rra IIE MEDFORD MAE Published Krorv Friday Horning. A. S. 8LITON. Mbdsmrd, Friday, Jur.Y 25, 1902 I M BONN TO HUSTLE. We Is of taw dars; but ulM ft plenty. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER YEAR VOaarsd tn tne Poatolhoa at Modrord,;uregon aa Soooad-Ulasa Mall Manor. That Assessment. High Compliment to fir. Tongue. The Iudian War Veterans of Washington County, at a meeting ield in Hillsboro on Saturday last, far the purpose of formulating plans for applying for pensions under the neurit act of Congress, showed their appreciation of the efforts of Con gressman Tongue by unanimously passing the following resolutions: uWe, the undersigned, constitut ing the Iudian War Veterans of Washington County, Or., being billy coguizant of the untiring ef forts of our congressman, Hon. T. B. Tongue, to secure for the Indian Tt'ar Veterans those rights which are granted to soldiers of all wars, and being grateful for the effoits wbioh have led to success in pen aious heing granted to them, do, ir lespective of party, here resolve: "That, inasmuch as in Mr. Tongue found all the qualifications neces mry for a successful representative fa state of the great Northwest, we do herebv give him a vote of confidence and ask the Washington County legislative delegation to support bim for the high office of United States senator, and to that end we pledge our influence and our support for his elevation to that kouorable'position, which, in our opinion, he has earned by his in' eiefatigable efforts." The resolution was introduced by "W. H. H. Myers, of Forest Grove, a staunch Democrat, and supported ir everyone present regardless of polities Before the vote was taken, Mr. Tongue, who was present, said : T am not a candidate for tbe United States senate in any man ner. There are gentlemen who are candidates for that position who are personal and political friends of mine, and whose aspirations I could aot and shall not antagonize. It would be ungrateful on my part to do so. They have assisted in secur ing my elrction, and I certainly cannot antagonize their political aspirations. Besides, the people of this district have bsen very kind to aae. It would be ungrateful to them indicate in any way teat l am sot content with - the position to which they have elected me with inch a handsome majority. Fidelity B my mends and gratitude to tbe voters of tbe First Congressional .District both preclude me from be' pig a candidate for the United Slates senate. As an expression of X'iur good feeling it would not be or.jic:ionable, rather gratifying, but I Lope yon will not take tbis res.ilu tinn for more than this." The above expression is what sight have been expected from Thomas H. Tongue. Loyalty to Sis friends and his party baa been characteristic in his career, both , pabiic and private. Mr. Tongue would receive strong support all TOB-the state should he allow bis jtme to be use as a candidate for B4T3k.'tori as there are more people ShoBTiiiis neighbors of Washington CouD-tifiVDO regard him as peculiarly Stted font tf18 duties of that office; &ut he,,fcols, Jat in justice to him-B-li andthos -wn0 aided in his election that he cooil'1 not a8Pire t0 tie- senatorship now K ' 8 '3 "S as he ueu illy is. The Enquirer has discovered a mare's nest tn the nuaosMiioiit of the county. in me issue oi June L'JHh it makes a uumber of fearful aud wonderful (mis) statements. The 11 rat In that "If reports aro to be relied on Assessor Pendleton Is making from SO to 40 per oent reduc tion In valuation." Well, reports are not to be relied on In this cueo. As sessor Pondloton tolls us that when his assessment roll is completed it will probably show an average reduction of from 12 to 15 per oent. He is making this reduotion In an endeavor to more uoarly equalize valuations In property throughout the county, not in an at tempt "to square himself" as the En quirer states. Mr. Pondloton has done nothing during his tortn of office that needs "squaring." Hols "square" in his dealing, both publlo and private. Horace threatens that the people of .Jaokaon County will raiao a disturb ance If there la any reduotion In rail road valuation. There is no special necessity of anyone donning war paint on this acoount,as there isnolikollhood of rqv such Rntlnn Ar thn nai.t nt assessor. .Ta.ilrann Pnnnt,. ,. .!,! " -"'"H uouuv.v mi to kick about on the rlirr,,l t. T breeding pluoo tor mosquitoes The county has the hlghost railroad valuation of any county in the state and A Model East Side Home. On tha Invitation of Jas. . Smith aud W, K. Phillips, a" representative of Tins Mail took a stroll last Friday over their tine places at Knob Hill, In Knat Modford. Those gentlemen are retired miners and while not claiming to bo agricultural experts, thoy aro putting into elToot Ulcus that are mule ing thutr places that any up-to-date farmer oould pattern after. One no tioeablo thing that Is wanting tn many farms la the perfect order which all implements aud things aliout the farm are kept, for everything has its place and Is there when not In use and being properly oarod for and hooped there Is not that improvident waste practiced by so ninny farmers. And another thing that Is noticeable is the thoroughness in which all work la done for there is no evldenoa of slip-shod methods and put-up-for-tomorrow stylo of work about their places. The build' ings which tbey have put up aro mod els of convenience aud good appoarauce. One of the things that they havo done that Is especially appreciated by rest dents of East Modford Is thu Olllug up really ought to bo satisfied with that. Iu speaking of the assessment of last year Horace says Mr. Pendleton "never stopped to think when making the as sessment last year of tho seven mill and extra levy." Now, In that little sen tence, Mann does one of three things He either gives Mr. Pendleton orodlt for more than usual foresight; presumes on the iguorance of his readers, or him self is Ignorant of the fact that the levy was made by the county court in Janu ary, 1002, while Mr. Pendleton had fin Ished his assessment or the county in September, 1901. The accusation that Mr. Pendleton, by the valuation placed on property bv h'm, Is responsible la any way for an The Medford M.ur, newsman, in his increase In taxos throughout tbe search for the ever elusive news (torn county is absurd. Probably Instances visited the photographio irallory, re might be found where one man's taxes cently built by R. Vinton Beall, on his bad been increased proportionately father's (R. V. Benll) plnco three miles more than another's, but the very few north of Medford. The building is changes made by the county board of 18x24 feet, with 12 feet walls, and no equalization shows that these cases ceiling to Interfere with his light ar were not so numerous as they might rangenionis, wnion are ansoiniely per have been. Tbe duties of an assessor 'cct having sky and side lights In plenty consist of placing a valuation on prop- whlch, with curtains and backgrounds, erty within the county for -purposes of I enable him to control tbe lightand tbis taxation. Whether his valuation be prevents his pictures from being ren and frogs. To make this till thuy hauled in 1033 loads of earlh, which they got by stripping the dirt from above the rock of a quarry of fine saud stone which Mr. Smith has on his plaoe. An othor work of a public nature that thuy have done was to out iu an eighth of a mile of sidewalk along a wot section of the public road. The material used was crushed sandstone aud !t has made a smooth, durable walk. Mr. Smith baa a Bne orchard on his place, which consists of forty acres, some of which is planted to pears, pruues, peaches and oliorrlee and the fine condition that his trees are In would be a credit to professional orobardUt. An Up-To.Date Gallery. high or low, it will make no difference in the amount the taxpayer will bo compelled to pay, If tbe assessment is equable, and no one claims that this one was not. The county court settles that part of it, the assessor has nothing dered uneigbtly by one side being too dark and the other too light. His larg est camera cost $05 and tbe lense for It cost $135 In New York City, and It Is of the best make on tbe market. Ha has his studio well supplied with all the whatever to do with It. ary term of county court an estimate Is made of the amount of money necessary to meet expenses for the year and a sufficient levy is made to raise that amount from the taxable property in tho county.os shown by the assessment roll. If the valuation is large the levy will be low, If valuation is small tbe levy will be hiith. but At the Janu- accessories that add to the nnique of- commissioners ,ecw' "ea'rea by many porsons In their photos. Mr. Beall is a graduate of the Illinois College of Pbotograpby, taking the full two years' course. At the close of his school work he was instructor in carbons for several months, after which be went to Ash ville, N. O., and then returned to Ore- ' , . bates to Kemuniber. July 20-Indlim War Veterans, olSoutli eru Ongoii, meet at Wilson's Opera House, Modford, at I o'clock p. m. July 31 Grand opening hall, Wilson's now opera Iioiiho, September 4th Southern Oregon Pio neers Association moots nt Juokson vlllo. Boptouibor Southorn Oregon Na tive Sons and Daughters Association moot at Jacksonville. September ir-20-Soul!ioru Oregon Old Soldiers mid Sailors' Association meet tn annual encampment at Quid Hill. September . Annual convention of School directors and olurlcs of Jackson County, to bo hold nt Mod ford by Supt. P. H. Dully. Ootobor Animal Teauhora Insti tute for Jiiokson County, to be held by Supt. P. H. Dally nt Medford. The Work of a Mad Bull. Early Friday morning Dr Shearer was called to Antelope to attend Henry Hoist, who hud boou severely Injured by a bull ou thu previous eveulnii. Thut evening (Thursday) Mr. Hoist hud gone to the corral to milk thu cows, taking tho place of his wife, who usu ally milked, but who was thou In bod; suffering from injuries received from ' the sumo bull, on tho previous evening when tho bull had butted lier through j a fence and down tho creok bunk and Into the wutor, shu muklng hur escape ' by keeping to tha creek aud urawllng out through the brush unobserved by: the ferocious .bull, and ho had no sooner entered tho cow yard when tha bull made a lungo nt htm and knocked hlra own. His wifo heard his cries and getting out of bod set tho dog on the hull, which then left tho man to fight (lie dog, otherwise Mr. Hoist would have been killed. Thu bull had been horned, so not being utile to horn him, ho viciously butted him, smash ing him to tho ground and rolling him over anu over in nis rrantia efforts to kill. The bull going to the other part or the lot after tho dog, Mr. Hoist nas able to crawl away und to tha house. Lust Saturday the bull was killed, for bo had been a dungor for months pre vious, ho being a high grade Jersoy id nalurallv cross. For tbe four days following tho at tack Mr. Hoist was in a vry critical condition and D, Sho'irer despaired of savltg his life, but yesterday (Thurs day) the doctor found his patient very much improved with fair prospects for is recovery. A Handsome and Unique Bungalow. Tho Sad Son VVuvoh Toll StoriuH of Sorrow of tho Oooitti Doptlis; Hut tho SHELLS and CORALS Toll of It's LIFE and BEAUTY Tho Mont Beautiful Collection Kvur on Sale In Medford At THE, RACKET STORE Spociul Assorted Collections at from 10 to 75 contH, Embracing us high its 100 dift'oront Hpooimoim of Sheila, Co nt 1h und Sou Mohh. The University of Oregon EUGENE, OREGON The first Soniestor, Session HKM-il, opens Wednesday, September mh Tho following Schools and Colleges aro anm prised Iu thu University Graduate SoIichiI, College of Literature, Science and Arts, College of Selenen and Fnglneurlng. University Academy, School of Moala, School of Modiolno, School of Law. Tuition fine, i xocptlnu Schools of l,aw, Mediuliie and Mvsiu. ( Incidental leo $1(1, Student Hody lux (2M nor year.) Cost of living from 4100 to $2011 per year. For eauilogiio, address Kxgl.trur ol thu University, ttugmio, Oregon whether high or low each taxnaver 80n 'or De was not content except In must pay an amount In proportion to old Jackson Conoty. At the collecro he A MERCIFUL MAN HTmerclfur to blfl beast. Don't let Tear cows, horses and farm animals be worried with pestiferous flies, fleas or noxious pests, when we will sell you ieeecticldos of the most absolutely ieath dealing kinds, which can be re lied unon as pure and effectual, and can be had in large or small quantities. ' STRANd'S DRUG STORE, Medford, Oregon The Mail has the news. the amount of property he owns. Last year Mr. Pendleton started In to raise valnatioos on property In the county with the assurance that tbe levy made by the county commissioners court would be lowered in proportion. The levy was made one mill lower and would have been still more so, but for various conditions, an increase In state taxes being one of them, something be' yond the control of county officials, and the consequence was the tuxes were more than they had been. If Mr. Pendleton had placed the same valua tion on property as he did the year be' tore tbe levy would have been still higher, but the amount of taxes , paid by each taypayer wonld have been about tbe same. When the Enquirer eays that "some have expressed the opinion that the levy he (Pendleton) is now making will not next year meet the county's expenses," he surely knows that the man who makes a remark like that doesn't know what he Is talking about. Mr. Pendleton docs not mnke a levy, he makes an assessment- places a valuation on tbe property and it lies with the county commissioners court to make a levy on that valuation sufficient to raise money lor tbe county's neods. .Besides, Horace didn't have to rely on rept,7t8 about tbis thing. He sees Mr. Pendlew00 every few days, and could learned pbotograpby as an art, for In addition to being an expert in all thi mechanical details, be thoroughly un derstands posing, a feature llttlo under stood by many photographers, as is proven by the awkward figures made by many persons who have been posed by them. Mr. Beall does all the latest in pbotograpby, Including carbons, platlnotypes, platinos, voloxes, opaU and transparencies. Mr. Beall is also a practical chemist and has quite a laboratory In his dark room, which is one of the most com plete in Oregon. Mr. Bc-all's work speaks for itself, for It is equal to tbe best that is done In any of the galleries In this state, Out For Pleasure and Business. A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Murphy, of Medford, and their sons, Will, Thomas and Omer, and Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, of Monmouth, and their daughters, Lennie, Inez and Mary, and son, Charles, left Medford Saturday for a trip to Crater Lake and Fort Klam ath. The party goes first to Crater Lake, where a stop of a few days will be made, then they go to Fort Klamath, from which place John Murphy and his family will return to Medford, and then to their home at Monmouth, have gotteu hl information Brst hand, , , 1 1 7 , V . u 7 T ou'wu uuu, Qf Anfftiat. their hanta hfliniy mnrin necessary by the fact that Miss Lennie Murphy has a posltioo in the Spokane sohools, requiring her presence In that city early in September. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Murphy and their sons will re main at Fort Klamath and put In a couple of months haying, tbey having a big contraot for a cattle ranch. Instead of reljins" on street-corner gos sip. "Ham" Wolters Is Dead. The following two Items are taken from a San Francisco paper: IKJUHBD IN BUKAWAT. "H. H. Wolters, a sand teamster, of 9 Folsom street, was driving yesterday morning when his team ran away. He was thrown violently to the corner of Webster and Chestnut streets and re moved to the Central Emergency hospi tal, suffering from a fracture of the left leg and braises on tbe head, face and scalp." '.Died Wolters In this city, June 24, Herman H. Wolters, a native of New York City, aged 46 years and 11 months." The deceased was formerly a resident of Medford, where he was at one time engaged In business. He was among the very first business men to open shop in the city. He was a brother of Mer chant C. W. Wolters, of Talent. The University of Oregon. The University of Oregon will open its twenty-seventh session at Eugene, Wednesday, September 17th. Tho out look for the year-seems at present very E remising. A number of new men ave been added to the faculty, all thoroughly fitted both by preparation and by experience for their work. The University buildings are being repaired and improved during tbe summer, the dormitory, gymnasium and Deady hall receiving especial attention. Students intending to enter this fall are Invited to correspond with the pres-. Dupont, Paris. Medford Drug Co. ident relative to their work. Catalogues agents, Medford, Or. $1 per bottle, six will cheerfully be sent on application, for $6. C. If. Lewis, who is one of Portland's leading merchants, and who last vrar bought tho splendid orchard south of Medford. known as the Weeks A Orr or chard, has let the contract to G. f chermprborn to errrt for him nt hit orchard a cottage, or rather a bungalow, for in style it will bo entirely differen from any residence about Medford, be ing more like a bungalow of India. It will be 311x32( feet, one story, but w.ith 12 foot walls. There will bo a board porch along two sides of the building and on tho side facing Medford will be a balcony of a design both unique and hsndsomo, differing from anything In that line In Oregon. A fireplace 3x8 feet will add comfort and good cheer to this model home. The bungalow will sit on an eminence in tbe center of the big orchard and from the balcony magnificent viuw can be had of the Rogue river valley dotted with towns and orchards, with historic old Table Rock in the distance and the Cascade and Umpqua mountains to the east and the north, while to the south Wagner buttcand the foothills of the Siskiyous can plninly be seen. Mr. Lewis had an eye to value when he purchased that bis orchard and h certainly had an eye to the beautiful wnoirne selected tne site and the de sign lor ins dwolling house upon it. . Hotel Nash Improvements, It is about settled tbat the Mash ho tel la to bo rebuilt and made into modern hotel. Architect I. A. Palmer Is now making preliminary drawings so as to ascertain the approximate cost of the improvements, after whioh Oapt. J r. u. Nash will deoldo whether ho will rebuild or not, bnt it (s almost certain that the Improvements will be made, Mr. Palmer's plans call for an entire rearrangement of tho building. The hotel office will bo in tho middle of tbe Seventh street front, with tho saloon on the corner and the barber ebon to be between the offioe and the meat market which will remain where it Is. The dining room will front on D stroot and iv anu tno Kiicnen win occupy tho en tire south side of tho building. The ladles' parlor will be enlarged and made more convohlent. A third story will be added to tho building and tho unsightly baloony to the second story will be removed. It is Mr. Palmer's plan In bo far as it can be carried out to make Hotel Nash Into a well arranged ooiivenienl hotel and to be a building, the appearance of which will be a cred it to Medford. Ner-vo-lne. Cures general debility, loss of man. hood, sexual weakness, pain in back, nervousness, etc. Best preparation on tbe market today. Positive cure. Dr. I SELL GROCERIES, CAMPERS' SUPPLIES Hay and Qrnln always on Hand mil Dujrnrmii n t mir ana larnuiut lana ror a miiatl couiraliinlou. flnn .look m .v " ",a , i uurn lor IIUMU9M STAN Alt'PW ". w..., ,. innun, i uspcti, orcgon C r'rrVVVYvrrvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvvwvvv' "M.iud Muller, on a Hummer day, Kukod 111,) inea lo, mvnei with liuv." :a: Bcforo it comes time for vou to do llkuwlne Buy Your Having Tools Thon after harvest, take a real and go to tha hill, hut be sure you n wall from 1 Get Your f.nmn Outfit TfT corner 7m ana u M -.,. . , 1 1. vj. mcnoison t Phone Main 171 Spend Your Vacation at the Colestin Mineral Snrin&s Tho Popular Summer KoHort in the Siskiyou Mountains i Haiatai ll.OO pr Dr 9 SIO pair Waak A a m m V j a)w Prime Apple Region of the World. rom Portland Dully Journal. Jackson County noils Pippin ap ples in London and Livorpool, and other vareties in New York and otber American cities in the Eust, and these apples command tho highest prico on tbe market. With pests conquered, and they are In part already conquered, Jackson County will win the promiun as the prime apple rogion of the world, perhapB, and certainly will be not second to any other. Jackson County has done much to earn for Oregon the sobriquet "the land of the big red apple." League Party. me m. &. unurcn needs a now car pot and the Loagaers need a good time. and In view ol this fact tliore will bo 1 tan cent party at the homo of Mrs. J Owens this, Friday ovenlng, July 2fith, to wntcn tho publlo is cordially invited most interesting program has boon arrangod and a good time is promised. Bring an extra nickel for lemonudo, Nothing little but the price. A Lkaoukr. Property to Exchange. Ten acres of lino California fruit Innrl vniuuu 111 niu; ooauiiiui, well 1m provod oltv nronertv in San Dleo-n. ni. ued at 41600; also 500 aoros unimproved land In Kentucky, valued at (10 nor acre. Will exohunco all or anv niirt for Southern Oregon linprovi d or un- mproveu rancn property of en ual valuo. w. U. 1'UItDIN, Jacksonville, Oregon G000 MENWANTED. , Good laborers and toamstois nnn an. euro employment at any time at Fish Lake ditch oamn, three miles above Brownshoro. Wages 11.76 per day; board Hi. 26 per week, D. E. MoKRIB, Superintendent of Construction, Resolution of Condolence. Tho following resolutions woro adopted by rtoaincs Chapter, No. 06. O. B. 8.: Wiikiikar, ft has pleased Almighty God to romovo from tho aotlvo duties of life to tho spiritual realm of lovo.our belovnd sister, Jessie I. Hammond, and WllKltKAn, In her death our ohaptor has sustained tho los of a good member and her family a devoted inolhnr; there fore bo It IlKROLVKn, That wo extend to tho bereaved family our deep sympathy and mourn with thorn In their great loss. Ktta M. Vawtrk, Nkixie Whitman, nkm.1k mcgowan. A Tralnload of Artillerymen. A spoclnl train panned north last Frl. day having on board tho (13d and 71l U S. Artillery, thoro being 215 men In tho two companies. Those hatlorlan returned from the Philippines olght months ago and since thon limy have huon doing guard duly at tbe Alcatroa military prison, Ban Frnnclseo. Tholr present destination is Fort Casoy, on the Bound, above Seattle, whoro thoy will do garrison duty, and Incidentally do somo manual labor by way of mount ing some heavy seacoust guns of the most modern typo. A'--ft I fm I m I 1 Tax. m.Avi , F 1 W Taa Maa Was Won SAWYER'S Oiled SuMb and Slickers Warrat4 WiUntW. Mrtp to ilAtiil hrd work arvt rtiuuh WftU)r. Ul-ftr lrad Marl, if ,our lrmlr dowtn't liATc Urttn,twiid forcitUUofrue, M.T. B-UUf aa4 Pattlaff Ata., ffaa rrwaltM, U.sl.fMWf MIN, IW Rfra,. 1 r