The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, November 01, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    I km STILL
yC luivo uddod ii now lino of gontlomoii b pop-
if E uliir prinoil neckwear in tho Intent patterns j
and HtyluH of Imperials, .Four-in-hands, Toeko and )J
JioroxB. Wo would bo pleased to liavo you call
and kuo our 1 iiln y. ' to
$1.50. A now pair if not good. Wear is our
guarantee with thisnhoo.
J. G. Van Dyke & Co.
T'"T'T-r"T T T'!T " ? t'Tl
There l an old type enso In this of
lice, which, could II punk, could doubt
less add much to tho unwrltton history
of SoulliL-ro Oregon and toll many stor
ks of early Journallam In tho wllil wosl.
Tho old cata bears on lu back tho ad
dross: "11. & D., Jacksonville, O. T.,
earo of Lord & Petora, Scotuburg." It
wrua doubtless part of lha plant of tho
old Oregon Sentinel, tho flrat nowspa
pur publiahcd In thla end of the atntc.
From tho address It evidently came
"around the Horn," wbllo Oregon waa
r mill a territory, that Is, before I Nil).
After months of tossing on the ioatlea
waves of both oceana, thla old caao, then
bright, new nnd unmarred, waa un
loaded at. Scottsburg, on tho Uinpqua,
then packed on tho back of a mute for
those were "days of tho trail and tho
footing" and started on Its Journoy of
'200 miles to Ita destination at tho then
flourishing mining town of Jaokson
vlllo. How many times that mule Iny
down and rolled with Ins pack or how
often that bundle of ernes waa hastily
.made Into an Impoverished breastwork
when danger from Indians thrcatonod,
is not recorded. Hut thoro la an end to
nil things, even packtralna roach thoir
destination, and tlio old caao was un
packed with its fellows, filled with type
nnd commenced Its mission as a fuolor
In tho building up of n young Hliilo.
"What flaming editorials hnvo been set
up from Its blackened, nnd battered
boxes; what startling adventures In
floodod rlvors, pathless forests and
dangers from treacherous Indians hnvo
neon rooordod by the typo It Hold? Al
most every old-timo printer passed at
one tl mo or another through Jackson-
. vtlle and doubtless all of tbein hnvo set
type from thla old ense. Many, bavo
laid down their "sticks" at tho last call
of "thirty," and gone to tho other shore!
Bomo nre still in tho land of the living,
Tho Aid oaso Is still In good condition,
though blaokuncd with ago nnd tho
prints of many Inky fingers; but Is now
In honorublo retirement in Tins Mail
ollloe; a voncruhlo rollu of tho days
when tho great state of Oregon was in
Its Infancy, with Its resources undevel
oped, and Its history to bo made, Tho
W You W Save
By not purchasing adultorated food at any
time, but when you can buy tho pure article
ofms at tho same price, you help your purse
And Protect Your Health
at tho same time
Our Groceries, Etc. are Pure, We Keep no
Other Kind
Tlio host valiiou, the best Stylo9
iiiul tho best (lowost) prices,
t'omo in and grant uh tho priv
ilege of provingit. We aro iinx
ioua to prove that wo do save
our patrons money on shoos.
Wo aro determined that every
pair wo sell shall prove satisfac
tory. We carry none but relia
ble shoos, and should any go
wrong, bring them back and wo
will make it right.
Have you soon our
New Welt Heel "Walkover"
Shoo for men, at $lif0? Com
pare it with other $3.50 shoes
and poto tho difference.
Ladies' Kangaroo Calf, lace,
double solo, coin too and tin at
men and women who helped build a
prosperous commonwealth in tho Itogue
river vnlloy are honored by us of a later
day lor their achievements, and much
lias been wrllton nnd spokon in their
praise; but that timo-worn case stand
ing forlornly in a cornor, with its his
toric inscription, see mi to say, "I, loo,
had something to do with history mak
ing In Oregon ; let roe not ba lorgotton
In tho ruab and whirl of modern events."
A raro chance: We wish to Inform
the roadors of Tna Mail that we havo
on hand about forty acts of harness and
fifty saddles.whlch we will sell at great
ly reduced figure during tho next sixty
day, in order to enable ua to make up
this winter our slock fo next suinmor.
A nice assortment of winter robes,
horao blankets and nil otber (roods in
ihn harness and saddlory line must also
be closed out. Kumomber, everything
a guaranteed to bo as represented.
Thla matter will boar Investigation.
Ouposito Union Livery Stables, Sev
enth Street. L. A. l.ucus A Son, Medford
There is only ono country bcttar
than Oregon to llvo in and that Is
Southern Oregon. This section Is al
ways gutting up some sort of a surprise
for Its inhabitants. Last week tdcro
woro brought to TllK Mail ollloe sev
eral apples of gootl size, sound, finely
colored and of delicious flavor. They
didn't hnvo a long namo, neither had
the troc from which thuy came had the
eare supposed to bo necessary for tho
produotlon of such fruit. Like Topsy,
"It jia' growed," right out In tho cor
nor of tho fonco In a brush patch on tho
IC. K . Anderson place, near Talent, and
from n seed at that. Mr. A. also brought
a pour wh loll hud grown In tho same
manner, which, while not as largo as
some, had n very fine llavqr. All this
is not ndvancod as an argumont that I1
Is better to rniso seedling apples In a
brush patch than to culttvato grafted
trcos, but is sot forth to (how what
Southern Oregon qjin do whon It takes
a notion to Bpread Itsolf.
r Kor Salo An eight noro orchnrd,
; adjoining Medford; good buildings.
win prouuoo aiuuu worm or trim tins
year. L. 13. Brown, Modford.
Tho Modford band boys wIbIi ua to
extend their heartiest thanks to the
oltizors of Modford for thoir liberal
contributions towards dofraying the ex
penses of thoir Instructor. Our pooplo
wero fully oognlzant of all tho facte
which mado It necossnry for thorn to
usk tlio contributions and responded
lihorully. Tlio ho.vs hired their In
structor with tho expectation of enter.
Ing tho hand contest ut Ashland and
with the understanding that ho was to
receive all prize money which tho band
might win but tho contest was de
clared olT and tho boys got a chance
to glvo Ashland pooplo n froo streol
concert that's nil. Mow If tho band
boys will only remember this Inst
courtesy together with others previ
ously extended nnd not got "hard on
tho bit" and pull In an opposite direc
tion whon llioy aro asked to toot thoir
horns a fow minutes when somo public
demonstration demands It and tboro'a
nothing In It othor than tho good of
the town thoro will be a good bit more
hurinouy between them and the towns
people and there won't bo anything In
tho bounds of reason whlob they cuu
ask for Unit they'll not get.
Wanted 1000 hushuls of barley.
Will buy any quantity, no matter how
small. K. Husa, proprietor of tho Uuss
mill, on II street, south Hubbard Bros.'
Implement house.
Tho city council has oausod tho
strcot lights on Seventh and C streets
to bo taken down and Klootrlolan
Qurnea has nowly painted and enameled
tbem and they aro now being put up
again in various parts of tho olty. There
woro forty In number formerly In uso
but only twenty will be re-oatabllsbcd,
but they will he so located about tbo
city as to bo of greater service to the
pooplo than formerly wero the whole
forty. It is the Intention to establish
the new lights at streot corners In some
of tho more remote resident portions of
the olty, as woll as placing a sufficient
number for all practical needs on tho
principal streets. This Is a good move
and tho council Is entitled to credit for
tho proposed Improvement.
Pay what you owe I. A. Webb to
W. T. York or J. H. Butler.
Mrs. M. Turner, widow of the late
Wo, Turner, has sold her residence, In
West Modford, to Harvey Moore, of
Lane County. The price pnld wa& 750.
Mrs. Turner left Tuesday for Baker
County, this stato, at which place hor
son resides and whoro she will make
hor future homo. .She was accompanied
thither by Thos. Turner, a brother of
bor deceased husband, who had been In
Medford for several weeks straighten
ing up tho alTnirs of the CBtate. The
salo of the property waa made by M.
Bellinger, who is doing some rtul es
tate business In Medford and vicinity.
Mr. Mooro tbe gentleman who pur
chased the property, is a blacksmith
and has purchased tbe shop on tbe
West Side from H. X. Marcy and Is now
in posaoaslon thereof.
Mrs. R. Potter, of tbe Racket store,
Eagle Point, has a lino supply of winter
hata, also Racine hoslary and feet for
samo of a suporior quality.
A temporary suapenslon of drilling
operations for oil at Ashland ocourred
last week, owing to tbe loss of the drill
In tbe well at a depth of 10(2 feet.
Tools for raising tbe drill were sent
from San Francisco and "fishing" for
the lost drill has been Industriously go-
log on since. Tbo tool was caught
onco and raised a distance of 400 feet
and then foil back. This sort of an
acoldenl is ono of tbe most aggravating
points in drilling for oil on this coast,
as a greater depth than elsewhere must
usually be bored beforo oil Is struck.
However, the managers of the work ex
pect to catoh tho drill at any time,
when operations will Immediately be
resumed. The prospect of success In
this well have stimulated Interest among
other companies about Ashland, and
arrangements are being made for sink
ing other holes in the near future
For Sale or Trado a two-seated.
one-horse surrey nt Purdin's 'black
smith shop.
Reports come from several localities
in Jackson' County to tho olTect that
China pheasants are disappearing from
their formor haunts and localities
where they were hatched. Ou one
farm, not a great distance north ol
Medford, thoro bad been seen during
the past fow nionfhs a covey of twenty
or raoro birds, but all at onco they bad
disappeared save one rooster, and a fow
days later It, too, was missing. Tbe
only plauolblo conolusion to reuoh In
this imiltor Is that the birds have been
killed. There aro strlot state laws pro
hibiting the killing of China pheasants
in Southorn Oregon and Game Warden
Kropke Is oamplng on tho trull of sev
eral "suepoota" In tho county and if
sufBulent ovldonco can be gotten to
gether to oonvlot arrests will be made.
Anyone desiring to purchase a span
of largo work horses can be accommo
dated bv calling on A. J. Daloy, one of
the leading merohants ol .agle rolnt,
Jackson County, Oregon.
E. J. DeHart, who purohasod the
Hon. J. H. Stowart fruit orchard, near
Medford, has given an order to L. E.
Hoover for thirty Royal Ann cherry
trees, the same to be planted this win-
tor. Mr. DeHart has noted the grow
ing demand for this variety of fruit and
proposes to bo In a position to supply
some of It. Among the recent Innova
tions In bar drinks Is tho oherry cook-
tall, In the ..preparation of which the
Royal Ann almost always figures, nnd
tho domnud for this variety of fruit is
growing to wonderful proportions be
oituso of this cocktail notion, or fad.
flood mlloh cow nnd good hoavy
draft horso for salo, at tho Coss Piano
TT .
auuaai i
Last Thursday evening was ' 'social
night'1 with the Eastern Stars, and a'
pleasanter time had not been enjoyed
since a previous gathering of like na
ture. A contest was on In which the
ludlos whittled plugs, or stoppers, for a
demijohn and tho gentlemen made
buttonholes. Mrs. J. T. 0. Nush was
tho best whltller and received a China
ciiko plate as prize. Merchant II. U.
Lumsilcn could muko a biittonholo like
bis mother used to do and his sample
ol excellent workmanship entitled him
to tho prize a China cup and saucer.
After tho contest light refreshments
woro served. -The Stars give these "so
cial nights" onco a month and they are
always occasions of much pleasure.
To Kent Good, upright Fisher
piano. W. J. King.
Mr, and Mrs. H. P. Ournea while
driving from Medford to Ashland last
week mot with an acoldont which came
vory near terminating terlously. When
near the quart, mill near Ashland
something wont amiss with tho harness
and the horse became frightened and
broke loose from tho buggy. After be
ing rut loose from the borse the buggy
went "scooting" backwards down a hill
and finally overturned, throwing Mrs.
Ournea out. Mr. Giirnea had previ
ously Jumped from the buggy and In
doing so struck on bis head and shoul
ders, injuring him so badly that he
has since been laid up. Mrs. Gurnea
was not Injured.
Empty barrels, old or new. for cider,
vinegar, wine, for pork and beef, or
any other DUrnose. sold at the distill nrv
The sixth annual meeting of the
Ladiea' Missionary Union waa held in
tbe Presbyterian Church October 23d.
There was a good attendance, fine
music, and an unusually interesting
program rendered, an especial feature
being an account by Mrs. Van Dyke of
a missionary Journey made by her son
In India of 4009 miles, from Singapore
to Borneo. Mrs. W. B. Moore was
elected president for tbe ensuing year,
aud Mrs. J. Merley secretary and treas
urer. Got a suit of good clothes at half
price. Tbe Rosenthal stock is being
closed out Tbe stock is a good one
and tbe prices aro cut-squarely In two
in the middle.
The Hardin tc Appel barber shop
has changed Its location from East Sev
enth street to South C street, opposite
Thk Mail ofMce. The proprietors are
out with posters telling of the removal
and inviting trade. They guarantee
first-class work and are selling shaves
for ten cents eacb and hair cuts at
twenty five cents. Give the gentlemen
a call and be convinced that they are as
good barbers as the best, and better
than many.
-It coats no more to Datronize a first
cats laundry than it does one of the
miico class order. Tbe Grants Pass
L, i.Un is strict, v first-class and un-to-
oat n its work. Bates Bros, at
Hotel M is barber shop, are our Med
ford agents.
W. A. Wltchcr, ho recently pur
chased the Hockersmlth place on Grif
fin creek, has moved his family thereto
and is now In full possession. There
are sixty aoret In the farm and the
price paid was $1000. There are seven
acres of orchard on the place. Mr
Wltober formerly owned 1C0 acres of
land out on tbe desert, which he sold a
couole of months ago to tbe Fish Lake
Irrigating Ditch Company for $00.
The ladiea of Southorn Oreeon who
desire toe very best quality and latest
styles In millinery do tbeir shopping in
una line at Mrs. bears at tne UacKol
Died In Eist Medford, on Mon
day, Oct. 2S, 1001, Mrs. Rosanna B'anch
ard, aged forty-two years. Funeral
services were held at the Buptist Church
on Tuesday at 2 o'clock, Rev. Crandall
officiating. The lady had been a res I
dent of Meiford for about a year, dor
ing all of which time shn has been In
quite poor health. Her malady va:
When you want draying done gel
slovor lo ao It. tie's alwavs reaay
always reliable and his charges are
always lust right.
The pupils ot the seventh grade of
the Medford public schools have organ,
(zed a literary society with the follow.
ing officers : Fern Norris, president:
Gladys Heard, vice president; .1 oh unit
Porter, secretary. The first program,
consisting of musio, lecitnlions. and
readings, waa given last Fridny after
noon, ono of the most Interesting num
bers being an essay by Sophia Hanson,
on "Hospital Life."
The Brnmblo Delivery and Dray
Line lo nro Dared to do work outcklv and
sutlslaatorllv. Work never so plentiful
that his drivers are not looking for
more. Terms nnd service guaranteed
to be all right.
L. E. Hoover and son, Claud, left
Wednesday for northern California
points, where they will make delivery
of fruit trees which they sold during
Myers, the Jeweler,
Sells and Repairs
Watches, Kings,
Clocks and
Jewelry .
Cheaper than anyone
in Jackson uounty i
New Goods js? jg?
j? P Latest Styles
In Ladies' Jackets and Cloaks, Baby Coats and Bonnets
Ladies' and Children's fancy woolen fascinators
Gents' handsome silk ties and suspenders
Our Dew cotton and woolen underwear for Ladies and Gents
has arrived
Umbrellas and telescopes and numerous small articles
We will deem it a pleasure to show you goods and give
you prices.
Proprietor Hedford Racket Store
Orders taken for Men's Tallormade Suits
To all who Saff.r from Cold
Fast, Corns or Rbaamaltim
7th 81., Medford
the summer. Parties in this vicinity
wishing to order fruit trees from the!
firm Mr. Hoover represents can do eo
bv calling at the millinery sturo of
Miss Lizzie Hoover, in Medford. - Mr.
Hcover's delivery of fruit trees in Jack-
wn County will be made about the 20th
of this month.
Get Balm of Figs at Haskins' drug
H. B. Nye was In Medford last
week from the Bill Nye mine. He re
lated that a new strike had been made
in the mine at a depth of 150 feet.
Since Its discovery last week sixty
sacks of very rich ore hare been taken-1
out and there seems no indication oi
the ledge "petering" out. The ledge
is ten Inches in width and from one
Dan of the rock over half an ounce of
gold was secured.
Millinery goods of tbe very latest
uylea at Mrs. sears' millinery panors
H. A. Meyer, of Lake Creek, brought
in twenty-se en head of steers last week
which he had previously sold to Siski
you County parlies. They were stock
cattle and for two-year-olds he was paid
$25 per head, and for yearlings $20. Mr.
Meyer is quite a prominent stockman
and almost always has a few head of
,:attle which he can torn to good ac
count and thereby Increase his bank
oredlt. , "
Get Balm ol Figs at Haskin's drug
L. B. Brown, who lives in East
Medford, has sold bis apple crop to
Olwell Bros, and he Is now packing the
fruit. He estimates that be will mar
ket fully tlOOO worth of frnit from his
irehard this year. Considering that
there are only eight acres of land
planted to orchard, the revenue is in
deed a good one. His Yellow NewtownB
ue being packed . especially for the
London market,
With the new facilities that B. N.
Butler put in bis shop, he turns out as
rood work in repairing watches and
welry as any one in Southern Oregon.
A. G. Moore has moved his family
'rom Talent to theold borne at Climax.
Mrs. Moore has not folly recovered
from the operation made last summer
by Dr. Bobannon lor the removal of a
cancer. The cancer seems to have been
removed all right but the wound made
by the operation does not heal perma
nently. . .
Tho Rosenthal stock of clothing,
.zents furnishing goods, hatsand shoes is
being closed out at fifty cents on the dol
lar. Get good bargains for little money
get 'cm now while this opportunita is
Rev. H. N. Halloroft, missionary
of the Rogue River Baptist Association,
will begin a series of meetings at the
New Hopo Baptist Church, in Sams
Valley, next Sunday, November 3d, at
11 a. m. Mr. Halloroft comes highly
recommended as a successful evangelist
and It Is hoped he will have a large
hearing next Sunday.
Wells & Shearer have the best
equipped outfit for draying and bouse-
nola-moving in meuiora. oeo mom
when need the services of a good dray
ing outfit.
Mr. Harper, a recent arrival from
Nebraska, has taken a position in Ed.
Pottenger's Central Meat Market. Mr
Harper has had several years' experi
ence In the business and will undonbt
I edly hltoh up well with the gonial, hust
I ling Ed. ....... .
All the latest novelties In millinery
at Mrs. Sears' parlors at the Nyo
i uuuaei, muio.
at the Parla Exposition 1900
was awarded to the makers of
Gordon Hat.
Cordon quality means some,
thing, ask your dealer about it.
I have lust received
line of floe wool bu
but- I
Sl.M I
per pair
We have just received
word from the publishers
that part of our order for
Xraas books have been
shipped. We must there
fore get rid of the books
we have to make room
for the new books in
Xmas covers.
We are tneretore going
to make you a very lib
eral discount on all our
books costing $1 or over.
Among them are , many
late ,- and copyrighted
books that make it de
sirable to take advantage
of this offer. This offer
can also be applied to
small books purchased
to the amount of $ 1.
Little Men and all Mrs.
Alcott's works, - - 11.50
Little Women, Alcott, $1.50
Dri and I, Bncheller: - - $1.50
Ben Hur, Wallace, - -.: $1.50
Caleb West, Smith, - - $1.50
Eben Hoi Jen. Bacheller, . $1.50
and others at $1 and up,
among them Janice JVler
edith, Haraona, The Li
on's Whelp, Arrows of
the Almighty, The Hel
met of Navarre, and
what you see Saturday
in our window .
the coniht;
Bring or mail t?
ner with your o
any of these
books and it
will'count as
X. ao;
Whon ai.
ted with a
(or ai.ou.v;
books v
Madford :
Book 1 '
Storo 1 :
cents cash.
List of books
mailed , free
on applica
tion Medford Book Store
Mail Order House!