auijya I V X M The United States Gov ernment Report shows Royal Baking Powder to be stronger, purer and better than any other. fOUR COUNTY ... CorrespondentsJ ComtminluitlioiiH Irmn our huv oral oorruHpoiidunlH iiiiimI nmeh IbiH oMico not later 1 1t tit Wudnomluy noon to niHiiro pulilioutlon. Khk'i' I'olni K. n ic let . nv a. ;. IIOWI.KTT. Rov, nud Mrn. Mnoiiuiw vi:nt lo Tiik-ut IiihI l-'iiiluy, returning Kim luy. Prank f.o v!h look Ihh BiHtisr-i n lmv, Mrn. I )n v til Hall, to bur bmiiu, moor Woi'dvillf, lnt week. Snvaral of Ibo fiinnda of Mm. A. M. Tlioiiiim unit at her limmo bint Saturday niglil mid n-port liuviny Jnul a vory i-iij'iyulilo tiino. .MiiH Clnrii Hiuhiirdfiin nt tin ublo to tniicih (or a few day a IhhI wnck on uacount of nloknuBii, and Jl:-8 Donna H-.-il lUli.'d bur plueo. Thorc is a mnvoirmnt on foot to lisvo a box fouinl duriiiK tlio holi luya for tho bum-fit of llm Biinputi- Hion fool briilito bore, winch ia vory much In novd of ropnir. Quito a number of our c-itizoti" mu at tho Dunkard Church IiihI wook and iniulo iirrniiniiieiil8 lo colohrnto tho coming ClritniiiB fuHilvltic-B In tho usual way. Thoro Ib coiwitlorntrin talk of ronl tato in llilu Hvclinn changing lianda. Sirangorii j ix't through hero every week inquiring tho price and character of litnd and aovural offora bavo boon mado on difforuut places. Jaa. Ringur, our paintor and pa por hangor, loft Saturday for Con tra! Point, whore ho ha iontd a house and expects to niol bin chil dren tbia week, lie rould not He cure a bouse here, bo was compelled to seek one eluewhore, but will re turn aa soon as one can be obtained. He la talking of buying properly here. MisB Mattia Taylor came near meeting with a seilous accident one day last week while out iioraouacit r dins. Iter bono ueoamo ingm cued and threw hor ufT in a deep mud hole and then started for home She was considerably bruised and Hhakon. aa welt as thoroughly lrenoliud with mud and waUir, but fortunately no serious damage was -done. A proposition has been mado by J. Prank Brown to erect a town hall to be used for all social and roilglouB purposes, free of cost. He says tbia oan bo done if the citizenB will alve a bonui of 1200. and tho indt -calloiiB are that it will bo raised as the people are all very anxious to seaure a ulaoo where we can meet without the constant dread of a fate lik-' the Silver Luke holocaust. Last Friday morning the reti dence of Mr. Jack was burned to tho ground. The family woro all absent from homo oxocpt Mr. and Mrs Juck and tho tiro had suoh a houdway when It was disoovored that they could do nothing. Kvery thing was loBt including $100 in money, except a fow pieces of furni ture, three bioyolou and gome difllieB. Mysterious Pain Cure A Scotch Remedy U the greatwt abiorbcat In lb world tud doe In work through tu pores of the iklo. Don't Rub It In imply wet Iht micloi) put ftMly wllh Ini rainxly and ta i Ctw aata atia lha paia la rcia- ,Th bart pbyilclani nsa It, prancrlbo it and undo with the g eueral publlo In laying I "SwcA Rtmtdy is iht bist txlerttal rtmtdy known." , aold by all dragaiat at ga aaata 8C0TCH REMEDY CO. Waatara A fan 07 BAN FRANCISCO A Buhici'lpllon paper was circulated und gift in chbIi raised in a fow ininuli-B, A part of Ibo money which wiib gold, was found but in a incited condition and can b ro eoiued. Tho lire in Hiippoxiid to bavo caught from a oonl or firo be ing dropped on tho lloor whan a lire whh built In th heater. TIioho good people, hiivo tho nymputliy ol the entire neighborhood, ns they are an iifr-il couple and bavo quite, a fiiiuily to uupporl. KAlll.K POINT HI'IIOOI, IIKI'OllT. Following hi llm ncIiOiiI report of ICiikIii Point school, for tonn ending Nov. 211, UIO I: Number of iIiij-h tiiught, CI; days iilloiiiliinro, 2S,'l(i; dnvH iilicent, 8(11; cn-cn of tiirilini-K", I l.'l; number boys emolleil, girin, i'A); total, 75; niiw pupils bnya, 5; (lirln, (I; total, 11; nv(!rng iittoiidiiuce, M; aver lfu of iiuiiiher pupils belonginp, (il J. A. limn, I'riie ipul. Hntlii-Knoil ,Niiiini-iis'p. Anntlier ridiculous food fail dan been lruiidt'd by iliu must e(iiipeiei)tutithurl ll-. 'l'liev liiivu illniwlli cl Ihu silly no tion thm into kiml ul food In nm- li-d for lirulii, ntiullier (or imin-lei, unit niill an other lor Imiium. A com-nl dlol will mil only noiirlah n iiurilcuhii- part ul llm Doily, hut 11 will Minium i-vcrv ollie. Iarl. S'et, howiv.rr t-oml vuur food inav be, Us milrltiKWil 1h Uetroyed by lniliifeitllon or dvRiHtila. i oil mont nreimro for llielr iiiiiM-iiranco or lire vuni ineir eonniii; oy uikiuif reguiur ! ol invi.' A ii t-ii -I l-'iower, the favoi'llo iiiedlelnu of thu heulthy mil lioiiH. A fun- dimva aldn dlguallon, mlinulateii thu liver U) hoallhy notion, miillim thu liloiHl, and intiknt you luul iiuovanl und viiroruim. Vou can cut l)f. O. O. Gi-eon'a niiiahlu ruinodiOH at Uhnii. Hlrailg Out tircoo's Kpcclul Aim innu. Mails Crook Items. II V M. H. E. J. J. Dunkin returned from As toria Sunday. Geo. Tavlor returned from Grants Pass Monday. Frank Lawrenco was a Modford visitor last woek. O. Tavlor made a trip to Gold Hill tho first of tho week. M bs Mamie Olson was the guest of Miss Lizzie Dunkin Sunday. Alex. Morris was at tho Bill Nye mine Wednesday upon business Miss Hatlie Katnn, of Medford was tho guest of Mrs. Lawrence Sunday. Snow fell to tho depth of six inohoa at the head of the creek last Thursday. Mr. Graham, the Blackwell hill ocket hunter, baa moved onto the Taylor place. D. Wiltrout, of Sterling, passed through here Tuesday on his way to Grants Pass. The roads in this section re bet tor this winter than is usual foi this time- of the year. Our school, of which Miss Lulu Newton is teacher, will close Urtuay with an entertainment. H. B. Olson and family spent Thanksgiving with M. Dame wood and family, of Hlackwell lull. Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Olson, ol Talent, were visiting relatives at Gold Hill and on Galls creek last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wullors moved to Gold Hill lust week. We regret their removal from this neighbor hood. There will bo a dance at D ITorn'B on Friday night of this week. Everybody invited to at tend. GRMN-0! GRAIN 0! Remember that name whon yuu want adullulouB, nppotizliiK, nourishing tooa drink to lako tho ol nee ol oolfeo. Sold by all grocers mid liked by all who have used It. Grnln-O Is made of puro grain, 11 aids rilgoallon and strengthens tho Hei-vcs. It Is not a stimulant but a health bnlldnr and tlio oblldren as woll ns the adults oan drli k It with great tmnnlU. Coats about i as inuoh as cot foo. 15o. and 2f)o. nor package. Ask your grocer for Grnln-O. Klines Creek Hems. UV SINK DIE. Wm. Hioinbothom, of Medford was visiting relalivos here recently Prof, nud Mrs. Fostor were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Swindon bunday Tool Slnunr und Elmer Iliciti- IfUU I '" .... u bothnm wore Modford visitors last woek. Cunid hns been v.... playing havoo with our young people lately. Three imirrluiroB have lakun punt throo wouks, and still ulriu holla keop rlriKinff Tom Button, of tho lioarlna Gim lot initio, wan a Crniitft PuoB vitltor limt wuolc. X Minn Bmdon, of Indiana, arrived' rccunlly for u vioit with hor fiithor, Dr. J (IB. lirudun. MrH. 1C. JlhoU-n, who lmfl beon (iiitu ill, 1h no buttor at DiIh writing, wo aro Horry to Buy. Prof. Focl'ir huH organized a clans in muHiu and will undoubtedly provo to bo an oxcollorit instructor. Kobt. ftwindun, who nan boon Buf fering with nourulgia, 1h improving mid ublo to rcHUuio work in his ine Tho dnnco last Suturday night at ie Ivanns creek opera bouso was a grind nlluir. Owing to bad weather tho bull will bo closed until spring. Mr. and Mrn. Welch, of Cenlralia, Wash., aro here upon a vluit to Mr. and Mrs. Roundtreo and to look at tho country. Mrs. Welch is adaugh tor of h.r. and Mrs. Roundtroo. Klmer Nichola wiHhoa to an noiiuco that ho will have u dunce I biH pluco Priduy night, Dec. 27th. II am cordially invited and a good mo iH iiIwiivb insured IIioho who attend Mr. Nichols' dnncoH. Tick- Is including supper $1.00. Saw Death. Near. "It often made my heart iu:he,"wrltuB . C. Ovei-Ktreet. of Kluln. Tunn., "to ii.-iir in v wife coutrh until it neeined her weak ii ml Boro 1 u n i;h would collupKo. ood uoulom niuil nh wan no lar Kone llli CnnHuiniillon that no medicine or earthly huli could i-uvo hor, but a Irli-ncl recimmunded ur. Klnn ew Dlxeovory und nersiBtent use of thin ex- ci lk-nl ini-dlulnu suvud her life." It a buoiutoly guuraiiU:vu for coughB, otiin, iiroiichliiB, Aninmii nnu un hroat a ml Lumr dini-anes fiOo and 1.00 at OhiiH. Blrani' drug Btoru. rial bolllen free Trail Creek Items. Miss May Wilson 1b spending the winter with relatives in California. J. C. Hannah has beon rounding up his cattle for several days past. Horn On November 30tK to Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur Morrison, a eon. Charlio Briscoo was viBitine with Harvey Inlow Saturday and Bun- jay. Fred Inlow made a trip to Med ford last Thursday, returning home Saturday. Mrs. Levi Dawson and daughter, . I J 1 1 1 n Ul U . 1C . . II Q IU V M .IU uqd dale Sunday. l.n.n n m .nailinn M ra Tana Rava. T. B. Dawson and son, Robert: are fencing in more land on their homestead this winter. J. T. Pry, of Griffin oreek, baa moved up on Trail creek, having bought the Geo. Justus place. Mr. Tarbell, recently from Michi gan, has purchased land on upper I rail creek and naB moved ma lam ily onto it. Mrs. A. A. Hall, who has been sufloring for the past six weeks with inUammatory rheumatism, is slowly impioving. Geo. Jackson, of Medford, stopped tt the Trail house Thursday while m bis way to the west branou of frail oreek, where be was taking a load of supplies for the King brothers. Pall sown grain is looking fine Nearly all of the . farmers in this -teotion got a K-od share of their rain in quite early, as we never had a more favorable season for fall sowing. Thos. Martin, an enterprising young man of upper I rail oreek had the misfortune to have his house, together with all its con tents, destroyed by fire one day last week. Mr. Martin was away from home at the time and it is not known how the fire started. Coughs And Colds In Children. Recommendation of a Well Known Chicago Physician. 1 uso and ni-eocrlba Chamberlain' Cough Remedy for almost all obstinate lonntrictcd coughs, with direct r.-Bulta uruBorlbe It to ohildren of all acres Am glad to reoommond it lo all In neod and stcktnir reliof from solas and ooiiKha and bronohlul allliotlons. Hie non-narcotic and safe In the hands of tho most unpn uosatonnl, A univorsal pnnnuon for all mankind. Mrs. Mary R. Melendv. M. D.. I'll. D.. Chluuco. II. This remedy Is for sale by Charles Strang, arugeist. riming Locations. Curl Clfur loontcil nlneor cllm In Sterling mlnlnfjE iltntrlrt Novombor JO, 191)1. J 11 Shimkn located n quartz ulalm lu Foots Creole milling illatrlct October 7, 1'JlU. market Report. Tho following nro tho prices paid by our niorohantB this wook for farm pro duce This Hat will bo changed each week as tho prloos ormngo: Wheat 60 45 Onta Plour Barloy. . . . Mill Pood. Potntooa,.. EgRa, Buttor .81.70 per 100 lbs ...80o " " " ....90o" " " . 1.25 " " " 30o por doz ...... -20a per lb ...3to03t " lb D-aii9, dry,... i Bacon 16 " Ib Hams 15 ..." lb r.i , i in : II! lu 'onouiuoro, n - iu Lard).....' ,.m " lb Hogs livo .Mi lb - OF EARLY DAYS VihoiBK, Idaho, Deo. 1. 1901t. jjrroii. Mki;poiij Mail: I was very, much uurpriHod to receive a copy of your pape om Jackson ville a fow days ago, containing a tribute to tho memory of my old friend, Henry Klippol. This ad monishes mo that many of the old tlmerB, and those younger than- I, too, aro paosing away. Vour article is well written and bringa to mind many of the trage dies enacted in Southern' Oregon from '51 to '60. It's a wondor I now retain any hair on top of my head, as it waB at the disposal of the Umpipja, Grave Creok. and Rogue Kivor Indians at any and all times. I think they had more chances to have made me bald- headed than any other person in Southern Oregon. Barney K.Simmons and I located tho Gravo creek ranch in Decem ber, 'ol, being the first to make a mark of civilization there. It was considered tho worst point on the then mere trail between Oregon and California. In 1853 I stopped there by myself, when othors traveling through could not be induced to camp for the night. A grave was made there for Miss Leland Crowly, emigrant girl from Missouri, who died from coneumption and was iulorrod there in 1850. Dur ing tho war of '55-0 Grave creek was made the headquarters of Souiht-rn Battalion and called Fort Leland. You say Mr. Klippel participated n tbe battle of Hungry Hill Octo ber 30th. I had forgotten tbe exact late but thought it was the fore part of November, for I well remem her it wa a pretty cold, frosty night when all the different com panies left our place to tramp dowo the creek single file in the daik. I bad been to Roseburg after sup plies and got back just in time- to see them Btart. There must have been three companies of volunteers from Jackson County, two from Douglas County, three or four from the Willamette and CspU A. J. Smith's company of regulars from Fort Lane. There were perhaps eighty or ninety armed bucks. They bad taken a soap shot at us a few days before on Cow creek while we were on the wing. The bullets came whistling by and made beautiful music, only it was pitched on such a blood curdling, hair rais ing key that none of us seemed to enjoy it except Barney Simmons. He was away back in the rear. X sung out to him "You 11 have to hurry, Barney, or get left." He said, "No, d if any Injin could run him." About that time a bullet went zip through bis shirt and burned his shoulder. He hunched, shrugged his shoulders looked back to see wbere it came from and consented to take a dog trot into camp. Well, the night the hoys left our place all bo cheery they little knew what they would run into. I had quite a talk with one of Capt. Smith's lieutenants before they started, and he gave me their plana. He said scouts had been out and had located the Si wash camp. They were on an eak Hat about eight miles down the oreek. "They were to start . after dark so as not to raise the suspicion of the natives; would time them selves to reaoh the camp before day light and surround them, and on first move of a redskin commence the slaughter. "Why," said ''you woa't kill squaws and ail?' "Ob, yos, we will; don't propose to leave anything to breed." I had to smile. I had made "Injin" a spe cial study and knew thorn as well as they knew themselves, and there was not an Indian on lower Rogue river, Grave creek, Cow oreek or South Urai,qua but what knew me, and I knew a number of them that did not know what fear was. They would face anything that wore hair. The Southern Battalion started dowu the creek that cold,' frosty, moonlight night. It was a weird soene. All were on foot and each man had a pair of blaukeU, a pone r bread, a slice of bacon and a gun, all muzzle loaders of course. Re sult They surrounded tho cemp all O. IC, but as thny closed in on it they found only the embers of thirty or forty campfirns, and not a living thing. They then took tbe trail which led them directly into a death trap. Tho Indians had passed over the ridgo and gone down into a deep canyon in a dense forest of fir trees and underbrush. They fought them thore all day, slept on their arms that night, und were to charge them at the crack of day. There were about vhirty killed and wounded. The Indians how ever, changed'- their program and the next morning at daybreak came to tbe top of the ridge, charged tbe whites and run them back to Fort Leland, the most dejected lot of men you ever saw. I asked the lieutenant for a scalp. Ho seemed well satisfied t saving his own. I presume I. have known Henry Klippel longer than any person in Jackson County. He came across tbe plains in 1851 with an ox train. Tbey must have started about the first of April from the Missouri. We, Brother O. B. and I, left Chi cago on the 10th of April, crossed the Missouri May 10th, and started with a horae train of thirty wagons, with Judge Denney, of Seattle, ae captain; Henry G. Hadley, of Eu gene, 1st Lieut. ; Aaron Rose, 2d Lieut. ; O. B. Twogood, secretary. e bad a good trip; no sickness All went well: until we reach sd Salmon- falls on Snake river. Here Mell Hadley was shot twelve railes from camp by an Indian that had stolen a horse. The bullet struck him Just below the right nipple and came out close to bis backbone We laid by there five days for him to die, but be got through all right. We had to leave our light sutler wagon and harness at Grand Ronde valley to help a family through (Never saw them again.). We, to accommodate, had to rkle our horses through on blankets. We came to the Cascade mountains on the Bar low road. At the east end it was swampy, with bis; ' mudholes, and here we came acioes a stripling; of a boy who had been left behind from an ox train. It seems that be was left behind to drive a big ox through that bad given out. He had a sack over his shoulder con taining a loaf of bread and a slice of fat pork, and seemed quite happy Shortly after passing him we heard the report of a pistol,' and we knew the1 ox had mired down and could not get out and that this ended bis misery. The boy oame on and camped with us that night. We made him a cup of coffee, loaned him a blanket, and he etarted on the next ' morning all right and this was Henry Klippel born in 1833, while I date back to '26. J. a. TWOGOOD.- Dr. O. W. Brrnt of Millville, ShRBtn Muntv. Cal.. endeavored, with a team ot horses nud baggy, to oross Dry creek M Bella Vistn, but wheu be reacaett tne center of the stream the current npset tbe baggy, throwing the doctor into tbe water. He grasped his medicine ohest, and. with the handle of it in his teeth, warn to the bank. The horses were carried downstream and drowned and the buggy wrecked. . -r. . : Soft Harness Toa can make yoar bar nera aa soft aa a glove and aa touch as wire by using BUUEKA liar OH. You ran lengthen Its Itfe make It 1 lust twice as loo aa tt ordlnaiilj would. . EUREKA Harness Oil makce a poor looking har Besa like new. Made of pure, heavy bodied oil, e veclallv nro rared to with stand the weather. Bold everywhere In cans all alaea Midi br STANDARD OIL CO. D. L. Day, Painter Decorator and "Satisfaction guaranteed ia both , work and prices --; V-'.' riEDFORD, OREGON m r T ITOH IS TORTUZ2 Eczema if a caused by an acid humor ia. the blood . coming in contact, with tlu skin and producing great redness and itv natninanou; nine nusmunr eruptions ionre and discharge a thin, sticky fluid, which, dries and acAles off ; aometimea the akin ia bard, dry. and figured, iiczeina In anf ; form is a-tornicntmg, stubborn disease, and the itching and burning at times are almost unbearable; the acid burning humor seems to ooze out and aet the akm on fire. Unlves, washes nor other exter nal applications do any reifl good, for a long aa the poison remains iu the blood it will keep the skill: irritated. BAD FORM OF TETTER. 'Por thtwe- vear L hfld Tltr on ray hand a, which CAtuco' them t awell to their natural ilie. Part of the lime thedlieaae woa in the form of run ning acre a, very pain ful, and cauafng m much dlacomfort. Pour doctors laid the Tetter had pfoffreaicd too far to be cured, and they could'- di nothlntr for we. limit only three Douiea oi a. . ,nna irat completely cured, i This wn fifteen years. ro. ana i nave never' nccseen anvaftrn of mv otd trouble." If li B. Jackson 1414 MtsGee St., Kamaa City. Mk &, S. S. neutralizes this acid poisonvr coola the blood and restores it to a healthy. naiural state, and the rough, unhealthy' x lit in becomes soft, araootii ana clear. cures Tetter.. Erjr aipolas. Psoriasis, Satfe -Rheum and all skin ( diseases due to a pois -oned condition or the blood. Send for our book and write u -about your case. Our physicians have r made these diseaaes-a life study, and can' -help you by their advice ; we make no r chargeforthitservice. All correspondence IS conducted in strictest connoencs. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA ftA. GO EAST VIA West n Quickest U4: TO St. Paul, Duluth, Minneapolis, AL! I ll m . tnicagu ana an minis tasi. Through Palace an if Tourist Stoeawav Dining ft Buffet Smoking Library DAILY TRAINS FAST TIME SKRYICB - ' AND SCENERY UNEQOALED. " Tlckats to points Eul via Portland and ta GREAT NORTHERN RY on sale atSouuwra PacISc Depot Ticket oSlce, or GREAT MOaV THERN Ticket OOce. 122 THIRD STREET, PORTLAND ' For Ratea. Folder. ad full Information aaw girding Eastern Trip, call on or address A. B. C. DENN1STOK, City Pass, and Ticket Agent. Ponlaool SOUTH AND BAST VIA- ' SOUTHERN PACIFIC COIPAIT. Shasta Route Trains leave Medford for Portland aaat way stations at 4:21 A. M. and $1 P. M. Lv. Portland.. I 8:90 a. m A:30pm Lv. Medford 11 M p. m 11 SB a. m Ar. Atasland 1 12:55 a. n UdSivam Ar. Sacramento 5:10p.m 5Ka)swBa Ar. San Pranclaoo 1:4b p. m g:45sm Oitden 4 :55 a. is TKUa.a Denver 9:30 a. m 9a6aat KanaasCttJ Taa.m 7SaK Chicago 7:48a. m 8-Japat.. Ar. Los Angeles 2:00 p. ns slosaTaa. Ar. El Paso 6Kp.m 6)0 p. as. Ar. Fort Worth 6:30 a. m :30 a.m. Ar. City of Mexico ll:80a.m lt:SOa.m Ar. Houston 7:00 a. m 7 :00 a.m. Ar. New Orleans...... . 6:80 p. m 6:S0nvat Ar. Washington 6:42p.m 6:42a.a Ar. New York 12:10 p. m 12:18p.m. Pullman and " Tourist Cars on both trains. Chair oars Sacramen to to Ogden and. El Paso, und tourist oars to Chicago, St. Lou 9, New. Or eans and Washington. "Conneotlng atSan Francisco with the sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America Soe agont at Modtord station or address C. U. MARKHAM, . 6. F k A. . PORTLAND ' OlliaoN. BUTLER. JEWELER. Watch Repajrlng