I INITV I J a Die (anion iit ol Hie sreel UlocilOri'Kiill. Itotllllalue PlttllT, MININO, AUHICULTUHAL 11111 TIMBliK LANliA M E I) FORD la it UirlvliiK Hy of over wn iniiiili llui, llw el mated ItlllKMI In Hi" center ul Hie county mid In lliu very heart or tlia ynuiuiei Irull rutntiiK ciilluu ul the United Hlaien, or ul tho world T II E MAIL In Din Inmrm anil liimt newspaper pUtlllHllOU 111 Jutknon IIUIIIILV. It (Inline a olrclllullun if Kflw ninl l.tt..li lilt, UMNiiNloil wllh ttiu lutt davit on tlio opposite (turner ul LliU tiuua ' PROFESSIONAL OABDH. QOLVIO & CANNON Will practice In all OcmrlH of the slate enit In U. H. t'oun lor district l oriin-ou Onice over lie.uk ul Mmllurd Jiit 8. BUTON, v. a. coMMiaaiuHaii, nieTiiiirr or okmion Homestead en1 Tlmlier Land nlline end proole made, Testimony taken In lend win- Ulkn wUhModfnrd Uell. Medlord, Orcnon y, L. CAMERON, I'HYHIOIAN AND HUHUKON orrlct In I'nlin Hoileo lllook, Modlurd, Ore. Office hour", i l e-7 In e i. in. llraldee III A. ) Hlowerl roeldenco, two blocks euulli ul wlioul house (JLAHKNCE W. KEENK, PHYSICIAN AND HUHUKON OHM In Adkllie HIk Meillurd, Orcr,on J. D. PHIPPS, D.D.S., Oltlcre III Adklus Mlook, ndjnlnlnii Hm.klne' ntiu mure Medlord, OroKou T)U. II. N. BUTLER, OHTKOI'ATHIHT Kooine and t, Opera llmieo Mock, oyor Hlren.'e Uru liloro. KseMilueltiiiie tree Midlurd, Ore.on G T. JONKS, COUNTY HUIIVKYOK, ABVornllklndsnt Surveying promptly done. Ttie r.mniy Hurveyur oeu ivo you tlio only legal work. Mcdlmd. Oregon )U. C. K. KX1IINK, PUYSICIAN AND SUUGHON. Omcc ol Van Dyke'" Uirc. ,r acr A end Klltu Hlreeta, Sloill.ini. Urciwii. T 8. nOWAKD, BUBVEY0K AND CIVIL ENOINBKK O. . Deputy Mineral Hunroyor lor the Stale ,1 OW. 1-o.Uimo. ,,, K. B. PICKRL, rilYHICIAN AND UKOeON. omee houie-llto e. m. and 1 JO to S p. m. X-Hay Laboratory-KieailBallone p.M) to t. Office: llaakln Block. Medford. Or JK. K. E. EMERSON, OC U LI8T-OPTICI A N Pellefeclloa itueranteed or money refunded, oroffico oor Klram'e Drur Htora. W.I.Vawtih. Pree. It. Y. AokiHe. V I'reJ O. R. L1NDLEY, Oaehlor, ... CAPITAL, Jjo.ooo... MEDFORD, - - OREGON l-oan money oa approrou nnwurnj. r". - poalle aulileot to oliock and traueacl a eenera Correeiondenu:-lledd & llueli, Halom. Anelo Calllornla Bank, Han Kranoliwo. Laild Tiiton. roriianu.uorinu uidriui Woll, KnrKo A Oo.'e Hank. I'urtlendi Klnit fniiunai imilK, .Uii'nKU, mm nial Hunk, N'uw York. li. R. ANKKKT, Hroeldent. J. E. KHVAHT. Caehlor. 1. U. HTIWAHT. Vice I'realdent. M I.. Ai.romi. Aaat. Ceahler The riedford Bank MtoronD. OniaoN Capital, $50,000.00 A General Banking Business Transacted BTocKHoLDKKH J II. Blowart, II. R. Ankeny, K. II. Whitehead c n. Ilrnkman. Hnraeo l'oUnn.llen llavmond Jamee l'ollon, W. II. Ilrnilalinw, J. K. Knynrl t'-eav'av-eaweavqe-l f visit DR. JORDAN'S omat MUSEUM OF ANATOMY t0l MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAU iMilvtwi Milk tt arU.) ThUrfMtAaatomloal Mbmom tn W01 id, Srtatttl attraction tn tS$ City. 4 Wondrul ttffM or viHtora. Wh". or Mi contract 1 i1UNM,BltlTl)r !'! hy It, oldt HpBfli.lht uii t)i PmIOq ComU JUUbtUUidUyMra OR. JORDAN PRIVATE DI8EASCI Iff Hi Ttail mru and li wmmn who lira uunriuff n irum in mom oi Tuiuniui luum etUon or vxcfvi In nietiiirar rira NtrTwiiianlphynloM. bllltT,In. fMttmnmy , tmt nniih)ot in Mil Itncomplt- f Vrtmmtimu. mtm, TO n Wtiii ramtdlM, of ril aaratt np iixtbti trMteiahithW.lt win not Trnmnalata H. f, atii larmnitaiit iim Doctor iiMtaarrani nlr aaiTfirtt nuri. Thm Dm tar M (rfaJi mlrtalM, but I wli knw. U Hlr anil tqur riirnlnltn antl rgqa4nr. wlatni U hUlAlt7-Il"-" uflRrv vruililM throuf hly -rllc' I from Itin lyittM without thtaMaf)." trr, Trnasaa fltmtt by mm Bipairi. flirt fur KUiiir. A qulok and mUfcdt Surror Pllva, rinnra and ririim,b )r. Jordan iprolal pftlnleu mtthnila IVIHT MAN appiyinctoimwlllfaailva oar Aoiud opinion ot bliooitipli.hu, rrtvm Qum-anrM a POfilTiVJB OUMM In I'eryouMWfunrfflrffi. ... , . L'onatitlatMn FRKK mid tefrtdtlr prtTt. charges vnnr xrahoxaiilm. Trairaut pinionally or by letter. Writ f.ir Rnok, rillliOMOPnT r ARHUR. Mailed Kaica. Avaluablfl boolcfor mmi.) Oallorwrlta OR. JORDAN As 00., 1051 Market 81., 8. P. JACKSON' COUNTY County VOL. IV. LARGE TRACT OF BEAR CREEK FRUIT LAND TO BE PLATTED AND SUBDIVIDED TO JtAlHK rO(l( TMCK AI'I'I-KH U tho Krc-nt enl In view hmmmik tlrn i)rclifir'i;irioiitfliil i')t iirltiM'H Unn who w li Hint llimr ; recti imttniii liiml will tmtnt n InrK'T iTdor, thm (hut i any ulhir. Thu lnruu nlxu, rich rulorlnic nml i,r(o t ipinlll)' of tlio l fit rrttwd lii I ho NnrcroAk nrflmnl, tUn Homi'Ml (inthnnl mi'l tint Alurrllt ort'lmnl urn thu thliiK" which liavu tnniirltintcd tn thu IniineiiHu piIiinih fnini nittriu diirliin thi I ant U'w vi'htm, Forty xMiimil tho llet Ilnr tlrt-vk Orflmnt I -and In the rluht imiitV hit ml n U itiiilvnhitil t a Kimrntil'Tfil (wrtuiiy In a lew yuitm. jlcurluK llirx Iti tnlml, have tHHiUcd and will mllvhl-t 6 Acres of the old Wntson lioldinjCA on Bear Creek which wn will olfur lit a rcufmiiuhln prlry to urfhitHni, In Irni'tK to milt. Call nnil ltinc!t tint (roMirly. Kxixtriii iroiiouiic in uqiiiil to anylhliiK now In oii'lmrfl or oirurcil for Hnlu HOLHU BROS Vnur convenient separator Tubular. C. E. GAUDIS, - - - vJ,yUiev r 1 tWXa-Vl vSaw Mills and Threshers If you think of buying a saw mill or a thresher, coino in and let us figure with you. We can give you as good prices as you can get in . Portland or San Francisco, and save you the cxpeuso of the trip to the city to buy. HUBBARD BROS. Medford, Oregon a? i Mitchell. Lewis Dealarlln , Implements ai Vehicles. Wo carry in stock the Celebrated American Cream Separator, also Stover Gasoline Engines, Myers 'Spray Pumps, Planet, Jr. Orchard Cultivators, Etc. iuii7r.pr.Rn. jry muf New lumber Yard $ O. E. GORSLINE & SONS T MANUFACTURKRS OP AND DEALEIIS IN Rough and Dressed Lumber Fir Rustic and Flooring Three Years Old, Thoroughly Seasoned. Medford Oregon MEDFORD MACHINE SHOPS Boiler and Engine repairing a Specialty. Second hand Engines, Boilers and Pumps Bought and sold . EXPERT MACHINE WOllK OF ALL KINDS Gasoline Enft.nes and Spray Pumps on Sale Ml COOL - MEDFORD, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1903 CENTRAL POINT Wifp Cnrp IF YOU DONT Mayboyou don't caro if you get a separator with thirty or more pieces in the bowl. If you had to wash those pieces twice a day, as your wife does, you would want nothing but tho simple Sharpies Tubular Separator, with only ono pieco inside the bowl. If you want tho most made, 1 can sell you a - - - - - fledford Ore. e,i)iae,aeaeSe'ae3 & Staver Co. AH itv viv to to to to to to to (JALIj ajnu oivu uo to OREGON & i .31 THE MORTAR DRUG STORE, (i. H HASKhNS. Prop Mae N,TiNe Oruge, H TMa uea or Paten I Mcdtduee. Hooka. Htallonery PAINTS and OILS Olirnra.Tobaeco.Toilov Arllolee, Klc Prescriptions Carelully Componnded 7th St., Medford. Oregon ana .fine oningies Yard South of Whitman's Wnroboue Proptors JfWl Farm and Fruit Note.. From the Kural Norlbteeet. . , Tho Sun Francieco market has boon heavily Btocked with apploBof late, ruoBtly from Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho. Newtona and other really lirBt-claus apples have sold at good prices, $1.75 to $ 2 00 per box and up to t2 50 for some Oregon Newtons. Common grades have been slaughtered. The rocei pis of mil k at the conden sary at Forest Grove, Oregon, are now said to be about 20,000 pounds daily. When the factory opened a few weeks ago the receipts amounted to 5,000 pounds daily. The estab lishment of this factory has resulted in something of a boom in the prices of farm lands in the vicinity of Forest Grove. A number of dairy farmers from the vicinity of Kent, Wash., have bought or leased farms tributary to the Forest Grove con denser. Whenever the use of power spray pumpe operated by gasoline engines is introduced in an orchard district the growers generally adopt them. In the Rogue River valley in Oregon when Olwell Bros, introduced the method a few years ago, there are now over thirty of these outfits. There iB a great economy in their use in large orchards and a.mucb greater possibility of good work be iijg done by their use than by spray ers operated by hand poorer. The value of dried blood for feed ing to animals seems to be thorough ly demonstrated. The reoorta of those who have used it show that it baa more effect in toning up ani mals and making tbem thrifty than the condition powders wnicn are ordinarily used for that purpose. It is said to be especially useful for calves. A teaepoonful of dried Mood in a calf a ration of skim milk prevents scours and increases the calf s capacity to eat other foods. A small quantity of dried blood sup plements a erain ration very effect- , . - ively as the blood is mainly protein. STATISTICS SHOW An AlarmlnK Increase In An AI ready Prevailing Disease. Are Any Exempt? At no tirao in the history of disease has there tieen such an alarmins; increase in tho number ol cases of any particular malady as In that of Catarrh now prey Inn upon tho people of this country. While It Isnotsuprisine that so many Americans are troubled wltb catarrh, considering the way they live, yet it is surprltinj; that so many suffer so long from the diseuie before taking anything ..!) it i a w lata on it la tn fnnt. vnru easy to cure if the right course is pur- ""fremedy for that dreadful disease has at last been discovered that expells XX'&Wfc torr.ni cure for catarrh, acting direotly on the blood aud mucous i surfaces ol me Bysiom, cleansing to irum mi im- purities, carrying tnem through the wniCQ is a consfcitutiunui uiseuoe nuti must take constitutional treatment to remove the cause. S. B. Catarrh Cure is for sule by all leading druggists. Book on Catarrh free. Address Smith Bros., Fresno, Calif. The Coloasue ot nbodce. The Colossus of Rhodes, a bronze statue, was 10! feet high. It was made by Chares, who, aided by nn army of workmen, consumed twelve years in its construction. It remained In posi tion In the .harbor of Rhodes for sixty six years and was thrown down by an eui'thquuke B. C. 22-1. It lay on the ground 804 years and was sold to a Jew for old motal. Ho carried awny 000 camel loads, or about 720,000 pounds, ot bronze. A Tranapuahloa, Margaret No, you cannot stay, love. Your mother says It is absolutely nec essary for you to come borne. Elizabeth Oh, dear! I sometimes think .that mother Is the inventor of necessity instead of necessity being the mother of Invention. Kansas City Joni'iia). A Startling Tost To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merrltt, of No. Mehoopany, Pa., mndo a startling tost resulting In a wonderful oure. He writes, "a patient was taken with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulcer ation of tho stomach, I had often found Electric Bitters excellent for nouto stomach and Hvor troubles so I proscribed them. Tho patient, gained from tho first, and has not had nn at tack in 14 months." Electric Bitters aro positively guaranteed for Dyspep sia, indigestion, Constipation and Kidney troubles. Try thom. only BOc at Chas. Strang, Druggist, Hn 10 flU. ID, iva A LITTLE OF Mr Scbwab says that he is anxious to get back to work. And this Is the season, too, when everybody has that tired feeling. The first United States treasury note ever iesued is still in the fam ily that got it in 1864,. Think of the bargain sales it has -missed in that timet At the price the government is paying for bullion, the silver in a dollar costs 381 cents. The Fillipi- nos still want silver, but will know better as they gain in financial knowledge. In nine months. of the present fiscal year customs receipts increas ed $29,000,000 and internal revenue receipts, on account of war taxes, fell off $21,000,000. Under all cir cumstances the Dingley law has worked with a margin on the right side. Overloaded railroads are as danger ous to life and property as overload ed ships. The indications are strong that the railroads of the country are nearly if not quite all overloaded at the present time, and that they have been in that condition for two or three weeks past. Not only is this true, but there is a burdensome con gestion in the freight carrying busi ness of trunk lines of the country, A few days ago there were ei ough freight cars congested in Chicago to reach a straight line. from Chicago to Philadelphia, and every car load ed to the limit. The great increase in the freight traffic of the country has become a serious problem with the railroad companies, as it is im possible to secure enough engines to haul the ttains An Interertlns Shingle. Klamath Republican. . . Gilbert D. Brown who was here Tuesday, returning to Crystal from Lake county, handed us the copy of a note which had been written on a shingle more than sixteen years ago by Oaiy Reed who killed Jim Rinn at Ft. Bidwell, Calif., early in Decembor, 1886. After the murder, Reed mounted a horse and fled to the north, followed by a posse. He was tracked to Warner lake and as he appeared from among the rocks and was making a rush J fcir the tules, was shot and killed, , Evidently before being over taken by his pursuers, he wrote his last words oa the f 8b which was found by a sheepnearder among the . , ,h lh side of Warner lake last December. By the weather for sixteen years the writing naa aimosi oe- ... i , . come illeeible. Here - is the note as deciphered by Mr. Brown: December 28, 1886. If they catch me they will have to kill me. If you do, leave my body on P. Brown's place, is all I ask. If I was all right you could not catch me. The night I left town I got a fall and hurt my back, so that I have to ; ride slow. Yours as ever, Oaby Reed. London, April 27. The first meet ing of the royal commissioners for the St. Louis exposition will take place at Marlborough house April 28 under the presidency of the Prince of Wales. Little, however, is expected to be done until Secretary Watson returns from America, whither he, ex pects to start this week to arrange for a site and complete, other details. Parliament, it Is expected, will appro priate at least (500,000 GREATLY ALARMED By a Persistant Cough, but Perma nently Cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. H. P. Burbage, a student at law, in Groenvillo, S. C, had been troubled for four or five years with a continuous congh which he says, "greatly alaimed me, causing me to fear that I was in the first stage of consumption." Mr. Burbage, having aeon Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertised, concluded to try It. Now read what he says of it: "I soon felt a remarkable change and j after using two bottles of the twenty-five oent Bize, was permanently cured."! Sold by Ohos. Strang, Druggist. 1 CIRCULATION 2200 THE MAIL ha.nU, and 1U publUhar U UUV airlU W IHVtl W II STATE OF ORKOON, l I. A. H. fllltnn. bfllnir flmtHtiiv iwnrn. 4fPO"e and lay that I am the Publlhr C ?PPWUlndl0thOUjrof Medford, C "il'"on bounty, Orciron: Hint tho num. f a. tl6r of Medlord Mafia printed each 1 wi iuk mKiiKUHn MAirh a wecKiy newt- Weok IB tQO. anil that thlu nnmhar hu been prlnteil each week for til. peat elgbt montbn and over. A. 8. BLITON Subscribed and eworn to before roe Ihle 21at day of Jul;, 1903 , - K. M BTKWAKT J Notary Fubllo Klamath County News. ' 1 From the Klamatb Palls Republican. We understand that Mojor Word- en and A..L. Sargent have decided to plat their valuable tract of land adjoining ' Klamath Falls on the north. - It will be called Fair-view addition on acoount of the beautiful landscape to the south and east. They expect to be able to place lots on sale about June 1. Mrs. Daisy Williams, step-daugh ter of Aptone Preare, died at this place about noon on Sunday, the direct cause of her dea th being a dose of carbolic aoid which we are told she took with suicidal intent on the 15th inst. We are informed :. that she had been cruelly abused by her husband who left hare a yoar or two ago and received injuries which caused endless suffering and from which she did not - recover, . In a fit of desperation and to close -her earthly troubles she took a quantity of carbolic acid. Dr. Stephenson was promptly summon- ed und administered antidotes, but the poison had gained such headway that she could not recover and death -came to h?r relief on Sunday. The . funeral took place Monday after- , noon. She leaves a son, 4 years of , age. ' ' " " ' The town of Merrill was the cen,.' ter of attraction in Klamath county last Thursday, when nearly every rancher in the Klamath Basin and a large number of townsmen gather ed there in response to a coll to take action . looking to the con struction of a big irrigating canal. After a month's work, Geo. T, Kline, civil engineer, estimates toe total cost of construction at $723,000. Digging a cut near the point where lUn . Imwu , Vi o Intra will mat . about $270,000, its width being 130 feet. Another cut. 50 feet in depth. will cost $75.000.. There will be four miles of flnming, requiring seven million feet of lumber and costing 184,000. The canal will carry a volume of luo.uuu incnea oi water and can irrigate mat numDor of acres. . The contract provides for the purcnase oi perpetual water rights by ranchers at flu per acre, the price being fixed in accordance with the cost of construction and '" the. number of acres capable 'of. irrigation. To pay for these water rights consumers give mortgages on their lands, divided into three payments, made due in five, ten and fifteen years, and bearing five . per cent, interest. An additional maintenance fee of not to exceed $1 per acre annually is cnargea.- ins agreements do nofbecome effective until the water is actually furnished. The contract will further provide that when all the water rights have been paid for, the ditch becomes the propertv of the ranchers. Boston. April 27. The Globe an nounces to-day that Dr. William Thomas Counselnan, professor of pathological anatomy ' in Harvard medical school, has discovered the germ that canses smallpox. The discovery is pronounced by physicians who have been aware of Dr. CounBel- man's achievements, as one oi me really great ones in medical history and the most important made In Bos-. ton, rivaling the discovery of ether as an anaesthetic. London, April 27. The Gaiety thea ter, the home of burlesque, the birth place of musical comedy and the fav orite" haunt of dudes of all nations,, will be closed in a few weeks previous to being torn down to mane aj a new street irom iue oubuu w . born. A new Gaiety Is rapidly rising to take its place. The Gaiety was the foundation of George Edward's, for tune, which is one of the largest ever amassed in a theatrical enterprise in this country. Cut, full Levi Strauss cCcts Copper-riveted Overalls the most dependable farmenta In the world . oc worMng men rwywyvvvwyvvwyvyy