1 IDE MEDFORD MAIL Published Bverv PrWy Mornm:. A. S. BLITON. Mbdford, Friday, April i, 1901. I WM BORN TO HUSTLE. HtUol tew dais; but quite a plenty. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER YEAR Culwed In the PostofBcs at Medford, Oregon as SeoondClass MU Matter. Clerk hire for ' the Jale Oregon . legislature cost the state exactly 22,000. . , Jf you don't smile at this you Wouldn't smile at anything. A ' young lady in Binghamton, N. Y. iaa married an eight months-old , toy. It was a fiuancial transaction, and the child's parents were will " iog. ' The first arrest for violation of .' nickel-in-the-alot machine law took place at Salem this week,, and sa loon men and cigar dealers of that place propose testing the consti tutionality of the law in the su preme court. The largest excursion of home- aeekers to Btart for the Pacific Coast bo far since the excurion's were in augurated, left St. Paul Wednesdad. A train of twenty-four cars pulled -out in two sections, having on board, all told, 7OO emigrants. Tuesday's special car carried 300 homeseekers. The train will reach Portland this week. Last Thursday Governor Geer appointed Hon. James V. Hamil ton, circuit judge of the sixth ju . - dicial district of Oregon, as a mem Iter of the Board of Regents of the University of Oregon, to serve until .April 1, 1913. He succeeds his father, Dr. S. Hamilton, who haB oc cupied a position on the board since 1877. On Friday, May 31st, one of the most successful school years in the iis'.ory of Medford will close for . the summer vacation, and the pu pils and teachers, who have labored bo earnestly during the past nine Months, will scatter in all- direc tions to enjoy a well earned respite from the arduous school room duties. Our corps of teachers are able and faithful to their trust, and all those -who desired to retain their positions for the next school year have been e-elected a well earned compli ment to their efficiency. The citi lens of Medford have just cause to . be proud of their school, which has, tinder extremely trying circum stances at times, attained a very high standard of excellency. The Rev, Or. James M. Buckley startled the New York East Con ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church Tuesday night, at its ses sion in the Hanson-Place Metho dist Church, Brooklyn, by saying hat Jamaica ginfer aa an Ameri ' can intoxicant is rivaled only by applejack. Dr. Buckley was mak ing his annual report upon the "Omstian Advocate, of which he is editor. He said that during the ,'. ymr had refused $43,000 worth of ' advertising on the ground that he could not indorse the articles ought to be advertised. He classes Jamaica ginger among such bjeclionahle articles, and said he Would not have it upon his table . .binder any circumstances. . : Poutland is to have a new morn Sng-paper to be published by the - late assistant business manager of the New York Herald and Willis S. Thompsou, formerly cify editor f the Denver Republican, and m.ore - recently connected with the Exam iner as Assistant city editor. Mr. Thompson states that his New York ' partner has $65,000 and that Port ) 3iid merchants will invest an equal . mmount, also guarenteeing him ten ' thousand subscriptions, paid up '. 'Jar one year on the day the first ; .paper is iFPUed.. He also claims that Portland . merchants have f guarenteed a liberal and perma Vut advertising patronage. He ' expects to bogin publication of the -eaew paper on or abort May 1st.. . Land For Sale. Five aoro orotmrd 1 mot in Medford, -yrt of land into bearing orchard. Office 360. flee York & W ortnwn. ADDITIONAL LOCAL The Medford whist olub met In Woodman hall Wednesday evening and spent eeveral hours very pleasantly at nroiresslve whist. This was tue omy meeting of the club hold slnoe Inst soring, the usual winter meetings huv lag been declared off for several months booauso of the illness of several ol me mombers. At the olose of the Wednes- day evening meeting a line luuoh of sandwiches, salads, corTeo and cake was servod. This whist orowd always bus a (rood time and the reoont gathering was no exception to the general rule. Those present were: Mr. ami Mrs. J. A. Whitman, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Heard, Mr, and Mrs, H, li, Howard, Mr, and Mrs. B. U. Lumsden. Attorney and Mrs. A. S. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bllton, Misses Jessie Worman, Alleon Webber, Graco Foster, Mollle Barneburg, Messrs. G. L. Davis, C. I. Hutchison, H. M. Cois, Mort Foster, A. R. Hubbs. Mrs. Moffit, aged about SO years, died Tuesday at the residence of CO. Parker,' in this city, where she had been staying for some time. Her death resulted from a complication of diseasos. Her son, M. C. Moffit, of Red BlulT, ar rived here Wednesday morning, and another son from New York is expec ted here in a day or two. Arrange ments for the funeral will be deferred until his arrival. A party, in honor of Claud Hoover, was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Redden, in this city,' lost Tues day evening. About twenty-five young people were in- attendance and spent the evening very enjoyably in piayiDg games of various kinds. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were Berved during the evening. New line of very choice floor mat ting at I. A. Webb's furniture store. Hon. Geo. Coivig, of Grants Pass, reeently appointed consul to Barnn- quilla, Colombia, left for Washington Wednesday to receive his instructions. He expects to leave for his new home in about three weeks. He will be ac companied by Mrs. Coivig and his niece, Miss Dora Coivig, of Grants Pass. If vou can't find what you want go to G. L. Davis' he's got it. Chief of Police Johnson has been doing a fairly good business during.the past couple of weeks In the collection ol dog taxes. He has rounded up 4o In cold cola aud informs a Mail re porter that there are several score more of the canine family in the eity which he is now on the trail of. All kinds or sasn and doors and screen doors, at lowest market price. W, Woods. Hazel Davis, who is with her mother, Mrs. G. L. Davis, at Los An geles, Calif., has been dangerously ill at the hospital in that city, with ty phoid fever. At last accounts she was some better, and nnlesa complications not anticipated arise, Bhe will soon be on the road to recovery. A new lot of Japanese goods just received. Call and see them. G. L. Davis. Word from Mrs. Mills, who is now at San Francisco, is to the effect that her son has taken several treatments and that an improved condition is de cidedly noticeable. Mrs. Mills' sister, Miss Lillian Barr, who is with her, commenced upon her school work last Monday. If vou need a new tot of harness see J. G. Taylor ho is selling out at cost. H. H. Mitchell, the blacksmith, and his brother, J.. W. Mitchell, of Montague, Calif., last week purchased the blocksmitbing business of M. Pur- din and took charge of the. same last Monday morning. Mr. Mitchell will arrive In Medford about thirty days to remain permanently. H. G. Nicholson sells hardware for cash but he sells it at the right price. White Arbor day was not made an occasion ol marked interest in Medford last Friday, it was not entirely ignored. The school children took advantage of the occasion to "clean up" around the school boose grounds and plant a few trees, which made a very noticeable improvement.: Fine line of very nice jardinieres- received this week at j. ij. uavis', G. W. Dunlap und V. M. Kershaw, photographers, have been taking sev eral fine views of Medford streets, also 'some birdseye views of the town. These they find are taking well among our townspeople and they are selling many of them. Do y6u know that the oheapest place in town to buy good Jewelry is at ISlwood sr All meat purchased at the Arnold & Barneburg market will be delivered free to all parts of the cityi They are putting In a telephone and after next week you can call up Main 174 and or der your meat for dinner without leav ing your office 01-residence. Good milch cow for sale. Call at Cobs Piano Hiitine. The school trustees, of Grants Pass, have made an order to the effect that a certificate of vauvirtatlon must be pro duced before a pupil is permitted to at tend school at tit 11 1 place. The edict of the board uxtcritla to next year as well as the present. : Sovoral Medford young people drove over to Jacksonville last Friday even ing to witness the drama, "The Girl I Loft Buhlud Mo," which was producod there that evening by Ashland local talent. They played at Grants Vnss Saturday evening. ' Ohase & Sanborn coffee at G. L. Davis'. .. . T. W. Johnson has arranged with tlio Medford ice plant to put on an ice waiton about May 1st. Aside from Blip plying all Medford ha will make trips to Central Potut and also hopes to arraugo lor the delivery of loo In Jack sonville. .:,'! For plumbing work go to E. S. Wolfer, the tinner. A committee of eight have boon appoiuted to meet President McKtnley and party at tbo suto line. Thoy are Senators Fulton, Kuykendall and Brown ell and Representatives Reeder, Rob erts, McCraoken, Brlggs and Foonnan, Sea those one cent handkorohlofs tor ohlldren, at W. H. Mcoker & Co's. Contractor G. W. Prlddy has men at work quarrying the rook for the foundation of I. W. Thomas' now brick building which ho has tho oontract for erecting on Mr. Thomas' property on West Seventh streot. Choisest oransos, bananas aud lem ons at White's confectionery. F. M. Stewart has been building a line (once around his tennment prop erty, on North C streot. Mr. Stewart has fitted this place up In lino shapo and It is an ornamcut to that part of the olty. The sofa pillow rallied at J. G. Van Dyke & Co 's store last Saturday was won by J. F. Rilter. Tho point lace handkerchief rallied off at tbo Postal telegraph office was won by M. F. Mo- Cow n. All of White's lemonades are served ic Coleatin mineral water. Assessor J. 0. Pendleton has so far recovered from his recent Illness as to be out again and is engaged la direct ing the assessment work, which is In the hands of an able corps of deputies. Fresh homemade candles at White's oonfectionery every day. At the last meeting of the Medford Ministerial Association It was decided to make eight o'clock the hour for Sun day evening services, beginning with next Sunday. 0. J. Gist, secretary. Leavo orders at White's confection ery for ice cream. Excavation for E. D. Elwood's now jewelry store, on Seventh street, is under way this week and tho building will be hurried to completion. S. Chll- ders & Sons will do tho brick work. Harness at Cost I am closing out my entire Btock of harness at cost. J. G. Taylor. . ., ; County treasurer Mullor advertises that he bos funds on hnnd to redeem all outstanding county warrants pro tested from July 1, 189", to July 31, 1897, both dates Inclusive. An explosion occurred in the pow der house of the Lewis mine at T!i..... lost week, causing a loss of 10M pjuudu of powder. The report of '.be explosion was beard a distance of thirty miles. The Wells Fargo Express Company has established an office at Lakeview. To avoid of chances of robbery the company will transmit all money en' trusted to them in drafts or ohecks. Juno 14th the annual pioneer ro; union will be held in Portland. It is exoected that round trip excursion rates will be granted to thojo who de sire to attend. - ' The celebration of the 82d anni versary of Odd Fellowship, which will be held at Jacksonville, April 20th, will end with a grand free ball in the even ing. Arthur Mahoney has accepted a position with the Cosa Piano House, and will have charge of the branob business recently established at Grants Pass. The Mail gives the news and the Enquirer gives the news that The Mail, gives. If you see it in The Mail you'll see it ' 'rehashed" In the Enquirer perhaps. . A social dance will be given at the opera bouse this (Friday) evening by the young people of Medford, which will probably be the last of the season The email pox epidemic at Glendate is abating and the disease Is at present under control.. There are but two cases In the pest bouse at present. A news "cribber" don't Btand any too high in the profession. He is on a level with a plagairiat one who steals from the writings of another, Ohas. Wiggin, who has been 00 n fined to bis room for some time with a Bcvere attack of pneumonia, is much Improved. H. Klippel, who has been confined to his room for three'weoks with an at- tack of pneumonia, is able to be on the street again. Merchant W. H. Meeker has eh tlrely recovered from hlfl recent spell of sickness and is again attending to business. Judge H. L. Benson, of Klamath Falls, we learn, Intends moving with bis family to Portland Boon. D. T. Lawton is oreoting a 20x30 foot implement shed at tho rear of bis building on North B Btrect. , Dr. J. M. Kecne went to Portland Monday night, OUR 10 MEN'S SUITS FOR SPRING 1 ARE RIGHT UP ON THE TOP RUNG c FASHION FORjUiLS TAILORING AND PERFECT FIT BEING MADE RIGHT. THEY ARE BOUND TO GIVE SATISFACTORY WEAR. AND TO FIND THEIR. EQUAL ELSEWHERE IS TO PAYAMUCH MIC HEW PRICE The Proof is Here It's up to you to INVESTIGATE F. R. DEUEL CO. -Wo. TJIrich is fast Improving in health and la expocted to return from San Francisco this week. The II ret strawberries of tho se'tson arrived In Medford Wcdnoadny nicht from California. -Lakeview has decided to hold a racing tournament of ono week, com mencing July 3d. -Willamette valley towr.a aro al ready talking Fourth of July celebra tions. A Self Admitted Purloiner. The Knqulror admiu having iwlpM a bowh Item from TUB Mail and then accuncn Till: Mail mt being a fakir for having publlfhra ino Imaginary Item In quefllon. Tno Item lervcri Itti purpose Ild good lervlco In Its ipcoiul Held proved conclimivuly that tho Knqulrer "crlba" IIn dcwh from our colutnni, which may bo legitimate proceduro with blarkmnlth prlntum, bill wllh profeMlonul men of tho art prcMcrvatlve 11 1h conHldureil dirty, illitroputiiblo bustnutifl. Ilowovor, wo taught Iho purtolncr In his cribbing ool and have proven Hie fact um! while tnincwlml surprised til his wholemilo pilfering wo eunnut but commend his good judgment In selecting THE MAH.afthln medium of authority for local news. The Kmiulrcr questions TUB MAll.'H circula tion. Wo publish below an amdnvll which ought to convlnco our readers that wo aro making no Idlo boast when wo sny our circula tion fsJOO. Will the Knqulrer mako aflldavlt that he prlnrs half thai number wo don't think. Hero Is the aOdavli: Wate or Oiieooh, I.. ;ntinlv nf Jnokson. I ' 1, A. 8. HliUm. being llrst duly sworn, depose and say that 1 am tbo ptibllshar of The Man roHU Mail, a weokly newspaper published In the Town of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon; that the numbor of MEDrolin Maii-h printed eaob week Is 2-O0i and thai Ibis number has been prinlod each ween lor no loss a period than tweivo tnonins ism past. A. P. Hi.iton. Rubserlbed and sworn to before me this loth day of April, mi, . F. M. Stewabt, 1 seal. . Notary I'ubllc for Oregon This same Enquirer asserted In a recont Issue that Tnt Hail put In two bids on a certain plecoof job printing and that upon being con frontud by the parlies Interested we were told mat we did put In two bids. This Is a fslso hood In every senso and detail. Upon going to the parties in question we wero told In tho presence of Mr. Mann that we did not put In two bids, If the Knqulror Insists that we did we will produco evidence from tbo purties In quostloo refuting tho statement made In Its columns. Nonce this, Please. About four weeks aeo T)r. Willi either lout or loaned It) stiirti' oire n larfjo Mitrino don mo Mold ifiuoi l:t u l.iiitnor ciihu. me party lutviri;; r,i! Biima or knowing anything rugmMinc; thotn will omifer a great fitvor by com municating with tho undoraigmA of wilh Tun Mail, odlco. Mrs. Elizaheth vvait. Oolouol VeiUia, Agulualdo's chief of staff, and Dr. Barcelona, ex-troiuioivr nf the Philippine "government," eup'.ntb'l at the sanio time Oeuoral Fuimlou ninl prisoner of their chief, have been liber ated. General Martla Dolgado, the chief lusnrgeut commiiuder in tho Islnrul of. Puuny until his snrroudor in Jtitlurtry, bus been appointed govoruor of lli province of lloilo, created by tho Uiuli'l StutfiS Philippine commission. Uinsa1.-ut-y will hu toOOO In gold, the hi;jliot. oiiinry puid any provincial goyr,r;mi The hpiioiiitmont is a popularoiiv, - 'i'he ),ruVinc i.uH a popnlution uHtliiniftl nt about 1,000,000. ;., ,. ,: , rinrnrinrn.'inrtnni'tnrinNriM I MEDFORD'S BIG GROCERY STORE fl PCI a J UU J: sa -I "yfw w ! , pjfpnnlirirnl U 1 teMil S3 Q'J r.5 un r.a m S3 nn 10'J Carries evoryililiiR In tho Grocery lino. Wo urn never "ju-l out," mid oiir goods aro ulwuyR fi erli A feature of our business is our mam moth utoik of crockery G. L. DAVIS, Ijti ua' nnrnrinr.nr.nnafinr'sr.nnarar.artanTinn uuuuuutjjuuutiuuuuutJiJ'JiJuuuuuLutguuuuuuuuuLiLiuyuiJuUutJUtiu' V SPRING and SUMMER E MILLINERY Wo linvo a ni'W nml vcrr rnmpleln nlock of the viry Intent fun-cii-4 anil urimlliina III millinery, whlith wo are aoillntr Hi Imvcut prim-ii. Our motto in liotic.l koihIh ill Inwvil pi'lri'K. Tho luilli'H nt Mi'ilfiinl uiitl vicinity nriv ikml tu call and ox ninliio our toek. It l mini 1 Irnnliln to nhow kooiI; hut wu llku in liu iroutilutl lliul wtiy. No olfoimo full If you do nut buy HOOVER SISTERSCordthniidCSt.., Medford, Or, ft jiHIHIIIIHIMIIIMHIIMIMIMIIMMMMMIIIMltlMMIIMiiMMMIIIIIIIIMMMIIMMIIIMlll(Mli.llUM llllllfc ; : : i : : i i : : : : t : ': m : : i : y . DECORATION DAY WILL SOON Aro you in need ol. firaniie oi m monumeniai Work ? i I MICKS St WALKER l Are tho nmn who always tnnke prlci'S rliiht and as for r block nml workmuiishlp witll, wo know wo can tlx : Hint I'lghl : k : I, ,, ,,MIMMMI ' MMI Ml IMtlMIMHIMmil IMIIMIMIMMMIMIMIIMHIMIMIMH llllll III 11 tlllltr IF YOU MT HARDOE Of any kind, for any use, at any timo, you will do well to cull and look over my stock It's now tho prices aro rilit and tho linos aro all comploto. I mako a specialty of outfitting for tho It ills Corner 7th and B St. I - NJSrhofoon Mrrker'a Old Stand ll llHUIUII Among the Churclici. CllltlHTIAN CIIUUOH. Il-.....li.n ..p.iotili I iii ditrviio.M njtvL hlilll. I tiny nt 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., to which till will ho wolcomv, PHKSIlYTKItlAN CIIOIIC'II. Tho iisiutl services will bu held nt the Presbylerlun Church next Sunday morn ing and evening. Tho evening sorvlce will bogin at eight o'clock. MKTIIODI8T CIIUUOH. Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by tho pastor. Subjeots: morning, "Gos pel Kejootod." Evening, 'Contnnt mcnt." Epworth league will meet at 7 p. m. W. B. Moore, pastor. Stepped Into Live Coals. "When a child I burned my foot frightfully," writes W. H. Eads, of Jonesvlllo, Va., "which oaused. horrible leg sores for 30 years, but Bucklon's Arnica Salve wholly oured mo aftor everything nlso failed." Infallible for burns, scalds, outs, sores, bruises and piles. Bold by Cbns. Strang. 26o. Card of Thanks. To those many kind frlonds whoso services and sympathy wero so frcoly tendorcd us during tho last Illness and lctitli of our bolovod husband and father, wo desire to express our lioart fult thanks. Miih. Emzaiibtii Wait and Family. Teachers Hlected. Tho school trustees for this district in it Ir.Ht Monday night und elected the fil'nwlng touchers for tho ensuing nar: l'nif. N. L. Niifrcgiin, Mlrsttr 'loitrudo Sutton, May lJhltps, EIlo iVtl ij', tilstzlo Porguson, Emma K 'i", Winnie Hockunyos, Mubol Jonns. Nu o'iltotion has yet been tnndo for tin) firat primary grado, tho aolcctlon being left open until later In tho soiison. All tho old teachers who applied for po st .lima wero rn-olnoted. Mlshcs tlraco Posti-r, . Fnnnlo Haskins and Jtillii fleldt.-r did not muke nppllniitlonH. to Tako 'my to Operate rtecnuso purely .vcROtahlo-yot tliur oufih, prompt, healthful, satisfactory- nn U'J nn H U'J U'J M BI U'J I U'J rjci 11 Li Your Grocer. g BE HERE West Side GROCE RY For FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES- FRUITS or all Kinds, MILL FEED and BALED HAY Poultry and Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods A. D. RAY, Proprietor NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land offloo at Knsobnrir, Orcfron, April 1U IW1. Nntlcn Is linrntiy Klvun Unit tlio followlnn named settlor litis lllod nnlltin of his liitrmtloti to miikci final proof In support of tils nlfiltn. and thntstilil proof will lio tntiilo lioforn Oils Nnw btiry, county olnrk of Jiiukson f!onntv. Ori'Kon, ub Jnitksoiivlllii.Oriiiroii, on Muy 2(1, inn, nr.: HMIDKNO 81 1 MM', On II. R. 08811 for tho S. M BW. H cc. 28, Tt. :t H., It. 1 I!. Ilonnmfls tlio rotlowlnp: wltnrssns to jirova his continuous resitlonnu upon unit cultivation . of snlil Intnl. vim i John rialtioiin, Dnnrfio nmlttt, llonryOnlhoun Kiinr Uoso, nil of Modford, JnnttHon oountj On-Kou. J, T.lliiiniisH, ItoKlstor, County Treasurer's Eleventh Notice. Orrios or Cuiintv TitnAsimn I nr.lAdKniiN cminrv. OiiKno. f JAOKSUKVIM.K, OllKCION. April 10, lKrL Mollcs Ih hnroliy Rlvon tlisi thnrotirofunitsli Iho county troustiry (or thn rodcmptlou of aft outstanding county wurrnntn protested fronir luly I, 1OT, to July III, IB07, bnih dtvlcs. Iiii'liislvo. Interest on the samo will uuaso afltrr tbe atwvo dale. MAX Mlll.tlMti County Tritasuror. Por Sale. Thoroughbred barred Plymouth Ttookr ngg-i fifty ounts for Betting of flfot-n. Will deliver eggs nt Warner A IVorl miin's Htorn nnnh Hatui'dny, Lenvo or ders there pr address N, O. OUMN, Modford Or.