The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, November 29, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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l Correspondents
, Com mtniloatlons from our sev
eral corronpuiiilmitH niUHt runoh this
oilloo not Inter than Wednesday
noon to insure publication.
,, Jacksonville News.
Pr. Ray, of Gold Hill, nll tlie
county Beat a business yU-lt Mon
day. Mi Bertha Rise, of Phoonlx, 1b
visiting her sister, Mrs. Que New
bury. , '
II. Von tier Hellnn and W. Bieber
tadt, of Wellen, spent Tuesday in
K. K. Kubll baa gone to Portland
- upon buslnoBi, being interested in a
ruining deal.
Mrs. John Pernoll, of Applogate,
has been visiting Mrs. Geo. illuea,
in Jacksonville,
Attorney O. W. Trofren and G.
R. Wlok, of Ashland, were at the
county seat Saturday.
Mies Pauline Reuter left Wednes
day evening for Portland, where
ebe will spend a month.
Wm. Robinson, who is interested
;ln mines on Thompson oreck, spent
Sunday in Jacksonville.
A social danoe was hold atOrth's
hall last Friday evening, wbtoh was
well attended by lovers of -that
pleasant pastime.
Col. P. V. Drake, of Portland, an
acknowledged raining expert on the
coast, Is in Jaoksonvill ) In the tutor
cut of the Orcgoninn.
Win. Nanery arrived here re
cently from Tacoma, and will visit
at the home of bis brother-in-law,
Owon Keegan, in this oily.
A daily praotice has 'been in
dulged by our football team, pre
paring for the game which was
played with Gold Hill on Thanks
giving day.
Mrs. Harbor and daughter, who
recontlv arrived hero from Pomona,
Calif, have rented rooms at the
Mrs. Jane Kubli rusidenoo, on 0'
gon etroul, and will remain in J..i-k
eonvillo indefinitely.
Attorneys W. I. Vawtcr and A.
8. Hnrumond are in Jacksonville
arguing the celebrated mining case
of Ray vs. Mitchell. The Swoyne
water ditoh case was
argued and submitted Monday.
Rov. McGregor, with bis family,
arrived last week to take -charge of
tho paBtoml work of the M. 15.
Church. He was greeted on Sun
day last by a good sized -congrega
tion, both morning and evorung.
0. W. Boone left here Monday
evening for Ooos Count-, where he
has extensive property interests.
Ho is dosirous of disposing of hie
property there, with the intention
of returning to' Jacksonville to ru
main, this cHmnte being conducive
to his health.
Jos, llnmmorsly, of Gold Hill,
was initiated into tho mysteries of
Masonry last 'Wednesday . evening,
in this city; " Among those who at
tended the meeting of tho order
were Dr. E. B. Piokel. W. I. Vawter,
J. E. F.nyait, . F. White andS. S.
Pent z, of Med ford.
Woo&ville Items.
David Ball hoe his photo tent in
4wn. 5 .
Mr. Inglodue ie quite ill at 4b Ib
. A. Caloy mnfie a trip to Rodk
(Point Saturday.
Miss Lucy SwAerly is on the
sick Hat this week. r-
'Rov. S. II. Jones, of Jacksonville,
v preached here last&trnday.
'Mrs. G. W. Owings s tho gueet
of MiHB Addle Jones this week.
C. W. Mann and family left here
Wednesday for eastern -Orej on.
' "Mywffekadadeep-seaMdOMih
for three years. I purchased Jo
bottles of Aver's Cherry P.eototsi,
Urge slie, juad it cured bar s&m
pletely." J. H. jBurge, Micao xtL
Probably you know of
cough medicines that tt-
.leve little coughs, m
ough; txctpt dup on$l
The medicine that has
been curing the worst of
.'deep coughs for sixty
years is Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. v
. TkfWdiwt tlc,M.,lt. All
: Ooninlt vour imw, It tie tek It,
iin do M he m;i. If ha tell. ;on not
lake It, than iton't Uk It. He knowl.
lve It with him. We are wllllna. ,
j. . t . 0, AT BK CO., Lowell, teee.
Mrs. S. Been Is visiting htr
doughtor and sons in California,
Mrs. J. K, Cox and Mrs, HeBhle
Randiill were trading in Grants
Pass Tuesday,
Mrs. David Rail has returned
home from a several days' visit
with her motlior, at Kugle Point.
W. V, Jones and family, accom
panied by Miss . Madge Owlngs,
made a trip up Evans creek Sun
day. . .'....'
Mrs. C. S.: Oirdsey, accompanied
by hor grandson, is visiting her
daughter, Mrs, Wm. Colvisr, In
Jacksonville, ...... ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. JC. Cox, Misses
Dertha Cox and Hattlo Van Order
and Prof. R. H Jonas were visiting
In Uold Hill Sunday.
The residence of J. C. Williams,
of Evans creek; was destroyed by
fire last Monday afternoon, together
with all Its contents. ,
Win. Havmond has completed
his oontraot on. tho Chan.;-White
property, putting on new roofs and
otherwise repairing the buildings.
A pleasant surprise party was
? liven J. tr. Sobmidtline and family
ast Saturday evening. About forty
persons were in attendance and
good timo was had by all.
The A. 0. V: W. lodge of Gold
Hill gave a minstrel show here last
Wednesday , evening. Alter the
entertainment Mr. Reames gave
very interesting talk, which was
much enjoyed by all.
Central Point items.
Mr. Hare, of Woodville, spent a
day core ibis week.
Fred Straub, of Willow Springs,
was in our town Tuesday.
J. W. Vincent, of Sams Valley,
was trading witb our merchants on
Monday. ...
- Mrs. Mary Vincent, of Table
Rock, was trading here the first of
the week.
Miss. Mary A. Mee spent three
days last week visiting relatives at
uran Is rase.
W. II. Noroross shipped two car
loads of apples to the eastern mar
ket on Tuesday.
J .. i. I) Hugor, superintendent of
i nhies orchards near Meuford,
nuunt Monday here.. ,
John Olwell, one of our leading
fruit growers, made Ashland a busi
ness trip last week.
S. M. Nealon, one-of Table Rock's
prominent citizens was trading with
'our merchants this week.
Mrs. Prank Amy left on Wednes
day's train for I'ngosa Junction,
Col. to visit her sister, Mrs. Ida
Tfohudy. "
ltavitl l.yncs, whi has been em
ployed in mines near Callahan's,
Culif., the past yeur, returned home
last week. , j
The ninny friends of Mrs. Id-t
Fankey lrohudy will be sorry to
learn she bun been bereft of her
husband. Mr. Teobudy look very
ill witb brnin fever and after three
days Buffering died, Nov. 21st, at
their home in Pagosa, Colorado.
W. W. Edtngton so'd his fine
fam to Bon Heall, and -will leave
for Springfield, Mo in a short time
to -reside. Mr. Kdington and bis
family. are fine' people, arid we are
sorry to lo?o'them from our com
munity, but wish them the greatest
BucceBB where ever they go.
. Academy Notes.
Miss Gray was a visitor this week.
. The literary society program ia post
poned for ono work, as many students
are at bomo for Thanksgiving.
Miss Tungato and Miss Ay roe were
culled homo on Sunday on account ol
tho death of a brother of tho lortti&r.
For Die reason that several -students
wished to be at homo iot Thanksgiving,
school has boon dismissed '(or iFriday
The Aoadomy cotortafamont will be
onrFrlday evening Dee. 36,,atthe opera
house. The object la to raise funds to
pay the balance on the typowr, tor.
MIsslEdlth Van Dyke Is oarrylng as
Junior oollogo work, Latin, Lliv-y,. Greek,
lotted u-Jtion to Anebaela, Mathemat
ical A4onomy, arid Is .completing
Higher AUrabrii, proparatoisjr to taking
up Trigonometry and Surveying,
The .new -students this week are
Hilda MuOutdy, Glondato, Douglas
County iKobont Donar, GrltBo Gteok;
Erneet Gibson, Ashland; Alta Bogere,
Medford; Kate toed of Jacksonville,
who has joined -the evening ateoogna-
phy oIbbs. ,v Present enrollment of reg
ular students fiO, oi-, including oVpart-
nent of music, 120. i'f- 4 ; ; V,
' Par Rent - ' '
Forty aoree of well Improved land ten
aonee seeded to alfalfa. Will Bell hay,
some stock and tools. Some flno gar
den land on place; running water. . In
quire at this office.
Couaty Treasurer' ath Notice. '
, Orrioa or oountt TnsAstmaR I -
or Jackson County, Okkoon. f
jAOKSONVii.i.a, Oregon , Nov. ao, wot.
Notice Is hereby given that Ihoro are funds
in tbe county, treasury for .tbe redemptlou of all
oatetandlnr county warrants protested from
Beit. 1, IBM, to Bspt. 80, lefc, both dates
Inolualvo. Interest OD tho same will oease aftr
the stove date, . . Max Mm.LER,
County Treasurer,
A Very Pleasant Occasion.
Col, John L Bandloy, of Denver Col.,
supremo secretary of the fraternal
Union of America, delivered an ex
tremely Interesting address at Lite opera
bouse lust Haturday evening upon the
history and reasons why one should be
come a member of this union, which
was highly appreciated by bis hearers.
Prof, and Mrs. Uoffa had prepared for
the occasion a rare musical 'treat which
thrilled the whole audience with its
exquisite mnlody. Miss May Mcrrlman
also iavored them, by reciting "The
Hlack Horse and It Rider," with the
fine elocutionary power with wblobsbe
la possessed, X bo members and candi
dates of this rapidly growing society
then repaired to their hall, where fif
teen were Initiated, after which all re
turned to tho opera bouse to do justice
to tho banquet awaiting tbein. Feast
for goda, and all that sort of tblng
doesn't begin toexpresait, but certainly
the good ladles wbo prepared the delic
ious viands were' fully aware of the fact
. "That bapplatas for man lbs bnosrjr sin
ner r '
BIdcc Kit sle apples, nun depend on din
ner I" i i ,
And If one oan Judge from smiles, beam
ing faces and musical laughter, there
waan't a man preaent, after partaking
thereof, who was not made supremely
happy. - r ' '
The benefits obtained by uniting with
this order consist not only in dollars
and cents, but are both mentally and
morally elevating for tbo principles
upon which It is based are love, justice,
truth and mercy, and genuine, pure
and undeOled friendship. Yes,
"Krlesdnnlp! mysterious eement of tbe soul!
Bweei'scr of life, and wider of society."
X. X. X.
Settle Up Notice.
As I have told out my business In
Medfoi-d It becomes necessary that all
my book accounts be settled at once.
During my absence of a few weeks ac
count may be paid at tbe office of City
Recorder York, or to Mr. J. H. Butler.
I. A. YVeur.
For Sale.
Good work and driving mare, weight
about 1200; sovon or eight years old.
May be seen at M. Lofiand's place, on
Griflln creek. Also have a good Jorsey
mllah cow for sale. Is six years old.
Will sell reasonable. Cow is at Aih
land. MliS. C. MlN'UUS,
Ashland, Oiegon.
Eaglnes and Boilers for Sale.
I have for sale at my machine shop,
In Medford, ono 10-horse power boiler
with 8-horsa power engine, one 3 horse
power engine and boiler, one 8-horse
power engine and boiler. These have
all been overhauled and repaired and
are practically as good as new.
M. Gault,
Wants to Buy HUte.
I am In tbo market for all kinds of
bides sheep, goat, cow, horse bides
and deer skins, with lags on. I will
pay highest market price. Cail and
see me, at the tannery between Talent
and Phoenix. D. Asderton.
For Sale
630 feet No. 1 giant hydraulic pipe
E. G. Colkman,
- Phoenix, Ore.
If you want first close job printing,
wo can fill the bill.
Read W. T. York's real ostatobar
gains In another column of this paper
With the new facilities that B. N.
Butler put in hia shop, he turns out as
good work In -repairing watches and
,'ewelry as any one in Southern Oregon.
K.UKIG.N 1 I E a
President Castro of Venezuela, be
hoving that a conspiracy to overthrow
him existed, caused (lie arrest at Puerto
Oubollo of Kaiuou G nurra, the uiiuiater
of war. The president also brought
about the arrest at Caracas ut a uumbar
of partisans of Guerro. - The wrests
lutve cuusid u.giuat keusuttou.,
I From ' Loiidun comes the juutouuee
mout of tliudtmth of Oouut toii. iiuta-feldt-Wilduuburx,
who recently retired
from the post of German enibnusador to
Great lirltuiufc CougeStibu of the luugs
was the cause of his death. .
The parliamentary eoutest inGalway,
Ireland, between Colonel Arthur Lynch,
who toujjht in tho Boer army, aud Hor
ace 1'luuKott; Uuiouiat, resulted in a
victory forLyuch. Lyuchreceivjd 1,217
votes, while Pluukett had oulv 473.
Ly noil's eleotiou may be quashed ou the
ground tbnt ho is a trnitor.
King Edward Iiiib decreed that done
but British snbjeots are to be present at
the coronation ceremonies in Westmin
ster abbey. Ho has decided t int the
more fact of auy saat's being sold dia-
jioHsesses both the holder and tho noin-
itioe from tho right of occupying it.
lit Is audorstoo't that this order is 10
ckeokinnte thrifty British nobles whs
desire to make mouey by seliius thoir
JOiiwi to foroiguers.
lln the French senate, Sonator Bor-
nnrd.Ju proposing nu inquiry into the
depopulation of France, compared the
population of Franco with the popula
tions .of .other nations throughout the
ttlnotoeuth contnry. At tho hogiuniug
c4 tite.oeutsiry Frnuoo had 20,000,000 in
l)lHauts.,iQermaiiy 15,000,000 aud Eng
imi 12,OOQ,00. Now France baa UH,
WOjDOO iuhabitanta, Gormany 5(1,000,000
and Euglixnd lf ,000,000. Ho combated
the IdeA that iu population quality ia
bettor than quantity. Hisromodiea wore
the adoption of fiscal measures in favor
of large families, aud above all, legisla
tion to oheck the terrible mortality!
among iufauta. I
Piper, Ploei All kinds of plpee.
x!K pipes, jiiimv pipes, una arown pipes,
a wan pipes pou giant pipes, uueap
pipes, costly pipes and plpee that are
moderate In urlee. Oat a nine at nillv
Isaacs' smeke house. '
By C. E. Welgall. ft
Y THEIR frulta aball ye know
811)1 to ouratlves In tvtry place coaslansd,
Our own felicity wc make or llnd."
lit lay on his bed-cot and looked at
the stars through a chink in the roof
between window and canvas.
It was a very hot night, of that
breathless, lurid deadness that makes
a Malta summer a wearinesa of the
flesh, inside, his tent 13 sturdy souls
were : snoring, under , their, brown
blankets, the sleep of the just; but
the fourteenth,. (Junner Amherst, had
.been awake. snoe. "Lights out," and
sleep would .probably not visit his eye
t ell until the. .little, bugler sounded
reveille from the guard-room step at
Tigne fort. : ,
. He was thinking, and perhaps there
waa aome excuse for the deep concen
tration necessary for such a purpose,
for did not often indulge ill
an art so purely imaginative. . , .
; The tramp of tha aentry up and
down eeruisa lb quarx on his eternal
round, the sob of the tide under the
theer ..cliff, tbe call of a distant siren
from a ship in the grand harbor,
Were the only sounds that broke the
stillneaa of tbe night. . , , . .
, In the daytime Gunner Amherst bad
no time for , thought. ' Drills and
fatigues, drinks in the canteen, crick
et or football, as the Mason might al
low; bathing, a further pint in the
canteen witb a chum, arid then "Last
I'oat," did not leave much time in
which a man might develop original
traita or even a habit of thought, for In
hia set. the reading-room waa not tbs
' His face waa puckered into a frown
that marred the usual good teqiper of
Its dare-devil expression. He had
something on hia mind, and that some
thing led li m at lust to riae from his
bed-cot, and don the few clothes neces
sary to decency, quietly tiptoeing at
last out of tbe tent.
Keeping in tbe abadow of the
buildings, away from earshot of the
aentry, be skirted the camp till he
came out beyond tbe gray walla of the.
fort above the sea. There be sat bim
down among the short, sunburnt stub
ble and sand, and bared hia great chest
to the cool night wind of heaven that
blew from the dread Sirocco quarter.
VMy!" he said, "I'm battiin' it out,
but 1 don't come anigh the end of it.
If Jem takes tbe stripe, it's spliu be
tween him and me; there's too many
'alf quarterns or the end on 'em
down agen me, to see me n bloomin
Itouibardier. Now, .fem'll go mashin'
about witb N. C. O.'s. and mayn't look
at an old pal, and as to speaking to
me friendly like, why, it'a all down
in the regulations as there's a great
gulf between thera and the likes of
us, me in particular, as one as 'as a
many things down on my defaulter's
sheet as shouldn't he there. We've,
been friends since the first day 'e
joined 'im 'an me together rookies
as didn't know a gun from a pea-atick.
It waa always .the same afore we
W. T. York has real estate bargains
and good ones eee his list elsewhere
In tbia paper. . ;
Never thought of such a
iign for a medicine did you?
Well, it's a good sign for
Scott's Emulsion. The body
ias to be repaired like : other
.liings and Scott's Emulsion is
the me'dicihe that does it. ,
These poor bodies wear out
from worry, from over-work,
from disease. They get thin
and weak. Some of the new
ones are not well made and
all of the old ones are racked
from long usage.
Scott's Emulsion fixes all
kinds. It does the work both
inside and out. It makes soft
bones hard, thin blood ' red,
weak lungs strong, hollow
places full. Only the best ma
terials are used In the patchincr
and the patches don't show
through the new glow of health.
No one lias to wait his turn.
You can do it yourselfyou
and the bottle.
This picture represents
the Trade Mark of Scott's
Emulsion and is on the
wrapper of event bottle.
Send for fret sample.
409 Pearl St,. New Yolk.
50c. and 1 1. all druggiata.
i-Lm av a T -kii
3 iar
fc 11 aesn
T; you are going to the mountainj for anVoutiiigi
?p perhaps you are in need of a '"'
Tent. Camp Stove.
Dutch Oven. Gun.
Ammunition, and
NewJFishinft ladle
Wo are well stocked with
and can fit you out in the
joined, at 'oroe in the old place! If
there was furrow tp be plowed, Jem.
always took first price, though I might
run the 'show pretty nigh; or a pieee
to b sung at the harvest-home, or a
holiday-making, when there was a
eholce - of .anyone, to . go,! Jem waa al
ways chosen. But I was never one to
feel jealous like. Sams as when '
went off with my gal; Molly Maloney
'00 eonld feel Jealous of Jem 7" ' '
' Amherst paused a moment and
gased at the sky, crisped into points
of yellow stars. The wash of the sea
had made him' melancholy, perhaps, as
be waa out of aorta.' That one last
glass of beer the night before in the
canteen had been too mucbr for "Old
Devil-my-ara," as his companions
called him.- Ha-leaned up against a
grey roek bowlder, and tor up a tus
sock of grass.
"A. N. C. O. mayn't speak to a or
dinary gunner when 'e pals with the
other lot o' .arjints and their belong
ings. Don't know as I pants to do that
thought' If it waa roe, I don't think aa
'ow I'd.sver chuck a pal and yet
there's a deal o' pleasure in beln'
looked up tol Not aa anyonell ever
.look up to me I m a bit of a waster.
I There waa a auspicious moiature in
the eyea of this "bit of a waster." lie
waa not in the least a romantic figure.
Hia good-looking face had not the
alert expression of influencing power
that belongs to the born non-commissioned
officer of the BritiHh army. His
clothing, too,, was unromantic, con
aistingofa pair of khaki trousers
and a patched vest hung on anyhow,
his feet thrust into . broken canvas
bathing shoes.
' He was roused by a quick step on the
grass behind him,, and started at. once
into defiant life again. Tears would be
a lasting disgrace if discovered, and
be became merely a motionless gun
ner, looking out with stiff intentness
at the far fulnt line of the Sicilian
I "Davy I Whatever are yon doing
h"e?" --.
It was the old .name, familiarly
J spoken. No-one ever .called him Davy
. now. To his superiors he, was simply
a bad lot, though a good, all-round
athlete; and to. his companions, a fel
low wbo bould crack' a good .tale, and
put away more beer than any oUier
a fellow, too, whose one stupendous
folly was being too chummy wilh a
man who was on the roll for promo
tion, a man who loved the. readingr
room, and who waa in the choir at the
little Garrison Chapel, and "in" high
favor with the powers that be.
"Yes, Jem," he said, glibly, "I was
just 'avin a bit of a toddle the tent
seemed chokey like. I shonld think
as the thermometer must be about s
'undred in there."
' "Aye," said Jenj, laconically, "I seed
you pass. I waa standing at the dour
of No. 15 hut, and 1 thought as 'ow rd
conic and see what you was up to."
"You m'ght get into a ; row,"- re
turned Amherst, "and that tfd tie bad
for you just, now."
"No worse for me than you."
Jem set himself squarely down on
a bowlder at. his companion's aide, and.
settled his chin upon his folded brown
fist-S. , 1 ,. . ,' .. ... ,
"Davy,". he said, "do you remember
Mojly Maloney.?",..'
Amherat'a face quivered; but he
said, sturdily: "Aye, we'll not talk of
'er just now, Jem." . ,
Jem's face waa determined; his
mouth set in a hard line, that spoiled
his gpp.d looks, giving tc his face aa
expression of obstinate firmness that
gave one a fresh insight into hia char
acter. . .
"Do you mind her yellow hair, like
the buttercups in Mile End Close
fnrm, and her eyes blue and big, like
the forget-me-nots by the roill-pond
where the rushes was so fine and
large? She was a neat dresser, and
had a pretty foot, too."
"Aye," said Davy.
"And the Sunday evenin' -when w
three walked back from church, and
the aky waa like the InBide of a pink
shell, witb atreaka like a violet here
and there ? And ahe says to me, what
a pretty voice I had in the tenor parts,
and never , a word to you, though
you ana sne wascourtin ."
Amherst made a motion" with " hi
head, for his lips were dry and speech
'And maybe you were wonderin-
why we weren't married,' and why I
lever sum a word about It to you, aft
er she give you the chuc):, and she and
me went walkln' together."
"Maybe you was delicate about It,
and didn't like to 'urt my feclin's."
Davy's voice was hoarse; he was ao
eager to find an excuse for the man
to whom he had been doggedly faith
ful for these many yeara through
thick and thin.
' "Twas only natural as she should
prefer you. I'm a poor one at express
in' my feelin'a, and a poor sort of chaD
and all.' While as for you"
everything in -this line
way you should go
"While, as for me," said Jem, calmly,
"jrou thought as 'ow I was a tuutjl,
neaklnVtbap, and -hod - took MoHj- "
away .from yon; tesnptln' , her lilra;.
while the real troth is, Davy, thnagli
I. never (old you before, that aba
mint worth a snap of you angora
or of mine, for I knew she was THrtle?
with that red-headed chap at (hj
blacksmith'e all the lime you waa at
eoartln' of 'er; and if a girl eoald g
on wHb one chap when she had ptwar
ised to marry another, it seeme)
me aa ahe was not good enough to ba
a pal's wife. . She walked with ma a
hit, and then why, I told 'er as t
meant nothin', eeein' ahe wa on witfc
two or three other chape, and you waa
too Mind to see it. I only done H t
ahow you what she was and to atop
you from throwin' your stupid ol4
self away upon a good-for-uought,"
"You did it for that?" Davy's voleej
was tremulous in its intensity of
earnestness, ."Why, I thought a 'ow
you loved .'er, and was goiu' to get the - -siripe
so as you could get morriet
"I'm not a-going to take no stripe,"
said Jem, steadily. "You're out there,
"Why, the colonel spoke to yon tbia
mornin', I know 'e did, for Stubba
told me."
."Aye, Davy, did you never think:
that you and me would be separated
as far aa the sea is from yon moun
tain? You've been a bit unfortunate
in the drinkin' line, and that's agma
you for promotion, but if you waa
thlnkin' that I was a goin' to be set
over your head, you was wrong, Davy
Amherat. Pale we was in the old dayav
and pals we'll be till we snuffs out, and
that' enough for me, if it is for you."
Amherat'a hand stole a little nearer
to the clenched fist on the stubblo..
"Ood'a truth?" he said.
"Ood'e truth," said Jem.
The vow- was taken as solemnly aa -though
some pledge of vast import
ance was being registered.
I "Jem, it was 'urtin' me cruel, thai .
I thought of you and me never-apeak
I tn said uavy, at last, sneepisniy. w
you like, I'll keep a bit straighter. At.
least, I'll try to keep that way on." .
I - Amherst was nothing if not boneV
and Jem admired him for it.. -
I "It'll be no use, Davy. I know yon ol
old,", he answered, hopefully., Th
very smell of a beer-jug Ml draw you a
'mile, but I'll take the will for the deed, -old
chap." - -
I ; When two furtive, lightly-garbei
' figures stole back to their respective
beds, the sky was shivering towards
the dawn. Aa Amherst crept Into hia
bed, the next man to him moved, and.
'muttered in his sleep. "We beseeca
J The to hear us. Good Lord."' He was
I the aecond tenor in the choir, and had
been practicing some hew music the
day before at . the squeaking -nar-monium.
I "Amen," said Davy, fervently, as
drew the blanket over his head. ' 1
I . At the same moment the bugle rany
out "Reveille." clear as a bell reson
ant as tbe last trnmp each note ris
. ing and falling. on the still nir. It wan
echoed from cliff to ciiflyfromfort to
, barracks, till the whole inland -rang,
with the news that another, day waas
' born. " : 'V: '"C-f. :
I And the gunners of Tigne woke to
reluctant -life, ' and grumbled them
selves into uniform and pipe-claye,a:
helmets once again. But there was
gladness jn two rough, honest hearts,:
;-Hr a shadow had rolled away . with tbe:
Jurple line of night-cloud into the eea-t
--Blaok and White.
A Moaanlto'a Teetfc. A-"7"-1''
A mosquito gets its growth- In a4-
Vhort time. It is fully developed and'
equipped for business in three weeka
-i-iinuKairi-viug- uountyY K
. - Oh, favor, ev.-iy year made npwt . - '
Oh, gitts with rain anJ sunshine wntV'1' Y
The bounty overrun, our'du'ct v - 1
The fuZlnci sl:atuc. our discontent. :'
The Thnnkrclvlna Dlaaesv -1'1
A eontr.tst betwecu Ijc TbanksglTina;
dinner of half n century ago and that
or the present time will be found mora '
In the details of the table decoration
thnn In the menu Itself. Although soma
fnvn.l,A .1 1 1 A ,i . . .
. . w..,v u,.uro ui lue present lime uavo
been ndded to the list and perhaps one
or more of those familiar to previous
generations omitted, the dinner In the
main Is the same, with roast turlwv.'
cranberry sauce, pumpkin and mince
pie as essential dishes. -.- '5
.'..; .. i
Thank.rlvlaia Eve. , ' h
Old Uncle Mose I les' k HOW 1a iv,u-1,
Ijtwd will bress me fo' stenlin'
fhlckens! He wants cbcrybody tuh bo
happy tuhmorrow, an' heah I is glbblu'i
a whole fambly sumpln tub be thank
ful fo'l
Th,Bt Prescription for Kalarla
111. r, I- - . .. ...
nSr. -K, "JK,M? 01 uaovs-s tastbv
PriMeenlK ,"m ","!" .