The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, April 12, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    purely PERSONAL I
J. Court Hall oatno up from Gold
'Hill Tuesday.
M. Pearoo, of Woodville,- was in Mod
ford Monday, ,
Goo. Watts, ol Gold Hill, was hero
one day this week.
W. F. Horn, of Grant Pass, was In
the olty this week.
H. D. Kubli. of ADuleuate, was a
Medford visitor Monday.
Miss' Fern Norris visited Grants Pass
Trlends lost Friday evening.
Lee Black, of Eagle Point, made Med
ford a business trip Tuesday.
, Postmaster John Miller, of Jackson-
-ville, was in the olty Monday. ,
' H. H. Wright was down from Wat
kins Wednesday and Thursday.
D E. Hills, of Ashland,' tarried In
JMedford a few hours Wednesday.
Gus Teopper, of Jacksonville, made
Medford friends a visit Tuesday.
E. G. Coleiuan, of Phoenix, was in
the olty Saturday upon business.
H. G. Meyer, .the Lake Greek farmer,
was doing Medford one day this week.
John Yarnell, of Eugene, was In the
city one day this weak upon business.
J. H. Cook.of Ashland, was in Med
ford one day this week upon business.
W. G. Kropko, deputy game warden
lor this district, was in the oity this
tweek. ' , 1 '
J. W. Slinger, the Lake Greek stock
.man and farmer, was in the city this
J. H. Rav returned last week from a
business trip to Del Norte County, Cal
Dr. Parsons, of Ashland, was in the
-city one day this week upon professional
W. D. O'Brien, the mining man, left
last week for San Francisco, en route
to Borneo.
Martin MoDonough, of Gold Hill,
was among tne Medford visitors
John Gardner and A. Willis, the
Roeeburg timber cruisers, were in the
oity this week.
- 11. o. JJB, tun nauiDi UlL,nUIUl
last week from a ten days' business
trip to Montana,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barnum left
.Tuesday evening for a weeks' business
vfiit to Portland.
Landlord W. E. Connor, of Hotel
Oregon, was down from Ashland Tues
day evening upon business.
' Dr. J.G. Goble left for Hornbrook
last Sunday on professional business.
He will be absent several days.
Dr. J. M. Keene returned last Fri
day evenlog from a business trip to
' Sacramento and San Francisco.
Chas. Bates and family, of Myers
Falls, Wasb., arrived In Medford
Wednesday and may locate here.
John Leever, formerly of Central
Point, but now of Redding, Calif., was
in the oity this week visiting friends.
-: H. C. Kenny, of the Grants Pass
Sugar Pine Door and Lumber Com
pany, was in the city one day this week
upon business.
John Hunter, of Albany, arrived in
Medford Monday evening and will visit
here for some time with his friend, J.
A. Perry, the warehouse man.
Wm. Russell, of Oakland, this
-siting Medford friends this
. ' . jus' returned from an
week. St Dw. ,,,
extended visit WW aIlrrn,a-
Arthur Mahoney left Tuesi for a
trip through the northern anu ..easter
portion of the state in the interest,..
W. P. Counts, of Tolo, was In the
city last week upon business a part of
which was tne purchasing oi a zuuu gal
lon windmill tank from E. S. Wolfer,
the tinner.
Archie Spence, of Rock creek, Klam
ath County, was In the city last Satur
day visiting his father, Wm. Spence,
who Is temporarily undergoing medical
treatment here.
Mrs. T, W. Terwllllger, of Lob
Angeles, and her sister, Miss Anna
-Wait, "are In. the city visiting their
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth They
' vnl be here for several days.
A. A. Davis and J. D. Heard have
returned from a trip to California
where they went to investigate the oil
' ndi in that state and secure some in
formation regarding the oil Industry.
airs. E. Wilkinson, accompanied by
her Bister, Mis3 Ella Orth, of Jackson
ville, left for San Francisco Monday,
where thev will remain for some time
for the benefit of Mrs. Wilkinson's
Tt. Vinton Boall, Jr., was In Medford
several days this week visiting relatives
and friends. Ho has lately . returned
Irom New Orleans, where he has beon
engaged in the photographing business,
and will remain here until fall,
D. Brooks, who-has beon in the Wit
. ii.i, ..iii,,M,nn(i.
Umotte valley for tho past three months
introducing a new Bpray pump for which
ho is ageufc, roturned to Mtdford last
Friday and will probably remain.
Since leaving horc his health ' has" im
proved very much.
J, F, Wait, who la now erapldyed In
Established at
Medford. Oreg'on,
May 21st, 1900, has become a well-known place of business, deservedly
noted for Its good pianos and organs, and fair treatment or ovoryonu.
The business has increased until a branch house has been established at
The Oosa Piano House Is the place to get your pianos, organs, any
kind of small musical instruments, bioyolos, sewing raaohlnes and sew
ing maohlne supplies
ing maonine Buppues
Orders by Mail
have just what'you want, we
do so .
the car shops at Point Richmond, just
across the bay from San Francisco, was
In Medford a few days this week, hav
ing come up to attend the funeral of
his unole, Dr. J. B. Walt. He returned
to his work Wednesday.
Thos. R. Phelps, of Harrisburg, Ky.,
and his son, J. R. Phelps, of Red Bluff,
Calif., wera in te city this week. Mr.
Phelps, Sr. is visiting the Coast for
the first time and was desirous of vis
iting Southern Oregon and the Rogue
River valley before his retuVn east.
F. C. Ladd, formerly a resident of
the upper Rogue river country, re
turned last week from Bohemia, Or.,
where he has been mining during the
past winter. He will probably remain
in Southern Oregon for sometime and
his many friends will be glad to hear
this bit of news.
Uncle Dick Williamson, who was
formerly engaged . In the restaurant
business in Medford, was here this
week visiting his old-time friends. He
is now employed near Grants Pass as
foreman in one of tbe Sugar Pine Lum
ber Company's mills. He is getting
good wages, looks hale and hearty
and Is happy.
T. Dungey and family, of Gold Hill,
were in Medford Tuesday upon busi
ness. Mr. Dungey is a Galls creek.
mining man of no mean reprute. He
can follow up more leads and locate
more ledges than most men in the busi
ness. He has recently located a ledge
near his residence which is proving of
good value. The seam of pay rock was
only an inch in thickness on the sur
face but ten feet down it has widened
to five inches and the rock mills from
$25 to $50 to the ton. Mr, Dungey re
cently sold a quartz ledge in tbe same
locality, which is the fifth proposition
of tbe kind which he has disposed of in
that district. He also has a good pay
ing placer mine on Galls creek.
Last week these columts told that
Ed. Pottenger and Delbert Terrlll
would open a meat market in this city.
Tbe item is as true now as It was then
except that Mr. Pottenger will go at
the business single handed. He has
rested the J. R. Wilson brick building,
just south of The Hail office, and with
in a few days just as soon as the room
can be gotten ready, he will open for
If vn;i en't find what you want go
to G. L. Davis' he's got it.
W. T. York this week sold to Mrs.
Elizabeth Wortmaa the Kelley-Dunne
two and one-half acre tract of land, for
$550. The land adjoins Prof. Narre
gan's home property on the east and is
considered yery desirable because of
its fine location for residence purposes.
Mrs. Wortman will erect a cottage
thereon this summer.
With the new facilities that B. N.
Butler DUt In his shoo, he turns out as
good work In repairing watches and
eweiry as any one in Boutnero uregon.
There is a new boy baby at A. C.
Nicholson's home since Monday of this
week and Art is all smiles and pretty
ways since the day and date above men
tionedand joy unlimited is every
where noticeable in that pleasant house
hold. Carpets and wall paper at Webb's
furniture store
Uncle Thos. West, who has been
ill for several months past, is able to
be about the streets again and bis
multiple of friends are rejoicing thereat.
A viBit to the millinery parlors of
H. A. Medynski & Co. will convince
any lady iu Medford that their stock Is
the most tasteful In the city and that
everything in tbe very latest novelties
and styles tnore aoounas ana in aoun
dance to select from.
J. T. Wiley has purchased G. L.
Davis delivery team and wagon and is
now doing a general delivery business
about the eity, he having sold out his
second hand business a few wesks ago
to his partner, Mr. Eads,
All kind or sash and doors and
screen doors, at lowest market prise,
W. Woods,
A new lot of Japanese goods just
received. Call anu see thom. u. u.
Merchant John Norris has rented
Dr. Picket's beautiful new residence,
on West Seventh street, nnd as soon as
completed he will move thereto,
i nave taken tno agency lor tne
Woodburn Nnrsery Company for Doug-
I have taken tho agency for the
las County. This company has -200
acres nlanted to nursery stock and can
supply any and a!) sized orders on short
notice, Parties' In Jackson County who
are In need of trees or Bbruns of any
kind can caye meuoy by Bonding their
orders to nu. waiter uoover, itoseourg.
always reoolre the same prompt and
oareful attention as orders in Iporsoii,
aud satisfaot'ou is guaranteed. Wo
want to please you and know wo nan
. .
nUUSti, ""JirSu p
UranU Pmii, Onfon
On tho afternoon of April 17th tho
women's Kellof Corps of Medford will
serve refreshments at Woodmen hall.
The refreshments will oonsist of loo
cream and oake and tea, and the charges
will be 25 cents for all. The ladlos of
the corns, as Is well known, hnvn nr.
forded muoh relief to tho deserving
poor of our community during the past
few years. While it is true wo havo
but-few poor peoplo with us it is just as
true that there are somo families who
have needed attention, and again it Is
true that the kind hearted ladies of the
corps have given thom the assistance
necessary and no demands havo been
made on tho general publlo for tbe nec
essary means. It is largely because of
tbe quiet manner these ministering
ladies assume that tho publio has not
known of the existence of actual want
in our city. The funds for this rol'.cf
havo run low and it is necessary that
something be done to replenish the
treasury, and tbe ladles have adopted
the means above mentioned. Tbe re
freshments will be served during tbe
entire afternoon, commencing at 2:30
o'clock. Let everybody get in and give
a little help to this worthy cause.
Fine line of very nice jardinieres
received this week at G. u. Davis'.
Messrs. John Barnoburg and John
Arnold, having purchased the meat
market fixtures of Ed. Wilkinson, and
also having rented his building, opened
the doors Thursday under the new man
agement, with Henry Orth, of Jack
sonville, at the block. These gentle
men are both Well known In this lo
cality. They are both men of honor
and integrity and will, without a doubt,
restore confidence to a business which
for several weeks has had hard sallinir
over a decided rocky surface in public
sentiment. They promise to butcher
only tbe very best of stock and at all
times put on the block for their cus
tomers nothing but clean, wholesome
meat. Thev now hare several hpnrl ni
good stock purchased and are on the
trail of several more which will be
brought in when necessary. Tbeyare
now thoroughly renovating their ahon
and slaughter pen and propose keeping
everything about both these places in
a clean, sanitary condition.
("flrrw Kfl Anrl nrnll mm, ( u-A-.u..
I ...... U .
furniture store.
The ladies of Chrysanthemum Circle
gave an entertainment to several of
their friends at Woodman ball on Tues
day evening of this week. The hall
was well filled with Woodmen and their
families and many invited friends. A
splendid musical and literary program
was presented. This was made ud of
some of the very best talent in our eity
and that It was appreciated throughout
was demonstrated by the repeated
round of applause. After the urogram
a splendid lunch was served and everv
person present went home with a feel
ing of good will for tbe order, while
compliments for its members were lav
ished profusely. Tbe Circle. Women
of Woodoraft, has grown to be the
largeBt order of the kind In the city
which fact Is largely due to the untir
ing efforts of its members in providing
amusements from time to time and
their persistency in maintaining by
words and actt ths redeeming features
of the order.
We want all the eggs we can cret:
cash or trade. H. H. Howard & Co.
D. T. Lawton, of thin city, recently
purchased a 75x145 foot trrnt of land
situated at the ba of his large imple
ment house and fauing n.rth an Sixth
street. . The purchase was made from
Faber, of the Albany Brewing Company
and the price paid was (Soli Mr. Law
ton will probably erect a warehouse on
the land during the conii.r summer
the same being for use in couneotton
with tb Mitohell, Lewis & Stavor com
pany' maohlnary and vehicle bi'stnem.
For Sale The Geo. Davis pri pty
corner Ninth and A streets. Ohe.-.p, if
sold quickly. Brick house, new burn,
C. L. Covwln.
Dr. C. C. Plistcherand family arrived
In Medford this week from Indiana,
These good people were formor resi
dents of our city, but for the past couple
of years they have been at various
places on tho nnd also In the east.
Mr. Pletoher is a dentist and practiced
his profession hero for four years, dur
ing which time b" made many friends,
both socially and in a business way
I. A. Webb
litis Wttll Taper in
stock at .
4c per Roll
mid nil of these frluuds will be pleased
to learn that ho proposes ro-cslabllslilng
his business . In our oily. Ho bus so
cured ollloo rooms In the Medford bunk
block and will bo opon for business after
April 10th.
I will furnish now sowing machines
warranted for 6 year, prices $20 to 26.
Glvo mo a call before sending away
orders. Jno. F. White, Medford.
Tho Fraternal Brotherhood lodge,
of this olty, gave an onlertaluniuut at
tholr hall In the F. K. Deuel block last
Friday evunlng, which proved a very
enjoyable occasion. Tho musical pro
gram was particularly good. About,
fifty members of tho order came
down from Ashland in a special oar, to
attend the oiitcrtalnmont, roturnlng on
tho midnight train.
H. G. N'loholson sells hardware for
cash but ho sells it at tho right price.
Tho United Brethren have changed
their plaoe of worship from the old Sal
vation army hall on D strcot, to Woolt's
hall on O stroot. Thoro will bo prayer
mooting overy Wednesday avonlng at
7 :30. Union Sunday school evory Sun
day at ,'l p. m. Proaohing noxt Sunday
at 7:80 p, ra. by Rev. J. E. Konworthy.
A cordial Invitation Ib extended to nil.
Wo have an Immonso stock of men's
negligoa, golf and dress shirt, at
prloes which will astonish you. W. H.
Meeker A Co.
Frank Davis and family, of As
bestos, have moved to the Northrop
place, at Davisville, just west of Med
ford', which place ho will farm during
the coming summer. Mr, Davis has
resigned his position as postmaster at
Asbestos and has recommended that
Henry Mitchell be appointed.
When you want draylng dono got
Slovor to do it. He's always ready
always reliable and his chargot are
always iust right.
Last Monday was the occasion of a
pleasant little farewoll party at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mllllgan,
in honor of Miss Anna Mllllgan, who,
with hur parents, has gone to Galls
oreek to locate. A number of her
young friends were presont and a good
social time was had. I
t . uiiuiu. lug vu,iuuiU w
his resldonce In Medford on Saturday of
each week. Eyes tcBted free of charge.
Corner Fourth aod D streets.
t- r.l.1. . v. .11 k. .1
Real Estate Agent W. T. York has
moved to his now homo In West Med
ford. Blllte has one of the finest and
ooslest homes in the olty and both
himself and his good wlfo aro as proud
of It as is the small boy with his first
pair of red top boots and the grounds
for this pride are well taken.
If v mi need a new set of harness
see J. l Taylor ho Is selling out at
The Itlnorary for the President's
western.trip has been arranged, and as
far as we can learn, there will be no
obstacle in the way of Medford people
sitting on the fence and watching the
train go by, for all of which we are
duly thankful.
Do you know that tho cheapest
place in town to buy good jewelry is at
W. A. Countryman, a Frew Metho
dist minister, will bold Borvicos at
Woolf's hall next Sunday afternoon at
2 o'clock. Evoiybody Is Invited to at
tend. At this meeting It is expected
that dates will be fixed for regular ser
vices hereafter.
Barred Plymouth Rock oggs for
sale tl for setting of 16. Will deliver
at Davis' grocery store, Medford, each
week. A. w. smun.
- 4
Enclose It to He With
Ten Dollars
And I will famish jou ll com
plete, ready for use, my ISM) Model
II la suporlor In mako, qumlity and
power to any belt offered by othor
dealers fur which tbey obarso WO,
Thin mastorplens of oloctro-mcillciil
nclenoB will euro your ncrvo lass, your
weakness, your kldnoyK, your stomaob
anil poor clruuliitlon by endowing you
wltti that vitality vrhtob builds up ths
gytt&ra. Drugs urti uoeleHK; they're
harmful. My belt euros whoro barrels
it mudlcilncn have fulled. Why suffer
lonjorl 1 offer you an InvlKorant which
htu no. equal In tho world, for It will
drive out your prln and ninko you a
utruinr sound man. Write for my lllua
trnted hooks froo.
Cor. 4th and Morrison Sts.,
Portland, Oregon
His Phenominal Record of Cures
of all Manner of Chronic Dis
eases is Attested by the Follow
ing Facts:-The Nervous System
The System Which Controls the
Whole Body.
Tbe most wondorful part of man and most dlflloutt to uimiinvliuud, perhaps,
Is tho nervous system, which touches aud controls every purl of tho body, flut
ing its roots In tho brain, Its trunk iu tho spine, aud Its brauuhusextundliiK Into
nnd throughout evory uiuaolo, limb nnd organ of the animal frame, It curries
olthor life and health or dituaso and death ulong Its aourse.
The brain secretes a nervous fluid which Is rangnotlo In Its effects und In
lluenues. Tho lungnootlo element travels along tho nerves like oloutrlnlty, from
the roots of tho hair to tho tips of tho llugers, and through Its tologruphlo com
munication purmoatus tho whole systuin. When the nervous fluid Is dulloiuut
or when the nerves do not properly transmit It, woaknusa and disease are thn
Inevitable result; oleutrlolly, the wonder of tho age, roots tho disease from Its
stronghold. It permeates thn socrol ambush of dlsoase nnd exterminates it
root and branch. It removes tho wretched symptoms of loathsome maludlas,
and avurts their dreadful results. It relieves mure ugony and sulfurlug than
tongue can toll, as tho following cures by Dr. Durrln show:
C. C. Presley, Woodvlllo, Or., deaf
ness cured.
Wm. Sonor, Medford, Or., deafness
20 years, ouroil.
Charles Camay, Jacksonville, Or,,
crtnrrh for years, cured.
John Martin, Covo, Union County,
Or., hydrooolo, ourod.
Burt Kir by, Adams, Or., discharg
ing oars fur years, cured.
O. F. McCrary, Jauksonvlllu, Or.,
deafness 7 years, cured.
Mrs. Martha Woodruff, Cleveland,
Or., partial paralysis, cured,
Ex-.fuclgo G. Crockett, Merlin, Or.,
doafness 10 years, restored.
Win. Hunter, Kugone, Or., catarrh
30 years, restored.
Miss Birdlo Schmidt, Jacksonville,
Or.', discharging ear and deafness,
Mrs. Q. Cotter, San Francisco, deaf
ness, cured.
S. nermann's daughter, Santa Crux,
deafness, restored.
J. Carr, San Francisco, rhsumatlsm,
nouralgia and dyspepsia, ourod.
Miss Mary Cushman, Cbloo, Calif.,
deafness, restored.
Miss Nettie Rosenthal, weakness of
optic nervo and oatarrh, cured.
H. Q. Harris, Sun Franolsco, deaf
ness and ringing noises In the ear,
Mrs. A. Graham, Sacramonto, par
tial paralysis and rheumatism, restored.
Dr. Darrin treats tho eyes and flu
glusscs as woll as treats all obrontc,
aauto and private dlscasos.
Druggist Chas. Strang, Merchant
H. E. Boydcn and Dr. J. E. Sbearor
wore elected Saturday night by Med
ford lodge No. 8.1, as delegates to the
grand lodge, I. O. O. F., which meets
at Bakor City in May.
-Aootylene gas lights still ahead and
guaranteed to bo tho best on tho faco of
the earth. Wolfer's tin shop.
J. U. Van Dyko, Br., has beon quite
ill, at bis ranch on Dry creek, for iov-
oral days, from an attack of pneumonia.
Ho Is reported Improving at this writ
ing. Dr. Shearer was tho attending
Remember J. G. Taylor, tho har
ness dealer, Is selling out at cost. It
will pay yon to see him before buying.
-Wo learn that the government has
altered its plans regarding tho oper
ations in the I'hlllppincs and that
Lieut. Amos Pries will not go thore as
For Sale Klght horse power en
gine and boiler. M. M. Gault, Medford
-rThore has been considerable pneu
monia in and around Medford for tbe
last two weeks, but at lust reports tho
majority of the afflicted wore rapidly
For Sale or Trade Twonty acres of
wood land, near Medford. Hubbard
George Deitrioh had tho mlsfortuno
to bruise his band quito severely while
engaged in moving the tamalo etand
from its former location on Seventh
R, D. Mapleton has purchased the
Skeel residence in West Medford and
has had the same moved to the lots ad
joining Mrs. Sarah Whitman's prop
M. Cannon and family, of Everett,
Washington, arrived in tho olty last
week and will reside hero permanently.
They have their residence in East Med'
ford. '
Late advices have been roceivod
stating that Blngor Hermann will bo
retained as commissioner of tho gon
orul land office
Mrs. KU'abeth Wortman is 111 this
wnck with pneumonia. Dr, Jonos is
the nttontling physlolan.
Headache, biliousness, hnnrtburn, Indi
gestion, and all liver Ills ara cured by
Mozttf' Pslis
Bold by all drugBts- 20 cents.
Rev. N. Ooane, V. D., Dean of the
Theological School ol the Portland
University, Celebrated His Golden
Wedding Last September.
This worthy man has been at the
head of tbo Methodist Church in tho
North wont over ) years. 116" had a
double reason to bo congratulated oa
this occasion as ha was totally duuf for
years, and in spite of his udvauood age
his hearing was restored last April by
Dr. Darrin, now located at IIoUil Ore
gon, Ashland, until April 28th. No
one will attempt to question the rover
end gentleman's word, as his unblem
ished reoord Is well known. He tells
his stoiy below In his own words:
To tho Editor: Somo two wooks ago
or moro I said something of regaining
my hearing undor tbe troatment of Dr.
Darrin, or whloh I had suffered for sev
ers! years. On tho first application tho
deafness of ono ear (the loft) was reme
died. The dlfiloulty with the other was
more serious. I applied the modiolus
faithfully and went again to the doctor
who succeeded entirely In restoring the
lost some of bearing, so that when f
wont out upon Third street, Portland,
Jt loomed to be the noisesl city I was
ever la. My hearlug still romalns dis
tinct, In both ears equally good.
NKIIKMIAtl Doank. -
Business Announcement.
I wish to say to tho publlo that after
April 15th, I will bo located over Mud
ford bank fully prepared to do dental
work In an un-to-dnte manner. Tbanlr.
Ing tho public for Its liberal patronage
In tbo past and soliciting a sonorous
share in tbe future I remain yours for
business, C. C. PLtTCIIKIl, D. D. S.
Comnetunt girl for general houta.
work. Good wages. Address box Ht).
Will the man who drovo down C
stroot behind me on Thursday morning
of this week and picked up my vest and
watoh from the street, kindly Ienvo
samo at Tug Mail, office? Tho man
drove a team of horses hltchod to a
buggy. ,lo. Bvcrt.
Joe Caskey, the blacksmith
while out bioycle riding last woek
took a ''header" from tbe result of
whloh he has been on tho shelf for
the past week with a apralneil
Miss Josie Armstrong, of Burl
ington, Iowa, a student of the Cin
cinnati Art School, expects to be
in Medford in two or three weeks
and will orgonize a clam
Jack Webbor, who loft Medford a
few years ago, Is now living in Platte,
Mo., whore, for the post three months ,
ho has been preaching. He was con
verted to tho Gospel Trumpet faith
about a year ago.
I. W. Thnmas, who owns property
west and adjoining the old Clarendon
honso barn, has decided to orootu brlok
building thereon.' Tho building will
bo oOxtK) feet in slue and two stories
Word from Wm. Ulrloh, who is Iu
San Francisco,' Is to the effect that ho H
is Improving in health and that the
physician thinks an operation will not
bo necessary, '
J. G. Norton Is hauling lnrabor for
the erection ot an addition to his Phoe
nix rcBhlnneo. The building will be '
12x2 feet In size with a poroh on oltdei
side. '
Land For Sale,
Five sore orchard traot In Modford,
part of land Into bearing orchard.
Price f.'IS0. See VorW A Wormian.
The HeM Proscription forSMalarU,
(IIiIMh unit fever Is n liotlln of Ohovh's Tastk.
t,xH I'iiim, Tonic. Ii li simply Iron ami qui.
niiin in u lauteloas lonn. No euro no pay,
trios Wo. , .