THE OLD RELIABLE fill POWDER Absolutely Purs THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Correspondents fit antr Air in A ri i '" t ., 1 Atmiil Communication, f in cur bov iral oorruHK)iidaut roc t reach .hit ollice not Inter than wvjpord-v noon to niHuro puhlioRtlc, Kagle 1'olnt Kaflata. UV A. 0. IIOWI.KTT. Prof. Millar has opened Hohool In the Bo! 2 dlatrlot. ' . Mist Clara Kiobardson if teach Jng In the Mound district. Walter Rcibinett has gone to CSlenuale to work in a blacksmith hop. Robert Jonas has erected a tent on bis father a place and is engaged in tbe photograph business. Wm. Perry, of Big Butte, was in town one day last week and on his Velum was accompanied by bis mother. Mlstes Ollle Nichols "and Jenny Iewls wero tbe guosta of Misaea Wattle aud Agnes Howlett last Sunday night. Mrs. Argolee Green was called last week to St Louis. Mo., on busi' ness. She is a traveling saleslady for a firm in that city. Sheriff Rader was out last Satur day and Sunday, but bis businons is not gonorally known, as Joe knows bow to kerp his own courted Mrs. Floyd Pierce, of Forest crock, came over on a short visit to her parents and her sister, Mrs. Green, but did not remain long enough for ber many friends to see bur. Misses Berths Engle and Lizzie Vostal wore pleasant callers at tbe Bunny Side one day last weok. Tbe former has been teaching a olaee in inntruujontftl music on Reese reelt, but started last Sunday for liar home in Fort Klamath. II. Moore, formerly of Medford, has ranted tbe new - blacksmith tihopof A. J. Daley and opened up for buslneps. He comes well rec ommended and seems to under stand bis business. He has shown his good judgment by subscribing for The Mail and inserting an ad vortiflemonl, which will be found -olsewhore in these columns. Mr. and Mrs. Bush, of Prospect, were in town last week, remaining over night with Rev. Moomaw, then ' proceeding on to Talent to attend a meeting of the German Baptittts Rov. J. Moomaw and wife also at tended the mooting, thon wont to Ashland to BBaiat in the orgmvza tion of a Gorman Baptist ohuroh in -that place. There was a danoe here last Saturday night, but tho attendance was rather small. In spito of the aotion of the last circuit court there was somb drinking and bad conduot, aud during the night some one broke tbe windows out of the building owned by-N. R. Potter, known as the "dive," but now used us a gonorul warehouse. Wooilville Items. nY IIATTIE VAN OIlDlllt. , Mrs. Llllie Wright, of Klamath county, was called 'to Woodvilleo DR. TENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache .All Alaoasoa of Kldnoya, Bladder, Urinary Organs. A Iro Rhoumatlsm, Back nohe.HoartDlaeaao.tlravol, Dropsy, Femalo Trouuloa. GURE OUR COUNTY . . Don't beoomo discouraged. There In a oiiroforyou, 1 f iimx'HHiiry ivrlin )r. leiiin'r lln linn niitit a Urn Hum criirliiK Juki, auon viiHDHiiHyitirH. Ail cnntiiiltiiiloiis Froe. "Dr. Knnnur'8 Klilm-y anil llaukaclio Cure .' i I. Iin i'iiiihii of my lit'lntf iillvt) to-iliiy. I lino i.MiHTuriMl Ki'oiilly of Iddiiiiy iIIhiuinii fur your 'nnd I'mliiiiiiil In wiilKhl to la) ijouiiiIh. I now wuiKli Hir, UOtltldH. . W. II. MuUUdlN, Pl'vu Kurnaco. O." .Irugglsts, BOa, HI. Ask fnri'mik llimh- Froe. ST.VlTUSWNCErp:isrft!V attend ber mother, ' Mm, Bossle Randall, who id hoiIijupIv' 111 with pneumonia. Mr, and Mrs. Brown, of Wd vlllo, are vlnitinie frlendH on Will- iiuiin oreiik. Charles Gomlino.ft M oil fori him- liurmau, him been vluitlnu; his h!h- lur, Mm. 1. JC. Vox and family, of i his place, returning home Sunday, MIhh Huttiu and Walter Vun Or. dor and Lee Cox wore viHitinsr their Krandparonts, Mr. and Mm. O.K. Uorslinei of Medford, for a few days last week, J. J5. Cox, wife and daughter, Hattle, were among tbe many KUuHttf at the dedication of Masonic Hull in Grant's Pass Tuesday even ing of Ian weok. They report it a grand ull'uir and it was highly en joyed by all preHont. Died At tils home In Woodville, Mil rob 27tn, John Woods, of heart failure. Hu had been having an attack of la grippe, but was no, cuii li iio J to his bod but one day, having dld v-ry suddi'iily. Intor tiient took pluiu in Jiickrooville cemetery. Ho wan a pioneer resi dent of this place, Wuudville lining named after hi in und will bo fadly mldficd by his mai y frieiulit ut this place. That a bad breath la a moat disgust ing tiling, and tbe cauae ol auch la ca tarrh ol tbo head, note, throat, and atomauh Ir. the majority ol cases. In order to remove the cauae use S. B. Catarrh Cure diluted with tiirue pert, of warm waUir aa a douobe twice a day and lake It Interanally four timet dally, which not only acta aa powerful an tiseptic, but dm a powerful alterative Influonco upon tbe raiicoui membrane and removal tbe accumulation of effete matter from the mucoua aurfacea and roatorna thorn to a healthy aotion and ooudltlon. 8. B, Catarrh Cure reatoree the seuae of taate and mull. It la (or aalo by all loading druggist. Book oo Catarrh free. Addreaa flmllb Bros., Fresno, Cat. For aale by Medford Drog Co. Real Eitata Traaatera. ChM C Purwl 1 Carter T Darldioa, proinlict In JackMinrlUo T V Weal lo Julia and Hum Kloldor, lot K, l,lk , Medford Tl ran ill Kollr to (.wronce Kail jr. land oontrart . T II H low n lo UwraanKoUy, SKul o 'ja, twp 39, r 4 w Lawrence Kelly (ovTlinothr Kelly. NKjfifa PM. twnM. r 1 w.... .... ! W T S'ork lo I) II KoIlM, K(V of NK'i and W!4ulNK! In ec 10, twp 3V i, lla C W I'atm lo D II Bollu, lo acre), twp 57 i. r a w.eiceiiilni no feel for rlulu l way " 0 en W ftaai-i lo P II SolUi. the wen 'i of aeti a. twos? a, r 1 w '.. A C l-arker to K 11 l-lvkel. N', of HK and Kit ol NK',J ol .11. twp n a, r a e A II 1'arker to J.K Kuyarl, power ol attorney Aaa KunWi'o lo Win HhalTor, BW, of aor ft, twp 87 a, r 1 w Medford Udite Sow. I (1 O P, to 0 K I.lndlejr. e d to lota .1 and . blk ID. Odd Kellowa' -umutery. Meilforil . . , . R A Miller et al, tt. K A Miller. i i l ol J N T Miller Iwp H7 Jai kaon county, with circptton of aereral amall tracta already aolil Hai hel Filar Ui Korea! J Hm, ta 1. a, 1,6 . Iilk7, Amy A llarbauh add to Central Point II H lo C i: lltokmau, patent lo IW1 arrea. am Ml, twp a.1 a. r I w . C C lleckinail to 11 1 Matheua.n e d to the W'jol lheNK and Kjol HW'i ol aer SI, twp aft a. r 1 w t.avlna i ktlaaelt to Annie M Tt-oniaa, tie K'4 of H'i of Nttl; olSE'.ol H, Mplll. r 1 e C . lliiah to t'arli'r Ind Co, lot A, HelleviMiue, two !W a. r 1 e C W Wlltey lo Ahratn L Jonua, prent. laea In Aahlantl Vam'e K llundrlckaon to Mn Nancy J lleiitlrlrkaon, w acrea. to, twp lift a, r 2 w , Thoa K Flah to S A HendrU'kaon, li avrea, lot 11, Oak drove ira.l Win K llanley to John r,.)iiil?n, i c d to the NK'ulaeolHl. twplila r I w: atao .1-1 llttereat in the dlUih and water rtRht troro Htuaw crt'ek. aald water now beltiK uavd lo: IrrlKall.n imrlKiaoa no oo in oo l oo 100 oo 500 00 amo on SCO oo I OO HO 00 900 00 m oo l.v oo l'MJ) oo 100 00 1J) oo .KWO 00 tooo oo ( l oo 500 IM :M OO IIWO 00 John uiudon to llutchlaoti A Luma den, aame aa aliovo Kllxalieth C TliorntonloAiriieHTnortu ton, property In Aahlatnl aalo MeCitlly to Mike Knuley, '.ne HKliandrt!,.,! NK'.C of aeo 17, twp sn a. r - e. eontalnliiit '.Mil a.ire Amelia U'llaon lo W M Mltehell, K'j ol NK1; ol at! 1. iwn :tfta, r 1 e ....... Ouatave lliitierlaek to Frank 'IfalHir. laek, ion aere.i, aec H, twp 10, r 4 e Kdward 4 lleiinetl to chaa a Hturte vaut, e aerea ol aithdtvtalonof Knm'h Walker plare with exception ol atrip tl feet wldooff north end PATJCNTa. U S ro WlIHa M lllatt. patent lo NK'f of aac H, twp :17 a, r 4 w. Mil aorim II rt In Vani'ii K llenkrlekion. patent to Ni, ol W'i and '', ol 8V' ol aoc III, twp llil a, r 'J w, containing I'JO acroa ; U H to Thoa llnyao, patent to 100 acrea, aeca 'in and ), twp :w a. r 4 w Makes A Clean Sweep.' Tbore'ii notlilni: llko doine a thins thorouKbly. Of all the 8iilvcs you ever heard of, Biioklou's Arnitta Salve In the beat. It sweeps awny and enrea Burna, Soroa, Ilrulaoa, Cutn, Molls, Ulcere, Skin Ki'untlons nnil Plica, It'a onlv L'no.i and niinriintord to nlvosatlafuolion by UbttS. btrani, ttrufglst, Mining Locations. Walter A Hall mid Mark II Whipple, quartz clnltil. known aa 1'ho liAilrol," March &ld. . '.. W. Alexaiiilor el al,. intnlng claim lorit tion, Union town dtatrlct, known hh tho "Oe inon' March 'iath. W S Iliilloy, oiiarti claim location, MIMiurl Flat dtatrlct, known AH "Huushtuc," M.Ach Slth. K K Hiinnum anil A II Cook, nuartr. claim In catlun, AiiilcKato mining district, known tut "The I.lltio l'ocknt," April Int. lliittle IlrniiHh ot ill, notice of location of two placer, mlnliiK claims oMO acres inoh, Kvans creek district, April 1st. . E.HUNTINQTON TO BECOME A FELT MANUFACTURER. Lob Angolos, April 0. Preliminary atopa hnve been talton by H. K, Hunt ington, the railroad mnftnnto, to found a model manufacturing town In the vicinity of Los Angolos anil ontor tbo buslnoas ot folt tiiiiklng. The- enter prise Is to bo In dlroet ohartjo ot Al fred Dnlge. formerly ono of tbe lai'R eRt proiliieers of felt In tho United States and the rounder of DoIkovIIIo, N. Y. ft In said-, Unit .tho iindorlnUlnn In woll imdei' way, the Alfred PiiIko ManiifnoluiliiK company JiiivIiib been orsnnlzcil . and ninchlnory contracted for. " FORTUNES FOR TWO. ' Tho War lln. .nil Nnarn Paid a Do, (or WIim Itatfuaril a Fee, A former llnltliiioreiiii who wnn a clone friend of a I'blliidelpbla ptiyalclan wIioho Hiei:lnlty wiih kidney dlaeamta rolntvH the folliiwIiiK iih the method by wliit.'h Ituaaell Huge puld tbo doctor a lll: Tbo physician was on a vlalt to a friend In New York. Mr. Hugo win very III at bin Inline from u iIIhchhi'iI kidney. Hearing that the Philadelphia doctor was In Now York, Mr. Kago rn iiiohIikI til in tc-call. Tho doctor did ao, uud within ten duya Mr, Huge was a well man. A chuck, signed by Mr. Huge, with the amount left blank, waa bautlod tbe doctor, who declined It, aUiting that he could not break li In In violable rule of confining hie practice strictly to olllco work. When be visit ed pnoplo who wore too poor or phyalc ally unable lo get to III" olllco bo never iiecnptird pay for his nervines. During hla vlalta to Mr. Hugo's home tint doctor wiih accompanied by Ills daughter, a wIiihoiiiii iiiIhh of ten years. About a iiiiiuth ii f lor the occurrence the doctor's Utile daughter received u tele gram from a Wit II Hi root broker which read; "lly order of Mr. Kunaell Huge, I have bought for your account almrea of stork." Aa noon na the doctor read the dlapntch be hurried to a Philadelphia friend, who wits a bro ker, aud ordered him to buy Hharea of the Htoek mentioned for bla (the doc tor's) uccounL Tbo HtiK'k fluctuated, null when It was selling at a price which would pay a good prollt the broker advlaed tbe doctor to sell, but the doctor did not take tbe advice, fjtter a dispatch came from the New York broker to the little, girl. It read: "Have sold for your account shares of stock." Tbe doctor Immediately unloaded bla holdings. These transac tions were repeated several times and not only made tbe doctor a amall for tune, but won for hlui a reputatloa as a ahrowd financier. A Dual telegram came from New York for tbe little girl: "Have closed out your holdings and mall you a check for tbousanda." The doctor unloaded and dropped out f the stock market as suddenly as be had entered It, much to tbe mystifica tion of bla broker ami friends, who bad heard of bis am-ceasea, but never knew whether to attribute them to a "Henri etta" luck or to careful atudy of the atock dealt In. Uultlrimre Sim. CARRARA QUARRIES. How tli Meat Set About lo Lower tli Fraansenlaj of Mnrble. As aoon as a great fnigmenl of mar bio detached by the burnt baa rolling It Is more or leax roughly inn" ed Into a block weighing, any. for;, tons. Then tbe men set about getting It down. Along certain lines of il.'s. i'in offeiiug the leant reslatiiniv to a bo! descending by foive of gravitation u succession of atout poala hint Ihn:i firmly driven Into the loom atone ai.d marble waate. The men by meiiim n: crowbani and screw Juckrt ntiae tl." block on to a sonpinl skid of hard beech wooJ, of which they have sever t. at band. Before doing thM they f euro the block by melius of thrw lon thriH to fivo Inch hemiien cnblea, with which they take turns around the pouts and pay out stinVieiit rope only to al low of tbe ponderous max sliding over the soaped skids by Its own weight nnd the nugle of tiie incline, but not to allow ot It gaining too much momen tum. Dining tills descent, bcaldea tbe meu tailing on to the ropes, two or more men are seated on tbe block. A man following closely In Ita wnke , hands tbem up tho skid list passed over,, which they resoap and band down to a man, who keeps just In front of the moving mass, to put down In Ita path aud so provide a continuous slipway. This lust mentioned worker has the moat perllbua task. If one of the cables part at a critical moment or if a mis take be niiulo In paying out or Black ening them, be must Inevitably bo crushed. It la a lino sight to see the men at the Inst pinch, near the railhead, band levering the nuirblo over rollers on to tbe truck. At this stage all bauds are yelling like demons at their work, but the moment their bunion Is safely, en trained every niau flings down bis tool, and all bolt for tbo osterla, or wine shop. Pearson's Magazine. - ; STEADY ATMOSPHERE. A Prime Reqalalte For the Stadr el I'lniiet Surface. Astronomical science la divided nat urally into two purta, that pertaining to the stellar universe nnd that pertain ing to our owu Immediate family of planets. Tbo latter are tbo only bodies In the benvons of which we arc aware that at nil resemble our earth, and they are all, comparatively speaking, our hear neighbors and have, therefore, a much more personal nnd popular Inter est than tho stellar universe at large. The study of tbclr relative motions was virtually completed during tbe last century, so that nt tbo present tlmo tho astronomy of the phtuots Is conllneil chiefly to n atudy of their dimensions nnd surfnee conditions. V'or this study there is one para mount requisite, and that Is a steady a inuutphcru. With u good atmosphere Important results mny bo obtained oven with a small telescope of only five or six Inches diameter; but with out auch an ntinosphero tho very lar gest telescope will be of no avail. This Is not the case In other departments of astronomy: for many kinds of observa tions on tho stellar universe the qual ity of tbo atmosphere la of .little ac count,' provided only tlint It Is cloud less nml transparent; but for (be piano lary nnd lunar astronomy n steady at mosphere Is the fundamental requisite. To understand what Js meant by a Yoi Cain Scratch . ' .I ' ' .' ':t . Out She blot which defile the clean, white page of a ledger, but you can't scratch out the poisons that defile the blood. It seems rather that you aerated them in, und the irritation growt worse with each new attempt to relieve it. There la only one tiling 'j. do in auch a case, and that Is to cn'irely cleanse thr blood from the infecting poison. People who have Hitf.-red from dis eases caused by impure Mrnd, or blood poisoning, h'tve found in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery a certain and enduring cure. iMions und linhnetiM may alleviate, but they cannot cure. The disease is in the blood, anil the cure munt tie in the blood also. "Golden Medical Discovery " eradiotea from the blood the impurities and owms which breed aud feed disease. It increasea the activity of the blood-mukiug and ao increases the suppler of pure, rich blood, which, nourishing each organ, builds up the whole body in health and strength. ' The cures effected by "Golden Medical Discovery " are positive aud permanent. In many cases of disease, such as eczema, tetter, pimples, eruptions and rheuma tism, an effectual cure baa been found in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, after all other medicines and means had failed to help or heal. Sometimes a dealer tempted by tbe Larger profita paid by less meritorious medicines will offer the customer a sub stitute in place of h Golden Medical Dis covery " claiming tli be knows It to be "just as good." There is nothing gained by trading one thing for another which is only "just as good." There ia every thing to risk in ttading the " Discovery " with a world's rc-ord of cures for a sub stitute with no'iiii.g but the unsupported claim of an interested dealer behind it. If you are sick you want to be cured. That's why you nant "Golden Medical Discovery " and nothing else. There is ao alcohol in the "Discov ery," and it Is entirely free from opium, cocaine, and all other narcotic. SUFFERED HORRORS. William Ploetff, Rq., of Redoak, Montgom ery Co.. Iowa, writes : I conaider your ' Golden Medical Dicorery -we of the best medicine on the face of the earth. M'Sille In tbe loath-wctt, three rears affo, I go poisoned with poison ivy. The poion settled in ray blood and the. horrors I suffered cannot be told in words. ! thought I would no ex'ty. I could do nothing but scratch. I would go to sleep scratching, would wake up in the morning and find ue;.eif scratching. I scratched for eight months. Had It not been for 'Golden Medical Discovery' I would be scratching vet. I tried different kinds of medicine, tried dfffcrent doctors, but all the relief they could give tr.e was to make my pocket-book lighter. "1 then began taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Took four bottles without any relief. Kept on taking it- I took in all ten bottles and I got entirely cured. I can say that if people would take your medicine instead of footing with aome of the mucks that infe.vt the small and larger towns, disease would flee like chaff before the wind." NO BENEFtT FROM DOCTORS. For about one year and a half mv face was very hailly broken out. writes Mlaa Carrie A'tama, of tl6 West Main Street, nattlecreek. Michigan. n I spent a trrrat deal of money with doctors and for different kinds of medicine, but received no beneiit. At laat 1 read one of your advertiaementa in a puner, and obtained a bottle ol Doctor i'lercc'a Golden Vr.tical Discovery. Before I taken one b. ne of thia medicine I noticed a change, and attcr taking three bottle I w.-i cH'ir-'.y c-i!-d. lean well recom mend Dr. Pierce' Golden Mi-licat Discovery to auy one niiuiUrly - v.'. d.- Free. On receipt of .mps to defray expense on mailing only, wt- Trill send Doctor Pierce'9 Common Sense Medical Adviser, containing ico-S pjjjes. This book will prove a coastnnt -riend and rise counselor to every man and womnh. It deals with the great and grave ques tions of human origin and reproduction in plain English. Send 21 one -cent stamps for paper covers, or 31 stamps for cloth binding. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. ' . steady atmosphere BaVe only to look at some object across a hot stove or nlong tbe lino of a railroad track upon a summer day. . There Is a shim mer In tbo air, a wavering motion, with which we are all more or less familiar. This wavorlng Is always present In our atmosphere although we usually can not see It; but when wo magnify the Image of a plnnet In a telescope 1,000 times we magnify the . atmospheric tremors In tbe same proportion, . and they are then not only conspicuous, but they Interfere very seriously with our observations. ; In some parts of the world the at mosphere Is much more steady than In others, and it Is evidently a matter of tbe highest Importance for tbe astron omer Interested In plnnetary resonrcb to find where those places arc situated. To UlUBtrnto tbo Importance oft this nmtter I may say that situated In one of these favored spots I saw night aft er night with a five Inch nnd even with a four Inch lens planetary markings and details that I have never seen even with the largest telescope In Cam bridge. V. II. Pickering In Century. Earache. A simple, harmless and Infallible cure for eanicbo is effected by making a small funnel of Btltf paper and saturat ing n ball of cotton tbe size of a hick ory nut with chloroform' and dropping It Into the funnel; place the small end of tho funnel In the enr, draw n Ion;; brenth nnd then blow tbe breath into the Inrgo end ot the funnel. Tbe fumes of tbe chloroform nro thus eiirviod iut tbo ear, nnd all pain ceases at once. ' 1 Convinced. , "A great deal' may be said on tk subject," said the prolix person. . '. "That," said the weary, author, "i tho ono point on which you have co:: vlnced mo." WashliiKtoii Star. . . For Sale. Sprav pump and alfalfa hay. (one load). 'Inquire of Mr. Guult. 12-3t WEST SIDE T. J. QO0DWYN, Prop. Fine Line of FANCY and STAPLE FAMILY GROCERIES H i 31 d FiED aoods ellver Fn - . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION " ' nnlleu oiauea L,aoa umce, i . "tF1"!, Oregon, March . !9uS. -ffj .! i?rrb "I'l" ,h"t compliance Junes 1678, entitled 'An act for tbe aale of limber landa la the Slate a ol California, Ore son, Nerada, and WaahlBiton iTerrlwri " aa " aCSuIi? w?" Pub" Ldi "H itmin R08ENKRAN8, : ol Capliy, County of Olackamaa. Hutu of Ore gon, baa tbla day Bled lln this ofric bla sworn Mtatement No. 4W, for tbo punhaao of the N W!4. of Section No. as, In Town.hlp n". s8 Range No. 1 Kaat, and will offer proof tu mow that the land Kiiitbl la morn valuable for ita timber nr atone than for agricultural purpoaea and to eatabltah bin olalm lo ald land before the Itealater and Keceiver of tbe U. to land of fice at Knaoburg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 23d day of May, lm tin nnmea aa arltneaiusa: Fred A, Roaenkrana. of C'anby. Oregon ; Otla 9. Boylea, of wtlholh Oregon; Samuel Geary, of Trail, Oregon; Ar. thur lloldeo. of Trail. Oregon, Any and all Durmni elaimlna advnraal th. abovu-deacrlbed landa are requeated to file ineiroiaima in lDiaomceoo or before aaiaZM day of May, 13. 1. T. Bridozs, Beg-later. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Uxitid States Lako Orrici, Roaeburg, Ore., Jan. SO, 190S. sTotlee la hereby given tbat In compliance with the prorialoDf of the aet of Congreaa of Junes, 1878. entitled "An act for tbe aale of timber landa In the Statea of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and WaahlDgton Territory," as extended lo all the Public Land Statea br aet of Auguat 4, WW, JEREMIAH P. TRUE, of Medford, county of Jackaon, State of Ore gon, baa thia day Hied In thla ofllce hla aworn atavtement No. i3S0, for tbe purchaae of the NWU of 8 WW, of Bection No. 22, In Townahlp No. 38 South, Range No. 2 Weil, ana will offer prool to ahow tbat tbe land (ought la more raluable for lu timber or atona than for agricultural purpoaei, and to eatabllab hit claim to aald land before A. 8. Hilton, 1J. a Commlaaioner, at Medford, Ore gon, on Friday, tbe 17th day of April, 1903. Be uamea aa witneaaea: Henry L. Griffin, Merrltt liellinger, K. H. Whitehead, W. B. Roberta, of Medford, Oregon. Any am- a'., persona claiming adversely the above-described landi are requeated to file their clalma In thia office on or before aald 17th day of April, 1903. J. T. Baimaa, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Okitid Statu Laxd Orrica, Roaeburg, Ore., Feb. 12, 1903. Nolice U hereby given that in compliance with the provtiloDS of the act of Congreaa of June S, 1878, entitled "An aet for the aale ol timber lands In the Stares of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the Public Land Statea by act of Auguat 4, 1892, JOHN A. CAVERS, of South Omaha. County of Douglas. State of Nebraska, has this day filed in this office but sworn statement No. 443S, for the purchase of the SJ ol BK'4. NEK BE!, BB'i NEtf of Sec. 8. Twp. 33 South, Range 3 East,and willoffer proof to show thai tbo land sougnt Is more valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural Rurposes, and to establish his claim to said tnd before A. 8. Billon, U. 8. Commissioner, at Medford, Oregon, on Friday, the 24th day ol April. 1903. He names aa witnesses; Albert O. Yetter, of Omaha, Nebraska; George F. King, of Big Butte, Oregon; George King, of Trail, Oregon; Emanuel King, of Medfold, Oregon. Any and a persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requeated to file their claims In this office on or before said24tb day of April, 1903. J. T. BaiDOEa. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (jKrrxD States Land Owce. Roseburg.Ore., March 3, 1903. Is hereby irlren that in comoHance with the nrovlitons of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled, "An act tor the sale .of timber lands in the States of California. Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," a extended to all the public land states by act of AUgUSl -t, of Trail, county of Jackson, state of Oregon, ha this day fhed in this office his aworn state- ment No. for the puichase of the NW, oi aecuon o. a, id luwonip sq. w sou.a, Range No. 1 East, and will offer probf to show that tbe land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to sitid land before A. S. Billon. U. S. Commissioner, at Med.ord. Oregon, on Friday, the 15th day of May, 1903. tie names as witnesses: samuei ueary ana David Hence, of Trail. Oreeon : Charles B Gav. of Medfi rd, Oregon; Otis S; Boyles, of Oregon Cltv, Oregon. Any ana all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile uieir claims, in iuis omce on or oeiore aaia iota dayotMay.1903. at. a. DKiuura, iei4iaier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. Roaeburg, Oregon, March 9, 1908. Notice Is herebv (riven that In compliance with tne provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds In the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," -as extended to all the Public Land States by ao of August 4, 1882, . f OTI8 8. BOYLES. of Wllholt. County of Clackamas, State of Ore gon, has tms aay niea in xnis omce nis sworn statement No. 4581. for the purchase of the NE.oi section wo. aj, in -jowusmp sz&., Kan ire No. 1 East, and will offer oroof to show tbat the land sought Is more valuable for Us timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of the U. 3. land of flee, at Rose burg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 23d day of May, 1903. He names as witnesses: Fred A Rosenkrans, of Canby, Oregon; Arthur Holden, of Trail, Oregon; Jessie Roaenkratis, ot Canby, Oregon; Samuel Geary, of Trail, Oregon. Any and all person claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In thlB omce on or bofore said 23d day ot May, 1903. aj. 4, DKLimaKS Vancouver, B. C. Becauae' the Canadian government hoa appointed a auperlntendent objectionable to the Indians of northern British Colihnbia. nearly 3000 of the natives declare that they will leave ther towns and go north to Alaska under the flag ot the United States. . Paris, April 6. The body of Count Zborowskl, who was killed In an auto mobile accident near Nice, arrived here Saturday and was placed In the chaoel of the American church lh the Avenue do l'Alma. The funeral service was held today and-the remains were sent to Melton-Mowbray, Englaud, for burial. ' "Tromrose, Norway, April 6. An tonio FliHa, lender of the William Zelgler Polar expedition, has left here for the Unltod Stntes to conclude ceiv tain business arrangements In con nection with the expedition.,'' Captain Coffln has also left hero for Trond helm, wliero he will suporlntond' the re pairing ot tho expedition's steamer Aiuorlca. , . GROCERY rwm W NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. named" V.a .WSucV hi.' nwattoS ?o? :mii n u " "trm ""Si 1 lH, li: ci aiarcn, rt i""auB p. lllftO, On H. E. No. 10767, for the E'4 of 8m Kin n. , . .re" ,ne following wltneaaea to proro tin CAnttnnntia raallaan. .. ...... ' of ildiand, Vl2: " ul"" uu """ .lamea w. eatea. William W. Balea, Zwk Xtfb';liBatUs' "rt George King, of J. T. BRiDoss, Register) s ilEDFORD BAZAAR J as. MRS. O. aiLBBRT, Proprietor aa LMiet- ooode a apecialty lace Haodkerchiefa. Embroidery allkta J : Bd.'I materiala for fancy work i m Notiona, candlea, nuu and stav j tlonery J Oaw Dm Narth 1 PutWMoa ' J J : MEDFOED, OREGON 3 tWHntmiwHtwwHl Haw n. Ha. fl-U rur nufli ui aiiiij PARU GoaUloiog;284 aerea; 215 under plow. Situated eaat of Bear creek, near Talent; one ot tbe eholce farmee of the valley. Eay terma. Enquire of E. E. Minbr. OoM BUI, or of M. Calhcun, Phoenla, MITCHELL, BOECK CASKET Blacksmiths Wheel work and TIRE-SETTING a Specialty Horseshoeing Merrlmaa'aoldataad." MEDFORD. OREQOt? D. L. Day, Painter and Decorator Satisfaction guaranteed in both work and prices TIEDFORD, OREGON BUTLER. JEWELER. Watch Repairing a,,, SUVIH AND BAST . i via- v' I SOUTHERN '', PACIFIC ' COMPAUT. j Shasta Route . Trains leave Medford for Portland and -i way stations at 4:21 A. M. and 4;53 p. sr.' - Lv. Ponland.. l.v. Medford Ar. Ahaland Ar. Sacramento Ar. San Pranoisoo . 8:30 p. m urjca.m 18:35 p. m . 6:00 a. m 11:45 p. m 12:55 a. m 5:10 p. be 8:5a. m , OKden D inver Kansas City.... Chicago 4:55 a. m 9:80 a. m 7:35a. m 7:42 a. m 2:00 p. 6:00 p. m 6:30 a a ll:?0a n 7:00 r R 6: nr i, A2 p. m 12:10 - m 7:l1i 9:16 a. m ; 7-26 a. uv ' 8:39 p. m Ar. Ijos Angales.... Ar. El Paso Ar. Fort Worth Ar. City ofMoxtoo.. Ar. Houston '.. K p at J a-80a n: i l:SC a n, :ooa m Ar. New Orleans... Ar. Washington .. . Ar. New York 9:SC 1 12:10 .u' a. m p. na . Pullman a. .a ""curist Cars on both trains. Chair ears Sacramen- to to Ogden and 1 Paso, nnd tourist cars to Chicago, St.-Louis, Now Or cans and Washington,. . i Conncotlna; atSitn Franclaco with tho sev-;,' ernt steamHhlp tines for Honolulu, - Japan. Chlnu, Philippines, Central and South America Suo agont at Medford station or address . C.H. MARKHAM, l . a.F,t P aV PORTLAND ONCOON.