f Artistic Printing 1 II you mm priming that ' . WlllVlllllllllll'lluuil IKlllllS Artistic, Htrlklng - Valuable tel tid llguruiiu li liif you. (mr work linn III" I'XIra tmieh llinl pay. II l"" . rlulil In our I'UtlliM'ni ,tll I 'tl till! 1iiiIiiu" Try an Ad. in THE MAIL 1 PROFESSIONAL OAHDB. QUO. 1'. KINO, GOVEKNMKNT I.ANI5 LOCATOR Mmllord, Oregon Cad locale purlins on VMluuLlr timber or agrl riiliural lands Wrlm me lor lull liifoiuiallun Ortlie Willi V. M.mtiwart, real eUle agent , D, PHI PI'S, D. D. S., imom In Adklnt Block, adjoining lluklna' lirug store M Milord, Oreaoo DR. II. N. liUTLKR, OHTICOI'ATIIIMT lUwaa I end 4, Opera HuuM block, aver Nlrang'e Drug Bloro. Kiaiulnattuns free Milord, leM Q, T.JON E8, COUNTY HIMVKYOK. Any or all kinds nl Hurveylng promptly done. Tlio county surveyor oau give yuu ino out? la-gal work, Medfurd. Oregon JJAMMOND A NARRKGAN ATTOflNKYH AT LAW OIBce In Stewart Blk. Mt.dlord.Or. K.KIRCHCESSNER. l'UYUICIAN AND BUHOKON, Central Point, Oregon. tedtord omee-Llnlley llulldlag, Wedneau-l and Heturday.ViMlp II a. m., 00 old trie April 10, 'Mi. J, 8. HOWARD, HUltVKYOIl AND CIVIL ENOINK.KH 0. S. Deputy Mineral Hurr.yor far the Stale of Oregoa. PoetotBec addreae: Medfovd, Oregoa. E, B. PICICKL, PHYSICIAN AND IDIKMIII, Omee boars 11 to a, at. uj I an to 8 p. en. X-fcUy Laboratory faultlu to t& OaUan Maskla Sleek. Merfterd. Or . I. Vawrea. Pree. II. V. ADXim, V -Pita - U. , L1NDLBY, abler. ...CAPITAL, tgo.ooo... MBDFORD, . OBEOOS Loan money OB approved arcurltv, rceelve da puall eubjeot to ehook and trannaet . rtrnon banking business. Your bustnosa aotlclted... Correspondent : Ladd Hush, Halem. Anglo . California Sank. Kan Francisco. Ladd A TUIob. PorUaad. Vorblo Hanking. Co.. M. Y. Jl. R. Aaasav. President. J. E. Eutaiit, Casbler. J. B. tVrnwAirr, Vlco President. M L. Al.fmli. Ami. Cashier The Hertford Bank Mi oroao. OncooM Capital, $50,000.00 A General Banking Bushess Transacted btockhoi.dkhs 1 H. Stewart, II. It. Ankeny. K. II, whitehead, C. (J. Ilrrkirmn, Horace IVltoii.lun Hayinoml, Jniiic I'd ion, V, II. Hrnilahaw, J. II. Knyart viiit DR. JORDANf 8 mcat MUSEUM OF ANATOmr 1011 MARKET ST.. SAN FRANCISCO, OA. ' Th turf t AnAtoml id wonn. Grtaftt attrntfin in V Ctt. A vrondTul tight Jar vUit&r Wmmh . tttay a tm OR. JORDAH-PRlVATl DIBfW liom lit rtlVoU ! routbfnt h4tJ-T crelluna or iui w In HAiurfr i rhoM, (ronnrrbfMa, Ml4, rrvq-wiie; i of UrlHnilnvt 91m. Hy . ortiiiAUeAy T rni'1tM, of trf anr-ifBi M-i-vr, tht Dodw T TrMuri Hi fatal hv an Hz4klk4lM Mr for RnBfnrfi A oWf mrtti W tun for JPII. I t-fciir- rV11 nr. joraan-s iproim hUNinv BVKIIT HAN )t)lA'trtwmnlT CVmaiilutlon F1KK itartll OHAKMia FA Jl y MMANONAB Trutmtnl pionlfr orpy latwr Write lot Book. If Mloejorll l ooklormn.l ( H8T write DA JORDAN ft CO.. 1011 MwM IL.t. K A now p;ipir, inilapoinloiit in jnlllios, hug imiaa lf.H iiiruitrmioH in Mull IjiUu, undor tho tiaiiiu of tlio S ilt Liilin Kvon iiiK Tolcunun. It in tbo llrst 0-wiu pajiur In llm Ktitto. Dr. 1). If, Wrat, Jiuiii Wellington, D. 0., in oliluf odllnr, Mid D. UiliuM. JkiiUoy uf L-jxiiigiuii, K.v., uaioclnte vdiiur. . aura, turn uwiur iiura 11111 uimih V ulmolM, but U H Unnwn Umi Ulf tvil Cuai- flir-frin rtnd rHMfrrn. itw-IBlMil iTPHll.h iiiMrrtiitFV Inn i mum witnoni in pi t jM-wm-vrr VOL. XIV, i i ou want Something J Handsome, Durable and ; Useful get a set of Rogers "1847" Silver-Plated Ware s or a I Silver Mounted Carving Set i l Nothing could be more accept- J : able or usef uKn the household J I WE HAVE THEM J. BEEti I i VI VbaVIl Everyone Id familiar with tho SNOWY BUTTE MILL TEAMS, Compoaed of Mine of tho beat hornet in Jackaon county. Well, ow ing to tho abort (rain crop locally, ere have conoludfd to offer moat ol thoao lino iilmaln - FOll SALE AT ItEA SON ABLE FIGURES Tiioae anltnala are hardened for Immediate ccrrice. are all In good Con d'.tlon, well borken and of di-air(l!c olora. J net adapted for heavy frm work, teaminK or log it log. Proapeciive buyers can Inspect them at our burna In Central Point nUL I CJ 9 mjmjAm VV'' li PLOUS AND John Deere Gang Plows and Hand Plows For all k;nds of soil Spike Tooth, Spring Tooth and Disc Harrows Come in and JSee Them. i ?: rnnnBB WBnBBBnBDnnBBBBnBttnBnBnnnBBBOB New Lumber Yard Rough and Dressed Lumber Fir Runtlc and Flooring Three Years Old. Thoroughly Seasoned Medford, Oregon MKVWKV rLAiilnu 1ULLV i MEDFORD PLV1IJIJ M IL CO., Projrietors 1 Ae runnufaoturo Doors, SihIi, KHtlmdteB furniehed on Store soft wood Contracting and Buildini? Mill on North D Street MEDFORD, Advertise In THE MAIL and get good results MEDFORD, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7. 1902. IN GREAT VARIETY I 8 CO. W Dicvr.. Jliuw T uui .o nuns on BO HARROUS c3 Da 9 ma Also a large assortment of o Ji3 tm ca ca va DO i" CO n ca en B9 B9 Bit DO BO D3 ad MEDFORD, OREGON THE MORTAR DRUG STORE, 0. H. HASKI1SS. Prop Drtii, PeimiMedl ner.. Booka.BUtlonerj, PAINTS and OILS OluarcTotihmi. Tollft Arllclca, Ktc , Preecrlpllena Carrlully Componndcd 7th St., Medlonl. Oregon O. E. Q0RSLINE & SONS MANUFACTURERS OP AND DEALKI18 IN and Pine Shingles Yard Hi utb ol Wllitwitu'H Warehouse mou'dinpe. Flooring and Rustio A nnd Office fixtures in hard or 4 ( OREGON JtlwL !A LITTLE OF The total exports of wheat from the United Stales for the calender year lOOl were 178,317,354 bushels, uyuiiiBl 8,044,42 bueliels the pre vious year. The postofljctt departeaent has abolished the poatofJice at Kib kaskia, 111. This was the first cap ital of the state of Illinois. Tbe ravages of the Mississippi river has had much to do with tbe destruc tion of this ancient town. The last census shows that Iowa has nearly twice as many hogs as any other s'.ate, and bse more cattle than any other state except Texas. In tbe number of cattle Kansas stands next to Iowa, Ne braska is fourth, Illinois fifth and Missouri sixth in tbe number of cattle. A benevolent-looking old woman, white-haired and wearing a dark gown of rich mnterial, was ar raigned in New York recently, cbarg-d with shoplifting. Sbe said sbe was Mary Clark, aged 68. Sb looked a prosperous, though in6rm, grandmother. Tbe police say tbat her picture has been in the rogues' gallery for twenty years and tbat b.9 is a notorious shoplifter. Barad Him From Tortura. Tbcre la oo more agonizing trouble tbao plica Tbe coaaunt llcbmg and burning make lire In tolerable. No position la comfortable. The torture la unceulog. DeWitt'a wtteb Hazel Salve curea plica at once. For klo dlaeawt, cut, bnilaea, all klnda of irounda It la un equalled. J. B Gerall, 81 Paul. Ark., aaya: "Prom 1865, I Buffered with tbe atotrodlug. bleeding pllea and oould find nothing to help aac until 1 uaed DeWitt'a Witch Hull Salte. A lew boacs completely cured me." Bewar of counterfetle. Chaa. Strang. IN THE PHILIPPINES. The war depart men t, iu a die patch from General Chaffee, ia adTirnd nt the trip of Major Waller.'fonr officer and 60 saen of tbe Marine oorpa and 36 natiTO boarera, with fonr daye' rations, who started the last woek of Deoembet froan Lnugnn, on the eaat coast of Sit mar, to cross the island to Baasey, a bom 3 miles awuy. " Lieutenant Liles of the Twelfth infantry accompanied the com mand. Incessant rains lrom the smri. swollen streams and other natural ob stacles made progress extremely slow Whan tho rations were consumed tin men became exhausted rapidly, riro . ing on rhe way. A relief expedition aader Lieutenant P. K. Williams, F.rsi iafautry, rencbed tlie murines, savin:. Lientenaut Williivms uud uli except ten inou not found, who ore, no duabt, de.f of starvation. All will probably re cover. "Tlio snfferiuKS of this com mand for 20 days," says the diiipatch. "cannot be dutcribed. Tho efforts ol Lioutennut Williams nnd the relief party are ntiequaled for courage uud labor." Captain Frank Green, president ol the Amertcnu chamber of commerce ni Manila, says congress should arrange tc open the country to mining uud home stead laws uud enlarge thu forestry re serves. If this were done American capital in large qaautities, ns well a many American miuers uud liumoatead seekers, Would coniu. to tlio islands. A board of nrb'tnition, composed ol Baptist' clorgymen, snysa Norfolk (V.i.) dispatch, decided thai tlio Norfol.t uud Wesleru railroad must pay tlio Rov. W. P. Hiiies of the B.i tilt church at Ports mouth 1230 for iOi sermons lost by ngeuts and employees of the company. Tlio company decliued to pay Dr. Hiuci $.'0 upiuee for tho sermons, nud sug gested that the mutter be settled by arbitration, wlnult was done. Miss Nellie White lias begun suit ngainst Joseph Z.-igler of Wilkcsbarre, Ph., iu which she charges Him with squeezing hov so hard that one of hei ribs was broken. She had to go to n doctor to bo treated, and his service nud medicine amounted to $11.50. Sin asked Zoigior to pay the bill, but he tore it up. Thou she began suit for SlOu damages. Zoigier waived hearing and gave bail. Iu the hardest gilo of the winter, Wutorbury, Conn., struggled with aJlre that destroyed a large urea of tnc busi ness section of the city uud threatened to wipe it out completely. Wheu tin flames were I in night to bo under control the tfeuvillu House caught fire, lrniu which, as well us from the Exchnugu hotel, the patests fled iu their uight olotues. The second llro placed the ulty iu a panic Tho damage is estimated at more thiiu $3,000,000. "Yenug Griff ," tho Australian prizj lighter, was found iu a vacant lot iu Chicago nearly frozen to death. It it feared that thu umputatiou of hishuudt may be ueoossury. Griffo has beeu lead lug a fast life and is penniless. P. l-'urm Nolia. V;om the Rural Morthweat. La Grande orchardista continu to favor tho Gano apple. The Ob server of that place reports that I, Oldenberg is about lo set out twenty acres of Canoe; J. L. Cavinesj will plant 2000 apple trees this coring, mostly Ganop, and M. S Carro'l will plant 200 Gano trees in the spring. In an article written for the Norib American Horticulturist, Ft. M. Kellogg says pruning shares. are Ihj proper thing to thin ap lea with. He would go into the orchard in March and cut out each year about one-fourth of the small limbs treat ing each braneh so as to give the greatest possible leaf-surface to sun shine. Tbe Practical Fruit Grower says Mieeouri will not ship m my eir loads of peaches in 1902, compared with the splendid record of 1901, as 90 per cent of the fruit buds h. ve 'been killed north of tbe Oztrks, and a large per .cent have been killed oo tbe south slope where the immense orchards are located. Tbe conditions are the same in Illinois and Kansas as in Missouri. California papers gave much publicity to the matter of a te.iu of 3000 nursery trees from Orgon, which were seized by a county horticultural inspector, who alleged tbat tbey were infected with bot'i San Jose scale and black scale Some of tbe supposedly infested trees were sent to the Pacific Rural Press, wh'ch cauted the trees to" inspected by competent authorities, who found tbe trees wholly free from scale. The Pacific Rural Press sorrowfully remarks that the ignorance shown by the inspectoi iu this case almost makes it repent its advocacy of the pi in of having county insperto a. The pott ffi receipts of all the large cities of Oregon, Washington nnd Montana show an increase of over 10 per cent in receipts in 1901 mb compared with 1900. The in crease for- Portland, Seattle, .Spo knre, Tacoma, Butte and Helena taken together, amounted to ove 16 per cent. This probably means an incteaee of not less than 10 per c-ot in tbe total population of thos cities, or nearly 30,000 more con euoieiB of fruits, dairy products, etc. If this rate of growth is kepi tip, it will bring about a wonderfu' development of diversified farming in the Pacific Northwest in a fer years. It is to be re mem here! that there has been a proportionate growth of populat'oi in a large i umber of Hntller cities and town throughout the Pacific Northwest The Laat Heard of It. ' My little boy took the croup one nlgbt and soon grew so bad you could hear bim breathe all over the boust," says F D. Keynolas Manstleld, O. "We reared he would die. but a lew dose, of One Vtnute Cougn Cure q ilckly relieved blm and bo went to sleep. Thai's tbe lust wc heard of the croup. Now Isn't a cough cure like that valuable?" One Mlnuto Cough Cure Is absolutely sufe and acta Immediately. For coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis and nil other throat and lung troubles It is u certain cure. Very pleasant to take. Tbe little ones like It. Chaa. Strang. SOUTH AFRICAN WAR. Lord Kitchener, iu a dispatch from Pretoria, reports that the camp of Col onel L, E. Dnuiouliu of the Sussex regi ment was attacked by Niewhouillz's command and that after severe lighting tho Boors were ropnlned. Ho ulm re ports that General l'r.uich captaro.I 2 men belonging to Fouulio's comiuau.l, ill tho northeastern part o? Cape Colony, uud that thu command was uoiuplotoly scuttered. Kudyard Kipling, writing from Cape Town, protests ngaiust any amnesty being grauted the robels Kipling de clares it is it questiou of life or doath fo the colony. It is estimated that the war ofUso, by reason of the iuoHlolunoy of tho re mount department iu tho purulnts.ug ol horses, has bestowed u ou the contrac tors a prolit of S,000,000. Working- Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored hy those tireless little workers Or. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing ltidig !8tlni . biliousness, constipation, sick hcsda',he and nil stomaoh, liver and bowel trou hie. EaBjy pleasant, safe, sure. O.ily 25c at Chas. Strang's drug store. If you want A high Standard In Diialnaaa yon ' must htve quality In your print ing. V(,u will II ml our kind the right kind. NEW EFFECTS CORRECT IDEAS Pnmlbly not tho cheapest tn f rice, but you ft tlm worth of ho oxtra vont In extra Yitliio ou work turnof) out hy THE MAIL Sworn Circulation! 2200 I FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. j Monday. In the aennto' Dubois of Idaho, rising to a question of priviloge, said the presi dent onght to reprimand Genera) Wlmu tou and those officers in the Philippines who are criticising the senate for tta action or statements regarding the Phil ippines, General. Whoaton had criti cised a speech made at Boston by Pro fessor Scbnrman, who favored and pre dieted tbe independence of the islands. The matter went over for tnrther con sideration. Very little business was dona in the boose, which ad jonrued till Wednesday. Taosrlay. The senate conclnded the discussion of the bill establishing a department of commerce and passed it. The name of the new department was changed to that of the department of commerce and labor. There was a stormy debate on tbe Phillippiue measure, bat was de void of definite results. Irritation was displayed on both sides of the chamber, and Lodge demanded that Teller with draw a statement to the effect that when ' General Whoaton critioised the obargea made by the opponents of" the govern, mcnt's Philippine policy the Republi cans knew those charges wore true. Teller afterward modified the statement. Wednesday. ' i. - The senate had under discussion whether a censorship exists in' the Phil ippine. ' It was contended by the oppo-. sition that a press oensorahip does exist, while the secretary of war waa quoted aa saying tbat no press censorship now exists in the Philippines. The house adjourned after being In session 26 minutes. " Tharaday. In the senate the Phillippiue tariff bill was nnder discussion. Tillman of Booth Carolina attacked the policy of, the government, and concluded by say ing that to erect a tariff wall between the United 13 La tea and another part of tbe domestic territory was a departure from every principle that had brought this country to the pinnacle of great ness and made it the cynosure of the eyes of the world. Friday. The bill to increase the salaries of the federal judiciary waa taken np in the senate. Boar in a brief statement supported tbo measure. Berry of Ar kacais opposed the measure, and said be believed (10,000 a year was enough '' to enable justices of tbe supreme court to live respectably. Stewart gave no tice of an amendment to the bill pro viding tbat the salaries of senators and renresentat.ves in cougresa should be 7,500 per annum.- Morgan of Alabam ' addressed the senate on the Philippine tariff bill, and said he believed iu the ' doctrine of free trade in all parts of the United States, whether covered by the constitution, the flag, or both. After a brief executive session tbe senate ad journed till Monday. . -, The house, by reason of the' agitation in the senate of the o aim that recipro city treaties affecting the' customs rev enues can be 'negotiated without the concurrence of the house, ordered the ways and means committee to investi gate the matter nud report to the house its conclusions. Saturday. Representative McLachlnn introduced a bill providing for the relinquishing by the Uuited States of jnrisdiction over the ground occupied by the national home for disabled volunteer soldiers ut Santa Monica iu favor of the state,.. This is not to interfere with the right of the government to regulate the home. The purpose of the bill is to remove a -doubt as to the right of soldiers to vote. . Clerk's Wise Suggestion. "I have lately been much troubled with dys pepsia, belching and sour stomach," writes M. 8. Head, leading pharmacist of Atlleboro, Mass. "I could ct burdly anything without suffering.' several hours. My clerk suggested I try Kodol' Dyspepsia Cure which I did with most bappy results. J nave had no more trouble and when -one ctn go to eating mince pie, cheese, candy ' and nuts after such n time, tbelr digestion must, be pretty good. 1 endorse Kodol Dyspepsia. ' Cure heartily." You don't have tn diet. Eat all tbe Rood food you want but don't overload tho stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests yojrfood. Chas. Strang. worktrigmen all oveMht I worn wear Levi Strauss ' & Co's copper rrvtltdovtraltt and so should you CWrc aUwc and dutibk A n ay-