The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 02, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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;nii tnoro oiilmnco the pleasure
of ' tlo Summer outing than ft
Dainty Piece of Fancy Work
Wo hnve received thin week the
latoHt tliingsjn
Tinted and Stamped
Sofa Cushion Covers
Tlio nowCHt handkerchief mn
teriiiln, 10 to.
Wo have nhvtiys -on hand nil
ro(uiHito Kraiils and Threads
for Rutlojiburg, UuchoH8
Point Lnoo work, with nchoico
selection of handkerchief, doily
and miscellaneous dreflH trim-
lnjng pattern
Dry Goods; Boots and Shoes
J. G. Van
The Hoar crook brlduo lit tin plane
has gone; ll liiu served iu purpose, bill
Ilka all things u( earth Ihuru must bo a
tiulltlng lime; a llmu whun thuro l nu
longer enough lull u( wurtti to sustain
oven a prou.-nno u( tliu purpoiio fin
whlali ll wan constructed such In tho
condition ol Hear crcok bridge it lia
coaaod to bo a craning of safety and
has accordingly boon closed to travel.
A new bridge In nlmckt ml almolulo
nocoiuil'y, tttll ll might bu posnlblu to
repair llio old nnu to hml it year or two.
bill thin would bu n iintluM expeiiitiluri;
of inonuy. A nuw bridge must bu built
within tho next fuw yours and any out
lay of inonuy on tho old uno W tiriujii
(ally throwing ll nwuy. The bridge
ii oa a county road; it wim built by tho
county and but boon kept In repair by
thi! county. It win nuvur dodlcuU'd to
tho town of Medford, anil while It Id
true that Mudford lies on either hIIm of
It, ll l Juttas true that It In nut Mud
ford properly. Thk Mai:, would not
fuvor tho erection of an expensive
brldgo nothlug Hko thoono acrois tho
rlvur but it oud, ubitaullal truoturo
wllu conorolo piers ono that would
wlthstaud tho torrents of tho spring
freshets, aud ooo wldo enough to per
mit of a footpath alongside tho ton in
driveway. Inasmuch as this bridge la
county property, built by tho county, in
'W or 'till, and has been kept In repair by
tho oounly slnco thai tlmo, Tine Mail
bollovcs la all iustioo to us tho county
ought now to build a now one. Med-1
ford pays ono-tonlliol all tho taxes puui
In the county. Tho laxus paid by our
properly owuors huvo helped to build
brli'iios in all parts of the oounly and
it soems but fuir and cqultabla that
the county at laryo should build this
ono. llrldgts have been built through
out the county thai were of quite as
much bonellt to other towns as this one
will bo to Medford and tho county
built them; . .
Why not spend tho vacation at
Yaqulnu Bay, whom can be had excel
lent fiiro, tfuod llnhlnir. tided boulinR,
safe balhinK, ullurinK riilua and rumbles?
Tho course und exercise at tho Sum
mer school, of 11)01 , Bt Newport, will
afford great variety of lustriiolioiiH, di
version and onterluinmunl. No other
resort offers equal attrncllons and ad
vances. Tho progrons mnilo In tho snlo of
Itock in the Hoguo Itlyer Vnlloy Oil
Company thua far Is very salisfuutory
to the company, and augurs tho oarly
success of Ihc onlorprUo. Qului u num
ber of parlies have signified their in
tention of Inventing In Block In a short
thco, tho gruater number having gone
so far as to stato dolinltely tho number
of shares whiuh thoy will tako. Whllo
tho enterprise Is bolng promoted by a
company Incorporated for tho purpose,
It It by no means an Individual enter
prise. Tho main purpose Is to prospoot
for oil in tho vnlloy, which exports bo-
The ONLY JAR with
ET" T ?' T"T ' VT 'WT' S
The only Perfectly Hermetically Sealed Jar
Sun Fruit
Jars Cost
More, But!
Danger of I'rult spoiling, or burning hands In scaling
l'rylwt to opon. or grooves to gum
Motnl to corrode or taint contents, or loss by brosusge
Wlro to strotoli, or spoolal ruebors or covers
You want tho host Fruit .far mado
This wo hnvo. Come In and lot ua
DyHe Co.
llevo will be found. Tho only way to
accomplish this will be for the com
munity at large to Uko an interest to
tho matter and help ll along, to an ex-i.-nt
equal to tholr ability to do so.
The company Is making no efforts to
ilisporso of Inrgo blocks of slock, pre
ferring to sell in small amounts to our
home people, and if success lr nttulned
our homo people will bo tho wlnnorn;
if nothing be found tho sums Invested
will not bo largo enough to effect any
one. This view of the mailer Is shurud
by fur tho greulor number of our cltl
2ons, and menu with lliulr hearty up
provul. They reallzo that unless wo
"fall to" and develop tho lutuiit re
sources ol tho valley, we cannot expect
.jiipltnl to coino hero and aslt In up
building on s of tho bust sections of
country In tho whole republic. We
wutit capital to become Interested here;
ihisdeslruis shured by nll.coneequunli'y
wo ouiinol altord to remain puivo In
m Ht turn of such Import 10 the wuolu
Now top buggy, one set sluglo har
nos and one huuvy lumber wanon for
sale or trade. Inquire at the Coss
t'lauo Bouw.
A tirnnts Pass correspondent to
llio Oregonlun sends In a four Inch dis
patch on the Kish Lake ditch. The
dispatah goes Into delulls as rogards
tho location, capacity and construction
of tho ditch, and does not forget to say
that ia hoad , tho Kish Lake reservoir,
Is fifty miles east of Grants I'ass. In
this respect the dispatch is quite cor
rect and that's about as close as the
ditch will ever g"t to that town. Tho
Kish Lako ditch Is nearer Medford than
any other railroad town In the valley.
The terminus of It will eventually, we
hope, bo Mudford, but it Is now layed
out to run it to within twelve miles
of our city and will come to our homes
hero if we want it. Tho dispatch Bpo
ken of Is simply a ro-hash of matter
which has provlounly boensaldln Med-'
ford telegrams to tho Oregonian. Tho
Grunts Fuss correspondent surely had
his nerve handy when he localized a
proposition so positively foreign to the
loonllly'from which H cmlnaU.'d as is
Gi-anix Pass from tho Pish Lake diich,
Ice Orders for the prompt delivery
of ico in any quantity to any part of the
t.v muy bo left at Ulrica's or Potton
gui 's meat markets. t
Prof. Van Scoy Is mooting with all
klndi of encouragement for his academy.
Nearlv evory day now students' names
arc addeJ to bU list for opening day for
tho aciuloiiiv. All his former students
aro lining their utmost in his buhalf
and It would not bo surprising if hi
subnet opened with nearly a hundred
onrolleil. Mr. Van Scoy Is ono of the
very best educators In all Oregon, and
Southorn Orogon p(5plo having been
mudo nwaro of thiB fuct by hie succoss
In building ut the Ashland school ll is
little wonder his efforts in establishing
nn aaadomio and oommorclnl school in
Medford aro mooting with so rniioli on
ooHrairomcnt. Everv resident of Med
ford Is making It his espoclal duty to
Detachable Fastener
Notice that Lever
Can Be
when you put up your Fruit
show It to you. For sale by
koo an eyo opon for prospective and
probable ttudunlr, and In this wny
niuoy names aro uddud to the list which
would (lonbtlonsly bu listed with sumo
other suhool. J
lJurdln's blaoltsmlth shop roar of
Medford bank. All work guarantoct'.
The Odd Follows of Medford re
cently presented I'astGrutid I. A. Webb,
of Mudford lodge, Nn Bit, with a beauti
ful past grand bodgo, us It token of
friendship und In appreciation of 1 lie
many services rendered the lodgo. Tho
Memory loap;e wits iiieutuieu juiy id,
IMrt, nnil Mi. Webb was a cluirler meir
ber. Since Unit lime he has twice boon
nobld grand of the lodgo, making three
uirms he has served In Unit enpuciiy,
hn having been a past grand at tho time
this lodgo was InntltiiU-d. During the
llftenn years of Medford lodge's exist
ence them bus not been a tiir.o when
ho did 1 1-t hniu an olllce. either a
trustee or mi i lliou In tho regular or du
gruo team work, lie bus alwuys beer,
an earnest and fuilb'ul worker in the
lodgu und tho little present recently
mado him Is but a slight token of the
g.iod will full lor him by tho lodge
Wanted 200 hop pickers. Apply
toornddrcss J. I. Grants i'aB,
Ore, Kenton will commence about (Sep
tember 1 t.
Tho linn of Hunter A Sharer, pho
tographers, has been diitsolved, Mr,
V. 8. Hherer retiring. Mr J. W.
(iunlor will continue the bimlness us
heretofore, In the ilumlln block. Mr.
Iunlor Is unquestionably one of tho
bast photographers In all Oregon. He
has had voure el exporlcnco in the
oast whore only the best work potsl-
blo In tho art Is permissible, roe
samples displayed In frnnlof bis studio
Is evidence of tho superior work he
turns out. Ho Is a high art photog
rapherwho makes portraits not mere
ploturos. Mr. Sherer Is not hlmrolf a
photographer and the lino of business
bo will engage In be bus not yot do
cldcd up D
Wanted-8)0 hop pickers; picking
com roenoos about Boptembor 1st. Ad
dress John Ilunzau, Jr., Grants Pass,
"David W. Crosby, of Hotel Riddle,
was a Hoseburg visitor Wednesday.
Mr. Crosby informed us that J. 11.
Riddle bad Just com Dieted his large
now evaporator nt Ulddlo and that
Judgo Ulddlo hud Just commenced
work on a fine lurgo steam evaporator
at that plaoe, which ho will complete
In lime to lianaiu tno immenio prune
crop this seajon." Uoseburg l'luln-
doaior. Two of Ihuso people were
former resident of Medford and that
ueoes Is camping on their trail is
subjoct inatloi- for congratulation by
'.heir miiuy friends.
Wells A Shearer havo tho best
fqulpped outllt lor druylng and house
hold moving In flleoiorii. boo inem
when need iho-sorvlces of u good dray
Ing oullit.
vVm. McCredin reports that him
self and W. H. Urr have sold their
apple and pear crop to Page Sc Son, of
Portland. Thoro are forty acres of or
chard and he eallmules. that there will
be nine or ten carloads of fruit the
Faucotl peach orchard, east of Medford,
in which Mr. McCrcdio is Interested, Is
also producing a big crop this year.
There are BOO trees In the orchard und
It is osllmatud they will yield an aver
age of ton boxes of fruit to the tree,
borne of them will turn off twenty
boxes. Some varieties of this fruit are
now ripe and are being shipped.
Dr. Pletoher's dental vnrlors will
be eloscd for ooo week commencing
August 10th. 1
Frank Walt reports that he Is get
ting along nicely with his rook contract.
He has airxady shipped six carloads of
granite and twelve of sandstone This
Is about ono fourth of tbo sandBtone
order and Is not quite n 1 ibo granite
contract. All this rook is being used
in the construction of the now postomce
building nt Salem. The granite still to
bo shipped la to be used In the steps of
tbo building and will not bo required
until next wlntnr. In the meantime Mr.
Walt will haul It to Medford and will
shape ll for use under cover this fall
and winter.
Cash Paid for Chickens: I nm In
tho market for cash purchases of all
chickens brought to mo. T. K. P itten-
gor, proprietor Centrul meal market.
Died At the family residence, near
Medfo'd, Monday, July 2'J, 11)01, Everett
R. Priddy, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
l'riddy, aged seventeen months and
thirteen davs. Funeral services were
hold In tho B:ipiisl Church Tuesday,
Rov Merley ofliolailng. Mr. and Mrs.
Priddy huvo tho sympathy of all Med
ford peuplo in thtlr sad boreavement.
Doopor Is the sympathy felt because of
the 'act that upon four similar occa
sions has It been their sad lotto mourn.
"Five little mounds in tho churchyard
mado" toll a tnlo of grief which can be
felt only by those who havo experienced
the joys of a child's fond embrace.
The famous Haslewood loo cream,
Saturday and Sunday, al White's ice
or,, am parlors.
There was a ro-productton of Gnlln-
gher's Wizard oil entertainment at tne
home of Merchant J. II. Norris Satur
day night. George Merriman. Jr., was
very nearly tho whole show. He imper
sonated Mr. Gsllugher, Bold Wizard oil
and did the coon song and dance. His
company of show people consisted of
Misses Fern Norris, Edytli Cranilll and
Mabel Wilson. These young Indies
furnished the muaio and did the spec
ialty woik. Those who witnessed the
performance sny it was an' exnet repro
duction of Mr. Gallagher's first night
All kinds of sash and doors and
screen doors, at lowest market price.
W. Woods.
Tho Woodburn nursery stock Is
pORitlvoly the buBt on the market. This
nursery has boon doing business for a
great many years. It's 'stock planted
tho pioneer orchards of Oregon and
Btook from this samo nursery 19 planting
the oi'ohurds today. The OrchnrdUts of
Oregon all endorse tbo Woodburn
nursery. L. H. Hoovor, of Medford, is
tho agont for Southern Oregon and
Northern California. Ordorsgfvon him
are never ohanged or raised you got
just what you ordor no kind ''jnst as
good" is substituted, and no orders nro
fnoroascd after first made.
Camp stoves and hammocks at
Conlraotor W. L. Orr, of this city,
has boon awardod a oontraot for tho
erection of n new dwelling for W. ,1,
Freeman, in Conlral Point. Tho build
ing will be 32x44 foot in size and two
stories high. It will be decidedly mod
ern In urnhltoutiuil design and bo "
great crodlt to tho reside!!' noit on t
our sister town on the mi th. (ieor, e
D'ltrloh, of Mudforil, has heiui engug"H
Ibis ween in moving Mr. Fricinun's o d
residence from the ground upon which
Is to stand tho new edifice. Obas.
Phelstor Is putting in tbo foundation,
which will bo of cut stono.
Did you know It? V. ben you want
a fine photo call on Geo. W. Mnckoy
he cua muke 'em O. K.
Nuto J ucobr, by letter from Coror,
C.ilif. : "I will have to trouble you to
change tho address of our Mait, again.
This tlmu to Corona, Culif,, Riverside
County, near which place I. have a
school to touch for tho coming year.
At San Jacinto, where we spent two
and one-half months, Mr. H. Kinney,
formerly of Medford, lives. He seems
well and hearty, but is getting very
deaf, tie still follows painting, not
withstanding tho fuel that ho is not far
from eighty years of age."
Inuildillon to all kinds of feed
Chmoio & Myers havo new and old
potatoes, dried fruit, buckwheat and
wliolowheut flour, oracked and whole
corn, etc,
Bud Ilumlln tins sold his farm of
200 acres, in Kilon precinct, to Cuptaln
Voorhles. for 11)400. Tbo nroperty joins
Mr. Voorhles' laud on the west ar.d will
undoubtedly be set to orchard by that
gentleman. It is good orchard land,
butler if anything, than tho 100 nor is
of orchard which Mr. Voorhles Is now
Ciil. lvnting and harvesting a big crop
of fruit from cuch year. Mr. Humlln
expects to leave Medford within the
next few weeks, but just where be will
go to Is unsettled.
Ed. Pollcnger, proprietor of the
Gontral market, is sole agent lor aso
land creamery butter.
Charlie Piorca has contracted with
Mr. Davis, living west of Medford, for
the picketing of several barrels of ou
cumbcr pickets. Tho cucumbers are to
bo put in brine and after they have
stood a suflloiont length of time tbey
will bo put into vinegar and sealed in
bottles und kegs and placed on the mar
ket. Mr. Pierce li donirous of con
tracting for several barrels more with
other parties hereabouts should there
beany who are growing cucumbers.
Sewing machines at bottom price
at Webb's furniture store.
W. H. Kovse has purchased a two
acre tract of 'land in North Medford
and will make this his home for an in
definite period. Mr. Royse and family
arrived hero about a month ago from
Hoppuer, Oregon. -Mr. R. owns 175
head of horse which are now over at
Parker's Station, in eastern Orvgvn,
bul he expects to bring part or all of
them to Medford where be will offer
them for pale. Mr. It. is an old-time
fiioud of the Hulley boys, of this city.
Exclusive ngent for Athlund cream
ry butler Ed. Pottcnger's Centrul
A charivari party was out Monday
night and gavo Charley Paine a tore
nado. The hllai-lly, however, was a
little premature as Charley Is not yet
married. He expected to have been
married on Sunday to Mrs. E'la Row
ley, of this city, but owing to some ir
regularity In the procurement of cer
tain legal papers from California, the
wedding was necessarily postponed 10
a date not definitely decided upon.
H. G. Nicholson has a fine line of
fishing tackle and sporting goods.
Landlord S. R. Reeves has given
up his lease to the Windsor lodging
bouse and Mr. Unllev, tha owner, has
taken possession, and will continue to
conduot a lodging house. Mr. Reeves
will remain in Medford lora few weeks,
after which he will go over onto the
oaht. then Into California, where M a.
Reeves is now visiting. He may dj
ulde to again engage in business in
With the new facilities that B. N.
Bullor put in his shop, be turns out a
good work In repairing watches and
Jewelry as any one in Southorn Orogon.
Merchant I. A. Webb jqolie sorl-"
ously contemplating the erection of "a
hrlck building on property he acquired
a fow months ago, corner liprth B ana
Sixth stroets. Should be' build tbe
structure will bo 60x05 feet in size, one
story high, and will bo divided into
two rooms, one of which will bo used
for undertaking parlors and tbe other
will be for rent.
J list Roeelved A nice line of sum
mer corsets at Gurnea's.
Hon. Gnrl T. Jones has marketed
this year fifty-threo orates of Logan
berries, for which ho received f 1.15 per
crate, or $110.05 for all. His berries are
lifltwcen rows of large apple
trees. Ho hns six rows of berries, 100
feet in length. iSext year no expects
to havo even a greater yield from the
samo buBhus becuuse of the fact that he
has done more pruning than ever be
fore. When von want draving done get
Slover to do It. He's always ready
always reliable and his obarges are
always pist rigni.
T. J. Klnnoy, administrator of the
S. Rosonthal estate, is advertising else
where In this paper that he will sell, at
private sale all the personal property
of said estate, consisting of a stock of
general merchandise at Gold Hill and a
stock of clothing at Medford. Bids for
the sumo will bo opened on August 15th.
Wo want all tho eggs we oan get;
cash or trade. H. H. Howard & Co.
T. H. Moore, the west side mer
ohant, has boon having his store build
ing remodeled. He has had a partition
removed, double doors put In, also a
glass front. He is going to add a new
lino of goods to his stook the nature
of which he hns not as yot given out.
W. L. Hnlley did tho carpenter work
on the job.
Good driving or farm horse for sale,
rnqulre at MAIL office,
No meeting of the Poultry Associ
ation was hold last Saturday, owing to
t.lerr not being enough poultry men In
attendance to represent properly that
industry. It is earnestly hoped that
tho poultry interests in Southern Ore
gon will nol 1)6 lost sigm oi ana mat
enough interest will be made manifest
to insure a good show this winter.
Collee pot given with each camp
stove sold at Wolfer's tlnshop. Camp
stoves mado to order.
Dan'l Whetstone was adjudged in
snno on Monday of this week and the
sumo evening was taken to the insane
asylum at Salem by Deputy Sheriff
Thompson and Joseph Murphy. Mr.
W hots tone has. been committed to the
We are Coming to Town
To see Nye's Closing
Out Stock of
Ladies' Shirt Waists
Ladies' Shirt waists closing out at cost. Bargains in
All-over lace and embroidery, daintiest and prettiest in
Our new line of ladies' kid gloves bave arrived. We
like them aud you will too when you see them. Ouly $1
IH-r pair
Boys' laundered shirts assorted colors and sizes, 35-50c
Men's percale shirts and shirts with extra length in
sleeve, etc. Bow ties of latest shades and designs.
Flags, fire-crackers, horns, whistles, etc., etc.
H. B. NYE'S, Racket Store,
Of Interest to Ditchers. Miners Prospectors and Farmers
;arrJcn a full line of the "United Work
Unned working Hlioea. High and low
pliable. Every pair fully warranted
aylom several times previous to this.
After staying there and receiving treat
ment for a few weeks be. seeminelv.
(rets all right.
Wanted Good wall tent cbeanfor
cash. Snell & Hartson.
Ernest Rich lor and August Edler,
two prosperous German stockmen, were
in Medford Tuesday, having brought in
seven bead of beef cattle which they
sold to Ed. Pottengei'a Central Market
at a price ranging from 130 to $35 each.
Messrs. Hicks & Walker made a
shipment of cemetery work to Sisson,
Calif., this week. It was of Southern
Oregon granite and was decidedly a
pretty monument. There is nothing
prettier than this granite when prop
erly finished.
A. M. Helms this week sold to J.
H. AlWbll two lots io Southwest Med
ford ; consideration, $150. Mr. Atwell
is a gentleman of considerable means
and expects to Invest quite extensively
in Medford property. He is recently
from Idubc.
"D. T. Pritchard, of Medford, Ore
gon, has secured quar'ers in Joseph
Stewart's general merchandise' store
at Soringfield. and will op'0 up a
jewelry establishment and wa'ch re
pairing shop." Euenu Rcgistur.
J. A. Perry, the warehouse man,
lolls a Mail, reporter lhut ho will nut
re-build his warehouse this fall. Hp
could find no contractor who would
agree to have the structure in readi
ness to receive, Ihis season's crop.
Patrick Dunn, an aged and highly
respected pioneer of Jackson Coanty,
died at Ashland- Monday. Deceased
was several times elected to office and
waa the first Republican official ever
elected in the county.
Geo. Mickey left this week for
Klamath County with another load of
fruit. He has made several trips this
season and is building up a good trade
in that county for tbe fruits he takes
County Treasurer Muller is adver
tising elsewhere in these columns that
be has funds on hand to redeem all out
standing countv warrants protested from
January 1, lS'JS, to January 31, 1893,
John Nelson, tbe Beagle thresher
man, was in Medford Tuesday. He will
bave his machine down this way this
week and will be ready to start work on
tbe J. H. Wilson place, near tbe old
fair grounds, Monday.
v 'A. C. Hubbard, the implement
dealer of Medford, arrived in the Palls
Tuesday and is now doing business
among the farmers of Klamath Coroty."
Klamath Falls Express.
Who's lost a canary bird? One flew
into Mrs. Uelj root's dwelling Tuesday.
A cage was procured ni.d tbe pet was
tenderly cared for. Owner please call
and gel tho bird.
J. Huger, superintendent of the
Capt. Voorbies orchards, made the first
shipment of apples of the season this
week, the same being 200 boxes which
were billed to Portland.
Word received from I. A. Mounce,
formerly of Medford, now at Elgin,
Oregon, is to tbe effect that he is hope
lessly ill and cannot possibly live more
than a few weeks.
Passenger traffic is so extensive
these times on the Southern Pacific
that two engines are required to handle
the trains, and oltttmes there are two
Born At Great Palls, Mont,, to
Mr. and Mrs. P. K.Simon, on July 8th,
a girl baby. Mr. and Mrs. Simon for
merly resided in Medford.
Sum Tryer has accepted a position
in Ashland as butcher for Cbas. Hosley,
and went up yesterday to commence
doing business.
All Odd Fellows are expected to be
In attendance at the regular meeting
Saturday night. There will be work
In the third degree,,
Mrs. Emma Ragsdale, wifeotBenj.
Ragsdale, died at tbe family home in
Saras Valloy on Monday of this week,
of quick consumption, aqed 25 year.
Miss M.ibel Mlokey olosed a term
of school in tbe Trail creek dlstrlot
last Friday and has returned to her
homo In Medford.
Mrs. Geo. Kurtz, we are sorry to
no'o, is not muoh Improved in health,
in faot she is very ill.
Born On Sunday, July 28, 1901,
to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Sherer, a ten
pound girl baby.
Frank Hull is salesman in H. H.
Howard & Co.'s grocery store for a fow
Mrs. Bud Hamlin has been quite ill
for the past week, but Is now very much
"Oapt. J. W. Siemens and Marion
Hanks and wives arrived home Tues
day from Portland." Klamath Falls
Republican. Is Mr. Hanks a bigamist?
logman'" famous Crome
.cut. Always 00ft and
m nreei) aaeaiora
A "guber" straw ride was given
Wednesday evening by MiBses Fannie
Hafkinsand Aileen Webber. A four
horse team was bitched to a wagon and
bay rack. The bottom of tbe rack hav
ing been bountifully supplied with straw
tbe following named young friends of
the ladies above mentioned were asked
to take seats thereon: Misses Bessie
Hammond. Pearl and Edith Webb.
Cleo Lncns, Virgie Woodford, Prudence
Angle, Mrs. C. I. Hutchison, chaperon,
Messrs. itarregan, unitwood, foster,
Ramsey, Crandall, Wbb, Butler, Haa
kins. A drive waa made to Jackson
ville and from there to Central Point
and back to Medford. The participants
in this excursion of fnn and frolic relate
some very amusing im-idents while
making the drive, one of which was
when they stopped at a farm honse' to
quench their thirst. The hour was late
and tbe farm people had' retired, but
the well was found and the thirst
qu inched' and in return for tbe drinks
so bountifully partaken ofaserenade was
proposed. A song was started bat very
abruptly stopped a couple of revolver
-hots from an npstoirs window of the
aforesuid farm bouse having been the
means of creating a "hutkinesa" in the
throats of every member of the party
.iml immediately thereafter there was a
ded calm. Oroken only by the swift
letterings of four fleet footed equines.
Tiie former didn't mind their helping
themselves at his watering trough but
he took a couple of shots just for luck
when ihey commenced to sins.
Lawn social The Epwortb League
of tbe M. E. Church will serve ice
cream on Dr. Arnold's lawn, corner
Ninth und south C streets, Tuesday '
evening, August 6th. Come and en
joy a pleasant evening on tbe lawn
nd a dish of delicious ice cream. Com
mittee. H. H. Howard & Co. received a
earioad ol salt this week.
For Sale.
I offer for sale my household goods at
reasonable rates, In quantity to fuit
nut-chasers. Goods may be seen at tbe
J. H. Butler residence in West Med-'
ford. S. S. Stray er. .
(Second Week)
Writing Paper
and Envelopes
We have sold 125,000 pks.
of envelopes this week. 3
packs of envelopes and 6
pks. of paper while they
One Week Only
Eastman KodaK dQ
Catalogue Value P
Regular No. 2 Bull's Eye.
Ten for Saturday Sales. A
pleased customer means
another sale. We want to
sell 20 Kodaks next week.
Monday to Saturday
lOc Tablet, 6c
500 smooth, hard finish
tablets, note size. You
must pay 10c ..after Satur
day, if they do not all go.
This Week Only
With Every i0 Af
Set of our. new design
Print Mats, value 25c
, gfta Yellow Front
Mail Order House