The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, October 04, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Published Every Friday Morning.
Mbdpord, Friday, Octohkr 4, 1001
He la ol (ew daya; but Quito a plenty.
SsMred la the Postomoa at Medtord, Oregon
a Beoonddass Mall Matter.
Till of th Late Preahlent McKlnlnjr.
f Contribution to the 'Conclure
Ttond GoYArninent Recover Iairge
Amount uf Kmbeasled Money
' In tha uaral court of inquiry Mr.
Bayner sacoeeded, as chief counsel for
Admiral Sohloy, Judga Wilson, who
died smldeuly last week.
" At t be Crystal Palace, London, Arthur
A. Chase out the world's cycling record,
covering 60 miles In 77 minutes 44 sec
onds. At the end of the sixth mile ho
was 16 3-5 sooonds inside the record, and
bom that polut he put all records in the
shade. - . ; .......
The marriage of Major-General H. O.
Corbiu. adjutaut-general of the army,
and Hiss E.lythe Patten will take place
iu Washington city at the resideuce of
the bride on the 6th of November.
The sum of 9300.000 in cosh, aud real
8tat Talued at many thousands of dol
lars, held by relatives of former Captain
Oberlin M. Carter, have been seized by
the government. Securities, worth sev
eral hundred thousands of dollars, dis
covered hidden iu Chicago, have also
been confiscated. Captain Carter, while
an engineer officer in charge of the river
and harbor improvements at Savannah,
Ga., embezzled $1,830,000. The deport
ment of justice is not certain that it will
reoover the entire amount embezzled,
bnt it has clews which may establish
where the money was placed before de
tection came.
The will of the late President McEin
ley was filed for probate at Cautou, O.
Secretary George B. Cortelyou and Wii
ham R, Day were appointed as admin
istrators. The entire property of the
late president is bequeathed to his
widow, with the exception of an annuity
of f 1.000 to Mr. MoKinley 's mother. It
it said that the UcKinley estate will
total 1335.000 to $250,000.
G. W. Ztjsv p.emii r of the province
of Ontario, has been absent two months
in England, aud has concluded arrange
ments for a scheme of assisted immigra
tion. , The plan will, it is understood,
come into effect next spring, and it will
tnt be tried with farm laborers, who
are scarce in the province. They will
contract to remain in the province and
fay hack their passage money within a
specified time. The province will pay
the shipping company.
Spaiu, according to (he New York
World, is at present placing extensive
contracts for railroad material and ma
chinery iu the United States. About
1,000 cars have Leeu ordered from on
American car aud foundry company,
winch are to be used by the Compania
del Norte, the principal Spanish trunk
line, and the Bilbao-Suutnuder railroad.
The government gnu factory is to be
equipped largely with Yankee machines,
tools, etc. Large electrical orders ore
also being placed iu this country.
The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall
were entertained at Calgary by Indians,
cowboys aud mounted police, who pic
tured northwestern frontier life before
them with all possible dash and color.
They count this one of the most iuter
wtuig, sights. 0 their Canadinu tour.
TUo greatest ambition of Amer
ican men and woman is to have
homes blessed with children. The
woman, afflicted with female dis- j
easa: is constantly menaced with I
becoming a childless wife. No I
medicine can restore dead or
gans, but Wine of Cardui docs
regulate dcr.mgemcnt3 that pro-
wwft conception ; docs prevent ,
..jjnvuiuiigt; , uvea luniuiu UilK. i
functions and shattered nerves
and docs bring babies to homes
barren and desolato for years.
Wine of Cardui gives women tho '
health and strength to bear heal
thy children. You can get a.
dollar bottle of Wine of Cardui '
from your denier.
143 Market street, - -:
1 Memphis. Tenr., April U, 1W1.
In Pobraar;, 1901. J took ono bottle of
Wine of Oerciiu ttou one packave of
Thedford's Black-praught. I had been
married flft-eeti'-tears acd had never
given birth to a cblld until I took Wine
ut Cardui. No r I am mother of a fine
baby trirl which wzn born March 31, 1901.
The baby weighs fourteau pounds and I
feol as well as any parson could feel
Now ray home is happy and I never will
ltd without Wine of Cardui in my house
gate.,. Mrs. J. W. C. SMITH.
For adrfpe sod literature, address, gtring
ayraptonu, "The LAilles' Advisory Depart
ment ", The Chattanooga Medicine Company.
Chattanooga, Term. . .
, A Cnutou dispatch says that Guard
Deprend, stationed iu the rear of llio
vault in which the body of the late Presi
dent McKinloy lies, was nttnokud by a
man ami cut slightly. Guard Duproud
saw a mau behind a troo about 7:43 p. in.
Uo requested Hie mau to halt, but the
follow dodged from his first position to
it secoud troo about ten foot nunrer tlio
guard. Souiiuel Deprend thou raised
his gun and tired. Just as ho did this a
second man, masked, who had stealthily
itppronohed, kuoclted the gun from its
aim. At the same time the soldier vu
struck a 1. heavy blow on the back, aud
was assaulted with some sharp instru
ment. He was knocked into a small rti
viue at tho vault. Guard Doproud says
the mau behind the tree carried a pack
age of white aud some instrument iu
his hand which shovvoi a glint. Tno
men escaped despite tho prompt rush ol
the officer of the day, aud other soldiert
to his assistance. Military men say
they believe it was an attempt to blow
up the vault.
Do youuCkr troai pttesf If so do not turn
to surgery for relict. DeWlu's Witch llsxel
Solve will act more quickly, surely end safely,
saving you the expense and danger or an oper
ation. CUas. Strang.
The athletes of Yale and Harvard
met representatives of Oxford and
Cambridge uuiversities at Berkeley
Oval, New York, iu track aud field
events. The Harvard and Yale meu
defeated their English oppoueuts by a
score of 6 points to 8.
Tho auuual inspection tour of the
board of mauagers of tho uatioual sol
diers' homes was completed at Mil
waukee. General McMnhou said: "The
board has decided to maintain cuuteeus
at all tho homes for the good aud suffi
cient reason that experience has taught
ns that it is better for the veterau aud
for the people in the community iu
which the homes are located. The can
teens are properly couducted at these
soldiers' homes, aud "the result is that
the veterans do not squauder their
money in cheap saloons, nor do they
drink too much."
DetVitt'a Little Early Risers never disappoint.
They are safe.prompt, gentle, effective in re
moving all Impurities from the llverand bowels.
Small and easy to take. Never gripe or dis
tress. Cha. Strang.
Tho first telegraphic message, which
was oueof congratulation, over the uew
liue to theEloudike, was sent by Gover
nor Ross of the KJoudiko, while at
Vancouver, B. C, to his legal represen
tative at Dawson. The liue, which is
3,330 mil-.s long, touches at Atliu,
White Horse, Dawson and Fort Simp
son, and connects at the Alaskan bound
ary with the projected Americau gov
ernment liue from St. Michael.
Two men journeying down the Col
umbia river in a skiff recently went
over the Rocky rapids near Meyers
Falls, about five miles south of Kettle
Falls. About half a mile below the
rapids was found the boat, in which
were the men's hats and coats. Iu the
pockets of one of the coats were fonud
letters indicating that one mau's name
was Selby A. Louenbnrg of Spokane.
I Awls Ockcrmao, Goshen, Ind : "DeWltt's
Little Early Risers never bend me double like
other pills, but do their work thoroughly and
make me feel like a boy." Certain, thoro"gii,
gentle. Cbaa. Strang.
I" cannot live without you," declared
Anson Goodmau as he placed a revolver
to his temple and pulled the trigger.
lie fell dead at the feet of his sweet
heart, Ella Shaw, who bad just told
him that she uo longer loved him and
could not become his wife. The Shaw
aud Goodman families live iu Umntilln
county, Oregon, 13 miles southwest of
Walla Walla. A few weeks ago Good-
j man said or did something that dis
I pleased Miss Siiaw, nud after that she
treated him r.i'her coolly. The break
1 finally came when he was informed
lliat she uo louder loved him.
) At uireKn, uji., tne jury in liie case
01 Aiuerc joiaucnaiu, a "squaw man.
who is charged with tho killing of La
goon Charlii . a chief of the Trinidad
Indians, ou Jan. 10, was discharged.
The jury remained out all night with
out reachiug an agreement. This is
Blauchaiu s second trial.
When you wake up with a bad taste
In your mouth, go at once to Chas.
Strang's drug store and gel a free sam-
Ele of Chamberlain's Stomach and
liver Tablets. One or two doses will
make you well. They also cure billions
ness, sLk headache and constipation.
Orlando Stevens of Sail Jose and
Colonel Cotton of O.iklaud, Col.r have
goue to New York to hasten the manu
facture of automobiles which have been
ordered by a company which they repre
sent. Their order includes ten pesseu
gcr busses, one large touring machine,
b.ji dos-u-dos and six p.ircul delivery
wagons. Passenger route? will beestub
lishcd between Situ Jisa, Campbell and
Los Uatos, Sail .lose uud Saratoga, aud
San Jose aud Atvrso immeaiateiy upon
the nrrival "f ".g-hiiies. ;
Get a free sample of Chamherlair 'a
Stomach and Liver Tablets at Chas.
Strang's drug store. Taey are easier
to 'ake and more pleasant in effect than
Ellis. Then their uae is not followed
y constipation a9 is often the case with
pills. Regular slz?, 25 cents per box.
Seoretary Gnge of the treasury d
iaf ma. f ranalvarl lit, mall ah a
bution to the "conscience fund," the 1
n to tne conscience iuua, tue
of (6,150 iu bills. This is probably
largest amount of cash ever sent
the lorgoi
through the mails without registration,
The communication onclosod, apparently
iu the handwriting of a feeble old man.
explained that "duties were not fnl'j
paid as dosircd. " No namo was signed.
Stenned Into Live Coals.
"When a child I burned my foot
frightfully," writes W. H, Kids' of
Jonesville, Va., "which caused horrible
leg sores for 30 years, but Buckln'a
Arnica Salve wholly cured ra.i after
Avppvthintr plan failed. " Tnfulllhle. for
j Bnrns, Scalds, Cute, Sores, Bruises and
I Piles. . Sold by Charles Strapg, 25c,
Some Have Run Away with Men
Far Beneath Them.
Notable Instances at the Snscoptl
bllltr of Humify to the Onrte ut
CuuldTrniretllca That llr
ltttsultcd. ......
Even royalties are not immune from
the darts of Cupid, nml, although nu
ll .T the laws of all European nations
princesses are forbidden to wed hus
bands of inferior rank to their own,
many have surrendered to a handsome
fnce or a dashing manner even though
their possessors were men of plebeian
birth, says a lmlon exchange.
Princess Isabella, graudnunt of the
present klliff of Spain, eloped with the
Polish Count (iurowski. One dark
night the oount repaired with a car
riage to Knghlen, near Paris, where
his inamorata lived. Leaving her
house by means of a rope ladder, she
soon joined him, and the couple es
caped safely to this country, where
they were married. lAlas, the glamour
soon faded, for after awhile the pair
quarreled and a separation ultimately
Even more romantic was the elope
ment of her sister. Prim-ess Joseph
ine. A certain Sennr Henetle, a poet of
promiae and a journalist attached to a
Havana paper, asked a rioh planter for
his daughter's hand, with the result
that he was Ignomliilotisly shown the
door. Furious nt this-treatment, the
young poet swore that he would show j
the world his worth by marrying , a
princess. -1
Quitting Cuba, he journeyed to Mad
rid, where, after years uf want and
suffering, he gained a reputation ns f
a poet. At last his genius attracted ,
the notice of Princess Josephine, to
whom he had dedicated several of his
effuslms. The royal lady miiie his
acquaintance and beonn-e enamored
with the poet. Her love was returned,
the pair eloped to Paris. On hearing
the news the princess' ftmily were
aghast and strove by every means to
have the marriage annulled. Their ef
forts were, however, futile, and, com
mon sense at length prevailing, the
poet and his royal bride were for
given and tnken into favor.
Some six years since Princess Eliza
beth, a granddaughter of the emperor
of Austria, fixed her atfections upon
liaron Otto on Seefried, a young in
fantry lieutenant. Her relatives' ef
forts to prevent the mesnllinnee were
of no avail, for ose morning the lovers
escaped to Genoa, where they were
married. AnoTEer Austrian royalty.
Princess Elvira, likewire contracted a
runaway marriage by eloping with a
Bavarian count, while the mother of
the present queen of Italy eloped with
an artillery officer, who, on the union
turning out unhappy, committed sui
cide. Some two years since a desperate
duel was fought between Lieut. Gcza
De Matachich and Prince Philip of
Saxe-Coburg. in which the latter was
wounded. This encounter was the out
Comeof the action taken by the prince's
wife. Princess Louise, eldest daughter
of the king of the Mrlglans, who, driven
to desperation by her husband's cruel
ty, had, after vainly appealing to her
father for protection, thrown herself
upon the honor of the Hungarian ofil-
cer of hussars, with whom she fled to
! Spain.
An elopement that failed was that
planned . by Grand Duchers Olgn,
daughter of Nicholas I. of Itussla, and
Lieut. Dariantinski. At the last mo
ment the lover's courage failed and he
made a full confession. The princess
was promptly married to Prince
Charles of Wurtcmburg, while the
treacherous officer received such rapid
promotion as to attain th highest
rank in the army before he was 50.
Count Louis ISatthyany, who was
shot in the market place of HiiiIb
Pesth by the imperial troops for his
complicity in the rising of IK4H, might
have escaped his tragic fate had he
consented to desert his wife and fam
ily and elope with Archduchess Maria,
who was madly in love with him.
' "Ifamilrt" br I)f Mate.
Very useful work Is done by the
adult deuf and dumb institute in
Manchester in keeping up a link (if
assiicintion and interest anting deaf
mutes scattered over a large area.
Some travel great distances to take
part in a reunion in Manchester, that
has now become an annual event. This
year it took pEsce at the II ill roe town
hall, where a tea party in the efienin'g
was followed IJy a performance of
"Hamlet,'! by rfeaf-inutes. I'nebably
the feeling for dramatic representa
tion is as strong in them-as in others,
but to those who can hear and speak
it is dillieiill to imagine that it an be
fully satisfied fry. signs and geifttres,
more especially when- they arc- tram
meled with th rapid and compli
cated movemea of the finger lan
guage. The performance was. how
ever, a great success. ' Last ymr the
some "actors" gore "Itomeo and Ju
liet," so that toe-success was; not al
together due t novelty. Th. dress
ing of the pray was, the
scenery was good, and there was spirit
in '; the acting, anr the audience,
iliiei b? their attention, fWt a real
' " " ' 1 , V -V
!eoncrn in the development and the
, incidents ot the play.-London Lancet.
r . Mensnrlng the Kr(Ti,
After nearly 30 years of constant
effort and the expenditurciof nearly
$000,000, scientists have succeeded in
accurately measuring Hie earth. They
have learned that its diameter through
Hie equator is 7,020 miles; its height
from Dole to pole,. 7,399 miles. The
earth, . therefore, is flattened nt the
poles; and, while this fact has long
been asserted, the actual measure
ment has removed the question from
the domain of doubt, Science,
Has Great Faith in Future of the
Electric Railroad.
Uvllvvea That IStuotrlcltr Muat In
tho Yeara tu Come lie the Mo--v
Jive lower of I'nwtJL.
v aver Trains,
Emperor William Is Interesting him
self actively In the development of elee
trie traction on ordinary rnllwnya. lie
has been watching during the past few
mouths the excellent result w achieved
by hetiry electric trains betweiu Mer
lin ami .ehlemlorf, mill as n result of his
observations he has been dlM'UHeiug
with Privy Councillor Ituthenau, who Is
director of the Allgeiuelue Kleutrlcltnta
(lesellsehaft, the possibility of revolu
tionizing the present system of trac
tion. His majesty is convinced that
electricity must iu tho future be tho
motive power of passenger trains, espe
cially express trains, brtwcfn llerllti
and the other (lerimiu nud Ktiropenii
capitals. He thinks, however, thut
stenm mlitht for the present be retained
for freight and local trains.
llerr Kathenau has Usucd a report
by request of the emperor, in which he
states that some of the hsidlng Indus
trial ami financial firm. Including Sie
mens & llnlske nud Krupp, of. Kssen,
have founded a sludieu grtvllsehaft un
der the chulnuuiuhip of Dr. So hull,
president of the imperial railway
bureau, to investigate the problem.
This syndicate has appointed a tech
nical committee, of which llerren
Sluby and Hutheuau are presidents, and
a subcommittee to deal with the details
of trafllc, architecture and mechanics.
These will examine data and confer.
It is expected that the rexuM of their
labors will be the ratubllalimenttlurlng
l'JOl of a so-called lighting service on
the military line from Hit Liu to.on-n,
which den. von dossier, uilnlitur of
war, has placed at the syndicate' dis
posal for purKaee of experiment. It is
Imped to prove the feasibility of mak
ing 200 or '-'10 kilometers an hour. Kach
train will constat of a single car ac
commodating about 50 persons. The
Allgemeine electrieitata geirllachntt
and Siemens & Halske are each building
an experimental cur, which generally
rexemoles the ordinary Kuropeau
sleeping car. lfthe experiments uo
ceed on the Itrrliu-Zustcn '.Itie, whiclris
only about .10 kilometers lung, it is in
tended to start a quarter or half hour
service between Derlln and Hamburg.
The distance will be covered in rather
less than an hour. The emperor has
ordered the state department to assist
thel studien gesellM.-hnftiaa much as it
possibly can.
Tot Causes Nltrlit Alarm.
"One night my brother's baby (was
taken with Croup," writes Mrs, J. C.
Snider, ol Crittenden, Ky., "It seemed
it would strangle before we could get a
doctor, eo we gave it Dr. King's Now
Discovery, which gave quick relief and
permanently cured it. We alwavn
keep it in the house to protect our chil
dren from Croup and W hooping Cough.
It cured me of a uhronlo bronchial
trouble that no other remedy would re
lieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds.
Throat- end Lung troubles. SOc and
I.Oti. Trial bottles free at Oharloi
Strang's Drug Store.
In cold co nt ier, where snow
prevails duriig a long winter,
many of the animals change the
hue of their coats to white tiut. The
Arctic boar and fox ore while
throughout the year. The i.orthern
bote is l.iown in summer and white
in winter. The weasel is eepeciall..
curiuin1. It retuins the brown coat
until' the first enow uppearn, and
then whitens in a few hour.
Good Hen Wanted.
.Good men can get employment at the
C imp of the Flh Lake Dlrr Company
of So. Glen Falls, N. Y des
cribes a condition which thous
ands of men
and women
find identical
with theirs.
Read what he
says, and note
the similatity
of your own
case. Write to
him, enclosing
stamped a'd
dressed envel
ope for reply,
and get a per
L. D. Palmer.
sonal corroboration of what is
fcare given. He says regarding '
Dr. Miles
Heart Cure:
"I suffered agonizing pain In the left
breast and between my shoulders from
heart trouble. My heart would palpi
tate, flutter, then skip beats, until I
could no longer He in bed. Nightafter.
night 1 walked the floor, for to lledown
would have meant sudden death. My
condition seemed almost hopeless when
I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure,
but it helped me from the first Later
I took IJr. Miles' Nervine with the
. Heart Cure and the effect was aston
ishing. 1 earnestly Implore similar suf
ferers to give these remedies a trial,"
Sold by alt Druggists
on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medloal Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Could Hnrtllv Itollovo It. A
Prominent, Woman Mnvml From
Doalli by Lytllu I1!. rinkhum'M
Vegetable Comnoumlt
" Pkaii Mils. 1'iNKiiAM t I Nupposn a
largo number of peoiilu who read of
my romnrkiiblo euro will hardly bcllevo
It; hud 1 not oxporloneeil it myself, 1
Itmiw Unit 1 sliuuld uoU
"I auiTerod for months with
troubles nuuuliur to women which
gradually broke down my health aud
my very life. 1 was nearly Insane
with ptiln at limes, and no human
skill I consulted Iu Milwaukee could
brinf m relief.
" My attention was called to IjVtlllt
13. IM nk hum's Yirtftblo Clom
liouml ; tlio tlrnt bottle brought re
lief, aud the smioiid bottle an absolute
euro. I could not believe It mysolf,
aud felt sure it was only teinMirnry,
but blessed fact, 1 have now been well
for a year, enjoy the bent of health,
nnd cannot iu words express my grat
itude. Hinceroly yours, Haiiik K. Koch,
1S4 10th St, Milwaukee, Wis." kw
forftlt If a6ew tnMsl ' ml SMe'se.
Such unquestionable testimony
iroves the power of I.ydlii K. IMnk
nim'a Vogotuhlo Compound over
diseases of women.
Women altoiilil riMiioiiilxr tlint
tlicy nro prlvtluKotl to consult
Sirs. lMitkliuiii. ut Lynn, Sliuut
about their lllueaa, outlraly free.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of tho
dlgestants and digests all kinds of
food, llgivcslnstunt rcliufand never
falls tocurc: It allows you to cat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take It. Ily Us use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
prevents formation of gas on the stom
ach, relieving all dlstressaftereatlng.
Dieting unnecessary, l'lcattaut to take.
It can't help
but do you good
Prepared only br R. O. DsWittA Co., cntraaa
TUo II. bottle contains SH times the SOc. sUo.
NOTICK Is horoby fflvnn that tho Hoard of
Kuualtxatlun for Jackaon l ouniy. Htalo of
Oro.oti, will convono at tho ortlov of tuo county
de. k, tn Jaokaonvlll, Orutfon. on
non-day, October 7, 1901
for ihi purpose of publicly examining tho ft
WAAtnetit roll, and correullitjf all crrom In
valuation, deacrlpiloii nnd qualttlca of Imnla,
lot ami other pro petty Hald Hoird will cod
.inuo Iu jvifbn from day to day until mid roll
boa boon duly isx jmliuid.
All lntiTf"ttd part If a will takt) notice aad
20 vera th-mitclve acconllnttly
J.C IKNt)!.Kt?r.
County Ariaaor.
Dated 0pt. 2. l'JOl.
Better for the Blood than 9aaparlUa
7or Thoae I.tvtntr In tho MaUrla Dlntrlcta
Urove'a Taateieaa Chill Tonic. -
and Hand Plows
S For all kinds of Boil. Also a large assortment of
Spike Tooth, Spring Tooth
and Disc Harrows
Come in and See Them.
t&ant rjinnnon iinrjinisnnnQiQfsnQnnnnBnnnniinnnnnfsnnnnnnDinnnsinn
Smoke the jp0p fllfoHSO,
Have You Ever Tried ,
The Star of Stars
11 UN Itttll h'-iHtnu lii turn tit Mi. Tun is
ftoi'lv tu t Iu wlinl, liitll hiMirtlitf tlitimi
in lu't'l Incin I nil Itultlol niiutinK
Ijtllllltlt'f. Itll'l I'UMM VlhH It h'Kt HIIIMIIIIt
of itivir (r itiintiiiii. tiitlviuiliti'il
tiUvi nntkiiiK. I'm iiK"lhvr wtili kI
viiiilni'tl Ixtlta, iti-tililc inuti'il i tit i.ftii
fitii l-iml nt- Ui'l liHiai' 1(11)1 lllllll'. W'l ullt
rCKHlnlnl- iHM fl't'l IVK'llllHtMt, NINnTll( C
lii cliittiift1 IimikIoii Hit I'Vi'ry I'luiiiuo ol l
IPIIIIVIIIMIIV aim nin ih msoi nm U""
Uomln NliviiyH mi liuiul, TIichu IIiIiiun
iuu win tli itmiiKy to 'mii. Then ultv
mil luiy n kIW It?
MciUiirtl, Dri-tftut
Unitkii HtAitti IANi)Orritm,
HiHiburti, tro Aimimt Jl, IWjt,
Nottuit In Itorotty kivimi I tint lit nimplfiiitoft
Willi llto iiruvl.lttiiit uf tho ttt't of CmiaruM ut
Juno 3, W9t diilltlcd "An i'l for tlm naln of
I tin be r I an tin In tho Hlaiuit uf ('nllfurultt, Ore.
huh, Npvt.t.ntl v4tiiiiitiimTftrrltorir'," i.
iooiloU iu Mil thu 1'uUllo Liiuit Hutoa by act or
AutfUNl 4, ItM.
Of Kty, County nfMt. Iwul. Hutoof Mlmiomitit,
ban Ui In (Uy rtlwl In tht ntllru bin awuru
HUininniU No, I7M. fur tlio ptiruhiiio of Hip WU
NKl. HKU NK HcoMQtt No. 'A HV NW'J
ol bi'Oilcm piu. 'Jl Id Townihlti No. ft! H Jtttuun
No. a KnNt,tttl will olTor prmtt to khtiw llul tiin
Unit wu Mb. I Ik mora valubln Tor (tu llmtior or
utoitti limn for Itur I imruuii, uA to tm
tohltnh lilNoUlm to ati1 Usui borntn th Hvtf Inter
ml Htfrelvnr of ihjn offlnj nt IfiiMburit. Orn..
on KrltUy, tho ath tiny of .Novcubar, luoi. IU
umc ah wHncattta: lsrl J. Whlio. (1 uxt.
K. Oninrbflitf. Mm. H. I.lmturou. of Kly, Mluo.
K. A. Wultr, llnKcrOlty. Dn-.
Any ami lt iiomora (Jlftiin'nif ftilvaruety ttttt
nlKvc liifiprllwl UiHlNnrtf riMjuoHtod to 11 to thalr
ti latum In thin ortlco ou or beforo nut U Mb day of
Novvuibor, 1M)1, J.T, IHiiimim.
tmiiod Httn Land Ortlrv..
KtmobUfK. Orttfoa, Hftpt,if7. ('Jul,
Nolle t harcby Ktvuti ibal In ooinplUnco
with the irovlion uf tlio out uf CtmuruM of
Juna S, II7H, on i It I od, "An act for Iho lo of
11 in bur UtiilH In iho tattio of t'allforntit. t)roon,
Novfttlti, and WaahliiKton Territory,' a r.
tnnilwl to nil tho I'ubilc IailJ Htntm by act of
AUKUVl i, IKr.'.
of 1 1 Ik llultr. oouuty of Jarkon. Htato of Ore
tfon, b thin day nirt In thla omen hu aworn
aiittomaiii No. 111, for tho iurv'haoof l.oi No.
I of Hue. 'i, anil Lota I nnU'i, anU tho Mj North
taut of Million No. 8( Townnhlp 31 nouth, of
KniiKC I Kant, anil will offrr proof to ahow
Dial (ha luiul aoutfhl la uioro voluablo for lia
timber oritono than for aKticullural purpoao.
anil to flalabtlub hi claim to aattl lanl before
tho Kntliur and llccelvor of thla oBico al Uwa
Iburtt, OrflKon, on Tuoatlay, tho I'lib tlay of Uc
crnber, I Jul. 11 a uantna ta wltneaaoa: (loorso
W, Koymdda, of Mctlfurd. Orriion. Chtrlna
Obcnrbaln, of Itiac lluilr. Orrtun, If. J. DouoU
I ilar, of Mcdlord. Oragvii. anil H, A. Whllo. of
naKtr iiir urrKon.
Any nnd all uoraona claiming adveraoly Iho
ftlMmt-dnaorlhrd landa nro rntunHtvd to flio
ihnlr claim In ihta ortlctt ou or boforo aald Utb
day of Uoioinbor. luul.
J. T. UlUlXJiM, It eg tutor,
Land office at Itoacbunc. Orrjron, Hppiemher
S), 1IW1, Notleo la hereby Mru that the follow
lng named aoitlor baa Died uotloe of bia In tno.
lion to oiaka nnat proof In auppurl of bia olalin,
and that aald proof will bo made before Uua
Newbury, county clerk of Jarkton (touoty, Orn
Jon, at Jackaunviilc, ureifoa, on November il,
On hi I!. V.. No. Kti for tho NW)( Be 2, Tp.
fflH., K.SKam.
Ho naoioa the foltowlnv wltneiiaca to pmvo
bia contlnuoua reaideocc upon and cultivation
of "aid land, vlx :
Joaeph Hhlnti, N'idin Nyr. H. W, Uray and
W. J, Ktotf, all of lrcpcct. Orrifon.
J. T. Huukim, Roltor.
County Treuurer' 19th Notice
Orrick or Cochtv Tmkahohiiii i
J At'KKOfi VI t.tiK, OltKitUM. H'pl. i7. l'JOl.
Notice U h'Titiiy Ktvon that tnnre arit fund In
tbn county trtanury for the reilernptton of all
oiiiatnndlnK county warrnnta proientml from
April I, I"", to April :. IMJrt, both ix In
cPialvo. fnlrtrcal on the name will ccaao after
tbe above date.
County Treaftura'.
The Mining Law of OfOtfon for
sale at thin nfflou. Price 26 conu.
John Deere Gang Plows h
A new Cigar, long and ulim, with Havana
filler, Mr. Kurt''u own make. It is a gratifying j
Binoke, and h proving a very popular 6c cigar. (
The popular lOo cigar? It is hand mado, with
- clear Havana filler. - v , $
IMPORTED 00008. Sf