The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, May 17, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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. Devon young people, members of
Sunday-school class of tho First Baptist
churoh, wcro drowned iu tho Mnumoo
river, just bolow Toledo, O., when the
naphtha luuuuli Frolio, in which thoy
vrero taking a rido, was run down by
the tug Arthur Woods of tho Groat
Lakes Towing coiupauy's flout,
' Five men woro killed, . two fatally In
jured nud two o.hers torrihly buruod by
being caught iu a torrent of molten !
metal in an opcn-hoarth pit at the Ponu
sylvanio stool works, Stooltou, near Hnr
risburg, Pa, All of tho niou were Aus
triaus. Thuy woro at work iu a pit
behind tho "chokers" when tho iron
ore boiled ovor, the furnace "burned out
fend tho entire pit was turned into a
pool of fire.
dtij&SfcS!ti!4jftS!tjJiSfcsli.i offended at your actions and I re-
it ui.iin."
i9 A ntPC IiIitu rr? itii ST , '!!., ..,:.. t 1. 1. , . '
RrtVC Willi UCAIrl IP , , .' ,",u"'""r
1 " yon ns having gone, mid I speak no
it, niiiro," And M. llotivard tuineil 11 Wit V
xianiiaica from tno. Fronou a.
by OtHlle D'Untor.
E. All at once M, Itouvmrd loaned for
W1VWWW,WW'W'iP"W'ltv! "'s l,l'u'
, , Anntolc had secured tho professor's
"TaU are a doiul man!" n,.,' ''n.Hi.', upon which lie blow a vW.
Whir. .mr.H...r A ,1.. II ... , " '" "' " II Ull IIOU 1 C II I 111,'. II
S100 Howard, S100.
The readers of this paper will lie pleased lo
Jearn tbat lbere Is at leusl one dre.ulod oisoaso
tnal science ban beeu able to cure in all us
stages uml tbat is Catarrh. Hall's Culnrrli
Cure Is tbe only positive cure now ki.ovvu lo
mo meillral iralernuy. uaiarrn reinsiiu
lunnnul remurea a eousliuiltonal treat'
menu nail's Catarrh cure is taken Internally,
acting directly upon tbe blood ana miu-ou.i sur
faces oi ine sysieui, lueruuy uev,vj,i mv
foundation of tbe disease, and giving tbe
patient strength by bullolUK un the couslltu
tion and assisting nature iu doing Us work.
The proprietors bave so much fatUl in its uura
live powers, that they offer Oue Huuured Dol
lar ior any case mat it ions iu cum- ou mr
list of testimonials. k y
Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, a
Wold by druggists. Toe.
fall's Kuiuiy I'Uls are the best.
i f - ; '.
A peculiar case came up in Superior
Judgo Dunne's court at San Fruneisexv
raen Assistant District Attoruoy Johu
-Creany, the prosecutor, moved for a
dismissal as sooir-aa-tUe oasa was called
ou the ground that the evidence was
insufficient to convict. The defendant
was a young mau named W. H. Shook,
woo was accused of au attempt to com.
nit robbery. His arrest was based on
the simple fact that he had entered a
iayea-street fish market aud casually
acea too proprietor now business was,
ad when told it was good, jocularly
maked how much money was in the cash
(agister. There -was uo other evidence
4t au attempt to rob. The case was at
oce dismissed and the youuar man
given his freedom after being under
wrest xor several weeks.
Dangerous If Neglected.
' Suras, cuts and other wounds often fall to
fceal properly If neglected mad become trouble
flame sores. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve pre
vents such consequences. Even "''"re delay
as aggravated the injury D, ?tt i Witch
-Haxel Salve effeats a cure. "I hau . running
ore on my leg thirty years," says B. C. Bartly,
"Yaakeetown. Ind. "After using many remedies,
I tried OeWllt's Witch Hazel Salve. A few
twxes healed the sore." Cures all skin diseases,
ftles yield to It at once. Beware of counter
feits. Cha. Strang.
John Nicolai and Henry Clarke are
saking a monetary success of the larg
tja farm in Alaska, snys a Taconia dis
twtch. It consists of 40 acres 33 acres
Dyea and five at Skagway. Thoir
crops include vegetables of ail kinds
oata, berries, apples aud crab apples.
The experiments show the yields from
Aiasnan son to be very large aud
the quality of the vegetables escelleut.
"The eutire product is sold at Win to
Horse, Atlin and other iuterior towus,
VWB'HB high prices. Tho form is one
Aunt. ilo was staggered by this itn
nouiK'onii'nl. Ho hml come to pass t tie
evening with his old friend. Dr. Itar
dais, the illustrious scholar, recog
nized by all the world as an authority
ou poisonous substances. Hut A not uio
had learned to appreciate, more than
all, tlo nnhilily of heart mid fatherly
kindness of the good old doctor, and
now, without consideration or regard
for his feelings ho heard front his own
lips this terrible prognostication.
"rnfortiinate child!" continued the
doctor, "what have you been doing?"
"Nothing that I know," stammered
Anntolc, deeply troubled.
"think! try to remember! Tell'
me what you June eaten, drank or in-I
This last word proved a rnv of liirht '
ior nnatote. the same morning he
had received a letter from one of his
fricuds w ho was -touring in India. In
the letter ho found a tlower gathered
from the bank of the twinges Jjy tho,
yovager, a .-red'- fliiwor Lf , fantastic
snape, aoiUhe odor.'he recalled now
was peculiarly poneu-nting, Anntolc
searched in his pocketbook and found
the letter and the dower, i which he
showed to the learned man.
"Without doubt!" cried the doctor.
"It is the r.vramenensis ludica, the
death flower, the flower of the blood!"
"You believe this truly?"
"1 am positive of it."
"But it is not possible! I am but 25
years of age. 1 am full of life and
health!" .-
"At what hour did you open this fa
tal letter?"
"At nine o'clock this morning.'
"Ah, welll ; At the same hour to
morrow morning, at the same min
ute, in full health, as I say, you will ex
perience certain palpitation in tbe
heart, and all will be over."
"And you know of no remedy?" '
"Not one!" returned the doctor, hid
ing his head in his hands, and he fell
upon the sofa, overcome with grief anil
despair. .
Seeing the emotion of hia old friend,
Anatole realized that he was con
demned to die. He became like one in
sane. '
All night, in a fever of aultation.
hia brain topsyturvy, Auutole darted
up and down the boulevard, - uncon
scious of his surroundings anil that
the streets were gradually becoming
deserted. For a long' while he ran
thus until he fell exhausted on a
The rest was beneficial. He had
been like a man who had received a
blow on the head. The stupefaction
wns leaving now and he commenced to
collect his idea which had beeu so
"Xly situation," thought he, "is that
I am condemned U die! I must ac
cept this without hope, but with grace.
sounded as if the luformi had broken
"My trombone of honor presented
ny my pupils! Put down the iustr
mcnt, monsieur!"
".Monsieur, you consider mo as one
gone. 1 consider y,m n 0 nbscut
uml I am amusing myself until you re
turn, lloiu! a lino nolo!"
ton. will have mo put out. My
mmiionl will nut tolerate the Iroin
bone for a minute!"
"M. Ciipdenac is n terrible man!
1 insult him thus, ho will kill me!"
"Is this tho oulv reason?"
"It is the reason above all others
in innt. case leave it to me; swear
to nie that if I obtain the consent of
M. lapiienoc nsy cousin shall be free
it's, monsieur, slje shall bo free.
iirnvo! 1 have your word of honor.
ion will permit nie to retire. Anroiios
mere uoes ,i, tapiiemie live?
"One hundred Hue des Deux-Kpees,
i run ut once. Au revoir.
"Hah! You run lo throw yourse
i"K iiiiiuin ot me lion and you
,.ui ii-eeie ine lesion vim uiertt.
A!cVwh!!'e, Aiiatole raii to tho ud
uress given him. When he "arrived
was six o'clock a. m.
"Who comes?" said a deep voico.
t.'H'ii. A communication of itii
porlanee from .M. Itouvnrd."
'i'i.. .-..n.. ...
u ..una in i ue niiieciiamner no
peared to vanish under the numerous
,v,,ii,rriiiriii9. ii tnc little room
where t apdenac received his visitor
nothing but arms was een: Turkis
swords'oryatagans, poisoned arrows
sabers, swords for one and two bauds,
pistols, etc. A veritoble arsenal. It
was enough to cause a timid soul much
Mih! thought Anatole. "What It
it that I risk? there arc but ay, hours
lfl milt-"
"you wish
Of the Ollifif nlniAa in ll-cba i
Ued bv SeoroLnrv nf xt.u . toi . How Umc have 1 to live
M his Alaska trip this summer. .HiJooke' at h's walt"h- " "
" i . i . r i , y""ee o'clock a. m. It is time to
go to bed. 1 rest? Should I sleep
Wants Others to Know.
"I have need DeWltt's Lltlle Early Risers
96r constipation and torpid liver aod they are
all right. 1 am glad to Indorse them for I
think when we find a good thing we ought to
let others know It," writes Alfred Reinze
Qnlncy, 111. They never gripe or distress
Sure, safe pills. Chas. Strang.
' A orttfnl 'stop lu the npprehens.oii 6
J. B.- Hudlcy, the man accused by th
police of tho murder of Nnr.i Fuller ii '
the house at 2211 Sutter street, Sin
JVancisco, was fcikeu by the dead giri'i
another, Mrs. Alice" l ullor, who swon
to a complaint charging Hidley with
the crime. Snould liadley be found all
the legal formalities possible at the pres.
eat time will uow have been nerformed.i
and if fonnd in a foreigu country stops
tar his extradition may be taken with
out delay.
Remember tbat nanid when you wan
a delicious, appetizing, nourishing foo'
drink to take the placo of coffee. Sold
by all grocers and liked by all whi
have used It. Grain-O is made of pur '
grain, it aids digestion and strengthen
the nerves. It is not a stimulant but i
health builder and the children ns wo I
as tho adults can drii k It with greg
benefit. Costs about J as much as col
lee. loc. and 25c. per package. Asl
jour grocer for Grain-O.
' The steamers State of Washington
and Sehome have been sold by Dowdell
& Co. to the Pacific Coast' Steamship
Company, ' says , a Tacoma dispatch
These steamers,: together with other
Puget sound steamers acquired by the
Pacific Coast company, will be operated
as leeuers to the company s lines run
ning to San Francisco and Alaska.
A good looking gf
home and poor look
tng barncBS la the
worst kind of a com-
btnauon. .
Harness Oil"
horse took better, but makes thm (
leather soft and pliable, puis it In con-
inn 10 last twice ns long
l it ordinarily would.
Bold mrher la cant all
inf. flftdfl b
Horse a
last few hours? Ni. I have
certainly much to do but what? I"or
bleu! My will to make."
A restaurant was near tbat remained
open all night. He entered.'
. 'Waiter! A boUle of champagne
and a bottle of ink."
He drank a glass of Cliquot and then
looked at the paper dreamily.
"To whom shall I leave this legacy
of 6,000 francs a year? I have neither
father nor mother. It is fortunate for
them. Among ail whom 1 count as
frieuds, I know not one ah! Nicette."
The last wishes were quickly writ
ten and all was bequeathed to -Nicette.
It was done. Anatole drank a sec
ond glass of cham)agite.
"Poor Nicette!" thought he. "She
was very sad the last lime that I saw
her. Her guardian, who knows naught
of the world except those musicians,
those brass browers at the Conserva
toire was not prudent In -promising
her hand to one so .brutal whom she
detests. Indeed, she detests him aa
much as she loves another, if 1 am
at all learned in those plain avowals
of reticenee and etnh:trriissiii,.nt YVH,
j is the happy mortal? 1 am ignorant.
but it is certainly true that she is well
worthy of the one whom she has
chosen. Good, sweet, beautiful, loving
Nicette merits an idea! husband. Ah!
she is just the wife I should have ;f .
It is infamous to force, to degrade the
life of such a treasure with such a
brute. Why should I not be the
chevalier of Nicette? It is said that
to-morrow morning to-morrow it will
be too late. I must act now. It is a
little unseasonable to oali, but when
I am told that I will die in five hours
I care little for such conventionalities.
Come! My life for Nicette!"
It wns four a. m. when Anatole rang
the bell at the door of the guardian
of Nicette. M. Ilouvard himself came
to the door in his night cap, and very
much frightened.
"Am I right in supposing you have
caused me this inconvenience to com
municate something of importance to
me?" .
"Very important, M. Houvard. It is
that I wish you to renounce the mar
riage of my little cousin Nicette to
M. Capdenac.
Never! monsieur. Never!"
It is not necessary, to say never nor
Monsieur, my resolution is,
the marriage will take place."
"It will not!"
"We shall see! And now that you
have my answer, I will not detain
"This is a little mors amiable. I am
left now
"Monsieur," said Anatole,
to marry Mile. Nicette?"
"Oui, uiousieur!"
"Monsieur, you cannot marry her!"
. K ,,,un' "e sain, nually
uu.c me gooi iuok to tint! ine
in a pleasant muod. I'mlit bv it. I)i
you know that I have fought 1!0 llmiw
and that I have had the misfortune to
kill live of my adversaries and to
wound 15 others? tio! 1 p!iy your
joum. unee more, go.'
iwmw. sxju .uaiuie, "of rour
reputation and that vou areiin ndver
sary worthy of me. and my desire is
to measure swords wi;h so -redoubt
able au adversary. Will you take the
two swords from the mantle? or the
two naval hatchets? ur the cavalry
sabers? or the cuirassiers weapons?
What do you say to these curved vnta-
guns.' ou liave not decided? What
win you do?
"I like your bravery. Do you wish
ine to acknowledge s, iu.-thing?"
"1'or some time I have wished to
give up this marriage, but I did not
kuow how It would be understood. ' I
consent, then, very willingly, tr yur
wish, but I wish you to understand
that I have not been intimidated by
your menaces."
"Will you write and sign your de
cision?" "I hare such admiration for vou
that I can refuse you nothing."
Supplied with the precious paper.
Anatole ran to the house of M. Itou-
vard. lie arrived at the door u cighl
a. m.
"Who is there?"
"Anatole." -.!"'
M. Hon vard opened it. Anatole de
livered the paper to him, and cried as
he ran to the door:
"Cousin, rise and dress quickly and
come here!
Almost instantly Nicette appeared
as tresn as Aurora.
"What is it?"
"It is that your cousin is mad!
M. Houvard.
"Mad!" cried Anatole, "but, remem
ber, Nicette, that my madness is for
good to you. This night, my Hi tic
cousin, 1 have obtnined two things:
M. Capdenac has renounced your liunil
and your excellent guardian consents
mat you snail marry Uie one
"Truly? My guardian,
that I marry Anatole?"
"Heln?" said Anatole, in amazement.
"It is you I kive, :ny cousin."
At this moment Auuiole felt his
heart palpitate violently. Was it the
pleasure caused by this unexpecle,;
avowal of Nicotic? Was it 1hc an
gnixh predicled by the doctor? Wasii
death? J
Taking feverishly the hands of Ni
cette, he told her all; the leilrr he re
ceived, the flower he inhaled, t lie prog
nostication 'of his old friend, the w.l
he wrote, the measures taken aud tin
success obtained.
"And now that I hare perfected all,
I must die!"
"Huf it is not possible!" said Nicet te,
"Die physician is deceived. Who
is he?"
"A man who is never deceived, Ni
cette. Dr. Hardais." ' i
"llardnis! Hardtiln!" cried Houvard
suddenly, beginning tolnugli. "Maid
while I re.-iu my journal: 'The learue
Dr. linrduis has unexpeotedlv becnim
afflicted with a menial malady. Tin-
madness Is an attack of : scientificchnr-
acter. All know the d-oolor was occu
pied especially with discuses reltii lv,i
to venomous subsliinccs uml Hie eU'eo
of poisons. lie believed dually thai nl.
whom he met were poisoned find tried
to persuade them to this beTer. He
has been transported this niffhl io the
maison du docteur Illanche or home
for the insane.' "
The two young neonle etnhracorl
Th Porllous Toriod Which
Follows an Attack of this
Mystoriouo Malady,
Grip in bad eunuyh with its aching
bones, inflamed eyes, painful buck, nud
fewi, Hut Its idler cllects are K-ihiips
even more to be dreaded than the misery
attcii'lcut on au attack of the disease
itself The person who comes safely
through an attack of ;i'i p, man, woiiiuii,
or child, is loft iu a condition of peculiar
debili-v and prostration from which it is
dilticult lo rally. A alight cold or cough
may hud speedy termination lu lung
disease. Ordinary exposure results in
pneumoi la. The disease seems to
deplete the vitality undermine the
strength, aud affect the balance of flic
mind. IT is one bf I he sad Experiences
of the u.-ip, that the convalescent sup
patsri to -ie rallying well, has been found
ill a oand.tinn of complete collapse.
Asa result of the grin the lunos. and
other organs of respiration seetu pecu
liarly liable to be affected and consump
tion tuny easily be tin: after consrouence
oi the uaul.idy. It needs no argument
mention! to urge the building uu of the
system weakened by grip to enable It to
resist and throw off these sequent dis
eases which so frequently prove fatal.
In actual test I)r I'ierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery list proved itself pecu.
limrtv valuable tint nnl i t ,,,,'..1.
of tfie disease hft also in rebuilding the
body which grip has undermined and iu
curing discuses which are Drone to fasten
on the enfeebled system. It strengthens
the stomach, heals tile lungs, and puri
fies the blood. It Dots the whole bodv
on a plane of souud and vigorous health.
"Two years ng this mouth I had
I attack of urio hich left mv throat
and lungs iu bail condition," writes
Mrs. M. K. Stewart, of Ct,utcr, Chickasaw
Nation, Ind. Ter. The doctor said I
had disease of t'le bronchial tidies,
but confessed to mv husband I un
known to me), thai I had consumption
in the first stage wid could never be
cured ; but, thauka to God and to Dr.
Pierce, to-dav I feel well, and am better
sow than 1 have been for many years.
can uo as mucii worn now as any
Main of my age, which is fortv-seven.
One of my neighlwr women advised ine
hage's Catarrh Remedy. I do not regret
thiil I spent the money paid for the med
icines. 1 have gained twenty-four pounds.
Indeed Dr. I'ierce's medicines liuvc done
wonders lor inc. It is uo list for uie to
try to tell my feelings. It would take
lime ami space, but I wall a tkf lelou aud
so poor uml so ilown-heailcd 1 could not
look nt one of my liulo oues without
shedding tours, thinking that they would
soon be loll without a mother."
What makes me strong? Ask yourself
that question and you will find that the
aiisMerwill be. I inn nuiilc strong by fon-l
How iloei food ni'il;i, us stroller1 ,M
Missing llmmgh itu- puueses oi (litre.
lion nud being convened into tnittiiion.
which, iu tin- luiinof blood, nourishes iht
body. So Uml while IiIikkI is the life ol
the body, food is the Hie ol" the blood.
lively red vein and artery
of tin- bodv IcoU like
'If a sen i ici clue buck lo
Ihc sic ich. If (be body
is weak, therefore, wo must
look to the stomach first
for I he en use of weakness,
ami then to the Mood.
The sump result of phys
ical weakness will follow
the opening of ail nrtflry,
or stiu viiliou. You may
bleed to death or Ur va 1.1
death. This is so uell tin
derstood iu tnedlcal prac
tice Unit the lirat consul-
enil'on of the plivrietmi
iu uivesligiitin,'' di,'HK ii
the condition of the itnm
ach. If the slumocti is
weak the lanlv can't be
strong. If Ihe'stomtcli Is
weak, .thai .vvc,ai Uf-M will
suielv li lit I an ei ao in
simic-other'orrun- depend
ent ou the stomach for its
null ition such a heart,
livor, lungs, kidney, elc
If you starve a mother
you nlurvc Ihc child at hci
breast. If you starve the slott.neh, von
starve the oiguns it feeds. Hut slufva
tion of the body can Iw itccamplislKd
even where foial is plentifully supplied. ,
because if the stomach and other orgalii
of digestion aud nutrition ate disrascii.
then the fiwd will not be convened iula
uutrilion or only pa,tly so, nud thy bod,
inadequately nourished wl'l begin lo
grow weak. The first attempt,' then, in
dealing with a weak body Is to nourish
It into strength. The genertl method ol
this iittempt is lo try and bring the food
down to the level of the wmk stomarh
This is done by the use of prepared
foods, cod liver oil, and i's etnulelaiis
Hut this doesn't cure the disease of tin
stomach or put the organs of nutrition
lino a condition to build up the body.
Dr. I'ierce's Golden Mrd'cal Dlscoven
deals directly with the stomach am'
blow). It seeks to bring the stomach uj
to the level of strong, Imlthful food,
when this is done the Ixidy gains in
strength, puts on flesh, throws oS dis
ease, and enters ou a irw life. That
these results follow the ore of Golden
Medical Discovery ' is pro"f.l by tbe Us
timony of thousands of wTak, rundown
men and women and by their cure, b
I. O. li. I' .- I.ooi'i) No, as, lunels In 1. 1. O, V
hull n. IV Huloriliiy at si h In . Visiting
brotliors ulnnys woU:oooi.
It. IV. tlAI.KINII, N. (1.
A. II. NAVUIK l'"e. bee
r. i). u. . - i, i...
No. mi, imiotH iii i, i., i. , r i , . . ,
toil rill WmllltiNiluvs ul rn i' I n i
II. II I VI. v U. I'.
W, T, Yoiik, Horllio,
I I'-tiKHIIipilllOlt.
ill I'OIIll IS II It
Ollvo Knlieliilll I, ml.
mi S... 'jt. ... ....I,, in I 11
0. tin 1 1 III hi uml lli I i.l Tuesiliivs nf fiiuili
Vlsltlitu sisters Invlteil In utleinl.
I'lll'I'l M A Mil K, N. tl.
rri FlifssM. In ii, l-ec.
.v. I1'. .v. A. M.- Meets llrsi r-'ruhiv mi or lie
nie full iiinuii ii I o j,. in., In Mimiiiile hull.
, , ' ,1 A. "Un man, W. M.
w. V. Lii'i'iNcorr. lleo.Huo.
K. of I'. 'I'u 1 in in ii ii lii,l,i, sin, in, niji.i, m, .
iluy evKiiiiiH ul H p. in, viMttliitr hniiliors ul
wiivs ,. eiiiui ,:, n, ,;uv 0
11. Ii. I'm iits. K. of It. uml h.
Kiiliihis of Hi,. .Mii.iui,i,.B,..'i'ii in, twi
No. h. niiHiis I,, remilur rioiew ou Hie ll un.l
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i"'i,!;.,.,?u'!o,',i,,;:;ii,,vl"IM'1" H"
, A. ii. Km
. r. voiik. II. K.
i.iiion. t'oliiuinniler.
'!!' V W." "I lloniir- iV.ili'i'r" ,iii7
evenliiKufeui'li II. W. hall
A" V.'.il',' V:-laiilite No. US, ii in every tint
brolliorsliiviiiHl-touileii'ii. ' """
a.i.asi. ..."f."? W.
-fft'f ,,,'r,,r(ier,
K. U. ul A. Meulnril l.ciiluo )i,7,' jjl "nTJiI
"ry Snliir.l,,, ,. , A. .; ',,.' S?
luiinif Kraiors Innir.i u, .ui ' 1 ' ""
I..A.J.,I,UA "h',',"""."' l.
l.M...l(orli,liroio1I. """""" " ' '"
JIiuia ;a,. jMerk. W W,, ,r'
Vlllln,li,.rii,.ii.r ." R 1 ""'I"
ViIVIii( alMrraiinvium.
JfATIIKKIN,. WA,rfel.,W?,",'"",
w. u. o.(Mi, 'I;"rrr. r
uinola ..... : "-'.. ""pa no.
iwiibu..s :r '"."':."")' oi
.M,V?. '' Van Anrwni.p,.
Mahv k. Itrr v.s. h.c.
u.'A. ii.-ie.i. a a rr i
Visiting t.oaira.le.e,,r,llully lnvli.l io.ti.otf:
tl a aa,,,,,,. .'"'" "ASMIIAriH, t'OW.
i( a. AsimiiH, Aojmam,
at Mrs. Au.lli'aon Nurlh II .ireei.
s. AfSTl.,e,eu",r ''' U,mo' I're.l.l.ul
oget Dr. I'ierce's Golden Medical DIs
ovcry, so I seni and got it. and then I
Was not satisfied with it alone, hardly
believing it would cure uie, so I wrote to
Dr. Pierce and gave him my symptoms.
He replied that 1 lind catarrh of the
bead, extending to my lungs, ami told
hat wouloVcure me, I took his advice
-never neglected it for anything, I
have taken seventeen bottles of ' Golden
Utdical Discovery,' eight vials of Dr.
Pierce' Pallets, and ten packages of Dr.
the use of 'Discovery of diaeases
lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, etc., whicl
originated in the dfsease of the stomach
anil its allied organs of digestion am!
"Three years ago I ha .' the grip,'
writes Mrs. Tillic Miiuey. of Giuvel
Switch, Marion Co., Kv. "It nettled on
my lungs, and the doctor said I bad
consumption. 1 look six botUca ol
'Golden Medicul Discovery.' sud am
thankful to soy 1 am entirely well."
Sick ti siple" are Invited to consult Dr
Pierce by letter, Arc. All (trrrspind
ence is strictly private and contidentia)
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, llull.tlo, N. Y
Dr. Pierce's Common Scn4 Medical
Adviser, containing over '.houimnd
large pages, is sent free, on leceipt ol
stamps to pay expense of mailing only
Scud tl one-cent stamps for fae cloth,
bound volume, or only 31 stamp for Iht
laiok in paper covers. Addrea .Vf. II V.
Pierce, lluffalo. N. V.
lrl!tlZlVy!:',h"'-u'i '"r r-rlrtar
W.lra and Ilrolnera oonl i.llr nf.i " i V1"IV
L. (Jim, H.ei..ry. "' " "lu'
on0d ."dtt'TiiSi?;:'- tssm
Mawnlollaii, Me.tfor.l. O.rgL ""Ji.i 5Ji .,V
Icr. and txolbora alaaya wJfii. '" ",' M
n.U:S0p m. l,,,, Tit
Jr , ,."M U""-". A. Ilabont. ..
tor. iH.ioeuce ,1 the in.n n, th, rear .if ii,o
ehureh . I'reacliliie ... V. '" 11,0
ano::m m... L :..'..' ' -
Day. Hon,. chrl.r.;,, Kn3"."; mXl","'i
H' I U '. churrh Unv. T i. f H.
"" ""ire.: I'rcchlnV " t ,
p. m i nalilmlb selinol lo a. m.i II V P V ?
II. i Iiriiyei mrolliitf Thurul,,,. 7.M.... T.. .
ailiumin-iiireunij ut hm n. in. on Kuumlny'i ro.
ewllliK I r,l suhlmtli. tiner. and Irlemli Z.
narKweieonie. .
' said
you wish
fright if a llttl tenacloeja. I am not "ch U" ordently. ludford Review.
Tho vinoyards iu the vicinity ot
Genoa,. Italy, have boon ruined by tho
extroiueiy com weather. A Borllu dis-
putch suys that nearly nil tlio spring
growth in tho vinoynrdH In tho Saar
xogioti has been destroyed by frost,
Tho six'th blfliiulal convention of tin
General Fodoratioii of Women's t,'!nl
was hold ut Los ngolos. -Tho follow
in officers' wbro eloctod: I'rosMonr.. Mr
Di niies T. S. Douison of Now York;
first vico-president, Mrs. Kobiirt llur
dette of California; socouif vioo presi
dent, Mrs. Kinnia Kox of MicIiilmiij re
cording secretary, Mrs. William T. Cour
jf South Dakota; corresponding soon
tary, Miss Lottiso Paponlioim of Soul!
Carolina; treasurer, Mrs. Kmiui Van
Vechtou of Iowa; auditor, Mrs. Gooi
Noyes of Wisconsin.
lbs Southern 'Pacific Luis decided b
lake uudor its own uiuiiaguiiioui all tb
ati g-liouss on its entire railway sv..
lem of 0,000 miles in California, Oregon,
Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Now Moxm ,,
Texas and Louisiana, and to assume Uio
direct supervision of tho restaurants nn
tho ferry steamers between .San Fran
Cisco and Oakland and Alaniuda.
No little surprise was croatod whon ii
was discovered that two largo mush
rooms had grown through a concroii
floor in tlio Miller warehouse at Stock
ton, Cal. M. P. Stain, who owns tin
building, noticed thn concrete and bitu
men floor was being forced upward lu
tho shape of two hillocks. A few days
later tlio floor split open and two mush
rooms forced thoir way upward into tlio
air. By actual moasiirumoiit tlio mush
rooms grow through four inches of solid
coucret and two inches of bitnuion.
The presHnro wns simply too groat und
the flooring gave way.
. United Sla'os Land Oftli-r.
Rnetiuiir. Orritnn, Mureh 1. 9fl
Notice la hereby nlvi-n thill In roniilliilicc
with the nrnvlnlons of the act of Cniiereini of
Jonon. 1K7S, fnlllli'd "An Aol for the sulii of
Timber Lund In the Sluli-sof Ciilltornlii. Ore
lien. Nevnilu. und Wnshlnirlon Tenllory, hi
rxtrnriod to nil thu 1'obllo Land HUlcn by uol
AukusH, ISIB,
of Medford, rnuitly of JacSMin. Htatnnf Oreifnn.
has this dnv tiled In thin ofnre his sworn slate
mem N. ','S-'I. Inr the purchase of the l-otn 1
und 'i, B' Ng1 "I Ht-ri on No I. Township .H
Holilh. (if Rhioot :l Kuhi, and will offer prmif to
show ihut the land hoiikIiI Is more valunlile for
Us timber or stnne than for nifrlrlllturnl pur.
poses, und to elnllli4h his cliilin to suld liuid
lieforellio Hcidst'ir and Itcci'Ivrr of this onice
ut Knsrtiuru. tln-iinu. on Friday. Uio vui day of
Mi.v, i'MrJ. Ho UNinits us wilnen-i'N. KreilerleU
M, White, Hiram J. Doiitilidny. Win. W, I'nrkor
and K. C llnecK. ull nf IIIk llnuo, Ore.
Any und rill persons iiliilinlnK ndviiKely the
nlinve-ileserlbed Innils are :i qlli'Mli'il to li.e
their rliilniM In Mils onlee on or lit-foro suld 'Jlid
day of Mny, VMi.
J.T. Illlllior.S. HoilUler.
f'lirisllun oliurch Cnrtinp nt uu,k .
trenls. Ireaehlii ,1 II . i '
a n" Sf. vi. Sl ,u:'n iJ"i'Olr KndcaVorai
S p. tn.:V. I , M. O. K. ut 8:30 n. m. 1'iaver
nieolliiK every Thuradnv rvonlmr. LaVno.
MI.lon.ry AniUl.ry lo l.'.V. , K. OralThi "
y '...'' M' '""h month. Choral Unl'fa
O. J.OIslpaalor. ItosldeaaliUo ohuroli.
Unitbo Htatks Lanii ni-ricr,
Itiisehurit. Ori'Hon, Mny ft, lltr.'.
Notice Is hereby Ktven that. In eouiplliii.eo
Willi Hie iirnvisliins nf Uio uel of fontfess of
.lunr 8, 1S7H, ontlttril "An net for the sulo of
timber Im ds In tlio Hiules of Culltonilu ( ire.
i,. Nevi.ilii. uml WiiMhliurlon Terrluirv," as
iixtendi'd to ull tho I'ulillo Lund Htules by uel
if Medford, eoiinty of Juolison, Htuloof Orenon,
ins ibis dnv nlrd In this nnleo his sworn stale.
oent No. y:tli.r,, for tho purchase of tho HWIi ol
H-iillon Nn. '.0, in Township No. HIM.. Itnnse No.
i l.'jii. uml will oner nrrnf loshow that the land
ioiikIii Is more vnliiublo lor Us lltnbor or Mono
'linn lor unricoi'urui piirnosrs, mm w, u,nwn"i,
his claim to said bind before tho Coonly i:ierk
-if Jackson County, nl Jiii-kHonvllle, Ori-Kon, on
Kililav. Uio lllh (luv of July, I1K. Ha mimes
us wiIiu.hhmm: 1 1 eo. V. KIiik. Z. Mnxey. II. K,
llo, ilni und W. II. Meeker, ull of 1118 lllittci
Oregon. ' .
a,.v i,d nil nersnnH flln m nir arlvorselv the
utiovii ileserlbml lunflsuro n-iiucleil to lllu their
claims n I ns omeo on or oiiiuro sum i nn nny ui
Wuiy, una, i.,f.i
Mellindliit Kplseopnl Charoh Mouth Itov. M
li a "m ,.',..l'.?l"',' '',"t'liln every Huudny ul
,i"... I tt,"'..''','.,.'.n : H"''y el ool nl inn. m. ,
Prayer niec inn Thursday nvenin at s o'alueks
Woman's Homo Mission Hoctcly inoyls llr"t
Thursday In men month at t:l p. in KrJ:
onu Is cordially ull our .ervl'eei
T.nnrl Oltlee nt Roeburr, Oregon, May a,
Not.lco Is hereby Riven that, the following
nnmod settler has lllod notice of Ills Intention
to make limit proof In support of his elnlm. arid
that said proof will bo mado hnfnro tlio nooiilv
slork of .laoksnn Oonntv, at JncliKonvlllo, ore
on, on June SO. IM!, viz:
On fl. R. No. 8SU3, for tho NWW, Heo. 3S, Tp. 37
1., n. 1 Knst.
llo nnmes the fnllowlnff witnesses to prove
his continuous resldonoo upon und cultivation
-f said lund, viz:
Aa'on Cllmns. Oregon, and Prod
nlee. .Terome nervals and f'hnrles Hansenm, of
Medford, Oregon.
1. T, BlUDGXg, ReiKter.
I.nnd omco at Kosiibnig, Oroenn, May I,
Wri. Notice Is hereby given Unit tlio following
namod settler lius tiled nolleo ot his Intention
to make Until proof lo support of his elnlm.
nnd that said proof will bo inudo before fins
Ncwborv. county elork, at Jacksonville, Ore
gon, on Juno 27, Hi, viz:
Ob II. E, No.'-iomn, for tho B B4, Heo, 4, Tp.
:n 1 , , I Knst.
Ifo numos tho following witnesses to prove
bis contl niiiius reslilcncn upon and cultlviitluii
of said land, vl.:
J. M. Allen, of Derby, Oregon; K. II. .Watson,
of Derby, Oregon, M. II. Dooghoriy,' of Dig
Iliilto, Oregon, and W. W, 1'uikor. ol lllg nolle,
Oroaon. J. V. lluiooKS,
Legal blanks of all kinds for enlo at
this otnoe.
Unlled Hiules Land omoe.
v, . . . Hoseburg. Oreguii. h Jl. nt,
'" hf"'1'!' k'vob that In i-ompllnM'o
with Ihe provlsliiiivol Iho aol of Congress or
Juno. 'I. ISTs, nntllled "An Act for Uie snln of
Timber Lauds p. the Suues of ('llfmiila. Ore
gon, Ni vuilit. nud Wushliigton Tcrrltoiy." u
I'Sti-niled to Ml Uio I'uollo I .un.l Hinlus by not
ol August t. k'.f, ,
of Oohevedun eouiily of t Isi eulii, Htulo of Iowa,
has this ilul Hied lu Ibis mike her sworn Htute.
uienl No anfi, for Iho purelinoi of the MKl; or
Hj rtiiin No. i:i, Townsliln il l Si nn,. f Itnuuu
Hum. mid will offer proof lo, h.iwlhnt III., hind
sought Is moro yiiluublr for Ii. timhnr or sloun
bull lor iigrlniiUiirul purpose,,, and lo efliuh
llsh her claim tosnld liimi boloro tin, Keulstor
uml lli ei li-nror ml. ..111,-,. ,,l IWbnrg. Oro
K'oi. ou 'Ihiiisdnr, llio '."Jd dnv of May. lino.
fjienninsu8wlliiiiwi: .MlssSurnh .', Wilson,
w, W. I'urki r l(bert f I'nrker. or lllj
llulle, Ores uml Krud XI. Wl,l, ,.r .,.,.,.. '.
Any und nil persons claiming adversely tlio
nhnvo.doiiorl luniN urn reiiiiesied til II In
dBy oi ! May' "llliVJ. '"" "m "' "-'"" Slllll d
J. T. Iliiinims, HeglKinr, ,
t'nlled Hlnles Lund Oltlee,
si ,i i , ,,.""c,""b "(ORon, Feb. 27, luoj.
o , ? ", l".'r!",y "iv"." 1,1 eomplliincu
VM i Jiu V!" !'f "f '-"ongross of
Julio . IS7S entitled -a,, rl rr ,e" r
timber liiiids in Die mutes ol (.'iillforolii. Ore-
"" Nv "Mil W'liHlilngtpn Terrllorv," us
of AugosU, "m." ''"''"0 Lanrt ' 1,01
of lllg Hullo, rnunty of Jnrlisiin, Hutu of Oro-
i?i?Si'"I the puroliiiM, rtl, K
HW k and HIWhvii Huu 111, uml HKlf HKlf 6r
S, '.'.'na'i, f' ""'"'l' i'lHotilh. oi'ltaVgVi
J', , ? i, , i 1 111 "' "'",lv ""it Uio lund
fSL'V '".'" vuluiiblr for Hb llmlinrnr sumo
i,! -.h'.,.'!".' ','!r!" "" 1 'bllsh
bur elnlm in suld bind before tin. Iteglslor uml
Knenlver of Ibis olll.-o at Itosobiirg. Oregon oil
1 l"y. Iho J-Jil day of May, ii, shoni Inim
'low? " "w oM C-N"' l!".W '"" "' "S
lowi . w w I'.irknriiiiil toheii l,. 1'irkor. of
Ino.l Oregoo"'''""' "" Wl"'u' u" l''"
AllVlllldnll lliimnnu nlit.n.l.... ..
nliovo-ilesiii ibeil liimls uro reiini'sleil to fllo
dliy"of Mny'X'. '"" on ' "cforn sai.1 !ud
J. I . IIIIIIKIKH, Roglstor.
Jiiinos Whoolnok wns Rofitoiiood by
Judge Gray at Orovlllu, Oal to HiilTor
tho death penalty on Juno 18 ut San
Quontiii prison. Wheolook had boon
convicted of tho brutal luurdor of Mrs.
Mnry Martin, ngod 74 yoars, nt Couto
louo, Butte county, ou May 17, 1001.