K Sl.hVrawAiit, Com. JKlUNK KASMHArKH, A'ljuloiil. W. U. T. U. Moot very other lliurKJcy at tho I'rtmbylerlun church. . Miw. Hla'CK, l'rc-'do; t Mwh. J. MntifUN. Hreretnry Kratrriml llrotherhood-Mnats (Irftinod ihlr 1 I'rlday evenliivK at 7:.ii p. m.. In their Uf' in K. of . bulliflng, Mrdfcru, nrugtte. VlMtttng Hl tern and llrothcra rordlnlly titvltwl, Li t'HU, . rca. H ruth a IlAVm Merretsry. O K H,Henme (Imtitrr, N. W, wieetinw s oml add fourth VVdnnlny' of each uiooth M Maxonle ii, Mrdford, tirrgim. VUltlng a, tor and biotbera alwava welcome. Mmh f. a, l.tfHnhRN, V. M... MATTtK K. I'K HKI.. HeCInlMrr. A- t. K. Movth every M Mid ay nlp'nt mt 7.11 tli A O. U. W. hall. A'UUtng Kuiwirr. ' dlally wrleoinad, K. U UUttnKA.C. M Jas. Htm Want. Hec. Hrcy. t'ulfrnn Kai.k. K. 0f l rMeoi at the call ql tbo captalu lu K. of P. hall. K. K. Kl.Wfton. Recorder. v 0HUB0HE8 Or MEDKO&JD. MnihodlNt KplNcopal Cliurco-W. u, Moora. pan lor. 1'reacblng every Kabbatb i 1) a.m. ami H:U0 p. m. tiuudny acbool at lu a. ui.( 1), T I.awton, aupt. Claaa mealing follows iireaebltiif norvleo Nmiday mornfar, JolltU Marker, leader. Ktiworlh Leau at 7;t p. m., Ueorve Kok, presldnnl. Hrgular prayvt binp lugs every tliureday evening at M p. m. I.udlei Aid Btmlety every Tiwuday afternoon, Mra (,. W. Con kilo, preniiWnt, Junior Kp worth League every Huudar aU:00 p. in.. Mra. Owei, ftuporln.vndriit. HlMlonary Hoelety Keeli flmt Friday In each mo nib, Un. Char tie llubliard. preatdeul. I'reMbytrrlaa Oburoh Kev. W. K. Hblelda, pator Preaching every Habbath at 11 a. m. aiidsxip.m. Huadaysohool alio a. m., Jaa Martin, Hunt. ChrUtlait Kadeavor, 7 p. m. hint or Christian Kiidravnr. S u. in. Kverv Tnurcday prayer meet lug, a u, m. Ktrt Tuei. day evening of every mouth church mx-IaI. Ki'eoud TuuwUy every month, 2:30 p. m., Ml miu wrrniir. rui( nun mini i uoiit every month, p. m.. Aid ioelnty. Mlhn llarr. Hupt. . C K.: Havld M. Hay, l're, K. C, K. ; nrn. j u. van iye, nvi, A til miriuty; Mri. J. W. Cox, Proa. MImIou Hoelety, Hapttit church kov. T. I. (Jrandall, pator. Habbuih services: I'rencbtug II a, m. and p. tn.; Hnbbath school 10 a. m.; (1. Y. I. U. 7 p. in.; prayer nicellng Thursday at 7:p. m. covenant meeting at i flo p. m. on Haturday pre ceding nnti sabbath, Utrangors and friends al wayn welcome, Uhnattan church Comer of Hlitn and I streotH, Preaching every Lord's Day at 11 a, m. and 8 p. tn. Bunday mihool al 1(1 a. ni. l'ravoi meeting evorv Thunwlav velnir. The people welcome. K, M. raltornoo paator. iWHiuui m tuii onuron. MethodlNt Kplsoopal Church Houtb flov. M L, Uarby, paiitor. t'reachlng every Bunday at II a. m. and evening; Bunday obooi at 10a. m. Prayormeetlng Thursday ovonlng at o'olook j Woman's Home MISMlon Hoelety moots flmt Wednenduy in each monlb at S:K) d. m. Kverv- one In cordially Invited to all cur serv I cos Hi. Mark'i Kiibicopal Church t Kvennona anil 1 sermon, 1st and 8d Annday of each montli M'. 7:8o p, m. Holy communion, !ld Hundny of otieh i mouth at 11 a. m. Morning prayer and sur mou, 4th Htindiy of each month at U a. m. .4un- duy iichool ut 1U a, m. All Invited, I'awafree, ii. m. inieman. I'nosi in enargo ' ChrUllan Hcionoo sorvlons ara hold every Sunday morning at eleven o'olook at the ren dencoof W, II, lunham, of Talent. AU wot wolcomy, . , , - Hectlon 'M, TowiiHlnp m Koutb, HfiDgo I Kant. Ho names tho following witnesses to prove hlscfm'lnuousroiildvnue upon tuul oulltvatlon oftotld land, vim Prank S. oould, Prank Unllls, William T.tirfevu, Hlchard W, Gray, all of 1'roipcot OU'Kon. J.T. IlitiK'iM, Regliiier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, I.onrt Oflloo at liosobuOroffon,'-Aprll 16,. 1003. Notice Is hereby Riven that the follow-IriK-niuned settlor baa WmI notloo of bis Into a- Hon to make final proof In. support of his olnltn, aud that said proof will bo uuda bo fore A. B. Hilton, U.H. on mm Inn Ion or, al Modford, Urogoji, on May 29, HKW. vlr.: JAMKB M. HOWARD, on homostond entry Nn. W01I, for tho WW, NW'4, -WU HWf., Bootlon 111, Township 8A Houth, Itangol Knnt, W, M, He uniiies iho following wltnoMsos to provo his continuous residence upon und oultlvatloti' of Nuld land, vlxt v JaincH K, Hell, Gooroo B Brown, Oool J. 'QOer, Alvlu Uluborntetfl, nil pi; Hrownsboro, progon. . ip tinibd'iB, RogMtur! NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. UNiTKn -Htatkh IAtff Orriflg, j HoHOburg.Ore., MayH m, " Notlco Is horoby given that in compllanco W'.'.h tho provhdnnft of tbo aut of Cong rem ol Juno 3, 187H. entitled "An aot for tho nalo ol Umber lands lu tho HtatoR of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," air extended to all tho l'nbllo Land Htatoa by aot Of AtlgUHt 4, Iblttt : jAmnn k. ukikvk, of Contrnl Point, county of Jaoknnn, fltato of Oregon, him thin day lllod In thin olltee ila Hworo nlateinont No. ril'il, for tho purehaHo of tbo RU HK'4, NWW K of seetloit No.lifi, In TowtiHltlp No, 8a Boutn, ltatigo ll Kant, anil will offer proof to show that tho land nought Ih tnoro vnluahlo for UK tlntbor ttr ul (inn Mint, fnr ntrrlnlil I n nil miritnuna niul te joKtitbllHh bin elnlin to Hiild hind before' A. H. Hilton. U, H. CommlNHlonor, at Modford, Oro gon, on Monday, the 10th day of AugiiHt, ltxiil. Tin nitinoN uh wUiiohboh: William T. Grlovo.. ,ionn rtriovu.rttun n aikoii, Ktvm Mccallrnil of J'roHpuut, Oregon. .. Any aim all ponton a claiming ndvorHOly tho abovo-doHcrlbud landw aro rei ties tod lo'Jllo) tlinlr olalmM In this oflloo on or boforo said 10 tli Utiy ot August, ltw, J, Ti llmugae, Kvfllstor, t