The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, November 22, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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' 8
Thanksgiving 5hoes!
Wo arc talking Shoos again this wook, and want to impress
upon oyory Mun, Woman and Child in Modford and vicinity
tho fuct that our shoos aro tho best (the best in quality, the
boat in stylo and tho host in fit) in tho City of Medford. Bo
low wo givo a description of some of our best sellers. If you
can't come, write for them. Mail orders aro given our best attention.
Ladies' Kid
Welt (Heavy
Extension odgo,
good, medium
too, patent tip,
laco, widths, U,
0 and D
Price, $3.50
Ladles Heavy
Nice, Kid Stock,
leather tip.neat,
medium round
toe. . A splen
did shoe for the
At $2.50
Nico, light.turn
ed sole, medium
too, leather tip.
A lovoly dross
shoo. Widths,
13, C and D
At $3.50
Nico, light sole,
coin toe, stock
tip, A very serv
iceable dress
shoo. Widths,
B aLd D
At $2.50
Our Misses' and Children's School Shoes of Kangaroo Calf or Box Calf
aro tho best popular priced shoos in town. Sizes, 5 to 8, $1; to 11,
1.25; llj to 2, $1.50
OUR SPECIAL LEADER in a Gents' $2.50 shoe, made
of Box calf leather, leather lined, outside backstay, heavy
double solo, good wide too. A winner for $2.50.
Our stock of Walkover Shoes for Men, some of the
bent styles we have ever shown in Box calf, Vici calf and
Vici kid in light and heavy soles
See our welt heel, extension sole Walkover. It is a
good one. We have a nice, heavy soled congress shoe for
men who like them, good, wide toe, a very serviceable
shoe at $3.50
J. Q. Van Dyke & Co.
I cm
There's Dlltrefcr-
Tho rihhI thai we think
Anil the
Mial we inoau to up, Ji
Anil lhi good that wo Miak
Are all on a par;
And lioavsiul bow far
From tho good llial wo really do!
Among tbo moduli awarded and
.tlio honorable meollon made for Ore
gon product! at tlie Buffalo exposition
aro tho following named Southern Ore
gon pooplo : S. M. Nealon, Table Rock,
honorablo mention for tamplo of rye;
C. 13. Stownrt, Modford, silver modal
for sample of almonds; K. M. Molnttro,
Asblund, bronzo modal on Crawford
poaohea; O. Voorliles, Modford, bronzo
modal on Bhutto Clalrgeau pears: A. H.
Curaon, Grants Pass, bronzo modal on
almonds; 10. V. Cartor, Ashland, honor
able mention on Sulway ponohos In
'liquid; Pacific Pino Noedlo Company,
Grants Pass, gold modal on pino noedlo
. fiber produots. Ono would ho led to
. believe from tho abovo Unit Southorn
Oregon was not much of a fruit country,
whon, na a mattor of fnut, It Is un
questionably tho best fruit sootlon of
the state. The Hood River country was
long on apples and berries at the eipoal
lion and secured several gold and silver
medals. There wore no applet from
Southern Oregon, that Is, no individual
displays. There may have been some
in the state collodion, but where the
good would oome would have been
from Individual displays, in whioh the
loealltloa whore grown were mentioned.
Tho Jackson County output of applos
alone this fall will reach 200 carloads.
Many of these aro being shipped to
London, England, whoro fancy prices
aro paid for thorn. Samplos of any of
those would havo been easy prlxo win
ners ut tho ox position and a vast amount
of good would have como to tho oounty
through this moans,
Save 20
Medford, with their contents, between
sixty and seventy head of cattle and
about the tame number of sheep and
nogs, and gives Mrs. Siinger the con.
trolling Interest In the company. The
other stockholders are Chaa. Strang,
r,u. tvorman and W. H. Bradsbaw.
Ed. Blnns, whose connection with the
business undor tho former management
has made bim familiar with all its de
tail, will aot as manager, and will
bring all tbe knowledge gained by bis
experience to bear to make the enter
prise a success. Mr. Ulrluh will devote
his entire time now to his Btook inter
ests, in which business he will embark
more extensively than at present.
Rent Good,
upright Fisher
CENTS PER UARRKL. by I Th S!nm tn,l,l.
hn.lnu Mnilrnrrl flnnr. Nn hnU.ii. Knur . .. -. . . """" """""IS
made. Every sack guaranteed.
A obange occurred this woek in
tbo management or one of tho old es
tablished business concerns of this city
when Mrs. Eliza Slingor purchased tho
lnterostsof Wm. Ulrloh, T, J. Konnoy
and S. A. Carlton In tho Southorn Ore
gon Pork Packing Company. Tbo
purohuse includes tho meat market,
packing houso and slaughter hbuso In
jj You Will Save Money
By not purchasing adulterated food at any
time, but when you can buy the pure article
of us at tho same price, you help your purse
And Protect Your Health
at tho samo time
Our Qroceries, Etc.
Other Kind
are Pure, We Keep no
oi a little local event In which fruit
outs no figure, refers to that country as
a "land of wormy apples and forty cent
wheat." If Marlon County Is a land ol
wormy apples, tbe Independent should
havo used the words Marlon County
Instead of tho word "land." It may bt
true that Marlon County la a land ol
wormy apples, but the Independent
should be generous enough in making
those Items to confine them to its par
ticular local Hv. The expression at
used might be construed to cover all ol
Oregon, when truthfully It only covers
Marion Oounty. If the orohardlsts of
that county will take pointers from
Jaokson County growers of red and yel
low apples, and will profit thereby,
they too may be able to grow apples
that are not wormy. While it is true
they can not produce an apple with a
llavor equal to tho Jaokson Countv
produot, It Is, howovor, true that they
can grow them without worms.
Buy Medford flour. Why? To save
20 oonU per bnrrel.'
It is neoossary that evon a news re
porter get more than busy these times
if ho keeps tab on tho now arrivals in
this blooming young olty of Medford.
Not for years has there boon so many
strange people on tho streets as right
now. They are oomlng from all parts
of the east, and the most pleasant
feature of their coming to wo people
who have enjoyod the many pleasures
of Southern Oregon for years, Is that
wioy aimost without exception purchase
properly soon after arriving and settle
uown to an enjoyment with us of tbe
(food things whlob the country affords.
There Is enough of everything that's
good lor man to more than go around
among tbo present population and we
are willing to dlvldo with thoso
fortunate easterners.
Tbe Medford flour
bo good as any flour, and 20 cents a
barrel oheapei.
Evory once io a while one of those
old abandoned mines of Southern Ore
gon, which were "worked out" years
ago and rcgardod as "only pockets,"
surprises tbo wiseacros by show'ng
signs of unexpected richness whenever
someone with the necessary backbone
to develop It takes hold of the proposi
tion. Tbe latest is a strike made by
N. B. Nye and Philip Miller, by-tbe-way
the latter Is an old-time Montana
mining partner of Mr. Nve. In an
abandoned claim about one mile from
Willow Springs, which claim Mr. Nye
purohastd for 1100 a short time aso.
This claim bad been worked several
years ago, at which time about 900
was taken from a pocket and the earn
ing capacity of tbo ledge then regarded
as exhausted.' Messrs. Nye and Miller
commenced work thereon and had gone
down but a little distance when they
stiuck a rich streak of ore. It isn't
ore either, really, but simply gold, al
most pure, lying in bunches between
walls of granite and porphyry. There
doesn't seem to be any quartz connected
with It to amount to anything, as Mr.
Nye says, "It's Just gold." The ledge
prospects for a distance of 600 feet on
tbe surface, and while not as rich in all
places as where it was first struck,
shows evidence of being no small propo
sition. Over $000 was taken from the
mine last week. H. B. Nye, of Med
(ord, showed a Mail reporter a piece of
gold juBt as it was taken from the
lodge, which weighs a little over $10
and Is practically the pure stuff. It is
about one and one-balf inches long by
perhaps one Inch wide in the widest
place, rather oral In shape and quite
thin. This Is the general character of
tbe metal taken out. Messrs. Nve.
Warner and Wortman, of this city.
have bonded tbe Schumpf ledge, di
rectly above on the same gulch, and
have two men at work thereon. This
ledge has produced considerable money
In Its time, but has never been thor
oughly worked, a thing which the
present operators propose to do.
I have moved mv stock of hinwu
and saddlery from the Woolf building
to my new store, near the Union livery
stables, where I will be pleased to do
business with former patrons and new
ones aa weil. I guarantee every article
I put out to be as recommended or
money refunded. J. G; Taylor.
On Monday of this week a six-horse
team which Is engaged in hauling
wheat from the J. A. Perry warehouse
In Medford to the Moon grist mill on
Applegate, came very near being
huffled from tbe face of tbe earth
They were standing near the warehouse
when Mr. Baroum's train pulled In
from Jacksonville and just before the
train reached them the leaders "jaok
kaifed" across the track and one of
them was struck by the cow catcher
and bruised to quite aa extent, but not
seriously. Had not Mr. Barnom slowed
up his engine there wonld have been a
conglomeration of horse aad a pony
engine scattered all over the railroad
My stock of boots and shoes Is com
plete and is undoubtedly tbe best se
lected stock In Medford. and mv nrtrwa
are an rigni. l aiso sell groceries, pat'
ent medioioes, cigars and stationery,
Shoe repair shop in connection. W. L.
Orr, West Sldo, Medford.
Dr. W. 6. Jones was about town
mis wees witn.a suosorlption paper
asking for funds to repair the' Bear
creek bridge at this place. He was
successful in securing quite an amount
which will be expended on tbe bridge,
Tbe oity counoll did not feel justified in
making the repairs because that the
olty would then be liable should acol
lent occur during the winter, and as
the oounty commissioners have prom
laed to ereot a new bridge in the spring
the only means at hand to make the
bridge passable for the wintor are thoso
adopted by Mr. Jonoa. A contract for
the repair of the structure has been let
to E. G. Perham, ol Gold Hill, and he
will be at work on It very soon.
Pav what vou owe I. A. Wohh tn
v. t, ora or J. H. iJntler.
L. B. Brown haa sold his orchard
traot In East Medford to V. A. Broad
bent. There are eight acres of land in
the traot and the price paid waa $2400,
a part of this consideration being an
aore ol land and reside oe, looated near
Mr. Hodges' place. Thi8 la a pretty
? ' 7W r r mm f ' ' V
ivaj-wi a, the Jeweler
- Sells and Repairs
Watches, Kings,
Clocks and
L'lieaper tnan anyone
in Jackson (Jounty
Holiday Goods
Are Here
Come and get your Xmas Gifts before the assort
ment gets low
Fancy Bas
kets, Fans,
Umbrell a a.
Silk Handker-
ha"' "Jarwnmr'- "eu'uy embroidereoSil
. cblofa. Scarfs. Mnfflora. Th .. i.'.
artlok,' 0 ChlnawlVe8.'10' CUP'' ,8"U!lsr, Bnd DUn,erou other
Blso. China. K"M Pa. T?hKKa tir .1
poll Carriages, Beds, Chairs, Go-carts, Par-
ke?s anyrl",MSry Bk8' Game8 Alium3' TolIot Cu I"dUn Baa-
Th'"R0f,.DSr"Ile o'ZfA1' Belts and Pooketbooks have arrived
These Belts are something new in style and very pretty.
H. B. NYE.
Proprietor fledford Racket Store
Another ahlpmcnt ol ttaoao celebrated CALirnavi a
CROHE TANNED Bhoei. A llKht. full atock Calf
boy boot. Several ntjrlcn In lull Hock Kip Farm and Mining Boon
TIK fftroat, Modford
big price to pay for so small a tract of
land, but when we toll that Mr. Brown
sold apples off of the place this season
to the valuo of (1050 the price does not
seem nearly so fabulous. The number
of boxes grathered by Mr. Brown were
1132. If this is not a fairly good reve
nue considering the Investment then
Tub Mail's calculations are 'way shy.
Mr. Brown paid $1800 for the place a
little moro than a year ago.
Mrs. L. J. Sears has received a new
stock of street hats for ladies. They
tbe very latest and tbe ladies of South
ern Oregon are Invited to call and look
them over.
Rev. Adolph Haberly, who is now
east in attendance at the funeral of his
mother, has tendered his resignation
as pastor of the Presbyterian Cbnrch
of this olty, to take effect Immediately
upon Its acceptance by tbe church offi
cers. The reverend gentleman's resig
nation Is made because of his appoint
ment to the position of Sunday school
missionary for Jackson, Josephine,
Klamath and Lake Counties, by the
board o' Sunday school work for Ore
gon. The work Is quite to Mr. Hab
erly's liking and as he Is an energetic
worker upon then lines there Is no
doubt of his success,
Thanksgiving turkeys enough to
supply all demands nice, plump, young
birds. Don't run any chances by wait
ing until someone happens alone with
turkey to sell they might not eome
your way. Place your order now with
F. K. Deuel & Co.
J. W. Cox has purchased the Model
restaurant from F. M. Wilson and is
now Installed aa owner and manager
thereof. Mr; Cox is from Ashland and
ha been conducting a restaurant oppo
site tbe Union stables In Medford for
the past month.' Mr. Wilson will start
candy kltehen in the building on
Seventh street recently vacated by
Geo. Kurtz. Mr. Wilson Is quite at
home tn the manufacturing of all kindB
of candy and there is but little doubt
that he will meet the success which his
product justly merits.
Do you use Medford flour. If not,
why not? Try It and save 20 cents a
The following Is from a Do La Mar,
Calif., newspaper: "Sherman Orton
and another gentleman took charge of
the Star restaurant on South Central
avenue, De La Mar, Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Carrie' Orton Is cashier. ThlB
restaurant Is In the Patterson Brothers
building." Mr. and Mrs. Orton were
formerly residents of Medford.
Ground bone, oyster shells, oil
meal, Manhattan Stock and Poultry
Food, condition powders and insect ex
terminator for sale at Chessmore'a.
Mr. Stephen B. Low and Mrs. Joaie
Brown were married at Soldier Springs
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Low, Novembor 3, 1001, Judgo L. F.
Willits officiating. The groom is one
of the subatantial ranchers of this
county and the bride, who is a sister of
Mrs. O. O. Low, formerly resided in
Rogue river valley. Klamath Falls
Express. The bride Is a daughter of
Mra. Lavenburg, who formerly resided
at Phoenix.
Shoes at Coat I have over R00
pairs of eood. serviceable Bhoes which
I am selling at actual coat. This is no
moonshine delusion tbe shoos are go
ing to be sold at just what thoy cost at
wholeanle. A. M. Woodford, the Med
ford shoe man.
W. Spence was In Medford from hia
Tolo farm Tuesday. Mr. Spenco re
cently purchased 420 aorea of land in
that locality known aa tho Humphrey
place. He Is now at workr&aklng Im
provements on the same and another
spring he will sow 200 aorea of it to al
falfa. It Is said to be excellent land for
this purpose and as Mr. Spence bought J
It for a mere song there la an opportun
ity for him to make a neat sum when
he decides to sell.
New children's hats at Mrs. L. J. '
Sears' millinery Btore in the Backet
store, Medford.
The county court of Lake County
has established a quarantine station at
Drews Gap, where all parties coming
from Klamath County are thoroughly
fumigated before being allowed to pro
ceed. It la hoped by this means to pre
vent the spread of the Klamath County
"Manila itch," or whatever It la, to
Lake County. There Is only one cam
in Lake view so far, that of a man who
contracted the disease at Bly. By or
der of the school board every child in
the public school haa been vaccinated.
Empty barrels, old or new, for cider,
vinegar, wlneT for pork and beef, or
any other purpose, sold at the distillery
office. Medford merchants will enjoy
better holiday trade this year than ever
before. Money seems more plentiful
and the people generally are In a mood
to spend it.
Fun and cape at Gurnea's Backet
C. W. Palm was called to Reddleg,
Calif., on Thursday night of hut nek
by telegram announcing the death of
bis brother, H. L. Palm.
Wells A Shearer have the best
equipped outfit for draylng and house
hold moving In Medford. See them
wnen need tbe services of a good dray
lng outfit
I0 M
Medford Book Store
Santa Claus' Place!