yvwyT wrvw IMTV JACKSON COUNTY CIRCULATION 2200 I. Oil) liariluii l'l "I It" Hrl'l HtlikMil (In K'HI- It iHinlslna IIMMiK I.ANI.( iiikiiuil ii uu'i I T uai. ana TMK MA1I, ba.lt, ami Ul publliher la not alrald to awear to It M K 1) i O 11 1 t STATE OREGON, . U In llirlvlnil olty I" V" vm inunu iuli. 11 ( Blluuii'il allnimt III the rrnlnrnt lint rouuiy nun In llm very limrlol Hi" iiri'Uli'il IrulV raining aralloti ul too United Uliu, or of Ullt Vl'ltl I Til E M A I L la llm lurttcxl awl IimI nnPwf iiuliliiiu4 Hi JucK-ua county. It .nlii a niriMilHium ul v.hii ma Imi-U.i tlm unnirttiiu with llm Ul"; Uuvlt "ii llio iiuuiwito utirimr in tllln iug0 lK0JfJ!IJ8l0NAL OARDB. (jOl.VIC A CANNON I.AWVCIIM WlM ttriill'n In u)t Court H -title unl ill t h. lour' (i.r ll'tiriii nf iir- Kon , OIIIl'! vr MhiiU "t M.'.Hor-l j9 S. BUTON, l', b. CllMMIl.lNi:ii TOY UllKtHlN unit 'rtiiitmr Iiiiirt iiititKw mid r, Tt'ftUiliuliy itUvn in Inixl u (iriiuU inn It U I'UMX, OHictJ with Mmllnrtl Mull M (lforl, oricii L. CAMKKON, I'MYhtl lAN ASt) HIlltHKnN Orilct-in I'HllM A K'KlK" HIiM ti, Mmlfont, Out I Ii,i, .llnKli lit. in a "i Hiitunn rtmlilviiru. two .iltM'ki. mill) ul wlt'l titiu (;'lAKHNC'!C W. K1CHNH, j I'llVHIIIIAS ANII Kt! Ill I HON Onw-e in A'Hiin in. irk Mfllnnl, Orrgoli J, 1). I'M 1 1' I'M, 1). 1). S., iCimc- In Adkllia Work, adjoining II 1)K. II. N. nUTI.KU, ' ,.. , onTJSOl'ATHIHT Hc.u,. i una 4. Optra Home uleek. ov ' Hlreil' KrUK Awn. BuiiDiliin lro Mxlluid, Oi.gon (i. T JONES., COUNTY tttlllVKYllft. Aiiv nr all Wllulnot Hurrylli irimilly rtono. TUo ('"uuly Hurvnyor cmi mm yuu Hm ""y lt(l.irl.. MmlMid'.Or..n )H. C. K. KX1IINK, I'U VS1C1AN AND SUUOKON. um.-e o! Van Dyk"1" Htor. I(".i.t"iic mr. rr A anil Klllh Htmcla. Moillnrd. tU"uli. J.S.HOWARD, MUHVEYOH AND CIVIL KNOINKKH D. . Dupuly Mineral Burvnyor lor Ihe 8Ut olOranoa. I'oaloBlM ililrn: Mxlnifd. Oinoo. K. B. PICKKL. rilYHICIAN AND IIKf.r.ON. ualec koura-ll Ulsa. n. auU 1 :30 In 3 p.m. X-IUy I.almralory Klaailoallona fl.M to J, Ofnca: llajikln Block. Mclford, Or J)U. K. 1C. KMKRSON, OCtJUST-OPTl'-lAN flurollon nuaninli-oil or mono; mlunJcd. ' aaV"Ofnco ovor Hirann'a Drur Htora. W. t. Vawthh. 1'rea. II. r. AliklHa. V Proa (i. II. LINIM.KY, Caahler. Jackson County Bank ...CAPITAL, $50,000... MEDFOUD. OREGON iib main oa aDorvwrii! aoourltr. rrcelva do uuallH aubloot 10 cheok and trniiHaot a ironara batiklnn uuatneiui. Your liualneiia aollcllou.... Corrpondonlii:-l.ald t llimb, Haloui. Arialo Calllornla Itauk. Hun Kranolwo. I.add n.n linp.ln.l flpln Itanltllilt (.a.. N. Y. WclU. Karno & Co Hank. Portland: KlrHl National Hank. CtilraKO, am) llnorr Mat ' .iial Uank. Now Yurk. U, K. ANKKNT, Proaliloiit. I. R, KNTAItT, l;ahlor. j. 11. HTKWAHT. Vlc I'riiHldeiH, H I.. Al.rOHU, Aanl. Canlitor The Hedford Bank . ', : . 1 . 1 J Mcorono. OncooN Capital, $50,000.00 A General Banking Business Transacted HTOCKHobDKKH I H. amwarl, II. R. Ankmy, K. H, whllcliead C. 0. Ilcoknmn, llnraon I'olton.llrti lluyinond , Janei rollout W. U. llrailalmw, J, . Kiiynr ir DR. JORDAN'S r(at MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 1011 MARK IT ST., SAN CMNCHCO, OAU (ftttlM Milk m It'tnh 'In ttm Worn Vrtitnttraetimintht fflfy. Jl Hi oldaBliafeMffUlltLnn til auiida ur. ;itoAi-rmvATt disemei "Wmmrnm mm And mI44!I 1 Min who at titYtrlut t IroM lb mtttft tt vautbnii Indli i crtuuim or nvnw i winirir j yr. IftrTouiBnflphvKloki IMII'.1m I mmm. L.m iinli4Mt) Imh I lucumDll- Jcftllomt Mrttttoltrr'r H'r.i.Ntor. I ' rttM, iiHorrhMt'Vr mtmuvy A af UrlMMtlH. aiaTV fcf A vmhliitlr)ii ( - W rtmedlai.Af frtAtvin - r( tltv Doctor " mIt AlTnrd 1 ii ma arriiHi if a bti lf4M dfii hi r ti win nui Ttnvirdlat n 'f. Vb ' nriit ' inlmelM, but It wH kpw. I k ii. liUkl.aWlliltV niKB Nirilll U ihnrnuahtr i'Vdlx 1 Itrom Iht tyiuut without t)ii fi by M Kivffl 4BHI run fur Hnptur V etirttar Pin A Dr. Jordttii'i nptcikl puloltu mcthudt. W ITI.HT II A If unpifinff io m w:u lr ftniii op(nm or pucoinnmun. . CorniiliAtloii PRICK mi tfftatlr Print nvaoiliiittiit nannnKllv (IT y lltlr. Writ for Rook. PIIIIaONOPHT r ' put r (A vftltubia tKHtk I(r man) wiiorwuw DR JORDAN ft CO,, 1061 Mtrfcttfl VOL IT MEDFORD. JACKSON COUNTY, OREflON, FRIDAY, JUNE 5. 1903 NO. 22. $ LARGE TRACT OF BEAR CREEK TO BE TO Kdltlt TIKII AM'I.KM l Hi" meat OX l'i-r llllf" tllln -JICIH f lllllt Hl-lir '-MTIt ii. .'i ...I. Tin- Inii'o .Ire. rli'li . .... ...... .1 !.'. .1... V. ..,- f.r,-ii,it,l. Ill" iic ill" Ililiiit. v.l.i. li Imvu lliuK'H li.tli" U", "1'',,:''", lli lul H'iir. I''irl ii"i""l Hi' "' r""11 iimhi'. Iiiiii.l- ! . iiih'nl"iil In ii imruiii'"il Inrliino In ) III I" II I. U" ItltM! llOII'll 'l Hllll Will MMllVl'lll iCiil Acres Wlll 'll IV" of Uie olJ Wntson MoldlnjfS " ,iear -rci:R will i,(l. r ul n i.-i OK in'"" m .Mr"lni"(. In l("l" ''" ,11 '..' "..M."!?. ": ,;,i. '.-i.i " U in .U1. I" ' 'lU.itf IK.W III r n(, i. il I., i Mil" 4 MOI.MK BKOS SVIevV-tV tPOIWTf VIEW LOOKED AT from tvtry point ol vltw, McCormicd mowtn will be found faultlui in design, modern in con struction and thorough in equipment, with the most practical feature. These mowers are to perfectly balanced, so eaiily operated and do such smooth and even cutting that they instantly become the favorite of every man who buys one. J The MeCormkk book, "A MODEL MACHINE." itlli all about Modtl mtwm, HUBBARD HSJ - New lumber Yard Rough and Dressed Lumber .. .. r ir Ruatlcand Flooring Metlford Oregon Three Years Old. Thoroughly Seasoned. R1EDF0RD PLANING MILL MEDFORD PLANING W e ninuufaoture Doors, Sash, KatimnteB furnished ou Store soft wood ' " ContrHoMni? and Buildint: ' ' ' Mill on North D Street MEDFORD, Of Summer Robes, to tv to to to to to to i i Tents and Awnin&s .You will nuoit thorn whan you tnke your Sumuior Oiitlntr. Call mid soo mo 7th Street U t FRUIT LAND PLATTED AND SUBDIVIDE!) -if In vli-w among ''?. r,' V,','. r.'tV, l.,ill .,. l- miming en, iti,-'-i ,, 1 1 1 v i.l 1 1, Ill'tHlllI! llll'llH,l4 ll'I'l I" M"t i lit nr Inwfl from niiiii- ,iinnK i l,iiii,l in II," rlKht HfK. ll'-nrliiK lliiH MED FORD BROS. THE MORTAR DRUG STORE, fi. H.HASKI-NS.J'roii AMWHIIta IN THI UMI DruK. Itriii.ftll ne. Pook Stailcnri) PA INT 5 and OILS tJlltttrn.Tobnrcn.Tolli't ArtlClM, Klc Praacrlptlon Carefully Componndrd 7th St., Medlord, Orejcon O. E. GORSL1NE & SONS MANUFACTURKR8 OF AND DKALKKR IN ana rme omugico Yartl Houtta of Wbilman's WarebouH MILL CO., Proprietors . moulding-. Rustio and Flooring and OlTioe fixtures in bard or ..; ; : " OREGON For Fast Drivers J. G. TAYLOR, ' Medford, Orejo LITTIE OF SUtntiuK c,oiri)iili;il liy F'ruiidont ''. 0. I'nwrtrH of tin; Htat(! board t)f Hlmcji c'liiitnifc-ioticrH of Montana uxu llm total niiiiil;i;r of Hlioip I wl in tlm rwiiMit l.liz.ard at '.100,000. I Jn cxfir.-di tion U to bo fruit out J nirlr tin; atiHjiicen ol Uio gcograph ' icul Ko:ioty of I'liilailcljihiii and the Amtic club of Ni;w York to exp'orc Mount McKinlny, the hit'h'i-t pnali in UnAliKkan rani'ft, PBlimatcd to bo -JO.-IOO f. et in lusigth. Up to llio time of tliL-Htorin liOO, Oi)l) h id frozen in the nnow of pre vioiH blizzardH, making the grand Udal of liOO.OOO lost in Montana pin co December. At an averngeof 2 50 thin means a monetary loss of t 3,750,000. ! Tbepeeond special grand jury to be called together Bince statehood was granted to Utah in January, lKIMI, was sworn in on May 20th at Salt Luke City. Thi jury is com posed of four non-Mormons and three Mormons, and it is said that it is probable that the polygamy question will come before it for in vehtigation. , , One of the negroes who was re cently in bondage to a while citizen told the grand jury in Montgomery, Alabama, recently what he knew of the involuntary servitude of ne groes which has already caused the a'rest of two prominent planters. The. negro paid he had been in bondage for more than a year for a debt of $6. lie told of a negro man and a negro woman having . Ixen brutally whipped to death. H, C. HoBFell, the great Austra lian aitronomer, after carefully I studying the matU-r for thirty-six year, gays: "I speak positively when I say I have found that the moon controls the rain. ' My re searches extend for thirty-six yeora. Briefly, when the moon is moving south there is plenty of rain, when it in moving north there are years of drought so there are alternate v et and dry periods, the wet lasting nine years and the dry ten. The American Society of Equity has issued a bulletin to the farmers of the United States exhorting them not to sell wheat until the Chicago price reaches $1.00; and then to dump all they have on the market without waiting for a greater rise. We never heard of the American Sooiety of Equity, and doubt if the farmers of the country ever heard of it before. Perhaps it has not the least connection with the specula tive market; but one thing is certain If the authors of this bulletin could have the assurance that the farmers of the country would follow their advioe, they could enrich tliem solves beyond the dreams of avarice. The Spanish War only lasted a short time, and there was very little fighting; the larger number of those who enlisted never left the United States, and yet 65,000 have so far applied for pensions, The Pension Office has rejected 18,185 claims', but there were 34,210 pending Kay I. About lj.OOO pensions on ac count of. the Spanish War have been granted, including 3100 of the widow and dependent class." More pensions have been granted on ac count of the Spanish War than had been granted up to 1S64 ou accoimt of the Civil War. In 1802 the ap plications numbered 2487, and 462 pensions were; "allowed ; in ;i863 there were 7884 allowed, and the number "was S977 in lSO.-Port land Oregonian. QIAir some weeks past the oflicials of the Harriman roads have been considering the matter of locating tracts of land in Oregon which will answer the purposes of a coloniza tion scheme in a wholesale way They are endeavoring to locate low' priced properties which can be sold to bands of settlors in the thickly nettled enHtern centers who might be willing to come to this conntry, bi.t who could not afford to pay the pre vailing prices of higher priced farms ing land. The Harriman interest! are not intending to purchase out right, any of the properties approved, but they will depone of suitable tructs of land, fallowing the plan? which have been heretofore agreed upon. Colonies of eaetern settlers will be brought to Oregon and pro vided with new homes in these lo calities. ! ; " i ' ' ' l The first onset of warm weather is said to produce a foolish gorm in the brains of otherwine sensible peopfe and a 'Villy season" follows An illustration of this visitation is found in tb tempeit created by the discharge of a chambermaid who refused to make up the bed occupi ed by Booker T. Washington in an Indianapolis hotel recently. Hear ing of the matter, a number of peo ple of the South made up a purse for the contumacious maid, and as if this were not silly enough, Rev. Dwight is. filllie, of Brooklyn, took cognizance of the episode by declar ing bis intention to invite Mr Washington to become his guest, that thereby he himself might make up that gentleman's bed as a rebuke to the ovrmce lass. It is gratify. ing to note that Sir. Washington has not caught the contagion, lie main tains a decorous silence in regard to the matter, feeling competent.no doubt, to make up his own bed should occasion require. Chamber, iln'c Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is everywhere recognized as the one remedy that can alwayn b depended upon ana mat ts pleasant to take. 11 s eapacially valuable fjr summer diar iha in children and is undoubtedly trie means of saving the lives of a (Treat many cBilaren eacu rear, t or inks b untui. Strang. FAMOUS CYCLIST MEETS DEATH IN AN ACCIDENT. Cambridire, Mass.. June 1. Harry D. Kikes or filon Falls. N. Y-. the premier motor-pace follower of the United States, was killed, and Will Stlnnon. almoft as well known a bl cyclist as Pikes, and F. A. Gately, motor steersman, were seriously In jured In an accident at the Initial bt evele raeet'njr, on the new Charles River park (rack. The accident occurred In the firs! lap of the sixteenth mile of a motor- pacer race, and was due to the burst Ing of the' rear tire on Elites whee' at a point whr the track hank Ir at an anele of about 33 decrees. Biker tried to ston his machine and In dolnr so was thrown over the handlebars turnlne a complete somersault, anr with his wheel rolled down the steer- embankment in front of Stlnson's mo tor, which was mapned by Gately. The heavy motor struck Elke throwing Gatelr and the machine com pletely over him. and Stlnson. whe was following, crashed lt..o the wreck ;.'At the time of the accideat Bike was well In the lead having made new world's records for. the five, ten and tueen miles. 1'he Injured men were picked ap and sent to the hospital, EIkm dying oa tha way. Cuts, Bruises and Burns Quickly Healed. , . Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an anti septic liniment, and when applied to cuts, bruisoa and burns, causes them to heal without maturation and much more quickly than by the usual treat ment. ' For sale by ChaB. Strang. ; An Anatverr Fur flaica. .... John B. Cough; the famous temper ance writer, was onoe in a New Eng. lVn'id town lecturing and after painting tii6 tavern as a place of'yontnmlnation even for the abstainer asked: " , "Don't you all agree with uie. "friends, that there'is no place a man should" go and of whli-h lie should tell-bis mother ulid sisters unless he might take tlietu too there?" Should thetie be' any 'such olaccV" i".Oh, y-e-s!" came drawlingly from a tear seat,'; .-! .!'; t ,''v.-'i'- ; The audience was aroused . from its spell of admiration for the orator and turned to look at the voice in the rear. Gough .milled as though he thought no discussion' possible and blandly asked: "Where, Mend, would you go telliua; uother nnd sisters, but refusing to rake .them?'! vi . v.-. . "The barber's," was the laconic r !y. ; .; Tliat'Tlirobhliig' Hoadaclie , Would quickly lmivu you, If you used Or, Line's New bife Pills. '' Thousands if sufferers have proved their mateh less merit for Siek anil Nervous Head clips Thoy make pnre blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents, nnney back il not cured. Sold by Chas Strang, Druggcet. .Id the paper publlihed Id tho (3lly or Medford, Jaukaon County, Oregon; that the num. bur of Mtdlonl Malia priutod eucli wpok l ?2(JII. anil that thin nnmliar tin boon prlntnl each week (or the pat eight rnoDihn nnd over. A. 8. BLITON Subucrlbed and aworo to before me thin Jlt d.iy of July, 1002 , F. M 8Tp:WAKT bau i Sotary Puullu , KA Toi'EKA, J '.ill's 1. O is of the most tracic sights in the flo ided quarter was the unhappy plight of Mrs. Andernon, who, with a baby in her arms, cliing for three days ' to a tree standing , in the midst of the boiling waters. Hundreds of people could see her from the shore, but wore powerless to bring her off. She had braced herself in tho fork of the tree so that she managed "to hold on for days, but in the end, when ' rescue was near, 'overcome by exposure, she lost consciousness and dropped into the flood. Neither mother nor child were' seen' again. Eighty-five people are penned up bv the flood oo the Page elevator and have been three days without foodv, Etf rtflveremade'yesterday to send them two boatloads of pro visions, but (he boats were unable to stem the current. , The Rev. A X. Pearson, who was rescued yes- -terday, spent three dayB on the top of his house, with his wife and family. In that time they had' but two loaves of bread among four persons. Nearly, a hundred people ook refuge in the B-street Colored Baptist- Cbutc'i, . where they were compelled to stand in tbe water. It is feared that many of them have died from hunger and expos ure, but by hard and risky work some 500 pounds of provisions was got into the building yesterday. . Qlrdling Earth With aingltam. ', From National Mag-aline. - - Some conception of the rate of production of the ginghams, sheet ings - and other textiles for ' which Manchester, New Hampshire, is famous, may perhaps be gained by an illustration. If tbe output of its factories were sewed together, as produced, into a single continuous piece and its end weie attached to tbe stern of a departing "ten-days" trans-Atlantic liner, Manchester's busy looms and spindles and its it'ieen thousand skilled operatives could "pay out" the cloth as fast as called for. Manchester could make a cotton girdle to encircle tbe earth at the equator in over a week less time than the eighty days which Jnles Verne imagined as requisite for his traveler to circumnavigate. it. Its daily output is 350 miles. EX-POSTMASTER GENERAL f ' , WRITES OF ADMINISTRATION!- Washington Junft t Postmaster " General Payne today mada public tho reply of former) Postmaster General ' ouarles Emory;, Smith to the charges of former Cashier TMlloch of tbe " Washington.- City postofflce ' regarding the postal administration. Smith ays he Investigated the allegations ul- ir regularities when they were made and that the evidence adduced In most? cases was believed to be a Justifica tion of , the transactions complained ' of, adding that the criticisms. . be- trayed a lack of knowledge ot condi tions incident to the Spanish war and ' the measures necessary to meet the ' requirements. ; ,: , j . ; For sale In Medford Good, olean' stock nf boots and shoes. . Inquire at this office. ivei theWeat they vwar tevi Strauss c Cos Copper-riveted Overalls t, jRS J