The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, October 10, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    LAWS! LAW!
fl f 175 to $10.00.
i tan. to
UUU I lUII-lllllllg won
Just arrived by express, a
largo Bhipmont of tho latost styles
in CiiBtor and Black Jaokets. Our
coats all have guaranteed satin
Wo also wish to announco the
arrival of our fall lino of fur col-
lnrotts and boas, in prices from
Komombur, we carry tho best lino of Silks and
Satins. Tho latest additions to this department are
19-inoh Blitok Taffeta, at - - 60c per yd
tfO-ineh " " - - - $1.25 "
30-inch " Satin (very fine) at $1.25 "
30-inch Moiro Silk at $1.25 "
Our Stock
of Shoes is more complete' than
J. G. Van Dyke 8 Co.
J. H. Butler, Funeral
Director, with Medford
Furniture Co., House
furnishers and Under
takers. 'Phone 163.
J. N. Wlllliunii, general manager of
tho Iowit I. ii m bor Compnny, who ro
ot ntly put up a sawmill on tho tract of
tlmlHir wliloli hit company bought a
four nionlha aluce from Llcekmau It
K milieu and David Llun, nour Jackson
vlllu, rumrla that tho sawmill la now
In 0Hirallon and Hint a goodly amount
of lumber la now on tho yard, much of
whluh la being uod in tho construction
of buildings for tho company' use. It
it tho Intention of tho oompany, Mr.
Wllllntni autoa, to build a tramwny
from tho mill to connect with tho Mod-
(ord-Jackonvllla ahortllne at Jackson
villa. Tho lumber brought out over
tUla road will bo pllad In Jackaonvlll
to dry. Upon tho tnaltor of tho bnlld-
. Ing of a box factory in tho valley Mr.
Williams waa noncommittal, A Mail
nportor, howoTor, waa irlvon to undo
land that tho establishing of tho fac
tory lo Medford had not boon given up
and that whon tho timo came to put in
tho factory our town would bo Riven a
fair, Impartial boaring, and if tho com
pany could eo It to their advantago It
would bo oatabllahod hero.
Four hundred rolla of wall paper
tin very latest patlorna and at prlooa
that are within rcaoh of all reciilvod
tli la wook by Weeks A Baker, tho Woat
Side furniture doalora.
Dr. W. L, Cameron baa been adding
omo new "implements of warfare"
latoly to lila oolleotton of eurgloal Im
plement,. Among thorn la an ophthal
mometer, an tnatruraent uaed In optical
work, dealgnod for tho purpoao ol de
tecting tho alighteat variation or defoot
in tho oyo, and an elootrlo laryngoscope,
which ia uaod for examinations of the
oyo, none and throat, in order to locate
dlaeaaea of theao organa. Thia lnatra
raent oonalata almply of a band, similar
to tho ono a "hollo girl" woara, (only It
fltaon tho dootor'a, not the patient's
hoad fore and aft instead of amld-ahlp)
with an olootiio light ao plaood aa to
rest on tho forohoad ol tho oporator.
In thia way a strong light can bo thrown
on tho spot sought to bo examined. Tho
moohanlsm of tho ophthnlmomutor W
too oom plicated for description hero,
but In aonnootlon with It Donlor Cam
eron has a most comp'cte collection of
inatriimonts for oporatlone and tront-
inont lor all (Unorders of tho oyo. llolh
tho ahuvo appliance nro now to this
acotlnn of tho country, but their utility
has already boon fully tested and ad
mitted In tho cast.
C. W. Rkoul, tho Woat Sldo confoo
llnuurv man. kootia In stock a full as-
nortmont of school tablets and ponclls.
also carrion ulnars, tobaccos, pcrlumcr,
toilet soaps. Tho best candios made
and alwuys fresh.
Last wook theso columns enlil G. H.
Ilowlaud had loft for a visit to Miune
iota. Tho gentleman didn't go got
"cold loot," as it wore, thinking of the
bolo zero weather In tho aforesaid
meollonod eastern state and decided to
call tho trip off, for a time at leuat. As
a matter ol fact Mr. Howlarid'H trip
waa postponed bocauso ol tho
lllnusa of tho parliua In the east
with whom ho ex poo ted to do business
Tho mistake Tub MAIL made wns due
wholly to the faolthal Mr. Howluud did
not make different arrangements until
after tho paper was on the pros,. It was
the first mlstako Tub Mail ever made'
Miss Qortrudo Beaver roturnod to
Portland Tuesday morning after a
week's visit with nor paronts, Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Doaver. The young lady 1
a stenographer In the office of Zlmmer
man A Wolls, large machinery dealer
of Portland.
I havo a carload of oemont which I
am aolllnu lo any Quantity desired, at
reasonable prices. L. B. Brown, Mod
ford Feed store.
Ray Hitman, a youth who ta em
ployed on the Miller ranoh near Jack
itonville, secured a team from Cox &
Scott's livery stablo on Sunday evening
to drive to Jacksonville He waa ao
oompanled by Mlssoa Effie Anderaon
und I'oarl Morgan. Juat north of the
fork, of the road thia aido of Jackaoti'
vlllo he drove over a stoop bank and
upset the vehlclo naturally the toam
ran away, smashing the top, tonguo and
various other portions of the buggy.
The young ladloa osoaped unhurt but
Hllaaan had ono of bia arms broken in
two places and received a severe gash
on the head which requirod aoveral
stitches to oloae. Tho toam escaped
without injury. '
Wolls it Shonror have the best
ooulDiiod outfit for draylng and house
hold moving In Modford. All kinds
of wood for sale full measure and
prompt delivery.
Tho Modford Business Collogo lr
now an established institution, and It
is tho duty of Modford people to maki
every effort to sea that it .Is a suooess.
A low words In Its favor at tho right
moment may do a groat deal of good,
Don't ovorlook tho opportunity to ay
thoso fow worda. You have a channo
Another Fresh Shipment of
Just arrived. As a breakfast
Mush, it excels all others.
to auixl your children to a school whore
they cum noqulro a thorough, practical
business education, something that will
be usoful to them in tho every day trans
actions of their after lllo, No matter
what profession or trade Is adopted, a
huslnusa training never oomos amiss.
Hltuatlona are more easily secured when
tho appllount can produce a diploma
from a ruputablo business oollego and
prove his thorough acquaintance with
commorolul transactions, forma and
law. Give your children a bualneas
education by all moans, now that you
havo tho opportunity right bore at
homo to do so. Give tho Modford Busi
ness Collogo a lift and you will never
have oauae to rogret it,
000 good oodar posts wanted. M.
Sunday afternoon as Goo, King and
bia sister, Miss Clara, and Carl Crystal
wero driving down Tenth stroot, on
their return from an expedition to the
Butte crook country, one of the horses,
without apparent reason, commenced
to kick. Before ho oould be stopped
he was astrldo the tonguo, and, fi Igbten-
ng tho other horse, both started to
run, Mr. King held onto them until
n making a sharp turn ono of the
linos broke, and tho wugon tilting up
on two wheels, the occupants wero
thrown out. Beyond a fow minor bruises
and a general shaking up they wore
uninjured, fortunately. The team broke
loose from the wagon and ran on to tho
C Street livery stable, wnurcone of the
horrosfell. The wugon was smashod
up some. Latbh; Mr. Crystal's in
juries uro more severe than Wero at first
thought, and be haa been conBncd to his
bed siuco Monday.
lluro are a few of the good things
lo out which you can get at Russell's
lunch rooms and confectionery : Fresh
oysters, put up In ovory stylo known to
luo best ends ol too land, sanawlones,
hot cotfe, hot chocolate, hot beef tea,
and hot tomato cocktails. Lunches of
all description served in a oluun, tidy
and warm room and at tables that arc
models of oleanlluess.
The cider press and mill is all in
position for Ol well Bros', vinegar fact
ory find is ultogothor a different look
ing machine from tho homo made cider
mill a great many of us remember in
our boyhood days. The fruit is poured
Into a hopper and carried by an (.leva
tir to the hopper which feeds tbo mill,
eight or nlno feet from tbo floor. The
pomace drops onto .trays, which when
full are oarrlcd undor the bydraullo
press, and when that press gots through
with It, if thore is any piece left it is
not perceivable. The Juice flows into
a reservoir beneath the machine, from
whence it is pumped into other reoop
melon prepared for It, A carload of
barrels wore received this week. Work
in arranging the plant bos bcon con
sldurably retarded by lack of lumber,
but that difficulty has now been over
- If you want flno candios go to the
Bakery, whore yon will find all oream
candles made by A. Learned, of Jack
sonville, and received fresh every week
ana sola very reaaonanie.
Poople who enjoy really good music
will not fail to attend the violin concert
at Wilson's opera house, on Friday
evening, October 0lh. Mrs. Pipes,
the violinist, is nnqueatlonably with
out an equal on tho coast today. There
Is a sweetness of tone in her muaio that
at once lntereats and Infatuates her
hearera. Every audlenoe before which
the lady has appeared went wild wltb
enthusiasm and tho applauds that have
greeted her every number have been
almost deafening. Her piano accora
panist Is Miss Uuggins, one ct tho very
best piano musicians in the west. " All
who do not attend tne concert will miss
a treat whioh they will surely regret.
The price of admission Is 36 cents; te
orve aeat tioketa 60 oenta, on sale at
the Medford Drug store. v
Good work horse for sale. Inquire
at Uoss flauo House.
At Susanville, Calif., on September
10, 1902, thore were married Mr. George
Homos, to Miss Llbble Pendelton.
The. bride is a former Jackson County
girl and a sister of J. C. Pendleton
and Mrs. N. C. Gunn. When hero she
waa one of the most prominent educa
tors of the county having taught a
school at Gold Hill and other plaoes in
tho valley. Her many friends bore
are profuso In their congratulations for
the young man who has oaptured this
prize. Mr. Homes, her husband, Is a
prominent, well-to-do farmer and stock
ralsor, near Susanville, and Is said to
bo In every way worthy of the young
lady whose heart and hand he has won,
Chickens wanted at the Central
market highest market price paid,
Almost evory fall Bameone loses
stook by having them shot by careless
hunters. . Reports of thoBO losses are
ommeaclng to oomo in. J. H. Wrlsley
reports that someone Bhot his mule this
week. The animal was in B. F. Hem-
street's pasture and was shot In the
thigh with a ride, breaking several
bones, and necessitating the killing of
the animal. Mr. Wrlsley Is a poor man
and tho loss Is no small Item to him.
Tho right thing for the man-o do who
committed this act would be to go to
Mr. Wrlsloy and pay him for the mule.
That would be fair and honruble.
My a took of grooerlos Id complete,
Come and got my prices. All kinds of
food, Modford Food Storo.
The pastor undexeoutivecommltteo
of St. JMark's Episcopal churoh have
undor consideration some Improve
ments on tholr uhupel which will at
oueo render It more commodious and
ttttruotlye and rnako It nioro In keep
ing wtlh ecolesiitstical architecture, It
is proposed to add a vestibule at the
entrance, to remove tho small hallway,
formerly used as a voatry and to put
n a recess sanctuary of tbo apse form.
It is to be hoped that thoy will be mot
with encouragement In their under
taking not only from the congregation
but also from all who desire to soe God's
work prosper.
With the new fanllltlnn that B. N.
Butler put In his shop, bo turns out as
good work in repairing watches and
ewelry as any ono in Southern Oregon.
C. H, Elmore reports the progreaa
ol , work on the Noldemyor reaideoce
very satisfactory. This is going to bo
ono of the very best farm homes in
Southern Oregon. It Is being erected
on the Bybee place, near Jacksonville,
whluh was purchased last spring by
Mr. Noldemyor. Its dimensions are
32x34 feet, full twotorlos high, with
porcnes and balconies plentifully scat
tered on vailous sides. He is also bav-
ng built an 18x30 foot brick collar
and milk bouse. Mr. Elmore Is doing
tho carpenter work.
Butter and cum wanted. Cash or
trudo. Modford Food Store.
T. E. Pottonger : "Say, Billon, did
you see that drove of One beef cattle
which wo drove through town last
week? Thore were sixty head of two
and throe year old steers from Frank
Byboe'shord. Tbey wore fattened In
the Dead Indian country and are with
out a doubt as flno a band of beef cattle
as wero ever driven to market. .We
now have them out in Thomas' alfalfa
Holds. Yes, they are for the block, did
yon think we bought them to farm
squirrol ranches with?"
At C. W. Skeol's West Side confec
tionery you will find always on hand a
fresh stock of bread, pies and cakes.
It Is a source of much satisfaction
to Rev. W. B Moore's many friends in
Mod lord to know that be has bcon re
turned to this pastorate for another
twelve montbs. Rev. Moore'a friends
are not confined wholly to members of
his own ohurch, but they are numbered
among those of other denominations
and at well as very plentifully among
those of our townspeople who are not
affiliated with any church work.
Embroldory leBsons given at my
residence, on West. Fifth street, on
Wednesday and baturday afternoon 01
cacn week. Airs. W. T. xork.
There were about 0000 guesses turn
ed in on the numbor of beans in the
jardiniere in the Medford Rook Store
window, ranging from 1,000, to 100.0C0
Thore wore 14,703 beans In the jar and
Miss H ild roth Humason guessed the
exact numboi on September 21st, being
the first correct guess to be turned in
Several others guessed the correct sum
bor but made tholr estimates at a later
date, consequently Mis Humason gets
the camera.
I have 300 cords of oak wood and
000 tiers of various kinds of wood for
salo. A. Slover, the drayman. Wood
delivered promptly to any part of the
J. C. Lucus haa become a resident
of Grants Pass. He shipped his house
hold goods to that olty on Saturday and
will probably go into business there,
The departure of Mr. and Mra. Lucas,
from Medford is much regretted by
their many friends here. Mr. Lucas it
a capital good fellow, while Mrs. Locus
was a great favorite among the women
For work or goods In human hair,
go to Mrs. L. L. Keame, Medford, Ore.
Mrs. May A. Gllson, wife of Thos.
H, Gllson, died at the family residence
on North O street on Friday last, aged
64 years, 4 months and 22 days. Mrs.
Gilson leaves a husband and family of
grown children. The interment took
place in the Jacksonville cemetery on
Sunday, Rev. W. B. Moore conducting
the oeromoniea.
For fine and up to date photos oomo
to tho photo tent on C street. H. O.
G. W. Mackey has leased the Elite
Studio, in the Hamlin .block, and ex
peots to at onoe open a photograph
gallery there. He will continue to
operate the gallery in the Adkins
block. Ed. Chappel, a photographer
from Kansas will have charge of Mr.
Maokoy's new gallery. -
When you want a real good lunch
one that's as good or batter than your
mother used lo put p you win nave
to go and get Campbell, the Vienna
bakery man, to tlx it for you.
T. D. Stundley, late of Klamath
county, -has purchased a 2-acre traot on
Bear oreok, in the northern part o
Men's Rubber
Spraying Gloves
Ladies' Light House-work
Rubber Gloves
Hot Water Bottles
Fountain 5yringes
Combination Hot
Water Bottle and
Fountain Syringe
Bulb Syringes
Rubber Sheeting
frFall Millinery
We have just opened a line of
Fall and Winter Styles in
beautiful hats for
that are far superior to any
' thing of the kind eyer before
shown in Medford, Wo offer
these goods at
than you can get the same
quality and workmanahly for
anywhere else.
We Invito you to call and ex
amine our stook
town, from A. B. Greenland, theconaid.
eration being $350. The deal was made
through the agency of M. Bellinger.
Mr. Greenland will still remain in Medford.
Wanted Five or six glrla to work
n Palm-W hitman Co'b. cigar factory.
Ira Kime, of Griffin creek, met with
an accident Monday evening, wn cn
will put him on the retired list for a
time. The team he was driving ran
away with him, and threw Mm from
the wagon, the vehicle running over
bim. Five ribs were fractured and he
was generally bruised up.
Dr. Cameron has rentei the Dr.
Picket residence on Weat Seventh street.
lormerly occupied by J. 0. Lucas, and
will move into it this week. Next year
the doctor expects to build a residence
of bis own, and settle down as a perma
nent citizen.
A. P. Talent and wife, occom
panted by tbeir son and daughter,, left
last night for tholr home in Medford.
Tbey were at one time residences of
this oity and have been visiting rela
tives here (or the past two weeks.
Salem Statesman.
Any one desirous of securing a good
sawmill would do well to bee George W.
Daley at the mill on Roundtop, eleven
miles east of Eagle Point. P. O. ad
dress Eagle Point, Oregon...
Albert F. (Bert) Barnes, son of ex-
Sheriff Barnes, and - Miss Marguerite
Meade, of Grants Pass, were married
in that oity on the evening of October
1st. Bert has a boat of friends in this
section, all of whom are anxious for a
ohanoe to offer congratulations.
- Cash paid for eggs, Wilson's
grocery store, Sooth C street, Medford.
The bail at Wilson's opera house on
Monday night was a very pleasant af
fair, although, the attendance , waa not
very large, owing probably to short
notice. A traveling orchestra furnished
the.mu8ip,whteh.was said to be very
good by those who were there.
A man In the east iound a diamond
trooch with twenty-eight diamo ds in
It, and tried to exchange it for a ton of
coal, but the man who had the coal
wouldn't trade .
John Nelson has finished his thresh
ing work for this season. His machine,
in a run of thirty-eight days, threshed
52,000 bushels of grain.
All kinds of sasn and doors und
screen doors, at lowest market price,
W. Woods.
The little son of E. L. Gorshne,
who has been gulte ill with typhoid
fever, is recovering under the treatment
of Dr. Keeue.
Miss Olive Carnell has returned to
Medford to complete her stenographic
course at the Medford Business College
Music Hath Charms.
It is inspiration itself, and only artists
recognise, feel or execute it. It cannot
be reduced to a mechanical or routine
business, but is an expression of thought
and feeling Known only to tnoae lortu
nate enough to be classed among
irenluses. Latent talent In a musical
line cannot manifest itself except under
DroDer nourishment, wblon means sim
ply proper instruction. "The teacher
who is constantly leading yon to higher
musical results is also holding and
guiding yoiir nature to the best in life."
To all muslo-lovlng people, and espe
cially thoso who desire to take up the
study of music and pursue it earnestly
and diligently with a view to acquiring
a thorough and teohnical knowledge,
we call special attention to Prof. Sig.
D. Boffa, of this city, so well known
here and elsewhere as a moat successful
instructor In violin, oollo, guitar, harp,
and in fact all stringed Instruments
used in orchestra work. Prof. Boffa is
an exceptionally thorough and consci
entious teaoher and is very successful
In leaving with his pupils a foundation
in the knowledge of music that follows
them through life. Slipshod methods
in piano work, contracted under the
instruction of careless teachers, can te
readily overoome under Prof. Boffa's
rigid and thorough touching.
Weeks & Baker
Chas. Meserveformerly in the em
ploy of Tne Mail, returned Wednesday
alter a few weeks' stay at Portland and
Astoria. He la in the valley upon busi
ness and was In Ashland yesterday.
Frank Redden was unfortunate last
Monday In having his foot run over by
a loaded wagon, since which time he
has been laid up.
Onr good friend George Lynch, of
Trail, was in the city Wednesday upon
For Sale.
' Choice 20-acre Orchard, 15 years old
now in full bearing of winter apples,
pears, apricots, prunes and peaches; all
the varieties. Good location. I mast
sell on account of poor health. .
Mrs. G. Karewskl,
40-tf. Jacksonville, Oregon.
Will They Ever Find It Out
That the Medford flour is again thai
beat flour on the market.
The Mail haa the news.
25 to
50 Gents off
Ticket Sale
The Yellow Front
flail Order House.