The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, January 30, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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    "Tb atttabtr from tb Orkneys" It
tk asl mi In the British house of
MOMHto ai My b stta for 900
Isianda. Only tlaty of tbt Islands art
Inhabits!, but tbt eonstltutncy am
brace more than 00,000 ptopla.
Tbs Orkneys ware ooe given by Nor
way to Bng-iana as security ror
tiaeen'a dower and never redeemed. In
the lalanda the rotera muat go to the
poll by boats, and In tome cases the
distance to be traveled la eight miles.
Da It Row.
"Do It Now." la the motto which the
head of. the, stationery 'bureau of the
posrtofflea department keeps, over bit
desk. He explains that next to doing a
thing, having to bear lu mind that It
mutt be done la most wearing, and so
prefers to cut off the unnecessary tax
by meeting the real one promptly.
' Tratk.
Troth la always consistent with Itself
and needs nothing to help It out. UJf
always near at hand, sits upon oar lips
and Is ready to drop out before "wt "l re'
aware. A lie Is troublesome and sets a
man's Invention upon the rack, and
one trick needs a great maay-taeav-to
make It good.
Bwart) ef ilintinents for '"f3UrTB
that Contain Mercury
at mercury will surely destroy the sense f
smell and completely derange the whole ays
waen entering It Ihrouch the mumus r.
faces. 6uoh articles should never be used ta
cts t d prescriptions from, reputable phyat
claas, as the damage they will do la ten .tola to
tht rood yon can possibly derive from them.
Cheney Co., Toledo, 0, oonulns so mttcun,
and Is taken Internally, acUeg dlrectly upon
the blood and muocus surfaces nf th
In buylnc Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you gev
-17 vnouey uo. -Te
a jf1, OT Druggists, price 75c per bottle.
- ' 1 5-i, f I
4wu ramij r jui. re
To Brlna'Tr Otftl ""'
VI know I've got a vein of poetry In
me,' air, confidently " asserted" the young
man tothe edttor,""and SHI want Is a
chance to bring It out , What would
jou suggest, BUT' .,
"1 think you had better see a doctor
and have It lanced,'
The crowned heads of every attloo.
The rich men, poor men and misers
All join In payiDK tribute to
Hewitt's Little Esrly Risers. ' "
H. wmiaau, San Antonio, Tex., wrltes! Little
mis ic ic uca ever usea in
my family. I unhesitatingly recommend them
to every body. They cure Constipation, Bilious.
ness, hie Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaundice,
Malaria and all, other liver troubles.' Chas.
s trans.
l.aboaclierea Snrcaam.
Of Gladstone Henry Laboucherc
once remarlied. "I do not object to Sir
Gladstone occasionally having an net
up his sleeve, but I do wish be would
not always say that Providence put h
Many a man who goes through life
bemoaning the fact that be Is misun
derstood ought to be thankful that
such is the case. Chicago News.
Unconscious From Croup.
During a sudden and terrible attack of croup
our little girl was unconscious from strangula
tion, says A. L. Spafford, postmaster, Chester.
Mich., and a dose of One Minute Cough Core
was administered and repeated often. It re
duced the swelling and Inflammation, cut the
mucus and shortly the child was resting easy
and speedily recovered. It cures Couius. Colds.
LaGrippe, and all Throat and Lung troubles.
One Minute Cough Cure lingers In the throat
And rhOKt ftnrt nnahl.a lha Itinnj n
pure, health giving oxygen to the blood. Chas.
One Way of Cure.
'Tbntt seems to be losing flesh. What
son or Best, reducer is be taking?"
"I understand that be has Joined an
anuupping league." New York Times
Onlj- Kind Known to rhllndelplila.
. i rew Jersey Man What is a Hwm?
Philadelphia Reporter Something to
take sugar out of a barrel with. Soni-
ervxiie JournaK .
. .
A Scientific Discovery,
Kodol does for the atomach that which it Is
unable to do for Itself, even wben but slightly
disordered or over-loaded. Kodol supplies the
natural juices of digestion and does the work of
the stomach, relaxing the nervous tension,
While the inflamed muscles ot that organ are
allowed to rest and heal. Kodol digests what
you eat and enables the stomach and digestive
vBun iu unuatuiiu mm ioou into riCO, TOO
uiuuu. Voas. Strang.
This Sounda Rlfrfat. '
Sometimes It happens that a seven
shock restores health to persons wlit
are suffering from nervous prostration
and this Is how the phenomenon Is ex
plained In a foreign medical Journal:
"Every external stimulus Improssei
i the afferent centripetal flbers, or, rctb
; er, excites the molecular waves o'
change. The latter iu turn deeoinpos'
the unstable molecules of a flexus
and, through'the Intervention of othej
flbers, this decomposition, being tin
source of new molecular movcu'ent
gives an Impulse to a certain macs ol
connected flexus. . ..
"The new vibratory modification thu
obtained forms a new nervous fluid. A
portion of the current flows over the
afferent fibers to the contractile mus
cles of the periphery, while the other
portion Is propagated by the reverber
ation of Indistinct waves to the most
ramified centers of the organic econo
my, and thus a complete and natural
nervous diffusion takes place."
Physicians, of course, understand
rwhat this means, but how many lay
men can interpret it?
One Hundred Dollars a Sox
Is the value H. A. Tisdale, Summerton, 8, C
places on DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. He
eaysi "I had the piles for 90 years. I tried
many dootors and medicines, but all failed ex.
eept DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cured
me." It is a combination of the healing prop
erties of Witch Hazel with antlsoplics a'nd
emollients; 'relieves and permanently cures
blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles,
sores, outs, bruises, eczema, salt rheum and
all skin diseases. Chas. Strang. (
11 -.r.'-y
By Martka MeCsatoctvHBhsTsS
Old Gib 'EteJl went wlng'tog and
stumping upon bis crutches down the
street and up the steps of bis store. It
was the biggest, store. In, town, though
not the smartest , Joe Beenam, who
had opened Up the spring before, just
across the street, was running old Gib
hard In groceries and hardware and
leaving him out ot sight when It came
to- kolckkoacks or dry-BOOdsTurre and
A man who half knew looked after
old CJIb, ,tfe 9 across tube, siija, of bla
yoongt rl-U -mortrjured- half to
-himself, ''WtwrrpityTaffonier man
who knew also looked, listened-to: the
ucunuuwi sua. answered it, .alleging
out hitbln as he-spv)kevTetter say,
'What ahamer "
J iTlAf a ham, docf! a third said,
coming up behind them. Doctor W
tars tttlWd half grimly. ! root quite
sure u seems to oe toe nucn in toe
course of a true love,", (unanswered.
Lew Bayne,' the man who had spoken
first, shook bis bead energetically. "I
meant, that poor old fellow's legs," he
said,, , "I suppose, doc. It's certain; be'U
never walk again."
,"tyw rou've" the. doctor pro
beted. 'T'Vi risk my prOfesalonal rep-
utatlon that fall he got on the sleety
KVtMorm to his
ahftqken; sbanka: than bar them nr.
I pretty 'generally." There were bruises.
ofjroni-and on tlsbuUlex.aadjMe'
. M well. I told him he'd, . be out and
about In plenty time for the Christmas
I tradtv but -trbirF the llrsYW stood; me
up and down .that he'd never takh an.
I otbeH teadjt .sterv-nd- sr -faf, -m
nothing on earth the matter with hla
legs, nothing at lessf tbat"J v'r'tb;otn
er. doctors can see." 'Against that there
Is the fact that the minute he tries to
stand on them they doolie Joint role
o rt'n.,l.l.. ..t..T.t".I:'.l - V'i..' . .-
act-double ubdirhiifi Jnsjtllougli tfioy.
uauu i strengtn to bear un n snlilpr
The -trouble wnst n&imhe" "nerves."' if"
lliat 3.i"Vbl! t Wlrt Tm.n r.t ; t ,tvu.-.:ik
v , . ....... . Ull, , (111
you tnat'it's a pity, rthotmlit von li-i.l
refereTjc.-tor:tHtf Wc
joe uecnam."
What Is It?" asked . Merton.'-thp
tniru of the group. "You know I've
been away -six months! Tell me all
about It."
"Not much to tell." Dr. Waters said
You know Florrle EzoiP
"I ought to, considering she sent w
away, ' Merton broke In ruful.v
lou don't mean Joe Is cone on he
like the rest of us? I tlionslif-
You've hit it." the doetor said. "Jot
did stand out mighty well against Hi
prevailing Infection, but n mini uevc;
knows what's coming to him until I
hits him square In the face."
Lord.' To think of Joe. the 'bomb
proof,' we called him." Mertonchucklcd
"How did It happen? Tell me all nboui
Merton. n newly evolved drummer.
had given what he would have callet!
"a comprehensive order.", Dr. Waters
also chuckled ns he answered, nodding
his head by way of emnluislzliii.' his
points: "Well, you see. It's this way
Tl, , ,,, . , ,
The hour struck for Joe when he saw
florrle Ezell swirling around, a blue
tarlatan angel. In a waltz with Bob
Acton at the' Pattons' party. Florrle'
a pretty girl anyway you see her.
That night she was particularly fetch
ing. But that wasn't the thing.' 1 In
slst Joe s time bad come. He knew It.
Soon as the waltz was over he froze
to Florrle didn't get a vard awav
from uer all the evening."
It was a freezing time, as I remem
ber." Lew Bayne Interrupted, with
laugh. "Indian, summer un to dusk
then a cold rain, that turned to sleet
In short order. Say. didn't old Gib get
nis ran mat very night?"
"I'm coming to that. If you'll wait."
the doctor ran on. "I tell you that was
sleet to remember. Joe, of course.
wouldn't let Florrle walk home, though
the Ezell bouse Is only six blocks from
the Pattons'; No, sircel He telephoned
ror tuc nnest rig at the livery stable
and bundled all that blue tarlatan In
It as snug ns you please. I beard Flor
rle protesting that she ought really to
wait for papa, but wo all persuaded her
papa wouldn't think of risking himself
upon pavement like glass. We ought
to hnve known better. Old Gib always
uocs the thing that any other man
would let alone."
Bet n bat he came,". Merton said.
cuucmmg more than ever.
lou win from yourself," Dr. Wa
ters answered. "He came, he didn't
see Ills daughter, be went back swear
ing like a trooper, though lie Is a dea
con, and he fell right before Master
Joe's fine rig, coming back from leav
ing Miss Florrle safe at the gate. Of
course Joe picked him up and carried
him home. . Equally, of course, old
Gib, hates, blm for doing It By the
time I got to, blm next morning he
was fully persuaded Joe . was at the
bottom of his fall, with Florrle as ac
cessory; said they ran away and left
mm, nopmg he'd break his neck, so
Joe could have both bis daughter and
his store. You know be didn't take
ovorklndiy to competition anyway"'
iuac ne didn't I Why, . he even
'wrote to our credit man to keep a
peeled eye on Joe," Merton interrupted-
That's like him," Dr. Waters said,
"I tell you, boys, nature must work
along a certain line of compensation.
I'm sure she skipped (nto old Gib all
the small meannesses due to two gen
erations of Ezells-lt - may even bs
three. His father was a flue man, and
is OKnsMsr Just at good a woauui
aa ever, was madaJ! ,
, "About Joe', bow?" Merton queried.
in. waters rrownedi i '
,"Joe courted Klorrlt with such a rusk
that In a week they were engaged. Then
ne went right lu to. old. Olb 'aud bad
It out wltl) him told him alt about
himself and his business, tn. aad. out,
BP aud down-but the substaiice of It
was he wanted Florrle for his wife,
and would do whatever old Gib said
f only be could get her. And thcu the
Jld crocodile, preteuded to cry; said
Florrle was all ho, bad to live for; he
hoped Joe wouldn't press him for au
auswer then, , nor, .indeed, ttilk of an
engagement, until lie was either dead
or himself agalu. You know how soft
hearted old Joe la, and how he hangs
on to his word once he passes It. Of
course be promised, never mistrusting
the old wretch was playing him. Bo
there you are! Florrie'a won-Tiuu aud
losing .colqr .becavw ;Joo only: speaks
wbeo Uiey, pass byt, but. don't come to
the house, .Joes about, desperate, aud
old' Gib Ik fattening and, gettlug ten
years younger-ou spltu and crutches.
What the end Is to be nobody can
guess.:; a ; i-.. ,.' ix .-. v .
"Can old Gib be shamtnlnar Merino
aaaea.. ut. waters shook his head.
thought so at nrat,". he said. , f'But If
oe. is peau anythlns In the txuka
There's certainly uotblng wrong with
his legs, except that they're a bit flab-
"rf is rcrinia oe cau
walk on them: I think som'etlmea he
has hypnotised himself. If It was Just
deceit , and what I call cussedness. I
would have been able before this to
take him off his guard,"
- ,vt eu, l can at le
east go over and con
dole wNk Joe.7 Merton said, stepping
across the street "Aud maybe sym
pathy will be worth ail order." he
called back over- his shoulder as he
truck the store steps. ; ,-.. :
Although it was late March, It was
still nipping cold. -. fire roared In
the. base burner inside old Gib's store.
Old Gib himself sat close,. his
eyi, ranging all ttie miscellaneous mer-
cnanaiee which crowded shelves and
floor.'- Ills three clerks hnd' becii on
ilie juuip' all morning, but toward" noon
there, came a lull. . lie .was about to-
send two of tbeiu off to dinner when
Jhe: door opened .wide, and Merton
came through, with Joe Beennm In his
ake and Dr. Waters aud Lew Bavnc
nmrcliliiff. solemnly; behind. Joe's face
was white, bis eyes brilliant, his figure
tense lu every line. Indeed be looked
desperate, and his voice rang hard as
he said, stopping " short three feet
away: '
"Mr. Ezell, I have come to ask you
hero In the presence of these witnesses,
to release me from my promise. Yon
know well how it was given with a
totnl misapprehension of the truth."
lou mean you wunt to take my
daughter, as well as my trade, nud
leave me, a cripple, to starve!" old Gib
Joe set bis teeth. "I mean nothing of
the sort!" he said. "Give me your
daughter, and our home shall bo yours.
I will serve and care for you as I would
for my own father
lou won t get the chance," old Gib
sneered. Joe half turned to his friends
and whispered sepulcbrally: "Go away!
"Going to murder me, bey?" old Gib
Joe stood very straight. The others
bad slunk townrd the door, with the
awed clerks huddling after. They
heard Joe shout:
"It Is not murder! I shall give ray
life to free Florrle from your Intolera
ble tyranny!"
Then they saw him fling wide the
stove door and dash Into it what
Seemed like several pounds of gun-
powuer. . .
Old Gib saw It too. With one wild,
whooping yell be leaped from bis chair,
regardless of crutches, of everything
out flight, rushed madly for the door.
darted through It and did not pause
until he came panting and trembling
to nis own gate. As be clung there the
others overtook him. as breathless as
himself betwixt running and laughing.
Dr. Waters mode a low bow. "If I
bad thought three pounds of black sand
would be so effectual, I would have
nad you well long ago," be said.
Merton dragged Joe forward. "If
you want to kick anybody, kick me,'
he snld to old Gib. "I put this lad,'
patting Joe s shoulder, "up to nlayins
.voa mat triCK."
"Humph! I knew he didn't hnvn Hib
brains for It himself." old Gib snorted
But, though he bad found his legs, he
was none the less old Gib. The fict
was proved by his letting Joe and
Florrle marry ulniost out of hand ond
pri'Hontliig them with both his store
unu nis blessing.
Knew 11 1 1,1 na Sharper.
I-OIO Hriininton. when be was Tlfr
Jiiftlec Hawkins, when on circuit, finn
ing a Ioiik slimmer i vening ding on his
nanus, toon n turn in the lanes, and.
staying at it rural Inn for n cup of tea,
nis ears were assailed by the charmed
sound of the fulling iflneplns.
U itli a lively eagerness ho Inmilt-Ml
of the landlord If there was an alley
on the pivinlses. Uy way of answer
tne landlord ..conducted him thither..
The goodly company assembled eyed
tin; newcomer with greedy eves, think
ing tney would lead hint ou to an ad
vantageous game.
" ue learned Judge nt once accadnd tn
Ihelr invitation, In the course of a verv
suort time relieving every gentleman
in i ue pinco or bis spare shillings.
men the landlord thought it time to
Intervene and, touching bis lordship on
ine uacu, fjniet;
"Look here, my fine friend, we have
had your sort here boforo, and if you
don't want to shake bands with tho po
lice you'd better get out of tbis!";
nis lordship went London Stand
ard. . ., ..... . , !
0 0 0
Dyspepsia Curo
Didcsts what you eat.
Thl preparation Mmtrtliis nil of tht
dlgestunts and digests all kinds ot
moo. it gives i ..sunt roller and nover
falls to euro. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take It.- By lUuse many
thousands of dyspeptics havo boeo
otirotl lifter everything elsu fulled. It
prevents rormiuiou oration the, stow
sen, relieving an aistrosflariereutlng.
vivmiik uuueoeHsary, jrivusttut vi uiae.
t can't h1.
. . nmt sM yen DOM
rniparwioniTDy K. u I a WITT A (XI. Chlrajro,
TtiuU. bottle coutiult UincaakMo.aiaa
t, . . .
" liavaralUWd UoarroaMr.
Town Oouoclpir Have 'you beard,
Mr. Skinflint,: that our generous towns
man, Mr. Muller, Is defraying tbt cost
of. a imw 'promenade all round the
towuJ Wc thluk a wealthy mail Ilk
yourself, might, also do. something for
. Skinflint-Well, what do you say to
my giving you a park of oak trees?
Town Councilor Oh, you noble heart'
d philanthropist! Whys do you really
mean to., . . : .
BkinfUut-Yee, yea;. I'll make tbt
towu a present of an oak forest You
have only to And the land, and I will
supply you 'with aa many acorns aa
you may want for soed.-Chronlk der
Bait. ' '
Orlt la the By.
A useful hint was given the othwf
day by a physlclau who removed a
piece of grit from a patient's eye. The
accident bad occurred at the beginning
of a ' railway ' Journey lasting some
hours.. ''Another Unit wheu' you ure
troubled with grit In the eye," said the
uocivr, - uou t iiiivmpi to gel it out, but
Just, cover the eye with your, bund .lu
Keep it closed and blink nwuy as bard
as you cun with the other till the grll
Is dislodged. This bint was given. to me
py a commercial traveler and how It
acts is tuore Hutu 1 rnu'tell you. but' It
does, and: that Is all that mutters to
the sufferer." -
Shr Knew. ,
Mr8.'1In.vfork (In country postodlce)
Anything for me?
Postmaster I don't see nothln'.
Mrs. Hayfork I wns expect In' n let
ter or postcard from Aunt Snrlggs tell
In' what day she was couilii'.
Rural Pnstinnster (culling to hlswlfei
Did you see n postcard from Mrs,
Ilayrork's Aunt Sally?
Ills Wife Yes. She's com In' on
Moilrrn Surgery,
Your modern mii-kcoii of note Is
"sterile" wan. The niieriitliit; room, n
most hermetically sealed nnd at a tcui
peratnre of 1)0 dettrees or therealiout,
Is purllli.'d dally by mi'iins of n hose
tlirowlni; n solution of bichloride of
mercury over cclllnt:, wulls and floors.
The surgeon arrives lu no niiternom In
bis clvlliiiu's curb. He In required to be
clean shaven, like n monk, says tin
New York Press. Ills doilies arc re
moved. Two attendants In the slerlllx
Ing room band him a white duck irnwn
reaching from collar to heel and a cow
or the same mnterlul which covers
tightly every part of his bead vxcept
eyes, nose mid uiouth. The sleeves of
the Koivn reach to Ills elbows. He In
cases his hands III the thinnest, fines!
sterilized rubber gloves. These gar
ments are handed to blm In sterilized
tougg. There bus been no human con
tact. Thus eitilipi'd be Is prepared to
saw and slice.
She He's very much In love with hi
wife. Un guys if she should die Lu
uoesn t know what he'd do.
He vt wits the matter? Hasn't h
got money enough to bury her? Ohio
Blare Journal,
Tho greatest ambition of Amer
ican men nnd women Is tu imvo
homes blossccrwlth children. Tho
woman nllictod with female ills
oimo U constantly menaced with
becoming; a childless wife. Xo
medicine can restore dead or
gans, but AVIno of Ciirdul does
regulate derangements that ore-
vent conception j- does prevont
mlscarrin?n ; docs restore weak
nnu Himiiered nerves
aud does bring babies to liomes
Diirtoii and desolato for vr.
Wine of ( aidiii gives womoa the
health ami stinnirtli to hnnr fconi.
tny eiiii,i..e.i. Yo 0(ln get a
doUor boillu of AVIno nf rwi
from your dealer.
14S Afn;''-rt. fp-t
In VfK.I.fiV.P,l'.'V'j!'"'1'1;l AP' K MM.
wiT. , ; ', ' ;t 1 "" one bottle of
Th.if,;.!,. iii .nra racnire of
martS "iff "iSfT.l-tJi's L?Ae.
NSwniv h; .."iaSJr I"-r"-tlM fesl.
be witlm,,? w1', '" "JPPV and I-novorwill
be without Wluo of curd, I i my house
uKin. Mrs. .1. w. n aKitmn
POT llylTlna n.iA ti. . ...
Land ontctai Boatburs,- Ort'ron," 'Jan '
ItHO. Notice Is hereby glvin that tba followlm
naiueil ler has Bld sollot tf hit nltntloii
le utaKe llnsl liroof In nupporl of hit olylrt, and
that aahl Pi
ton. V. K
tuuf will be ohmo ueriirti a. e. un.
oouiuilsaioutr, ai Houroru, urvgua
ou Krlday the KUii day of March, IVU9, vis f
On II. K. NO. tcti, tor tht HI( of NW, HW),
of NKft, NW!4ot8KV(,iieo. M,T. tab,, Itanyt
lKaat. ,
tie nauiea tht Wlowlhg wltueaset to provt
his oontliiuuiia roaldcuct uuou and oullUallon
of said land, viai
Uavld W, I'eaoe, Kdoard Pence, Hamuli
deary, A. W. Willie, ot Trail, Oregon.
J. T. II minus. Ileglnioi.
I.ului onice at Hoftotiurg, Orrgon, Jan, 1X1,
1W. Nollco la lieroby given that llio lollowliig
named Hvttler has Itled iiotltna of his Intcuilon
to iiinko llual coinliiulallou proof In support of
hU olalm, and that aahl proof will bo uiado tw.
tore A. S. tllilou, U. M. couunluHU'ei, at Mrii.
ford, Oregon, on Krlday, the 7lh day ol March,
IWW, via:
. -t (IKOIKIE K, KINO, i
On II. It. No, until, tor ilie K'j of hka, NW
otHKi(, Nit'tof HW.'(, wc.'-tf wmuihrp M tl
ai,at a nam.
ll. huii tita foiiowlur witnesses lo Drove
tis oonitnuous realdenoe upon aad eulllvallon
ot said laotl, via : , '
James w. nates, wnuam w, imw, abch
Maaoy. of lllg Uullt, On gou I George Klug, of
iraiij.urrgoii, ...
' J.T. BHIIKjas, rWglatar.
. I'snili HTiVKS LHb Ornct,
Itoivliurt. Ore., Jan. :v. IMS
Notice Is liorvhv slven thai III compliance
Willi Him lirovUltitia ot Ilia aol ol Couareas Ot
June I, IH7H, enllllid "Au act lor the salt ol
umber lamia in llio Htalca ot l aiiiortna, vte-
ton, Nvvaila ami Waalillisuin Tt,rruory," aa
intruded lo all Die liublloland alatea by act ol
August 4, law,
of Mtdlortl, rotiiity ot Jackaon, alale ol OrvRun
has liila day nli'tl 111 thta offli-o Itta awurll
atatouisnt No. 4Mb, for .Hie imtcliaBe ol Hit
,'.ii laau i Hveiiun ko. m. in mwitaiiiii
No. ivj, fi. , Halite No. S Ksal anil will offer lirool
lo allow the land smiifhl la niuro valuable lor
lla timber or atone lliau fur agricultural !tir
Haea, ami lo ealalillah Ilia claim lo aajtl land
iwltire A. H. lltiiou. U. H. L'ouimlaalolier. al
Meilforil, Oregon, on Friday, the aril day ol
Anrll, IWW, lie names aa wiineaaua: Htai. H.
Aiken, M. I. Mel-all, ot rroaecet, Oregon; II.
H. Lllullov. William I. Vawter. ol llclloril.
Any ani an pcraona claiming auveraviy ino
bove.ileM'rllH'il lamia aro rrulioated lo tile
liolr olalma In Ihla itftlee on or lielor., aaill Hnl
dayol Al'rllltl. J. T. HHIisiga, lleglaler
Land o flirts at ltaaburtf. Orptran. JunuMrv 14.
IV )J. Nutlcu tit liyrrlij Klvvn thni tlir) follow in,;.
DMnlfH dOttlrr h II let. tinitu ot hli tnirnttoit
lu make iliml pnwf tti itiKrt of hmclit'n), (ml
lht km Id proof III brmiiife be fort) A. H. Hlttoti.
IT. B. coiumltrtlonrr, nt Mvtlfiml. Orrsuu, on
ylurdny i bo tb day of KcUruary, I Kit, vli;
On H. R. No. WW, fur lb H U of SW i; unit N
i of H 4, Hccuon 'J, tuwiiklitp ;M, yuiti raiittv
Ito nftmrit IhA fntlnwlmr wlttidHtirti tit rrtiTr
bin conllmioiiN n ltlt-ufu uncin ami culllvalltin
of Maul itiriil, vu:
MrvibltiN Wckti mil l(o)ert At)wnrlh, vi
ntrul I'olrrl. Orevon. Jrth JfnvllfM hihI
biirle Fruuclr Cnrlrr. of Hpikranl OrrKoa,
J.T. IMtllHiRj. Ilrgintur.
.and once al Ko.ebuiir. Oreeon. Deremlier I.
llsri. N'o'.lce U tiereby k'lvrn Hint tha lollowlng
auieil acttler nun llleil notice of lilft tnlelitloo
, make llnal cunmulatlun nroof In sunnorl of
bla orallli. and that aulil pmof will b made he,
lorn A, S. Hilton, V. H. lOtiutiUMlDiier. at Me,l
ford, Oregon, on Friday, January so, lvo;t, vU:
On bomealeail enlrv .No.
In bomeateail enlrv .No. Iu7s:l, for Iho IV'i
W".. SK'-i HW' NW!,HK!.SreUva U'.Towi,:
hip fsiulll. Kntige'2 Kio.t.
tin namea the wlHiranea lo Drove
hla eontlnuoua rrsldeuca uoon and cultivation
of aaitl html, vU:
I'arl sisiitor, lAtila and J. Ilnrrv Carl.
ii.n.oi nig nunc, urrgou. aac llllani 1 . York
Ol jieuniru, wrt-goo.
J. T. lliuiinca. lleglaler.
Land OHlro at iUmf liurif, Oreuon. Drccniht
17, WfJ. Nmlcc tn hrn by t'lvcn thai Mir follow
Inrjt'iinmt'fl Actilcr tiutt niril notlrn ul hi Intr-n
tlon lo umlit) llnal iirtof In tuiKrt nf IiIh rUltti
nnd ttial nalU pro. J will ua ninda beforn A. H,
iiiiutn, ii. r. coiiituiiiinnrr. ul )I-iiroiil.Urfi(in
um t-gaiurt-isiy, rt'wruHryu, iisuu, rn ;
On IT. K. No. e.', for Iho U of mwj,' 0f
1)0 nnnirN Iho fotlowlnir trl In ( a In nrnv
uia wiiiiNutiua rrniuuiii-u uimjq buu cuiiivhi inn
ui "i mi .unu, viz:
Uatvtti suoon, Ifriiry A. Mrycri, Kudo) pi
IllclMTtdctH nnd ilurtln Zimon. ! of l.nlt
Creek, OreKun.
J. T., lirftlMbr.
Land Office Ut IlOHOtiuri. trriunn. Jnnunrv 14
rMw .'uiiuu in uvri'iir wivL'ii inm int litiuitsritii
nunicU HtmlcrliHH lllcd nollco of h Inttintluu
to make mini proof In iupporiof uIh claim, and
that Htild proot will bo inutlo before A.B lllltor .
vj, n. tuiiiuitnniifur, ui .itHlloru, Urt'tfUt), Oil
On Ills II. K. No. l!f.a, tor tbo Ml lj of llio HKJl
wrnr.jiiHiiiuni'.MDi tne nr.,!, Bocllon ;i
Townsillo 'Xi South. Hanirn -1 W,kt.
Ho names llio following witnesses to prove
tuiiiuiuuiii, rcniuonce upon sou eulllvallon
ni.iu iiiiiu, viz; tBt Bttl
James .fntitison. of JiiekaniiTTTlft. nn.u,i an.!
Joliii F. Wlilto, N, l.angull nnd l I,. Jucobs, of
nuuiurn, urugon. " 'JSI ' i f
J. 'l . lililfillKK, Itoglster,
A Cirnn.l, Siveet Sons.
A Rood old (Jerman ladi- who keens
nniivo wine and Home chickens In n
Btiburu was waltlnK on n KiieHt when
one or two heiix net up n ciiekllnit of
mien veiieinenco that it stiKiccsted. to
the stranger dire dlsiiRler either al
ready liiiiipencd or IniiiendiiiK In tlie
chicken park. Tint Ilately tho blt
rooster took up the refrain and In his
lioni'HO Iiiihn and Inexcimablo fulsatto
"innlady and not melody" iniido more
rumpus than till of tho other fowls nut
"What In tho world Is the matter
with those chlckciiH, frail?" nuked the
'Achl Do Bchlckon, sho haf do eitirk
laid, nn' venn she an 0Ki?k haf laid do
rooster ho bin so ttlat ho help her sing."
I'uiiauolnhln TIiiich.
Willie's llecltnllon.
To do what you can "
. Aa well us you enn
Is a mlitlily Rood plan
For most any mun.
VL To work all the day,
f To work every day,
la the only auro wny
Of gettlns; your pay.
j If I work all Iho day .
Sft And give up rny play,
1 surely siiuH climb
To fortune some tlrae,
'tj On that distant day ' ' '-i
, I'll not want to play)
;X-t I'll onay Icoep climb-
... Ing all of tho lime.
A , , ; '
g." When fortune Is ript,
A. I'll reap what I'vo nown
Iff, A column of type
IjJ And aaatlier of stone.
i "Newark New
I, . 0. f. Iffldrt No. K. nitela In I. o. n t
m W.U? l ''i?1 M VlUlliiif UmltH"
alwsir . tl;uoi..
J aic Bvfl,
....i .......
at ai i m iMiflt Hi
u u. r.-imauo iivyvr r,ueiiiuiiiiiiu No,
H,y" ti. r , dhii ino kveonu atsi
fourth We datadayt ol lavh uiouth ul t u
II, II, ilAkiar, !'. I1
W, T. Yohk. Hcrlbt
Olive ItebeUah IxHlge No, W, meats In I. o,
O, P. hall nrat ami third 'lueailaya of eavb '
uKinlli Viaillug aiaiera Invlieil ui alienil,
Mhh. KtIa Hhiaiikh, N, 0. '
MjJuMttjiMtaiiiiaSjJtec. Hi,j
A. r. and A, M -Meets first Krl ity- oii or bo
furs full mouu ai 8 p. ui., lu Maaonu-liall.
, ... . f - VVaiTkMat, I'. M.
J. W. l.Awiow. Itev. H . . ;
K. ol 1',-Tnll.iiiaii loilye, No. Ill, imela Moo.
At) evuiirg at i. in, V,,ui,. brothers at.
wai. wukoiiie viinutliv.i;. (1.
CAMbi'avMi. K, of It, aciu r). 7 .
Kuiguia ol liic Mai'oaiwea. Trluume Ta .
No. M, tae.u la regular rtvlow on ihtltluci '
TT .7 V." i'u utoillD III A. tl. U. W. t
W. T, K,
a. u. KixiaoN, Couimaudrr,
Ni' m V;.': ur of Honor-Ksther lod
" '' aioiior nstner hmim
tvtolns ol taeb
C'usSMi-a atui'Msaaos, ho.
LrolaJr'alnJllttteuu?" vW,' !
r. U. of A.-sttdtord iMtf No. U aiteta
V.".l tvenlag in A. U u"w7kall.
Visiting rrattrt IsvlUd ui alUnd
I..A.JoHI,A. UoT'W'bT",,"",,km','M''i
Woodmen of the World-C'aais No. i
,7 J'day availing In at, of 1,
Medford, Oregon. '
Uoaacs Mams, cit.h'!'
CbrynaDUivBiuBi Circlr,
'""i no. , Womee ot
Meets arcond aad fount Tuscdaya
n ovuoraii.-
Of eacb iiion
VlilUug iiaurra
Kav wMi."4"'0'
e...r.r?or,h!rd .I"" '
it.uiivA lla4rfco) "w'.r;
0. A. It.-Chcair A. Arthur I'osi Me. at
JTrVw'? ' bll evtry ftrsV it"
.'"."'"'tyalghtlB each uiouth al 7:.t .
VlalUugUiuanJeaeunilslly In. ilea to attesol
i.M"Jf A".l,Ar''.jAOJulalil. t
alH-LHOHA.. Beer,.?," "tlK' ,,f""!""
l-raieroal Hr.niierbKrt-Mei First itad
ilnril ovoolngaat?:!!!, in, ro their ball In ice ,
k. of I', bunding, MrJilord. Oregon. VlstliiTJ
SUiers and Hrotneia cordially invited. "
UiratHA UAVtt Horict.ry. " ' f '''!"
U K H.-lleamca fbapler. No. M, UM. w
Miuonle Halt. Meilfot.l, lllrgun. Vlalllni aia
iera and biolhela alwava we'coino.
.. . "" A, I.UMai.s. W, at.
MArrig e. Firaau Hcrietary.
I'reahylrrlan (.'burcn-llev, w. F. NlileMa
pa-tor I'reaetillia every Hshballi al II a in"
and 7 :ial p. m. Huuday aehnol at 10 a m K K
l.cire, upt. l l.rlMloi, Kndeavor UjrMn.r on'o
limir belore llie evening arrvlca, ir. " w
May, I'rr.. flayer meeting evrry Tbilr..'
day al i:JUf. m. All are coedlally iuvllcu to
llieao aervlcua
A. CI. F. Meets every Monday nigtii al 71
la A. O. If. W. hall, vi.ui. k-.,...,-r. ....
dlallir welcomed. K. I.. (iUKMEa.lj. k.
JAH hTKII AST, Itec. Hecy. (
I'lllfnrin Hank K. or l Mi ."I.rTIii ...
the captain In K. of F. ball.
.. ... llnwAiin, Captain.
K. K. Kl.wonn, lleeoriler.
Melbodlst Kplacopal Churrn W. tl, Moore
pastor, freacbltig every Nalibatb at II a to
and 7:80 p.m. Monday sebool at 10 a. m , 11 L
(itlkey, aupt. Claas meeting every Habbaia
l cloe ol aerniou. Levi Faueelt. leader. Ep
worth league every Hal, bath evening ate:), (i,
Faueelt. prrsl. Ilegulal weekly prayer meet,
lug every Tburaday evening al 7:80. I.adlea'
aewlng circle everv week, Mlaalonary aoelets
meets lio drat Friday In eacb tnomb.
Ilaptl I church Rev. T. I,, t.'randall, paator,
sabtmtn aervleea: 'reacbltig 11 a. m. and S
p. ui.; Habhatb arhool Ion. m.i II, Y. P. U. 7
p. in. I prayoi meeting riiiirxlay at 7:!Bp. in.;
mveiiaul meellng al w Wi p. m. on Halurday pre
ceding llr.l sabbath. Sltaogers and Irleoda al
waya welcome.
Chriatian church corner of Kiitn and I
ureetii. f reaching every l.nrd'a liuy al ll a.
m. and s p. m Sunday rl.ool al 10 a. m.
frayei meeting evcrv Thurailuy evening.
The people welcome. K. M. faltoraon pastor.
Itosldes dt iho oburcb.
Methodist Kplacopal Cburcb Houib-Hev. U
U. farby, paator, .freachlng every Suoday al
II a, m. and evening; Huuday school al 10 a. m.l
fraycr meeting Thuraday evening al o'clock!
Woman's lluain &llMlnn, n,... M...
We dneHday In each month at g,ao n. m f.'.v..rv.
ono Is cordially Invited to all our services
HI. Msrk'a Kplscopnl Church :Hvetiaoinrin,t
antmoii, lal nnu lid Auiidav uf esefc monili nt
7:) p. m. Holy commiinloii, i(d Nunday of each)
month at It a. m. Morning prayer and acr.
mon. 4lh Honilav of each ninnlli l 11 t u.,n-
duy tchool at lou. m. All Invlled, Pews tree.
I.. M, Idleinan. I'rlcai la charge-
Clirlallnil gflflnflA ..r.l.n. .r. Iml.l
Buniiuy morning at sloven o'clock nt the tea.
donee of K. H
liunham, ol Tiiluul. All aro
lloaelnirg. (iro.. Juininry 111, IIKBl:
Nntleo la liureliv ulven llntt h ,i.i.aa
Willi llio provlalniia of tho net of Cotigre.a ot
June ll, IS7S, untiiieil "An set for lliu aalo ol
Umber lands In the Hlslea ol California, Oru
gon, Nevada ami Wn.hliiglou Terrllory," as
extuniled loall tho I'llhiiu
ol Annual 4. mr
u laiiil Htates by act
of Hpokaus, county ol Hhokiinv, Klale nf Waalt-
i"K,"i una tiny mull in una olllt'O his
land sought la inoro vhIiihI, fp li. ii.i,. ...
atone tlutn for iiKrleiilliirii) puroaea, and loea.
labllah Ilia claim to aald liillil holoru A, H.
llllliui.ll.S. Ciiiiiiiilaliiner,nt ,Meilforil,Uregoil.
on Friday, llio :ld day of A prll, llKlll. lie niiinoa
aa wltueaaea: Win. Hlnnlpv anil Fred Htanlitv.
V.' r,'w,"born. flregoii, nud Marlln Toim and
Diivid Toim, of f.iike (treck, Orogon,
Anv noil nil oeraona eliiltnliiD N.l.,n..nlw n.n
,. , I , , ., , ,, ' reiiieaieu lo IHO
lay of April, l'
n--, yiiuuin iii iiun iiiiicu on or iiuloru snld lilt
1. T. llstiKirs, Register.
llnllod filittis Land Ofllce,
. . I'bKoburK, Oregon, Jununry 19,
NOtiCO IS llflrubV Ulvon Hint In mmnli.n..
with the nrovlslnns of ihn nni. nt enn.M.. A.
Juno .1, I87S, eniliiod "An not for the sale ol
timber lands In tbo States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Wotliloglon Territory," at
oxtendod lo nil the Fubllo Land Slates dy act
Of August 4, IH1W, "'- ,
pf Omaha, county ot Dnugliia, Htuto of Ne
braska, has thin Anf mod In Ibis offlcrl his
1!'arJ!ln'!'S""x!i N1'.J,B" ,er 1,10 pnrehBiK) of
tho HF. of Hoctlon NO. 2fl, In Township No, IUV
H,, Hai.go Nn. 2 most, and will oflor proof to
show that the land sought Is moro vnluable for
Its timber or stono than for nurloultural pur.
poses, nnd lo establish his olnlin to snld land
l'.'?r" .A,.s' "lllon " s' Oommlsslonor, at
Madfonl, OrogQii, cn Friday, tho lOlh dav ol
April, 1(1011. Ho nnmos us witnesses: WlllLnl"''1
fcH'y,cn? W'A Wobstjr, .1, R, MoAlllster. i
w. 8, (inrtls.of Omnhn, Nebrssku.
Anyiind nil norsons claiming ndvorsoly thO'
above-desorihort Innns aro roounsied to (llo
their claims In tills ofilco on or bofore snld loth. :
day of April, 1003,
J.T. BaiLQED, Keglstor.