THE MEDFORD'HAIL published Evorv Friday Moraine. A. S. BLITON. Mmdford, Friday, December 13, 1001 Man was born to hustle. tic Is ot tow dayni but quite a plenty. SUBSCRIPTION Si.go PER YEAR Ontsrdd tn tne Postofttoo at Msdtord, Orofion us 8toonadass Mall Manor. NEWS OP THE STATE. A demand has sprung up for tho tor ner almost worthless eaatnru Oregon range horses (or South Africa British military eurvico. It scows that they are about tho only horses hardy enough to.wlthstand the trying sorvioo and oil mate ot South Africa that can be se cured. Jacft Keatin, of Portland, author of "Just One Girl," and "Just as the Sun Went Down," wa9 sued for flW.OOO for fcreuoh of promlso, and it is said com promised the caso tor f 5000. About six months ago hoj was married io Miss Clara Troutnian, Miss Jessie Slillson was the plaintiff in the case. ' Wo are Inforraod that a determined sffort is being madu to capture tho "Kangaroo man" who is supposed to bo roaming in the wilds of the Sixes River oounlry, terrorizing tho tenderfoot prospectors in that region and destroy- ing the game supply to satisfy his in- satiable desiro for spilling blood, tells the Coos Bay News. An Eastern man, who has handled freaks in the show business for a number of years, was in town last week, and gained much in formation from Levi and At Smith re , carding the wild man; his habits, his appetite for lone prospectors, and the probable location of the cave which he makes his winter quarters. A hunt ing party is to be organized in the near future, and should they succeed in cap turing him he will be exhibited in the priucipal cities of the United States Vid European countries. IN THE PHILIPPINES. Brigadier-General Bell has issued ac order to the soldiers in Northern Luzon forbidding them, under pain of severe fonishmeut, to drink the uativj "vino" spirits, which has been found to pro duce insanity and incite to crime. A Manila dispatch says the military authorities hanged the presidents, chief of police and police sergeant of Tay Tay, convicted of murdering seven BfiuTN uy BiMuvuig tuein anu uurjing them alive while the town was under American occupation. The crime was committed at the instance of insurrec tionist leaders. A priest named Lepo soy, who was regarded as tho worst of all because he heard the confessions of thsmnrderjd man when they were at the point of death, had his sentence commoted to 20 years' imprisonment because of his calling. The execution of the others took place in the presence of thousands of natives, including 15 resideutes. According to Manila newspapers, the aiasaacre f - Company C, Ninth in fantry, at Balaugiga, Sainar, was planned by deserters from the American army. Deserters in Samar are becom ing very bold, it is stated, and it is not an infrequent sight to find notices writ tan . in English posted on trees and shrubbery inviting Americans to join the insurgents and instructing them how to enlist. Deserters from the 3Cuitk cavalry (colored) are suid to be lespousible for all the trouble the Amer ican troops h.ive been having in the Sitaugas province. : duel the : was a favor ite with duelists. Two men were locked in a dark room and crawled stealthily from corner to corner, until some false step made one ot them the target for bullet or blade. Life is a duel in the dark with disease. t)ne' false step, one mistake, and the attack conies swift and sudden. The mistake which commonly opens the way for an attack by disease is neglect of the symptoms of stomach trouble. Wheti. eating is followed by undue full ness,, belchings, sour or bitter risings, etc., 'disease is attacking the stomach. The best way to frustrate such an at tack ', is to use Dr. Pierce's. Golden Med ical Discovery. . It .cures diseases of the atoinach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, and. makes the body strong and healthy?' '- "I was suffering very muCHTwlln my head and Jlmaeh,;;frjtes MM,-Wi C. DM, :tf Weldon. ehelby Co., -Ala., i'.hcnd .jvns so, dizzy: when I wonld'rifise jip lit bed would" fall right back. Could ita bat v(y little,- in-fact scafrely any tfaing.ittore seemed .to toe s heavy weight In my stomacfr so.licould pot ttstf-l.bado belehiyery ofteu and would vottit up nearly eveiVthjiig.I ate. ?! via inched oondition. I took -four bot tles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and five of his ' Favorite Prescription ' and am. now well and hearty, dgive Dr. plercers medioineeredit for It all. I teei-incff a new woman Itoi nvbeoeStar1cbuUsee: ' ' ; " .. ea taicen medicine irom. onvsicians.wiuiota i Ai BOHefc')T0mnion, gense Medical"Wnty oil receipt of stamps to pay'expensW'bf mailing oy.,Send xi one-cent stamps for. tjb.papr covered f7JOJL iThe zi oqcixol stumps lOf.DajjaiwK covereu ( nook, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound.,.,.. Address wIgtBtear:v.," NEWS OF THE WORLD. HAPPENINGS OF THE PAST FEW DAYS FROM ALL QUARTERS. Laxrronoti aml CanllcUl of tlio Clllcngo Amorloan Out of Jnll -Dcfoeta In llto Six-binary of tlio lluttlojtilp Ullm In. Cnili to Mnko n Gift of 10,00,000. Tho Now York World publishes a lispatoh from Washington saying that Admiral Dowoy has doniod tho stuto monts publishod thnt tlio Sohloy oonrt of inquiry had reached a decision, in tho oaso, niut that Admiral Schley had uoou found guilty on five conuts. A dispatch from Washington to tho Chicago Kccord-Horald says that An drew Carnegie is to give $10,000,000 to the causa ot nuiversity extension iu tho LTuited States. ' Marooni, the Inventor of wireless telegraphy, has arrived at St. Johns, N. F where he will remniu for some time making oxperimeuts. Marooni ex pects to transmit messages for 400 miles, reaching tho shins iu mid-ocoau. Serious dofocts have boon discovered in the tunohiuory of tho battleship Illi nois, the flower of tho American navy. siuco her arrival at New Orleans, breaks having occurred on tho big cylinder flanges on both sido3 of the engine. This is a serious dofoot, oxporis say, and should not have occurred, ovou after years upon tho sea. Thomas Lawson of Boston, by tho slump in copper, has lost $11,000,030, but ho is still gniu, and declares that he will win In the end. "I linve lost millions by the dcc'.iuo iu copper," ho said iu a recent interview, "from 130 a few week; ago to til today, but I have mouev euonjrh stored aw.iy to carry my stock for weeks ahead. This is the fight of my life, nud I am going to win." Clara Schlosser, a girl of 8 years, daughter of Fred Schlossor, a saloon kceperof Greenville, la., by her presence of mind provomed n ra:'.road disaster. A horso in crossing tho track near her homo became fnstoned in a culvert, and the littlo girl know she could not sum mon help before the arrival of a passen ger train on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul road. She took off lior litrle red jacket and waved it ut tho ap proaching engiue, bringing it to a stop withiu a few feet of tho obstruction that would probably have resulted in the derailing of tho train and loss of life. Andrew II. L.iwrouce, managing edi tor of Hearst's Chicago American, and H. S. Can field, a reporter, who were sentenced recently by Jndge Hauocy to 40 and SO days, respectively, in the county jail for contempt of court, were discharged from custody by Judge Dunne. In granting a writ of habeas corpus to the relators the court said the case hinged on whether the case on which the American commented had been disposed of by Jndge Haneey or was still pending. Jndge Dunne held that the case in question had been finally disposed of by Jndge Uanecy when he gave his decision from the bench. The fact that the clerk had not entered the order when the comment on the deci sion was printed and published, there fore, does not show that the case was still pending. "Roosevelt at San Juan Hill" is to be the subject of a paiutiug by Vassili Verestchagin, the painter of battle scenes. The famous Kussian arrived at Chicago recently to conduct an exhibi tion of his paintings at the Art Insti tute. He announced his intention to devote two years or mere to the work of portraying on canvas the battle, which, he thinks, because of Roosevelt's eleva tion to the presidency, is, to Americans, the most interesting war sceuo of recent times. The Knights of the Marble Heart Is the name of a new clnb of celibates com posed of members of the senior class of the Northwestern university, says a Chicago dispatch. The formation of the olub follows closely upon the an nouncement of the young women of the Delta Gamma sorority of the university that they are ready to receive proposals of marriage. The clnb purposes to give the "marble heart" to the yonug co-eds with matrimonial inclinations and to cultivate the joys of bachelorhood. The badge to be worn by the members will consist of a small heart of marble set in gold. At it dinner given at the Union League club in Chicago by Samuel W. AUer tou to 00 guests, ull of whom wers local millionaires,. $50,000 was subscribed in half an hour as tho result of an appeal for funds toward the e ection of a home for delinquent boys. This brings the total amount in hand to $132,750, in cluding $35,000 given by the state of Illinois and $50,000 by the Commercial club. Iu addition W. L. B. Jennings tendered as a gift all the architectural work on the structure. Elgin Maclarin, bit wife and children, says a Goshen (N. Y.) dispatch, started from Sonthflold to drive over tho moun tains to Haverstraw, all tucked suugly in a oue-horse sleigh. During the jour ney Muclariu tooK tno wrong road and hours later louud luuisuit at Kirker Oabiu Hollow, a wi.d and desuuitu place. Darkness came on, a biting wind piled the snow np iu high drifts and the horse foil and broke its leg. Maclarin then, hitching himself to the sleigh, pulled it for miles through the darkness, suffer ing intensely. Just as he Was about to give up assistance came from a farm house, ilaolarin had both feet and hands frozen, and it was some time be fore the children and Mrs. Maclarin could be revived. A letter received from an officer in South Africa says that a subaltern drew a carlcaturo il Lord Kitchener as Rip .Van Winkle loading a centenarian sol- lH1Br P to a .kopje. A staff officer ,wpweo. u nwimw, sum n wu 'gave one ot ms grim smiles ana saia: . "It's an ugly prophecy, but If necessary we will hang on here nntil we are that Bgea Our duty is to win, ana w win." rOllKION ITU.'.IS. During tho celebration of tho foasl day of St, Frauois Xavivr, Deo. li, nt the Portuguese oity of Uou, on tho coast uf India, tho sinking of it luunol resulted in drowning 140 devotees 60 yards from tho shore. Three British columns iu one day captured 800 Boers, General ISi'uou- Itamilion, near Ennilo; Major Daw kins in tho utorbury district, mid General Mothuuu in Northwest Trans' vital rouudod up throo laagers, with only a fow casualties on either vide' H is said that liussia 1ms quiotly and gradually mussed au immense uruiv conservatively estimated at 200,000 men, iu Mauuhttria nud other Chinese prov inces. Iu consultation with two Canadian officers who are now iu Loudon, the im perial authorities are devising a scheme for the extension of tlio auxiliary mili tary forces in tho dominion. It is pro posed greatly to increase the militia, to make largo grunts out of tho imperial funds for ammunition for praotlue pur poses, and for other expenses of train ing, and even to make a generous con tribution tn the militia pension fund to bo raised by the Canadian government; ill fact, tho imperial government pro- poses to subsidize heavily tho Canadian defensive forces. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Siguature of jfl R ibert Turner wa arretted at iin fuse on the charge of having committed burglary iu the oftlr" of the Stmie Shipbuilding company at San r'nuiri.-co ill Nov. S3, having taken the sum ot M.P50. Kntrauco to the office was oh- allied bv diguing a tunne. and cmting a hole iu tho floor. Turner, who lia- un invalid wife, had promised to imury Miss Flora M'lnerof San Jose, but wium Miss Miluer was informed of Ttirner'd Juplibity slio aided the pjlico iu off.ct. ing his arrest. A Woman' Awful Peril. "There is only one chance to save your life and thttt is through an opera tion" wore tho startling words heard by Mrs. I. B. Hunt of Lime Ridge, Wis., from her doctor after ho had vainly tried to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall stones had formed and aho constantly grow worso. Then she began to use Electric Bitters which wholly cured her. It's a wonderful stomach, liver and kidney remedy. Cures dyspepsia, loss ol appetite. Try it. Only 60 ots. Guaranteed. For sale by Charles Strang, druggist. Robert G. Wilson, the ex-policeman accused of killing Maggie Hartwell, a IS year-old girl, on the night of July 4 last, while she was playing with some Dthcr children near Wilson's homo 011 Shipley street, Sau Fraucisco, was ac quitted by a jury in Judge Dn lie's xmrc Wilson admitted tiring a shot at the time little Maggie was seen to fall, nut It could not be proved lhat the bul let from his revolver was tlio one that Killed toe young girl. George Biles, a woll-kuowu clmr.irter n Laker City, Or., was shot and Killed in tho Log Cabin saloon by David Staley, 1 faro dealer. Biles wns about to at Lack Staley with a long knife, when Staley took up a shotgun and shot Biles in tho left breast. The coroner's jury etnrued a verdict jastifring the kill .ng'on the ground of self-defense. Food Changed To Poison. Putrefying food in the intestines pro duces effects like those of arsenic, but Dr. King's Mew Life Fills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing constipation, biliousness, sick headache, fevers, all liver, kidney and bowel troubles. Only 2oc at Chrles Strang's drug store. To bottle the oxygen of the atmos phere is the queer object uf a company ivhoso corporation papers were filed .vith the county clerk ut Los Angoles. The linine of the concern is rhe Califor nia Oxygon company, with hoadqnar :ers iu Los Angeles. Tho capital stock si fixed at $5,000, fully subscribed. 1uark-s S. Coming, li. L. Mart. 11, A. il. Lovp'ncc, W. II 1 man uud L. It. Gar rett are thu Uirucv r. Coruing has muacriued fit. 0.0 ol tho capital stock. According 10 too article., the purpose A tiiu organization is to obtain oxygen :roui tiio ail 11ml to sell it either in Gascons or iu l.quul form, or combined n u mixture with other substnuces ; tlso to operuto and manufacture all )tlivr gases whatsoever and to license ithcr persons and corporations to make ise of the lnttor's patent, procossos, iorinulas, etc. You Know What You Are Taking When you tuke Grove's Tasloloss (.'hill Te-'i because the formula Is pldloly printod nn evi.-ry buttle showing that it Is simply Iron and Q11I Dlue In a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. ,riUc. Tbs McKay tannery, located at lie oicia, Cnl., was attached on a suit brought by the D O. Mills bank of Sac ramento for a debt of iH)7,000. A Chinese named Yunr, Snoy of 88 Spofford alley, San Francisco, was con victed by Judgo Cabauiss on tho chnrgo of soiling opium without a physician's prescription and was sentenced to pay a I no of $100. Horse thieves are active in southonst- trn Washington and eastern Oregon. ! Tho stealing of so many horses is caused by tho lioavy domand for cavalry animals in. South Africa. H. T. Mclnllre, SI. Paul. Minn., who has been troubled with a disordered stomach, says. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tahlnts do me more good than' anything I have ever taken." For' sale by Cbae. Strang, druggist; . ' A TOWN IN TWO STATES. Aa a Railroad That lias Oai.YMl la Tmh, the Othrf . la Vlralala, '- A Washington dispatch to the Chl eago Kuoord says that n certain change iu tha boundary line, us agreed be tween Virginia nud Tennessee, has Just been ratified by oougroH. This re calls a good story, Knf years the (own of Bristol, Iu eaat Tennessee, has hai1 I the unique distinction of being In two Mates. There are two sepnrale mu nicipal corporations, one under tin laws of Tunneasee and tho other tin cier tno laws or Virginia. They me Known as Bristol, Tenn., and UrUlol, a. . 1 he corporation of llriatol. 'IVnn. extending to the east curbing of Mall' street, the principal business thnr oughfaro of the. twin cities. Moth cor porations wished to nave tlilsstreot that Is, they considered II neeessnrv hut how to go about to divide the ex pense attached was the question ti bo considered. The city of Bristol, Teiin., did not care to pay for paring the entire llmr oiiglifare up to tlio sidewalk on tin Itristnl (Vn.) lde, while the corpora tlon ol HriNlol, Va., cmilil not atep across the Imnglnary lino and expend city funds in Tennessee. This was a tangled proportion for the fathers of the two cities, it uui siifgeHted that the matter be taken to the legls lature anil have the Tennessee general assembly cede oiic-liulf of Main street to Virginia. -The slater state was tickled lo denth to accent the nrnan. sillon, as (lev. Tyler told (inv. MeMilllu I over the telephone the other day. The Tennessee Solyiis passed the bill. It was engrossed nud sent to (he Virginia general assembly, 'l'lipse lawmakers accepted the gift, and then congress was asked to ratify the action of the two tngislnt tires. The result of the work Is Hint the boundary line between Virginia and Tennessee is in the center of Main street. There Is now nn electric street cur line on this thoroughfare, with one rnll In Tcnnesseo nud the other hi Vir ginia. Kncli slate will collect one-lclf of the tnxra on the street railway property. Tho car line runs nlotig for a mile and a half in tho two ntntes. Many interesting stories are told of complications In tho pnst caused by the boundnry line. NICKELS F0K CAR FARE. Vaale Sana Apurnprlalva a Quarter of a Mllllua Hollar, for Cwrrlara. "Aflva-eentpiecc lanot much in Itself, but when piled in heaps with millions tif other round pieces of copper and nickel alloy it goes toward tnnking up the pyramid," said a postal official to a Wnshiugton Star reporter. "Th government appropriates 5.100,000 nickel pieces In th form of $235,000 for ear far for letter car riers in the different cities whers tht fres delivery service la established. "It was formerly the practice in Washington to supply thu enrrisrs with car tickets. Severn! carriers were suspended for appropriating tickets from their allowances for purpose other than official. An arrangement was made some lima ago with one uf the car companies to transport all car riers over Its lines when going to and returning from their deliveries In uni form for a lump sum yearly. This ar rangement has been found to work ad mirably in Washington, as it saves a greut many 'hours of the carriers' time and removes all temptation on the score of applying the tickets to per sonal use or otherwise disposing of them. "This Is the reason why carriers In Washington 'do not nnr far. oh tha ca'rsas'ha been often observed in the .jftyeet cars. The same rule Is In foroprfn Denver and Detroit and oth er eiries, and it .works welt where tiled.'' Nobility Recommends Nervine. The above portrait is that of Countess Mogelstud, of Chica go, 111., whose gratitude for the benefit received from tho use of Dr. Miles' Nervine prompted her to make this statement: "It affords me great pleasure to add my testimony to the very excellent merits of Dr. Miles' Nervine. Although 1 am past 80 years of ape 1 find it soothes the tired brain, quiets the irri tated nerves and insures restful sleep. I never feel contented without a bottle of It in the house." Gratefully yours, Christiana Maria, Countess Mogelstud, mils' Nervine is a nerve tonic and strength builder that starts right in re storing health immediately. Sold by ail Druggists. Dr. Miles Medloal Co., Elkhart, Ind, Legal blanks of all kinds for sale at this office, . . 1 MRS. IDA L. R0SER, Grand-Niece of Ex-President James K. Polk, Writes to Mrs. Pinkham. , Thankful for Hoaltli Eostorod by Lydia E, Pinkliara'a Vogotablo Compound. Did you over atop to realUo what Icoon satisfaction on axporlenona when wo Unit that soma kind and liuliiful thing wo littvo done for Homo one else linn been sluuerolv appreciated I At Kiieh times, how truly wo understand tlio ex pression " it In more blessed to give than to receive." Think, therefore, of tha pleasure and genuine satisfaction Mrs. I'lnhlinni experiences when Htieli letters come to iter as tlio 0110 from Mrs, iioser wliluli we are herewith permitted to publish. . Think what it means to lieri it melius first, that one mora lovely woman has been relieved from sickness and distress through her assistance j It menu second, thnt thin woman who is cured is so grateful that she wants other women In tho hind to know of Itt anil it means lastly thnt Mrs. l'lnlibani's claims for l.ydlit 10. IMnkliitin'H Vt'gotulilo Compound are fully sub stantiated by testimony of nuuh high character that every woman who rends this must bolluvu and hope. To lie appreciated Ih a great pleasure, but to bring pouco and htippluesn to thu suffering is heavenly. Much Ik thu mission of Mrs. l'liilt liatn, and such a letter as the following proves lior success I MRS. IDA L. ROKEIt, 820 E. ltli Ave., Denver, C'cd. Grand-niece of ex-Presldcnt James K. i'olk, and Assistant Oram! Secretary of Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico ludepuudeut Order uf tlood Templars. "Dkah Mim. 1'inkkam I hnvo lieoii married for nearly two yearn, and ho far liuvu nut Ix'i'ii !)lcas:l with a child. I liuvo. however, tuif furud with a complication of feiiiulu troubles and painful mount runt Ion, until very recently. "Tlio vrtltio of Lydia I'.. lMnUhnni'H Vogi-tnMo Compound wan called to my attention by nn intimate friend, whoao lifo had simply lieen a torture with lnllnmiiuttiou and ulceration, and a few bottles of your Compound cured her: he win hardly Imlieve it honielf today, nha on joys such Moused health. I took four bottles of your Compound and coiwidor myself cured. I am once mora in tine health and rtplrlts : my domestic and official duties all seem easy now, for I feel so strong I can do three times what I used to do. You have a host of friends in Den ver, and among tlio best count, Youm very gratefully, Mum. lux L. IiosKR, 820 I8th Ave, Denver, Col." When a medicine lins been mieceiwfiil In restoring- to health 0 many women whoao testimony la no unquestionable, you cnnnok well say, without trying; it, " I do not believe It will help me," If you are III, don't hesitate to grot a bottle of Lydia K. Pinkliam't VegxitwMe C'omiKiiind at once, and write Mr, l'lnkham. Lynn, Munn., for npeclnl ndvico It in free and always helpful. - $5000 HE W A III!. Wm haT0,.nrw,i4 with th Nfttlotitl Olty liftnfc of Lynn. fflOOO, wbl-b will Imi pUl Ut uy raon ml-luu. I.jrdl The Best Plow on 'ti viz Earth, The Calm I , : V.'i ill I i .. I "" I'll ;,, I 1 1 ( 1 1 i I I ,t ff W enrry 11 complete stoek of the c t ( j : 1 ; ; . . 1 1 : t j u I H ' ! ' , ' I m , ami vspeclnlly enll your attention I: j 1 i j ; I t ; t . 1 1 i . 1 1 j j : 1 1 ; ! : ; . , (fVlWE DEFY COMPETITION j i ' ' , I ft ! (f Inethiky land, Cnno all stool bnr ll'tlj in f ij i ') imi line of vobieles and mnclilnery to r ' f 1 1 ' 1 I 1 1 ' JJ Inspect Mi, ( I j ' !,' s! i , J Mitchell, Lewis i, 'iiiii'i:-' ;!,! im- i D, T. LAWTON, Mai,!jt'!)H i ii'il'", "it: 'l ' i 1 (' ' I 1, I' ' 1 1 1 1 j i i.f '. !!,.! Ijjis j ; i . ' ; 1 ' ''Ik' Machine repairing a specialty j J' I l j i Hand Engines and'.jiiii 1 if , !-i!i Sold U.ojl It i ii i, I III Mafie to Ordor III ,'H',' , - l !H'l.,'l'l,i;rt I :l I ' l IMMl K. I'lnhhRtn MetTloin Co., Lyn, Mam. who can 0o4 thai lb mXxrwm Uttlmonli 1. m. MULT, - !'S ' ' f 'jil ill It' ll .'.l. !!1!, i I ii ,0 .xiosori 1 ' -