The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, May 17, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Lunliatied Enn Frlila; Morniiut.
Mkdpohd, Friday, -May ltt. lDn;!
r tie Is of few aars; but quit ft plenty.
Snterea Id the PoHtothce at Moateru,.ureKua
M Saoond-Clsaa Mall Matter.
' Monday.
la tho sonato ljodgo of Massachusetts
dnfondod the administration's polio? in
the Philippines against the, oritoisins of
.tho minority. Knwlius of Utali replied
o Lslgo's statements. The sundry civil
ppi-0Bi-iatinu bill and the bill for tho
purolmso or tli ltosobud Iudiuu roser
. Tutipir wore passed.
In tho house Jon os of Virginia nn
nouncod lb.) death of Congressman Otoy
and offered resolutions of regret. Then,
at 13:13. as a further mark of respect,
the house adjourned.
There was n fierce discussion of the
Philippine question in the senate. Tur
ner of 'Washington delivered a scathing
cntcisdi of the methods practiced by the
military authorities, aud denounced
-Geuural Smith as a "monster in human
f form."- The sonnto adjourned early as
' a mailt of respect to the momory ot
Bopres'eutativo Joshua D. Salmon ot
New Jersey.
The hcmo adjourned, immediately
after tho reading of the journal, out ol
re'spoctjto the memory of Kepreseuta
"Ifavo J. I). Salmon.,
Wednesday. '
"' Discussion of the Philippine bill in
-the senate took a sensational turn. Mo
.Oouias of Maryland said that senators
from South Carolina and Mississippi,
."where- there is less popular liberty
than iu auy others," were shouting
loudest for constitutional liberty in the
Philippines. Tillman of South Caro
lina replied that if it had been known
in the south that the reins of govern
ment were to be given to the negroes,
4he civil war would have been prolonged
indefinitely. He frankly described how
the negroes had been defeated at the
polls, admitting that the whites secured
just such majorities as were necessary.
The house began consideration of the
bill to provide enabling acts for the ad
mission of the territories of Arizona,
-Row Mexico aud Oklahoma,
.. Thursday.
. Discussion of the Philippine bill in
. tbeseuate, although it had a tone ot
bitterness, yet took on an amnsiug
pnase.. iioiuver or Iowa made such a
sarcastic arraignment of Carmack ol
Tuinc-nsea that senators and occupants
of the thronged galleries were couvulsed
"With iwighter. Burton of Kansas de-
-lended the American troops from the
.marges ol cruelty that had been made.
The feature of the debate in the house
was a speech by Grosveuor of Ohio in
i""oppoitinii to the admission of Ariz-jua,
.New Mexico aud Oklahoma.
T'18 'a.h "a in the'senate on the Phil
ippine bill was mild. Teller spoke in
opposition to the measure. Tho bill re
serving a trace of laud from the public
-lands of tue state of Oregon as a public
jjork.wa- pissed.- : : -..The
house passed, without division.
the bill -for i he admission of Arizona,
New Mexico aud Oklahoma. -
- BGXt . Saturday.
The senate passed the army appropria
te. -uouc Dusiness w laid
-aside to ; ay tr.bute to the memoris of
the 'lata Kapresentative Rufus K. Poke
of Penu . vlviiuia aud tho lute Senator
Jiyle of S juth Dakota.- .
A aispatcli Ironi " Vryheid, southeast-'
eru Transvaal, says that natives whose
kraals were recently burned by bnrguors
attacked a Boer laager in the vicinity of
Scheeper's Nek aud killed 82 Boera.
' sleep -.veil enough at night,
And !he blamedest appetite
Ever mortal man possessed."
IUley's-farmer 13 the very ptcture of a
man advanced in years, yet in the enjoy
ment of peVect health. A good appe
tite, good duration and sound sleep, are
. i i- J .. r . . .
luc i;uiei laciors ill
a vigorous old age.
Life is sustained)
by food, when it is
properly digested
ana assimilated.
V h e n digestion
fails, there is a loss
of nutrition which
soon shows itself
in physical weak
ness, nervousness,
sleeplessness, etc. -
- lioctor Pierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery cures
diseases of the .
stomach and other
organs of digestion
and nutrition. It
strengthens .the
body in the only
way possible, by
enabling the as
similation of the
nutrition extracted
from food... .. ..
T used tn bottles
of Dr. Pierce's Ooldea
Medical Discovery
ami several vials of
Ins Pleasant Pellets '
n Vear aco this snrlntr.
and have had no trouble with indigestion giutte,"
writes Mr. W. T. Thompson, of Townsend.
Broadwater Co., Montana. "Words fail to tell
bow thankful. I am for -the relief, as I had suf--fered
so much and it seemed that the doctors
could do me no eood. I got down in weight to
125 pounds, aud was not able to work at all.
INow 1 weigh nearly 160 and can do a day's work
vitrthe farm. I have recommended your medi-.
cine tn several, and shall always have a good
word to say for Dr. Pierce and his medicines."
The Common Sense Medical Adviser,
ioo8 pages, in paper covers; is sent free
on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Address Or,
JJ. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Australian Secret Society Pledged
to Kill and Destroy.
Operate Under m Itluu Whon Word
. la Uir-Ht'lhod ot OrtunUa
tloM ad lrnvdurt vf
It is now something like 40 years
sine the British government was ;
much disturbed by the deprednlimisnf ;
what appeared to be an organized band I
of murderers operating throughout '
,ir oumii naies-. i ne organization
was a secret one and nt first seemed
n.-irdly worth while untieing. Hut he -
fore fire year, had passed It was so
powerful that the irovernment found
itself forced to at in even ths constab
ulary with revolvers and to instruct
them not to he too slow about shoot
ing in order to give them some means
of protection against the criminals
who had beeu enrolled under the so
ciety's rules. Since then, despite con
stant warfare mode on it by the po
iee, it has grown so vastly that now
many cities are terrorised periodical
ly by its members and it threatens Aus
tralia much as the Molly Maguires
threatened the United -States, say an
eastern exchange.
This Australian secret murder so
ciety is known as Larrikin. The Lar
rikin is divided into branch societies
known as pushes. Eaeh push has a
King, whose word is law.
The member of a push must do what-
fver the king direots, be it robbery, stockholders lu tho corporation
arson or murder. In turn the entire' I El Trimnfo company (limited), created
push stands by him and will stop at ' uud,!r 11,0 ll"V!i of Salvador. Tho deoi
nothing, however desperate, to rescue i 81011 lK,;lr'' awards f.VJ:t,0OJ to tin
him if he is taken. So well have many Salvador Courjivrcml company and tit),
of the pushes proved their ability to counsel lees, whtcli go,lo Oolou'ol
-do this that in the districts where they I Jl''"' P- Irls'1 "ml William L. Mill of
are mutt powerful it is common for "k'uuu. Cal. Tho Salvador Comiuer
them to commit all sorts of criminal c'a' eoiupany obtained some time ago
acts in full daylight and nractioallv , coucossious from tho Saivadoriiu gov-
There ii little really secret shout the
organization of these pushes. Ntarly
everything concerning them is known,
so far as their methods of selecting
new members, punishing traitors and
so on are concerned, ilut all the ef
forts of the police have U"ea unavail
ing to find out who the kings are.
Any male youth more than 17 years
old who lives permanently in a push
district is eligible for membership.
Should he wish to join he snds the
king a written application and a fee
of ten shillings, which is one of the
king's perquisites of office. Oa reviv
ing the application the king calls to
gether his five councilors, whom he in
structs to make inquiries and report.
-i meeting or me push then is con
vened and the applicant is accepted or 1
rejected on a show-of hand-. If ao-
aepted he serves as a nroviionnl initl- '
ate for a period of six months-. Then, '
after subscribing his name to thi
"push book," which is a book wherein !
are recorded the crimes committed br
the push, he becomes a full-fledged '
member and is made acquainted with ! Won't Follow Advice After ' Paying
the push's code of .laws. No oath i For It.
administered and there is noceremony In a recent article a prominent tihy
or form of introduction whatsoever. I siclan says, "It is next to Impossible for
The first and most stringent disci-' 'ho physician to get his patients to
pline of push law enforces obedience i carry oot Bny prescribed course of hy
to constituted authority. "What the I "lone or diet 10 the smallest extent; he
king says gees" i. their own phrase, 1 1?9 J".St ,ne rfSrtJt'1' ""J1,6' ,be
.- ,.. Kf' i drug treatment." When medicines are
. ,, tbe I "wo: for chronic constipation, the most
is piinishab.e in the first instance with mild and gent e obtainable such a
the -sock, m the second with death. 1 Chamberlain's Stomach & Uver Tab-,
The sock is popular with all Larri-' lets should be employed. Their use If
kins, who dearly love an opportunity! not followed by constipation as thoy
of witnessing its infliction. The of-1 leave the bowels In n natural and
fenderisstripped.gaggeiJandslropned'he'l,tnl'0')nii,ion' For sale by Clias.
face downward along an ordinary
ooaen bench, whereupon the execu
tioners beat him in turn with a stock
ing filled with wet send until his flesh
is completely raw. His wounds are
then salted and he is kept it, a prison
until recovery. On such occasions pro.
ceedings are conducted with the
gravest decorum; no one is paj-mitted
to speak and unnecessary violence Is
sternly prohibited. No sympathy is
manifested for the victim, and such a
circumstance as a protest against the
barbarity of the punishment i abso
lutely unknown.
Th death penalty is rarely exsc.ted
in the case of members of the frater
nity, but outsiders who have incurred
the push vengeance are killed regular
ly. The king chooses for executioners
a score of his subjects, of whom at
least seven are the latest recruits of
the order. The victim is surrounded,
stunned and thrown to the ground.
No deadly weapon is employed. Kach
of the push silently kick the body of
the prostrate victim until life is ex
tinct. Thus all the 20 are equally
guilty of murder, and probably no
member of any push has been enrolled
for a longer period than two years
without being thus stampvd with the
hail-mark at pushdoiu. .
If a member desires to sever his
connection with his push or to depart
;from the push district in ordr to live,
elsewhere he Is allowed do so only
after having signed a confession of
having committed, single-handed, the
last capital crime of which the push is
guilty. ' This document Is handed to
the king, who files it in the push book,
which is naturally kept in a place of
security. This book is the one strong
and yet weak spot In the push system.
If it were conveyed to the hsnds of
the authorities the whole push would
have to stand self-arraigned and self
condemned as murderers and. accesso
ries. Bnt so long as each member's
name is in the book with his record of
crimes, so long Is he the helpless slave
of the king. Therefore the pushes real
ize that their safety depends upon the
careful preservation of these memo
rials. At important gatherings the
book must be produced, that members
may have an opportunity of reassur
ing themselves by perusing confes
sions which transfer and fasten their
joint. burdens on the shoulders of sb
at iadividuaU,
Tho reports to tho pastoftloo tlenart-
meiit. snow tuat the uutn-e mull uiu-rlud
by the tr.ilu wrecked near Flagstaff
A. T was dostroyod. This mail ontnu
from Bouthoru imd oentral California
j and was ilostiuud for points oast uud
south of Alumimn-qno, N. M.
With great pomp the remains of Wll
I Ham T. Sampson, roar-admiral in the
I United Status navy and oonitniinder-iu.
chief of the United Status naval foroei
on tho Monti Atlantic station ilurini'
tho war with Spain, wuro laid nt rest.
; Every department of tho national gov
ernment was roproauiitoil at tho funeral.
I About 43,000 people thronged tlio atrouih
and gathered about I lie grouuds at Ar-
, , .' ' .
. . A lo.!tor w',s vod by Senator Per-
i kl"s lrHm ''"'" Wheeler of the
, "'rs...v oi i .n.iiornia, transmitting n
loiter from 14. W. Hilgurd, director ot
tho experiment station, relative to the
groat importance of studying soil con
ditions around Frusuo to solve tho prob
lem ot proveutiug the accumulation of
alkali in tho soil through irrigation.
Piotussor llilgard asks for $).1,0X to
coutiuuo his investigations. Secretary
Wilson wont personally before tho son
ata oominittoo ou agriculture and urged
the appropriation requested by Profes
sor Hilgurd. A later dispatch says that
the senate, committee has promised to
luuraase the appropriation to i?o,00l).
Tho United States has won n viotory
iu the matter of the arbitration of tin
dispute with the republic of Salvador
over the olaiui of thu Salvador Comiuor
cial company (a San Francisco corpora-
' liou 0,lur e'ti;os of the United
erumeut for tliu exclusive use of tin
harbor of lil Triumfo, but the govern
ment afterward repudiated tho conces
sion aud contlsontod tho corporation'.
property. The matter was then takou
np by tho government at Washington.
Tou Kaow What You Are Taking
When you take Grove's Tasteless C'btl! Toulc
because the formuta Is plainly urlnted on every
bottle showing that It Is slmplv Iron and Qui
Lne la a tasteless form. No Cure, No fay. 600.
Committees have beon appointod by
the Califoruia State Dental association
and the San Francisco Dental associa
tion to make systematic examinations ol
the teeth of childrou iu tho public
schools, with tho object of socuriug suf
ficient data regarding tho prevalence ol
dental diseaso aud deformity in sohool
0l,lluren, to lend-to a fullor knowledgv
"isiing conanions ana cue evm
growing trom them. Iho nssistauce
Ru1 co-operation of the board of educa
tiou is asked iu tho contemplated work.
A" exPensos will be met by tho sociotlof
desiring to institute tho examinations.
'ne, druggist.
Miss Alice Rooortson passed success
fully through the trying ordeaf of her
public examination for tho dogroe ot
uoctor of philosophy from thw uni
versity of Cnliforuia. For two hours
Khe learned examiners questioned Init
io regard to thu conclusions she had
drawn from her study of "Tlio linbry
ology and Embryonic Fission iu Lyolo
titomatons Bryozoa." Miss Kobinsou is
the third woman to receive from the
uivursity of California its highest aca
demic distinction.
To Cure a Gold iu One Day
Take Laxative Bromo-Qulntno Tablets. All
druggists refund the money If It falls to cure.
E. W. (Jrot e t sitaaturo la on each box.. &c.
New Kleotro-fipietlo Can.. .
Professor K. Bierklund, the Norwe
gian physicist, has been in Berlin re
cently for tho purpose- of demonstrating
the powers of his electro-magnetic-cannon
before a numbered" experts. Theor
etically tho dovice cno throw a projoctile
weighing two tons a disrnnco of 00 miles,
or evun further, by sufficiently prolong
ing the tube. Tho principle upon whlolr
tlio new gnu acts has not beeu inudo
public, but it is known that tho Hvjuo
tile is expelled from a castlron tuba
thickly wrapped with copper win). No
explosive gases result from the disclmr-u
of the new guil. The invontiou, it Is
said, signifies a greater revolution in
fighting material than . that brought
ubout by the invention of gunpowder,'
Smyrna rig Trees Hear at Vina.
The late Senator Lolnnd Stanford,
while in Turkey, purchased a large
number of what wore said to be Smyrna
fig trees. These were plained on tin
senator's large aereugo around Vina, bul
the trees wonld never bear fruit.; For
many years this state of uffairs existed
and the treos woro about to bo dug up
and thrown away us worthless. Two
years ugo W. II. Samson of Coming im
ported "male" fig treos, hotter known in-,
tho wild iig, and planted thom ut inter
vals through the big orchards.- The ex
periment has been successful, and this
year the trees lire htdoii with fine Smyru-.
ligs. Tho trees yield about ten pounds
each of dried fruit each se.isou.
The Best Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever Is a bottlo of Unove's Taste
less GniLt, Tonic. It Is simply Iron and Qui
nine In a tasteloss form. No cure, no pay.
Price 60 conts. .
CoitsuinerN' AHsoelatluii l,uriued--l,aul
I.eleimler I'urd Killed by Ills lli.nher,
, Who Citiiimtla .Nuleltlu Omuliii Judge
It t'hl-lstlau Seleutlt,
It, W. Kin-rows, tliu disbursing nflleut
of tho census buieim at Washington,
was nirested oil tho ohurgn of em lie
nil u 11 n'T.MD in government funds.
1 Tho remains of lli-ot llartu, who died
near Loudon ruroutly, wove burletl at
Bilmliiy, Surrey, lu thu presence of 111)
widow, sou, daughter and a few friends.
Many bountiful wrouths woro ptttuod
UHlll tho ootllu. '
A cablo to tho Now York Sun from
Rome says:' A trooper writes from Abrs
siniit that ho and 30 other Italians are
still prisoners ot Negus Menelelc. II
was supposed that those men woro killed
at tho Imttlo of Adowu In IbllU,
T'ho IVnnsylvnnla rani will shortly
place iu service u daily tr.u.i that will
make tho dlstuuoo or IKK) miles between
Chicago and Now York lu oxaotly 1',
hours. This will bo by long odds the
fastest long.distnnco train ill tho world,
and is inudo possible by tho c.v.pouditurt
of upward of t.10,OOTj,000'by tho Punil
sylrauia conimny in improving Its traolt
bnwoou tlio two oltius. Tho average
spend of thu train, including slops, wll!
bo fill.tlt miles an hour, and, exclusive ol
stops, about 07 miles au hour,
Paul Leicester Ford, tho nnvolist, wai
shot through tlio heart in tho librury ol
bis homo by his brother, Malcolm Web
ster rord, who thou turned tho weumn
upou himself and gave himself usimilut
wound, says n New York dispatch, Tin
two brothers died wlthlu n few foot ol
each other. Malcolm was tho disin
herited sou of a millionaire father, and
there h id be on years of fumllv quarrel
ingover mouey matters. Maluuliu Ford
at ouo timo wns u uoted athlete. Tin
.dead novelist was . married only twe
years ngo-to-s daughter ot Edward II.
Kidder of Brooklyu.
The Colorado suprome court lias u
held the city ordluauoe of Donvur foi
tho regulation of wluerooms, reversing
tho deoisiou of tho district court glvou
by Judge Palmer, who held that women
have tho same right to eutor wtuorooim
or saloons that men hare. "If a dis-
cruniuatiou is made agniust wonion
sololy ou account of thulr sex," says the
supreme court, "it would not bo good
but if it is because of the Immorality
that would bo likely to result if tho
regulation was not made, tho regulation
should bo sustained." Tho court holds
that iujury to public morality would re
sult if womou were, witbuut restriction,
permitted to frequout wiuorooms.
The Cousnmors' Commercial and In
dustrial association has formed a ti'i.
000,000 combine of the retail merchants
and consumers of tho oountry, says
Chicago dispatch. The object is to give
the retailers the advantage of largo
capital, aud tho consumers that ot dis
counts. Tho now company has beeu
incorporated in Chicago and Arizona.
Life membership foe is to bo $, and
this will entitle tho consumer inembor
to a 5 percent discouul lu his purchases
from tho morchaut members, rogurdloss
ot tiro location of tho latter.
Tho airship belonging to Sonhnr Au
gusto Suvros, tlie Bruzillnn aeronaut,
mode au ascension at Paris, whou tho
airship exploded. Sevros, tho aeronaut
and ouo of his assistants, wuro killed.
Sevres's airship, La Palx, wits not uu
Iiko Suutos-Dumoiit's airships lu nil
pearuuee, but it differed from them in
many details. The gas capacity of La
Paixwas nearly foar timo greatur than
that of SautuvDumoiit's balloons. It
had three main propellers and -two
smaller onus, used for'steoriug utid in
ucending and descending.
Corooer Brailoy impaneled a jury nl
Omaha and, accompanied by tho suuriff,
proceeded to the home of Judge Kllor.
and dumuiided that bo bo permitted tc
hold no. inquest over tho remains ol
Donald Eller, the judge's sou, who died
while yuder the caro of tho Christian
Sclenco- healers. Jadgo El lor opened 11
window and informed tho sheriff that
In ordetr to bold the iuqnost he would
have to breakdown three doors, tear the
American flag from the cofUu anil break
a lock with which thocolUu was secured.
He said ho would .offor no persouul ro-
sistuuee-. but would not utd the coroner
iu uny uiaunor. Tho coronor decided
to muk no attempt to enter and with
Mrs. Catherine Soffol, tho wife ol
Wardo Peter Soffol of tho Alle -lieny
county jail, whouutorod it plea ol ;-,i,r.
to tho uhurgo of re-leasing ICIv.'.iv , ,1 ,0
John liiddln, tho burglursund inui-.l.-r.-r-of
Grocer Kuhuey uud Detective JVn.
Kerald, was sontciicoii at Pittsburg liv
Judge Frasicr to two yours iu tho West
ern pomieutiui'-. Mrs. Soffel received
the M-ufiioe calmly. Walter Forman,
the iii. inber ol 1 lie Blddlo gang -wiio
turned s.ato s evidence and entered
Cures felons, bolls, cull, old
sores In one day.. Price 25c.
Money back If you want it.
ElectricSalveCo., Redding, Cal.
No one claims to sell its equal,
Ashland, Ok , March 28, 1(102.
Tub Ei.kctkic HaI.vk Co., Ucddlng, Out.
Gontlcmon : The box of Sure Shot
Salve I ordered ol you camo lust nlglit. I
put some on a gathering on my neck;
put iton three times. It draw out about
a tnblespoonful of pus nhd I think will
take more out. I think it la tho best
salve I over used. Yours truly,
Waltru Mauby.
Sold Rverywhe-e,
Sent by mull upon receipt of price.
plea ot guilty lu 1110 uiuriiur ol iCuliiioy,
wits setitomied to death. It Is uiitlor
stood tlittt for the iisslstuiion ho rendered
tho statu thu pardon board wilt uoiuitiulo
Ills soiitetioo to lllii imprisonment,
Indians recently brought 11 nloiy to
Fort V ul. 1111 to thooll'oot that there ui'u
two poirl:.ed ships uway 011 tliu lilghi
rldgo ot 1 lie Houltlos, wile 10 (lie 11101111.
lulus slope oil' to tho Ai'olio oeouli. Tan
i.. i, . ' iT.ri...,. 11. .' .. 1 .. i n
other niaiiding almost upright, lu thu
latter it hole was inudo mid curtain stone
utensils taken out, Thoso woro pro
duced by thu Indians. Tlio pluoo is LIU
miles up tho t'nroiipluu river, then lot)
miles toward the Arultu. Thu Indians
also siutu'thiil tliuru Is a puli'llled forest
tlloru 11ml innsslvo glaolers ninny hun
dred feet lu height. 11. K. Mounillold,
agent of thu North American Trans
puliation coin puny at Fort Yukon, says
ho will go up 10 see for liiuiself. The
t lp will lulto about toil weeks.
Cloorgu A. Hold of I'asadoiiu, (Jul.,
was hard at work carting oranges nt
f l.fl'l itday whou lie leooivod a telegram
Informing him that he Is one of tho
heirs of an estate value I at $ 1 5, 000, 1100.
!old is a Virginian 01' ICuglUh descent,
uud tho ostatu has been lu litigation lor
110 years, ll Is said lint tho estate will
bo divided equally among live American
hull's, Dold, who Is 41 years of age,
enlisted with' tho Fourth UiHted States
cavalry from San Francisco and wont
lo thu Philippines, whore ho served IS
111011 lbs.
Wells, Fargo A Co, 'a express, for
bilef iHillod nt Iho beginning of tho
fiult-sliippliig season, lias undertaken
tho handling of green fruits, lu carload
lots ou passenger trains, mid has also
adopted plan of distribution that will
enable 'nippers to place small consign
ments of fruit In all of thu markets no
eessiblo to . leuln-line points between
Ban Francisco and New York. Tho
ux press company offors to accept ship
ment of Ifl, 000 pounds ur more at tho
regular oxprnaa rates, without any addi
tional charge for toeing.
Stops the Oough , ...
and Works off tho Cold.
I.axaltvo tlromn Quinine Tablets cure a coat
In ouo day. No Curu, No Pay. Price 3A eenta.
e mnnufaoture Doors, Sash,
Ksli mates furtiislii'd on Store
i) soft wood
Contraotmgand liuililinc;
Mill on North D Street
1 aim m v j
I Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver Co.,
Dealers In
Vehicles and
I'lanel Jr., Orchard ati.i Coi n Cultivators. 'J.T Oasn Tongiiuluss
Kighl Shovol Cultivators; also .1. I. Case Six nnd Klght Hliovul
Walking nnd Hiding Cultivators combined. Harb and Smooth
W lro; flblcken Wl'.- Rleyclns, llariioss. Km
D. T. LAWTON, Mar. Med ford. Oreiton
I nm prepared to furnish all kiiuls of
First-Class floods. Moriornio Prlcos
Ca'l ant! see me
7th Street
-. .- c c. r r: ff;
. Machirio repairing a snecialty ?f ff Second
Hand Engines and Steam Pumps Bought and'
Sold 9f ff Bicycle Cones and Axles-
Made to Order If
Advertise in THE MAIL
'JVIIm How IIiimiiKuI riiyHlclaim'
Dho iukI Itcl.v iiioii Lydlu K.
risildiuiu'H Vtwotiililo tiow-
" UlCMl JIllH. 1'IMtlMMI-
voniu eonlliiuouH ni'ivieo at
the slclc
' ln "f l"inlnonl- Imnpl
tills, lis well as lit. private homes, I111H
given mu varied u.vperlenceil with tho
tllhcawNiif wiiinon. I Imvo nursed Homo
l'riwldiiu ef Nursi.s'..Melnlleii,Wslrtnwli,S.Y.
most illNtrenslng eusea of liillaiumatlou
and ulceration! tyienvni ivsand-wonib.
I have known thai, doetiirn used l.yilllt
10. I'lukliiun'H I'gctilhlo ifuin
poilllll when' evorytiilng clso fulled
with their pal leiits. I Imvo ailvlsed my
putlcnls and frleud'i lo itso It uud Imvo
yet In hoar of Its 11 rot failure lo eui-.i.
" Four years ngu I had fulling of tho
womb from nt raining lu lifting 11 heavy
patient, and knowing of the value of
your t'omiioiiml 1 began to use It nt
iiuee, uud lu six weeka I wnawell otieo
more, nnd have bad no trouble allien,
I am most pleased to have had au opMir- .
tunlty to say n few words In praiso of
your Vegetable t'omiund, and shnll
latin every oeensloii to reeoinmelul It."
MlSH VlllillNIA (lllASKS. S(0 luttlt If
aSiHw fiflMiufi'ill It mS tftiwns.
I.yillu I'.. I'lnkliiiin'H Vcgi'Uililo
Coiiipoiiiiil liu stooil tliu t'st of
tjino, 4tul Jiiut uurc'tl thoiimiii'lN.
' Mrit. l'lnkliiiin nil vIm-s Hlrk wo
men froo. AtltlruiM, Lynn, Mum.
MILL CO., Proprietors
mntililingH, Flooring nnd KuHtio
nnd OlHoo fixturca in bard ur
rn to
Medford, Oegon
c tf. sr. sf. jy: 5 jja.
and get good results