The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, March 21, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Pabtlahed Kvorv Friday Moraine.
Mkdimrd, Friday, Mahcii 21, 1902
Ha Is or few daya; but quite a plenty.
atered in the Postnffloe at Uedrord,;orefon
a Seooodduis Mall Matter.
lamar Wka Carries m Battle I
la Ilia Peak!,
He got on the train at Van (Tost rand
rid sat down beside me. lie washing,
lean and kinky. Kirst he looked oui
01 me car window ami I Hon at me, says
Spanish Mittatlurs Hub Blx llulla to' the
F oolites mid Muiuiutiut, Spatu'a most
rouowtiod matadors, fought nix hulls to
tlio death ut Junrus, Vexioo, say au Kl
Puso (Tex.), disputuu. Five horses woro
horribly gored and killed or. mortally
wounded during the combat, wlilali
I Uoair.
. In the senate Veit of Missouri mad a
pseoh lu opposition to the ship subsidy
bill, and sala that if the, snbaldy la glveu
It wiQ result in a monopoly equal to that
or the standard Oil oompany. Tillman
also opposed the measure.
In the house the bill to classify the
, rural free delivery servioe wo passed,
. but with radical alterations. All the
. provisions relating to the placing of oar
. riera under the contraot system were
atriokeu oat, and the maxlninm salary
of oarrierg was increased from 300 to
(600. Carriers are also authorised to do
an express business.
. i;" Tuesday.
In the senate. Berry of Arkansas asked
When the. committee on privileges and
eleotions might be expeoted to report to
, the senate the resolution providing for
the eleotion of senators by the direct
. rote of the people. After a speech from
. Boar of Massachusetts, who strongly
opposed the resolution, Burrows ol
. Michigan, chairman of the oommittee
on privileges and eleotious, said notion
.on the resolution would doubtless be
taken this session. Mallory of Florida j
. made a speech in opposition to the shin '
aaosiay bill. ejjg)
The house entered upon the considers
tion of the postoffloe appropriation MIL
BurUeon of Texas attacked Seoretary
Hay for declining to request the British
authorities to grant passports through
the British Uses to distribute relief
, 'ands to the non-combatant prisoners in
South Afrioa. Hitt of Illinois, chair
man of the foreign affairs committee,
aid Sooretary Hay could not make a de
mand which was contrary to all prece
dent. It had not been done in oar war
or any other war.
The ship subsidy bill occupied praoti
eally the entire time of the senate. De
pew of New York made a speech In
which he favored the subsidising ol
-American snips.
General debate on the postofQce bill
continued in the house. Corliss of
Michigan scored Riohardson of Alabama
tor opposing the government Pacific
cable. Ktohardson replied to the attack.
The consideration of the ship subsidy
oui was reauinea in the senate. Berry
of Arkansas spoke against the bill,
while it was supported by Hanna of
Ohio and Perkins of California.
The house olosed general debate on
the postoffloe appropriation MIL A
resolution was adopted authorizing the
. preaiaeut to invite the families of Mar
shal Roohambean add Marquis de La-
xayette ana the people of France to be
present at the unveiling of the statue of
Marshal Roohambean in Washington,
May 24, 1902, and appropriating $30,000
to carry out the purposes of the resolu
The ship subsidy bill was again under
consideration in the senate. The bill
supported by Foraker of Oiiio, while it
was opposed by McLaurin of Mississippi
and Harris of Kansas.
The bouse passed the postoffloe appro
priation bill. The Burleson resolution
calling oprn the secretary of state for
tne laots relating to the case of Dr.
Thomas and wife, who desired to go to
South Africa to distribute relief lauds,
was aaoptea.
Saturday. '
Discussion of the ship subsidy bill wo
oonciunea in the senate.
writer in the New York Herald. Set- lasted throe hours, mid the 10,000 per
sona w uu anw mo uaitio nan tliolr thirst
for guru fully suttsllod. The spectators
wore principally Aimirlcaiis lrom this
side of the border, many of whom woro
siokeuod by the sight ot so niuuli blood.
Womuu fainted and men auoustomod to
oleuu Ameriouu sports left the buildlug
before the light was halt over.
Fuuutes, who stabbed a bull flvo times
before driving the sword into a vital
spot, was greatly disoomtltod wlieu
Auierloaus yollad at him to get an ax
and put the benst out of his misery.
Mnsontlul, however, killed ouoli of his
charging bulls with one clean stroke
through the heart. He was lionised by
tiio populace. The matadors and their
troupe, who have just completed a suc
cessful lour of Mexico, sail from New
xork to Barcelona to till an siigugoiuout.
tliug deeper into his seat he suddenly
"Dry day, eh?"
I merely nodded my head affirma
"De you drink, young man?"
I said I didn't mind if I did.
He said ha would mind, though
in . i i .. ....
curiuermure, ne continued, "I u.a
surprised that a man of your modest
appearances, wtheyes denoting Chris
tiau breeding, a forehead denoting-
gooa moral character and a mouth too
pure o withstand the taint ot lutein
perance, should be willing to indulge
in tne flowing bom."
I could only squirm about in my seat
and prepare myself for an 18-karat
temperance lecture about to be thrust
upon me.
"And, young man, do you know that
hundreds of homes have been devas
tated by strong driuk?"
I knew.
"Do you realise that the idols ot
manhood have been shattered and
wealth squandered by liquor?"
I realised.
"Are you aware that wine Is a mock
er and drink is the national curse?"
I was aware.
"Are you cognisant of the fact that
every glase is the foundation stone of
I was cog.
"Do you know that wine. Honors
and cigars are the advance agent of
insobriety? And, young man, for the
sake of your parents, for the trood of
your wife if you have one: for the
respect of your children if yu have
any, I want you to make me one prom
ts "
"And that is?" I hurriedly Inter
rupted, willing to promise anything,
for his words had aroused me. nnrl I
knew I had been grovrlKntr in the dark,
and that every drink was a blot
the aunshine of mv home.
"I want you to promise me that you
will not let another drop of liquor
pass your npa.
"I won't," I almost shouted, niunrl
ing my hand as a seal to-the faithful
aonerene to my promise.
"And you will not yield to tempt a
"I will not."
"And you will not ask for a rlrinlr
snouid you see anyone else imbibing?'
give you my word of honor,
will not."
inanks, young msn, thanks," and
with that the mean, groveling, con
temptible, long, lean, lankv hypocrite
j.-. in nana to CIS back prx-knt
Drought forth a pint flask of whisky
and drank to his heart and stomach's
content, while I sat like a buncoed
cormnuteT amid the giggling occu
pants or the train.
Stops the Oough
and Works off the Gold,
Lasailve Bronio Quinine Tablets cure a a
In one day. Ho Uure, No I'aj. I'rloo SJ eeul
The IVrooi Crop,
Visiting an out of the way English
parish when the Incumbent happened
to be a way, a former nrclulciicon of
Suffolk was. It Is related, shown round
by the clerk. On nrrivlng nt the church
yard he found a Quo crop of whea
growing in it
"Dear, dear!" snld tlio archdeacon,
can t approve of this. I really did
not tuink air. would have planted
wneat in tne cuurehyurd."
"That's Just what I fold parson.1
urn iuo ciera. -i says." suys I, "ye
man i ougnt to naro wbcuted It; ye
ougnt to nave tutored Itr
The diver dies without air to
breathe. The consumptive dies
without lung3 to breathe the air,
or of lungs rendered incapable of
breathing by disease. The blood
as it flows in and out of the lungs
indicates the consumptive's pro
gress. As the lungs grow weaker
less oxygen is inhaled and the
blood changes from scarlet to pur-
ne. oxygen is the lile ot the
ilood as the blood is the life of
the body.
The effect of Dr. Pierce's Gold
en Medical Discovery upon weak
lungs is to strengthen them, to en
able the full oxygenation of the
blood, arrest the progress of dis
ease, and heal the inflamed tis
sues. Lung diseases have been
and are being cured by "Golden
Medical Discovery." in
cases where deep-seated
cough, frequent hemor
rhage, emaciation, weak
ness, and night -sweats
have all pointed to a fatal
termination by consumption.
Mme years ago I
was almost a help
less victim of that
dread disease con
sumption," writes
Mr. chas. Fross,
P. M., of Sitka.
White Co.. Ind. I
was confined to my room for several months;
my friends and.neignbors had given up all hope
or my recovery, until one day a friend advised
me to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
cry, and after I had taken the contents of the
second bottle I beiran to improve. After takiuir
six bottles I was, I honestly believe, delivered
from the grave and entirely cured. 1 am now a
strong and hearty man."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse
the clogged system from accumulated
impurities.' -
Tee Kmk of at Meafferla.
Wild animals are increasing so rap
idly among the cattle ranches of Tex
as as to threaten herds. On the ranch
of Lord Colin Campbell near El Paso
last week cowboys, Indians and trained
dogs held a round-up. Twelve black
bears, seven grizzlies, 19 mountain
lions and 150 wolves were killed.
MCSK3 1 n
Hypnotism is scientifically studied
in some of the French medical col
A writer in one of the scientific
periodicals recommends walking
c-aekward as a cure for nervous head
The oldest known weapon was the
club. The clubs of the lake dwellers
of Switzerland, studded with stones
in default of nails, and thus making
lurmidaulc weapons, have been recov
ered from their habitations.
Dr. Charles Hose, of Sarawak, after
many experiments has formed the
theory that the disease beri beri
arises in tropical regions from the
consumption of moldy rice. Dr.
Btrnngewnys Pigg, of Cambridge, has
expounded the theory in Ki.irlund.
It is a curious fact Unit in 1790
the Turkish government (jrouibited
the export of Angora kid Vtlihis on the
ground that the trade threatened the
extinction of the Angora goat; but
these animals are now more numer
ous than ever, and their usefulness is
far more widely recognized than was
the case a century ago.
Oil fuel was recently tried on the
Yarrow torpedo boat Ophir. With
coal alone the speed obtained was
24i2 knots, with coal and oil 20',
knots an hour. Twenty-eight hun
dred pounds of coal and 700 pounds
of oil an hour were used. With 500
pounds of oil alone a speed of 14
knots was easily obtained.
Baron Benvenuto d'Aleasandro, an
Italian, has invented a means of
checking the force of waves by means
of nets pf waterproof hemp. One re
cently tried with success at Havre
was 360 feet long by 50 feet wide.
with meshes 11 inches apart. The
nets wil) break the wares at sea, and
will also be a bulwark for hydraulic
works against heavy surf.
With all the efforts to get Into the
various bureaus of the government,
it is a fact that for the $1,200 and
$1,400 positions offered laboratory
assistants at the national bureau of
standards, the examination for which
was to take place on July 0, not a
single applicant appeared. The civil
service commission is unable to ac
count for this. This examination
opened up two positions with excel
lent salaries to young scientists and
the lack of interest cannot be ac
counted for.
Subscribe for TUB MAIL, i
Wheat Wive Were blj,
A century or so ago wife selling was
not an uncommon event In England.
as the following Item, which appeared
In the London News of Nov. 21, 1801.
would show:
"On Friday n coal porter exhibited
ois wire in Smlthoeld. with a baiter
round her neck, for solo. He demand
ed a guluca for ber, but she bung on
band for some time, until n man of
good appearance made the purchase.
ana packing ber, halter and all. Into n
hackney coach drove for Blackfrlar
bridge, amid the buzzas of the mob."
Strikes A Rtrli Find.
"I was troubled for several years with
enmoio inaigestion ana nervous aebil
ity," writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster
N. H. "No remedy helped me until I
ocean using rJlectric Britters. which
did me more good than all the medi
cines I ever nsed. They have also koul
my mie in excellent neaun for veers
She says Electric Blttoos are iustsnlen
did for female troubles; that they are a
Kruno ionic una invigoratar lor weak,
run down women. No other medicine
can lake its place in our family." Try
ur.ii. vm, nz. aitbiBiaution . guaran
teed by Cba-. Strang.
A duel with rifles, at eight feet dir
tauce, was fought at Purdy switch, near
Reno, on the Nevada, California uud
Oregon raiiwuy. Tho quarrel was over
an almost valueless strip of laud. A. A.
Smith, a well-kuowu character com
monly called "Bruudago" Smith, and a
youug man named Heese Evans, woro
the principals in the fight, which took
place near the former's cabin. Smith
was shot twice through tlio stomach
and had au arm shuttered. Ho livod
only long enough to empty his gun.
Evans received a ball through his left
lung and died therefrom shortly afterwards.
Night Was Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all nlehtlonir."
writes Mrs. Chas.Anolesrate. of Alexan
dria, lad., "and could hardly get any
sleep. I had consumption so bad that
if I walked a block I would cmieli
frightfully and spit blor.d, but, when
all other medicines failed, three $1.00 ol Dr. King's New Discovery
wholly curea me and I trained 58
pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to
cure uouens. Uolds. L,a tirlnne. Brnn.
chltis and all Throatand LungTroubleB.
Price OUc and $1.00. Trial bottles free
at Unas, Strang's drug store.
Mrs. Honornh Boutlcy, an aged and
wealthy woman of Berkoloy, Oil., was
found guilty recently by Judge Edgar
of violating a town ordiunucn that
requires property owners to connect
their Iioumm with tlio streot never,
Sue said that rutiier tiiuu pay a $oU lino
t,..e would ciiooso tne alternative of
serving SO duys in jail. At tho end of
x duyc, however, she tired of life in
the county bnslile, and tilio was reloasod
pending an uppeal. Judge Ellsworth
accepted $100 in cash to iusiiro her re
appearance in case tho appeal goes
against her.
General Methuen, Havoritly Woundad, ll
lleloasml by lelaray.
General Muthuuu, who was captured, I
severely wounded, by uoiiernl Delaroy,
has beau rolotisod nud taken to Klorks.
dorp, where ha Is doing well. Lutet
dispatches show that tlio lighting lustud
uuuli louger thau was supposed, and
that tho disaster to Mticlmou's foruoi
was duo to leaving too largo n gap be
tween tho front convoy and the roar,
and to placing au liuullloiunt sereon bo
mud the rear guard, whlult brought
about n puuiu among tlio troops as ro
suit ot the Boor uuslnught. Much re
seutmenc Is felt lu Knglaud that the
Boers woro British uniforms and badges.
Even at close quarters the British could
not dlstlugulshj between the Boers and
their owu men.
Durlug a skirmish near Pearston, Onpe
uoiouy, between some British troops
and Couimaudaut Fouoho'a force ot
Boers, Commnudaut Ovoudaalaud Fluid
Cornet Van dur Welt were killed.
Field Marshal Lord Wolsuluy, former
ooniuiondor-iU'chiof of the British army,
uas sailed for Mouth Africa. It Is bo.
lleved that Lord Wolsuluy 's trip is to be I
uie beginning of now Ideas.
At the opening of the uow brldgi
cross the river Morauou, says it Lima
(Peru) dispatch, the structure troko lu
two, and 100 persons were drowuod,
A priest was offuriug a btosaiug at thi
James Diok, the so-called "rabbet
klug," who died at Glasgow, SuoUaad,
recently, bequeathed 100,000 for dUtri
button among his employees, aud the
bulk ot the ratnaluder of his fortune
goes to charity, ills cashier receives
o.000, his cook 3,000 aud other domos
tlo servauts are to rsoeive la the aggre
gate tliousuuds of pounds. The oterki
receive from 300 to 500 oouh
The lower house of the Danish parlia
ment, oy aa 10 i, approved the treaty
providing for the sale of the Dauiab
West Indies to the United States. The
treaty now goes to the upper boose.
Rear-Admiral Lord Oharlea Beresford
la au address before the London cham
ber of commerce ou the lack of admiu
latratlve enioieuoy la the British orgi
lsatiou lor delense, advocated sweei
reforms in the navy, and remarked thai
initial naval reverses similar to the
military reverses oxporleuoed in Soutl
Afrioa would entail disasters whtou
would be irreparable aud that would bt
eternal la their effect.
Rev. Marguerite St. Omer Briggs, 35
Mount Calm Street, Detroit, Michigan,
Lecturer for the W. C. T. U., recommends
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
" Dkar Mks. Pinkiiam : My professional work Ims for the pant
twenty years brought me Into hundreds of homes of sickness, und
I have had plenty of opportunity to witness the sufferings of wives
and mothers who from want, ignorance or carelessness, arc slowly
but surely being dragged to death, principally with female weakness
and irregukirities of the sex. I believe you will bo pleased to know
that Lytlia E. I'litkhnin's Vvgotablo Compound has cured
more women than any other agency that has come under my notice.
Hundreds of women owe their life and health to you to-day, and, there
fore, I can conscientiously advise sick women to try it." Makuvbkitk
St. Omkr Unions. ,
W hun wommi are troubled with Irregular or painful uuinstnuttlon,
weakness, loucorrhtwt. displiutimunt or ulceration ol tho womb, that bear-Ulfr-Uown
fuolimr. inflammation of thn ovnriioi. luiokru-hn. flatnlenc-
general debility, indigestion, and iicirvoiw proatrutlon, tlioy nhoulil
ruiuemlxir there Is one trlod and true remedy. I.yilla K. IMiikhuui's
vagrtiuuie uoiiiuotirMi ut out removes suoli troulilus.
No other meuieinu in tho world hun nmidvixl sm li wldnanroad ami
UntlUnlifled ondonutmnnLi Nn ntlmr liii'ilteliui lias anrdi n HK-iinl of imruit
of femalo troubles. Itefuso to buy any other mudlului).
Mrs. I'lnklism Invites all sielt wniiinn to wrllo her for ml vice.
She bus guided thousands to health. Aililresa. I.ynn. Mass.
Legally leatl. He Catlliul Marry.
Jim Youugor, who was souumcad to
Ufa Imprisonment, but was paroled.
asked Uovornor vau aaut of Minnesota
whether or not bo could wed, says u
St. Paul dispatch. Tho governor looked
into the matter and found that the only
way no can make auy binding contract
lu tlio eyes of the law is through the
board which paroled him in this cos
tho state board of control which board
is empowered to enter into a oontraoi
for him. It is not probable, however.
that tho board will aitroo to enter Into a
unrriuKO contraot with auy woman for
tne beuollt of the paroled lifo convict.
alio only way for Jim Younger to be
come a married man in Minnesota Is tr
get a pardon wbioli will rostoro him tc
tho rights of a living citizen. Anotbet
phuse of the law is that neither Jim
lounger nor his brother, Uolo, If thoy
establish any buiiuieu of their owu, can
bo held for any debts which they may
Machine repairing a s
Hand Engines an
Sold fX fX
Made to Ordor
Hf ff Second
Steam Pumpa Bought and
ft Bicycle Cones and Axles
- - Proprietor
Arrangements arc now under wuy for
iiu consolidation into one big iisstjciu-
ion of Hie wineries aud vineyards of J congress, will assume tho prondotioy of
The sonato continued R. B. Bloau as
assoeluto justice of the auprouio court of
President Itooscvolt has decided to re
move from the Immigration service
uoniiuissloiiur General Terence V. Pow
dorly, Commissioner Thomas W. Fltchle
III Aew lolk and Assistant Commis
sioner li. MuSweeuey. Fruuk P
Sargent, grand master of the brothnr.
hood of Locomotive Engineers, will am
coed rowderly.
Brigadlor-Ueuoral Hubert P. Hmrlins
has lieun ssloated as the successor r
Major-Uelieral 8. IS. II, Young in tile
command of the department of Oallfor-,
ulo. Oouaral Young, provided the
necessary funds are appropriated by
Burgeon's Knife Not Needed.
Hurirery Is no longer necessary to cure Dlles.
DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve cures such cases
at once, removing the necessity for daofrerous,
painful and expensive operations. For scalds,
cuts, burns, wounds, bruises, sores and skin dis
eases It Is unequalled. Beware of counterfeits.
Cbas. Strang,
A gift of 230,000 from Mrs. Oollis P.
Huntington more than completes tho
sum of (705,000 required to souare the
sum offered by John D. Rockefeller for
tho enlargement aud endowment of tho
Harvard Medical school. Mrs. Hunt
ington's subscription is specifically foi
the erection of a building in memory ol
ber lato husband, to be called the Colli)
P. Huntington laboratory of pathology
aud bacteriology. An aggregate of
$3,000,000 is now available for tho use
of tho medical school.
riiutheru California. Local and eastern
lapitalists aro in tlio new deal, und thoro
will be $1,000,000 put up to carry tho
project througu.
J. f. Ootton, a sawmill owner, wns
shot and fatally wouudod by IL 0. Mes-
seugor, another Iniubermau aim pro
prietor of the Ashland planing mills, at
the former s place near Ashland, Or.
The shooting was tho oatcomo of bust-
uess disagreements, Messuugor surrou-
ercd himself to the police.
the army war college, whloh is to bo
established ut Washington barracks.
Don't give them tea or cofeo.. Have
yu trieu tno new food drink culled
GRAIN-OV H Ib delicious und nourish-
ing und takes thn place of coffee. The
more Grain-O you glvo tho children tho
moro health yon distribute throiiih
tliolr systems. Graln-O Is madoof'puri)
iiio, una wuuii proporiy propured
tastes 1 1 ko tho chnlue grades of cnfTuo
Out COSlS about i US muoh. Allirrn,,r
soil ll. 16c. and 2Tv
A llnnt "laiiy Centuries Old.
A wooden boat, Udioveit to be nearly
8,000 Years old, has lieoti dug up by soma
laborers In county Mayo, Ireland. Tho
boat is beautifully carved from tlio trunk
ol an oik tree. It is W foot long, and
and shows no signs of ileujiy. Tho wood
Is so hard that hutcliets uiako scnrcoly
any liiipresioii on It. Kxuursloiis are
now being urgnmed to view this rella
of Celtic handicraft, whloh will shortly
be tnkou to the Dublin museum.
Tou Know What You Are Taking
When you take Orove's TaflteeH Chill Tonic
priii tea on every
y Iron and Qui.
because the formula la plainly printed on ever
Himpiy iron ana oui
No Cure. No Pay, &0c
bottle showing that It la Aim
suae in a lasiejeii. lorm
of .So. Glen Falls, N. Y., des
cribes a condition, which thous
ands ot men
and women
find idcntirr.l
with theirs.
Read what he
says, and note
the similarity
of your own
case. Write to
him, enclosing
stamped ad-'
dressed envel
ope for reply,
and ffct a ner-
sonal corroboration of what is
here given. He says regarding
Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure:
"I suffered agonizing pain In the left
breast and between my shoulders from
heart trouble. My heart would palpi
tate, flutter, then skip beats, until I
could no loneer lie In bed, NiKlit niter
ni'lit I walked the floor, for to lie down
would have meant sudden death. My
condition seemed nlinostlionelcMwhcn
I began taking Or. Miles' Heart Cure,
but it helped me from the first. Later
I, took Dr. Miles' Nervine with the
Heart Cure and the effect was aston
ishing. I earnestly implore similar suf
ferers to give these remedies a trial."
Sold by all Druggists
on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medloal Co., Elkhart, Ind.
L D, Palmer.
111m i,.j
A beiievoli'iit looking man boarded n
loivniown rih-nnly occupied
iy iIiiim' women unwind hound. Willi
r.'lii'Hli'rlli.lilliin nil- ho respectfully
luffed his hut und ln-ld It In hln hand
sit f 1 ho IiihI ii ni licd his (K'Htlmitlon.
" hut n i-linniiliig mini! Such love
ly mniiiiers!" gushed the women In
A few inliiiiies Inter tlio benevolent
ooldng limn of Hie lovely iniiiiiieis
iielicd his olllro. I'llclilng his lint oil
li. buck of his uiTrllceiit linnl. sprawl-
iiiiimoir down In n minly iilmn-
loii his desk, iiiilllii" ii cluy nine In
.in unique mnwnllnc fnsliloii, occasion
ally xpecipinilng lu the vicinity of n
cimplilur he gruel his Hlx-dolliir-n-
n'W(.A "n-hours-a-diiy stenographer
bivjii', ilurly Inquiring why In thunder
tlioHi' legal papers aren't finished.
Lovei.v inn ii I
Oh, yes: rrryl San Ifrnnclscn Wnve.
'Preliminary steps havo boon taknn for
tno amalgamation of the ohlof lumber
associations of Washington and Orugon.
Prlcos and grades of fir lumber and
lliluglos will lu oonsuquenco bo In-eroaspd.
Hurry Poll of lono, Amador county,
Oil., says Iiu has solved tim problem of
serial navigation, and that ho will, ou
May 1, start in his airship for Han
Somo miscreant broko Into St. Pa
trick's church, betwoon Third and
Fourth streets, fcinu Fraiiclnoo, and, with
ax and erowbur, demolished tho baud
some altar, leaving it almost a comploto
wrook. Over tho debris tho wreokor
poured a quantity of sacrod oils, ruining
carpots, altar oloths and surplices. The
damage will amount to moro than ,000,
and some of the altar decorations de
stroyed money could not replace.
(Jnvenior Uutfn Ims appointed as bar.
bnr ciniiiiilssioiier ill dan Kraiioisuo John
1). .Mnckoimit of tuu Jow, to succeed
Kudolph llurold, whose term has ex
pired. Word has Iwuu received at Han Diego
that the hill providing for the relief of
the Warner's rniicli Indians, who are
about to Iomi thir rights nt Aqua Call,
elite, will inuliidu the upioliiiinoiii of a
commission, of which Uimrles V. Luui
mis will probably be oliuli iuaii.
Fred Lowdou ami Chris ttherbort wore
ssloop at the loot of the Kokaneo range
when u suowslido buriud their uublu,
suys a Kelson (U. U.) dispatch. After
80 hours of utmost suwrhuiuan offort
Hhorbort freed himself, lie obtained
aid nt a neighboring mine, but Lowdeti
was dead. Ills finger-nails were torn
off, showing that he hud made adesper
uto effort to dig out. Shorbort's foot
nud hands were badly frosou, nud hi
feet may havo to be amputated. Ho
wns clud only in a shirt during the 11(1
hours hu was fighting for life.
Ulllled Unites Land Odloi., ,
v, ., , Itosoburg, Oruiieii, yob. .17, ma,
Notloe Is hereby kIviiii tliut In cuinpllaaee
Willi the pruvlnUnis ol tlio act of CoaiirciM of
JlineS. IS7H. t,LlLlt,fl "Am An, l ,,. ...
Timber l.smls Ii, Hie Hlatos of California, Ore
lion, Nevuilu, ami Washington Terrlloiy," us
ns tended to nil llio l'uullo f,und Hiutea by uot
el aukusi , IHirj, '
ol Ochcyodun, county i,r Oseuolu, Utauiot town,
has this duy mod in Ui nicC ,nr nworn stale-
Ullllll NO. i;tl. flir Hill HiirchM.,, ,.f ll. Hh'l ' .....
Heoliiiu No. ill, Tawiiklilu :U Hculli, t Kiiiiio :l
Kiist, and w ll olTur iimiir in kii..u ii..i ,i... i7.,,
aeuglit In more vuliiiible h,r lis liuilair ur stone
tliiui lor iiKi-lutiliuritl purposes, nud to imluh
llsn lier cliilin lu suld fiinu buloru the keulstur
und Huculvor of tills elllco ut ItowiburK. Orn
Kon, c.n Tliuisduy, tlio zld duy of May, IWrJ.
Mile names witnesses: MlnsBitruh V. Wilson,
I !'..w' X "fknr mil llehiirt L. 1'nrkur, of lllu
nutte, OniKon, unu frucl M, White, el I'ortlunu,
OroHon. '
Anyiindull persons olulmihit advorsoly tho-ubuvo-desorlhoil
lumls aio reimoBlcd li tile
tliolr plulins In this ullluo ou or Uufore suld ifJd
duy of Muy, llsJ,
J. T. IliiinciKS, Register.
Unlloil States Lnnd Ollloe,
xi..i . , , "ossburg, Oregon, Fob. 27, luoa.
Notice IS hcroby UlVl ll Hut 111 nninnll,,,,,...
n.iS B,SimMmi'' 1110 uct of Congress of
JunoH, llflH, onlltled "An uot for the sale of
tlmhur lumls lu the Htiiiim nl riiillf,,r
goii, Novudu, and Wiishlngtoll Torrllury," us
exluni cd tou I t ie Pul.ll,, 1 "...I U,,.T: 3'. ...
ot August 4. ISD2. '
MlbrisAKAll P. WILSON,
of nig Uutio, county of .Inokson, Htuto of Ore
gon, low this day mud In nils allien her nworn
HiiiLoiiieni No. ao7H, for the nuruhasu of Hie H)!
nA und HWJjMV, Hue. Ill, und HKJ HKlj ol'
Heetion No. II, roan.lni, lis Hoiltli. ol Itungo II
hunt, and will offer proof lo hiow ill lit the luud
jiiUKiii Is more viiliuililo for Its timber or sio no
her claim lo mild hind hefore the ItitglHtnr mill
Keeolvcr of this offleu ut Itonuburg, Oregon on
Thursday, Ihu'Jal duy of May, UW1. Bho niiino"
Wllliensosi M r. Neltle Wfison, of Oclloieaiiii.
.uwa, W. W 1'urker and llouort L. Parker, "V
Jllg lllllto, Oregon, and ii'iod Jl. Whlte.of I'orl
inuti, urugou.
Any and all porsons olnimlng ndvorscly tho
ibovo-dtsorlbcd lundn lire ruQuestcd to II o
iiyuf uiy'im. 0t "on "Uld
J.T. UmuoiiS, Iteglster.