The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 09, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    ; I DRl VER'S Story I
; 1 , By ry B. SMM. y
tTlHATt Oh, that's old Squire
I ' Hone s Mace: at- least. 'Livns
tuaf finoa, and a knlghty flue place it
' la, too?1 said "CnpU Boh," tfca stags
sSriver. ' '
1 was the only passenger, and -as
, the day was fine I was sharing hie
tHAt for a better view of the country.
" We were just then, passing a large,
, -JcWashioneil mansion standing well
' tmk from, the rood and surrounded
w ith magnificent elms and - maples.
"Fes, it's a mighty nic old place.!'
V repeated the driver, "and it just doe
me good to see them youngsters frol-
- ' idling on that grass plot. 51 Hullol
here's the old squire himself!" and
, lie pointed with his .whip handle to
shaggy-bearded old man who with
the help of a crutch, was hobbling
down the step. "Seems pretty bad
ly broken up. . And he used to be one
' the halest, heartiest men in Btan-
- TtoBTille. I know I used to" look up
at him when I was a boy and think
that the giant I'd read about could-
. n't have been much bigger. Dut the
trouble with him ,-was his" Inside
nake-up didn't fit the outside. It
luiirava seems io me wucii 4 acn autuo
' totem great, gianty-lookiu'. men as
ii the Lord meant 'em to have hearts
-M big in perpdrtioh as their bodies,
"but thaw don't always; or if they
were big once, they've got so badly
-shriveled up, some of them, that I
should think they a- waDOie rouna
like a dried kernel in a walnut shell.
' "My uncle Ben used to go to school
frith the squire when "he was a
youngster, and he says he was so
mean that he wouldn't so much as
give a fellow an apple core without
mnkia' him pay back in cliewin' gum,
""' and when you see a boy so stingy
as "that you can most gen'ly tell
about what sort of a man he is goiu'
to make. But he was an only son,
and I s'pose that helped to spoil
him. He liad one sister, and when
her liusband died, leavin' her with
two children and scarcely money
-enough tovpay his funeral expenses,
she begged her brother to let her
mn back to the old home: but she
might s well nave asKftcl mat duj
rock yonder to take pity on her.
Ana 'twasn V. long oeiore me pour
lady, not being - used to hardships,
broke down and died. Folks thought
then that maybe he'd be shamed Into
duin something, f or the two orphans,
aeeln' they -were '..his own nephews;
wad he was-, be took 'em both out o'
Tschool and 'prentlced 'em to a shoe-
maker. Generous, wasn't he? And
3 had but one child of his own, too,
' and aha was a 'girl that would have
been glad enough to have 'em for
brothers. Her m mother was dead
- as nioa a woman as you'd care to
-seat; on o' your real ladies, with
always a smile and a neartaom word
tar everybody; a good prayin' worn--aa.
too. Folks that knew her intl
aaate use' to say that ahe was always
.jafajria' for the squire, and . that
' anmrtimea she'd send a note askin'
-ma save him prayed for tn meet In'.
. flat didn't give ia his name, but
.mtIuIv knew: who It was. But
yrayin' for a man like Squire Bone
mtways . seems to me a waste o'
toreath.' Anyway, the poor lady died
without seein' any good come of it,
-and 'twasn't more'n a year 'fore he
.- was married again. The second wife
. vas a good deal like himiself, big and
.handsome, with no more heart than
-an oyster, and Annie, who was one
V them soft-eyed little things that
always look as if they wanted a lot
o' motherin', got . to pinin' so that
'at last some of her mother's relatives
lover in Waterbury sent for her and
kep' her till she was grown up.' I
remember as well as if 'twas yester
day the day she came back; I'd just
begun drivin' the stage, and she was
one o' my first passengers, a tall,
alim-built girl, with a forehead like
a baby's, and a look in her eyes that
made you feel as if you wouldn't say
a swear word before her no more'n
you'd cut off your hand; and that's
Yaa kind o' girl that I like to have
round when that off horse begins to
get balky. Hi, there, Jerry! None
'' your nonsense!" But the off horse
was in a mulish mood, and there was
long break in the story.
The squire'd been sort o ailin'
"that spring," said Capt. Bob, when at
last toe balker was conquered, "and
whni Annie heard of it she hurried
ttome to see if she couldn't cheer
aim up. And he was mighty , well
jlcasnd to have her there, for he and
a didn't get on any too well
together; and no matter how mean
-a man is, he likes havin' somebody
to coddle him all the same, 'specially
cnen he's sick. Bui when he found
sat that she was gettin' letters from
m young feller in Waterbury, and
aras expectin' some time or other to
marry him, he was madder'n a March
Stare, and swore that if she didn't
rive him up he'd cut her off without
.penny. But Annie didn't take
"that part of it much to heart, for the
young man was purty well to do, and
as be wasn't through college they did
ait ieel in Shy' hurry' about marryi
in". But as soon as he was rady to'
start out for himself he went right;
Ha tier father, for he ws a' real
traightforward sort, of a feller, and
told him he'd come to ask for Annie,'
Jfor answer the squire ordered him;
to go about his business and wait'
till he was sent for. But at that
Annie braced up arid said that she
lied given her promise to marry him
s Soon as he was through feollege,
nd seein' she ' was of ge; ' she
thought it wouldn't be right for her.
; V, break bet . word. .:; , .
"Oh, marry himl Marry hhur
Stormed the old s(utre, hard uu a
filnt, 'but I warn you, not a cent will
you get from me if you have to go
to the'poorhouse. And Anute. iwelln
that she .wasn't -beholden to her
father1 in any way, sreiu' he'd let
her live away from him so long,
went, back to Waterbury the next
day and was uinrrtcd at her aunt'n.
" 'Long about Hint, time there was
a erase In this part o' the country
for iuvestin' in minin-stock, and the
Rquire, thoigh gen'ly n pretty
shrewd business man, went, into it
hot and heavy. Fact, he was so
greedy about it, he seemed to be
grudge anyone else havin' a chmice.
lint all of a sudden .the mine caved
in, so to speak, nud the squire had u
stroke o' paralysis that come mighty
near making an end of him. And
when they come to look Into his af
fairs they found that his house and
pretty much everything else that he
owned had been mortgaged to raise
money for the minln' stock.
"In the meantime his daughter had
moved somewhere away out west,
and there wasu't a sou) to give the old
mieor :a helpin' htuitl. But he'd had
the sense to leave a few hundred dol
lars in the bank, and when the folks
that held the mortgages shut down
on him, his doctor took n room for
him In a cheap lodgin' house and had
him. move into it. Seemed quite a
come-down, but nobody pitied him
very much. "
"Well, to make a long story short,
in the" course of a year or two the
county was voted a new poorhouse,
and the Hone property being for sale
the committee concluded it'd be
cheaper to buy that than to build.
You see, there was about 20 acres
of land and not a neighbor within
quarter of a mile. The squire hud
another stroke when he heard what
they were goin' to do with it, and his
landlord, flndin' that by the time the
doctor's bill was mtiil he wouldn't
have a dollar left, turned him over
to the town. I dare say the select
men were sorry to do it, but of
course they hod to treat him the same
as the rest o' the town poor; and
when he came to himself there he
was in his old home under an over
seer, and herded with paupers.
Two years later I chanced to be
passing over the same road with
('apt. Bob Moreley for driver.
'Say! he cried, fnctng about at
we came in sight of the Hone place,
" 'member my tellin' yon 'bout the
old squire? Well, sir, there's been
great doin's up there, nrtd they snj
the old man's so changed that his
own wife wouldn't know him. Seems
his daughter 'long 'bout that time
lost her husband, and when some of
her friends wrote her what the old
gentleman had come to she packed
right, up and hurried on east with
her little girl and took a house down
in- the edge o' the village so's to be
near him. Tell you what, the way
some women in this world forgive
helps a fellow to understand the for--givin'ness
of the Lord.
"But she hadn't more'n got here
when she was taken down with
iheumatic fever, and not bein' able
to go herself, she sent her little girl
over to ask about the squire. The
old man was sittin' on one o' the
benches there "by the gateway, with
bis chin on his cane, when .the Utile
one come In, and he started as if
he'd seen a ghost. They say she's
the born image of her mother when
she was her age, and she's named
after her, too, and when her grandad
called her Annie she run right to
him and chimb on his knee and be
gun chatterin' as if she'd known him
ail her life. He's gen'ly rough as a
bear with children, but they say he
broke down and cried like a baby.
"Well, that little midget kep' com
in' right along, bringin' flowers and
jells and lovin' messages from he:
mother; and 'bout the first question i
sho.d ask him would be: 'Have you
said your prayers this mornin',
grandpa?' And then she'd make him
recite with her 'Our Father.' And
before folks knew what was goin'
on the old squire was converted.
You know the Bible says: 'A little
child shall lead 'em,' and it seems a
If the Lord must have sent that little
one there on purpose to bring him
to repentance; at least, that's the
way it looks to me. His daughter,
soon as she was able to be up, want
ed him to come live with her, but
he was afraid he'd be a trouble and
thought he'd better stay where he
was. To be sure, he said, 'twas the
poorhouse, but 'twas in the poor
house that he'd found the way to
At this point the off horse began
to balk, and it was several minutes
before the captain could go on.
."Queer," he remarked, as he set
tled back in his seat, "what una and
'downs sometimes eome to people.
All of a sudden, one day, 'bout a
year' ago, the squire had a letter
aayin' that a new vein had beer,
struck in the mine that he'd invest
ed in, and that the stock had doublet'
in value. Seems - he'd been smart
enough to hold on to the paper, so
he was once more a rich man; and
the first thing be did was to deed
20 acres of land to the county and
buy back his home. Then he had
the house put in order from top to
bottom, and to-day his daughter An
nie and her little girl are livin' there
with him, and the two nephews that
he 'prentlced. to a . shoemaker',, arc,
bein' fitted for college. Curious,
wasn't it, how it happened? Make;
you think of old Nebuchadnezzer hav
in' to go down on his marrow-bones,
and then gettin' back his throne aft
er he'd learned his lesson. Anyhow,
the squire's clothed nnd in his righl
mind at last, and I've come to the
conclusion that his wife's prayers
weren't wasted, after all," N, Y. Independent,
Drain tor a Drink la I'rooi Tfeat
the ttrtecrt sma ! Nut
aiionvk Thirst,
"Will you have a glass of water after
your Ice cream soda, lady?" ifiil the
clerk at the s.itia fountain, according to
the Chicago Tribune.
"If you pleme," answered the cviS'
tomer. "The water takes the sweet
taste out of my month,"
"Do you know," resumed the clerk
to his confidant us the wninnn moved
away, "1 can't afl'onl to knock my own
business, but I would like to tell that
woman ami hundreds like hrr that
the drink she ought to have had In
the ttr t place was water. If she had
taken a drink of cool water before
sw allowing that mixture of sirup
charged water and lee cream her thirst
would have heen satUHvtl, Hut sli
wanted lee cream soda. She got it and
then she was obliged to drink watel
to wash the other stuff out of hei
throat. Did you ever hrar what the
soda water clerks call that glass of wa
ter? We call it the 'bath.' It's tin
'chaser' of the soda water fountain.
Down in Xew'York the hovs have re
christened the drink we sell here as
'Sunday,' lee urchin drenched with
some crushed fruit. They vn'. tt the
'dope,' and the name iiist about hits
II. 1 tell you we're getting a new lan
gunge behind the sodn water counter.
Cherry Sunday, did you say, madam?"
Oae in the lull Collector.
There is a young man in a hospital
at Albany, N. Y who has forgotten
his inline and address, but who in
other respect is mentally sonnd. Let
liim rest easy, assures the Chlrnmi
Tiuies-lleruld. and sooner or later
some hill collector will drop in ami
establish his identity.
I'rtueeas H-al.
The title of princess royal, borne bv
the Empress Frederick of ("crmntiy
i before her marriage, ,s not given to
the eltlest daughter of Kngllsh sover
, but only to the first child
" it happen to he a girl,
Malaria Causes Billlousness.
Orove's Tnslelf st fbtll Tonic removes the ears
United States I-aml Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, Juno 10,11101
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions oi the act ol
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "Ai
Act for the sale of timber lands in tin
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, am;
Washington Territory," as extended b
I'll the Public Land States bv act o
ol August 4. 1S02,
of Bayfield, County of Bayfield, Slato ol
Wisconsin, has this day filed in lliii
office hiB sworn statement No. 1H86, foi
the purchase of the E .! of E of Sec
tion Mo. ,'10, in township No. 84 p, range
3 east, and will otler proof to show lha
the land sought is more valuable for ll
limber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish hie claim tt
said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this office at Roseburg, Ore
gon on Tuesday, the 3d day of Septem
ber, 1901. He names as witnesses:
George Bateman, Albert Willis, ol
Roseburg, Ore., Frank Murray and
Mra M. R. Murray, of Bayfield, Wis
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the ahore-descrlbed lands are re
quested to file their claims in thli
office on or before said 3d day of Sep
tember, 1901.
J. T. Bridges. Register.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, June 10, 1901
Notice Is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of tho sc
of Congress of June 3, 1H18, entlller
"An act for the sale of timber landB ii
the States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
in nil the I'ubllc Land States by act ol
August 4,
of Duluth, county of St. Louis. State ol
Minnesota, has Ibis day filed in thlt
oillce his sworn statement No. 1(184, foi
the purchase of the NEi of Section No.
22 in Township No. 35 S., Range No. 2
East, and will offer proof to show that
the land sought 1b more valuable for it
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish bis claim to
said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this office at Roseburg, Ore
gon, on Saturday, the 24th day ol
August, 1901. He names as witnesses:
L. G. DeWolfu, of Portland, Ore.,
Frank Klncart, of Roseburg, Ore..
Henry Stenick, of Portland, Ore., and
Wm. Barton, of Glendalo, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands an
requested to file their claims In tbif
office on or before said 24th day of
August, 1901.
J. T. Bridges, Register.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg. Oregon, June 8, 1901,
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the actol
Coiigre of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act lor the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the Pnhllc Land States by act of
August 4, 1892.
of Olequa, county of Cowlitz, State of
Washington, has this day filed In this
office his sworn statement No. 1607, for
the purchase of the Lots 1 and 2, H
NEi ol Section No. 3 in Township No.
34 S.. Range No. 3 East, and .will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or atone
than for agricultural pnrposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office
at Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednesday'
the 14th day of August,"" ."-Je names
as witnesses: Robert A .d Marry
0. Dutilimn, of Kelso, Washington, and
Herman Rhody and MarcuB D. L. Cun
ningham, of Castle Rock, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested
to file their claims in this office on or
before suid 14th day of August, 1901.
J , T. Burnous, Register.
innr;ir:,n:iTl;;",.nii, vu,hl.l'umfl1T,
ANtcclublc Preparation for As
liitg the StcL".c'.:;is ural Bowels of
Promotes DigcstioivCluvrrul
ness ami Hi'St.Contiilns nulttirr
aiium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Aperfocl Remedy rorConsllnfl
tton , Sour Stotnach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
exact copy or wrapper.
UsirKii Si'atks Land Okku k,
Uosclmrt!, Orison, Jimu 8, IIKII.
Notice is hereby uivon lliilt in coiniili
nice with llio provisions of tho net of
GotiHrcss ol June 3, lT.S, rntitlvd "An
ici lor tlic mile of timber lands in the
Stiitrf of Ciilifornm, Or,'i:oii, Nuvtidn,iiii(l
Wnsliiiiuton Territory," ub extended to
til the I'ul'lic Lrnui
I states
by act pi
August 4, IStl'J,
if Mcdforil, coiiutv of Jnckson, Smtfl of
Ircuon, has thin day filed In this ufllcu
His sworn statement No, 11182, lor the
purchase ol the XV.i of Section No, .S'J
in Township No. 33 8,, Raniin No. 3
Kiiat, anil will cfler Drool to show that
the land sought is more vnluablu for its
umber or stone than for agricultural
nurposcs, and to establish his claim lo
laid luod before tho Rcxister and ite-
eiver ol this ollice at Kosebure, Oregon,
on Thursday, the 22nd day of August,
llitil. tie namea as witnesses: u. I.
Snell.L.O. Porter, Mrs. Ada M. Mills
ind Mra. aniiie iiarr, all of Med lord,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
he alxive-deseribed lands are requested
.o file their claims in this office on or
before said 22nd day of August, 1P01.
J. I . Damans, Register.
Unitkd Statkk Land Omct,
Roseburg, Oregon, June 8, 1001.
Notice is hereby given that in compli-
tnce with the provisions of tlin act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
ict for the ralo of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon , Nevada , and
Washington Territory," as extended to
ill the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1892,
if Mcdforil, county of Jackson, State of
)rcgon, Ins this day filed in tins oillce
ler sworn statement No, 108!, for the
mrcliase of the SKf of Section No. 32 in
Township No. 33 S., Hun no No. 3 Knst,
ind will offer proof lo show that the
and aoucjit Is mora valuable lor its tun
er or stone than for agricultural pur-
loses, and to establish her claim to raid
and before the Register and Receiver
I this ofilce at Uosoburg, Oregon, on
Thursday, the 22nd day of August, 11)01.
-lie names as witnesses: C. P. Knoll,
L. G. Porter, Mrs. Ada M. Mills anil
Michael E. Daugherty, all of Mcdford,
Anv nnd all persons claiming adversely
he above-described lands are requested
o file their claims in this office on or
lefore said 22nd day of August, 1001.
J. I. linuxiKS, Register.
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, June 10. 1001,
Notice Is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June H. 1878. entitled "An
act for the sale of limber lands in thu
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended . to
ill the Public Land mates by act ol
August 4, 1802,
of Bayfield, County of Bayfield, State of
Wieeoniin, has this day filed in this
office his sworn statement No. 1688, for
the purchase of the SW of section No.
28, in township No 84 s, range No. 3 east.
ana win oner prooi to snow mat tne
land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone tnan lor agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said
and before the Register and Receiver ol
his office at Roseburg. Ore., on Tues
day, the 3d day of September, 1001. Me
names as witnesses : George Bate
man and Albert Willis, oi Roseburg,
Ore., Mrs. M. R. Murray and Henry
tt. Jtoat ii.oi uayneiu, wis,
Anv and all nersonB claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are request
ed to file their claims in this office on or
belore said 3d day of Hoptcmer, 1001.
J , l. tintnoKS, Register.
Ukitkb Status. Lano Omen,
Roseburg, Oregon, Juno 8, 1001.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with llio provisions of tho, ant ol
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
net lor tho sale or tiinocr lands In the
StateB of California, Orogon, Nevada, nnd
Washington Territory," as extended to
For Infants and Chlldron.
The Kind You Have
Always Sought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
nil tliu I'uliliii I, niul Hlntcs by net of
A111JUH 4, I"".",
of Kelso, county of Onvliu, Slnlu of
Warhinuuin, littn this day lllcd In this
oillce ins sworn nttllclnenl Ao, llhil, lor
tho imii'liiivt ol the M ol the M of rcc
lion No, 2 in Tottiisliip No, 31 8., Rnimu
iso. ! isn't, and will oiler nrnol in show
that tl;u hind coiinlit is more, valuable
for Its Umbel or stout) limn lor nuri
cultiirnl purposes, and lo ur tuliliuli iiis
(.-lit i tn lo raid Inud uefnru lli Keglsler
niul Ueuetver ol tins oillce at Kuscluirg,
Oregon, on Wednesday, tliti 1-lih day of
August, nun. Ilu muses us witnesses:
Lawrence D. Mel'.weii, of Oloutiii, WiibIi
iugton, Harry C. Diiiiliuni, of Kelso.
vt nsiiiiiKton, anil Herman Klioily anil
Marcus t). I.. Ciuiiiinijliniii, of Castle
Kih k, H aalilngtoii.
Any and all puisons ulaiinlngaih'vrsaly
tlin above-described hinds are reiiieslecl
io inu uieir claims in uns oillce on or be,
foro said 14lli day of August, !t!0l.
J. T. IIhidoks, Heritor.
Uxitud Statis I.ani) OrricM,
Roseburg, Oregon, June H. 1001.
Notice is hereby given that in comnll
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress ol June if, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
Htates oi California, Oregon . Nevada, and
Washington Territory, " aa extended to
all the Public Land States by act of
August 4. imrc,
of Kelso, county of Cuwlils, State of
Washington, has this day filed In this
office his sworn statement No. 1(100. for
the purchapo of Ihu l-ols 3 and 4, and 8)
N W of Section No. 2 in Township No.
34 8., Range No. 3 East, ard will offur
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its limber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, mid to
establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this ollice
at Roseburg, Ore, on Wednesday, tho
14th day of Aiuiiflt, 1001. Ho names as
witnesses; Robert Allen, of Kelso.
Washington, Lawrence P. Mcliwnn, ol
0t'(iiH, Washington, and Herman Kliody
and Marcus 1). h, Cunningham, of Caatlu
Rock, Washington.
Any and all porsonH claiming advorscly
the above-described lands are reqoosted
to file their claims in this oillce on or be
fore said 14th day ol. August, 1001.
J.T. BiiiiKine, Rogjator,
United States Land Office
Roseburg, Oregon, Julys, isoi,
Notice Is hereby given tliat In compliance
with the provlNtons of the act of Congress of
June a, IhTO, entitled "An act for the late of
limber lands In tho HUtcs of California, Ore
gon, Novadu, and Washington Territory." as
exiondcd to nil the Publlu Land Btatos by act
Ot August MUM,
of I'o nil, county of Lewis. Bute of Washing
ton, has thin day filed In this oftloe tils sworn
statement No. , for the purchase of the se
of section No. 10 In township. No. flt s. ranee
No. 8 oast, and will offer proof to ahow that the
land SQiiiitii Is moro valuable for Its timber or
stone tiiah for agrlculluralpurposc-s, and to es
tablish his claim to said Innd before the negis
ter and itecelvor of this office at Knteburg,
Oregon, on Thursday, tlio 26th day of Soptem
bor, 1001. lie names as wltnernies: Rufus L,
Young and Mattlas Moll, of Mt. Ansel, Ore
gon, and Goorgo Ualeman and Albert Willis, of
Roseburg, Orogon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
atjovo-deiicrtbod lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said !Hb
day of September, 1901.
J, T.'BniDOSs, Reglator.
United States Land Office, '
... , .., n0MDllr((i Oregon, July 8, 1001.
.Notice Is hereby glvon that la compliance
with the provisions of the act of -'Congress of
June 8, 1878, entitled "An aot for the sale of
timber lands In the States or California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land Htatos by sot
of August 4. 182.
of Mt. Angel, county ot Marlon, Htate of Ore
gon, has this day filed In this office his sworn
statement No. , for tho purchaso of tho N
of tho Ny, ot section No, 'in In township No, HI
s,, rango No. 8 east, and will offor proof to show
that llio land sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or alone tliun for ngrloulturn! purposes,
and to establish nls claim to said land beforo
tho HCKlstor and itecelver of this oflleo tit Hone
burg, Oregon, on Thursday, the 20th day nl
Seplomnor, JDOl. lie namos as wltncssos:
Muttlns Moll, of Ml. Angel, Oregon, Joseph
Mnver, of Pe Kll. Wnnhlngton, and Ceorgo IJrilc
mun nnd Albeit Willis, of Kosolmrg, Oregon.
Any nnd nil porsons claiming auvorsoly tlio
nbovc-desoritind lands nro roriioitcil to llio
their nlnlinn In this oflleo on or before wild ijiiib
dny of September, Will. " . .
J, T. DfunoEB, noglstor,
-jr SB at sr-
K, U.uf A.-Milil(unl builgu No, llJl uiccl
every Miiliinlny evuiilnii In A. 0, U, liull.
Vlslilnu Krutcis Invileil in iittemt,
b, T, i'llllUlU, 1. M,
Ii, A, JllttllAN, HOC,
I', of A, -('urn I Ml. I'ltl No, 'Jl, inueit 111 I'ur
ualora1 Hull every Wiulmtnituy itt H it, in,
II. tt', Hn i'iiiivHoN, i;lilel Hunter.
1, l Cuiiimn, l'Miiiiiu'liil Neviuliny,
I, t.. V i.uiiko U' w, iliniiiH in i, vi. ,
nun every Muiuiiiny lit lit & i, ill. viniiins
brutliei'H nlwuvH wutuoiiiu. '
I. A. H'kiiii, N. U.
I!, W. Cai.kink, Hen, Hue
I, n. ii, 1", Ifegiie Itiver Mneiiiiiiiiiietit,
Vu. :m, nieetM hi I, o, ti, l hull the hi-imhkI nud
'oui'lli NVeitni'siliiyH uleneli tiioutli itt s n, ui.
II, II. IIaiivi;v,0. 1',
W.T. YoiiK.Hurllia.
Olive ttelmliuli l.oiluu Nil, 'M ii'ln In f. ().
O. t1'. lutll llrst mid tlilrit 'ruimditys of oituh
muiitli, Vlstilug ulNtei-N luvltml tu utiiuiit,
Mllll. MlNMIIltlAI.KIMH, N.U.
I'iiiiiikni'K M. Aniii.i;, Kmc Hua,
A. l- A A. M. Menls Itrnt e'rlitiiy rm or be
fore lull inuuii at sp, in,, In Munuiiie bull,
V. K. Iikiimi,, V. M,
W, V. Ul'IMKCtwr, Iteo. Heo.
K. of I'.'I'iilimnan lunnu No. 81, uitiets ,Mui
illty eriilillig ill 8 i. 111. Vlnlllnu limtliem al
ways woleoiiiii. .1. I'l, KarAiir, 0. 0,
J. II, tlti'ii.Kn, K, ol II. niul H.
Knights uf the .Miieeuuee, 'I'rluiiipii Ten)
No. H, meiHH In revtilttr revletv on the 1st uuO
rd li'tliliivH of iui'Ii inniilh In A. o, U. W,
HulUt7;.nip. in, Vlslilug HlrKuliihlseurtlliil
ly luvltiiil tonlteuil,
J. It. IIaiiiiin, Cumumndor,
W. T Yomk. II. If,
A, O. U. W.. Degree nl lloiini Kmliur linluo
No. Ml, uit'elH evcty Ifit ami 4tlt Wt'dncntlay
evening of each month, lit A. d. U, W. hall,
A, C STANWtlllll, Iteti.
A. I), tl. W. I.oiIuq No. VN, ttieota every nr
tin! third U'otlnciuiay In tho month at p, itt
In their null In llio opera bloolt. Vlelilitf
I'. Ilt'nuiiitt. ai .w.
O C. Mtahwooii
Woodmen of Hie Wiirlit-tlmnp No. no, meon
every 'Ihurmuy evening In K, of p. hull
Metlfurd, Ort'guu,
.. ,, J. W, Wii.hv, 0. 0
.JbujACK MANN. CIerk.
Cltryaiiuthuiiiiiin Circle. No. 81, WouieiToi
W iHHlrrafl Meets itecoml nml fourto Tueoiley
nl eiioli niniiili ol ;:,ig p. m. lit U, u( p. Imli,
Vlslllug Kmivrn InvlUit.
JCATiiKKiNR Wait. t;iork.
W. 11. u.-ciiMivr A. Arinur tyirps fio. si
tneolfc niieonil anil fciu-lti WiHlni-mlny of eaeh
iiiiMitli at o'eitwk p. in., Hi Woodman's hall,
Ulllligiilatrrii IovIUmI,
Mutt Aniiiii Va' pres.
MAI1V K. IIKRVka, See.
tl. A. It. t'lit-aicr A. Arinur I'ont No.
meeU In ttDiHlttuiu'li hull every necotlit nnd
fourth Molulltv lilKhl In eiteh uiontll at
MuttllH Cuuiraileei'iirilliillv Invlle.l lo nlloud.
,. , Khanx ICAaaiursit, Can.
I), k. AKIilltlH, Ailjulaut,
w. i! e ii LL7.'iTr.rT.TT'.".'!rr"'r
tho Chrlnllnn t.hutili,
,i , . L. . V '.'xiviiu'.ni tui-ein urm ana
Ihlnl l-rl.tny evenliiiiui enoii mouth at 7:an n.
in.. In Ailklmt-tlvun.nck. Hr.lfonl, Orn. Via.
IIIOK Hlnlern ami llrolbcrii -iirillally Invlled.
J.H. l'rTk.8citary. ' "' """"" ' '"'
O K. H.-llennieM I'hapler, No. M, meets ec
M,i"i ,nMi'i,hMT,!ttr",.,'"r' "' c,,n """"'
lorsana bioihomanajwi,rtoin, '""'" "
HATTlk K. I'M kki., Haorvtary.
....... wnmKutt, nuiiuBT ttcnooi maets
at Kplneopal Church every Hunday niornliii- at
lUoelocki divine norvlee every Aral aid thlro)
HuiiUuye ul 7:30 u. m u el... ii....,.
U.I. II. .b. ...... - -
lor. '
r.uiavupat v-nurcn W. u, Moore,
- ' ' '"w""! orvrj naouata St II a.m.
f.r7 :8 p- m' """day aohool at 10 a.m., II. I.. .
Ullkev. lunt. fll ...... . '
aleloiwof sermon, Lavl K.uoelt. leader, ep
.,.n.,gi,nDMu evening ai s:w, u, -Kauoeit,
preat. Kegulai weekly prayor miet!
log every Thursday evening alf:30, Ladle.'
sewing elrele every week. Mlaaionon aootete
meeia the drat nidoy la each mootn. 7
I'reabvterlan CThurah nv a tt
lor. HeiiltlfliieB bl tt, i .... ' . . . .
''"'aehlns'svsry Habbath at 11 a. a.
and 7 :S0 p m. Huaday seltool at lo a. at., u.viot
r-J v-t'- v",iimii r.nucavor meotinsene
?S.u.r b.!'m, h !" aervico, Nlu Klia
I)odge, I'roe i.adle.' AlJ Society every othef
ThuriKlay afternoon, lr. K. & w, pS...
I.atllea' Mlaalouarv Hocletv -jit T.,i.w Ar .
monihataiao p. m Mra. L. T. i'lorcc,Vre.
.. ... - ... , . , ... uranuttll, pallor,
Sabbath aervico,: Hreaeiilug II a. in. and 7:
p. m,; Habbath school 10 n. m.i U, y, p, u. SlSS
p. m.: prnyot meeting Thursday at 7:80 p. m.i
covenant meeting at j.30 p. in. on Haltinlay pre.
ceding I rst sabbalh. Htraugera and frlcnOs al
ways wclcotno.
Itnntl.f nh.,..i, u.. m t . . ..... .
Christtan church Cornor of Bum and i
strmttu lpnt.,n.. . " '
., -, . ,UWv..,,.H u, m. ui . anil I, p.
mmUj uui.i hi io a. in, junoir l
8 p. m.i V. . H.C. K. ul (1:80 p.
m.jJunol'r Kndoavorst
m.'.tt.i' ::..' ":". ':. y'
Jllsslonnry Auxiliary to o. W. II. K. tfmt Thnrs
day 7:80 I', M. each monlh. Olioral Union
every I'r day at 7:80 p. m. Thopeople wolooue.
, . , , .moiuus lit (UU UUUrDfle
F . Htion iiftMtor. 1'ruaohliiff ovory bund ay t
II a. m. and cvonlDKi Huntluy nobool tt lUn, ui.;
w L ,;B"l, ovoiiihk m b o moon;
ThurmtRy In caob monlh al W p. m, .
x Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
' ' 1 ; ,
r. ul
Abb 1 8 tan t O on oral PnHHonffor Acont
- No. Ubb MorrlHon Bt,, cor. Third,
i y . jsluvrs i
mm raErsT
""'."' 0 ; TO 0 .