MMOFOIIIAIL - Pnbllahed Emrv Friday If orator. ; A. 5. BUTON. Bedford, Friday, November 23,1901 mm was torn to himtii. Hill of tew days; but suits pUnty, KJBSCRIPTIONJ PER . YEAR eSnesreS tn the Poatofhos at Mexltord,3)iOB aa SMaxtCtaas Mall Matter. NEWS OFTHfi Robert Thorn, alia LUholm, posing 9( the lord proToat oCOImcow, tfeMad; wm aireatsd at Portland, Or., AaaadL -with pasting tormd ofcooks. SntopoBoer have, boon, looking for htm r mm lasjs Mar; Sbetifi ,Wm. Frailer, ot Portland, has reoaotfy iwrotaased 2)0 head of horses, ton- service In the artillery sHinon of the United State army, Thja ojoaa hU ooatraot with the gov ernment, but he la under Instructions topfck uo (rood horses at any time and ny where they can be found. .-.- IT. F. Lowenthal of New York Clly, a dealer in preoious atones, bad diamonds m)ued at $10,000 and S200. in money taken from his room in the Portland kotel at Portland, Or. The thief es caped, bat part of the money and some -sf the diamonds have been found where dropped by the thief in his flight. Secretary Hitchcock, of the Interior department, has announced the forma tion ot bureau of forestry, which wil assnme charge of forest reserves, tab me the management out of the hands J the general land office. The office of superintendent will be abolished, and inspectors will have authority over su pervisors and rangers. An effort will be made to systematize the service and give better protection to the forests. The- American Wool and Cotton Re porter, No. 7, said Oregon wools had been !n active demand on the Boston market the previous week and. sold freely at' 14 and 16 cents, the latter annotation for choice staple. The bulk f the -business was done within a range of 14 and 15 cents, the wools to cost about 45 cents clean . Some short wools were moved at a clean cost of 40 and 42 cents. Valley Oregon Is quoted at 16 to 10 cents. The total movement of araol on the Boston market for the maek was the largest which has ever teken place at that city. ' A year ago unique incident occurred da a certain coast town where the pre- wailing type of smallpox had taken root DewDat, A matures in a barber's hair.,, One aide of his face had been ; neatly shaved, and a panse had followed general conversation. The barber broke Was silence by yawning, and casually neauu-ked that he bad been "up all night. " To show civil interest, his patient inqu r d the cause. The barber got a fioinhlng touch on the one side aid toreed th face, to begin on the other, and then indlff.reitly replied that bis wife bad the smallpox and that 1 "sat up with her all night" In terror the man sprang from the chair aad landed in the street with one slfe ajf his face dripping with lather. Mary Ledyard Sermonr, granddaugh Set of former Governor Horatio Sey anosrof New York, says a dispatch to , New York Herald from Honghton, JMich. married Henry St. Aruaald, a ckjaarter Indian, and they are now living atSMarqoatte. The marriage was opposed hjJlisi Seymour's father aud mother, 'rfa .fimanld is a widowerer, 65 years of ivctv nod has children older than his eatfr-. whe is only 20. Love is uneauallv yoked v.ith sickness. Labor is lightened by love, but love cannot lighten pain or relieve 1 r Man it a Omar 1nnla M on at his wife's suffering 4t willing to do anything iSlto aid her and able to do I nothing. Soujetinjes, however, be husband's attention is directed to JJr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and its remarkable cures of womanly dis eases.. He may not have much hope of a cure, but he is led to try the medicine, with the result that in almost every case tbcre is a perfect and pennanent cure. a Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures irregularity. It dries the drains which . weaken women, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. 'Ast tonic for women who ere nervous, sleepless,' worn-out and run-down " Fa .... prite Prescription" is unequaled. Eir answer to your letter I will nny, my wife . aommenced to complain twenty years ago," ' writes Lewis A. Miller, ex-Chief-of-PoIice, of 33 . Brcnpecl St., Welssport, Pa. "We have tried the efcill oC twelve diflereut doctors. She took gal lons of medicine during the time she was ill, watB. I wrote lo you and you told us what to do. 6Jie bos taken eight bottles of Dr. Pierce's Fn vvritje -Prescription and six of the ' Golden Med ina) mscovcry.' She can do her own work now . " njuLfu iWalk around again and is quite smart." Favorite Prescription" has the testi asouy of thousands of women to its com plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not accent an unknown and unproved sub- V striate in its place. : VHr. Jlerce's pleasant reiieu lnvigor-atje-rtomach, liver and bowels. r-:- 'Sw NKWS OF TimVORLl). HAPPENINGS OF THE PAST FEW DAYS FROM ALL QUARTERS. Admiral Sehley'a Ratlra Savings Spent. . Sir' Wilfrid lurlr lliilaru For Pro-(notion-Jtwlih Kabbl Assaulted In the Synagogue IealructWe Kxploatv. Strikers and guards got into a fight at the minos ot the Providouoe Coal com pany, 17 mitea from Maditonville, Ky., and one mau was killed and several Injured..; ; ; v , . The report ot the Pan- American Ex position oompany at Buffalo' shows the total liabilities of the ooutpanjr to be (3,336,114 net, auunung that the assets of $146,454 are collectible at faoe. The total cost to the company was $8,860,767. The oourt .of inaulrT. says the. New York Timet, has cost Admiral Sohlev SO,000, his entire savings of 49 years. "I cannot say I wish I had it back," said Admiral Sohley, "but Ii'o wish that I had the assurance now that I had a year ago that my wife would never come to waut." . ; '. v . - Henry La ft ammo, a barber, of Cam bridge, Mass., was fined $30 for draw ing the color line aad refusing lo shave Thomas S. Bruoe. a negra divinity stu dent of Harvard university. Judge Almy said the ease was oleorly one ot discrimination. '. The . barber had tho right to rojoot objootiouablo oustomers, but not for reasons of raoe or color. Yidil Yidilson, a Jewish rabbi, says a Denver dispatch, was attacked by six men and 13 women in his syuagogne at Colfax and had his robes torn from his body and his faoe badly bruised. The Jewish colony, previously to tho coming of the rabbi from the east, had beeu dis regarding the Mosaic law which says that one man shall kill beef aud another inspect it. The Hebrews took sides on the questiou, and the rabbi declared a boycott upon tho butcher shop. It was the mothers, wives aud daughters of the men employed iu the butcher shop who wreaked their veugeauce upon the rabbi. .'. . ; , - ..v..... . At a Moutreal bauquet tendered to the Manufacturers' association of Cana da, Sir Willrid Laurierwas nueqnivooal iu his declaration for the contiu nance ot the present tariff, which is highly pro tective. Minister of Finance Folding, who is the tariff sponsor, followed the premier with an even more oinphatio pronouncement. Thus what, for tho past quarter of a century, has bou the chief point at issue in Canadian politics has finally become a thing of the post, and protection is now accepted by the leaders of all parties as a gnor anty of industrial development aud the prime factor in the prosperity ot the country. Grace Snell-UoQn-Coffln- Walker-Coffin, four times married and now as many times divorced, is again her own mis tress. She was married only about two weeks when she was released from her last bond at Racine, Wis., on the grounds of drunkenness and ornel and inhuman treatment. Mrs. Coffin, who married Frank N. Coffin for the third time Oct. 16, less than 48 honrs after she had secured a divorce from James O. Walker of Wankesha, is the daughter of the murdered Chicago millionaire. Amos J. SuelL The mayor of Ottawa, Out., has been unseated, because while entertaining some gentlemen at the Russell House he purchased liquor in violation of a clause in the Ontario liquor license act, which provides that if any member of any municipal council is convicted of having committed an offense under the tct he shall forfeit and vacate his seat and shall be disqualified for two years thereafter. Political enmity is said to be responsible for the downfall of Morris. At the national convention of the htuights of Labor at Indianapolis, Gen eral Muster Workman Simon Bnrus at tacked the American Federation of Labor, and said that the steel companies in the recent strike were victorious be cause of treachery and the failure of organized labor to do its dnty. The Amalgamated association expected at least the lr:eud.ship of the American Federation of Labor, said Mr. Burns, bnt they received nothing but deception aud opposition. Iu a test at Sindy Hook, the ordinary army 12-iuch riflj, with an urmor-piurc-ing shell filled with a small charge of hi(ih explosive, drove a hole 13 inches iu diameter through a burdened steel plate i4 inches thick, and immediately thereafter, before the shell had emerged from tho steel cofferdam boliihd the plate, it exploded, malting a hole iu the interior steel construction through which a man could run an automobile. In ihe opinion of the officers present, uo battleship can stand ngaiusc even one 12-iuch gnu equipped with the new projectile, which is the invention of a United States army officer. - "Prince R.iujt of Baluchistan," the mysterious potentate lrom India who aroused the curiosity ot Loudon by his lavish lnxu y and liauvhty resjrye, and who was an object of great interest in Montreal, tnrus out upon his arrival iu New York to be only u cook, the curry cook iu Sheiry's lanious .restaurant. His name is .Toe ltauji Smile, whom hundreds of New Yorkers know well. fhe .newspapers, he said, were the v-uuso of nil the talk as to his being the head of some principality somewhere. Juitice O'Oorimtu, tu the supremo lourt at New York, of his own motion et aside a verdict for $300 iu favor of Julius Wiltseii, who sued the Motropo- ititu Slroot Railway company for 15,000 for tho death of his 6-year-old son Lawrence im Lhe ground that Mich v verdict wns uucry inadequate. Tho justice's action is said to be without pre cedent in tho New York courts. "The verdict," said Justice O'Gorman, "is perverse, aud the damages arbitrarily and capriciously fixod at such a low figura as to shock tho moral sense." CRIMES AND ACCIOINT3. By his own Ustimouy, Harry Forcn ion Sastro, who was convicted at Seattle of robbery, has smuggled Into the Uulted States from Vlotoria during the last live years $70,000 worth of opium, Whtlo m the wituess stand ho said that the imugglors' gaug ot whloh ho was member had headquarters at Vlutorla B. 07, aud that a Chinese was lu ohargo. The charred bones of Johu A Mont Komery and Hugh Montgomorv, deputy uulted States marshals, were fauiul lu (ho ashes ot the house ooouuied by Wil llttm Matthfs, an nllegod oouuterfoltor and niooushluer, who lived near Oxford Mis. Tho doputy marshals had gouo to arrest Matthis nud it is supposed they were shot aud the house fired to oonoeal the crime. . A posse weut lu pursuit of Mat! his, , r . Shipping has suffered severely by tho itorm on the Newfoundland coast. Tun Norwegian steamer Ella, under charter tor the Black Diamond line, was lost In the vioiulty ot Belle hie with all hands. The barkentine Titauia, from Liverpool to St. ; Johns, was wrecked near Cape Rao. ; The captain and crew, lashed to the rlgaJng, were od the wreok for 86 honrs. Thoy were ultimately resoued, exoept one man, who lost his life lu try log to reaoh the shore. The federal grand jury at St. Lout returned tndlotracnta agaiust Harry Harry Longbnugh, alias "Johu Arnold,' the mysterious Montana robber suspect, and his companion, Laura Bullion. Thoy were ludloted on 17 sopuratt counts each. Two of the traiu crew that were on the Groat Northern train that was held last July near Wagner, Mont., identified Longbaugh as the mau who took the lead iu intimidating the train crow and blowing opeu the ox press oompauy's jafe, from which nearly 1100,000 in uusigued bills of tho Na tional bank of Heloua were stolen. Nelsou Shaw, a nocro, says a Colum bio (S. O ) dispatoh, was arrested foi Bogging to death Nathnulol Williams. an ll-year-old boy ot Sumter. Th body of tho ohlld was found tiod In tin house of Shaw, aud a coroner's jurx found that a narrow, heavy strap o leader had cut I'llJh? flesh like jt dtj'.. knife more than 300 (linos, anil It w estimated that iu all 1,000 strokes wor. given. No reason is assignud for th' crimo. It is said to be a enso of wautoi. cruelty. mm In a cave-in that occurred at Oronopl near Jopliu, Mo., the entire plant of th Aurora Mining company, ouo ot th greatest producers iu the district, wa swallowed up. No lives wore lost. Th plant comprised a 100-tou mill, ottU-. building and engine-home, all of whlc. were eugnlfed, together with six grave cars aud an immense tailing pile. TRY GRAIN-0! TRY GRAIN 0! Ask your grocer today to show you P packace of GRAIN-O, the ntw food drink that takes the olace ot coffee The children may drink It without In jury as well as the adult. All who try it. like It. GRAIN-O has that rlol seal b-own of Mocha or Java, but it it made from pure grains, and the mot delicate stomach receives tt without distress, 'i the price of coffee. . 15o and 25 cts. per package. Sold by a)1 grocers. Francis Johnstone and R. Raukln two Vancouver (B. O.) prospectors, t esaipo a pack of about a score of larg timber wolves, hod to remain iu n tn for a day and a hnlf. They were reiuru iug from the :uust packing supplies to i miue iu the li.ountaiiis, aud it waswhil carrying fresh meat that they were ui tucked aud force 1 to take retue i'i tl branches of a tree. The wolves tor their packs t pieces, and iu a low mi: utes not even a vestige of the It-.tthc straps remained. A snowstorm r.utc for several h urx and u h.uvy wm. I to lowed, bnt tl wo.ves still kept up the. vigil ti.rou the night and tho ne day. The employer of ihu men had, I the nieuiiiini , started out to look f; them, nnd Imally resenjd thum alt. shotting a number of th:s wulv.'s. A Miraculous Feat. "It seemed that nothing short of a miracle could save my little daughter from'- an untimely death," says City Marshall A. H. Malcolm, of Cherokee.Kan. " When two years old she was taken with stomach and bowel trouble and despite the efforts of the best physicians we could procure, she grew gradually worse and was pronounced in--curable. A friend advised ' v Mi?' Nervine and after giving it a few days she began to improve and final .ly fully recovered. She is now past five years of ae and the very picture of health." Sold by all Druggists. Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, fnd. IRRITABLE Should be Pitied Not Blamed Men Don't Understand How They Suffer When They Cry, "Oh, Don't Speak to Me." All maimer of extravagant expression tiro possiblo whan a woman's nerves are overwrought. .! , , The spasm at the top of the wind pipe or bronohlal tubos, "ball ruing in the throat," violent beating of the heart, laughing and crying by turns, muscular spasms (throwing tho arms about), frightened by the most Insignificant ooourrencos aro all symptoms of a hysterical condi tion and serious derangement of tho femalo organs. ' .Any female comprint nmy produce hysterics, whloh must be re garded as a symptom only.v The cause, howovor, yields quiokly to SLydlo E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which acts at onoe upon is organ afflicted and tho nurve centres, dispelling effectually all those stressing symptoms. . ' .u. 77,i... . )., n " fm-iim ai imisvn Mrs. Lewis Says: "I "-aassrsswa- PhysicaJ'.y "Dr.AR Mns. PinkiUjI : I wish to speak a good word for Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Kor years I had ovarian trouble and suffered everything from nerrouanosa, sovero hoadnche, and pain in back and abdomen. I had consulted different physicians, but decided to try your medi cine, and I soon found it was giving me much relief. I continued lis use and now am feeling like a now person, physically and mentally, and am glad to add one more testimonial to tho value of your remedy." Mrs. M. II. Lewis, S108 Valentine Ave.. Trcmont, New York, N.V. . Writing to Mrs. Plnklinm Is the quickest anil surest way to Et the right advice about all fcmiilo troubles. Her address la ynn, Mass. She advises women free. Following Is an instance : Mrs. Haven's First Letter to Mrs. Pinkham. " Dub Mrs. Pinkham: I would like your advice In regard to mv troubles. I suffer every month at time of menstruation, and flow so much, and for so long that I become very weak, also get very dlxzy. I am troubled with a discharge before and after menses, have pains In ovaries so bad some times that I can hardly get around, have soro feeling In lower part of bowels, pain in back, bearing-down feeling, a desire to paaa urine frequently, with palna In passing It ! have leuoorrhcea, headache, fainting spells, ana some times have hvsterla. Mv blood la not in rood condition. Uoolnir to hear from you, I am, Mas. Emms. Uaveit, 3 (June S, 1899.) mrs. Haven's v BcAB Has. PlKKnAM : I wiah have done for me. I suffered for four years with womb troubles. Every month I flowed very badly. I got so bad that I could hardly do my work. Was obliged to sit or lie down most of the time. I doctored for a long time, but obtained nn relief. I began using your remedies Lydl E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Blood Purifier, Hanatlve Wash and Liver Pills and now feel like a new woman. " Mas. Emma IU via. 1508 South Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa. (Feb. I. 1900.) ;- $50001 RKWARD. Wa bare depoaltwl vakh will o paid to any parsoo not goaulao, or ware publuboil boruro oblalntnn tho writers spoelal pr. ion. l,yai en ri3 U'J rj na OJ na PLOWS AND H ARROWS John Deere Gang Plows and Hand Plows ca For all kinds of soil. Also a largo assortment of 133 C-3 r.a L'J il'J Spike Tooth, Spring Tooth and Disc Harrows Come in and See Them. r.a en r,a OJ tsa r,a ca i nnriirja irrnannnnnaianntjnnriEirinirjiinrqoDtnatanCTniriinnniaa uuByiia ,'t tiJUJuatiauaiiuoBtiiJuiiuaBiJcuuiauuiayiiijijyiiuiJt tio Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the ; rtlfrnarnnta onH fllrrnuta nil llnrla , gigestants ana aigests ail Kinas 01 tOOCI, J tglVCS Instant rellernna never this summons, lo-wll: On or l.elore the explr ffillu fn r.iirA. Tt. ullnwa vnn i.n out. nil ' allot! of six weiikK from Die dtiv of Ihe first the food you want. Thomas, sensitive j BtOIIiacllS can talfO It. By Its 118U many I thousands of dyHpepMcfl have been ' nurnrl nffrtf ftvat-uii inn nlLti f.illorl Tf cured l iter cverytninf? else fa Jed.- it prevents formation of nation thestonv ach, relieving all dlstreHKaftercatlng, Dlutiiiu;iinticceasary. Pleasant to tuke. It can't help but do you good Prepared only hy E. O, T)R Witt Ic Oo OIiIcuho, Tho tl. bottlu contains Z times tbo 60c. also. 3u icrlor ob prlntlnsr, M.MJ4 office WOMEN Feel Like ft New Person, IStfftCl ahd Mentally." SOS South Ave., Council llluffe, Iowa." second Letter. to exDraae mv o-ratltuda for what voa ltb th National CUT Bank of Lrna. SSOOO, wbt aaa And that ! abor lotllmonlal loiters K. tnknni ssoeielao uo., kyis, ainae. U'J U'J r.a uu U'J r, fj na L'J na L3 na U'J na U'J Ka LT3 na- U'J na c-j na V'J na L!'J na no na K-J na na 131 na MEDFORJ), OREGON 1.-3 SUMMONS. In tlic IMreult Court In htiito of otCKon. Mary H. JuliiilliKs. IMHlntlft, vs. Kilwnril I). Jennings, inl lor Jack Hon Con uly. Suit lor plvnrco, Ilelenilnni. To Kflwnnl 11, JciinlnKs, tlio anove named do remliiiit: IN TMK NAMKOFTIIEBTATKOI'OItKOON, you are herelty remilreil to appear and answer the coinulliit flleil HKalust you lu tliu iltiiivu entllleil eiiuse oil or heforu Hie lllth day of Deeember, A. I). IISU, the last nay 01 tlio time r..M,ri.,i i,i ii10 order for iiio uiiiiiieuiioii of JJJlVl''r',;:;? rVJ;:::: ,h'! ))eruby ihiIIAmI that If ymi fall to an n vvr, for waiu tiuireof, tiie niahuifr win iiiipiy t tim ioiirt for the rtilM dtiin Kin Icfl in tl)U ITOlllphtlllt. t0.wH: Knr (IU ,iiH,iiiHnii of the imluiH of imitrlmoiiy (jxlutliift Imlwotm iliilnUff nnd ile fciKlmit nitd that Hiiirt iitarrtaKu now exlatttiR liu hold fm-'iniKlit; (hat plaintiff havu jmlK niiMit for hi!r cowIh ami iMmrfiiiii'.ilH ntul for Kiieh c rollol a may ho Junt anil cqiiltahlu In the it(mlm!H, Thli iiihlh:atlon I mnilo hy onV-r of Hon. H. K. Itanna, Juilgo of tho Circuit Court for tho Htati! of OroRon for Iho CimtUy of Jackson, which Hrthl onlor wn duly "niiidir hiuI en to roil upon thu aiht day of Octonur, 1W1. Wim.iam f. Vawtkh, . Attoni-y for I'laltitlff. SHERIFFS SALE. Hutu !o, AiliulHlstrutorollhs.Ks.i loin of Jnuirs tlalnes, INicoasud, subsllluloU fur Jauum Ualnes, i , . ; , . ' , . I'lalntlff, vs. Speneor Chllilers, ,lr , Mary H. Olilldoraam) Wadhains A Co. and n ulluuo Woods, Henuidants, 1)V VtltTUK of ail nouullou Issued out of ' tlio Ulroult Court of tho Blats of Oruxoii, lor tho County of Jaekmin, on tht mini day of Ootobor, linn, upon a)udinnsntaiiddanduly rondorod In said Circuit Court os the mtb day of HoDtouiuur. lUut. wiiieh suiii Iii,iuh,a,.i doukoted III the olork's oftles of said Court on inn iTiu uny 01 nopieumer, lugt, aud wherein it was doomed tliul Iturus Co I as administrator ot iho ostata of James ilalucs, dsnaaasd, sulisll. tilted fur Jauion dallies, should bava twonty days within which to rodeein tho tollawlun described properly sold undir foraolosur salt In this Court lu a uauss wherein Wsllaoo Woods was plaintiff and Spenoer Chlldors and Mary JO. Chlluors and Wsdhsms 4 Co., a our poruliou, wore defendants: : i'oiiimcnolii at a point altuaied X ohalos and i links wosl and It tot nortb of tho oulheast eornor of U, U U, Mo. U In T. It, S. It. I weal, In Jaekoon County, Union, and run nlnif west I chain and so links, thonco nortb a ohaloaandals links, thnnna snMk an out I obaln and JU links, ihcnoo south chains aud Jo links to the place of boiilnnlnn, ' And Iho sold Kufus l'e as admlnlstralor or tho estate of-Jamrs Oalnea, deoraaed, havlnic dopoallod with Iho olork of the circuit Court of iu county in amount noooasary fur the re demption of tho aliova dcaorlhcd property as provided In wald dearao. aniaiiMiii,.. .. s-h.i and tho said circuit Court navtn decreed that lu caao of Iho redemption of tho said described property special eaocullon should Issue for Ilia "i ' raiuiin a morifaa forooloaure, ol tho followInK described premises lo sails!; tho ludginonl of the aald planum aiialnat tho slmvo iiaiued defendaula for tho sum of sovon hundred twenty-four and 01-100 dollaia, with Internal i.t Inn rata of inn tw. . from January 31, Moo, and Iho further aura of uouara auorniy't feea, and his costs and disbursements taied at Inn dollars : t'ommenelnit at a point aliuaied Mehalnsand i licks wosl and W links nortb of tho southeast corner of O. I., c. No. 42, In T. S7, H. It. I west, lu Jackson County, Oreiron, and ruu. nlu Ibooce west 4 chains and I links, ineneo nortb HJ degrees, westH chains and 4S links, thence north Ml deiireea. u,i a M,ti. J- links, llionro souib chains and 31 links to lu'a pmou oi nesinnins. eonlalnln 4 to acres, fa therefore, publlo nollea la huni.i that on Monday, November as, 1901, At tho hour ot Iwo o'clock p. in. ursald day, at iho front door oftho court heuse, In tho town of Jacksonville, Oreunu, I will, In obedience to -aid exeouilnn, sell sll the ilvhi. title and Inter est of the above named defendaula lu and to iho last above described properly to antlify aid Judiiment, Interest nnd uttornoy's feea and eoste and ihe amount paid for the redemption ol said first ahovo described properly, and for Iho coats accrulns on this writ, 10 ihe hlsbesi bidder, for lawful money of tho Unllod Stales of America. At.tx Oliui. Kb end. "'' 'his KM .lay of October. I. sheriff'sTaie. Jeremiah Nunsn, I'lalnilff, J. N. Mi'Oonnell and H. J. Iir A.lmlnl.tiatiir of K.lale off rram-ls iirk, lieren.e.l, llelelidsiils. I TY VIIITl'E of an eieeutlon lued out ol the J Clreiill Court of the Stale of Oreiion, for Ihe County of Jst-kaon, on Ihe taih day of Oi. lolwr, IBM, uon a Judsmeiit duly rendered lu aid Court 011 the 7tli day of uriubor, lail, which said ludament was iti.ii i .. ' clerk's olTleo of said Conn. In II,. i: u ... Jaekmn, nn the 7lh day of Oeiuber. ivol, In lavor 01 Jerenilall Mills II, plaintiff, and susln.t J. N. Mi lvninell and 8. J. Iay, a.lmlnl.irauir of riie in rraneis uik, deeeasril, defendaula, for ihe sum of three b I red nri n.i,n (tHlo.37) dollars, wllh Inleresl ihnmn .1.- 7ih day of October, nail, at ihe rale ol ten wr rem r annum anil rvsls ainnunlln lo eighteen and ni lisJ (is.oo) dollars, and tho lunuor sum 01 nny (a.-.ii) dollars allorney's fees, and, whereas it was ordered. a,n.,.i.i ..... decreed that the mnrtxsxe menlloni-d In plain tiffs romplalul herein w firedied and Ihe morlKiil premises di-M-rllx-d therein, la-wli: n:iiHnn((i r.a of W of HWI:; K4 at meu of KlVIr; U of HKU ni vu-l .- ... KWI NK'iof NW !i and VU of mkiv i mi i.. ... section III, and K'(j of HK of HtV of eelloli -n, T. 37. R II. 3 W. V. H loaelher will, .11 w.i. dllrhes and wnier rlshis iheretu WIimikIiui and more particularly iIi'.itIIh iI as full,,,.. 1... One llli h lakeii mil of Iho creek on Ihe west side Ihereof alKiiil lui or l yards Ih-Iiiw Iho upper lumber reservoir and folliiu liiK the lino of Iho illicit around the side hill in wlihln sImiiii HHIor ftm yards of lieir ah,! i. dwelling house III ari-llon 31, T. 7, H. II. 3 West; .in, 11 insun inn ni a guleli nlsiul 2l yards below Ihe tinner lumlier reHi.rvnlr utk...... .. ., and on Ihe west side of the creek following the line in me mien iinwh gulch where It dumps -Into another ditch 1)11 Iho rluhl I......I r...i, ... Jackass creek. In said section, totvunlilp nnd rnimu DKiri-snin j one illlcn Inkcil mil of the creek at the upper lumber reservoir, In section 31, and fullnu'lng Incline of the ditch on iho .,,, , ,o ereeic to a kuIcIi known as Adams gulch In Hce. 3,T. lis, 8. It. ,1 w., ami on Ihe right hand fork of Jneka.a ,.r..,.L. 1. taken out of Ihe cast side of the right hand fork of Jackass creek about -too or fVil yards above l-oua and Mi-Dniiiiiitl. .i.u..iii.. , .. aid Miction SI, ami following tho lino of thu linen 10 ina Attains gulch 011 tho right hand fork of Jackass creek, all of anl, 1 i,,.i .11........ reservoirs ntul water rights being In t'lio upper ..... .u-n ,. iimiiiiik uisiriei, jiicksoii County, Oregon, Im sold In tho samu manner ns upuu cxeentlon al law, I'uhllc nollce Is hereby given that on Monday, November an, 1001. At tho hour of V. o'clock p. m. f MUI day,: In front of tho court house, In tho town of Jack sonvllle. Oregon. I will, in ..i..i ,. . ..... - - ' .,.-.; iu sniu execution, sell all the right, tttlo ami Intoreat 01 iiieninivcnntncililelcmlalil,J.N. HpDnnnell and H. J. Day, administrator of estnto of I'rnnclH "'Ma, iieceasoo, in ami 10 Iho abovo described ' properly, lo satisfy ,id Judgmont, ntloriiey's fees, costs and ai-orulm in.i. ..... . " '"i ... inu iiikiics and best bidder, for lawful money of the United H'aU"' : . ; A..k.Orms. Hhorlff of Jncksnn County, Oregon, natod this 18th day of October, 1IKH,; ; , . . TT T r County Treasurer's 33rd Notice. f,i'iJ',iin2rc)!!NTV TiiBABtmmi 1 . OV JAHK0N CllNTY, OlIIIUOM. f , , ,,Anl)r(Vll,l.g, Oregon, Nov IS loot Noiln5 Ih boroby glvon tluit ilmro afo fi mis In tho county treasury for Urn redomptlou of all outHtuudliiT county wnrriinla nrnliu iind rrnl AuuUKt 1.18IIS, to LKmi M,&mXX& the abovo data, max ll!l,t,tilt, County Troasuror, Stops tho Cough and Works off tho Oold. in-XI"!!? D"m," 3lnlno Tablots ouro a oold In ouo day. No Curo, No Pay. Prloo Uo oonts.