The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 09, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Y-uullahod Every Friday Moraine.
A. 3. BUTON.
.UHfroRD, Friday, August 9, 1901.
He is ot tew day.t but quit a plenty
fcerad la the Poalomoe at Medtord, Oregon
aa SeoondClasa Mall Muter.
State School Apportionment.
State Treasurer Moore line made
the annual apportionment of the
proceeds of the irreducible common
school fund, amounting to $165,
C97.96. This money was distributed
among the several counties on the
basis pf 6ohool population,
There are 135,818 school children
in the state. The largest number
ia in Multnomah County 25,093,
' - end the smallest number in Curry
County 690.
Jackson County has 5153 cbil-
dren of school age and her appor-
; ' fionrnent Is $6,286.66; Josephine
.. County, with 2775 school children,
gets $3,385.50; Klamath County,
--1073 school children, $1,309.06;
. .u Lake County, 977 school children,
- tU9X 94.
. I- The amount distributed last year
was over $200,000 and the total
. number of pupils was only 133,185.
The per capita last year was $1.56,
- -mod this year it is only $1 22. The
mount disbursed last year was un
usually large, owing to the laot that
In order to secure a reduction in
the rate of interest on their loans,
borrowers had been paying up ar
rearages of interest. The rate of
interest has been cut from S per
cent to 6 per cent, and this accounts
ibr a part of the decrease in the
total amount disbursed.
Says the Report la Untrue.
Publisher Mail: Someone, I am
told, who subscribes hlniaolf John
Thomas, haa written to tho state flab
commissioner telling him that I have
been killing Bah In Little Bullo orook
with dynamite, which aot would be a
violation ot the lawa of tho state.
Slnoe the commencement ot work on
the Flan Lake ditch there has boon a
8tandluK order In camp which was iu
effect that any employe found guilty of
killing Bah in Little Butte oreok, or
any other stream, with dynamite would
be discharged from the company's serv
Ice and prosecuted In accordance with
state laws as made and provided for in
such cases. I am a thorough sportS'
man but 1 do not sanction a violation of
any law on tho statute books of the
I want right here to say that 1 nm
not guilty of the ohnrge alleged to hnvo
been preferred. If furthor evldonco Is
needful a few Inquiries at tho camp
will convince anyone that the report la
wholly false.
D. E. Morhis,
Supt. Construction Fish Lako Ditoli
Farm tor Sale.
AH alfalfa land, seventy acres now in
alfalfa. Small orchard, good improve
ments. For sale with above tho follow
ing: One hundred tons hay, good ant
blacksmith tools, two span horses and
harness, twenty-five head hogs, Ken
tucky bred Jack, six years old; ma
chinery to work farm. One-third of
price to be paid In advance, the re
mainder in one, two, throe or four
years, with Interest at six per cent.
Farm situated one a half miles below
Central Point, about the contor of val
ley. Call on or address
Eufus Cox,
" Central Point, Ore.
Among the Churches.
Bum pa the Pastors a Little.
Editor Mail: A few weeks bolore
Memorial Sabbath, May 20th last, tho
comrades of tho O. A. U. desired tho
sovornl pastors ol this oily to unlto in a
union memorial mo inner
declined to do so on the ground that "a
union foronoon sorvlco doplots and ills
tracts nil our Sabbath schools, breaks
up all oongrcgations, with tho result
that many of our regular attendants re
main away from Boraloo." On thtiBU
grounts solely tho nastors of tho oily
refused to glvo way lor a union memor
ial service ou the mornlns of Sunday,
May -Hltli. Baroly sixty days have
fassed and those pastors nro planning
or vacations of from one to lour weeks,
during which they scorn not to bo
troubled lost tbelr several Sabbath
Bohools be deplotod and distracted anil
their contrrceatlons be broken mi, etc.
Hnv naturally enough tho comrades of
tho G. A. It. nro asking If thuee preach
ers aro slucoro in tholr pretentions of
the "kindest of focllng" for tho old
soldiers living and dtnl.
A Golden Opportunity.
I want to rent my place. There are
342 acres of it; 120 seres in cultivation;
46 acres of which is now growing a!
ialfa. Besides this I will give renter
vse of 49 acres of timber pasture land.
Will rent for three or five years at $2.50
-sua aero, lo tne man 1 rent to l want
to sell my personal property, consist
ing of horses, cows, (all' young) sheep,
1 13 bead registered ewes), machinery,
wagons, grain and bay everything
'Deoessary to carry on the farm in good
shape. Land is one and a half miles
from Central Point.
S. McClendon.
Sunday school at the usual hour. The
pastor will preach at 11 o'clock a. m.
All who desire to do so, are invltod to
worship with us.
Preaching 11 a. m. and Sp. ra. Morn
ing: "Ths Nied and Result of Cheer
ful Service." Evening service sup
plied. Wo hope to be able Jto report
one of the most successful years of the
church in the next annual conference,
and to do this it is uecessary that every
member of the chu ch respond to every
roll call. Pastok.
Card of Thanks.
Good apples sold well in the
northwest Inst year, and tlio prof
out indications are that they will
sell butter this year. It will pay
to keep on spraying the winter ap
ples until cool weather comes in
tho fall. There is no danger tlint
good, clean winter apults will not
sen at it profitable price this year,
For Sale-
Fifty well bred pigs. Inquire at Ibis
Fine Residence Property for Sale.
As I nm desirous of moving to Cali
fornia I will offer mv residence prop
erty, on corner Sixth and H streets,
Mcdford, for sale. The laud Is 100x150
feet in size; good, nino room house;
good barn, cellar and woodshed. The
grounds are well sot to fruit, rosea and
shrubbery. Pipes laid for city water.
Inquire at residence.
Mrs. E. J. Cole.
"What most people want is something
mild and gentle, when in need of a
physic. Chamberlain's Stomach and
XJver Tablets fill the bill to a dot.
They are easy to take and pleasant in
effect. For sale by Chas. Strang, drug-fist.
We wish to thank the many Hem's
fjr tho sympathy and kindly assistance
during the sickness and death of our
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Priddy.
Use Acker's English Remedy In any cose ot
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fall to glvo
immediate relief money refunded. 25 eta. ar d
60 cts. Sold by Cnas. Stra ok, druggist.
permanently cured by using Moki Tea.. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and
indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and
happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money
nek. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by Chas. Strang,
Tho agricultural dopurtmout will isuio
au exhaustive report on truck farming
mid tho transportation of fruits mid
vegetables iu tho Uuitcd States. The
report covors tho following points:
First, a description of tho transporta
tion of fruit unit vegetables from south,
cru truck farms to northern markets;
second, u description of tho California
fruit industry anil tho movement of
California fruits to iuto-ior potuts and
Atlantic seabotd cities; third, freight
rates ami rolrit;er.itofclijreso'j p.-risit
able products iu all important suctions
ot tho coui.trr. 'L'lio report snys: "Suuli
a thtuasa p.u ;k nlar si'uson for any
kind nt v.-sU.vblo u our principal mar
kets is at ihistuno practically unknown,
an I it is n:nv possible lo draw upon thu
iliftVrxur. sections oJ tho country anil
Commandant Haorniamu Btoyu, a
ooukIu of President Stoyn, was 'killed
ou August 1st whllo lighting n,r Kicks,
burg. Boers and robela are re-entering
tho llarkly West district of Capo Col
ony. ; I
. Natives who are outxido of the gar-'
rlsonod towns will ho uoneiMitrntod Into I
camps, and tholr kraals and niualies will
bo destroyed, so na to shut off from tho'
Boers this source ot food. I
n. oispaiou mini uuruall (NufiU) says
after nn iill-tlay light uear Nqultn, Julv
o, between tho llooia and a Hrltlsh
column, tho Urltish narrowly escaped
tne loss oi a gun or tlio Sixty-sevemh
ileiu imttery. i ur hundred Boors ro
pealedly nishml tho Hrllish position,
Killing lUniur J',! i wards nml Hum or
Carpenter. Tho gnu was HinWud up
aim union at a gallop lor t 'I'mi jiul
miiu-i uuury iirg, rive 1UIU.M1 were
(icncral Kllchouor, after a long chase
oi iijoen s commando, caught up with
it. ami a miurp light ensued. A notn
pom, yj wagons nuit 1M prisor.ora were
captured, lliu British had live wounded.
Lord Kitchener, in a dixpiteli dated
iToioriu August 1, says: "French
ports that lio has received a letter from
Krilieinger, a Boer commander, nil
uoiinolug his idteiitluu to shoot all
natives in British employ, whether
armed or unarmed. Many cases ot cold.
niooiteil milliter or natives in CiiM
Colony hnvo recently occurred, The
British government has telegraphed
Lord Kitchener to inform the Boer
leaders that such acts aro contrary to
ctvili-ied usage, nnd that guilty lairsons
of ibis class, if raptured, will bo tried
by court martial ami sentenced to death.
Iu the houo of commons, L-ird .Stan
ley, financial scorut iry of the vtnrottloe,
said the cost of tho war iu South AfiKu
front April 1st to July Hist was rufl.Taj,
000, partly chargeable ugaliut Hie delimit
of last year. Tho actual cost in Julv
was i'l.S.-iJ.OXI weekly.
lOllliMiN llltllS.
G-olutaV out Onxxvpliia; ?
If j'ou aro, cull and lot wo noil you
Or anything oIho you nood. Guinpcrd' ami
Prospoetors outllto u s ocitilt.y
HQ. Nicholson
Corner 7th and U SU
M iekdr's Old .Stand
On a 1'oorliMs miiuhlnu oomiiiaiiil lhu top pi loo on lhu market
Maximum quality nml (luautlly at minimum uot. Slniplc, uliunp
and durnblu, Miichlnes to suit tiny sl.ed ornhtird. lltiriis wood or
coal, Kvapontles all kinds of fruits 11111I vegotublos In lai'gu or smalt
tiuuitlltlos. No experiment, proven 111 actual tost to ho superior to
all othor methods. Catalogues, testimonials and full Information of
B. CUNNINGHAM, Liberty, Oregon
Field Marshal Ixird H ibi'ris hns. hr a
resolution iu thu British house of com
mons, been granted 100,000 fur his
sorvicos in Africa.
Sevoral banks iu Germain- nro In dif
ficulties, nnd it is Mild thnt one of tin
leading American insurance companim,
in Bcrliu has, sinco tlio prcsi'iit eris:s
licgan, )ai.l policies iiKriegating M;i,0 V
marks on bankers who have committal
A itii-patch from Caracas, VeiivKuela,
August 1, says that Hie Vein zuelan gov
ernment iiunounces that n toiceot in
vaders under General G.ubiias, includ
ing J battalions of the Colombian uviny,
tl, lni,tlM.,li V I 1,1. trtw ton.,, ,
r.'ccivo at any season ot the year nearly I iml C(l11MM.Uo(,'lo fall u,;k '.
ah the standard of vegetables." fl0utitr 3S ,,,.. Jul, b
and t!0. It is ..file. ally as,eiled Hint lli.
! invaders lost 1)00 men, tlio goveriimect
j losing 800. Tno government lias mm.
ro-enlorucmeiits to tho frontier.
A Now Scliool
Prepares teachers fcr stale and county oxniuliinllons, Fit
young men and women for business positions ami for college
Special attention to tear burs' review classes, sinography nnd
KxpeiiHos per echo. I your of -10 weeks, $llfi, ll-'i, ti lt).
Tuition per t.-rui, Jil.M; board nt club houso l."'i pur week, In
families iW, ;1 HO, Itooin rout fiO cents pur week.
Thn foldor contains special Information and lha course of alnily
Write for it.
Tho llrst term opens Septombur I), 1IHH,
W. T. VAN SCOV, l'rlnclpiil
120 per cent Sale;
5 Yellow Day
You can save money on these JJ
$ 11
Regular 25c; Yellow Day 20c J
3 Always
S S1.00
S Yellow Day
j Only 80 cents Each
ji Regular 25c. Yellow Day 20c
Regular 25c. Yellow Day 20c
Saturday, i0th
Medfof d Book Store I
:, The Yellow Front m
Order House
m mm - . m
m man
Russia is displaying renewad activity
in Manchuria and is strengthening her
grip on Isewchwang.
A dispatch front Peking: dated Ang. 4
says that American and European resi
dents assert that the demeanor of the
Peking populace is constantly becoming
more unfriendly, nnd that .is the allied
troops depart the Chines' resume their
old hab'ts of jostling and cursing for
eigners in tho streets
Governor Tnan of Sbantnug has
issued a remarkable proclamation, in
structing Chinese magistrates not to
allow th" missionari'-s to i-xe'rc'sa tho
samo iuflaeuce as heretofore in local
affairs or in any other than religious
matters in tho futbre. Tho governor
states that- ho has received many re
ports from Chinese officials that "un
worthy members of tho church were
practicing their religion simply for the
protection it afforded them, and were
setting aside tho law of the laud and
seeking occasions for quarrel, and that
such affairs were daily increasing in
A Canton dispatch of Augnst 1 says
violent nntijforeign placards emanating
rrom the Jioxors have been posted iu
tho vicinity of Christian chu tmls. The
placards protest agaiust the paying of
tae inucmnity Dy means of the honse
ix, ana urges the makini? of war on
the foreigners as the best way of exor-
cluing the carefully studied military
arts. "Should the houso tax be col
lected," say the placards, "we will de
molish the chapels and drive ont the
Christians. If tho emperor is uuablo to
pay, we Boxers have au excellent plan
to gain a victory over the foreigners.
Unless this policy is adopted a great re-
Demon is certain."
It was annonnced in the British
honse of commons that the official date
fixed for the evacuation of Pekinsr hv
the British troops is Angnst 13th. sub
ject to a few days' . extension, if neces
sary. Tne evacuation of the other Dlaoea
in China will depend upon oironm
stancea. . ' .
A diipetoh received at Berlin from
Peking says the foreign ministers hare
sanctioned the marohing la of a divi
sion of 8,000 Chinese regular troons to
a place situated a few 11 from Peking
about Angnst 8, preparatory to . the
evacuation of the Chinese capital by the
allied troops on August IS.
In Ihe Vernnculnr,
"Pa," said Miss Slanpay, "you'll
nave 10 oe i tunning of digging
omc loaf sugar for me."
"Loaf sugar?" exclaimed pa. "What
on earth do you mean by-i-"
"Vacation money, pa." Philadel
phia Press.
Too Hoik of m ktaairrlt.
Wild animals are increasing so rap
idly among the cattle ranches of Tex
as as to threaten herds. On the ranch
of Lord Colin Campbell near El Paao
last week cowboys, Indiana and trained
dogs held a round-up. Twelve black
bears, nrven grizzlies, 19 mountain
lions and 50 wolves were killed.
Farm for Sale
100 acres off of the cast end of the
Uonger rstnto, miles eait of Mcd
ford, at rcatnnable terms. For purlieu
ltirs, address Martin Conner. Winter.
vine, JO'.ophlm; County, Oregon.
Wants to Buy Hides.
I am in the market for nil kinds of
liMci sheen, uoat. cow. horso hides
and deer i-kios, with tags on. I will
pay highest market pric-i. Call and
sco me, at the tannery between Talent
a-u I'lioeinx. I). Anderton.
Settle Up Notice.
A largo warehonso bolouglug to tho
broom corn trust and tilled with broom
corn, was destroyed by lira- at Evans
ville, eutailiug a loss of (120,000. The
Hoscao Mission, adjoining thu ware
house, was also dostroyod, with a loss of
Tho grand jury spocially inipanalod
to investigate the murder of young
Harry Blochmau at Santa Maria, Gal.,
ou July 3d, rotnruod an ludictmont
ehargiug William Kelso with tho o.-iino.
As I am desirous of settling up my
business in Mel lord preparatory to go
ing away, nil those knowing themselves
indebted to mo, cither by book account
or note, are earnestly requested to call
at tho old stand and settle at once.
G. L. Davis.
Apples with worms or wormholes
in them will be bard to sell tbis
year. Such apples are shut out of
Montana, Washington and British
Columbia nnd are, of course, un
suitable for shipment as fancy ap
ples to Eugtern cilies or England.
The moBt effective pprayings fori
producing winter apples free of
worms are yet to be done.
Better for the Blood than Saraaparllla
?or Those Living In the Malaria District
(rove's Tasteless Chill Tonlo.
In the Matter of tho fCntato of Biaicon It own-
Ihitl, iTruU.!!.
N OTIf'K In biTby Klvfn tlmi hi pitminnrtj of
anordprof Hip Point Lv l 'inri fnr ih. i"i.m.ii
oT -inckHnti nnd Ktmc of Onir"n iimrto by thy
Monoriibln Cliarle I'rirn, J-ilVe nf JnclCHon
County, Oregon, nnrt rrm red In tho Probate
"1'irnni mr jncKK'in nnniv, i)rr(ro:i, on th'
ilih day of Inly, A. D. JObl, in tlicnmllor of tho
utotn of KImf-on HovmmIjuI. noco ifc1. tho
iinderHlt'nrd, T. J. ICmnr-v. ndmlnlMrator of
-iiiu cMioic, win huh nt private nnle all of the
porflonal property bclonglm (n until ctnt.
consoling of n Ktuck of ifor rrnl inrn-hntnllrto
nd store flxturc.H nt flolfl Hill, Orrrun, nml a
Hfook ofetoUilnff nnd booln nnd hniA nt Mod.
f.rd, Orogon. nnd for the purntmn of mnldtiff a
itlo thereof will rccnlve Rcnlnd bids fur tho
I'urchaHo of Haid HtockM cf kooiIh or ul ber of
f dd Htorkfi nt hfn office In JncknnnvMI nr,itnn
Sim bldH may be mndo for the r"ir-hno of
hoth the mock al Hold Hill and the Monk m
Meriford. or for either of nriM ainnlrsi nf mda
eparntjfy. nald bldH to be opene 1 on tne Kdh
d:iy of August, A. D. 1101, tlio fldmlnMrnior rn
R'lrvlng the rlgbt lo reject any and all bldH,
Terms, cab.
. , , . . . T.J. KRNNF.Y,
Admlnlttratorof the Ratate of 8. KoenthaJ.
I am In the Market for Green and Dried
fruit this Season
Stuilcknkcr Dies, Mf);. Co. W'nrclioiisc
The Hest I'rescniition for Malaria,
Chills ami toror Is a bouin ot (lnova's Tasth
i.kss emu. Tiima li la xlnply Inni ana iul
nlos In iielcs forui. Na cutc-no puy.
Frtoo Mr.
Played Out.
Dull lieoflacho, pains In various parts of the
body, sinking at the pit ct the stomach, loss ot
appetite, revorlshness, pltnplos or sores are all
positive evidences of Impure blood. No matter
how It became so It must be purified In order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Kllxir
has never failed to oure scrofulous or syphilitic
p lsons or any other blood diseases. It Is cer
tainly a Wonderful rnmnrlv nrwl ... a,i nnA.
bottle on a positive guarantee, gold by Chas.
Wrong, druKKlst.
Good flea Wanted.
Good men can tret emnlovmnnt at thn
camp of the Fish Lake Ditch Company.
In summer can be prevented m
Scott's Emulsion J
I Its as beneflolal In summer a
In winter; If you are weak or
run down, it will build you up
Hna lor iree sample.
SCOTT 8c DOWNK. Chrmlili
400-415 Peart Street, New Yi
50c. ana i.oo; an drugfrlrts.
rk A
McCal lister's
Soda Springs !
As a Summer Resort, Is one of
the best In the country. Parties
desiring to camp at the sprlne
can secure good pasturairo and
hay for tholr stock ; also a stock
of erocnrlcs will bo kept at the
springs for tho nccommodat on
of visitors. Camping grounds
Notice Sale.
In thi Cmnity Ctnirl for the County of jHokfion,
Utitte of Ori-Kon.
In thu Matter ol the KUntonf KUxa J. AndiT.on,
In i,nn,d.
xtoth'K Ik hi'rchv I vi-n Hint undiT nnd bv
i vlriuc of nn nrdt-r of ilifM oTiniy ('tmri lor
the Touniy of JitckMin and Htalrof On -Roll duly
nnd rfKiilnrly nindi nnd nti-red In Itn rei-ortl
tt.'rrof AukunI filh, A. 1. IW1. I, K. Hubbnrd,
admlnbitrntor of tin (itfttt' of Kllia J. Anderson,
iffri'-tucd. will m-ll nt prlvnlt naU th frMou InK
den. r hviX n-al .rjporty belonging totnldnjilnir,
l -wii:
(.'oininenplnt! nt anoint Hltimteri flftrrti chftltm
nnd forty llnki couth of 1tn nMrlhntt curnur
nnd on thn rant lln- of thn norlh w-t fjiiHr!T o
the northeitnl nunrfer 'if taction II vo tn towir
Bhlp thirty ur vnti noiith, of ritnifu two went of
thi W . .M , and rimfiliiy lhfiMe Noulh onn ehnln
n'id llflt-Mvr llrk: llieiict wtt lx rhaitiK nnd
forty-thre tlnkn; thence nonb one nhnln nnd
llftvlivo link-; I In; nro rft-t fix uhitlim and
fotii. three lliiki to tho place of coimiieiicliiK,
c. nninli c one acre;
Tho forth Hi nrmn of the half of the
mtUli half of l f.. No. M, T It K , It. one
went W, f (exrntlnu flierefrom u htrlp of
land onn chain and 4H llnkn In width rxtriidlnt;
from the northrnit eortier thereof foiilh nlnnw
the cant Hide thernof to within ten uhalua of
tin Hiifhenflt rornor therrof);
Thn undivided llvp-elyhlliH ititerc! of, In nnd
to ftovernmenl lot number or.u, peot on 7, nid
tho HOtllh .'i and V'.lfjO ncren of enviTiiinnnt lot
2 nnd a. Mellon rt, Tp. H H., innpn onn we-t W.
M.. (except In iiernn) and eonlulnlnffM ncrm; or
ho much therrof ax may be neeiiKfary for the
piiymeiii oi me Hniri.Ii'iInOrCt or faid eMiiin.
That the mile of mUi ri al nrohertv will ho
mndo from nnd nfti H itirniicr 14, 10-d. and
the lermaor ralf then-of util ho for i nih In
(nnd, or nnnralf in-h with aeeurlly on Hie
nronertV fO Hold bv II rM Uutrtunun tn liKrniiut
due and pava'du lu six tan n tin irlih Intercut nt
olxiit l ere-iit, acj a
M , . r. MtiniiAiin.
Admliiltfator of the Klnte of Klizii J. Audor-
Hon, Dercitficd,
W. I. Vuwler. Attorncv for Admtnlntmtor.
SI opt till Coiltth
and WoikH utr tlio Co I it.
Laxative llrnmo-Qtiltilnn Tablet! euro acold
In ouo day. No Cure, no Pay, ITIco .16 conta
Farm tor Sale.
Ono hundred a rut nlxly ocroa. foriy
flvo uiidor onlti vtitlon; nil friiood, email
.vouiir orohitrd; yrmii box limine, burn,
nil iifeeUHno- oui liiilldiutiH; two wi-IIn.
Nour Wollon pontonico. Inoulro o( O.
8. Knydur, Modford.
. . . RuHebiirjt. Ore., AiikuhI 7.
NflttCO If) hprehV Ulvon Hint In mmnlnins
with the nrovliilnnr of iho not of OonuroM of
Junitll, 1878, nntliled "An not for thn anlo of
tlmbnr lnuda In ihn Hfttif.a r oniifnrni.i r .
gon, Novada, nnd WnnhinRton TerrltorT," nn
oxiendud 10 nil tho I'd olio Land Blatfib by act
of AugUMt A, Wx,
of Kurekn, county of Humboldt. Htntn of f!al(.
Lirnln, hun thla d iy (lied in thin office hln nworn
jioment No. 1778, lor tho piirehiiu of the
HbX ot Section No. 22lnTow.(nhlpNo. R1S..
KnnKO wo. a khi. and will offer proof to Hhow
West Side
For FANCY and
FRUITS of all Kinds
Poultry and Farm Produce
tnkon in exchange for
A. D. RAY,
J. O. McCALLISTFP t -that tho land Hoiighi la mora valuable for Ita
u. mwnLuaiCK J almboror Htona tlianforagrloiilliiralnurp.wn,
wwwwWifc tno Roximor and Rocoltor of thl. ofniui i
pure, Orniion, on Wodnosday. tlio 10th dny of
(lato'iar, 1U01. Ho nomoa a wltn(iiji W.II.
West Side
Is now ready for the
season's work, and
will do custom dry
ing. One mile west
L. F. LOZIER, Prop.
Hunt and Alftv Vn 1nrml..l nfn.n... '.-'
?if2nii.?tl"i '"Kcn a.tiJ k V, Raymond, of
Any all peraons olalmlng advoraoly the
aboTe-deaor bed lands aro requonted to Die tholr
claim. In thl. offloe on Or before aalfl 16th day
of Ootobor, 1901. j, t. HHinnia,
: Koglator.
County Treasurer's 17th Notice.
Omoa or Conirrv TrntAsnnRn 1
or Jackson County, Obkoon. f
Jaoksonvim.r, Oiieoon, Aag. 0, 1001.
Notlco la horoby given that tnoro aro fundH In
thocoun ytrooBiiryfoctho rodomptlon of all
oulalandlng oonnty warrnnla proiiMtod from
February 1, 1808, toVobruury 28, 18118, both dato.
tnoluaiva. Intoroat on tho samo will coaao aaor
tho abovo dato.
Max MmxRR, I
County Troasuror
Weeks Bros.
Undertakers .
and Embalmera,
West Seventh Street
" Also carry in stock " "
a full line of
Office and
Bar Fixture
Made to. Order