The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, September 05, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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    ,; FLASHES.
Tbe Gaiettfl of Poking Saturday pub
ijlshed an edict abolishing the liken
, . taxes throughout the Chinese empire.
- -Within sixty yards of the shore and
' threw about 12,000 shells into the
town, dealing death and destruction.
livery shot was effective.
I The American line steamer St. Louis
;: sailed from Southampton Saturday for
New York, having on board the re
mains 01 Mr. and Mrs. Charles U Fair.
, Details have reached Port of Spain,
Trinidad, of the bombardment of elu
ded Bolivar by the Venezuelan gun
boats Bolivar and Restaurador, Two
. warships went to the Venezuelan town
with soldiers to recapture the place.
Upon the refusal of the revolutionists
to surrender, tbe gunboats approached
The autumn parade of the Ouard
corps was heid Saturday on the Tern
plehot field, Berlin, In the presence of
. the emperor and Empress, King Vic
tor Emmanuel of Italy and other Im
portant personages. Huge crowds en
thusiastically greeted their majesties.
Major Generals Henry C. Corbln and
Samuel H.M. Young and Brigadier-General
Leonard Wood, accompanied by
their aides-de-camp, attended the pa
Irade on the Templehot field.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot
riacb. the seat ot the disease. Catarrh Is a blood
eoastttullonal disease, and in order to cure
utou mist take Internal remedies. Hall's
caurrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acta dl
tSoSt on the blood and mucous surf aoeo. Hall's
tfeurrb. Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was
irwcrlbed bj one ot the best physioiana In this
country lor years, and Is a regular prescription,
li is composed ot the best tonics known, com
ilned with the bost blood partners, aoilngdl.
roctiv on the mucous surfaces. The ported
combination of the two ingredients Is what
Broduoes such wonderful results in curia
rrVhT send for testimonials free.
- k I. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
For the first time In the history of
the United States navy a modern bat
tleship has failed to attain the speed
qualifications of. her contract The
! Maine, in her trial over the Cape Ann
Course last Saturday, failed to make
(38 knots per hour,, as specified in the
contract between the government and
' IVIlllam Cramp & Sons of Philadelphia.
The Maine, the keel of which was laid
February IS, 1899, the anniversary of
.the destruction of the old Maine In
Havana harbor, was the first of several
18-knot ships authorized by congress.
, ) Take Care of the Stomach.
The man or woman whose digestion is perfect
. and whose stomach performs its every funotlon
is never sick. Kodol cleanses, purifies and
- sweetens the stomach and cures positively and
permanently all stomach troubles, Indigestion
and dyspepsia. It is the wonderful reconstruc
tive tonic that Is making so many sick people
"well and weak people strong by conTeying to
their bodies all ot the nourishment in the food
they eat. Rev. J. H. Holladay, ot HoUaday,
Miss., writes: Kodol has cured me. I con
sider it the best remedy I ever nsed for dys
pepsia and stomach troubles. I was given up
by phyaioians. Kodol saved my life. Take it
after meals. Chas. Strang.
' The offices In Victoria and Vancou
ver of the White Pass and Yukon rail
way have been closed and a report
from Dawson says that wholesale dis
missals of executives in the company's
service In the north are soon to take
place. The Canadian offices have been
closed, It Is said, for tbe purpose of
removing all possible liability of the
company in connection with big suits
Tor damages instituted in Canadian
courts by merchants against the com
pany for- alleged overcharges on
- freight shipments in contravention to
Canadian" "government regulations..'!
- Water Care for Chronic Constipation
Take two-cops of- hot water half-ati
hour before each meal and just before
going to bed, also a drink of water, hot
or cold, about two hours after each
meal. Take lots of outdoor exercise
walk, ride, drive. Make a regular
habit of this and in many caseB chronic
constipation may be cared without tbe
'use of any medicine. When a purgative
is required take something mild ana
gentle like Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. For sale by Chas. Strang,
According to the Information un
earthed at Chicago, William J. Barth
olin, wanted by tbe police in connec
tion with the murder of his mother
end the disappearance of his sweet
heart, Miss Minnie Mitchell, is a mem
ber of the noble house of Bartholtn
Eichel, In Denmark. It has been also
Ulscovered that he has a half-orother,
(Frederick Bartholin, prosperous and
iilghly respected, living In Chicago.
Beware of the Knife.
No profession has advanced more rapidly of
late than surgery, but it should not be used ex
cept where absolutely necessary. In cases of
piles for example, it Is seldom needed. De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures quickly and
permanently. Unequalled for cuts, burns,
bruises, wounds, skin disesses. -Accept no
counterfeits. "I was so troublod with bleed
ing piles that I lost much blood and strength.
says J. C. Phillips, Ports, 111. "DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve oured me In a short time." Soothes
and heals. Chas. Btrang.
' Mrs. Calvin McMahon of Seder
County, Tenn., aged 16, and a bride of
four months, Saturday afternoon be
came angered at a negro servant, Sal-
lie Wilson, and dug her eyeballs from
the sockets and threw them on a red-
hot-stove to fry. Mrs. McMahon and
Bailie were In the kitchen washing
Wishes when the former became en
raged at the latter about some trifling
Jnatter and the trouble resulted.
Fortune Favors a Texan.
"Having distressing pains in heed
"back and stomach, and being without
appetite, 1 began to use JJr. King's New
1,1 fn Pills." writes W. P. Whitehead,
of Konnedale, Tex., "and soon felt like
a new man." Infallible In Btomach
and liver troubles. Only 25o at Ohae.
Strang's drug etore.
Engineer Runs Northern Limited
Down Mountain Side at Full Speed
to Eaoapo Crash With Train Be
hind. Helena, Mont., Sept. 1. One of the
most spectacular races known In the
history of Western railroading oc
;urred near Evaro yesterday. No dam
age rosultod,- simply because the
Northern Pacific north coast limited
a-as able, after un almost superhuman
effort on the part of the englneor, to
outdistance his competitor after a
?hase uown a mountain several miles
The freight train, which consisted of
fifty-five cars, had gone on the siding
at Arlee to allow the limited to pass.
Both started out in opposite direc
tions, but the freight train had scarce
ly got on to the main lino before it
broke 'in two. Happening to glance
back, tne engineer of the limited saw
this, and, resolving that it was a case
of a life or death race, threw open the
throttle and started for Evaro, where
the grade changes. He veritably flew
past that stattlon, closely followed by
the wild freight train. Starting up the
grade, the freight finally lost its speed
and was placed under control by the
conductor and two brakemen, who had
remained at their posts through the
trying ordeal. The occupants of the
passenger train were badly frightened
and the two rear sleepers were vacat
ed, so great was the fear of the ap
parently Impending crash.
Awful Tragedy Closes -Illinois Doc
tor's Debauch. ...
Alton, 111., Sept. 1. Crazed by drink,
Dr. . O. A. Miller of Rockbridge ter
minated a week's debauch Sunday by
shooting his wife to death and then
ending his own life shortly thereafter
by drinking, tincture of opium.
While Mrs. Miller was seated at a
piano Miller entered the room and
without warning drew a revolver and
shot her in the back. Mrs. Miller fell
from the piano stool to the floor dead.
Miller then walked Into his study,
picked up a pint bottle of tincture of
opium and drank nearly half of Its
contents. Neighbors, Including Mar
shal Woolbrldge, heard the shooting,
and upon entering the house found
the doctor standing in the middle of
his study with the bottle of opium
still in his hand. At their approach
Miller placed the bottle to bis lips and
attempte to' drink the remaining con
Then euaued a race of fourteen miles
against death and a mob to tbe Green
county jail in Carrolton. When five
miles had been covered the bottle of
opium had been lost, and Dr. Miller
was in the sleep of death. Officers
and prisoners reached the county jail
one hour and fifteen minutes after the
race of fourteen miles had been run.
Within twenty minutes after he had
been placed in jail Miller was dead.
Dr. Miller was the son of John
Miller, a capitalist of Chanute, Kans.
Mrs. Miller was the only child of Mr.
and Mrs. William Allen of Rockbridge.
-xne parents ot ootn are. wealthy.
Rushing Re-enforcementi in Both the
Army and Navy.
, Newport, R. I., Sept. 1. The air was
filled with orders and countermands
Saturday. Upon the wharves of the
city and the posts all was bustle. Much
of the activity was occasioned by the
arrival of re-enforcements from abroad
for both army andnavy. The first
to arrive was Rhode Island's signal
men for the army, comprising the naval
reserves, artillery, hospital corps and
Infantrymen with only two of the sig
nal corps, a captain and a sergeant.
The best material of tbe state nas been
selected, yet It will compare poorly
with the regulars. The Rhode Island
ers reported at Fort Adams for assign
ment along the coast. The next re
enforcement was six companies of
Massachusetts heavy artillery, which
came on a special train soon- after,
four companies going to Port Adams
and two to Fort Greble.
There has been little activity abou:
the fort during the day except tha.
occasioned by the arrival of re-enforce
mente. The vork of preparation a;:
pears to have been so far completed
that the post is to take a rent. Din
ing the day many of the men have
appeared -n this city on 24-hour leave
after which they do not' expect to leave
their locations except when on duty.
The session of tho naval war college
has been suspended for a week to give
the officers a chance to see the maneu-
Cut by Would-be Robber. .
San Francisco, Sept. 1. Otto Koh
ler, a boxmaker living at 109 Vande
water street, was attacked by an un
known man last evening at Fisher
men's wharf, foot of Mason street, re
ceiving two severe knife wounds in the
scalp. His assailant made his escape.
His motive probably was robbery.
Kohler was sent to the Central Emer
gency hospital. Two large gashes In
the head and several lacerations of the
face gave evidence of .the desperate
struggle through which he had passed.
No trace of the would-be robber could
be found.
eits the Quality of Both
Blood and Musole.
1 There are grades even In hard work.
The actual lulior tuny not lie greater In
one case tnnn 111 another, nut the con
ditions uuder which the work is done
intensify the strain upon the entire body.
To work tn the harvest field, under a hot
un, Is, after all, a healthful occupation.
0 work in a stoke hole, deep In the
bowels of an ocean liner, or under
ground in some basement, imposes far
more strain and produces ttrenter exhaus
tion thuti the hardest work iu the field
the hottest of July days.
Vital statistics tell the story. The
average life of the man in the stoke hole,
the rolling mill, the blast furnace, the
glass factory, is far below the average
Ufe of the open air worker.
Yet the average life of these hard
working men could be considerably pro
longed, if once and for all they would
learn the force of that Biblical state
ment, "The blood is the life." If a man
seeks to prolong his life, he must take
account of his blood for that is the
vital fluid.
The chief cause of a physical break
down is often tbe fact that people put
off giving themselves proper care. They
don t want to spend the money for medi
cine, or they don't feel auite sick enough
to want to take It. They feel languid,
"played out," as they say, and when the
day's work is over there isn't a bit of
"go" left la them. That's the time
when the use of Dr. Pierce's Colden
Medical Discovery means a new grip on
life, and the prevention of more serious
"It has been five veara since I took
your ' Golden Medicai Discovery ' for an
affection called scrofulous enlargement
of the glands of tbe deck," writes Mr.
Zcbulon B. Loftin. of Grifton, Pitt Co.,
N. C., "and I am glad to tell you that
I have had no return ot the disease. I
thought I would write you and let you
know that I have not forgotten you, and
never will while I live.
"You may publish this if you wish,
and if any one wants to know about my
testimonial they are at liberty to write to
me, and I will acknowledge the truth in
"For three years I have suffered
with that dread disease, eczema," writes
Mrs. J. Koepp, of Hermann, Oregon. " I
was told to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery, which I did, and after I
had taken fourteen bottles I was perman
ently cured. It has been a year since I
stopped taking your medicine and the dis
ease has never appeared since. Yonr
medicine produced a wonderful cure, and
I hope others suffering as I did, will
take ft and tw relieved of their suffering."
- 1V-.'.-: United states Land omee,"
, . Roseburg, Oregon, July lf. lfiTO,
Notice Is hereby given that tu compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Juno S, 187S, entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands In tbe States of California, Ore
gon. Nevada, and Wasblngton Territory, as
extended to all tbe Publlo Land States by act
of August . 1892, i
of Pullman, county of Whitman, 8tate of Wash
ington, bas this day Bled in this ofllre bis sworn
statement No. 2969, for tbe purchase of tbo
Northeast Quarter (NEK) otHcotlon No. 84, in
Township No. 33 South, of Range No. , and
will offer proof to show that tbe land sought
is mors valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before tbe Register and Re
ceiver of tbls ofltce at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Thursday, the 20th day of November, 1902. He
names as witnesses: E. W. HcUann, Phil U.
Blckford and Clarence H. Buell, of Pullman,
Washington, and William W. Robertson, of
Moticow. Idaho.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
tbelr claims in tblB office on or before said 20tb
day of November, 19U2.
J. T. Bbidoes, Register.
tviorT DR. JORDAN'S oaaar
VttvMa MkU oat lama.
Id tht World.
f I lb old Ml iMcUltoiMfhsrMdM
mmm m4 mI041
mnrnm whm r wmftfirm
frm tha ttTvcta ) roatfcW rc4Jv
a erttuori r wbmw m Mniw
9 jmx NioiindphTialcObllltr,B.
cmhousii peg arm mmmiwr mwmm. r wmm wmww
rHmm, donorrlicM, ttltvci, yrMtif
of Vrtmmtlwtm, By tasWiMta i
rcrsftdlM, of gnat oursMrs power. Uu pmtm
ku to arrsnaTirl UU trMtaMBl tti u wilt ul
air Afford Tir-'tailata rMrf, kmt ylnaawawt
unjru iu ' vmtmtm i-wsen, srui ayiria
Tha Do" r doea daim a trietm
ofa. bat tm wall knawa ta h Ur ad
ra Philctait and fliirfTfij nrt iaila1
ipcfaltjr niMMaa m Ma.
eura. raa uu r aoea ohm m rforw
la blfvpacfattjr-
T PHI Lift tbAtouahlT atmalaaai
tfca artm without theaf Mrnrj.
tart tor Bapfnra, A aatok aaX radisui
ntrafor Plla, I'laaar tad Vlaalaaaf T
Air. jqran Hp'oisu fiaimrM maiaou.
ETKBT If ABf aanl jrlnff ta wDl
wmr notwi amnion 01 nil oorupin.
W4 uill Ovara Mm a J
km a rumrrtTm
Con in I Ut Ion VKJC n rtrl0tl7lrta,
Treatment proiia1l ar 07 latter.
took for mQ.) (allarwrtte
OR. JORDAN OO.i IMS MftiM tt, .
Ta Curo a Gold iu One Bay
Tnko Mzntlvo Hromo Qulntno Tablets. AH
driifKlHtB rofur.U the money If It failfl to curo.
E, W. Orovo u signature Is on each box. 2bo.
The cures of diseases caused by an
Impure or poisoned , condition of the
blood, which have been accomplished
bv the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery, stump it as one of the
most remarkable remedies of the age.
Its curative, power U beat judged from
the fact that in a great muny cases the
line of "Golilen Medical Discovery" wits
uut begun until Years of misery hail been
experienced, ami all available medicines
hail entirely fulled to struct a cure,
gainko 37 roliNDS, ,
"It has been two months since I
topped using Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery," writes J. Venters, Kw,.
of Rt'gimt, i'ike Co., Ky. "1 stayed
down iu Texas lust year and contracted
chills mid fever while there. I came
back to Kentucky and was about shak
ing my boots off from my feet when I
commenced usiug it. I only weighed
i.o Kuiutti. Hud uri'ii
sullcriug with chills and
fever for 11 months. Took
treatment from my tloetut
and tried iiiuuy different
kinds of vmtent medicines,
and all seemed to do 110
J;ood. Since I have used
our Iwttles of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery,
and one viul of his '1'clletn,'
I feel well ill every resjiect
and weigh 1H6 pounds in
stead of 149, my weight
when 1 begun Us use, I
advise the whole South to
keep it in their home all
tbe time, and 1 will guar
antee thrv will have no
more chills and fever if
they use it according to
"Golden Medical Discov
ery" removes the foreign
aulistituces which corrupt
the blood and create con
ditions favorable to disease.
It acta upon the blood-making
glands and Increases
their activity, thus Increns
itur the suniily of pure, rich
blood, which feeds every nerve and
tissue of the body. It cures eruptions,
boils, sores, salt-rheum, eczema, tetter,
scrofula, rheumatism and blood poison
ing. Accept no substitute for "Golden Med
ical Discovery." The muln motive of
substitution is to enable the dealer to
make the little more profit paid him by
the sale of leu meritorious preparations.
' Sick people, especially those suffering
from diseases which have become
chronic, are Invited to consult Doctoi
Pierce, by letter, ret. All correspond
ence is held as strictly private and
sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
This invitation, to consult Dr. Pierce
by letter, free, is not to be confounded
with the spurious offers of " free medical
advice," made by those who having no
medical knowledge or experience, are not
qualified either professionally or legally
to give medical advice.
Dr. Pierce, chief consulting physician
to the Invalids' Hotel and bnrgical In
stitute, Buffalo, N. V., assisted by his
medical staff of nearly a score of phy
sicians, has in a little over thirty yean,
treated and cured hundreds of thousands
of sick men and women.
The success of Dr. Pierce's method
and medicines may lie inferred from the
fact that of the hundreds of thousands
who have consulted him 98 percent, have
been perfectly ami permanently cured.
There is no similar offer of free con
sultation by letter which has tiehind it
an institution of such world wide reputa
tion as the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
Institute, Buffalo, N. V , with iu stuff ol
nearly a score of physicians and its great
record of cures.
FRRR TO At,!..
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medic'
Adviser is sent frre on receipt of stamp
to pay expense of mailing only. Till
great work on fumily medicine auO
household hygiene, contains Wore thsr
a thousand large pages nnd over 700
illustrations. Send 31 one-cent auinp,
for the cloth-bound volume, or only si
Marhps for the book in jwiier cover
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y.
" ' " -' : ' ' ' Dnltou mmm i.aoa vnirv '
. KOAoDnrft, urofton, July ii, liwx
Nottco in hnrcby given that In compliance
with tho provlfilonfi of the not of Conffronn of
Junes, 18tK, en lltled "An act for the Main of
timber land In the Rtatps of California. Oro
don, Nevada, and Waahlnjzton Territory," na
extended to alt tbe Publlo Land Btatca by act
of August 4. 1892.
of Pullman, county of Whitman, Htate of Want)
Inglon, bas this dnv filed In tbla hf en worn
statement No. 2970, for ihn purchase of tho
Southeast quarter (HK!) of Section No. 22. In
Township No. .13, flouth of Kange No. 2 K , and
will offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for Its timber or atone than for
agricultural purpoKes, and to ctabl1nb bis
claim to said land before th Resistor and Rev
eclver of tbls office at tloncburg, OrotroD, on
Thursday, the 20tb day of November. 1002. He
namos ns witnesses: William W. Roborl'on,
of Moscow, Idaho, and D, Fletcher Htalcy.
Phil O. life k ford and Kdwln W. McCann, of
Pullman, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are rogues ted to tile
their cl films In this office on or before said 30th
day of November, 1902.
i. T. n in does, Register.
United mates Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Juno 11, 1002.
Notlee Is hereby given that In compliance
with theprovlfllons of tho act of Congress of
Juno 8, 1378, entitled "An act for tho sale of
timber lands In the Stntos of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
oxtended to all the Publlo Land Btates by act
Of August 4, 1892.
of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Ore
gon, has this day filed In this office bin sworn
statement No. 2722, for tho purchase of the
H14 of 81 Lot and NEJ of SW, Hoc l Ion
No. 7, Township 32 Houth, of Kango No. SI Hast
and wlllofferproofto show that the Isad sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before the county clerk of Jackson
County, Oregon, on Monday, tho Oth day of Oc
tober, 1002. Ho names as witnesses: James
Gorman, Joseph Currle.John Frlck and Erastus
J. Stark, all of Grants Para, Oregon.
Any and all porsons elolralng adversely the
above-described lands arc requested to file
their claims In this office 00 or before said 6th
day of October, 1002.
J. T. Hmidokh, Register.
ItnKcliiirK, Ore, Junu '2H, Imi.
Notice In hornhy given that In (!oin)lliiiii:o
with (ho TirovlMloim of tho net of ConniHH of
Jiiihs 11, 1H78, nntllletl "An not for thu mile of
tlinher liimix In Die Hlntns of Ciillfornlit, Ora.
Kon, Ncvii'Iil nntl WaKhltiKton Territory," iih
exlendeil to nil the iuhllu luml slnten hv net of
AllBUHl I, WW,
of I'roHpeet, ilonnty of Jiieknon. Hliilft of Orn
Kon, Iibh ItMK ilny fflcil in this ollli-n his xworll
Hlatement No.liH'il, for the pnriiliiimi of tho
Nl Huetlon 1H. Towimlllp :CI K. . It. II K mill
will offer proof to show Unit thu liuid HoliKlit
is moro viillinhle for itn timber or Hlonn thiin
for fiKrlenltiiriil pnriiOHCH, mill to OKtuliliHli IiIh
elalm to khIiI land liefnrc H. If. Ilnrtlett, eonnty
clerk, at CiranlH l'aus, Oregon, on ThtirHduy, tlio
jit ilny uf Octul'or, 11KVJ. llu names RufwUtioKMtm t
Jiimus illinium uiiii Junuidi IHirrlo, til llriiiits
I'iikk, Ori'Mim Jiwpli 1)1 ink ami 11, V, llurvuy.ol
I'ullnx, WiihIiIukIoiIi
minx, wiihiiiiikiiiii.
Any mill all Momma ulittmlitlt adversely tint
aliovii-iltoi'rllii'il IiiiiiIk am riMitiostwl ti Illy
tholr claims In tills oniuo oil or before aulil lid
day of Oulubor, WW. J. T. Uiiiihiks.
In tho Circuit Court' In and for the
Ontuitv nt Jiuikstiu and Statu ill Oruuoti,
Uliuiys liaymontl,
William 11, Hitymond,
Bull for Di
vorce. To William 1). iJiiymoiid, tho above
iinmud tioiomitini:
Oregon you are hereby " nnm-i m up
pour and answer tho oi'iiiplulul ul thu
plaintiff Hied Multilist you In vnu ubovo
entitled Court mid ouiiso within tlx
weeks from tho dittu of the first publica
tion of this Muiiimons, said first put Men
tion bulng on Friday, thu Hth day ol
August, 11)01!, and you iiru hereby uotl
lloil that if you fail to appear mid imswir
or otherwise plead to pliilnllll's coin
plaint within said tlmu the plitlntilT
will apply to tho Court for rullol do
mandud In her complaint, namely, for
decree of divorce from you and that tho
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween yourself nnd plaintiff bo wholly
set aside nnd bold for naught, and that
plaintiff have the onru, control and
custody of hor minor eon, Kdwln J,
Hitymond, and that alio have jmlumonl
against you for five hundred (1500) dol
lars alimony, and tbnt she have suoli
portion of tho real properly in Jackson
County as Is given bar by law, and that
she have judgment against you for tho
ooem and disbursement of Oils suit nnd
that she be given such other nnd further
relief as to the Court may seem lit and
This siiinmor.a Is published In TllK
Mkoi'OIII) MAIL by ordur ol Honorable
U, K, Iluitna, Judge of the Circuit
Oonrl for Jaukaon County, Oregon,
tnndo and entered on the Mb day of
A lllll., 1 I I.. ... t.l 1
It is ordered that you bo roqulrod to
appear and answorsaid eomnlnlnl with
In six weeks from tho datu of tho first
publication thereof, tho first publica
tion thereof being on Friday, tho 8th
day of August, 1002, and tho last publi
cation being on Friday, tho UHh day of
septemuer, iuuz.
Attorney for i'lalntlff,
In the Circuit Court in anil for tho
County of Jackson, State of Ori'(on,
Floronuo B. Heed, 1
vs. Suit (ur Divorce.
Corncalius, I
Defonilunt. J
To Cornoiiliiia It end, tho uIhivo iininoil
ilofoiiiliint :
Oreifon you nro liereby ri'iiilrcil to up.
poar ami answer llio complnint fllvil
aiiuint you in llio aunvo onlltlwl Court
and causv on or bcfnro ScpUmilwr 111.
11102. the last ilay of llio time prescribed
in tho order for publication of this sum.
mens, to-wit: On or oeforo the expira
tion ol six weoka from tho day of thu
first publication of .aid summons, the
first publication thereof being on the till)
day of August. 1002, and you nro hereby
notified that if you fall to answer or
olherwiio plead to said complaint for
want thereof plalnl iff will apply to tho
Court for relief demanded in tho com
plaint, to-wit: For dissolution of the
bond, of matrimony existing between
plaintiff and defendant, and that .aid
marriage now existing be held (or
naught, and that plaintiff havo judgment
sguieel defendant for costs and disburse
nenta, and that .he havo inch oilier
and further relief as to the Court may
Bocm just and equitable,
This publication in made by order of
Honorable II. K. Iliinns, JuJgo of the
Circuit Court for the Bute of Oregon,
County of Jackson, which order was
duly made and entered in tho Circuit
Court Journal for the Blnto of Oregon,
County of Juekion, August 5, 1002, re
quiring that tbe defendant lie served by
publication ot the summon., nnd that
said summons be published in Tim
Mkdpohi) Mail, a newspaper of Kenernl
circulation in Jackson County. Oregon,
for six weeks from tho Hlh ilny of
August, 1902, tho first day of publica
tion thereof, and tbo lait day of publica
tion thereof lining on tho 10th day of
September, 1002.
William I. Vawtkii,
Attorney for I'lnintiff.
In the Circuit Court, for mnl In tho Conn I y of
Jiti:kfnii, nnd Htnto uf Orcicon.
T.T.deur.tiovi'rnor, F. I. ltmlmr,A
Herntnry of Htntii, iiml IMmrhiK
H. Moor.o, 8 1 ft to Truuminir,
rinltitlffi, Htimmonn.
th. I
Jacob Kilwitriid nntl ('. K., I
DofulMlMllK, J
To Jncoh Kdwrtnlft, the rtbovo imincfl ilofondftiit:
ft I
vou nru liorobv rmtulrml to ttiMmrtr In ihu
ui Hive uiimiud nun nnu i nun turn nunwur inu
. . . .... . a . i ..
(.omplnlnt on fllit tliuniln, within U (0) wvukn
from tlmritituof thu piihlicitllmi of thin ttiini-
in o iih; wnit'ii utiw 01 inn nrm puoucniinn m
Friday. Autftixt 1. nnd llio hint piilillcnllon
Diuruof tmliiK Frlilwy, Kunlvmhur VI, m. And
you arc ho ruby no tilled If yon fnll ho (o niinwur
nnld complain t, or othorwlno pluud, within mild
time tlx! pliilullffN will nidy to nnld Court for
rullef domHiided in thu complaint, lo-wlt:
A JndKinent aKnliiht y.,u In tlio unm of Three
Hiindml (.'W).iXn Dollnrr, with in lrrnt from
tin; '27th dnyof Novoiiihor, IWK), nt thn ruin of
nix (0) per cunt, per anniiin, nnd for the further
mnn of Fifty (.H).()it) Dollurtt nltf)rnny'ii fee, pro
vided for in Halt 1 note, nnd for costn and flln
lntrHcnmiitrt to he taxed. And that plaintiff
hnve a decree forcclimiim that :erlaln inortftaKfl
mentioned In tint complaint, dated November
27, YM recorded In Vol. of the Mnr!K!(")
Itccordu for Jack noli County, OrcKon, at hko
thereof. Which mortgage wuh exeuuted by
yon November '7, 1WHI, eoiiveyliiK tho hoiiIIi
wcHt quarter of the HouthuiiHt iiuurtur nnd tho
Houtliiiaftt quarter of the HonlhweHl quarter of
nccllon 27( and tho nnrthwcHt iiinrtur of the
northennt quarter nnd the northeast, quarter of
the northweHT. quarter of flection ttl.Tp. iJCS.. It,
1 K. Wlllainette Meridian, containing 1(H) nereit,
morn or htHH. toirnther with nil tha lenementH.
apjuirUsiiancoH nnd hnrcilltamontH thereunto
ooinnjfiiiK, ior tiiu purjiunu oi hi;i;iiriiiK un pay
ment of the ftum of Three II u ml red ftmoo)
ItollarH. That all of ttald tiroporly ho Hold upon
force Ion uro Hale to nut I toy Htieh jiiiluuicnt iih
plalntlffH Hhall obta n ,and that you, and all of
ine ofMciuiaiiiB nuroiu, on niruver imrrcu aim
forefiloudd of all rlirht and IntereHttoKald nroo-
erty, or any portion t hereof, mid micb other
aim inrincr rciim in inu preiniHeK an may uu
hint and eoultahje,
Thin Hiirnmoim Ih publiHhcd by Ihn order of
tne lion. n. k. iiaiuia, ono oi iih- jniineH oi mo
utiovi' mi tilled Court, which order wan dated
III Chambum, July HO. Wfi; and required I IiIh
tuimmoiifi to bo publiHhcd In Tiik Mkufoiid
Mail it newHimner of ueiiura v. reu hilloii. mill
llrdii'd at Mcdford. OreKon, for hIx (0) consecu
tive weekri from tlio ditto of the flrnt publica
tion mcreo! anil rctiiircH you, and eacnoi you.
to iinnwer Iu the eanne on or before the nnld
12th day of Heplember, wri.
V. I. Vawtkii.
Atlrtnicy for l'lliillff.
ooxxxntB or medfohd.
1, .l, W, ,UlllKU 1SU, Ml, UlUUtB III 1. (, (1. I1'.
nail iivnry Hulimluy at ul 6 ui, Vlsltlntt
iroiliiirs ulways wuluuinu,
K. W.Oal.KIMS, N. U.
A, I), Nayuiii, lino, Huo. .
' I. t7r''l)r7iYliKllu" itirt
So. Ilii, ini'iitH lii I, o, O, V. hull tha summit ami
rourlli Weilnusilttys uf ouuh iiioulli ul H 11, in,
II. It. IIAIIVKV u, r,
W.T, VoilK.Borlbo.
Ollvn l.niluil No. H. liuuilM In I. .1.
0, V. hull llrnl uml tlllril 'I'miMliiya of saos
iiioulli, VlnllliiK nmiuin limliul toultoml.
A l, I' A Navmiii, N, (i,
MlNNlK 'OX . IlKH. HltO.
A. i . 4. ul. siuuin nrm t'rlituy un ur be
urn full moon ulMp. in.. In MuMinle hull.
J. A. Whitman, w.M.
W, V. 1,11'IMNiiiiit, Ituo. Hoe.
K. ot l,-Tuliinuii loiluo No, .11, iniinis" Mod"
lav itvuttloir ,.t U it ,,. 'ImI,I... t....,.
j .-......n n. v ... , ,n,,,,,, iiiiiiimrB ai-
wnys wiiIooiik . K, I). Kl.wmiii, o, 0,
it. ii. niii'm, k, si it. nun tt.
KiilKhts of I ho Miieoitiioa. 'I'rlnmpu Ttml
No. U, iniiots In revulur rnvtow on tho 1st anil
Hit l''rliliiy of miuli moiitli in a. o. U. W,
lluiun-.nip. in, yisliliigHlrKiilDlilaoordlal.
ly InvlloU luuttuiiil.
W.'f.V t. AK"' '''"'"N. C'o.....i..ia.r.
A.O. I), w Uoiirooof lltnior Kmlmr loriiio
ovanlngof oaoli uiontli. ul A.O. U. W. hall,
ltl)S HllCKSHyil., ituo.
. A,' V:Ps y.;.,'mf 1""" n
nd thlril WnilnoMluy In tho uioiuli at i. dj.
Iu their hull In tho opera tiluolt. Vlalilos
brothoraliivllodloaitouil. -uiiuin
Wai.ii s Wikiiis, M. r,
Asiiaxi, HuuiiAiin, lloowrdor, .
K. II. of A. Mmlfortl I.wliio No, n roeot
avory Mnlurday ovcmliiK Iu A. W. U. W. hull
Vl.Hlug rralora to anoint,
... . W. Utipiiuiwiii, H, M,
L, A. Juiiua too.
Woodmen of tho World-Camp No. B0, moots
:iux:. " ' K h"
IIa,,Ma. oh. W'W..J.t,0.0
(Ihrysanlheniuin Olrolf. No. IM, Women Ol
Wwulonrt Meets aeouud aad fourtk Tuesday
ot oaeli uioiith at T.'U p, in. In K. of I', had.
Vtaltlug sister. Iu.IUmIT " " on. nai.
... N. It. Mxuyiiski, 0. N.
Katiikuinii Wait. Ulork.
W. It. O.-Cheator A. Arthur (lorps No. M
"' soeond and loo-ib Weduenday of eaok
vah.r..".r,.rui,R;d,n'1 ,n -
G. A. H. Ohratar A. Arthur u.
(meetM In Woodinan'H hall ovry second and
ui i.i r " in eacn montit al 1:9X
. w.uiiaum iirumiiT in r iioa to attena.
. KitAHM KAMHiAmn, Cum.
D. . Animus, Adjutant. '
W. tl T. U Moomevory other Thursdav
ltitlfreiibjterluichurb. wmmr
Mnn. J. Miihuan, HrrrnUry
riHiuxi iiniinornwa-HNu vonr Friday
oycnluB at 7:u p. m.. Id thrir lU in tht K.
at V. ljulldlnif, Mrdfonl. Orrifon. Vl.lllnr
Slntem aud lirolhera ourdially Inviiod.
U. - I II . . . a ... ...
w . h. On n, Urrtary.
O K M Itontiirtt flinnl. W. tut . .
ond and fourth Thursday' of each month al
"'" ii, PiiMiiuni, urrffon, VUllInc aim
tor and biothora alwaya wofcomo.
. M,,K- J- Hkaw. W. at.
Mattir K. I'ickku Hwioury.
Pastor. I'rpaohlnvnriiryHabbath at 11 a.m.
...... V ... ' ' wl !. II. I
Ullkor, supi. Ulan, rocoilng ev(ry Habbalk
l olonpol ncruion, l.on Kauo.ll, leader. Kb
wiirlh Ina.uo oor Hautialb ovonlOK at :, 6.
; -Mv "JL7V- D"'" wnoaijr prayor ninoi.
In. pory Tburaday oronlo. alf:ao. l.adtaa'
oolnil slrsln cnirf w.ok. UUsliman sooKit
mods tho llrsl Krldar la oaoh monlti. "
Preabjlerlan Cburch-Thmna V. Par, . u
ai-Mti. pator. Hesldeno. at omn.e in roar f
rbyrcb. I'rodcblnit ovsrjr Habbaib al II a. a.
and !t u. m. HunalHV wihnl m in . i l.
(lore, Hull. Cbrlstlan Kndeavor neetiniran.
hour before tbe evening servlc. Nlsa Hdlia
llonjc, I'rei. Mid-week ineelln. every Thurs
day at 8 p. in. Ladles' Aid Hoclety e-very oilier
Turulay anernnon, Mrs. Ksrah Vaa Dyte.f-rve.
Ladles' It Isnlnnary Horlely ad Tuesday ol eaeb
nnielbata:nep. m Mr.. Uarah Vail IJyeo I'm.
llsrtM .i ohureb-Kov. T. L. Crandall, naalor.
Dabbaili servlceet l'reachln( II a. m. and
p. m. J Habbalh arbool 10 a.m.; II, Y. P. U. 1
p. m.; prayei difoIIii. Tbur-w1ay at 7:ao p. m ;
covenant meeting 41 ajto d. m. on HatiintH. ...
ceillnv lira! snbbatb. HtranKers and friends a
mj lawvivuuJD,
ChriBtiair church -Corner of Hlitn and!
... ., , ivwuioi Diriji.urtiau,,,, ,, R
m. and s p. to. bunday sohool al 10 a. m
Prayoi - mcettni every Thursday evenln.
Tbepaopln welcome. It M. 1'altor.on pastor.
Methodist Kplscopal Cburcri Houth liar. M
f,. Darby, pastor. I'reaebliiK every Hunday at
It a. m. and cvonlnK; Hunday school at 10a. m.;
Prayer moetliiijTliiinidBy nvonhi at. o'clock;
w.u.. n ,.Um,u hmkniud nticiriy nieoui nnit
Thursday In each month ag:H0 p. m. Kverr
Ann l i.,ir,llKll Invlt,. tn ,.I ... '
8t. Mark's Kplsconnl Church : KveilMnr Slid
sermon. Ifcl and !kl Hundnv ni ..fl.
p. in. Holy communion, 3d Kundsy of oach
month at II a. m. Mornlbir prayer and sor-
.... " "' u',, ni u s. in. nun
day tchool at 10 a. m. All Invited. I'ooa free.
1,- M. lilleman. Priest In ohane
.... . , "O'ubilrii, Orvxon, Juno as, lum
Not po Is liurciliy kIvihi Unit In I'lmipllsiic.
Willi the iinivlal of tho m l of Ciinirn of
Julio K, IH7H, untitled "An aet for Ihs nln ol
timber InmU In tho Hlntim of Csllfurnln, Ore
Ron, Nevada and Waliliiton Territory," a
oitemleil to nil the imbllc laml statos by act ol
AiiKUst 4, Isua,
of SM)konn, Kioknilo ty. Hlnte of WsnhlnK-
ton, hn thin day llled In II, Ib ni. o her sworn.
SW?,".Jl,!,f "'J"!' '"r "'" I'urehani of lot 7,
HKKof HWU. Hi ulKiii I, HKiol NH'W and lot 4
Himilon 0 Township if! H., ft. a K and will offor
prnol to show Unit the luml m, light Is miiro
vn iiiililu for lis llinliiir or Bliiiin limn for imrl
Ulllllirnl purpnmis, mill lo (irUuMMi linr olnlm.
tliuruto lii'foro thn ItoKlnlur ntul Itecolvornf thii
ItomihiirK land olllno nt ItimihurK. OroKon, on
Tiiondiiy, thn Hlh day ol Oeloiier, llioa. Hhe
nanics as wllnnssns: Mllliil M. ttiillion niidlA.
HI. Ulalr, of Hiokiinu, WimhliiKton, W. W. Wll
Ills, ol I' spoot, Oro., I,. (1, I'orlor, of Modfiird,
Any and an parsons clalinhiR sdvorsoly tin)
alHiva-desCrllHiil lands nro roiliesteil to llio
day ol October, llsra.
uioir yiiiiin. ill mis oiimc on or liulornsald l ltli
UNiTitn Status t awo Orriun,
.. . Bosnburg, Orcnon, July 6, 11KJ2.
noting Is horoby Klvnn that In oompllnnoo
with tho provisions ol llio am of ConirroHs of
June 8, 1S7H, pntltled "An sot for tho salo of
tlmbor I iiiids In tho Htmoo of California, Ore.
Kn, Nevada, and Washington Torrltory," a
oxtondml to nil the Publlo Land Hlntos by act
of August 4, 1892, '
Of Ht. 1,0111k, county of 81. Louis, Htnto of Mis
sourl, has this dnv lllod In this onion his sworn
KftISJno!,to N".' mt ,nr th" jpariilmao of tho
5 ol Heollon No. SB, In Township No. sit,
Hnnih of lliinuo No. 8 ICusl, and will orlnr nroor
to show that tho hind houkIH Is mora valuublo
for Its tlmbor or slono than for iiirrlculturnl
purposes, uml lo nstobllHli his olnlm to said
lurid bofiire tho UuijlHlor nnd Hncolvnr of thl
olllco ul Itosuburn, DniKon, on Wodnesdiiv, the
r, h day of Novombor, IWH. Iln iiinnos nn wlt
ui'SBOH! Rnmuol Miidford.Orn., Kmnnuol
Klnu, of Modlord, Oro., Oeorwo P. Klnit, ol lllir
lliitte, Oro., nnd ilnnrnn Iflnir, of Troll, Oro.
Any and nil persons oliilmlnir adversely tho
niiovadosorlboil lands uro rcnuoHtod to llio thnlr
rliilms In this onicc on or before -mid day or
N.ivonilicr, J1KJ2, J. 'IMIltiiKiKH,