15 Minutes sufficient delicious to give you most tea biscuit using Royal Baking Powder as di rected. A pure, true leavener. I wlinro Mm, OwingBand MIbb Mudgu will lonrri photography, Tim W. C. T. U. mcotintt IuhI Tii(jHlity ovoning wan a grand Biie ct'HH, and tho program did much crodil to Minn 1 Initio Van Order, who tiruBided 'over tho meeting in tho almonco of tho prcHidont. A. .T. Bnnll wnntnil to uUund n party, but waft afraid to ilo on account of niilriH in liltt dloiiiuoli, wnion no wiirmi would row wcirn, Ilo BtiyH, "I win Inlllnir my trouble to "b hidy frli-nil, who Haiti: 'Clmmberlnin'H Colin, CJhol- orii mill Diarrhoea llotmuly wlll put you In oontlltlun lor the puny.- i bmiKlit n botllo ntnl tuko plauaura In Htntlnir Unit two (Iodok cured mo nnd miiiblwl inn Ui liuvo n pood tlmo lit tho ,.,iu " Mr. Him it rcniiiiiiiiioi num- I ..,.. i ml N. Y. Thin remedy la lor nlo by CburUis Ktranil, druKKliit. I, OUR COUNTY Correspondents 1 Real Estate Tramfera. I'liiiryxiiK llitlrn lo T J llllainii, loll), VltlM'V VllfW llil'l, JlirKnillviiii- CotnmiliilciitioiiH Iriiin onr Hoy irnl corroHpondKntH inut ronoli tliiH olllon nut hilor linn Wudnt'Hiliiy noon to niHtiru publication. KhkIi' t'oliit ICiiirli-u. nv a. :. IIOWI.KTT. Wo nrc pliiiicud to nolo tlinl Wil liurt Anlipolo In ho far recovered us to ho ahlo to ho around again. A, J. Haloy Iihh received a now Invoioo of go dn thin week ami in doing lotH of huHinoBH IhfHO dnyii. Minn I,ol NlchoU and her coimiu, Mi Scott, aro visiting relative!) and frlomU in Modford and Jackson villi) HiIh week. K, (I. Hrown went to AhIiIiukI IiihI week on ollicial IjiiHincm and while thnro ncctirod u nuinhor of fruit JreeH, which ho intoudx to plant on the old C. W. Taylor place MrH. R. McDonald, who him boon flopping with tho family of Joseph Martin during thoir roct'iit illnoim, Iiiih relumed homo tin thuy have nil nulllolontly recovered no to ho up and around. Mr. Ellis and IiIb son are pro groaning rapidly with thoir ditch and land owners in the SunnyHido liatriul of Kaiilo Point aro figuring .on tmtlina in cm He an acreage of fruit and vfgalable this souhoii. Our little town In fast coming to tho front and Irom all appearances other neoulo roatize that this is a favorable section as woll as wo do, fur nfTnra have been md for real -ttuLiLa hare rorentlv that are far ahead of anything heretofore knerwn in this looality. r.nt week Mesdatnes R. G. Brown and A. L. Hazelton took a trinvcr the neighborhood soliciting nr toe fain W of Mr. Jack ana report nav iiiK micceedod remarkably well, as overy person tney visuea aonaicu something. Our pooplo ore always ready and willing to help those In -distress. Mr. Jaok, whoso residence was recently burned, is erecting a small bouse on the premises, This will answer for a kitohen later on when more lumber can be secured as it Is almost impossible to secure lumber this time of the year. The family are now atopping on the old John son place. 1 Jas. Ringer and ono of his daugh ters. Mrs. Martin, recently from the east, osme out from Central Point one dav lost week to see me couo try and to viMt some old acquaint- nncoB. Mrs. Marun is very iavur . ablv imnressed with the surround ingj and thoy will probably move here in the near future. They were the guosta of Mrs. E. Pool and Mrs. JloWlott. Hilt Sticky Item. II Y l'KOK'8 HAD HOY. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Smith Sun dayed at Mrs. K. J. Roberts. Honry Gregory is suffering with an attack ofullimu, to which ho in yt'"'' MlUJUUl. Mrs. Glum. Iluimroth was tho client of Mr. and Mm, Al. Turpin tint Huniliiy. Jos. WilHon, the KhkIo Point lruKi(iii, Ih vitiltiiiK rehitivoH and friDtulH on the iloHt-rl. Mr. mid MrH. Junius Ownim, Cal vin OwoiiH iiiul BiHl'ir, AgiicB, wore vliilorn at II. I,. Gregory's ono day roi'onily, K. (I, KubeiU and BisterB, Calvin Owens and family, H. C. Turpin and l.ouis .Smith were nil Modford vMtorH hint Thursday. J. W. Smith bus been consider ably imlinpiMi;d for ae.vorul days A bud colli , coiiiliined with a Blight i 1 1 -k of I 1 ion -it 1 1 h-i Beeliffl to have cnuiied the troublo. JoHoph U uli-r, who Iiiih hcuiiBori ouhiv ill with etvBipi'liis lr some time, liui recovered his imunl good health. Dr. Oll'mcr, of Kaglu Point, wns tlio tittmidiiig phyMuiiiu. In apilo of the incliimeiicy of tho weather and tlio bail enniluion ot tho roudu, our echo l Iiiih not cloned Tho teacher, Mifv Hippey, of Cen trul Point, hurt bruvnd the HtonuiuHt days lo make the trip in hr own conveyance from her home to the school house. John NeuHtrom is making some decided improvements on his little (arm. lin is expecting tils lallior and mother, who now are residents of Sweden, to come and make their homo with him soon. John is one of the most inddstrious young men in our community and wo hoie he will not bo disappointed in tho ex pectod arrival of his parents. Will M. r V w V Win Vnll iImqIIii'Iii U K l Twiimii. itrri" III l'l.'i(iniiti:ri!uK prcciiH'i, iiicmhi- lti witiH-r Nt.tr. K i lt"bliln Uillco A W(iri, nml mkmiht-" IlitwlliV AklllnlMI I'llllllllK H" pr'H'iTir i-"! I'linlvi n liiiiwr I" J I) lioltoit. 4 Iniuruat In r. HiTm II AMMInli'l. ' (rl.T l.nml f,ii lo i II Hiillon, It i ri; III y A-ll HIKl JJ'liKrrlnill I" Mil"" Cnlltrnll. 40 ltTP III M'W. Illll i: It llnv li W N .Iiiul " nml T I1 Mn, i!i in nml iwl. tii ivl, r; w.. Klnlt- I" H. liiiiil DMrlirt No Ki, 1 iiitc-iii In h r 'I w ... T K I'm I" A.lclii 1'nl'llniri. ' ' ", limn, i.r n. ni'i'i i ii'i ' i' " 1 ' I,nr' Sllnnlr It II,, I. III. mi nml II K lti.lilil"ili lo Kiiiini'lt lli'i'.iin, nil Ititi-ri'ki nn w-ir in i py It.iliiTt llllii.ii III .1 mnl H ltiililiioir rliihl In lin- Wnni.r rruvk MlnlnK i n wiiiit rmiH mm oii'-ii " W M Tnvliir i'i nx lo i: i: Tnylnr, ni iwri'ii In ..r .m. If r i " KlUnl... h l.nv.'iil.iiril lo r M M AiluinK- Ion. In! ft. -r li. 11. n-j. r i w. . . - KIInlK'th I.HVi-iilniflf lo Nimli lliuniniT, lot 1. 'I, 7. M, V Itll.l I". OIK I. ril'M-iiix a"' Mill. Inh l olv.ir lo Mnry A Mt-yvr. l"l nml I. i.ik rtioiMiix A ll.-ii liiivl- toil w HHM'lii n"ii, iirnpi.Tty Iti IiiK I i It II It'IU. A-llinii'l II K lloliln.oli i't il lo r.mlintt n pon, in.ici m n i. Ill ii.i. r :i lml'nrri'1 IK In 11 ItolM-rt", prolMTiy In li l.l No VI, IT Al. r i w J J Itrown to Mmtttn Wlrlimmi. ID new I., ..... a. it, :r., r w I' M Hlovlii, Hr. lo Mnry llli'rln i-t l, .r...,-rfv III A.nimin Joi.ili I'oli.y In J K Iti'iiili r. miiiiintciniin III inviMlMirl ilt-trlrl Il.'n Tliiir.ton to Jnir(iliii Ki'.ti'r. plnl-iif m nllllt i lillin III A i,liuiin! ni-iriri. . .. II A Mi'nr In lllni kwi'll lllll Mlnlnic 'o, oi in.'; mm .-."4 oi ";. i rlw - In i'robate Court. n lh mntliT ol i-hIhii' ol I'hlllp Slillli.n; lirojHTly i.irilni'il ii -iii,i.'-i-.. Ill IIH' lllitiiiT oi riiir .i i.iihwi,' . .."..'.. tilrr milo Hint WuillK'mlir, Jiinry I... VH. .u. .... l... I.,r IIokI Ki'lll.-lllfllt. Ill inntlrr ol i-iilHti. ol nrlon r. Hincnr; w-nir nrlinl ruKirt nl .lltiliilftirmi.r aiNvi.tvu Jmiunry 0, IwrJ, i ily lor lliml lii'iirliiK. in lliu inmiiT oi ii mi- i p..n.n .... v-. , ... A imri ...I .lav for Hull lii-Hrlllir. In tin- innttof of otm ol II lilwhur; orJcr lor imlo ol rt-l iir..H-rty. In the inmti-r ol tttc ot W T Iovcr. tn In f-oinK'li-nt iHTMin; w in u Lver ui.-iuioih.--i 1m; aiHiiutcil itiinriiiiin. Cliamberlalu's Stomach and Liver Tablets. 1ITO 30 2.V) son 3l Try them Vt bun you ieoi aim aiter cbhuk Whan vnll haVO DO aDDdllt). When you have a bad taste Id tbe tnoutti. When your liver la lorpiu. When your bowels are constipated. When you havo a headache. Whon coil Infil btlloua. Thoy will Improve your appetite. HIS. CHRISTMAS PIPE. . V Woman' Mnllvltada und a Tobnoeo Dnalnr' I'erfldr. The buebelor luul been Invited to a Christmas dinner.. Vlls friend and his friend's pretly wife were Just vying with each oilier la their efforts to dis pel from bis soul tho gloom supposed to eiiinii to the man without a home upon this day nliovu all olliei-s. They had wined him and dined him, und now Unit they were Healed In the li brary fiielng tho biimliiK logs In the lliepliieo the hosti'SH brought out tlio bachelor's Christmas present. It was a bilerwood pipe, with a beautiful curved mouthpiece ns traiispnreiit as Klnss. "Now, I. boiiKht this myself," Hhe ex plalniMl sweetly, "and I told the pipe mini that If you didn't like It ufter smoldui; It I was KQllig to make him exchange It You must try It now." This the bachelor proceeded to do, lunlchiK his hostess for her solicitude In. picking; out the pipe herself. - I think the moiithplecu Is sueli pretty, clear amber," she went on ns she saw her guest slick It between his teeth and begin pulling auny. "Yes. It's remarkably pretty," ho as sented, but there was Just a tinge of oubt In his tone. Tlio bachelor snt In his cbnlr, with tho mouthpiece between his teeth and two lingers of Ills left hand clasped ubout the sti smoking very peace fully when there was a sudden blind Ina llnnh before Ills eyes, a fierce pain t the tip of his tongue and n clouu or iiirnihoi- smelling smoke rising to the elllng. The bowl of the pipe fell to he Hour mid the burning tobacco wns kpllled upon the carpet. The month Icec had vanished. Tlio Hostess screamed, the two men sprung to their leet. What happened?' cried the woman In iiliiiui. Oh, nothing." explained her hus band, "except Unit your bcantinil am ber mouthpiece Is celluloid and has burned up." Then he stamped out the- miming tobneco nml gazed ruefully ut the big hole lu Hie carpet. Oh," exclaimed the hostess to the bachelor ax blushes came to her cliecks and tears to her eyes, "what enn I say? That horrid pipe man? Ha promised so faithfully that he wouldn't swindle me." The bachelor didn't know rpiltc what to say himself. He- had a Hole in tue end of his tongue, and this didn't help him any In chooHlng the right words, but he mnnnged to stutter that he was sure It wasn't her fault and that all plpo men wore born villains. Itemembcr, my clear, remariteu me husband, with a reminiscent smile, "that the good Lord never Intended women to bo good Judges of cigars, tobacco or pipes." New York Sun. Women anil Jewels. Jewell, onndy, flowers, man that It the order ol a woitmn s preluroneos. Jawela term a magnet ol mighty uowor lo the avuraga woman, Kven that greatest ol all Jewels, health, I olton ruloed in the stronuous efforts to mako or save the money to purohnso them. If a woman will risk hur health lo get a cleanse and invigorate your stomach covoiea gum, men let ner lormy nor- nn,i regulate your liver ana oowon self against tho Inalduuiis conscouencea pur ,a0 by elms. Strang, druggist. oi oougns, coius unu ornouiuni nuuu' tlon by thu regular uso ol Dr. lioscboo'a German Byrup. It will promptly arrest consumption In Its early stages and boat mo aircctcd lunga nnu nrononiai lubes and drive the dread dlsoase from the system. It Is not a ouro-s.ll, but it 1 a oorlu In euro or cough9, colds and all bronohlal troubles. You can got Dr. Q. 0. Green'a reliable remedies at Uhaa Strang's. Got Green Special Almanau. ninlng Locations. ft.n ll lltiin liiatiKl a nllKrUcUlm iu I'leRR' .... .ll.trli-t llitnlM-r -JS. ltllll. W 1, Mririllfl. IOl-SU-11 UIC I.lH-fcT wuivi i..u llimll claim in 8U1 rcc uiainvt ,in .... J W Thom.Min lorti"l tlio Mountain Bm-k liiarli elaliu III Tbomiou creek district No- roniour j. iwi. SOUTH AFRICAN WAR. Woodville Hems. HIS FIRST CHRISTMAS TRE 1 dM 'ty't not t Hoy In town - 'At'i iutkkr 'an me, Tbum mamma nil Ju' t me hurt My Arittua Trltmua tr( An' I don't want no dinner nei No aui(er, too, Uiio .-' si- 1 Jua' ct up a rofrttter, n' 1 t my bMrM ptvrt', ' I lii to to vat itl totfi9, Imt v t Y.y't cjti'ly, ilon't yuu svet f t . An' ll'l' Isjllrn own what' ob -S. 'Kl' ' i ; Flrtmjt J ' Trlrnut ; - $ ; Trcol i; I.fotin six candy cJilrkarm, on ;',-? IJimrlty I t(Mn' a Iirn. v 'At lin rud '-Andy fealtier on! It tnstd iru-d, an' ntn Tli em thickurrt hart no mother, trtf I t lioo jf lit wtiat will they iU1 I thotjtfltt an' tli'uht an' tliouglit, an'' nn I at them eMrketia ttol An' ncn I played my drum, an' pa, Haya, "Stop 'at rowt" taya ha. Can't HT (el I era jrlay wljat'a oa Kir H r.t II j a ' ' Trlimua Tree? , ' An1 nen I looked aroun' an o6ktSt. 4 An nn I aaya, "What alls . . , 'At funny lookin' allyphant, ' Vausa he haa ot two tallaf" ' I One on each end he had, an' nen. ' " I ot the blffitea' one. , I: dew 'at cllyphant wia (rUd, . Atauae when I waa done lie looked like he waa aaylo', "Pleayip Eat up a rcat of mcl" All ll'l' fellcra mlmJa whai'f t ' . Kir , . Flrstsus . itl Trlimua - - Tree! ' -' , 1 thought I'd rat some candlta, toov But 'cy didn't tail Jua' right; Ldca 'tj on'y laate cood when -. It'a dark an' late at nlghtJ Art nen a rabbi ft ear I tried. ' An' ncn I aaye: "Bee hcrel f;- " You bee' jua tat 'at rabbit, too, ' Atauae fl wuta ita earl" Kow, rabbi tica 'ey want 'elr earav 'At'e very plain to ace. An' ll'l' feller kelps wbat'a on 'Kir " FlriUua :: jjt. . J"?" Hi; So I don't want no dinner ner ' .!l,f-: K .r.r n I rim 'I .1' ' I won't want any brfakfuaa, tatitt - V1' I got to take reVI ' Vj 'Eyra taKKvr an' 'ey'i Honaea, ,.,'( . An' ncn 'ey'a poptorn, too, ' . An gingerbread I I don't know woe. I ever will get ffcwl 1 dm 'ey'a not a boy In town Aia luckier 'an me. ' )i Tauae li'l' fl!cra owna what'a o Kir Fiiftaua V Trlsmua Treel Baltimore American. Forewarned, ; ' ; , Forearmed Tlie liability to disease is ereatly lefsened whea the blood is In good con dition, andthccirculation healthy una . vigorous. For then all reluse mattet is nromntlv earricd out of tho system J otherwise it would rapidly accumulate '. - fermentation would take Dlace, U1C blood become polluted and the const!- tution so wcakenca that a simple malady might result seriously. A health v. active circulation means i good digestion aud strong, healthy nerves. , . As a blood purifier and tonic S. S. a. has no equal. It is the safest and best remedy lor old people and children because it contains no minerals, but U made exclusively of roota and herbs. , No other remedy so thoroughly and effectually cleanses the blood of Im purities. AtHK same time it builds up the weak and de bilitated, and reno- ,r vates the entire sys-' tern. It cures permanently all mannet of blood and Bkin troubles. . ; : Mr. E. E. Kallr. ot Urban. O.. writoar ' " I bad Eczema on my hands and f ao lot . , flvs years. It would break out tn llttla . white puatnlea, oruata would form ana drop off, leaving; the akin red and Inflam ed. Tbs dootora did me so good. I uaed . til the medioated aoapa and salvea without orient. B. 8. 8. oured me, and my akin . j la m olear and smooth aa any one's." Mm. Hunrr Blirlrld. ol CaM MlT.H. jr., saya that twenty-one bottles of B. S. 8. , eured ner or uancer oi in Droaax. iw - . ana mends toougiu ner oaae Bops- . enecuiaiiy cicuns. ' Riohard T. Gardner. Florence, 8. C. nflered for yeara with Bolls. Two bot tlea of 8. B. B. put hla blood In good con dition and tna lions aisoppearea. , , , Send for our free book, and write our physicians about your case. . Medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. ATLANTA. 6A. GO EAST VIA Pleaannt Illatake. Walkln' beneath the mistletoe may fro a mlstnke on the part uv a youcg tody, but I can assure her It Is likely tew be a very pleasant one. Slnco tlio arrival of Uoneral Ian Ham. 11 ton at Pretoria Lord Kitolioiior das Dersoually tukou tho Held aud Is dlreot- iug the moremoutt of tho troops. Qouoral Uruco Ilamiltou, after anight uiunjli, capturod praotically tho whole of (lie Uocliel (Transvaal Colony) com uiundo at 'X'riohnrdsfouteiu. Seveu iioers were killed and 131 made prla ouers. ' A later dispatch says that Qou- eral Bruco Hniniltou, aftor a long night Aaron Heck has returned homo from Wolf Creek. U. V. Owings has six head ot cattle, which ho would like to soil Matt Scott in omployeil at tho Calvort mine, on Quoon's branch. Miss Iiiicv Swasartv siicnt seV' oral days in Grants Pass last week, maroh, surprised Plot Viljoou's laagor Joo Shirley and family havo ftt ,,T T . n, .1 , i .i.' uuDturod 70 anuod prisouors. Mauy moveu io vown w apuiiu mo wiiHor. otflor4 wonl(lod Bud wcr8 ioft at Mrs. R. Stevens and Mrs. Viola MIIDI, ono of Uousou's gnus was ro- Sackott visited at Mrs. Birdsey's captured, tho olhor having boon de SuihIuV. stroyod. Tho rocaptureil guu was iu Mr .T K. f!v ami Miaa HaUio Bu 0"'r " w" U!reu V.nrinliiiinlrJIni. in f i-a nQ "lH Don't Rub It In. All ACHES AND PAINS LOOK ALIKB TO Scotch Remedy 1 There are fuwr (rood reason! why every household s 'ould use this remedy I Mrt It peiietrntes quicker and doepat limn any known rainady. Heaoill-It remnvpa natn and aoreness At once, and will not soil or dlscoler th Bkln or nlnllilno. (Third It oonulns no ohlorofnrtn, ethn ammonia, oapsioum or Iodine and I 1 not volatile. Fourth TJei'suia It is lha only safe, qulolt and hnmileas remedy found on Uis mat-Kiit. old by all drugglsta at 10 cents. 8C0TCH REMEDY COMPANY iWaattra Agiaoy tan raHCUC Pass Wednesday. " Miss Mabel Schindlor wn'8 visit- nc relatives and friends in Sams Valley lust wcok. Mrs. J. E. Cox and Miss Addio Jones wero visiting in Gold Hill ono day last wcok. Tho frosty nights aro making A disiHileh from Zululnud, delayed iu trutiMiiiiisiou, tells of uu aotioiruoar Luiiobori;, Trausvnnl, in wluoli Uoui- uiandaiii LiAiis liotlui was shot in ihu left log bulow tho ltuoo. Ho escaped oiilv bv crawlluK into tho bush. His fullowors sV thoy do uot know wherj Uotlui is now. Tho dispatch adds that tho British took 8J prisouors. OhnrKos of killing the British wouudod tho fnrnicra n littlo unoasy about aro "Still being nuulo uguiust the Boors. their full Bown grain. Died On Evans crook, Decem ber 10, 1901, Robert Montgomorj aged oighty-Iour years Hardy Kon worthy, who has beon nuilo ill with la crilU'O, is nblo to rcstiino worn on uio bcchou Tlo'nrv Bedford, who has been visiting Ins BiBlor in v nsmngion for Rfverul woeltB, has roturnocl homo. JaincB Ciulv, who lias beon oni ployed at tho Goltllmg mine, nciiv Cilondalo, for boiuo timo, is visiting rolutivoH hero. Misses Mudgo Owings and Addio and Mary Jones and Muster David Jones wero doing Christinas trad ing in Gold Hill Saturday. 0", W. Owings hits rented tho farm upon which ho is now living to W, L. Putton, and oxpocts to move to Medford in tho near futuro, Survivors ol Uolonol Bousou's eoininuud at UrugeuBluuulu sny that unarmed and wouudod mou lyiug nrouud tho guns wero killed at oloso raugo, and that many sniTerod toriuro', boiug robbod and strinnod of thoir olothlug uotwicustaiiQ' Inir their wounds aud brokou limbs. Lord Kltohotior says that ovidoutly tho Boer loaders aro no longer nolo to ro- ' press umrdor and outrago ou tho part of thoir suuonltnatos. , , ,. A Good Cough. Medicine. ' Prom the Qnzotto, Toowoomua, Australia, i I find Chamborlttln'a Cough Remedy Is itn uxoollont modlolno. I havo beon aiinwlntr from a sovero oouch for the lust two months, and It has effected a ouro. I have groat plousuro in reoo innndlnir it. W. C. Wookner. This Is the Qplnlon ol ono t our oldeBt and ...nat. vnonnnted resldonts. and has beon voluntarily glvon In good talth that oii.ni-a mn trv tho romodv and be bon- nlltnd. ns was Mr. Wookner. This rom- ody is sold by Charles Strang, druggist. Subsoribo for Tub Maii,, ROAST TURKEY. now to Srlfct and Prt-pare the Bird For the Table. Select a nleo young turkey of ten pounds In weight, singe, draw and wash It quickly In eold water, then wipe It dry with a towel. Season the bird lnsldo as well as outside with one teasnoouful of salt In all. Soak one' half pound of bread two days old Id cold water till soft. Inclose It In a nap kin and press out all the water. Plnee a saucepan with one tnblespoonful of lettuce and two tublcspoonfula of flue chopped onions over the fire, stir nnd cook five minutes without browning. Then add the bread, stir and cook Ave minutes. Ucmove, and when eold mix It with one pound of sausage meat, season with ono even tenspoonful salt. one-hnlf tenspoonful thyme and one- quarter tcnspoonfnl pepper. Fill tho cron and body with this forcemeat, sew It up and truss nicely. Cover the breast and thighs with thin slices Of larding pork, tie It firmly with a cord, lay the turkey a roasting pnn, pour over two ounces of melted butter aud place the nnn In a medium hot oven to roust Bnste freely with Ita own gravy tin tue bird Is light -brown on all sides, then odd a little water. Continue to roast, basting freaueutly till done. A turkey of ten pouuds will take two nnd one- half hours cooking, rlnce the giblets tn a snncepnn covered with cold water over tho flrc, ndd one tenspoonful or suit, and when It bolls ndd a small onion. Cook till done .Shortly before serving lny the turkey ou a hot dish remove the skewers nnd strliiBS, free the crnvv from nil fnt, mix one tnble spoonful of cornstarch with one-half cupful of cold water, add lo It the crnvy. stir nnd cook a few minutes, thou ndd sulllclent glblet broth to mnko ouo Dint of snuco. Cook five minutes, strain, "through a sieve, rub the liver fine with a spoon, ndd to the gravy anil sorve. Kvory Idol Una Ita Day, Saw Death Sear. It often made my heart ache, "writes L. C. Overatreet, of Elgin, Tenn., "to hear my wife cough until it seemed her weak and sore lungs would collapse. Good doctors said she was so far gone with Consumption that no medicine or earthly help could save her, bat a mend recommended nr. rung s Jew Discovery and Dersistent use of this ex cellent medicine saved ber life." It'a absolutely guaranteed for coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and all Throat and Lung diseases. 50o and $1.00 at Cbas. Strang's drug store. Trial Dottles Iree. ' ' II 111 turn now. New Sttsi ana Quickest Lie; TO St. Paul, Duluth, Minneapolis, Chicago ana an points tast. Through Palace anal TotarUt Sleeps, Dining & Buffet Smoking Library The total unmber of deaths in the last six months iu the concentration campi is 13,941, the majority of the vio tlms being children. The medical offi cers attributethe high death rate to the ignorance and tllthy habits ol cne ttoera. Within three months 10,000 refugees are expected to return to Johannesburg. Market Keport. DAILY TRAINS FAST TIME SEBVICB AND SCENERY UNEQUALED. cata lo nolnts East via Portland and ta GREAT NORTHERN RY OS sale at Southern. Pacific Depot Ticket otBce, or GREAT MOaV THERN Ticket Offlce. 122 THIRD STREET, PORTLAND - For Rates. Folders aad full Information. r- frarding Eastern Trip, call on or address A. B. C. DENNISTON, - City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Ponlaad SOUTH AND EAST VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC COIPiHT. snasta Route way stations at 4:21 P. X. A. M. and tfit Tho following are the nrices paid by our merchants thia week (or farm pro duce. This list will be changed eacn week as the nrices chance: Wheat . ou Oats 45 Flour 11.70 per loo lbs Trains leave Medford for Portland Barley uc - - Mill Feed 90o " " Potatoes 11.25 " " Eggs, 30c per dox Rutlnr. 20c Der lb B-ns,dry, 8to03J " lb Bacon.. 15 " lb Hams 15 " Ik Shoulders 10 " lb Lard 12i " lb Hogs live 04i " lb Don't tie the top of yonr Jelly and preecrvojars lu iboold fashioned way. Benl thorn by the now, quick. li -l 'J ys Nsm MM w w Lr. Portland. . 8:90 a. m 80p.m- L.v. Medford U:i5p. m 11 rX v m Ar. Ataaland 12:55 a, n IS :3& p. m Ar. Sacramento 5:10 p. m &:00 v m At. 8an Pranolaco 7:45 p. m 8:46tv OKden 4 :55 a. id 7:0QaWaa Denver 9:30 a. m 9JS awm KansasClty 7:96 a. m 7:25 a a Chicago 7:42 tfcm 8J8d,m. Ar. Los Angelea I 20p. iu 8rfa-m Ar. El Paso 6:00 p. m 60p.. Ar. Fort Worth 6:30 a. a O'Oa. m Ar. City of Mexico 11:30 a. m 11:30 a.m. Ar. Houston 7 :00 a. m 7 flO a. m Ar. New Orleans 6:90 p. m 0:30 p. n Ar. Washington 6:42 p. m 6:4Sa.ia Ar. New York 12:10p.m 12:10p.m. absolutely suroway by a inin coawnsroi mro Rcflned Faralline. Haa no tAato or odor. Is air went ana noui proof. Easily applied. UHOful In ndocen other ways about tho house. Full directions with each cake. r Bold everywhere. Made by STANDARD OIL CO. mmmmm mum L. Day, Pullman and Tourist Cars on both trains. Chair cars Sacramen to to Ogden and El Faso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis, New Orl eans and Washington. Conneotlnir atSau Francisco with tho sot- I eral steamship linos tor Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Contral and South America see agent al aiouioru Bullion ur auurew -.: C. H. MARKHAM, . . Q.g Si P A . PORTLAND ORIQON. butler; 7 JEVELER. and Painter Decorator Santn Clnua' Kork World, Sntisfaction guaranteed in both work and prices flEDFORD, OREQON Watch Repalrlns Ho,?f SSI