The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, January 25, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Anothor Big Soliaittlon nt Stanford Vol
voralty A Lit! to Hoy Kills Loe
llxtlropliobln. Among Yukon l)ot;a.
Oultl Ftml on Vancouver lalnm!.
W. Q, Adams, nftcr a brief illness
died at Vcutura of pneumonia mid
brain fovor. Tho deceased wns tlio
pioneer oil operator of Ventura county.
J. M. Wilooxou died rccoutly at S.m
Luis Obispo of pneumonia. Ho wns a
promiuont attorney of that section.
The two-year-old sou of Mr, aud Mrs.
Williiuu Georgia, who rosido.ou a small
place uoar tho couuty farm, Santa Rosa,
secured a can of concentrated lye and
attempted to eat it, A physician was
Immediately summoned, and, althonxh
tho child is terribly burned about tie
mouth, ho will probably recover.
Tho stock raisers of tho San Joaquin
alloy met recently at Yisalia and
formed a cattlemen's protective associ
ation. Tho purpose of the association
is for the betterment of stock raisers
nil overthe valley. It is expected that
much good will bo accomplished by
such an association.
Katnl free delivery will bo established
lu California on February 1, as follows:
Eacoudido, Sau Diego couuty, W. H.
Smith, carrier; PostolBco at San Pas
' qnal discontinued; Fullerton, Orange
couuty, A. A. Peudergast, carrier.
Gerrge W. Barger, an old resident of
Santa Barbara, attempted suicide by
firing a bullet from a pistol which he
held in his mouth... The bullet came
out to the left of tho spinal column. His
chances of recovery are small. He was
- formerly in a flourishing fiuoucial con
dition, but during tho post few years he
has met with many reverses.
A. T. Baker, a carpenter of Fowler,
was waylaid at half a mile north of
- Belma by two footpads, who beat him
till he became uucouscious and robbed
him of $300. The assailants have not
yet been arrested. Baker was in a
dazed condition, bat recovered consci
ousness. . ,
Statements from the nine savings
hanks of San Francisco show a net gain
of deposits daring the past four months
of $4,099,507.
The steamer Hongkong Mara arrived
at San Francisco from Oriental porta
. one day last week. While off the Jap
anese coast the steamer picked up eight
Japanese sailors who were floating
around on a raft and almost dead from
exposure. Their vessel had been
wrecked. -
Another big stir has been created at
the Stanford uuiversity by the resig
nations of Professors Howard, Hudson,
little and Spencer, all prominent edu
cators. Dr. Howard resigned, or was
.forced to resign, through a speech he
- made upholding the course of Dr. Ross,
Which caused President Jordon to cen
sure him. Howard refused to be de-
niod the privilege of expressing his
views and re --igned. As the others are of
the same opinions as Howard their re
signations followed, for they considered
tltav .wnlrl rtrtl-. wirh cnlf Heiunl ralain
their places. There is intense feeling
among the students.
Dr. T. W. Leland has been appointed
coroner of Sun Francisco to fill the va
cancy caused by tho death of Dr. Cole.
lost week John O. Rogers, Populist,
Was inaugurated governor of the state
Of Washington for the second term.
The foreign wheat shipments from
Tacoma for the. first two weeks in Janu
ary aggregate i, 222,816 bushels, valued
-"-""af" (678,661. This exceeds tho shipment
" during any ono month of 1900.
Tho wholesale grocers of Portland
have lost their case against the Ore
gon Railway and Navigation company
wherein thejr churned the defen
dant was discriminating against them
in favor of San tFr.uicisco merchants in
the matter of freight rates.
Albert; Box, a resident of Sonoma
county, since 1852, is dead.
Mrs. Docea Ann Tyner, wife of Aaron
Tyner, died aj JJanford. Mr. and Mrs,
. Wiaf ffere aiuo'ug the old settlers in
tni state, having arrived in California
fa 185jn& tooated in Stockton, where
thewere married.
X j commercial honey yield of Tn
' Irnti couuty the past season was about
Sk pounds.
It is claimed that lemons grown on
clayey ground will keep very much bot
' tor thau those grown in sandy soil. '
aft .aAatAAAA4AAAiAAAi jaaaaaj j.
Ji Very Bad Combine
la that of
A Very Bad Sprain
f A Very Black Bruise
U often happens,
but Just as often
St Jacobs Oil
makea clean. Mire,
promp cure of both.
Pan, paw, pjual Thou hast had thine hour
To bow in and reap. U it thUUe or flowwt
'Tia tlio seed la at hull, tliovuth Joru'a hand
EtAitl tilt- .howvr.
Mako way (or lliy comrade with double thy dower.
Italt, halt, halt t There wan Riven lliee irrace
To heirin with the and their reeorda efface.
Had lliy undals been winded. Step down from
the race: ,
One swifter tlian thou art would run In thy place.
Ceae, craw, ceaeel Thou hat had thy chance.
Mut a fallal attend thee to ward oft mltchancet
Let fall tliy vain weapon; a thousand advance
fo rush on and conquer with thy broken lance.
liracc Uvalo Ulrhflcld In Century.
A Story of Ouo Who Married Kor
Wealth ami ttnauty.
There Is n valley mnlil the York
shire hills known as Coverdnle. from
whose slopes, long years iiro, came
pious Miles, who miusltited the Bible,
and who was called by the simple folk
Miles of Coverdnle, after tho place of
his birth.
Very calm and peaceful the little dale
lies under the shadow of the great
lillls, whose summits are purple In the
sweet sum inert Hie with their royal
mantle of fragrant heather, aud where
the curlew ai:S the golden plover's
cry alone break the gentle stillness
that rests over the little world beyond
the hauuts of restless activity aud hur
rying life.
There Is no railway In quiet Cover
dale, no town to which the country
folk may wend their shops save
the wonderful village emporium, where
everything in n very small way may be
obtained, but where few fashions come
to startle the gayer minded of the
maidens, or strimge new devices In
neckties to dazzle the vision of the
country lads.
To peep Into the world necessitates a
Journey uuder the shelter of the lone
hillsides, along bonny lanes. Intwlned
with pink and creamy tinted honey
suckle, and green with waving ferns;
past the quaint Inn. whose sign Is a
fanioas bot long ago race horse, called
in the canny Yorkshire tongue the
Lady Bab, and, finally, across the moor
Into horse loving Mlddlobam, where
are people and shops, and many Inns
with curiously painted signposts the
Black Swan and Its brother, the White
Swan, and many others too.
But down In Coverdnle there Is a
beautiful old church, set like a Jewel
In its surrounding of stately trees and
blossoming hedges, with the quiet
greenness of Clod's acre lying stretched
about it. and the singing of until re's
choristers In the sweet air around a
place of pcacef illness and repose, where
eurth's burdens may fall from one for
n little spnee and heaven's henlson light
softly on such of Its children as stay to
pray and think awhile.
There Is a quaint lycb gate at the en
trance to the holy spot, a carved halt
ing place of oak. set tenderly by some
good n:an of the dalespeople a squire
of the olden days, who loved his home
and bis neighbors and his God full
well, I think, and sought to beautify
the church In which he and his bad
worshiped so long.
a And down the fair avenue of trees
within the precincts mid past the quiet
church He the remains of what was
once the proud abbey of Coverdnle.
where the monks said masses and cul
tivated their gnrden aud tended the
souls and bodies of the poor and needy
In the dale.
It Is a beautiful spot In a beautiful
countryside, and so thought a man
who viewed It lovingly and pointed out
all Its changeful lights and shadows
and all Its pretty peeps of Held and
river to his wife.
They bad only been mnrrled a little
while, a few short weeks, and had
elected to spend their honeymoon In
some of the qunint corners of England;
hence their Journeying thither to this
sequestered nook among the hills and
the far stretched moorlands In their
veiling of regal purple. The man loved
it already with the artist love which
sees the beautiful so quickly nnd feels
It so strongly, and the woman well,
she saw the beauties, too, but she was
growing a little weary of pretty sights,
and siie was very pretty anil spoiled her
self and perhaps a little jealous of ad
miration wanted whlcli might have
Been dlverfed Tiomewnrd.
So she stood by the quaint relics of
the nbhots and mailed knights at Cov
erdalc, where two quaint forms guard
a doorway as perchance their originals
guarded some stronghold In the old
fighting days long gone, and her white
gown fell over the gray stones and
gleamed against the red nnd orange
nasturtiums In the garden which sur
rounds the old walls and arches, and
she wondered If her husband had near
ly finished his sketch nnd whethrr they
should stay nt Mld.dlchnm for a day or
two or go on farther to Wensleydnle.
"Intn rnther tired of admiring places."
olie said to herself a little Impatiently,
"nnd, then, 1 never can remember who
lived In the castles and abbeys. How
uncomfortable they must have neon!"
And then for she wns only n very
young bride, too she felt sorry for
having been Impatient, cren in ber
thoughts, toward her husband, and she
turned to speak to 111 in with an even
sweeter smile than ttsunl on ber pretty
lips, for her husband was a genius In
his way, a thinker and an author, and
every one hnd envied her when she
married him In spite of her wealth.
Ah. there was a pitiful ring In the
story poor nnd .nameless, but clever;
hentlng himself to pieces In his eager
attempts to win fnme single hnnded,
nnd rich and beautiful the woman with
the fnli'ylllco figure nnd exquisite face
who hnd given the man lior gold.
And, ah, n more pitiful note still, and
the man remembers that some one has
once long ago talked of I his very spot,
with Its quaint surroundings ant Its
old world utmpjpliei'e, In tho tlmo that
might have been and' 1's not,
Uo closed his HkotclibuOk, with 0
sigh, and turned to tho whlto robed
loveliness of his wife with n iminmir
ed apology for having kept her wait
ing, mid then together they passed
down the avenue that leads to tho road
But ho was very Bllont, and his wlfo
felt tired and Just a llttlo cross. Sho
liked to be petted and coaxed and flat
tered, and latterly Wilfred had been
too serious to suit her gay fancies ami
too absorbed In new Ideas for his book
to pay her the attentions she loved so
dourly to exact from every man and es
pecially from her husband.
"Let us go hum to town," she said
niiddeiily. "I am so tired of roaming
In this out of tho way place, Wilfred,
and there Is still so much gob on, 1
hear.' You must have got lots i. Ideas
now, I nut sure." She laughed glee
fully ns she spoke. The murmur of tho
streets seemed already In her ears, and
the Hash of silks and Jewels came over
tho sunlight on the grass.
He paused n moment. "Will you not
come on n little farther?" he asked
kindly, yet a llttlo wistfully. "There
are soino lovely places lu the dale, and
you would be Interested lu them, 1
But sho shook her head until the dia
monds In her little ears twinkled llko
dewdrops. "You know I am uot Inter
ested." she said petulantly. "I hate
those old people who perched castles
on the tops of hills nnd expect you to
climb up to see them. Do 16t us go
They had reached the lych gate now,
and a girl was entering It from the oth
er side, where their carriage his wife's
carriage with Its beautiful bays, stood
waiting. The sunlight fell on her quiet
black gown and her soft hair as sho
passed under the quaint oaken struc
ture, and then she lifted her eyes, and
a sudden light Hashed Into them and
then died very gently again.
The man's face grew whlto In tho
shadow of the leafy elms, but his wife
chattered on In her high, pretty voice
aud noticed nothing of his pallor. And
then, as they met. he advanced quietly
to meet the girl ns quietly as If they
had never parted In bitter, bitter sor
row, the one brave and ready to sacri
fice herself for his sake, the other, as
he said to himself bitterly enough, a
coward aud a craven. Aud now they
met again In the soft sunshine of the
autumn day, with the first few leaves
railing, golden tinted, from the trees
around, with the blue, bright sky over
bead and the purling of a little stream
somewhere near, under the old gate
way that leads to the bouse of prnyer.
She spoke to hlin very calmly and
quietly, and he Introduced her to bis
lovely wife, and she told the stranger
at once In her pretty, petulunt voice of
ber wish to go back to town and Its
gayetles, only Wilfred wouldn't, be
wns so cross.
But the girl smiled so gently and
spoke so soothingly that the little la
dy's wrath melted away, and she laugh
ed like a merry child and straightway
Invited her new friend to pay them a
visit In town.
"We will go tomorrow, won't we,
Wilfred?" she said laughingly, and the
grave faced man answered that her
will was law. .
"Yes; we will go tomorrow," he said
when the girl had answered that she
never went to town now. Ucr father
was old and needed her care, and sho
wns quite content with her life In the
still countryside.
"I have him, and he has me," she
said, with her peaceful smile, and the
laughing womnn before ber could not
guess nnd would never have realized
that this gentle faced girl had loved
the man beside her with nil her heart
and soul and had passed through the
deep waters alone with ber sorrow to
take up her life again bravely and
And then one of the benutiful horses
clnlcied the pretty wife's attention,
and she went hurriedly on, leaving the
two together for a brief moment In the
sunshine of the old gate.
"Forgive me, Enid!" he said broken
ly. "All, I have wronged you so, nnd
I deserve your hatred, but forgive me
If you can '."
His face was haggard, and his IJps
whitened mid treiybied as he spoke the
few strained words. '
But she laid her hand In his very gen
tly, as If to say goodby to a dear, dear
friend forever. "I have forgiven you,
dear," she said, "I may call you that
for this one last time? 1 have forgiven
you everything, nnd God keep you,
keep you snfely nnd lend you nrlght!"
She paused, nnd the great tears rose In
her calm eyes and rolled down the palp
cheeks. She loved li'ni so well still,
nnd the meeting and the parting were
very hard to benr.
And then, with one Inst look, she
pnssed on into the loneliness of the
still graveyard and the quiet dead.
, Al)jlnlun Expert nl Thatching,
In describing Abyssinia and Its
itrnnge en pi tn I n writer In Pearson's
tells of Its mushroom growth ns fol
l.iws: A crowd of workers appeal's with
loads of sticks some 12 feet high. These
are planted lu lite ditch to erect the
walls, and a few more sticks are twist
ed In and out to keep them together.
Now comes the preparation of the roof.
A number of men climb ir,', iulde aud
bind together more sticks like the
frame of nn umbrella. As soon us these
are In position they clamber outside
like monkeys and set to work to thntch.
For this purpose they bring gtcnt
bundles of liny nnd (wine It between
the sticks. They are not nil artistic na
tion, nnd they have next Indus
tries, hut nt thatching they are- renlly
expert, nnd they turn out v. oik which
would call for admiration even In a
civilized country. They do not trouble
to produce nn elegant finish, hut this
often udda to the plcturesqueness of a
AM'fietoblc PrcpnrnlioHt'or As
similating HicFoocl aiidRcrtiiln
ting the Stomachs ond Bowois of
Promotos Digeslioii.Clwrfiil
nessnminost.Conliilns nelllKT
Opium, Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Jfixu c otic .
IntuCM octal -
stWv.WW e
Aperfocl Hemetly rorConstlpa
non, Sour Slouiach.Dinniwca
Worms .Convulsions .Kcwrish
ivess ntul Loss of Slkki'.
FacSimilo Signature of
Dans-Mar of Cincinnati Ilankvr Pr-
fera I'uw, It, nnd Takca II
to thm A liar.
One of Cincinnati's society young
women preferred a pug dog to a wed
ding ring. She got It. The girl was
.Margnrvt Harrison, dnughter of Pres
ident L. H. llurrUou, of the First na
tional bank, while the giver of the dog
wus Howard Child, who is now her
hiirbniid. When the young people
plighted their troth Miss Harrison de
cided thnt nn engngement ring wunot
up to dnte, so she asked her finncc.
who is from lloiton, to give her a dog.
The pug was decorated with white
satin ribbon and accompanied, the
bridal party to the altar. Mr. Childx
is the young mnn whose friends led
him to believe that he must get a
health certificate before he could pro
cure a marriage license. He hopped
around the health office nnd went
through various gyrations to prove
himself sound, while a party of ac
quaintances enjoyed themselves huge
ly. The Value of a Title.
The following story of the late Sir
John Milium is contributed by Lord
James of Hereford to a recently pub
lished biography of the great rhiglish
artist: Shortly after his title was con
ferred upon him Millals paid a profes
sional visit to Manchester. Upon his
return, addressing some friends in his
cheery way, he said: 'You fellows
think it is nothing to be made a bar
onet, but I can tell you that it means
a great deal, and I like It. Here you
see I went to the hotel in Manchester,
and I said to a beautiful young person
nt the olllcc counter: 'I want n bed
room with a fire In It.' Oft" she went to
o pipe and said: 'Whist! No. I'M, and
a fire.' She then asked me to write my
name, which I did. Looking nt me, she
said: 'Are you Kir John Millals?' Up
on my answering 'Yes,' buck to the
same pipe she went nnd said: 'Whist!
No. 238.' No. 23, and a good fire'
Now you see the use of beiqg a baronet,
my boys!"
An Exulnnallon.
Those chief justices who didn't vote
for 1'lins Howe's admission to the
Hall of Fame prohnbly have it In for
him, suggests the Chicago Times-Herald,
LrCnuse he didn't fix his machine
so It would sew on suspender buttons,
cures coughs and colds at
once. We don't mean that it
relieves you for a little while
it cures. It has been doing
this for half a century! It has
saved'hundreds of thousands
of lives, It will save yours if
you give it a chance.
"I hove received ao much tienefit from It, thai
I alwaia recommend Sluloh'a for cuuf;lta,
throat, lironchlal and lnn trouble,"
CIIAS. VANDKKCAR, Walorlord, N, Y.
Hlilloli's Onnsumptlnn Cure Is siild jr all
drm;k-lHl lit Win, COc, Ml.00 a buttle. A
iirlntcd p;urHnl gos with every buttle,,
ryou aro not satlnllrd go to your ilrusiffat
null galyour money liui'k.
Writs for IHuMMled book on conaumptlon, fieol
wllhori tiiAt lu you. 8. C. Wella Ai IKoy, N.V
Read The Mail for all Wio news.
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
The - Shasta - Route
OK Tilt
! Ron tli I I I,v fortltnd
7:00 p. m Lv. 1'orllMuU
11: I'm., m l.v. Mnlfurtl I.v 3:1ft .a
1U:4A l.v. .MtxWoril Lv ft.'p. u
p.m A r. Hau FrnitcUco Ar. Mrtn.ti
h:4S a, tn Ar Oudcn Ar
KM n, m Ar Itetivnr Ar V:uit a
7:iS u. m Ar KnuvnN Ctty Ar l
a. m Ar CMrajfo Ar V .. it p. di Ar Ijou AttKvles Ar 7:iK). n
A:iDp, m Ar Kl I'umi at fl OO p. u
iu Ar Furl Worth Ar 0:.K'a. a
jVift nJQ Ar fr. !tli!l,tt!! ..,, ,r I , P' n
Dining Cars
Observation Cars
Pullman first-class and tour
ist cars attached to all
through trains.
T:IW ft. 111 f jV
AjO p. Ill j Ar
Ar i::t) . ii
l.v 7 ;i n. n
7j)n. m l.v IWtluiid Art :) p. u
ia:lo p 111 I Ar L'OTVIUUa l.v I l:0o p. Ii
At Albnny nnn Corvnltlaronnetit i
otO.V.It K. railway.
(Kacopl SuuiliiV.)
I:f0 p. m I Lv Portland
Ar 1 8:2'm. n
l.v r,:um. n
LvMirOa a
7 ilp. Ml I Ar MflMlnlivllle
s p. m i Ar imiupcouunco
Ilr(!Ct connection nt San Krancliicn wll
Mcainfihlp linen tor llnwnil, Jnpnn, China, Tbi
t'liuippinoH nni AiiHiruun.
For IhrouL'h tlckuta and rntfifl call on ar ad
(Won Mr. w, V. LIpplDuott, Apcnt, MoiUord,
ManuKer. li. K Ik Y A
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeting Cars
Qrano ronsa
o TO-
Assistant Oonornl Pnnsc-nffnr Aroqt
Mo. iiM Morrison 81,. oor Third.
Tbb Mail has blank eohool report
cards (or utile.
i). uf A.-MiMlfuni l.mliiu No. I'.'l im-i'li
itvi'ry Hiilul'tlny oviuilny In A. O. U, W. litlll.
VlNtlhH Ft'iitciM Invited to ullonil, JAWHKIIN, I', M.
It. A. lllltllAN, HUB.
I'. o( A.-I'mirl Mt.'l'llt No, III, inonla A
mliM'iT Hull every NVttlnoi.diiy til H 11. in.
II, VY. Hi icrii km-i.n, I Kiinum'.
I, I r l! ll 1 1 1 N . I'lniini'lul tiiuivliily,
I. 0. tl, l', I.oiIkii No. NI, niiMilK Inl, O. (I, K.
hull evi'iy Hiillirilny III lit a p, in, Vlnltlnw
brolliurn ulti-nya wulcomi.
. .. J. K.HIIRAIIKS, N. O.
'J. II. Htk'aiit, lire, Hno.
I. O. u. V. Kokiiii itivur Knmiiiipiiitmi,
No. Wl, moolH In 1. u, II, I'-, hull Hut ai'i'uml unj
luiirlh WuilnuHiliiyH of onrh month in s n, in,
, 1). 'I'. I.AWTIIN, 0. lt
W. T. ViHIK, Hnrllis.
Ollvn Uoholmli I.oiinii No, vx, iiimiih In I, c,
O.K. hull llri mul third TuoailHya or euoh
miiiilh. Vlall Inn Invllrd iniitinud.
iMltH. I 1111 A HllllAlmi, lll'l'. Hot'.
Mux. M All I ma Wki,ij, N, U,
. . .. '.,unt ftltllljr till Ur UO
tore lull moon ill S p. in., lu Mnttonlii hnll.
A II A A At At..... ,t.. 1..-1.1. . -
, ,, , t. It, ttAllllMIAN, YV. ill.
W, V, t.ll'l'lNDon. Heo. Hoo,
V nt It lil. J..- u. .t"""I'. ;
... ... . t ,.,,ni,ttl !.,lit. itll. iimitia Jll'JU
fluy itiitiilnif ut n p. in, VtniituV briithnr al
.... j .. ,.,- r.l'tlHHE llltK. U. U.
k, lv Ciii.k, K, or It. unit H.
'," ,",v ""it I niiinpn Trill
: . "'v'nur rtivii'w tin ino im anil
I'd Muuilu.VH ol tm0, in t n t Ii In a. Ii. U. W,
Hull ni ?ip. ni, VUHIiiic Hlr KiiIkIHh ourtllnl
U'liivlliiiUuiitiiniil, A. O. II. W In-iireo ut llumir Kmliar ludua
NO. M, llllTta ItVlHV MfCtlllll Ulltl rnlll-lh n',
ovciiIiik of t'ui'h inttiith. ut A. tl. U. W. Iiull.
... .. . ' a nn i ii ju i.iiiit)c ll. t;, ol II.
MP. UKI.1A Uiiiiuk. H0.
A, tl. II. W. t.odin Sit. UN. tttntti a ..... it,.
mil third Wndiiitdiiy In Ur. umuili at 8 p. in
ii IhMr hull in tho opura uiook. VUftlui
bauthuralnvlU'il to attend.
N L. N'AllllltilAN, lli'iurdcr.
Wooduimt of tho Worlilr Ninin K'rt Ul HiMit
mcrv Krldiiy nonliitt lu Adklna-lliiuiii l.lock,
tvtiiuill, lll.'liuil.
, . ll. Mrr.KBii, 0. O
Jim Siiokk. vinrk.
t hryannthrimun t.lrolr, No. HI. Wnmitn nt
oodi rnll Mi cm aiirond and lourlb 'l urnday
of taob inimlh al 7:ii p. in. In Wouiliimn Iil.II.
VlaltHiK alati-ra luvllvil.
,. .. liAHitm Wkiiii, 0, tl.
Aha tl. Mn.u, Clork.
W. It, u.-i:iii.air A. Arthur t'orpa No. M
oifcla arroud and lou-'h Muliilay nt aacb
iminih at o'clock p. m., 'n Wooduian'a hall.
Vllllnif alatcra Invltrd.
', K.-Chitawr A. Arthur I'oal No. 7
oifola In vioodiimn'a hall ovry aocond ano
tourib Monday uiuhi In oaob iuooiil al 7:au,
Vlaltlnif l.ouirotlra ounllally Inrllrd to attcnil,
., ,. K. Axiiian, fool.
r. M. KTtWAHT. Adlutanl.
M,,.o.J.(liW.H...Mr'- N'CA.,l'r....
lrnternitl Unit lnrlifKut -Mimih flrt an J
lliinl Krultiy rvruiiiif or rnrb uhmiiIi ut 7:30 p.
in., in Ailkiiifrlfi-url ilk. Mnifunl, tiro Vl
Ulnu buicf nml ilrutbcrtt rortlluitv InvltfO.
, u J.L. Dkmmrii, Vtn.
rrsne. Honour.
I 1' U I..- a..
oml mikI fourih Tlturmlny of oath niutiin M-
"--, piiihu,.,, IMfKI'll. 1 IklllliK k).
Icr KiiO Lrdihom mi.y wnlcmp.
Mhm ilAity k. Httfcvw, W. M
Mllfl. llATTIK l.uliK, hcrr.Mury.
nam. .i.nrHN i.iiiMcuj)n, nuntmr nonool niittt
at Kplncojml Church wary umlny niitriiliiK hi
.ywv.MH, iinuiv linn) I'TPry itrxi Hhil tnililt
SutiUu at 7 :j p. m. Kcv. cfias. Ilooth, Htc
MoihwlHt Kplwcopal C'hurcn W. I). Moorp,
pnnuir. I'rcaitiltitf vcry fabbaib M ll a.m.
rnitl 7 :W p. in. Hunday urttool at IU a. tn.. II. l
Ullkoy, aupt. Clan D.cotlua etvry Mubbatti
at cIom of M-rmun. I.cvl Kaucctt, IvaUor. Kp
worih It-aiiut) every Hubbatti croniiiK ut fl:80, U.
r outcll. irri. Jtrvulur weekly uriiyar nctit
iiilT nrry Tiiurminy cvvnlntr at7:M Ladlra
tt'Wliiu clrrln evnry wr.vk, MIiiioimr aotiicty
aiolh iho Mrat Krlday li, each uiontli.
I'rvibytrrlnn C'litireli-ltov. A. lluUorly, pna
Lor. i'lnnclilltu ill II u. in. nnd 7 ; 'H i ti n. u
duy Hchool ut 1U a. m. Y . I. H. C. K.. rt:.lf) n. m.
Junior Kmli'uvor Hocloty nt p. m HuikIav.
1'ruynr uxotlng on Wcdticudny ovculuif at J ;J0
MnnllNt church kov. T. L, (.'randiiil. nui..r.
dnbbutb fi rvici't: lricblinf 1 a. ui. and 7 .nji
p. m ; Nubbath in-hool lou. m.j (J. v. I'. (J. t:JQ
p. m.; prnyo inri'tlnir aducMlny ut 7:30 p. m.
cmi naiit wii'ctliiir M V M o. in. nn Haturdnv irt
ceil inn tlrtt Hiibbutb. till U(jor ant) (rlvud ul
ChriHttnn church Coriiur of Rli 'li tnd i
UrcL'tH. 1'roi.rliltii nt 11 n. in. and 7. n. m
Hundiiy Pcbool ut Tun. in.; Junolr Kndoiivor nl
p. ni.;v. r. r, v, k. iu o;hu p, m. i'ruyor
miivllriK uvory Thurmlny cvunlntr. I.ft.iu-a
MlHMlonury Auxtllury to V. W. II, K. Ilrnl Tburi
dliy 7::tl I' M. Oucll month. Choral UnUtn
ovory 1'rttlay iU7:3ii p, m. Thupoopln wylcoiu
O. J. OUt punier, Itunldui at tho Church.
MrtliodlHt Kplncopnl Church South Itov. R.
V. WUnun pith tor, rrnncbliig ovary Hunduy al
II a. m. and 7 p. m. ; bunduy aoLool ut lUu. m. t
K,u worth Lciiuuo. tirnvrr nnd nrnln menilnv
each Hunday ulflp. tn.irrayurtiiootlnK Wedui'iv
flvonliiR nt 7 o'clock; Wouinii'n Homo MtHnloa
Society mcotH firm Thumday In tnch month at
2:8o p, tu. Mm. K. II. IMckcf. prsmdent.
Administratrixes Notice.
MMIIQ u nil or ft In i led han hvtti duly nppolnlod
1 and nuitllilcil uh adrnlnlHtratrlx of tho on
into ut Nonh It. .InbnHtoii, Into of Juokson
County, OniKon, doccnnnd.
All piTtiooK hnvlnw olalinn ngnlnHtnnfd entnto
nronotliliMl lo pruHcnt thorn, duly verified, to
tho undcritlfriicd, in lior ruMiiionaa In .Modford,
iroiton, for nllowiinct. within nix montlm from
and aftor tho dulu of thin notion.
Dated thin litti Uny of Dwiemhor. A. D. 1000,
Maiitiia M. Jomnhton,
AdmlnlHlrntrlx of tho ICHtntu of Nouli H, John-
MOn, UtCCMNtd.
Wni. H Crowcll, Attorney for no Id En tat o,
Land oftlcc at Iloxcliurn, Drt-gnn, Docnmhnr I,
l(0. Noll.'C Ih hnrohy iilvt'ii thnt tho followlnii
numi'il Hottlor li ii n Mliid nntluu of ln Intonllun
to mnkn llnul priinf In mippurt or Inn olulm, nnd
tniitmi'd pruil will ho lundo litforo Una Now
uury, tounly olorli of Juckmin (.'onntv, O" nun,,
al Jiiclmonvllli', Uri3on,on JnnunrfW, IKu , v.;
CIKOIttlli W. UlNUAtD,
On II. K. No. UMM, for tho VM tilili, Sue, DO,
Tp. ill! B., It, 'i hJiiHt,
no ti urnoH mo luiiiiwinK witnoHWH to provo
bin t'OlltlnuollH niton mul ttiilllvittlnn
of Huid luntt, vln:
T. n. t.'onklln.of Peyton, Itnulirn P. I'oyton,
ofPoylon, J. H. Htowurt, of Mndtnri', ill.. I W, B.
itrowtiii, oi jucuioro, nil ot .itti it., ti ( ounty,
Urt'KOll. ,. 1'. ItllllKIKH,
Land ofllco nt Itonnhuri;, Oregon. Drcomlior?,.
IMKI. NoUtoJh huroliy kIvuii that tho following
nninml Hiiuinr linn lllcd nntlco of bin Intontlon,
to inn llnul prool In mippurt of IiIh olnlm. nnd
tliulHiild proof will bo niudo hulora Oiih Now,
hnry, ooiinu- nlcrk of JucIiboii County, Onwon, ut
Jiiokgonvliro.Orovon, on Jununry IK), 1UU1, vlx t
On It. K,, Nn.Rlin, for tho HV, NRXi 800. 18,
Tp. fins., It. 1 Wont. ;
Ho niiinoH tho following wltniiKHOH to provo
ll H nontinnoilH roHltlnnnn unon mid niiltiviil.lnn
of nald lund, vlt
J. ItnKdiilii, Irrnnlt Hammond, dnrl T. Bltye-
mnn untl Thomiia Martin, nil nl Trnll. .tnokflitn
County, Oriijon.
J. T.lllilliOES, Register,