PURELY PERSONAL. . H. D. Kubli was Id ' from Apptegate Tuesday. , .- S. F. Morlne was in from Table Rock Monday, , Frank Walt was at Ashlaud Tuesday - "upon business. Mrs. R. T. Burnett spent Sunday with Medford friends. , '. A. P. Weiss, of Griffin oreok, was In Ashland Saturday. R. Benedict was a Medford visitor trom Applegate Tuesday.- Arthur Eiwards, of Lake Creek, was Medford visitor Saturday. -. : . Fred Bailey, of Sams Valley, was in Ashland Monday upon business. . ., . Mr. Matoon, the liveryman, was - among Ashland friends Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Pendleton were . "visiting Ashland friends Tuesday. ... , ii. A. Pech, of Lake Creek, was in Saturday with a load of farm produce. : . Wm. Worth, of Central Point, was, a pleasant caller at The Mail office Mon- A. A. Davis left Sunday morning tor Ban Francisco, to be absent a month or six weeks. Mise Emma Coleman, of Phoenix, ' the well-known teacher, was a Medford visitor a few days since. . " Charlie Higlnbothani returned last week from Talent, where he has been Wacksmltblng for Tom Merriman. . Hon. J. H. Stewart returned this week from a several weeks' stay at his Mrs. B. F. Adklns left Tuesday for San Francisco, where she will visit her daughter, Miss Ora, and acquaintances lor a couple or three weeks. Jennie Higglns, lnspeotor of the "Women's Relief Corps, was in Medford this week making an official visit to Chester A. Arthur Corps, No. 84. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mitchell are at Portland this week npon a visit. Mr. Mitchell expects to open n confectionery .store in Medford upon his return. Bert Spragne, bis family and mother, of Wallowa, Oregon, arrived in Medford yesterday and will visit with Mr. War den, in Eden precinct, who is father of J Airs. Sprague. Miss Edna Wait returned to Medford last Friday from Los Angeles, Calif. Her return home at this time was oc casioned by the serious Illness of ber mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Wait . , C J. Howard left Tuesday evening lor his home near Kerby, in Josephine County; having finished his work on the field notes of the Rogue River Im provement Company's survey. Mrs. James Battle, who has been In .Medford upon a visit to Mr. and Mrs: O. Gilbert, departed Wednesday for her 3ome in Tyler, Texas, where her hua "band is engaged in railroad work. C. O. Ramsey came down from- Rose iurg Sunday evening, at which place le has been superintending the pack ing of apples for J. A. Whitman. He e now at Ashland in the same capacity. T. J. Kelsoe, of Eagle Po'nt, was in Medford. Monday -upon businees." He lias a 60 acre tract of land near Eaele Joint, which be is advertising for sale elsewhere in these columns, at a seemingly very low price. Mr. and. Mrs. Alva E. Danieleon, or Oakland, Calif., stopped off in Med ford last Thursday for a visit with Alva's relatives and many friends. Thpy were en route home from Port Sand, whither they had been upon their "wedding trip. Alva has a good posi tion now as electrician for the Southern If You are looking for Honest If You wish to inspect the 1ST SELECTED and " Of Men's and ; Boys' New, Stylish ; ' Wearables in the town, call on W. H. MEEKER & CO. ; If you are "shy" of anything, you may be sure 3'ou will find it here 300 PAIRS OF SHOES will be sold at ACTUAL COST PRICE, A. M. WOODFORD, The Shoe Man jho Rapalrlrrf natly don br M. S, Bldan Paclfio Company at Oakland, and is do inn well. ,' . Rev. J. P. Moomaw, of Eagle Point, was in Medford Thursday, ' : Merchant 0. W. Wolters, of Talent, was among his many Medford friends Thursday. ' . G. F. aud 0. 0. King and Sam'! Rose, of McCloud, Calif., were in Medford this wetik to meet their Michigan friends, who came here to -locate on timber claims. : , Mrs. C. Ming us, of Ashland, was In Medford Tuesday upon business. . The lady has a good work and driving horse for sale, also a Jersey cow, which she is advertising elsewhere in these columns. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Moore, of Cottage Grove, arrived in Medford this week and will make this their future home. Mr. Moore is a son of the gentleman who recently purchased the West Side blacksmith shop. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Irvlne.of Nebraska, arrived in Medford Tuesday morning j and will visit for a few weeks with our good townspeople, W. A. Davidson and j family. Mr. Irvine is a half brother of Mr. Davidson. A. Bush and son, of Trail, were in Medford Monday. Mr. Bush Is quite a recent arrival from California, but now he is positively "of Oregon," having purchased land on Trail and deoided to settle down among us fortunate mortals. Surveyor J. S. Howard returned Mon day from the Willow Springs district, where he "has been surveying thirty six mining claims for the Southwest Oregon Mining Company, of Portland, in the Willow Springs and Kanes creek districts- Thos. J. Perry, of Sams Valley, was in Medford Monday upon business that of delivering a load of fat hogs to J. W. Wiley. Mr. Perry has recently purchased a small farm in Sams Valley and he is thinking quite seriously of planting a good portion of it to fruit. G. P. Lindley and W. H. Jackeon re turned Snnday from a two weeks' hunt log trip in the Ranoherie country. Thev reDOrt havlue come very near capturing several bears and mountain Hons, but strange to relate stranger than fiction, even they saw not a sin gle deer. W. R. Laugblin, an aged gentleman from College Springs, Iowa, who has been in Medford upon a visit to Mr. Rawlings' family, returned to his home last week. Notwithstanding the fact that the gentleman Is 84 years of age he will in all probability return to Oregon and spend bis remaining days here. Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Starr returned ! last week from their several months' viBit with relatives and friends in the Willamette valley. Tbey report hav ing bad a very enjoyable time, and dur ing their itinerancy saw many old-time Medford- people, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Youngs, who are living at Newport, where they have built a fine home and where D. S. is making all kiqds of money in gathering, cutting and polishing all : sorts of precious stones which are found on the ocean beach. V Values, , Co, MEDFORD, OREGON B. I. Stonor was up from Gold Hill, yesterday, ' Fort Hubbord was over on Applogato last week upon business. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Brown, of Eagle Point, were in our busy city Thursday. S, McClendon, a retired capitalist of Gold Hill, , was a Medford visitor Thursday. ' Mrs. E, C. Wells and daughter, Of Gold Hill, were among the many Hub city visitors yesterday. S.Bradbury loft yesterday fur Balrd's Spur, California, whither he went to bring back I. A. Webb's team and back, whluh were left there when Mr. Wobb was taken sick. Herman, Ed., George and William King, Ed. Allen and Dan'l Erlokson, all of Kent County, Michigan, arrived in Medford last week and early this week they started for the tall timber, up Prospeot way, where they will lo cate on timber land. Tho King boys are brothers of C. O. King, who has been in the v alloy for several months and cousins of G. F. King, the Umbo land locator. J. G. Martin, of Beagle, was In Med ford Saturday. The gentleman has been in poor health of laie and has de elded to rest from the arduous duties incident to farm pursuits. Ue will dis pose of his farm nod chattels and pur chase a residence in Medford that his son muy receive the benefits afforded by our excellent school facilities. Mr Martin is a fine gentleman and tho ao qulsitlon of this excellent family to ou city's population will De grounds for congratulation upon our part. Capt. J. T. Apperson, of Park Place, Oregon, arrived in Medford Sunday. The gentleman is a brother of Mrs. E. D. Fellows, of this city, and was called here by the serious illness of that lady Since the fire, a couple of weeks ago Mrs. Fellows has been ill with nervous prostration and muscular rheumatism Mr. Apperson Is quite a prominent man in Oregon history, he being a pioneer of the 50's. He is a past regent of the Corvallls agricultural college and has been instrumental in the oreanlzatlon of many educational institutions. In '52 ho made the then very hazardous trip from the Willamette valley Into California, traveling by stage throutrh the Rogue river valley, at a time when the murderous redskins were lyiug in wait for their white prey at every turn of the road. Land for Sale. I hare for sale 60 acres of laud, situ ated 71 miles northeast of Central Point Fifty acres of this is good agricultural land, but has never been plowed. Will sell for $360. Address me at Eagle roini. t. j.aelsok. A Surprise Party. Thursday of last week a crowd of little people gathered at the pleasant home of Miss Beulah Hazel and then silently crept to the borne of Miss Lena Poln dexter aod burst in on that little lady with shouts and laughter peculiar to a surprise party and It was a complete surprise to her. The occasion was the tenth birthday of the young lady Games, music and fun of various kinds were indulged in until 0 o'clock when all repaired to the dining room, where a dainty but delicious luncheon awaited them to which all did ample justice, after which more games and candy were indulged in until time to say good night, All voted Miss Lena a pleasing hostess and a royal entertainer. Those prosent were Misses Beulah Hazel, Elrna and Ethel Eads, Annie and Gertie Ulrich, Ruth Woodford, Jennie and Beatrice Garrett, Nellie More.v, Ethel Hardin, Masters Otis and Guy Garrett aud Law rence Poindexter. A Guest. Among the Churches. Methodist cnuitcn. Preaching at 11 a. mi-and 7:30 p m Morning subject, ''Knowing, How We May Know, and What Wo Should Know." Evening subject, "The King dom Where All Servo for the Love of the King and His Cause." Children invited to the morning service, and strangers and parents to the evening service. .. Let no, Christian ig'-ijru tliu aijuvutieei:) ju'.. 4 . ;"; ' " :' W.' Moore, Pastor 1 Liibt winter iin Infant child of mine nan aroupmi a violent lorm," nays El der John W. Rogers,, a Christian ovan srcllst, of Prilay, Mo. "I gave hnr a fow doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and In a short lime all danger was past and the child recovered." This rem edy not only cures croup, but when given iih soon as the first symptoms ap pear, will prevent tho attack. It con tains no onlum or other harmful sub stance and may he given ns confidently, to a bulV as to nn adult. For sain h'v Ohas. Strang, druggist, . ., .... , j ADDITIONAL LOCAL' Mr. H. M Cos and Miss Jessie Worman, of this olty, were married at Jacksonville on Thursday of last week, by Judgo lluiiua. Tho wuddlug was a very qulut ouo and very fow know of It until It had taken p'.auo. The bridal party was accompanied to Jacksonville by Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Heard, who were witnesses to tho ceremony. Mr. Cots Is proprietor of tho Cobs Piano Houto aud Is ono of Medford's prominent olll nous aud business men. Tho bride Is the daughter of Mr. E. Worman, a Medford oapltallat. She Is highly re spected, Is refined and cultured and Is one of our leading society ladles. Tint Mail joins thoir friend tn extending congralulutluns and Is hoping that their whole life may be at rose-huud as Is now ploturod to their love's youug dreams. Tho happy couple Is now housekeeping In the Johnson residence, on North A street. Plows sharpened, pointed and laid in tirst-olass stiapo, I'uruiu a oiaex smith shop, B street. A very pleieunt affair took place on the Kith Inst, at the resldenoo of Mr, and Mrs. Towno, of Phueulx, upon tho occasion of the wedding of their eldest daughter, Miss Nellie, with Mr. Edward F. Grists, of Moutague, Calif. Tho marriage ceremony was performed bv Rev. Wm. Clyde, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Phoonix. Im mediately after tho ceremony congratu lations were offered, and a sumptuous liinuhcon was then purttiken of. The happy bridegroom, with his fair young bride, left on the nooa train for thoir future home, all wishing them a long, prosperous and happy life. Tho Woodburn nursory stock is positively the boston tho market. This inn-aery has been doing business fur a great tnuny years, Its stock planted tho pioneer orchards of Oregon and slock from I'll came mi wry Is planting the orchards touuy. The orcbardlsU of Oregon all endorse the Woodburn nurseiy. L. E. Hoover, of Medlord, is tho agent for Southern Oregon mid Northern California. Orders givon him are novor changed or rulsod you get just what you order no kind ''just as flood" Is substituted, and no orders are ncreased after first made. Clias. Pierce, tho gentleman who Is ai ranging to establish a fruit and vegetable cannery In Medford, has pur chased W. S. and H. M. Cro well's in- tesost in tho Palm-Whitman cigar fac tory in this city. Mr. Piorco Is a hus tling man of busine-s and Tne Mail is heartily glad ho is to become a perma nent resident of our city. Ho has progressiva Ideas on business linos and as well a determination to carry his projoots and enterprises to a point where good is sure to come to himself and the people generally. The Brumblo Dollvorv and Drnv Litre Is prepared to do work quickly and satisfactorily. Work never so plentiful that his drivers are not looking for more. -Terms and service guaranteed to oe all rtgbt. -J. W. Whito baa purchased the New Home sewing machine agoncy in this city from J. P. Kraber, together with all machines on hand aod notes and accounts. Mr. White is now agent for about all tho sewing maoblncs there are made and is In a position to' supply intending purchasers with any grade of machine desired from the highest priced to the cheapest. Furs and capes at Gurnea's Racket store. Mrs. W. T. Yorx has been qulto ill for the past couple of weeks with an affliction of the throat, which troublo seems to have been cpidemlo to tho ex tent, at least, of having paid a visit to every member of the York and Hilton families, barring tho old JaBper who Is writing this Item, who, by-tbe-way, is susceptible to nothing short of snakes. Acetylene zas hoad llirhts for min ing after night at Wolfer's tlnshop. Dr. Ira L. Arnold has oommonccd the erection of a neat little dwelling houfle on his fine property, on South C street. The building will bo 30 by 32 feet In size, ono story high and will ontain fivo rooms. Merit Clapper, a recent arrival in Medford, Is the car penter who has tho contract for tho erection of the building. All the newest novelties and de signs in wall paper Medford Furniture Company. P. A. Paulkenburg, head counsol for the Woodmen of the World, will be in Medford on the evening of December 4th, and will deliver an address at the opera bouse. This distinguished gen tleman will mako only four stops In Oregon, and Medford is most fortunate in being on tho list. -All kinds of sash and doors and screen doors, at lowest market price. W. Woods. There Is a new boy baby over at Scott Davis' home since Friday of last1 week. As a consequenco of the nrrlval ol this bright ray of sunshino in that pleasant home there is joy abundant and in unstinted mcasuro nnd Scott and Ida aro the proudost brnao of kin dergarten pnronls In Medlord. , Chcssmoro is giving awny flue chlnn and grnnlto ware. Carl Webb has not as yet found his lursc. Komeouo is iinuoubleilly liavliin teal pleasant lima on tho fifty-odd others it contained. - Still it may havo fallen over tho rd?o of tho sidewalk and Is still in hiding; then again Carl DEUEL'S GROCERY DEPARTMENT '- la the most oomploto and up-tio-dato pro- ? no ry store iu tho city. Wo curry Every thing in Unit lino, and all ' , Fresh, Clean and V 1 Wholesome 6 "' Wo guarantee satisfaction and full valuo for every dollar invostod. Buy your ' GROCERIES, of us and got your money's worth.' ; , , j Jr. K DEUEL & CO. may havo len "touohed" for It how ever, Carl Is, no to this date, fifty-odd dollars shy in his cash accouut. Wo want all tho ccga we onn get! cash or trade. H. H. Howard & Co. Miss Jesslo Walt has resigned nor position as teacher in our publlo school, because of tho Illness of hnr uiothor, nnd tho board hni eleotod Miss Lutlo Ulrich to tnko hor pluoo. Miss Ulrloh It a sister of Mrs. G. 11. I.lndley nnd arrived In Modford about n ycur ngo from Illinois, whero she followed teach ing for a number of years. Wlinn In need of onro urnln whls- kov, old and well malumd Did Hvo and Bourbon, tho best In the market, ut bottom price you will find .t only ut tho distillery ollloe. During the rait ten days twelvj carloads of apples hav i been shipped from Medford. Of these throo wore shipped direct to London, England, two to Glttscow, Scotland, three to Now York City, two to llrlnhton, New York, ono to San Antonio, Texas, ono to Kan sas City, Missouri. Whon you wnnt r'nyl lg dono cot Slovur to uo It. He's always ready- always roliuble and his charges aro always lust rlunl. Suit to forecloBO a mortgage was filed with County Clerk Nowbury Wednesday, In which S. H. Latimer Is plaintiff and tho Black Gold Channol Mining Company aro defendant". The mortgage wns given to secure tho pay. ment of (15.000 which at this date, with 1 itorcst added, amounts to ('2.1,000. Pipes, Pipes All kinds ol pipes. Big pipes, little pipes, half crown pipes, dwarf pipes and giant pines. Cheap pipes, costly pipes and pipes that aro modnrato In price. Gut a pipe at Hilly Isaacs' smcka house. Merchant II. n. Howard has re ceived a draft for 10O0, full payment for Insurance on his household goods which were recontly burned. Tho draft was reculved four days after tho notice ol the fire had Ix-en sent tn. flo wns Insured In the Law, Union & Crown Company. Col. John L. Ilandly, of Denver, Colorado, supreme secretary of tho Fraternal Union of America, will do liver an address at tne opera bouse Saturday evening, November 23. under the auspices af the order F. U. of- A. A short program Everybody Invited. With the new facilities that B. N. Butlor put In his shop, ho turns out as rood work In repairing watches and .'ewolry as any one in Southern Oregon A petition was filed Wednesday with County Clerk Nowbury by Char lotto Pulton asking that a divorce bo granted hor from hor from husband, John E. Pelton. The matter will come up hoforo Judgo Hanna at tho next term oi circuit court. I For hair goods and hair work go to Mrs. Reainas, east ol Lutheran Church, West Medford. Country nroduco tnkon In exchange for work. Judge Benson has postponed the December term of court at Klamath Falls on account of the smallpox at that place, dooming It unwise to expoBO the jurors and wltnessos to tho infection, although It is a very mild form, says tbo Lakcviow Examiner. W. T. York has real estate bargains and good onus see his list elsewhere In th's pnpT. . " . City Recorder York this week re ceived a draft for 41200, In full for the Insurance currlod by Mrs. Farls on ber residence which was recontly burned. The lady was insurod In tho Hartford, of Connecticut, of which Mr. York Is local agent. Head W. T. York's real ostatobar- gains In another ooluma of this paper. Job. Stall; who, with his wife, ar rived in Medford last week from Grand Forks County, North Dakota, has pur chased Mrs. White's resldenco on South 0 etroot, nnd is now housekeeping thoroin. The price paid was $500. You got a lino plcco of pranltowarc with each can of baking powder pur chased of Cheseinorb & Myers, A now siilowalk Is being built along sido of the proporty which Mr. Ferguson recontly purchased, cornor of Seventh and A strools. It's n big improvement and tho wonder la thill It wns not put in sooner. New lino of wall paper nt tho Med ford Kiirnlluro filoro, "Tho five, or six houses alTootcd with to called eniallpox aro bolng rig- Idly quarantined, and it Is lielluved the dlHoase oan thus be kept from spread ing and soon eradicated entirely." Klamath Falls Republican. t-ltoal Estate Agont York Is offering some burgalna in real estute In unolher column ol this paor. The order of Fraternal Ilrotherhood gave nn ontertnlnmont at K. of I', hall on Saturday evening of last week. There was a fairly good nttondniice nnd quite an Interoatlng program was pre sented, idler which refreshments wero sorved. Wall paper, very latest patterns, nt tho Medford Furnituru store. , An article from Chits, l'loroo, or tomato culture In tliu valley, will np poar In these columns next week. Tho tomato, Mr. Pierce figures, will, In u few years, he one of tliu lending rovonuo cirnors In this part of the county. Baptist revival sorviccs are being hold In tho Anlluch school house. Tho meetings are all well attended and Shu Interest manifest Is very encouraging. Good older vlnogir at Chessmore's. I. A. Webb's condition, wo aro pleased to note, Is loinawhnt Improved and thcro aro now strong hoes of his recovery, but he hat been, and Is still, a very sick man. Mr. Irving C. Daley and Miss Kvo Cjnley were married at Lake Creek on .Sunday Inst. Tho young pcoplo drovo to Medford Sunday and wero euests at Hotel Nash for a couplu or three days. Contractor E. W. Starr Is at work on the Dellarl plueo making several changes about tho premises, chief. among which Is tho fitting of rooms for help In tho largo windmill tower, Tho Southern Oregon Oil Company, nt Ashland, U again making progrcss- lu drilling after several vexatious do lays. Tho well Is now down I1IS0 fect. In shale and sand. For Sale 610 feet No. 1 cianl hydraulic lilno E. G. Colkman, , Phuenlx, Ore. Htiikfr Kirn.,! Muyur uf llrlUrporl. D.-niils Mulvlhlll qnlt tho Wfiuolar & Wiinuu power-house, whore ho had beeu sloker for 110 years, says a l3rWlgeiort (Ooiiii.) dispatch, and was installed ns mayor. Pour years ago ho was elected, alilurinnu In a Republican ward, win ning hy an overwhelming majority. Hoi challenged every ordinance that took money from tho iroaiury, and In doing so he ni tacked meu In u way that would have brought lihul stilts against him hnd ha hud means. Two years ago he was elected by a still groutcr majority. A. newspaper, in a jocular way, suggostod him tor mayor, Mulvlhlll was In terviewed and said ho would ruu It nominated, but that ho would not lift, his hand to get the nomination. Tho labor unions took Itserlously, and.' ho weucbeforo tho Democratic conven tion with the pledgod vote of ovory union mini iu town. In the couvoutlou. ho defcutod tho rich men who oovotod the pluoo. Even thou great odds woro offered against his olectlon, whloh ho won hands down. Mlniatnro shovels wero usod by his suppoi-Tors as badges. Tho largest of three pythons in tho; Central park momigorio nt Now York, swallowed ono of throo young alligators that were lying aslaop In a tank. The snake is 12 feet iu length, while tho alligator whloh it devoured was four foot long and weighed about 80 ponuds. The outllno of tho nlltgutor could bo. soon In tho belly of tho snukn,. and slTorts woro at onco uiado by thokeopors. to rescue it, but the python had got tho illigator "for keeps, '.' . Tho conduot of tho python was a surprlso, as the two ipealos of reptiles, in thoir wild Htato,. livo lu poace.' w , Real Estate bargains: 160 acre tract, good for Alfalfa; or fruit, iH0 por acre. O A f acres, 130 iinderciilllvatlnii, good buildings, well wator- cu, lino location, ifUOOO. 20 aero fruit Irncfc, inga, $1500. B"od build- W. T. YORK