n JACKSON COUNTY l the sanli'ii nl Ihi- ilrcnl BlnluulUnKi.il, lu.iiiuiliia 1'WHIT, MININII, AOItlClllUJHAL mill TIMIIUM LANDS M E 1) E 0 R J) lit a UirlvliiH oily of i.vi'i Jdv iiihuh I 111 It t M. II lM ftlttlllliMl llilMUHl III lll'l 1'ntiior of thu couhi v mill in tin viiy titttirlof llto urtuU'Ml null miMmk Ni'OllOIHir UlO I'llltl'll hii.us nr ul t liu world T II E M A I L : In (Imi lurn Nt n ul litt r. vviuii' i imhllMuM Hi -;i'ri ii loiKi'V, II J rlitlniH n i iiriiUiiuiii (l :." ii-mi J Imtk IIim u' . m.iii uiili Hi. i . J iln v it i-it ui iiiiiiiitti noriirr if 4 till fl i PKOIfKUHrONAL UAHDB. QOI.VIU - CANNON Will i rootle., in nil CcmrtM nf llm ulntr and In ll. h. Cutir for UlMlrli't nf Orctfuti (JUlva cmr Hunk nf Mitiifunl A. S. HUTON, V. COHHIHaillNHII, IIIH'rllll.TlirOllltllllN Hbiiifiatnml nilil Timber l.iuiil flUnicM ttiiil pruola lilnilr. Titatlinuny takim In leinl mil ItiMi tiaarft, Ud.i with Mmlford Mull. almlloril, Oregon ', I,. CA MICRON, ', I'll YHll.'I AN AND HUUUKON IM In I'alm & Hnilai, IIIim-u, Mmllunl, Oto. Iimi'r limit", 'i in tt 7 In H i. hi. ln.l.lni in A. J, Hlewnri roililumu, I wo hlorki annili ul uIiihiI hmiM QLAIUCNCH W. KICISNK," . - . . . - ... l'UVHU.'IAN ANU HUIKIKON Office lu Aillilni muck Mo. Until, Oregon J. D. I'llIl'I'S, 1). 1). S., llfflrm In Ailklna lllork, eiljiiliilnii H aU In lltutfHtorn Mllortl, urpitoll I)U. 11. N. iiuaKii, nhTKOlMTHIHT Hiumii 1 ami i, Opera ll.n lilwlc. over HirwiiH' llrtttfc Hiurw. l.j...iiimail.. lr"n Mrtlttird, Oregon (jr. JONKS, t.OUNTY huhvkyoh, Any or nil khi'l nf Hurvylntf iirmnittly dntii. The ( ttm.iy hurvpynr cuit give ymi llo only ll(ttl WlHftt. t r Mi-ilfMr(I.OrrKnn )U C. K KXIIIXK, PHVSICIAN ANM) SUKGKON. imtiofVni H) far' HKtrf. Knnitlciifn nir ntr A a1 Kit tit HlrroU, Mwlf'irJ. Uirtfolt, J, 6. HOWARD, i HUKVEYOH ANU CIVIL ENIIINKKH I u, impuiy Mineral nun"ji iwi '" oimv of Oregon. I'oalofllce ailtlrpne: Mmlfurrt, Qteiton. y b. riCKEL, IMIYHICIAK IANU BIJllr.IWJN, OBlot houia-ll Uil'Jt. auUlisoioa p.m. S-IU; l.aburalory-Kiaailnallone flM lo IA. OIBcoi lluklo Block. Modford. Or 1)R. K. K. KMKKSON, OCUUST-OPTICIAN Fatlnlaotloo uiirmntrpi) or monny rotuniltd. liromoo ornr Hirsute' Urur HUira. w. I. Vawth. Hro. II. r. AiikiM. V I'ren U. It. l.INOI.KY, OMblor. ...CAPITAL, Ijo.ooo. OHEOON Load money on ftpprarnil noourlty, rtooiro d uonlli, nubjuot to ouuok ami IrftimaiiV k ifonars banklnx IiurIui'nn. Your bunlncnii noltclttMl.... Uorrniiponiloiiti: Mdil A HiinIi, Hnlotn. Atiilo Olllarnl Hank, t'.nn Kmiiolnco. La.nl Tllion. PortlMid.diirliln llnnklm Co.. N V. WIU, Kitrno A i:o,' lUDk. I'ortlaml: Klmt Nntlunat lunk, CrilrBKu, and Ilttnovcr Nut- IiiiimI Uitlik, Now York. II. K. AKKIINT, Fraaldant, I. K. KNTAIIT. Ctmlilor. J, U. HTHWAHT. Vies Prsnldent. M L. Ai.romi. Ami. Cannier The fledford Bank Miorono. OncaoN ' Capital, $50,000. o A General Banking Business Transacted HTOOKIIOl.DIUtS I H. Btowirt, II. H. Ankniy, K. H. WhllrUrr.il. C. C. Ilrnkmnn, llnraon I'ollnil.llcn llayinond, ,Jmcii I'oltou, w. II. Ilmdiiliitw, J. 1(. V.nynrt f visit DR. JORDAN'S at MUSEUM OF ANATOMY I OB I MAflKST ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL lti Irgt Aiilnlul Kum IntbtWurld. arrntttt uttraeHm At nV Ottif, J ptulfful Hubtjor vitt, I (li ul(Jt FliuvlnJIiiluii tliait'MWno UuMb . JCniMiilU)il lit yiwn, J lAniiiU naiuirr mar a bps MTVal mH WlM l iidTurllif 1 um tht ffcu of Tutbfnl ludlii- crvutjim or inruaa in niaiurtr rOlHy , fHWft MMfctMrll l-ii lUOtlUpll rb,iorrllM( f 1rlMMiloff, , a Cwitbliittl .lion 01 1 Due tor ' ran ill im wmrmt vt r hip untn'i liumtriuiiil hit lrk o liitll will nol ottf ftlTdrd IinniMUt M r, kq itrtnniifint out, tq uootar dot M i yituwi mlranlM. hut U wa4l kMW tftir tnd qur rnyaioiftn ana nip ... lU lllapcUliy DIlrKMf (IT 1 MDU101 VrillMM thnmufhlf di" I 1 from thA lyitaru wlthoitt UimoU : Lry. a Tr flurd by m BlHfl Oadleal A qulok tnd radical m cur for riir, rinnrii na riiiM,oy LTi JornMirB nptcmt imniiriui mwiiiuui, KVKRT MAN Rj M anlil.'lllXtllunwlllrMlT OllrIOIIMI opinion nf liliOylilpUllil. irtwfll UiimmilM i'iirilrali wry unrfl a unifiirrilia. . ..... Oiinmiiutlnn ntKM mid wrMIr prlntt, Oil Allll US WHY BKAXOSAnUt Trmilinvianinviimlly rlty Ultnp. Wrlln for Hook, rllII.'"lT !? I UfAlllIIAOF.. Maii.hii riiiio. (AYalmulo book lor men.) Call or writ on. jorpan co., iosi Mirktut., . r. f County VOL IV. LARGE TRACT OF BEAR CREEK FRUIT LAND TO BE PLATTED AND SUBDIVIDED TO It.WHK l olUf TJHH ,M'I'1.KH U Ihc Rrcnl t'lnl Id vli-w Hinontf tin- nrclinr'l iiK-n, nii'l cxHlluiil'' lllin lOvvt thill ilfnr I'll'"" hollfilil himl will nintliu tt ti litilt'T J.M'T( ' linn llmil iiuy nllM-r. 'Dm liirK"' "Uf, rlrli cnUnhiit itinl utI rt iillly f tin nj il.f. Tni-f, In )m NureioM nnlutrl, I ho llnniitjtt nn:lmrl nnl Iho Mtrltt urcliir'l ii ro I he lltltiK whlrli huvo rujnrll.il In Him Iiii mi"H-" fMjr ii frntn "itmo flurltiif Wtv IiihI ft-w vi-ium. Kurt)' nvtv nf thu lit Hvitr I'twk urchiinl UiimI In tho r Ik tit , viimil- h in nt lRUiilv)iiit In it Kimriini'i'' fnrtuiiu In it low yviirn. fk-nrlng tliU In inlii'l, vvu linv" IiiiimIuiI mid will mi-llvitlo . . , i(h) AcrcH of the old Watson Molding on (iear Creek wlili'h wii wlll nffur ii( n ri'itinimlilo irli't' In imrrlmn'r, In Irn' tf f mlt. Cull itml IhmiihiI i hit prni-criy, KxpurlH ir'iiiniun: 1m u'ttiul l miylhliig now In nri lmtil nrnffi-ri'il fur mhIu , 0 HOLMES BROS - lor. l well tho Tubular C. E. OADDIS. - - r. Pacific cast Seeders 1 Plows HHarrows I All kinds of farming machin- ery. JNew block just uwug received. HUBBARD BROS. Medford, Oregon I Mitchell, Lewis Dalr In IT1 Implements and Vehicles. We carry in stock the Celebrated W American Cream Sen rator. also x? Stover Gasoline Engines, Myet W Snrav Pumos. Planet. Jr. Orchard Ml BMB jg Cultivators, Etc. m iMEDFORD, H. New Lumber Yard 1$ "" O. E. (K)RSLINI & SONS i MANUPACTUUKRR Of ANU DKALK IN Rough and Dressed Lumber Fir Rustic and Flooring Three Years Old. Thoroughly Seasoned. Medford Oregon MEDFORD MACHINE SHOPS Boiler and Engine repairing a specialty. Second hand Engines, lioilers and Pumps Bought and Sold EXPERT MACHINE WORK OF ALL KINDS Gasoline Engines and Spray Pumps on Sale GAULT & COOK, - - Proprietors MEDFOHD, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, FB1DAT, MARCH 27. 0 CENTRAL POINT Pretty Good Looking Don't You Think P Do you know of any other separator that lookB aa well, or (Jooh its work na well as The Sharpies Tubular Separator? It's tho befit ukirnmer on the market unci if you'll give me a chance I'll show you how much hotter it is than any other sepa- because it is the best. i " - fledford Oregon. Broad - i 4- & Staver Co. ' Ul CALL AND sjck US OREGON; Mr THE MORTAR DRUG STORE, G. it. HASKhNS. Prop TMIa IN IK, lll o. DrUKa, patpnt Medt.'.nea, Booka, blallcuct, PAIIST5 and OILS OlBars.Tobnaaxi. Toilet Artlolea, Btc Pradavlptlons Carafully Componnded 7th St., Medford. Oregon and Fine Shingles Yard Houtb cf V hUmnn'a Varflbmifo JltatL REBELS TARE SAN DOMINGO TERRIFIC FIGHTING IN WHICH MANY L08E THEIR LIVES BEFORE FORT 13 TAKEN. Ban Domingo, March 21. This city, the capital of the republic, was at tacked by the revolutionists shortly after noon yesterday, and though the lighting continues the rebels may be said to be in possession of the city. They have selted the cable office and the government land wires. Foreign Minister Benches and other members of the government have taken refuge In the United States con sulate. Stores are closed and business Is at a standstill. Assistant Governor Eetinlque and the commander of the government forces, Oeneral Pena, have been kill ed. Oeneral Peppln led the revolution ists in the attack on the fort, and a number were killed on both sides be fore the fort defending the city was taken. - . When the political prisoners were released from the fort they Joined the revolutionists and marched with them Into the clty.whcre the fighting was continued by small detachments of government troops. . Some of these, however, joined the rebels after fight ing a snort time. President Vasquez was not in the capital when the uttnek was made. It Is expected that ho will try to rally his forces In the Interior and recapture the city. General Peppln, head of the present revolution, was a friend of Heureaix, the president who was assassinated In 1899. He is an old enemy of Vasqucz. the present head of the government, who was one of those accused of being Implicated In the death of Heuieatix. Washington. March 24. Unltei States Consul Oeneral Maxwell at San Domingo has cabled the state depart ment that a revolution has broken out In that city and at the hour he sent the cablegram heavy firing was in progress. MANY PASSENGERS HURT IN STREET CAR ACCIDENT. Blast Liverpool, Ohio, March 23. An electric car on the new Pleairact Heights line got beyond the contro1 of the motonnan last night and. das!, tng dowji a steep grade, struck a shar curve, went Into a ditch, and turne-l a complete somersault. The car w; crushed, and the passengers, all o' whom were Injured, had to be chop ped out of the debris. The conductor had left the car, and the motorman was trying to do double duty. He left his post to collect fares and In this way the car got such r start that he cotdd not control It. The line has been In operation only a week. Snutli'a- Dandruff Pomade ... Stops itching scalp Upon one applica tion, three to six removes all dandruff and will stop falling hair. Price 50c., at all druggist. Sample free. Address Smith Bros., Fresno, Calif. For sale by Medford Drug Company. Opposition Member Elected. Dublin North Fermanagh has" fol lowed In the oots teps ot Woolwich aod Rue. and has elected an Oppoal tlonncmiier to the house of commons In place. of the former Conservative member, far. Archdale, who resigned, - Charged With Cowardice. Paris M. Cavanalc, the --former minister of war, has caused to he posted on the walla of this city a signed letter charging M. Jaures, the Socialist leader In the chamber of deputies, with calumniation ana eow arflico. It Saved His Leg;. P. A. Daaforth of LnGrange, Ga suf fered for six months from a frightful running sore on His leg; but writes that Buokien's Arnica Salve wholly oured it in five days. For Ulsers, Wounds, Pllos. it's the best salve In the world. Cure guaranted. Only 25 ots. Sold by Chas. Strang druggist. Died of Their Injuries. Buda Peat Two of the students who were Injured during the riottnt Friday night on the occasion of the celebration of the . anniversary of Louis Kossuth are dead. Many others who were wounded with words during the police charge are In a serious condition. Castro Has Resigned. Caracas President Castro has re signed. He placed his resignation Of the presidency of the republic of Venezuela In tho hands of tho presi dent of congress Saturday after read ing the presidential message. In the ordinary course of events President Castro's term would have ended February 20, 1908. 1903 NO. 13. "Paul DeLancy" in the Porllai d Journal has been writing some things of late concerning the early hiHtory of Southern and Southeast ern Oregon. His dories are enter taining and full of life, but contain inaccuracies apparent to people at all conversant with the history of this part of the state. For instance he puts into the mouth of Capt. O C. Applegate, Klamath Indian agent, words which we are satisfied the gentleman never uttered inas much as it implies that he was present at the rescue of the old Indian : Moses - from , the Pi u tee, while, to use Mr. DeLancy 's words, the company was on its "way to Rogue river, after having hazarded the long journey in wagons, across the plains." It was, indeed, "after" jthe Applegate family bad "haz arded the long journey, etc., as they crossed in , 1843 and thf "rescue of Moses" occurred in 184G, ! when a company led by Jesse . and Lindsay Applegate, uncle and father rennectively of Capt. ' Applegate, I laid out the Southern route to Orc 'gon in order that future immigra tion could avoid the treacherous rapfds of the Columbia, where the original immigration lo9t several members and a great part of their goods. At the time .the "rescue of Maes" was made, Oliver Apple gale was a toddling youngster, and we do not believe he ever authorized the publication of a story that would make him at least two de cades older than be really i. "Moses-' was rescued, as the- story states, and is now, as he hag been for twenty years, a venerable and persistent beggar from everyone, who, in his opinion, had . any "ohicamou." How old be .is can not be accurately estimated, be cause, as is the case of all dark skinned people, it is difficult to de termine, and might be anywhere between 40 and 75. But what we started to say is this. There is enough of romance and adveuture in detailing . the actual occurrences of Oregon his tory without any embellishment whatever, to make the record inter esting and enthralling. ' ' A simple account of the priva tions and adventures of the early settlers of Oregon would read like a romance in thepe later days, and we personally have heard incidents detailed, which, did we not know that the narrators were speaking from actual experience, we would have thought tbey came from dime novels of the most virulent vanity. Mr. DeLancy has endeavored to infuse a little "loo al color" in his writings, but he should have waited until the people who have heard these tales "oft recounted" by the family fireside had forgotten or been forgotten. Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are Ignored by those tireless, llttlo workers Dr. King's New Life Fills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing Indiges tion, Biliousness, Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stomaob, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant. Bale, sure. Only 25o. at Chas. Strang's drug stere. Peace at All Hazards. ' St. Petersburg The Russian gov ernment has decided that peace must be kept In the Balkans this year at all hazards, but Is preparing mean time for decisive action in the spring Of 1904. : Found Atllla's Grave. London According to a dispatch from Vienna, the announcement cornea from Harburg that a peasant of St Johann, in the Drave valley, has dis covered the grave of the Hunnlsh King Atllla In that district. President Steyn'e Condition. The Hague The latest news re ceived here regarding tho condition of Former President Steyn of the Or ange free State, who has been 111 for some time past at Clarens, Switzer land, causes anxiety. f!Ti?rtm.inrnr 2200 TIIK MAIMiai II, anil lu publlihor la 3TATK O? ORKOON, I ' 1,011 nir 01 Jacmon I. A. 8. union, Doing llratduljr sworn, 'lopniiean nay Iliat I ant lliu Pulillalu r ol Tim MKiiniKii Mail, u weekly now paper pukllihcd In thu city of Mudurn. Jacknon Couuty, Oreiiiin i Unit Mis nuni nor nf Meillnril Malla prlnteit fnch WPnlr Ih9I.i ..n.i .1... .... ...... k-. .... . btien prlnK-ii OSoh week for tils punt cigtit montna nnd over. A. 8. BMTON 8'.lI?rcrJ.,'J!. "nd, .'"orn lo before mo Ihle 2lt day of July, img i i f. M BTKHAItT bbai.. I Notary ruullo iAAAAAAAAA , Klamath County Items. From tho Klamath Kalli Kxprcin. On Monday papers were .made out and signed, consummating a deal by which Marion Hanks bonds his ranch on the Upper Klamath' lake to the Merrill Mutual' Canal company. There is a little ovbr 3H0 acres of the land, which we under stand, was bonded at 30 per acre, making the sum total of $11,500. - Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Klamath County Agriculture Association was ; held at Judge Baldwin's office at the court house in Klamath Falls, on Saturday, Maroh 2lat, at 3 o'clock, for the purpose of arranging the program and making other preparations for the spring race 'meeting to be held at the fair grounds in June. Died Mrs. Austin H. Sargent died at her home in the East Knd, Klamath Falls, this (Thursday) morning, after a long illness. The family are recent arrivals at thi place and are in destitute circum stances, but generous and charit able citizens have come to their re lief. The deceased woman leaves a husband and three young child ren. !; La?t Thursday evening as Mar pie's Plage reached the top of the , hill jupt south of town, coming in, the team became' frightened and etarted to run. Tbe driver, Mr. Mat pie was thrown from the wagon and he took' the lines with him. When the team got abont half way town the ' bill, Lynn Yaden, who was a passenger, started to jump and caught his foot in some way nid fell under the wheel. He man aged to secure one of the lines; though, and by a hard pull on it he swung one of the wheel horses around, throwing him and thus stopping the team. Both Mr. Marple and Mr. Yaden were considerably bruised and jolted up, but the depth of the mud prevented their receiv ing any serious injuries. From the Klamath Falla Republican. The marriage of Wm. Humphrey to Mies Leliah Carrick took place last Thursday evening in the coun ty court room, Judge Geo. T. Bald win performing the ceremony. The newly wedded couple are highly re spected young people and have many friends who wish them a . happv and prosperous journey through life. Capt. O. C. Appfegate informs us that it is the purpose to commence work-on tbe Modoc Point ditch early in April with , a hundred men or more, in the hope of oompleting ttiat desireahle work in time for use ' next year. This ditch, when com pleted, will make available for field " and garden culture the Modoc roint country, the most favored portion of the reservation for such purposes, as it iB a rich alluvial body ot land and more free from frost than any other portion of the reservation. Last Saturday H. L. Boggs met with a distressing " accident, which will keep him from work a couple of weeks at least. He bad the in dex finger of bis right hand torn off at the first joint by a machine with whioh he was making grooves for shelving, Tbe two blades of the machine were making 600 rev olutions a minufe, when the table on which he was working suddenly ' dropped, throwing his hand under one of the sharp-edged instruments, with the result as mentioned above. The finger was hanging only by the skin, but Mr.. Boggs quickly re-adjusted it and hurried to the ofllce of . Dr. Hargus, 'who sewed the-flesh, around the finger and dresBed it. - ' For Sale. Spray pump and alfalfa hay, (one load). Inquire of Mr. Gault. 12-Sl best made Levi Strauss Copper-riveted Overalls Cut full '