The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, April 04, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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New Goods in
all Departments
l'nr .Spiiiiir n I'd ilio liral wo liiivo ovur hIiowii, embracing
nil llin iu'v miiliirUli fur wiiIhIh iiihI ilreFHoH. (,'ninii in mill lot
in "kIkik" ymi, It i h uli'iii-urii to i-lio-v ilm gnodH.
Wu wish to cull your Hpeolnl utti'iilion to
(ft In Dim nml Whin,, lilun mid White, Pink uml White, Hi
(f uml Hud nml W hi Ui Htripi'H lit ,'!() )
to ' Hi
In plain nml H'.ripuil fD'i'otH, ppooiul 50c a yunl
Wo nro Mud'onl agonls for Iho
Patent fiiHtiMinrH nml ndjuHtiililo waint bum), mado to fit
nny wniHt; no airinga or hunching on Hide; lltH porlictly
ovur Hlrniglit front corset
-Tho fruit uml vogotublo cannery church In this olty last Hunduy. It Is
for Modfilrd In all off for thin season. , customary, among tho members of thin
Mr. I'lurou has decided to oijurutu tho . order, to moot at least onco a year In
oiinnory ut Ashland und not put ono,dovlno service. Ashland ha always '
I' y
Tho Oregon 0 run I to Co. la at work
thin wook piitllnn up a new granite
inonuiuanl ba for tho Taylor boys.
Tho bo whunloomplotod will woIkIi
4000 poundii and takes tho phico of a
aand atone baao. Thoy are nlao placing
u K ran lie foilildallon foi Hcotl Davis'
now residence. Thoy have ordored a
largo Block of marble that la be I nil
ablpix d via Cape Horn to Bun Fran
olaou. Wliuu this hlpmonl arrives iti.-y
will place a laruo inarblo monuiiiunl In
Medford coimilory (or I). II. Mlllor.
Tho company baa worked up tin excel
lout Inula In Southern Oregon uml tliulr
work la always In doinand.
Out Innlnom la growing rapidly
and our miniouiorH are well aatiatlod.
Some diiy everybody will know w uinke
tho lient clonics in town. Then you will
bo happy o will wo. Hedge, tho tailor.
The Mudford and Jacksonville bune
hall teams mot on the grtiuudi of the
littler loam laal Sunday and tho tlrat
game of tho ai-aaon wua a victory for
Modford. Although neither of tho
toama at prescut lutve a porfout orgaui
zation yut lliey played moat o( their
lual aiiinmor'a men. Tho gomo waa
alotoly contested from atari to fluinh
and kept the upooUitors well oiitertalni'd
One main feature of the game wm tho
orderly miinnor In which it waa played;
no quarreling, and the usual gang id
"rooleiV waa not to bo scon. Tho
score slood 14 to 10 In favor of Modford.
K. S. Wollor: "I have aocureil the
agency lor Hie lino nyurauiiu tuun
Willi one loot (all 1 cun raise
u height o( thirty loot."
Thoao who were proacnl at tho
Kanler services in the Culholio Chiiroh
at Jaekaonville tell ua it waa solemnized
with otto of the moat glorious services
of tho day. Tho iniialo furnished by
Signer and Mrs. BofTa, with Sister Inez,
Mlau Mullur and Mr. Muhonoy, was
grand. Mrs. Iloffa sang tho Avo Maria
of Lu..l, most beautifully, llor voiuo
allows an Inlcnso fooling of uramatlo
power and sympathy.
lluriod l'lymouth Itock eggs for
ttulo $1 for sotting of In. Incubator
lotH at reduced price. Mall your or
ders to mo at Medford or Kaglo Point.
Will deliver at V. K. Douol & Co.'a
Htoro, Medford. J. W. BmlLli.
Oil n Whitman, newsboy (or tho
Medford Hook store, is milking life
ur.irth living in his morning rounds of
pitpor delivery by bringing a saddlo
Iioi'ho into iiho. do delivers about 1!00
dally pupora each morning, and to do
Hon foot was no light lank.
The black and white novelty Cheviot
Is the correct thing this simihoii. Wo
linvo thorn in all tho weaves for $2il per
milt and tl.nO for trousers. Hodge, the
N. S. Dennett, the Kdun precinct
orohardlat, baa Ixjon busily engaged In
bouao grafllug fruit snttlngs. lie haa
made 2A00U apple and pear Krafts. He
sent oaat for bli toodllng roots and
onto thoae ho has grafted apple and
pear scions, and now his brolhor-ln-
law. W. H. Chapman, is putting the
roots In tho ground and by noxt fall
they expect to bo ablo to supply many
of tho orchard IntA of the valley with
troos for planting. Tho varieties grafted
were principally Yellow Nowtown ap
ples and Cornice pears.
Wolls A Shearer have the boat
Kouloiied oiitllt for draylng and house
hold moving In Medford. All klnda
of wood for aalo lull moaauru and
prompt delivery.
Carl Wobb, of this city, expects to
commonau work next week as solicitor
of acholarshlpa for tho Home Corre
aKinilence School, of Snringllold, Maaa,
Mr. Webb has boon given Klamath and
Liino Counliea as his field of labor.
Thoao scholarships sell very readily
and there aeoms good ground for con.
slderablo success for tho young man
Ho la a groat liuallur and the achool he
roproaouts has boon fuirly well adver
tiaod as a reliable Inatlliiilon and ono
which shows good rosults for Its twelve
years of work on tho homo sjbool lino.
With tho new facilities that U. N
llutlnr put In bia shop, ho turns out as
irood work In repairing watches and
;ewolry as any ono in Southern Oregon
Mr. Julius Wetzel, of I'oitlnnd, and
Mian Lulu l.yon, of thia cllv, were m
rh'd at Juckaonvillo, on Monday of thia
week. Mr. WoUol ia supi'riiilendont of
tho bridge construction crew, operating
lv"u- I... a i i. i.. i.... ,...... !,,
WUtor 10 anion ii" uuii.Nui i, t........ uu...
ami Portland. Tho brido is the boauli
fill and nccoinolirliod daugbler of our
good townsman, Mr. J. A. I.yon. Thoy
loft Tnoadav evening for Sun Francisco
where they will remain for a short time
after which thoy will go to Portland
where thoy will reside
When you want d raying done get
Slover to do It. He's always ready
always rohablo and his charges
always juat right.
W. G. Knlps and Miss Huttio Mil
lion wore married Sunduy lust. Mr
Knips is a prosperous and well-to-do
funnel, living west of Medford, and cumo
here lrom Minnesota hut a thort tiii)o
ago. The brido is tho daughter of Mrs
K. Million, living west of Modford, and
is a young ludy who has many friends in
this locality who aro now extoiuhngcon
grutulntsonB. Thoy will reside in the
line now farm residence which tho groom
hits recently miitlo ready for thoit occu
For hair work and goods, switchos
eto., go to Mrs. L,. t. Koamo.
J. It. Wilson Is having rock hauled
for the foundation to his now assembly
hall, on Eighth stroot.
In hero. TliK MAtr. Is very much ug
grieved at tho outooino of this much
talked of ontorprlao. Tho fannors
horoahoiilH had mill several times dur
ing thu winter und hud agreed to plant
a sulllolent uinoiiut of nureago to corn,
toinutoes nod other vegetables to give a
eiinnnry all tho raw inulorlal It could
possibly bundle, but Mr. lJlerco, tho
gliutleinan who It was expected would
put In tho plant, has luniid himself
someivhat crippled In the matter of suf
ficient funds to establish u ciinniiiy of
thn proportions he hud miippod out. It
will ho dllllcult to ngujn soon arouse the
pome niithualaiii for u canoory which
has huon inunlfi.'St among the growers
during tho past fow months, Tho way
which aeemi. now possible will bo the
eHtubllahiriont of a cannery In udvunce
of any guarantee from tho growers.
The fact, however, has been proven that
the raw material can be produced, und
will ho produced, when thero Is a de
mand for It, but that demund must be
In substantial evidence. Tho publisher
of this paper has taken a deep interest
n this cannery proposition mid no per
son rogrots tho unfavorable turn which
It him taken moro thun ho doos. How-
over, we must not despair Tho field for
successful operation ol a plant of this
naturo Is bore and it will bo but a short
time before a man of enterprise and
apltul will drop In among us ready to
liundlo our products, but the cannery
must bo In ovlduncc before a guarantoo
to produco is given by tho farmers.
Do your eyes need nolo? Dr. H
Lovlnson, tho -well known ocullst-optl
olan of Han Francisco, la at the Hotel
Nash, Room 17, and will remain for
hren days only, Wednesday, Thursday
and f'rlday. Aoril Zd. Hd and 4th. Dr.
U'vinson visited Mod lord many times
nomro. Thoao who were Drovloualy
fitted by Dr. Levlnson with spectacles
can have new lenses mado, if a change
s necosiary, free. (Jail on him. or he
will call at yoar house by request. Ex
aminatlon free.
Members ol Olive Rebekah Lodge
had another gay tlmo Tuesday evening
April 1st. Flvo pcoplo wore Initiated,
thoy being Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Jacobs,
Mrs. V. M. Wilson, Mrs. T. E. Potton
gar and Charles O. King. After the
Initiating ceremony April fool refresh
ments wero served and great sport fol
owed. The refreshments consisted of
sailed and alumcd peanuts, lomonnde,
In which alum water formed tho major
Ingredient, deviled eggs, with mustard
and red pepper "deviling," cream puffs,
in some ol which cotton was substituted
for cream, English walnuts, with the
meats romovod. Tnblos wore spread in
tho banquet hall and wore set with
dlahcs, napkins and all the customary
flxln's for a swell feast, togother with a
lavish array of boautlful flowora. None
knew of thu joko, aside from thoao of
the committee, until they had been
Boated at tho table and had partukon of
tho delicious (?) luncheon spread before
them. It did not tako long to discover
tho deception and about that time the
com in It loo made their oscape for the
homo roof tree and parental protection.
Tho members responsible for all this
hilarity and April fool foolery wore
Mrs. Hoydoo, Misses Virginia Woodford,
Myrtle Nicholson, Alta Naylor, Minnie
Cox, Pruo aud Katie Angle.
No need for Modford peoplo to buv
Imported: bacon. Wo have some very
oholco pieces, made from Koguo river
valley pork, and mado this season,
livery piece guaranteed to he fresh and
wholesome. All nnimuls which nro
slaughtered by us aro given a thorough
Inspection and not an ounce of diseased
moat Is either put on the block or
failed. Arnold & Hurncburg, proprie
tors of the Citv Markot.
Attorney W. S. Purkor ftturnod
to Modford Wodnosdny morning from
Oakland, Calif., at which place be has
been stopping with hia finally slnco
last October. He will remain in Mod
ford for sometlmo and practice law,
having secured desk mom In Attor
ney Snoll's law ofllco, but tho family will
remain in Oakland, Mrs. Parkor'a
health having imprdved very much
slnco going there. Watt Parker is em
ployed at carpentering and is gotting
good wages. Willie is now working in a
harness shop, but was formerly clerking
in n grocery store. I. M. Muller, Mr.
Parker's son-in-law, is book keeper for
the American Steel and Iron Coinpiiny,
mid has boon promoted several times.
Ha has oschowod all his old-time habits
and is now a model man, and has joined
the Christian Scientists. Or. Odgers,
Mr. Parker says, is ongugod in the
grocery business in Borkoloy, but as his
health is not good he will probably ho
compelled to quit the business. Mr.
Purkor'B many friends hereabouts will
bo pleased to hear the above good news
as regards his family, and oIbo that his
health has beon mnlorially improved.
Ho, however, has been busy during hisj
nbsonce, having prepared the manu
script for two new law books,
Whon vou aro buying olgars it Is
just us handy nod just ns economical to I
buy too nest, i minute only the very
best linos of goods. I handlo oigurs !
that please tho people, and I sell them
at tho regulation pricos, nothwlthstnnd- j
ing tho fact that thoy cost mc a little'
more, It's tho snnio way with my i
pipes and tobacco, la fuel, it Is that
way with all my smokers' goods only ;
tho best at- moderate nricus. H. O.
Shetiror, proprietor lliulto cigar store
Malta Commandory No. 4, KnlghtB .
Templar, hold their nnnunl Eustor ,
services la tho First I'resbytorlaa '
been their place of meeting until this
year when Modford wai selected. At
two o'clock the members of the Com
mundory met in the Muaonlc hall, on
Seventh street, and marched, In uni
form, to thu Presbyterian church where
llov. H. II, Jones, ol Jacksonville, de
livered a sermon in a very ublo manner.
After tho services tho annual offering
of the ii'dcr was made, amounting to
nearly $ ill. Tho offering is a custom
among them, to present at tho timo of
their annual meeting, a sum of money
to tho church In which the meeting was
bold. The following members were
present: From Jacksonville, 8ir Knights
Colvlg, Do Bar, Kohlnsoo and Keames.
From Ashland: Sir Knights, Shepherd,
Sherwin, Pajlson, Iiriggs, Carter, Clay
ton, Wicks and Carter. From Grunts
Puss: Sir Knights Cole, Jewel McCar
thy and Flanagan. From Central Point:
Sir Knight Holmes. From Sams Val
ley: Sir Knight Morine. From Port
land: Commander Ogden. From Med
ford: Sir Knights Penlz, Vawtcr, En
yart, King and Pickcl.
When you aro buying a sewing ma
chine it is ulwuya safer to buy of a
resident agent. If machines aro not
found to bo ua represented ho Is here to
make good every guarantee mane.
John F. Wblto bas bis brick building,
west of the depot, well filled with sev
eral different makes of sewlngmacbines.
Ho has the Wheeler A Wilson, the
Davis, Now Home, Domestic, Climax,
and sovoral others for sale at from $20
to t45, on easy payments. You can buy
one of thu best machines mado for Ho,
It is useless to pay more.
Miaa Radio Amann met with quite
serious acoldent last Monday. She
was doing the family washing and In
rubbing a garment over the washboard
In which a largo sewing needle was
sticking the point of the needle struck
the fleshy part of her right thumb and
penetrated that member to quite a
depth and broke In two, one part re
maining lp the thumb. The young lady
came to Dr. Pickle's office where the
X-ray was turned on the thumb and by
it tho needle was located between the
bones, and three inclusions were neces
sary to be made before the needle could
be removed. The wound was dressed
and the young lady Is getting alcng all
alght but It will be several weeks at
beat before she cart use her hand. Dr.
Pickle waa assisted by Mrs. Osborne,
It was only a short timo ago that Mrs.
Amann, mother of Sadlo, met with an
accident to her right hand, and from
tho effects of which she has not yet
fully recovered. She was "shooing"
some hens'out of the yard when her
hand came In contact with a sharp
scythe which was hanging In a tree
making an ugly wound in the back of
her band; severing the skin for several
That's the
Only Kind
of Suits wo soli. Wo do.
not buy job lots or sec
onds, that have boon clon
ed out at off pricos in or
der to soil them at all.
Suits are
will find our
New Patterns. . Here you will alwoys find
the headquarters of
Every Suit Guaranteed to Fit
ITiyer, the Jeweler,
Sells and Repairs
Watches, Rings,
Clocks and
Jewelry t
Cheaper than anyone
Weeks Bros.
Store, Office and
Bar Fixture
Made to Order
West Seventh Street
Dog Lou. Llewellyn Setter pup,
nine months old, answers to name of
Fritz; estrayed, stolen or Doisnned.
Anv information as to his whereabouts
will bo rewarded. H. H. Howard.
J. W. Daker, senior proprietor of
tho Grants Pass Steam Laundry is In
Medford this week arranging for the
establishment of a laundry business in
Modford. Tho plan he has mapped out
will be that of putting on n laundry
wagon, thereby introducing a free col
lecting and delivery of laundry articles.
The laundry work for the present will
bo done in Grants Pass. The faot that
the Mod foul city water Is notconsldered
suitable for laundry work precludes any
possibility of establishing a plant here
for the present. Mr. Barker Will com
nienco making a from house to house
canvass next wook and ho is hopeful
Unit sufficient work will be given him
to warrant tho establishment of a
branch here. Tho Baker laundry doos
good work and In all probability the
proprietors will meet with success. A
now rig bus been ordered and within
few weeks will appear on our streets in
decided metropolitan stylo.
Morriman & Mossner, horseshoeing
and general blauksniithing, Medford.
Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges
The Mail has been asked by a
roaidcut of West Medford to call par
ents' attention to the fact that some of
the girls and boys of our town have
gotten into tho habit of seeking tryst-
Int: places near the outskirts ot our city,
on the west, and that it is no uncommon
occurence to see two or more quite
young girls stroll out that way between
twelve o'clock noon and one o'clock, p.
m , a littlo later as many boys can
be s-een going in tho same direction,
but by a different routo. None of thu
parties rarely ever return until about
or after four o'olock. How far they go
out our informant did not know but be
Individual Tastes Differ, but
Whether tho hat is expensive or
not, it should be tho best ot its kind 1
Our hats and inilliory trimmings
THEM TO UK, and tho many oat-
terns and designs wo show afford
nmplo opportunity to gratify per- ,
soual liking for this or the other ,
partloular stylo. We havo n largo
number of hats for little folks
Call and see us before purchasing
thought it waa a matter which the par
ents generally ought to know of and
that there ought to be a stop put to It
at once. He presumed these girls and
boys were thought to be at school by
their parents. Whether thia be the
case'or not no good can come from the
habit and it should at once be stopped.
He bas promised to secure the names
of the parties which he will report di
rect to their parents.
If it's new and very up-to-date goods
in the shoe line th? t yon are looking for
you will find them at Woodford's Shoe
Mark Baker, an employe at the
Weeks Bros, furniture factory at Phoe
nix, met with quite a severe accident
last Friday. He was operating a cutting
off saw, which was running at full
speed, when bis left hand came in con
tact with the saw, striking the third
finger not far from the end, and split
ting that member to tho knuckle joint
ai.d on into tho band for a distance of
nearly two inches. He came to Med
ford immediately and the wound was
dressed by Dr. Pickel. It is getting
along all right and he will not lose the
finger but it will probably be stiff. It
seems almost miraculous that his hand
was not severed completely.
Mrs.T. Fraser.of New York, wishes
to announce to the ladies of Medford
thai she U prepared to do first class
dressmaking at the residence of Mrs.
E. M. Rose.
Mrs. L. J. Sears, tho milliner, has
rented the Phipps building, corner of
North B and Seventh streets, and will
move her stock of millnery goods there
to as foon as the building is ready for
occupancy. Contractor E. W. Starr is
now at work making some changes in
the front of the 'building. A large
show window will be put in on the west
side at the corner and the front
genorally overhauled. It will be a
good location and will give the lady
an opportunity to make a better dis
play of her goods.
Coal Best ever put on Medford
markot. Carload received direct from
mines in tho east. Mitchell & Boeck.
Mrs. C. H. Bailey, of Phoenix, was
in Medford Monday. The lady in
formed us that Ruth lodge No. 02, D. of
H , of Phoenix, war arranging for a
grand pionlo and ball at Workman hall
on May 1st. The ladles will be assisted
by members ol the Workman lodge and
a flue timo ia expected. Preparations
are being made for an elaborate picnic
dinner. A short musical and literary
program will also be presented, and at
night the dance will be on with and
there will bo merriment unlimited
through the ontire day. '
For Sale Span of about 1000-pound
mules, cheap. J. H. Thorndike, Med
ford. ;
Art Ellison, one of ihe orew of the
Southorn Pacific coal mine cast of
Medford, has been suftering from a
poisoned hand aud compelled to leave
his work for tho past woek. He had a
small scratch on hiB hand and when it
came in contact with tho sulphuric acid
In the coal, a very severe case of poison
ing was the result. He Is having it
treated this week and will probably be
ready to resume his work Monday,
The Eastern Star Lodge of this
city gave another social at their lodge,
hall on Thursday evening of last week.
A musical program was rendered by
Mrs. J. H. Norris, Miss Fern Norris)
and Willie Barnum, after which deli
cious refreshments were served. Tho
committee who had the arrangement ot
the entertainment in hand and who ara
responsible for the good time enjoyed
were Mrs. G. W. Isaacs, Mra. W. S.
Jooes, Mrs. Wm. Barnum, Dr. W. S.
Jones and Jeweler E. D. Elwood. '
When farmers have blackBmlthing
to do they may be assured of first-class
work and reasonable prices, at Merri
man A Messner'e shop, Medford.
Messrs A. A. Davis 4 Co. are mak
ing ready for a new warehouse adjoining
their flouring mill. The building will
stand where stood the old one, which,
collapsed last fall, and will be 60 x 60
feet in size. A good, solid foundation
will be put beneath it aud it will be,
constructed in the best possible man
ner and capable of bearing up all lha
load which can be put upon it.
For 8 days, unttl one week
from tomorrow, we are going to
have a 4c sale; THUSLY
5c Pencil Tablets, 4o
5c Ink Tablets, -lo
6c Letter Paper, 4c
5c Pencils and Penholders, 4c
ic Ruler Free
1 sheet carboh, 4c
1 bottle ink, 4c
6c worth of pencils, 4c
5c worth of legal cap, 4o
I rubber ball, 4c
1 small Vo doll, 4c
1 box-colored crayons, 4o
8 steel pens for 4c
25 old newspapers for 4o
1 ball twine for 4o
But what's the use. See the
big 4c in omr window, all over
the store, and the articles that
go for 4o, and you cannot help
showing your appreciation of
the values
The Yellow Front
Mail Order House