M n n i it t ji ni MJ to 0 ito m m m m m m m m m m m to to u it tfi A m i m Dry Goods ... ...Boots J. G. VANDYKE & GO. CHUT TRIMMINOS Clilt Button, all sines, from 5 to 25c per doa Gilt Braid, four widths, 5,10, 15, 05c per yd Gilt Bolts, .25, .50, .75, $1.00 onch : Gilt Bolt Bucklos, 25 and 50o - Gilt Trimmed Jowolled Spikes, 20 and 25c NECKWEAR FOR LADIES New 20th Century Creations Gold Trimmed, metal spiked ends, 80 to $1.50 each J. G. Van Dyke 8 Go, MED FORD, OREGON m to to to it V V to to to fr'T" T " T J f t ' V CATV HAP CITY HAPPENINGS. ... ..t Tho nomosookora' excursion raUia lire on, nnd homoiwokora aro pouring Into Portland In large numbers, whoro thoy will remain until pormnnant homes onu lw found. Ono day lust wook 1000 ol thoso thrifty people nr rrlvml In Spokane,' o wliluh number 10 Immediately loft for Portland, Two hundred mora wont to Suntllo on tholr top ovor ticket, but atuUid tliut tlio ulllmnlo destination is Orogon. It la llmated on good authority that ut lonst twenty por cunt of tho thouttunds of eastern people who will urrlvo on tho count this summer aro bound (or Oregon, Within tho scopo of tho homuscokora' rates tho looalltlua huvo boon well and oxtonalvoly ndvortlacd, and those local ill os nro tho onea wliluh will profit by tho grout western Immi gration. Honthern'Orogoii Is entirely outsldo (hla sonpo of tho oxounilon rules and II wo aro to too nro our aharo of these people H must noud bo done through our own 'Instrumentality. At comparatively small ooat advertising matter could hu prepared and sunt to them. Our ono -noed at tho present tlmo Ib tnoro people people of thrift and onorKy who will holp build up tho slalo and add to lis woulth. No section of Oregon has bettor ndviintngcs to of fer than tho lloguu river vnlloy, but tho Wlllatiiotto valley Is not going to advertise us. It has ndvnnlngos and opportunities to offer, and tho towns In that portion of tho stato nro up and do ing In their efforts to Ineronso their population and enlarge tho magnitude of their moreantllo, funning, Block, dairy und fruit Industries, "Thero is a tido In the affairs ofiBon, whloh tukon at its flood loads on to fortunp." Tho tlmo and opportunity ila now at hand, whloh, If grasped, will revolutionize tho commercial nnd agricultural In dustries of this oounty. This Is not a personal matter. When tho lnturoata of tho whole counity aro :cvt stako It Is tlmo to ignoroj personal fcolliiga and animosities (or tbe oomman In to rout. Tun Mail has no loteroatilB this mat tor boyond tho tatarcst which It baa in ' tho wolfuro of its patrons, .and frlonds, .Jnokson County In general aud Mod ford in partioular. Wo believe in tho upbuilding and advnnaoucnt in every wuy of tho auction of tho state to whloh our labora aro confined, and will always bo found advocating this course, For tho Lenten season wo will have Smoked Halibut, Kngllsh Bloaters, tho finest Maokorel, Smoked Herring. Hol land Herring, Milchnor, Marinlrto Herring, Choice Rod Salmon, Minced Clams, Little Neek Clunis, Bhrlmps, Lobulars, Oysters, Husaian Civlar, Kippering Herring, Mackorel In House, Mustard and Tomato Bunco. H. H. Howard & Co. The nrrlvnl In this oily last week of the prlino promoters of tho Pish Luke Irrigation und 1'owor Canal, Messrs. Clark and Vincent, caused a renewed Interest la this groat projueU While nothing definite regarding the prelimi nary program can be learned for publi cation at this time, It can bo slated with corlalnly that arrangements for commencement of tho work will be imado at an early ditto. Thero aro a grunt itiany vltul mutters connected with an undertaking of this magnitude which require adjudication buforo any thing of a definite nature can bo aatoly enounced. These gonUemon nro ad verse to making any statements which they may not bo ablo to keep, hence their retiecneo at this tlmo; but tho (not that they aro asking nothluu, in tho way of bonuses or other "grufting" concessions oviduueus tholr good -faith. Thoy ask the oo-oporatlou of tho cltl- Uona of Mcdford aud those residing along the lino of tho proposed canal In I securing rights-of-way, whloh roust bo (accomplished bolero anything of a dollnlto nature can be done. Mc, Me- Only, the chief engiuoer, has tukon up bis headquarters lu thia city and will .remain hero permanently. Messrs. Clurk and Vincent, who huvo extensive Interests in California whlah require immediate attention, loft for Sun Fran cisco Thursday, but they will return ut au early date. The beuollts .to bo de rived from this ounal cannot woll bo ov.oroBtlinntod by tho citizens of this valley. An opportunity is bore pre sented to reclaim tho lurgo aor-eago of arid land In tho county, of furnishing the farmers with un abundance -of water for irrigating purposes, and ol furnish ing Vied ford with a water system uu oxooliud by that of any city In the state. All possible assistance should bo generously accorded thoso gentle men lu tholr efforts to secure the neces sary right-of-way. This accomplished, tho luimodiato construction ol tho ditch Is nn nsaured fuel. . v our o You Buy? If so, call at the "Racket Store" and look over entirely new lino of Curtains, laces, kid gloves, hosiery, hats, caps, gents' furnishings, also ladies' and children's underwear, sj stationery, clocks, gvatiito-ware, ! towels, table-linen, valentines, no- tions, etc., etc W "THE RACKET" 1 givos bargains and the bargains give satisfaction H. B.NYE, Proprietor ' ! ' ' MEDFORD, OREGON jE Tins Maii'j Is In receipt of tho oon aus bulletin giving tho aggregate popu lation of Oregon by counties und minor olvll divisions, During tho past' ten yours tho population of tho state hus Inuroused from 813,707 to 413,630, show ing u gain of HI. 8 pur cent, Tho popu lation of Juokson County In 18(10 wus 3,7!I0. From 1800 to 1870 It Incroneod In population to '1,778, und during tbo following ton yoars to 8,101, Tho popu lation In 181)0 was il,m, und In 11)00 13,0118 Inhabitants wore enumerated. Tbo period allowing . tho greatest In crease wus from 1 870 to 1 880. Tho per aunt ol Increase during tho last decude is given ut 10.0. In 1800 Medford's population was 007, which is little more than ono-hnlf Us prosent population, according to tho government's returns, nnd loss tkun ono-hnlf, aooordlng to Tins Mail's recent count, Jackson ville and Central Point each show n dourcuso during tho Inst ton years, while Ashland and Cold Hill , aro credited with corresponding gnlns. Medford's nu mor leal increase since 1HIH) la 1142, or more thun fifty per cent, while Aahlaiid gained 850, or nearly 300 lest than Medford. Ofthothlrty-threo counties In Ihoslnto, nil but thrco show an Increase in population since 18(H); Klnmnth und Josephine being among thoso whoso Incrcaso la greatest. Thrco counties, Morrow, Gilliam and Denton reveal a decreaso. Tho popu lation of Portland, beginning with Bel In 1850, fncroasod to m In 1800, or 250, 1 per cent. Blnco then tho oity baa moro than doubled Its population In ovory tan yours, oxcopt tho last, In whloh, ulthough the rule of Increaso 1b slightly less than 100 per cent, the nu merical Incrcaso la greater than for any preceding decode Grants Pass has maintained about tho sumo propor tion of Increase as Mcdford, while Rose burg In ten yours has gained only 218 Inhabitants. Barred Plymouth Rock ofga" for aale f 1 for setting of 15. Will deliver at Davla' grocery store, Medford, each wook. .1. w, Hmitn. A telegram conveying the and In telligence of tho death of bcr daughter, Mra. Lizzie Spiolman, from-artlc-ularrhoumatiam.at ber home In Buffalo, N. Y., .waa received by hor mother, Mra. A. 'it Phlopa, of this city, last Saturday afrcrnoon. She was married at Jacksonville Monday, Jan. 28th, of this year, to Peter Spiolman, and left the following day for tholr future home In New York. She had been troubled with rheumatism for some tlmo, and when Portland wns reachod on their journoy she could not proceed until medical aid had been procured. Dur ing tho long journoy to Now York Bho boenmo much worse, and upon their arrival at their destination Bho was In a serious condition, her fever having reached 101) degrees, at which point It remained until hor death, lust Satur day morning. At this tlmo no particu lars onn be learned regarding tho sad nffnir beyond tho facts abovo stated. Hor mother, who is heart broken over her loss, has made arrangements for tho shipment of the romnlna to this plnco for Intormenl In tho family bur inl lot in tho Odd Fellows comelery, but wo nro unable to stato with cer tainty when thev will arrlvo. She was (If teen years of ago, and highly re spected by hor friends nnd acquaint ances In this olty and tho nows of her aiidL.cn death was a great shook to thorn. Muoh sympathy Is folt for ! tho grlof-strlokcn mother, nnd kind frlonds nvo rondoring evory assistance possible. AVo hnvo recently recoived several now llnea nr Indies' lino hosiery, at all prloos. Mnko your selections while the Hues nro now. w. Ji. Mcekor & Co. Tho pretty houie of Mr. and Mrs, I. A. Webb, on North B street in thia olty, wna tho Boenoof a delightful after noon reocptlon, on Wednosday of last wook, given by the ladloa of "Reames Chapter, O. E. S., In honor ol Mrs, Josslo Bert, Worthy Grand Matron of that ordor, who was hero on atv official visit to tho chapter. The large double parlors, In which so many pleasant so olul (motions huvo boon given, wore tnstofully decorated with pretty, frag' rant houso plants, whloh distributed tholr aweot Incense throughout tho Inrga houso, arranged In clusters about the rooms, and bunked in profusion against the walls. In extending tho hospitality of tho ooonclou tho hostess wns assisted by MesdamcsC. I. Hutohi son, W. H. McGownn, W. I. Vuwtor, 13. D, Elwood, J. b White und li, B rlekol. Within a short time nttor the arrival of tho forty or moro cuests tho rooms wero echoing tho Intermingled strains of inusio and laughter, whiuh was kept up during the whole oourao o tho nftoruoon. Aftor Hid rendition of sovoral mushml numbers, voonl nnd in strumental, In whloh Misses Aileon Wobbor and ClooLnons, and Dr, R. T. Burnett reudorod valuable assistance, a dainty lunohoon wns sorvod on small tables, whloh wore presided over by the Indies assisting In tho reception nnd entertainment of tho gucstg. It wns one of tho most suooe9sftil and pleasant social functions of tho season, I nm agent for a hog oholora rem ody that will prevent or ouro thnt disease. Ono package for ten hogs. Price, $t per pnekngo or six for 5, postpaid. .loo A. Thoinus, Box 04, Medford, Oregon. Some means of bettor flro protec tion is bolng disotissod by n number of Uedford businoaa tuon this week. It Is conceded that (ho presont facilities for fighting flr,j aro ontlroly inadequate, particularly should u conflagration oc cur In tho business portion of the olty, among tho wooden buildings, whern tho chances of spreading would bj greater thun In tho residence portion o' the town, It Is olulmod that tho pres ent lioso cart, especially in tho winter montliB, la entirely too heuvy to bo hauled any distance by tho firemen, which is manifestly true, It la pro posed by some to purchase a flro wagon, harness and other uppliunces lnoldent to a woll equipped lire department. It la further proposed to make arrange ments for stationing the hose cart and lire wugon In ono of tho livery stables, provided the uao of a team can bo eo curod to have In readiness, when ono Is roqulred. Tho city cannot afford to own and keep a team for thia special purpose, but It is thought an agreement may bo had with the proprietors of one of tho Htablcs to station a team overy night whoro it could be easily brought Into servlco when necessary. In this wuy n thoroughly efficient fire depart ment could be mulntuliicd ntsmall cost. A system of fire alarms, by which the number of tho ward in which the fire occurs will be rung, is uleo to bo Inaugu rated at an early date. Very wet and dump; not ab cold, but bad enough for a cold and then the grip. Why not havo a gallon of Old Medford whiskey' It la tho best because It is pure. $2.23 nor gallon and up. Only suld at tho distillery office. On Thursday evening of last week Mrs. Jessie Bert, of Pendlotpn, Worthy Giutid Matron, O. 13. S., paid lUamea eh up tor of this city an official visit, which waa an occasion of much pleas ure in all concerned. After the work of the order bad been exemplified and tbe inltlu. ion of candidates had been con cluded tho members adjourned to the banquet Hall, where a splendid supper was awaiting them, in tbe enjoyment of which all participated with hearty good-natured cheer. Tbe Reames chap ter is tbo youngest chartered chapter In the stato, and also one of the most flourishing. New members are being aided ateacb meeting, which serves to stimulate tho interest of tbe members in their work. The Worthy Grand Matron expressed t.orself in tbe high est terms of prnise for the efficiency of the chapter and complimented them upon the very credible progress they were making. Mfs. Bert was much gratified at the splendid official ro ception tendored her. A number of the members of the Ashland and Jack' sonvtue cnapteres were present, ma terially assisting in tho work and suc cess of the meeting. There are no better sewing ma chines than the Wheeler & Wilson, ivew Home, unvis una standard. You can buy them of Jno. P. White. Med jord.. Prices 30 to $45, according to style oi wood worn. Otis Krauee and Mark Pinney, two young men from Jacksonville, were In Medford Sunday and when they left for homo, instead of taking tbe road for it they rode their horses at breakneck speed on tbo sidewalk leading to the scnool bouse. A warrant for their ar rest was procured Monday morning and Constable Johnson went to Jackson vine anu arrested tnom. Tney were brought boforo Recorder Luwton, who Imposed a One of fl2,50 on each of tbem, which they promptly paid. The im position of n son tonco depriving these young smart Alecks of th. ir liberty tor a few dnya or weeks would have been eminently proper. Their disgraceful conduct, in Itself sufficient to bring a blush of shame to any one possessed of oven a small degree of self respect, was accompanied by an attitude of noncha' lan t deSnnce sufficient to forfeit to them any decree of leniency. A repetition of the offense will involve them in trouble from which they will not escape so easily. The prompt action of tbe of floials in this matter should be taken as a warning by those who have a tend ency to exploitations of audi lawless oharacter. We have an Immense stock of men's legllgoe, golf nnd dross shirts, at prlccB which will astonish you. W. H. Meeker & Co. J. W. Smith, living oast and north of Medford, is a grower of high bred chickens and his hobby is the world famous Barred Plymouth Rocks. Mr. Smith keeps none but the very best of fowls and ho keeps his stock up by pro curing each year settings of eggs from the best known fancy grow ers In tho east. Ho has now 100 laying hons but will increaso this number to 300 during tho next yenr. As winter layers', Mr. Smith says tho Plymouth- Rocks are record beaters. Thero has baun sca'.'coly a day since last full that he hus not gathorod more than four dozen eggs. For thoso he found an ensy market at twenty-five oeuts per donon. Mr. Smith also finds more markets than l.a cnu supply for his olilokemi and Is right now daily turn- infj away in the fnce of offers of Sb per dozen (or.hens. Ho ta advortisinii else where In these columns thut he has eggs for sale $1 for setting of fifteen. ft m m m m sap. The Thrifty Soil Tillers turn their thoughts to Garden Making IN THE SPRING The Thrifty Soil Tiller Garden Making FRESH GARDEN SEEDS In Packages or in Bulk, in Quantities to Suit have been received this week ' PURE MAPLE SYRUP The Purest, the Sweetest and the Best Try some of our Sweet Pickles they are fine H. H. HOWARD CO m m Ate & ITAYUR tie CT FITTER .... I ?T BcK to announce two more large shipments ot Ladles W PINR SHORS and BOOTS to to to to The Famona "Julia Marlowe." The Woll Known "Ultra," Aleo several Lines from $1.50 up. Excellent Values 7th Street, Medford Old Shoes Doctored to to Or to Whon yon want dravinir clone cot Slovor to do it. He's ilIiviwi rendu always reliable and his charges aro always just right. A real 03tato deal of mngnltudlnnl proportions wus mudo on Tuesday of this woek, wherein Hon. J. H. Stewart, president of tho Bank of Mcdford, ac quires the Fo-dyce farm of 180 acres, locatsd just southwest of Medford, Tho consideration .was 110,000, or which amount Mr. Stewart presented bis check upon tbe signing of the transfer papers. The property Is well adapted to fruit raising, for which purpose tbe purchase was made. Seventy acres of the land will be planted to Bartlett pears and during the next two years thirty acres of the celebrated Newtown pippin apples will be set out. His son-in-law, Dillon Hill, will have charge of tho property, and will move bis family thereto as soon as convenient. Mr. Stewart has made a flattering success in fruit raising aince he has resided in this county, and it Is largely due to bis efforts and encouragement that the fruit industry In the ltogue river valley has gained tbe enviable position it hae. That he will repeat the success he at tained in that business in former years can scarcely be doubted, and since each success achieved in thia, one of our greatest Industries, attracts favorable attention to our fertile little valley it is of more than passing interest to know that a senlletnan of such keen business attainments has decided to again inter est himself in this line of husbandry. The daintiest thing out is the new aopllque dress trimmings just received. W. H. Meeker & Co. The Southern Pacific Railroad Com pany has inaugurated a new plan for moving freight going north out of San Francisco and Sacramento. This is termed a "fast freight service," aod the departure of trains from the above named points is so arranged that all stations along the Una in Oregon get a three times a week service and all freight for Oregon comes into the state on a fast through train. All freight for Rogue river valley points, Bouth of Grants Pass, will come to Ashland as through freight. At Ashland it will be picked up by the local train and dis tributed at the various stations in the valley. The same arrangement will prevail on all divisions in Oregon. The through freight service will extend to Grants Pass, Roeeburg and Junotion City, and all intermediate points will be supplied by the local train as above desoribed. The primary objeot Is to effect quick freight service for goods purchased in the east. The Lawton & Davis Dray and Transfer Line is prepared to "do all kinds of hauling and moving. They also handle wood of all kinds.' Parties desiring work in their line will do well to see them., Satisfaction guaranteed. Five families, numbering twenty' nine In all, arrived in Madford last Saturday from Cedar Rapids, Neb., and will locate somewhere in the Rogue river valley permanently. They have all rented houses In Medford and will reside here until spring opens up, at least, and probably longer. In con versation with one of the gentlemen, Mr. Harper, he stated to a Mail repre sentative that there are a large num ber of families in Nebraska who expect to come to Oregon during the next few months. He is a butcher by trade, and expeots to engage in that business at some point in the valley as eoon as an opening can be fonnd. The other mombers of the party have not deolded what avooations or. business they will enter. A fine llne'of new eold dres9 trim mings has just been reoeived by us this week. W. H. Meeker & Co. R. Vinton Beall, of Central Point, a recent graduate of an Illinois sohool o: photigraphy, aud who hBs been in that capacity in North Carolina for some time, has been called to Now Or ients lo assist during the MardI Gras, in that jity. He will be employed on one of the highest branches of the photographers' nrt that of carbon prluter, at a good salary. Vinton has a large number of friends in thiB county who will be dated to loam cf the nat tering success he is achieving in his ohosen nrofessiou. He may remain in Now Orleans permanently. - Superior job painting it this office. As the time for the annual conie tion of the Rogue River Valley ChoraB Union draws near the interest in that meeting becomes greater. Arrange ments of the local committees at Grat. Pass, for the reception of guests from Medford," Abhland and Jacksonville-,, are going steadily forward. Tbe Grant Passcontingenthas secured the service of Prof. Nasb. of Eugene, as director. under whose direction the members. are making notable progress. That the convention will be one of the great est musical treats Southern Oregon ha, ever enjoyed Is now practically assureoV Have you noticed that elegant liner ofmen's neckwear which we are noc displaying? W. H. Meeker & Co. ' A unit tn rptfwvpf. AA1 waa fnatifiifciw?''' in Justice Stewart's court last week' bj. J. W. Walters against S. T. Sandersv the North D street shoemaker. ' Thee plaintiff claims wases. as assistant.. tr that amount, while the defendant filed , a crossbill alleging that the plaintiff " was indebted to him in tbe sum of S56 : A demnrrer was interposed by the defendant which was argued Monday and taken under advisement until next . week. Those carriage mules of . Judge Crowell's and a fine dapple gray hors ftrR for sale at H. NT. CrnwellV W.- Medford. . Druggist Strang has secure! the, services of J. D. Butler, of Black Hil) South Dakota, a graduate -of the St. Louia school of Pharmacy as drug clerk. The young gentleman -arrived in Medford Monday. He comes highly recommended as a gentleman and' a. druggist, and will make a valuable ac- qulsition to Medford society, as well as an assistant to Mr. Strang in the ca--paclty in which he is employed? - Dr. Goble, the optician, will be at. his residence in Medford on Saturday ot each week. Eyes tested free of charge. Corner Fourth and D streets. A local company of Ashland-capital-ists has been formed for the burpose of prospecting for oil in the vicinity of. Ashland. The capitalization of tho company is $10,000. They propose' to secure the services of an expert at $50 per day to look over the land, and wells will be sunk where, in his judgment, oil is most liable to be found. The cost of the drilling outfit, whloh will attain to a depth of 1500 feet, is $4300. Parties desiring rooms for light housekeeping, furnished or unfur nished, can find them at the Windsor -lodging house. - vv - J. H. Butler has purchased four resident lots nn Smith A eteaaf rmr . if. S. Damon, paying therefor SSOCv:' Mr. Butler expects to erect a dwellings on this property during the summer -for his own use. He ha9 a very piews ant place for a home and as weU oaet -where the soil Is very fruitful as th noighbors near by who grow vegetable and fruit extensively will bear witness With the new facilities that B. N Butler put in his shoo, ha turns nut in good work In repairing watches and oweiry as any one in noutnern (Jrogon Dr. Picket's new residence in West Medford is fftst nearlng eompletion. It is one of tho prettiest and most 1mpos ing dwellings in the town and is credit to our city of 2100 aud over pop--ulation. " E. W. Starr is doin tho.- carpenter work and to hlui is duo credit for mi ch of its artistic appear ance. The dwelling will bo for rent. Fruit Sprays Dunn's solid fruit sprays, bes and cheapest. In any quantity, already mixed for use. For- Biiib oy uox ferry, Jiedloici. J. W. Dunn, who wa9 at ono timer engaged in btisluoss in this city with,, D. G. Karnoa, and who later studieaV and graduated uuder Dr. Bohannon,. ' th i cancor sj .olallat, is now looated at. Fiioenix, Arizona, wheio he is doing; well,- and establishing himself in a. gcod practice. I will furntfh new sewing machines,! warranto I lor S .yejrq, prices $20 to $25. Give me a oa.l before sending awas orders. Jno. F. Whlto, Medford.