The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, July 18, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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FublUhed Brer Friday Moraine.
. Hi la ol few dajas bat (alM plasty.
MmA Id the PoatalBo t Mltrd,:ora(OB
M Beoond-Clans Mall Mattar.
Boy Tell of the Bandit's Whereabouts
and Men and Bloodhounds Are Hot
n His Trail Thought That Battle
, Will Surely Occur Today. .
Enumclaw.; Wash., July J '. Tracoy
aas again taken to the swamps, and
although surrounded by armed men he
still has a good clinuce of escaping
He was seen Saturday afternoon neai
this place. Hounds were put on the
trail and followed It to the marshes
near Buckley. Keinforcements have
been obtained by the sherla, and
there Is likelihood of an encountei
some time today.
. Enumclaw. Wash., July-.?.... After
two days of Inactivity the man hunt
ers are once again hot on the trail o
Harry Tracey. the outlaw convict.
At 9:30 o'clock tne bloodhounds
were placed on his track and after
following it for three-quarters of a
mile lost It in a dense swamp' that
borders the road leading from here tc
Buckley.. 1 The wires. : have been kept
busy humming messages to surround-
ing towns and it is believed that Tracy
will be either killed or captured by
noon today.
Tracey was seen at 5 o'clock yester
day afternoon one and a half miles
east of Enumclaw by Clarence Burke
a 10-year-old boy. He was sitting neai
,. at . A. aiIita nf si o-poval nit- o c tha lni-t
Vfwssed on a bicycle. 1 Hailing the lad
"Tracey inquired the road to Buckley
-. The bov lmnarted the Information de-
tiwaj anil than hAQtanlnv intn tnvn
?.gare ,the news of what he had seen
'. The information was telephoned tc
"Former Sheriff Wollery, in charge o
' tnev josse at Eoumclaw. by Sheru
-,'lfartjnan of Pierce county, who hap
peueu iu ue uorv, una aisu Liepui.
. McKlllen at Buckley. Wollery and
nre guards procured a team as soon
as possible and came here with the
bloodhounds. They were placed on
the trail and followed it for some dis
tance. It was very dark when the
hounds were thrown off the scent at
the swamp, and after a consultation
the posse decided to cover all possible
avenues of escape and wait until day
light before trying to follow the trai
The Instant the bloodhounds struck
the scent they strained at the leasb
and bayed In a manner indicative ol
being on the trail of the convict. The
description given by young Burke
without the behavior of the hounds
shows plainly that Tracey has once
again been located.
Is Headed for Buckley.
ft is believed that Tracey is heading!
directly for Buckley. When he was!
st Frank Portant's house along Green
river Friday night he asked the far
mer to take a rig and drive him to
Buckley. He was told the horse was
top old to stand such a trip, and re
plied that he would have to start for
t h lira ulthnitt i .... n. tiu
on the Buckles njsid, east .of, am
There exists often a vsrv beautiful
omparfo""b'p between the mother and
her daughter.' The intimacy is frank,
fr?e and sympathetic. Bet some flay
tile mother feels as if something had
chilled this intimacy. The child is
silent and sad, and seems to shun her
mother instead of
erc-jcing her. .1 - .
I "this change very
often occurs when
tlie young girl is
crossing the bor
rlnr line of woman
hood. She is mor-
bid, nervous, fear
ful,, as she enters;
upon this new ex
perience. The use of Dr.
Pierce's . Favorite
P-scriptinn at
Ki'ja a time will
do more than re
store the normal
balance of mind
and body.? It will
estoi'idisb the wom
anly function upon
a basis of sound
health, as well as
improve the- appe
tite, nourish the nerves, and promote
tile general pnysicai iieaitn.
' "Two yeara na;o my daiiglit-rr's he!tli l.-ijau
to f3il,".wrilc,Mr3..lHli Hull. at. Urodheod,
-.A:-.t C'.'. Wis. -"K-rrythii'ir tlmi-'nviM hn
thought 01 wan fiuue to.lielp her h.;. u,uo
use. When' she began to complain silt-was
apiitr stout: wriplert 170 the.picliire of .good
health, until about illff age of fourUieii; Ih'-n In
, six months she was aa- run down her weight was
'.hut iso. I felt I could not give her up as she
1 was. the only child I had. and I must aay. Doc
tor, that only (or your ' Favorite Prescription '
say dauurliler would, have. been, hi ucr grave, lo
.slay. When she hid taken onehelf tntlte the
natural function. waa.ejtabtiabed ud we bought
another otic, making only two bottles ia all, and
he completely recovered,. . Since-then she is as
. welt as can be:"
1 The Common .Sense Medical Adviser,
kytS nacres, in saner covers, is sent free
' on receipt of 21 oue-ceut stamps to nay I
; snpense of mailing only. Address Dr. 1
' K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V.
within tliroo uuil a muti-fur milus of
tits deattnatlou. shows llmt his quea
Hons were not Intouilod to throw his
pursuers oft the trail.'
Karly yesterday , moruliiR , Sherlft
Urowu of Klttlas ruuiity arrived ham
and Informed Sheriff Ciulihco llmt he
had been much disturbed over the
prospect of Tracey ksIiiIiik the sum
mit of the Cascudoa. He cniue to
confer with the King county sheriff
and assure him that Klttlas county had
already anticipated the possibility. Ten
heavily armed deputies are awaiting
developments ou the crest of the
range and physical boundaries will not
deter them from crossing over should
the exigences tf the slttmttou require
It.- '"'' "
"Should Harry Tracey emerge from
the cover of Puget souud forest aud
head down the eastern slope," said
Sheriff Brown, "It will be a question
of speed, not strategy. Nature will
not aid him in providing a safe re
treat at every turn, and Hold glasses
rattier than bloodhounds will come In
to requisition."
The Secret of Lous Life
Cousists In keeping all the main or
gana of the body in healthy, regular na
tion, and in quickly destroying-deadly
disease germs. Electric bitters revulate
stomach, liver and kidneys, purify tho
blood, and irive a snlendid auDetite.
They work wonders in uurinp; kidney
troubles, temaie complaints, nervous
aiseases, constipation, dysiiepsia, and
malaria, vigorous neanu ana sireoutu
always follow their use. Only 60c,
guaranteed by Chas. Strang, druggist.
. Sculptor Rupert Schmld has filed an
other suit against Mrs. Jane U Stan
ford, this time to recover ,1500. whlcb
he declares is due him for work on
three busts. , .
Mrs. H. Faithful and her daughter,
10 years of age, were left bleeding
and unconscious on the county road
near Sonoma Ffiday by a driver who
had guided his team Into collision with
- Judge L. L. Boone of San Diego, who
returned from the east recently on rail.
road business; brings Information that
that county Is to receive the first bene
fits from the Irrigation bill passed by
the last congress.
umted States Senator Thomas R.
Bard, who has returned from Washing
ton, says he does not oppose the ad
mission of Arizona as a state, as hot
been Intimated In newspaper tele
grams from Washington.
After journeying nearly 5000 ml!e
Police Captain Adelbert Wilson has r
turned to Oakland from Chicago witb
Edward R. Clayton as his prisoner
charged with felony embezzlement b
Mrs. Janet G. Putzer of Oakland.
The new town of Terminus, elgh
teen miles north of Stockton, at the
head of navigation on the Mokelumni
river, has been sold for ,16,000. Tht
new tonw has attracted considerable
attention recently on account of Hi
rapid growth.
During the past several weeks many
complaints have been made by tht
mail carriers of Oakland of being at
tacked by vicious dogs while deliver
ng mail. One carrier was so severely
bitten that he will be laid up for sev
era! weeks.
The real reason for James J. Cor
belt's refusal to go to San Franciscc
for the FHzslmmons-Jeffries fight hat
become known. It is said that he has
had to undergo an operation for a can
cerous growf. on his tongue caused
by excessive smoking.
:' The amalgamation of the Santa F
Pacific and San Joaquin railway linei
has been completed. The combined
mileage of the two roads is now known
as the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fc
Railway company coast lines, witl
headquarters in Ios Angeles.
The syndicate which recently pur
chased a large tract of land in th
New River country, on the' Mexicac
side of the line, near San Diego, bat
let a contract for the clearing of 500C
acres Tor fan seeding. The land is be
-low the level of the Imperial dltchei
and will be Irrigated.
Secretary of State C. F. Curry hat
refused to file 01- to issue a certificate
ol incorporation to the United Laboi
Party of the United States of America
Curry says the incorporation of a po
litical party Is without precedent
against public, morals and the funda
mental principles of government.
The state board of health has sent a
notification to the city board of healtb
of Sacramento to the effect that It
must enforce quarantine regulations
on all cases of smallpox in that city
or tht. state board of health will as
sume charge of tne matter itself.
According to J. Ross Clark of Lot
Angeles, who has sole charge of the
California- Interests of his brother
United States' Senator Clark, it is still
an open question whemer it will be the
Rock Island system or the Gould sys
tem that will connect at Salt Lake
with the San Pedro, Los Angeles and
Salt Iike road to make the Clark road
the western outlet tor a transcontinen
tal system of railroads. :
... Warned III Dreatm.
On the occasion of a fatal accident tc
n lift In Paris I think at the Grand ho
tela number of years ngq a lndy who
was Just going up In It started buck,
snylng, "Oh, there Is that dreadful man
again!" and tried to Induce her hus
band. u, come oil of. It too.; but he re
fused and was among the killed. .
The "dreadful man" to ?Wiom she re
ferred she had seen lu a (I renin, which
the niece of the friend who told me the
story had heard her relate a d;iy 01
two before the accident. ' It was of n
funeral drawn up at her. door, so pom
pous as to produce a great Impression
on her. presided .over by a big. din-k
man In a strange sombrero hat. This
man she saw, or believed she saw, In
the lift, and the coincidence ferrlBod
her from going up In It. Notes aiti!
Queries. , , .
It Is Reported That He May Be an
' Invalid for Years.
. London,, July ,M. Reynolds news
paper says that strenuous efforts are
being made by dutectiros to And out
the sources from which tho newspa
pers obtain Information about the
king's health. The servants at Buck
Ingham palace nre being constantly
shadowed to ascertain If they are talk
lug outside. .
. It is now asserted that It was onl
after the members of tho cabinet ban
pressed U10 doctors guardedly that tin
doctors agreed upon a ttnto for the cor
onation, Tho wound shows no' slfem
of rapid healing, according to this
paper and It Is feared that the physt
clans have somewhat yielded their bet
tor judgment to allny public anxiety.
The king cannot sit up, even with as
slstanco, without very groat pain, ne
ttle torture cannot bo imuglnod If lilt
majesty should travel on tho ralhva.
In order to please his subjects.
Summer complaint le unusually prev
alent among children this season. A
well developed case in the writer's
family was oured last wuok by the
timely use of Chamberlain's; Colic,
Cbolora and Diarrhoea Uoiucdy one
of tho best patent modiulnos mainline-
turett and which Is always kept on hand
j at the homo of ye sorlle,
ol ve sorlle. This is not
intouded as a free pun for the corupuuy
who do not advertise -villi us, 1ml to
benefit little sufferers who umy not be
within eney auces of a physician. No
family should be without a bottle of
this nioilielno id the house, especially
In summor-tiuiu. Lansing, Iowa, Jour
nal. For sale by Clms. Stranir. .
. Alameda Bride Dies In England.
Oakland. July 14. Sad news bus
recalled here from Liverpool of the
death of Mrs. J. A. McNoar, formerly
Miss Julia Noy, one of the most pop
ular and accomplished society girls o
.Alameda. Mrs. McNear was married
to the son of the California grain king
In the early part of last year and the
young couple went to Llvorpool on
their roneymoou.
. Tliu Suiue Old Story.
: J. A. Kelley relates an experience
similar to that which has happened lu al
most ovorv neighborhood In the United
States anil has been told and retold by !
tnousanas 01 others. He says; "Last
summer I had an attack of dysenlary and
purchased a bottle of Chumberlulu's Col
ic, Cholera and Diarrhooa Remedy,
which I used according to directions
with entirely satisfactory results. The
trouble was controlled much quicker
than former attacks when I used ulbor
remedies." Mr. Kelley is a well known
citizen of Henderson, N. C. For sale
by Chas. rflraug, druggist.
Lives "with a Broken Neck.
ban Francisco. July 14. Swimmers
at the Sutro baths were startled yes
terday afternoon when John Oscar
Erickson. a seaman, made a dive Irom
a ladder leading to the sliding board
into shallow water about three and a
half feet deep. He went down with
terrific force. His scalp was terribly
cut, while other symptoms warranted
he conclusion thut he had been fnlnlly
hurt. An examination at the hospital,
where he was immediately removed,
showed that the man's upper extremi
ties were paralyzed, the result of a
broken neck. He was conscious and
talked lucidly to the physicians, but
his recovery Is considered Impossible.
Acts Immediately.
Colds are sometimes more troublesome In sum
mer than in winter, It's so bard to keep from
addlDg to Idem while coolloa off utter exercise.
ODe311nute Cough Cure cures at once. Abso
lutely r afc. Acts Immediately. Sure cure tor
coughs, colds, croup, throat and lung trouble
Chas. Strang.
Lovers' Quarrel Results In Suicide.
San Francisco, July 14. Miss Fan
nie h. Warren, a beautiful girl, IS
years of age, committed suicide last
night at her home in this city . by
drinkign carbolic acid after having
quarreled, it Is said, with Dr. Charles
L. McPike. a young dentist of this
city, to whom, It Is asserted, she was
engaged to be married.
The p-rc.-itcsl munition of Amer
ican men mid women is to have
hoines liles-Jcd with children. This
woman nlllirici with fcnmli. dis
ease is coimIiiiiiIv meiiiiceil willi
Ixjcoiiiinw a cdiiiilleiis wife. . So
medicine c.-iri rc-iluie .1 ( or.
runs, but Nine of Cunliii do
' rcfrulnto Mint pre
vent conception ; does prevent
I niiicaiTiagc ; docs restore wmik
I functions and sliallcrcd nerves
and docs brinjt babies to homes
barren and iliwilnto for rears.
AVine of C'anlui i'ive women tho
Jiciillli mid sd-engtli o hour heal-
thy children. 5'ou nun 'gel a,
ddliur botllc of "VViiie of Cnrdiii
f from your dniiir!!-. : "
113 .Marfcotr-truot,
. . Memphis, Tem., April U, llwl.
J Kcbniar -, 1(101, t tw It one bottle of
VVIno of t,-: rdv.f and one nadiuro of
Ihcdforrt'a lllact-I)r.iuc,lit. I had Iwen
niarrled nfteon Vf-in-s nnd hod nei-er
glvon lilrtli to n child until I Uu,k Wl ie
pffrl::i. No-v t :n nm'llorof a(ln0
babyrlrl whloh w :h horr. Mnrnli St, Idol.
1 lie hahi- wolirha fou:teon pouci'asnil I
feel us well ns -iy porft in eontd feel.
Now my hora-. is hjipy nvrl I jlwr rilt
ne wlrliouc V me or carrlul in mv hiuse
ugam. , Mrs. J. W. O. HJUTH.
For atlTtc and llt'nlui., niHicu, Rlvlnfl
ju.i,(.i, "'n,. .,,,- J.lvl.orr lininrC
i.Muiift:i,MKa Medium. Company,
Kltrlcajf I
jr, staves iha
Review, a high an-
hat 'there tirti now
The Vstla ol Ike
morn than S.-J'H.imo
telephones In use
In the I ' 11 1 I t d
States. They serve ftir u yearly -tot nl
of prolinlily S.OOO.OOO.nOO calls, at n very
moderate estimate. The laving In
time and labor which is implied by
these figures, is Incalculable. Making
due allowance for the vast number of
calla which are tit a aoelal nature and
for thoet) additional millloiia which
might, be dlaHnadwltli at small coat,
if any, in liiialneaa, the let lor writing,
running of erraiida, uau of vehtcltia and
the wuete of time in fruit-Ires journeys
which the telephone service renders
needless eon hardly he Imagined. It la
Impossible to nienKiu-e such stupen
dous (ante In atntiatica.. What every
one understands is that to strike the
telephone out. of modern, life would
be an enorinona lon It would be stiah
a setback na the clvilled world ha
not expe riciii'Ftt in modern limes. In
addition to all the (Anoyance, labor
and trouble implied in doing without
the pi-lvilege-tif talking III rough wlrea,
lit all ordinary dUliiucea, the uetunl
loss In .money would lie many times
the cost of the telephone aervice. enor
mous though the revenues of the tele
phone companies nre. The progrvaa
of the world in inaiiy-slileil.antl " lead
ers are found In a c:vut iiiimlirr of
llelds of endeavor, but the Inventor
mill the suienlille dlheou r hold n
high place mining Hie irry foremoat
benefnvloi-a of liiiinallit.v.
Vnr Tnfnnfn and f!hl1ilrAn.
Trio rlnrl Ynn Ihvo A yiave Rntiorht
in nuiu ivh iiyiw mnujv nwi
Bears the
Signature of
Iabr'a Repartee.
Daaher came to lea and mentioned a
brilliant repartee matte by Imnielf. He
had been lecturing on Ihechiirfli's sea
sons and how to observe them, when a
crude mon In the audience asked what
was the heat waynfoliarrvlnp All Fools'
day. IMalier replied: "It should be
spent in self-exaniliisliiiii," and the
gainiayer was silenced. A fir r Dasher
"f gone, my wife aaid she i ght she
had heard this siory before, though
with a different toiirniirr. I hate often
noticed thnt the anir triri are lolil
hy different peranna as baring hap
pened in their own experience. The
liisliim-e struck me aa so riirlnua that
1 madv a noie of it for my I'svchlesl so
ciety. Cornhlli.
Cures felons, boils, tuts, old
sorts in one day. Price 25c.
Money back If you want It. .
ElectricSaheCo.. Reddinij.Cal.
"SUHE SHOT" Salve cures Cop-1
? t. t: !'
oer do son. snane ones, eczema
and scalds
No one claims to sell its caual .
Asilt.AND, Oil., March 28. llWi.
Thk Ei.Ecrnic SaI.vk Co., lidding. Cal.
Gentlemen : The box of Sure Shot
Sulve I ordered of youcaine luatniglil. 1
put some on a gathering 011 my ncuk ;
put iton three times. It drew out about
a tublespouiiful of pus and I think will
take more out. I think IL Is thu best
salve I ever uacd. Yours truly,
WaM-f.ii Mauzy.
Sold Everywhere,!
S.iHbyraiil recslpt ot price.
H. N. flARCY, Prop.
All Work Promptly Kxecuted
and Fully Guaranteed
i Mitchell, Lewis
' Tho
Dealers In -
Vehicles and
Champion Cutting Machinery, Chtmpion Hakes, Binding
Twine. Bate Tien, Barb Wire, 'Etc, Bto. k
I We have a complete stook to select from. Call and
Bee ub
Unitku Htatkh Omen,
UtmulMM K, Oi ohou, .1 mm J7, llHtt
NutU'o ie lum-hy hIvoii (hut lit ionillnii(m
with w iHuvlHlmmot Iho itnt tl Cohhii'nh Of
Juitotl, lh?8, out! I UhI "Au wnl tor tlm tit
l.iulior lHtHlN In tho HiuU'h of iJ.ilKninlit, Oi.
Kun, Net-mitt ..Kit WiHlihiuiun Torrltnry," nn
oxIoiuUmI lu ull tho inihlh' UikI Mutt' hv niH
l-'UANK l MAtinilK,
(itHil(i.xlCiitii.tyorVhltiimulHliUo uf Wunh.
!nutii,lin thU tiny llluil lit I III .nillim hl
hwdi'H HtHimnvnt No. 'JJJ1, in Iho iiuiohiino of
thvHICiiiilHW.HSiif HICV., lu I f nl Hri'tlon
Nik 7, 1iwitHltlii:uM..KiutKi K nmt V t.ff.-r
lirouf lu dhow tlinl Iho In ml HoiiHht U utnro
vulltitltlu tor tlh llltilior or klmin Ihiut fnr uurl.
mUlttriil miriioMOii nml In oMiiolUU iU uhtlm to
pniU iHiui ooforo lliu rculttior hiiiI WDlvor At
KiinoiMirH. uryinm, ou TiiurMliiy. tuo .
OotOllOV, llo lUVmi'M HHWllltOMOH
l tiny tit
iin V, Hkviiuo.oI i'ulliuiiu, WiihIim Ortlp lliitull
tun, of I'oWr, Whltiimu oniiiuy, WiinIi,, Jhiiu'i
Mnuulm ami JoHuph Cnrrlo, of Urnttt'ii Pitm,
Any nod nil iwrNonii dh.hi.linr Milvornoly ih
nlMivo-ilonirlhril UuuU miii roquoHlcil to lllo
tholrclnln.N In IIiIk olUcoon or lH'fnrit hiihlvtil,
tiny ot Outobur, luvj. ; J, T. Hihihim
Unitkd HT.IT KH l.NU OffirK,
llonoituiR. Or., Jnn'J IWW
Nottro U horvhy iilvpn Hint lit eotntiltimt'o
with Iho II11) tirovlfilutt of tho m l of (imiiiv-.ii
of Juno :tnl, 1H7H. ontlilcil "An mt tar l ho h1o
of tltnlHir 1 miii Ik In ihoHlnti'Bot t'nlllornlii.Nitv-
mlR. UromUl Httn W Hlilntthili Tnrrllnrv."
oxlomlotl to nil tho imhllr Iniol Mintott hy not
IM MIUM I. I nit,
v,i;rKit u. i-niu.ii'H,
of lllu Hulto. JaokNint futility, Htnto of Orison,
htih ihlH dnv lltotl in MiIn o(1lii hln hwoiii titlt-
mcttl No. inn, (or tho hon lm-o of iho K, ot
TiiwtiNhtp No. !iA Houih, Itnitiio J Knul,
niol win uffor ,irHi to tunv llmt (ho It ml
famuli l in inoro vnluntilc fur Uf tlmhoror tnno
thnn inr nutiouiturnl ouriHtMfi., niol lo.uitllct
litt oihIiii moit'to liclore Iho (Nutnty Clerk u
mm k mhi i 111 tt t y. uroiitin, hi jhi kmi nio. uro
utn, on Hntiinliy, tho nih iUv uf KtMitotuhitr.
U".fj. Ho tm mo Ht wItiinMim; Ihm Krodou
hitru. of IIIk ItttUo, Oii'itou, K. V. Moilyii-Lil,
ki iisttiioiMii r. iitMiMitTii, in iiriiMnii oro-
Any mihI nil iiornitiK I'lnlutliiK mlvi-r-iMv iho
Mmro tli'M'rlhi'd IkikI rv roinit0 f lllo
uii'ir i-m 1 nm in nun imih'o on or ootoro nhi ut it
itiiy ol Si'hti-mtior. Itir J, T.
Unitkii wtatkh I.anii (lrru-ie.
HuHoburir, Orotnui. Juno IV. Ittrj.
' .N.otACB ,l' by ,v,:i Uml . mmim-Miec
( w
Uti tlio nroviMloiiH ol Dm uri of Ninirr
J out' . IH78. outltltMl "Ad ni'l for tho nuiu at
tltnbor IuihIr In iho Si mon uf t'ulifortila, Orr
icon. Nov ui), ami Wnittliiiiton Trrrftory." ui ox
tomlrd 10 nil iho I'tibllo Lund HtatoN iy net of
AukiiH 4, lh!TJ,
1UHA J. Al.t.KN,
of RiHikuno, Couitiy or Hmikano, Htnto of Wnih
1 ii urn. hiiH ihln iluy IHihI Iti thlnoniLO hi nworn
Mia tout not No. lfiiiil, ftir thu purvlinne of thi K1
of HK!t, HocVlou It, mttl N', of NKl.
oTHrtillon Nn. i, Townnltlp Houth. of Ittrnun
'2 Ufttt, nmt will offer proof to nhuw thnt ihr
I ml Houttht In nioru vkIumIiIc for ttn tlmhrr or
ittonn tli on for unriotitluml purtMMr. n1 to on
UMUb ItlHoUlin lonaiii Unit btfoto the It ng tutor
ami llorolvar nf thU offlro m Kowiitur firriion,
on Mttturituy.tbo ttli Uy of Oototwr, l'J. llo
which tvt wltiift4H: Miirtlit A. Atlrn, Cuthrr
orlnoM. Httyo, Kmpm C lUyo ml pnvhl
Huya, till of Hpokuitid, Wmahlitittou.
Any a ml nil twrnoi n cUluiluir ttilvurwely the
ahovt- ilo.HcrltruO lnntlH aru rwiuonlotl to Ilia thfllr
olutuiM In thtu oflU-oon ur boforo wild ttli tiny of
Outohot, liruu. J.T. lliuiMir.H.
I'MTKn St,tiw !-sniirrir-K,
Iton-btirtf. or,, June jk, ws.
Noiloo U loT'-hy it I veil llmt lit rmnlUnrt
vllh tho pnivl-lftt" of tho not of ('tt)(rt, (
J 11 00 H. 1K ontltlvd "All v for Urn hhU til
iIiiiUt lnnl In the Htu. of (AllfnriiU, (ire
Kim, Ni'VM'U sttol Wft)ilnKUn IVrritnry,"
exti-n-to.l 10 nil lit" ruhllo lpd Hlntok hy act
if A ll(0t I. IMfj.
MAI'll M. RAIl.TiiS.
of KwikMlio. iiitinty of SiMikniio, Htnto of rIi
Inifwm, lint ih( ilad ul'l In hor
wuru wtaicnnmi No. 'jj.'i. (ur iho nurrhiie nf
lo3 and it and HK'j of SXi, SMI of HWU.
s.M-tl.m Nn. v, rwiiiltlp Hmiih, of Itanuo '.'
Kas.l aall.t u lit (ifrTt.r Isnuif l.i alu.Uf ilia. I IIim Unit
t rinUKht t mort valuable fur Ita ttmlMir and atono
' than fr narlritllurt! HiriHtv nod tit 4lahlUh
I hiTolalin thi-rtit t-i'furo tho It tfWttT nr (to-
ii'lViT of lht ii-liirit l-ati'l iifllfn at Ito-nlmtx,
( f)ntoli. 011 Tilt'lny iho Hlli ilar of (IiMoIhT
l 19tr.'. Hhc naiitr a ivltlifnaoa: A. Hi. Clair and
llaJ. Klntify, ufHiHikana. Wa-h.. W, W. V(i
llu, ol lrotHt'i, Orfifitii, l if, I'orh-r, Medlord,
Ay.iidiiiH.rwii-ruimiMK .w rM.iy the lninl
n-'itit-'t.-'l lf UN-
thi-lr i-lnlmi. In ihu Mlli-.i 1
ilay 11I lli-lolior. Wi,
ir In-fiiri- .alii lllli
J. T. llniiH.o.
I!ITF.H Mtatk! I, ani Oi l ier.,
ItoiDhiirg. ''., Jiitif -J, iwi
Notlio U ht-rrhy that In comjillaum
wlih tho irovUloim ot the nl of ('otitfri'Ma ol
Juno K, IH'h, vuiltli'il "Au a-t for tho aale ol
ttmlHT land lit the KtHlc- of I'Mltfornla. flro
gon, Nyvrtd ntol WatlilnKUin T'rrllor" a
rlondd 10 all Iho I'nollt- Laud Htal !) art
ot AuKiit 4. UtJ.
tt1 Mjrfikano Cniiniy. Htatt of Waihlniiton, ha
thlwdity illud In tli lit oilirii hi-r Kworu niaieincnt
No. 'Jtli, for tho nurchiioo of iho N4 ot H'j of
hi-otloii No, lu. Ttvviinlihi No.iUH.tiitri.or lUmro
' Kiift, und will offer ni'oof lo nhow thai Iho
laud kouKht in iiioru viihmhlo for llo tluitior or
miotic mini lor nitricimurai purpoMVit mm to on.
tahlliih hor claim to nld laud Ik; turn the lti'Kl"
tor and Kruofvur at ItoflotoirK.nrriron.otiTiii'fu
; day the I Ith tlay of OoioIht, UW. Kho nauten
ai wftiiCKaii': i'. ('autholl, of Hpokanc,
, w aiiintion, j. .i. Ufjier, 01 niHiKHit-. hiimi
liitfinu, I,. (i, I'ortcr, of Modfoni, OroKon, and
W. V. WillltH, o( 1'roKpoi t, OniKon.
Auvandall oeraiiiuH elalinlnu advernelv tho
ahovC'dcHorihi'il lattil" aro riMiiti'mud to lllo
Ihuir i-talm! In thi otlho on or lot lore Mild If Hi
dav of Ofiither, lixcj,
J, T. IlittiKii:.
I'NITKtl HT.lTKa I.ASII tlrt'lCK,
ItllKPIHirX. '. JllllO I'"'-'-N'ollrii
IK Imroliv utvi!ii that In i-'iliiiillHliru
with the lirnvlHioii. ( lliu m'.l ol (JfinKrl1.. ot
& Slaver Co.,
Mgr. Med ford, Oregon j
JuiikII, IH7H. unlltloil ".n aid n.r llu. iil- nr
tlmlnir lillids In Hi" HIiiU'b id I'lillliiriilii, Uri-.
Him, Niwiidii mill Vnli I iih 1011 'IVrritnry,"
oaiiuidiid in nil lliv I'll lit lu I.11111I HI11 tua 1 11 ml
ill Annus! 4. WW, . '
iilHiiikiillil, itillilily lit Niiiiknliii, Mlalii uf Wash
lllHlulli lina Hits iluy llll'il III lilts illlll'u hu
sworn sliiii'iniiiil Nn, JHii (ur Hut uiui'lia (
the Kl.'iif NKM.NWt id NKW mid tft'M til NK.,
Hm-llml N11, , Tun nslili Nu, !rj Huiitli, ul llnim'
u KiiNi.mul will urti-r iiruiil lu nliuiv lluil tlio
I11111I suiikIiI Is ilium viiliuililii (ur lis 1I111I1111' mill
slum' II11111 fur Its iiKi'liMilliirul iiiirnusuH, mill m
i-Hiiihllidt IiIhi-IiiIiii lu Ntilil Imiil induri I)u Iiuk.
Isti-r und lu-i'iilvor ul lliu HiisiiImii'k l.uriil (IMI-n
on Tmuiliiy, Iho lllh ilny ul Oiituliur. Iliej. llo
lltllitoM lis ivItlitixiii.Ml lihi,l, Tliiti.y, nf rllMiknltn,
IVnsliliuiliin, Mnilil M, Itnlhiili, ul Hiulinliii,
WiihIiIiiuIuii, W, V, Wllllls. uf irniiiil, 111,1.
Hun. and I- H 1'iirti'r. ul Mtsltoril, oi,,kuh,
Any mul nil iunulis rlnlliilnif mlvitrMily llu.
Hlinvi.iliNirlliinl I11111IN am ruiiuusiml to lllu
Iht'll I'lilllil" In I Itla iiflli-u 1111 ur I..-ten.- aalil Hill
iliiyuliluliilii-r, IlKyj, f I', Uiiiimiks, .
, , ItcicUler,
tfilltnd HlatiH I, am I Ofllrr,
' ItoactMirtr OrrKoii. July 7, lldrl,
Nulloi) ta lioroliy ulwii that In voninltaiu'tt
with tho provlloiifof Iho ucl, of Couurtiiwi of
June, n, IH7N, (Miilthxl "An ui t for tho nulo or
tlinbor I u m tr. lu tho HtulvN of Cullforulit. r
Kon, Nnvmiti, mid Wiuhiiiflion Torrltory," aa
oxtondoil mull tlio l'ulillu Lima Hiulcn by nul
of (hikoHitalo, county of Whlttimn. Htutr nf
Wrtahlr.Klon, hua thla day lllnt lit IhlH ofhoo hor
worn Ntik'otmint No ywl. for tho utirutiuiia at
tho HW4 of ttoctlim No. 'i in Towiitdiln Nu. JW,
South of Kuntfo No. il K., nod will ulltir jnwif to
alum thai tho land noun hi la uturn valuable for
lla tlmhor or atoiin thttn for tiurlriiltunil iut
iioHtia, mul looitahllKh hor c In fin tn Maid laud
holnro thr ItcKlNtor und ltconlvor of Hi hi olhcn
at Itokoliurtr, 'irnuoit, on Prtihty, thu 7th duvof
Novomhur. Ium, Hhc iiiimoa tia wltnoHMrM i
Alfri'.l i. Wlllunl, of Tekoa, Woh.. Oharloa M
VVatrra. of I'lillinuii, 'tU . Jopniih tior. nf
1'iilliunn, Wanli., and Charloa K Hay, of Tokoa,
Any and nit pernon-claiming advoraoly iim
ahovc'iU'wrlbod Inuoii aro rrouoNtcd to ft In
iliidr I'lalniH In ihtM nlo on or bofuto aald 7Ut
duy of NovomtHir. Wtl.
J.T- MltiiMii;a. Houlhtoi1.
I'nltrd FJialoa Land Claim
MoHittiurtf. iirruon, July 7. Itrj.
Not! co U hort'ity ulvrti thai In compliauc
wild Iho loriivlnloiu of Iho uot of t;oiinrcifi of
JoneS, H7;l, ontlllfd "An aol for llo? mhIo nf
timlMir I mul in lliu Htitira of t'oMforiiltt, i)r
Hon. N i! viol u, and VVuihlittftoii 'I'orrltory," an
oxtondrd lo uM (ho ruhllo Land Htat hy ucl
of Auuuat I, IHfj,
nr lullnian, county of Whitman, Htutrof Wa.h
litHton. haa ibi day flint In Ihlaontco hlN worn
matpno'iil No. IWB, fr thr iinrrhamo of il.a
NH'i of Hortlon No. HO. In TownhiD No. ill.
NH'i of Hortlon No. Ht), In Townhip No, fi1.
Hoillb of Itantio No. a K.. nod will oflitr mnnf io
Houib of ItatiKo No. a K.. nod will oflitr lunof to
ahnw that thi land MUKhi la mora valualilo ftir
iik tiniotr 01 niiitio tiian mr agricultural pur.
noata, aud to tmtntillah hlit 0llm IA aald land
boforr iho KoKlMior and Unci-Ivor nf iha oirica
at HottohurK, Oration, on Knday, tho 7th day of
NuvemtHT. Itan. Iln nntnrua a wiiumx.
t'harlea M. Wutora, of I'ultmati, Wah JoMub a-af U..1I....H 1.'..!. I . . ' ' . .
fwii iiurmun. ui
Modford. Orcrvn. and llrorito II. Klnir. til Umi
ford. Urrjrtin.
Any ami an iMiraotu viaiiniuir ailvorarly ihn
abovo-diiorthrl landn arc rnitinatrtl In nta
their claim In thin oitlce on or liofnro Mid Tih
duy of .Nov nihcr, luo.1.
J.T nuiwiKA, llHUlNltir.
t'ollod Hiaiaa Land nWc.
ttuaiiliorif. Orcifon, July 1, ).
Notlc la hrrrtT alvm lhl In mmtitlaiica
wtU (no provUtoun of iho set of Vnnurm nf
Jiitina. h;m, nnlttlnd "Au art for ih at nf
tltntior lunitn in tho Htiitra of Callfnrnla. 'r
irou, Nevada and W nliiutf ton Tirriorv." at
oxtuudrd to ail tho I'uhllt: Laail Hialra hy not
of Auku"! 4. IHW,
JOHN J. mtKriu
nf Oakraidalc. count v ot W'hliiuan. Hum of
Wathtnirlon, ha- thla dav Med tn thla nftioo hi-
aworn lUtomrnt No. VAr tr tho nurrhai of
the HK . rtf Hretloh No '.'A. In Trmnhi No :n.
Houth of II an if n No. a ,,. and will ofTrr nrnof lo
" iia iiiw i vim Miuifiii i mnrn rmuamr mr
lt llmWr nr atnn titan for agricultural pur.
rxMoa. und lo oatnhlUh b la rUlm to aalil land
boforo thn RcUtr and Koualvor of thla ofno
at Hoaahurfc Orotrmi, on Kri.lay. the 7th day if
N'nvroihr, V. fin nainoM n wlinranra: Al
frr.l l. Wlllanl, of T"koa, Wain.. Cliarlra M
W a torn, of I'olltoan, Wah , jMoh ltnr. nf
I'ulloian. W'aMi., and Chariot K. Kay. of Trkoa,
Any and all nemon rlulmlnif advr.viv th
altove-'IfNcrltinl land aro rrqurld in flto
lliolr rlallua lu thU nini'r on r iinftttf nalil Tih
day o Novomhfr, l!"..
j. is niuiHir.a, Krifiriinf.
drilled Hlalt-a t.n(l OrTi,
KoarhurK, Orruon, Jul 7. Ilnr2.
Nut lc m tirroby irivori that In roinpltanro
run tho nr iviNlfina of tlm an of CtuiartM it
Jun :t. IftTH, Miiitled "An ucl for ihi talr of
tltnbfr Inn fit in thn Htitm of Ottlfnrnla, Oro
iron, Noviuta, uutl WanhlnKioii Tnrritorv," h
oxtoniifd to !! the I'tibllo I. anil Htntita hy not
AI.K1(K1 II. Wlt.hAftD.
of 'tVikon, oouutv of Wtiltman, Hialo of
Inuton. lia thin day flld In ibUnTice hUnworn
tut"uioni No. for thr niirrhat of tho
HW , nf Hwillin No. 'Jll. In Tuwttthiu Nn :tl
Houth of Uanitq No n K., and will nffrr pnwif
in nnw tnai mc mni HiuRni ia morn vniuuiiii
for Ita tlmhnr or iiono than for aRrloulitiral
ourpoHOH, and In miaiillah hU olalin lo auld
Innil boi'tiro tho HoirMor and Itfrnlvcr of thin
otllcn at Konoburit. thonnu, on Friday, thn 7ib
dnvorNovemhor. iwu. (In namcN na wllnnnnri:.
Charli'd M. Wutora, of Pnlliimn. Wnnh-. Jor-ib
uniiur, im ruiimaii, nuMi., I'.utvnuo Hinurr, or
I'ulltuun, Wunh.. and Char I on Kay, of Tekoa,
Any aud all nomonii olnlmlnir ndvnrrirlv thn
itbovo dfiorltwd laiida aro rroimated to lllo
their I'lnlin tn 'hlN oftlcit on or hofnr aald 7Lh
day of Novomhnr, lixr
j.t. iminoKH. itmi'iaior.
KofclmrK. (trf Juno'.T, unrj.
Nolli-o Iti hnrobv uIvimi that In ri.iniiHftn.ia
H It ll thO ITOVlnilXlk Ot ttlO tll'l lit t'otlKri'Vh of
June !l, 1H7H, ctltlllfd "Ah tint for tho ita 1 1! nf
timber laudra hi tho HlaioH of CnlHorula, Oro.
Itotl, Nnvndli aud. Wiirililllilott Tirrllnrv." mm
oxtonrlod loall (ho I'lihllc Ianl HtatoM by not
of AiiKnt I, lairj,
of I'nllmiiu, I'ouhly of Whttinitn.Hiittcnf Wa.
Inifioii. ha thlHilav Died In tliWoni.-.libiu-itrii
Hiiitotiicnl .S'o. 'Jh-jl. for tho titirchniio ot iho W'-
N.iv " K.vv,'i r HWV ",,r- No. 17, and HK'J
oi nr.-j, oi. ro-o. in, in Toutinlilii Nn, :ti
Houth, nuiiKo No. n KiikI, and will ofTcr proof
oMiow unit uio land wniffM u tiiorr vultuihlo
tor ll 1 1 in hor or nUmit tlnui for uurlcutturnt
iMiriMiM'M, aiul to OKtithlltih IiIh f'lnliii In hiiIiI
hind hoforu Lhu HKlntm' nw ttotwlvor m IIohk
tnirK. Orogoii, on Thurmliiy, Iho ad ilny of Oi-ui.
bur, I'.HU, llu tinmen iim w Unlearn; (irllf lliun-
1MOU. Ol i UIIII.X, HHKII , IV V. MllKUlro, Of Urrf.
fox, Wio-h., Jiimoa (ior until, of (Iruuu t'iix, On1.,
and Joiu.ih Currlo ol (tiantN Vnnn, (ro.
Any and all j-crhiniK clulinliiK ailn rfiuly lha
iihovo-rloMTlhi'd InudM aro roiittontod lo lllo
thi'lrolitlnm In IhlH olllct- nn or hoforo nnld '-M
day of Oolohor, IWrj, ,, T, IUiiikikm,
1 Hi'glNlor.
Unitkh Htatim Ianii orrinK. '
IluM-liiirK, (Iro., .linn- 27. HMrj-
NiiIImi Ik luirohy iilvcn that In -niiillnii-n
Willi Mm nrnrlHluiiH it) tho nut nl CuitKrrs uf
Juno II, IS70. ciitlllml. "An ai-t (nr lliu rnla uf IiiiiiIh III tho Hlntus n( t:nllliirnlii, Orn
Kuli, Nrviiilii mill WiiHliliiKtiin Torrllurv," us
-.x u-ikIciI lu nil thu pulilli' In ml sinit-s )y' m-t uf
AllKllst I, IBIIJ, . i,
ul Cullax, Counly o( Whllman, Hlnto of WiihIi
Inillriii, has thla iln)- llloil In. this ndli-o Ills
swurn i.iiiIl'1111-iiI Nu. 'i, fttr Iho iiun-liiiso uf
tho HKk n( N WW, R'i ul NKU, lot 2, ol Huollilll
Nn.7.TowiililplWH., It. II K., ami will offi-r
proof ui shnw that Iho Innil Houidit Is mom
viilunlilo lor Its tliulior or stoim than for aitrl
nultliriil piirnoHUH. nnil In iwliilillsh his nliilin to
nalil lnn-1 hoforo llu! Itiiulstor mill Itonnlviir, nl
Itnaoliiirg, Orogon, on TliiirBiliiy, IhnM ilnv nf
Oi-tohnr, lW.'. Iln nanicH ns wltimssos! Thiun.
as W. HavKtri', nf Pullman, Wash., K, I', MllKUlro,
ol tTolfax, Wasli. Jninns florman anil Jnsinh
(JiirrloofdrnntH I'hhs, OriiRun.
Any anil nil porsons clnlmlng nil vcr Holy Urn
abovoili-Horllioil Innils nro riiouosti'il to lllo
uic-irniiiMiH in mis omt'o on nr iioloro salil i
ilnyof Ootolicr, lwrt.
J. T, ItniiHiKu,