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About The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1903)
PERSONAL. 3. 8. Bailey was over irom onau Tuesday. . Dr. and Mrs, 0. R. Ray woro up from Gold Ray Monday. Postmaster Peyton, ol Peyton, was In the city this week. Merchant Bert Brown was an At-h-land visitor Sunday. J. W. Sllnger was in the city from Lake creek this week. Charley Terrlll was down from Brownsboro this week. W. T. York was at Grants Pass upon .business Tuesday evening. V. J. Plymale, of Jacksonville, was a Medtord visitor Monday. John H. Simon, ol Gold Hill, was' a Medford visitor on Tuesday. Ed. Helms, of Jacksonville, was a Medford visitor on Monday. Dr. A. C. Stanley, of Gold Hill, was among Medtord friends Tuesday. Al. Learned, the Boss Candy man, was down from Jacksonville Monday. O. G. Kidder, of Antolope county, Nebraska, is among the recent arrivals. Postmaster J. L. Hammeraly, of Gold Hill, was a Medford visitor on Monday. Attorney A. S. Hammond, of Grants Pass, made Medford a visit one day this week. J. W. Manning, of Klamath rails, ar rived in Medford Sunday evening tor a short stay. Ben Haymond, of Rock Point, was in Medtord Tuesday attending the Demo cratic committee meeting. D. G. Karnes left Snnday night for Chico, Calif., for , a couple of weeks' visit with old-time friends. Mrs. E. E. Emerson returned- to San Francisco, Wednesday night, after a few days stay In Medford. - - Mrs. Geo. Chapman, of Colfax.Wnah., who has been visiting Mrs. J. H. But ler, left for her home on Monday. Mrs. W. J. Sturgis and daughter, Mrs. Nell, of Ashland, have been viBit. iag Mrs. Y. H. Meeker this week. " Crist Powell, a former student of the Medtord Business College, is now a student at the Santa Rosa, Calif., Busi ness College. H. W. Clevenger, recently from Mc- Minnvilln.and formerly of Dr. Aitkin's old home in Iodiana was in Medford ' a tour of inspection. W. H. Bradshaw, ex -county commis sioner, was in town from Lake creek, on Monday, doing business with onr merchants and it rained.' " Mrs. F- Massie, of Grand Forks, N. D.. who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. G. Taylor, of Medford, returned to her North Dakota home this week. L. O. Wells was in Phoenix . Sunday upon a visit to Mr. and Mrs. M. Cal houn. Mr. Wells and Mrs. Calhoun were schoolmates back in Wisconsin forty years ago. F. D. Wagner, of the Ashland Tid ings, and ex-Mayor Grant, of Ashland, were in Medford Saturday, in attend ance at the meeting of the Republican Central Committee. Sheriff Parrott, of Douglas county was In Medtord Tuesday. He is attend ine circuit court at Jacksonville, as a witness in tbe rases of Jos. Morris and John Smith, charged with horse steal ing. John Roberts and family stopped off In Medford a few days this week for a visit with W. B. Roberts and family. These gentlemen are half brothers and the first named is on his way from Pendleton, Oregon, - to California, wher he and his family will reside. J. G. McCalllater, of Lake oreek, was In the city this week. Mr. McCallister is arranging to materially improve his springs property this season. He will open up and make accessible another of those celebrated mineral springs and will also enlarge the camp grounds. G. A. Hollenbeak, he who keeps the hotel at Prospect, and E. M. Booth by, also of Prospect, were in the olty Mon day. They report the roads in a worse condition than they ever were before at this season of the year. There is no snow, but, gee whiz, there is mud and ruts into which one can nearly drop out of sight. J. H. Norris, who for the past several years has been engaged In the hard ware business In Medford, as a member of the J. Beek & Co. firm, has severed his connection therewith and on Sun day left for Oroville, Calif., where be has taken a position as salesman for 8 big hardware firm. Mr. Norris is a square, honorable busineas man, and bis oocduct has been such, both in a social and business way, that we doubt if there is , man, woman or child among hfs great number of acquaint ances here who have anything nut kind words for him. The Mail wishes him all success possible and hopes that at every turn of fortune's wheel the stop will be made under tbe "lone star," which pays "twenty for one." Mr. Morris' family will remain in Med PURELY ford, for a time at least. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Beard, of Dickin son, North Dakota, were in Medford over Sunday and Monday, upon-a visit to their old-time friBnd, Miss Mattle PowJieon. Mr. Beard is a retired SHIRTS SHRITS SKIS Shirts We've Got 'em And TKey Are Union Labeled, too That means SHIRTS to Those that Wear 'em Are you going to wear our special YES! W. H. MEEKER (2b CO. stockman, of North Dakota, and hav ing acquired a competency for the re quirements of many days of rest, he and Mrs. Beard are drifting about the Pacific coast country in quest 01 a iocb- tion that will be to their liking. They were In Jacksonville Monday, aecompa Pnwlison. Mr. Beard is hunting out a suitable location for brother; who is a newspaperman, hence the visit to Jacksonville. He met and conversed with several ot the citizens of that place and they all seeraeo. sn , ,i milliner to flvo all possible aasiatjinra to a newspaper project. Al- tho niav of these people Southern Oreeon was a brief one, it was no less a pleasant one and the im pression which was made cannot but have formed a basis for consideration at some future time when they have decided to make a change of location. Thpv are of the best people of the land and their coming should the come to abide with us will be good for the locality in which they drop anchor. A freight train wreck occurred at Gold Hill on Wednesday of this week in which two engines and a number of- box cars were badly smashed. No one was Injured. Two cars containing giant powder were smashed and the powder was scattered in alt directions, but no explosion occurred. Fresh lime for spraying Brown Owen, Medtord. T W. Johnson has been Improving tbe appearance of his borne materally by applying new paint to bis res idence. Highest cash price paid for poultry, Brown Owen. The Mail has an article on "Gent line Horses." by Mr. Myers, which will appear in our next issue. Fine line of linoleums, maltine. shades and curtain fixtures. WEEKS & Baker. The Medford Socialist Club will meet on Friday evening at the office of C. P. Snell. All Socialists fere requested to attend. Work horse for sale. Enquire of B. HUBS. . r W. W. Cameron, of Union, wbp a pleasant caller at The Mail office Thursday. Joseph Mahan, of Butte creek. made The Mail office a pleasant call Wednesday. Ralph Darling, proprietor of the Gold Hill livery stable, was in Medford Tuesday. T. H. Downing, of Central Point, who is representing th Oregon Fire Relief Association, of McMinnville, was doing business in Medford last week. Mr. and Mrp. M. M. Jenkins and daughter, Miss Hope, nf Sherborn. Minn., stopped off in Medford this week for a visit with their old time friends, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. How- land. E. Hughes, cf Ashland, who has been in our' city the past week, introducing his new coffee conden ser, went to Gold Hill Tuesdav evening in the interest of bin lmi nees. Mr. Hughes reports having taken one hundred orders for the condenser during hist five days' work in Medford. Miss Summer, the Grand Or ganizer of the Women of Woodcraft, spent three days of last week with Oak Circle No. 242, of Phoenix Miss Summers, assisted by Mrs. C. Carney, spent two days in soliciting tor memberships, and secured fif teen applications, all of which were beneficiaries with tbe exception of three. Miss Summer's visit was appreciated very much and it is hoped it will not be her last. Wanted. . Two first-class stone masons. Ad dress Dn. C. R. Ray, 13-4t ' Tolo, Ore. Designed for the especial vise of W. H. MesKtr Oft Co., who are Oil FOR A KILLING With a lino of the Juequaled Standard Humane Society Organized. A meeting of a tew of the citizens ot Medford was held at the city hall I as l Saturday evening, the objeet of which wus the organizing of a Humano society (or this city. A dozen or mbro poople were present. The meeting was called to order by Rev. J. S. McCan, and after several Interesting addresses by those present, a motion wus made to organize, which motion was curried. V. J. Drumhill wus elected tempo rary chairman and G. T. Fuuuett, torn porary secretary. The following committee were ap pointed to prepare constitution and by-laws: J. A. Whitman, Rev. .1. S McCain and A. S. Bliton. To solicit membership, Dr. reak,R. D. Maples- den, Mrs. J. A. Whitman, Mrs. J. D. Heard and J. A. Whittuan. Tbe meeting then adjourned to mee on Thursday evening ol this week. The object of the society Is indeed a worthy one and its membership shonld be swelled to several hundred within a very short time. It does not seem possible that a human being could be other than kind to the less foitunate dumb animal, bnt instances almost daily come under our obligation where in a none or dog, or some other animal is made to suffer by the cruel hand ot an unworthy master. The society pro pose to investigate all cases ot cruelty to which their attention is called and If the investigation results in cruelty hav ing bees practiced the guilty party will be prosecuted. A reward will be of fered to anyone furnishing evidence and proof as to' the identity of persons who are guilty of poisoning dogs. Among the Churches. FIRST M. E. CHUItCII. Preaching In the morning and mit- sionary program in tbe evening. Sub- ject tor the morning, "Paul's Interpo lation ot a Jew According to the Law.' In the evening the missionary class 111 render program, "Missionary Heroes ot Africa:" Scripture Reading Mr. Fox; Prayer, Pator; Anthem; "Africa," Julia Fielder: Letter from Miss Collins; Paper, "David Living ston," Nola Redden, C. A. Good, Miss Hasktns ; Solo, Rose Fielder; Paper, A. M. Mackey," Stella DuClose, M Cox, Mrs. W B. Moore. Reception of members will follow the morning ser vice. We appreciate tbe Interest that is manifested In th services of the church and activity cf all Christian workers. EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Sunday March 29th. Fifth Sunday In Lent. Sunday School 10 a. m. Mornintr prayer a a. m. ah are welcome. U. M. 1DLKMAN. Presbyter-ln-cbarge. .. PHOENIX CHURCH. Rev. B. B. Paull, of Ashland, will preach in the Presbyterian church Phoeilix, and will administer tho Sacrament of the Lord's Supper during morning services, Marcn HJtn. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Next Sabbath, at tbe Presbyterian cnurcn rreacning in we morning; Subject. "Life Beyond Death." Evening services for the young people. Men Wanted. A few good men for ditch work on Flsb Lake ditch, mar Brownsboro. Waves $2 per day, board at nearby ranches at 14 per week. You will be expected to furnish sleeping blankets. Apply at the ditch. D. E. Mourns, Sept. ot Con. Dressmaking and plain sewing at Miss Maud E. Wilson & Co.'s. For rent or sale The Brooks tin. shop, In Medford. For Sale. One deep red, four year old, Muly Bull, Durham and Galloway stock. Perfectly gentle. Weight 1400. Price 40. J. g. Martin. 13-4t Beagle, Ore. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Rev. Dr. Drlvor's lecture nnd ser mons ut the M . K. church lust week were excellent. Ho Is sovun ty-uino years of age yet his mental powers and zeal tor the oauso of Christ in the uWinlnn tlon of the gospel Irom thu original manuscripts does not abato, A largo audience greeted hi in itud muny of his old time Mends in tho early dnyouuiu 10 see him. Mis aptness mid thorough kuowludgo ot tho scriptures miulo thu question box ot more, than ordinary In ternal. It Is needless to say that hit will long live lu tho heart ot tho mul titudes who huvo walled upon his tnln istry uod have boon helped by his coun cils in thu iilliui'8 of the statu hu loves so well. Ho took thu train Wednesday morning for his homo in Kugunu. -Tho marrlngo of Miss Joy ole Hasklus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Has kins, of Gold Hill, to Mr. Edward W Learning, was consummated last Wed nesday evening at Gold Bill. The wedding gifts received show how woll and favorably known aro the young people. Mlts Elisabeth Hadley, a prominent young lady of Dayton, and Miss Harriet George, of Newberg, were In attendance. A delicious supper was served. Rev. Edwin B. Lookhart, of Central Point, officiated. ' Dr. Goble, tho oplleian, will bo it hit office on Saturday of each week, Eyes tested free of charge. Office at resilience, corner ol Hlh uud D streets, yellow bouse opposite K. It. section house. i Miss Lola King died of tuberculosis at her homo in Tolo March 20 11XKI. She was born In Guldstlnu, Ind ,. Jan. 19, ISM. When only eight months her mother died and since that time she lived with her aunt, Mrs. Sifurs. She wus baptized into the, Methodist church when a child, and before her departure expressed her luilh in God. Iter funeral services - were conducted oy Jiev. W.B. Mooro whore a large concourse of friends followed her to I or fast resting place The Mail regrols being called up on this week to announce the death from heart trouble ot Mrs, J.C. llo ard, which occurred at Kciby, lu Monday, after an illness of ncarl an winter. Mr. aim Mrs. Howard wore formerly residents ot Medford, where during their long residence they made great many frienda.ullof whom will re gret the demise of this most ostlmablo lady, and who will extend the deepest of sympathy to the husband and child ren The removal of those unsightly and light excluding awnings on the south side ot Seventh b trout has mad a groat Improvement In the appearance of that street. The merchant are all feeling jubilant over their removal as their stores are made very much lighter tboreby Wanted A cook In private family not to do general house work f.nqnlre of Mr. E. J . DeHart. Oakdale ave nue. 13-11 F. M. Stewart has blank applica tion to be tilled out by those veterani of the Oregon Indian wars of I8,r5-6fl who are entitled to pay for services ren dered, In accordance with a relief bill which was passed by tho last leglsla tive assembly. Girl wanted tor housework good place, no washing, good wages to th right girl Inquire at this ofllce. Prof. Ritner, the gentleman who is to have charge of thu Medford Business Col logo, writes from St. Louis, stating that be. will be here not later than April 4th, prepared to assume bis duties. His family will come a few weeks later. "The Toggery" has everything vou can possibly need in the luruisliinu line, at prices to suit. The infant son of Postmaster Mer riman, who has been seriously III wftl throat trouble for several week past, Is very much Improved aud will In all probability recover. Dr. Keeno is in attendance. ' Surveyor Garl T. Jones has but re cently recovered from a severe Illness of two weeks' duration, caused by ex posure while engaged In surveying In he Coast range of mountains. . winnow glass. liuilJInir minor. felt paper and carnet llninc. Wkkkr ic Hi K Kit. Drayman Slover had best be getting his street sprinkler in shape to do business. The first few days of this week were disagreeably dusty. Wanted A srood all around team weight from 1300 to 1500 pounds. M. Bellinger. it G. W. Hicks has taken a position as salesman in the J. Beek hardware store. Wall paper, latest stock, latest pat- erns, lowest prices. Wkkks & Bakku. HEAD BACK LEQ8 ACHE Ache all over. Throat sore, Eyes and Nose running, slight cough with chills ; this is La Grippe. taken in hot water, sweetened, be foro going to bed, will break It up if taken in time. Thert ii only one Painkiller, "PERRY DAVIS' Kssolutlont ot CoadoUnce. Hall or Indkpknudnt Okdkii or Oun PKLLOW8; Mkukohu, Ore., March 21, 1IHKI. It limit pleased Almighty Clod, crea tor of heaven and earth, to tuku from Ills earthly pllgrlmugu our well beloved brother, Arnold Clilldurs, whose death ut tho advanced ago ot H'J we do now mourn, Our brother UlilMurs saw mora than fitly years ot odd fellowship; It was Ills great privilege to witness tho growth ol odd fellowship Irom it membership ot u few thousand to it meinburslilp n( one million, and during all that tlin inculcate the prlnulplcs of friendship, love aud truth; It wus Ills pleasure al ways to testify to the virtues of thu or der and It was thu privilege of odd tel lowshlp to bu at eoiiMolatlon uud huli to him in hladuullnliig years, And whllo wo shall never have tho prlvllegu again of ministering to the earthly eomtort ot our Hrothur Child ers, it Is our privllegu to offer our con olation to thu living; lliureloro bo It Kkhoi.vku, That wo do hereby ex tend to tho members ol Hrothur Child ers' family our tonderost regret al their loss and our loss; and be it Rkholvku, That a copy ol thl reo- lutlon bo spread upon tho records of thl lodge. I. Woolk, W. I. Vawtkii, J. R. Wilron, Com Lecturer Coming. Prof. Robert U. Hull, a lecturer upon groat Psychological questions will deliver his leeturd on tho subject "Tho Hlgns of tho Times," on Friday ovuning ot this week, under the auspices of the Christian church. Prof. Hull will explaiu as to where . Hie mind reader gets his liilolllgeiiou, and the hypnotists gets his strength 'hut onue him to sumiort such ureal weight. How the fortune teller eoes on the biiuk line of life and glvas our seorou. Spiritualism will be noticed. Tho lecture will bo given III the church. The admission Is placed at !!.' cents for udulls; 15 cunts for children All aro iuvllud. Wukei'iil Children, ' For n Inng time the two venr otil child of Mr. I'. L. Mel'hurHoii, Ml N. Tenth St. Hurrishurg, I'a., would sleep but two or three hours In the early pari hi tne mgnt, wnicli made it very ham fur her parents. Ilor mother oonoliid ed Ihul thu child had stoinuch trouble ami gave her hall of one ot Chamber lain's Stomnch and Liver Tablets, which quieted bur stomach and she slept tho whole ulght through. Two boxes of these Tablets have effected a permanent euro and shu is now well and strong. For sale by Chaa. Strang. The Benefit of Change. Wo are like house plants. Wo need a chango of soil now and then to bo replanted. New scene, new experi ences, new surroundings a chango of climate dry air iostead of moisture, sunshlno in plaoo of cloud. Thl Is sometimes essential to health. There are condition near at hand that are better than Europe can offer. Take a month or two In California. Plant yonrrelf for a time whero there are no Irritation, where the hotel la huvnnil criticism, tho landscape pleasing, and where warm, sunny weather Invitur to wains and drives. Pure and drv air. and tho increased olectrlo Influence of sunshine are vastly helpful. ou can make this trio at vary little expense, and onjny a rlileovor the scon. ic MisKiyou and Hhnstn mountains, which, at this time ot the yoar with their snow-covered iwnWa. are iinmr. passed lor their grandeur. ror complete Ir formation reparrilna- rates, points nf Interest and delightful hotels in California, address W. E. COM AN. Gen. Pas. Agi. 8. P. Co Lines In Ore. I gon, Portland, Oregon." - 11-41.1 For Sale. nomn and alfalfa hue. In. Soray load). Inquire of Mr. (Jault. 1 2. It ' rVJt a aaayaajv.JJN HflliilQ- Spring' Season. $ lJJtJ- Grand Opening' of MILLINERY and You Aral Invited MISS MALI OQ, HALE, Corn, i TABLE and POCKET CUTLERY Knives for yourself, your wife, sons, daughters and the hired man H. G. NICHOLSON 1 SELL GROCERIES, Hay and drain always on Hand xsusus ntr"lWiW' "m"" c"'n"i"- Your fur ItimlncHn 5 1 AN. AIKcN, Prospect, Oreiron 0vHT v.i im:j prisr thinci YOU WANT IN TUG KITCHEN Flour, of course could even dn without n lire, Hut lire or mi lire, Hour you inudt liuvu. May us well lift tiiu best going. With out sui'lniis nuustluu that Is Davis' Best Hour. Proved that way so many times, it's no longer upon to argument. A. A DAVIS Circuit Court Doing. ItiHilon Iron Worka vr. Wliito CroHH Mining Co,, judgment by de fault. Lutlier Short vs. Itngne River Water nnil Mining Co.; judgment (or 126-1.110 with coats unit tlin bilrsinontH. Tinies Printing Co. vh. I). W."1 lCngleiiiati; order of confirmation. 11. I). Heed vs. SVIiitoCrosH Golil Mining Co.; order continuing sale, Mary IC. TilihotU vh. Cyrus J. TibliuttH; divorce; tiuciuo granted. James Wultora vh. 8. T. Samlri; order of diHinidHiil. Andrew linker vh. Tilliu . linker; divorct'decreu grunted, JitiniH linili'V vh. Mury S. Noon an; verdict for drfnntlunt. Kiimilu C. Joffruy vh Albert Jof frny; divorce; diHiiiinM"d, Unto vh. Kviiiih; not it trtiu bill. Turner vh. Tumor: divorce; dc- cren granted. 1 licet) vh lio-tl; divorce; decree grunted. . t Washburn vh. Neil: verdict for defendant. . .1. It Withoroll vs. White Cross Cold Mining C; order llinl county ulerk iuv unto plaintiff tho mini o( UDV.UO lx.'longiiig to defendant to apply on ihiintiffn judgment. Advertised Letter List. kiillnwlntf l ft llt nl Inltara rrtnalalnv un- 011111 tut at the Mcilfltnl postoffico on Marcb jr.. iwn. Ill.-.. Mrs Hnilo llsli'i, Mr. H K rival,., 3m A Mi-Klmr, Mr. I) T MnKlruv..Mt PlniinTCIl Mll. li.,11. will Hinlth, Mrs lloaalo Tin kor, Mr. Ilayrt A eharau of ono dent will lio made UDon de livery ol each of tbo al,vo letters. reraons cauiu ror any ui tna eiMTe lettena 111 pleane aay, -'Atlvorllanl." U. V. Mkhhima Postmaster. Egll Eggl Pure bred Plymouth Rock egg- for ale, both Barred and White. Our" Barred P. K. aro from Bret prize wln ners at Portland Poultry Show, January, IIMK!. D. T. Lawtok. YOUR. FAITH Siy-S ourt if you !ry - 11 - Shiloh's Consumption 4 4 m n aud ours la so atroaa: we lljl C trasraelecacureormund money, aud we Mn4 you free trial bottle If you wrlle for II. BlIIl.OH'H costs ST, cents and will cure Con aumptlon. Pneumonia, llroncbltls and all Luiik Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold ... h twv, anu iiius prevent serious reauiie. It baa hcctidnlnr these llilnun for fiO years. H. C. Wai.i.a (I 1 Co., I,e Uoy, N. V. Karl'i Clever Root Tea corrects ikt Sloauck l-Vty' VsVVQ DRESSMAKING man am novoitiaa v. ed to Call f r 6th and North C Sim. HfV'V' y faVr-Q CAHPERS' SUPPLIES W'&VMS li