Absolutely Mokes tlio food more delicious nnd wholesome r "1 OUR COUNTY Correspondentsj KllKllI t'nlllt lCltirl-'tn. II V A, 1), IIOWI.KTT. Wo liiul ijo until on 'l'uohilny or In Ht wei'k, owing (u oliHi notions on (liu riiilrninl. Mr, TIioh. MoAmlruws, Jr., who in stopping nl tliu Kiiglii hotel, in ru luirli'il on tlio nick list, Tim selioul board liutl u moding lll MlllulllV of Ulitl WUIlk, lniL I WIIH unnlilu to Kill tliu pruct'cdinnH. CIiiih. uonnuhiiin Ij rouy lit tliu mail on I from Dig Unite IiihI wuck, ow 1 ii K to tliu HickncHB of tliu currier, Mr, Cox, j Mitm ICvn Conk, who Ihih boon slopping III tliu linglu liolcl TorHomu time, wont to tlio Dig lluttu country IiihI wonk. Our Htockiuon lmvo Iiimid fiiitu ticcfBHfiil in giitlHrring tlii'ir Block from tliu rung", lmving fouuil near ly all of them. Tim liigh wutur in I.iltlo Hutto CiuiH.'il l ho debris to collect no in lliu mill moo that il wan iwcucsnry to close down tlio mill onu day hint week. MrH. ft, V, Itobinnt; who is nil vimceil in ngu nnd ijuitu heavy, full one day Iiihi week mul struck the hack of her neck on a clmir, almost breaking it. Mrs. J. W. Grovcr gavo a wool picking nrly hint Wednueday. Tliu party wits composed entirely of elderly hulien and they rexrt a vury enjoyable linio iih well oh a vury liuu dinnor. Minn Laura Nichols caino out from iMcdford'liist Thursday, where oho hiiH been staying with her cousin, Mrs. Jonn Curry, who is very nick at the borne of her mother, .Mr. June I'lymitlo. Cattlo buyers nro thick in this section of the country. Mr. .Hunt, of Ashland, and Mr. Harris, of Oazoll, wore hero last week. Tbe former went up Little, liutto and the latter to Trail creek. Irwin Pool, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. l'ooi, who has been quite sick with the utoasles, has takon a re lapse. I am sorry to state, and is now in a very oritical condition. Dr. Colo is in sttondanco. I am requested by Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brown to tendar, through the Mkdkoiu) Mail, their sincoro thanks to their friends for thoir aB eistanco and sympathy at tho timo of thoir recent sad boroavemunt. MesBrp. Ringor and Frank Poolo are doing some fine cabinet work here and wo arc glad to hnvo such men solllo hero. Mr. Ringer is talking of sending for his family with a view to locating bore in this section. Mrs. David Rail and son, of Ilumboll county, Calif., who has been visiting hor mother, Mrs. Geo. Hockathorn, was unexpectedly called homo last week. Her broth er, Jorry Heokathorn, aocompaniod her. .. ifcairle Items. Snow still olght Indies doep. H. R. Clovolntid,. of Modford, is liore this woek. Feed is becoming scarce . in .this section, especially for swino. Our pioncor mail carrier and his assistant,. Mr. Aikon, havo suo ceedod in gotting tho mail through on schodule time thus far, notwith standing tho poor oondition of tho Don't Rub It In. ore Throat Pneumonia Rheumatism Bronchitis Hea'dacha Bruises Earache Neuralgia Toothache Burns Lumbago Croup Cuts Scotch Remedy uhvainiuiin iiha tnti Jfystertoui Pain Curo In their families and prescribe It In thnlr praottoe. At tlruMtsts, 6 rt.lnMn. T hAftOlLta (ft fLQknOWl- Mite tlio worm or n Komi QHcntiy I no n ,t,nl T YinvA lv tout, and havo found It to b all JW'.ffS J. H, PUTNAM, M, D Rutland, VI QPflTPM ttRUFIlV COMPANY Wciteern Ageny , BAN FRANCISCO Powder 'Puke rnmlp. TIhm Ih, perhnpH, tho moHt dangerous mail route in the county, In tliu winter, especially, and to be ablu to mirmouiil all the obstacles with which tliu carrier comes In contact, rculrcH it grunt dual of perHerveronco and lulior, (''oimiduriibhi Iohh has been huh lainud by the farmers on the north sidu of Itoguc river, caused by their barns being cruiihud by tho heavy Hiiows. At IuiihI threo-fourths of lliomi residing in tho Hcction referred lo, have met with loss on thin ac count. Tliu large bam belonging to li, C, (,'olimr'ii, collapsed re cently, completely ruining a header belonging to Htucy brotherM. Coyoles nro becoming a groat niiifniicn in this section, I liey iiivenevir before been known to bo so bold. They urn ruining huvoc with Htiuill Block chickuiiH, hojH nnd Kheep. A few evenings ago they mucin a raid on J. W. Murritt's Nheep, in the corrall, but fortunately only killed one. If some method could be devised to exterminate thcHu pekU, thoiitfnuds of dollars would bu saved the stockmen of the Btiite. r I't-OIl! I DC I t CIllCUlIO Wolllllll Spt'llkri I'rof. Itoxn Tvlor, ol Chleiik'o. Vlao- l'l'unltlonl llliniiln Wotuitn'H Alliltnei), ill Mienklntf of Cliiiiiiliurliiln'n Coiik'li lldiui'ily, wiy: "I sulliireil with u c vin e colt) tliln winter which tlirentar.vU to run Inlo niieiiiniinln. I tried diU'ei'- out ri.'meilli'H hill I ituumuil lo ;row ttoi Bc mul Din inetllelnc upitul my Htom- neli. A (lienil mlvleil mu U) try Clinm- liorlitlu'it C'oiik'l) Keineily nnd I foutid II uiim iileiiniuil to luku and II rellnveil mo tt I once. I ii in now en ll rely recovered, mivi'il n doctor's bill, time und sulTurltiK, uml I will never bo without thin spier.- I mi'.ilielne nuM". c ur sale by Chits. Slrtin, druKVlnt, (ialU Creek IIiiih. iiy M. H, K. Frank I.aworence made a trip to Gold Hill Friday. George Ifammeisly will move to Gold Hill Monday. Burt Dunkin visited with Mr. Alex Kyle, Sunday. Clara Oleon was the guest of Miss Bessie Flippin Thursday. K. K. Kubli expects to start his quartz mill to work in a fow days. Mob Anna Noah was visiting Miss Stella Olson ono day this week. Fred Taylor has a contract for froinhtina fo.' Mr. Mulkey, who re- contlv moved hero from Ashland. Tho children of T. Bucker, T Uungly, Geo. Taylor and J. Miller, all of whom have beoti ill with ty phoid fever, nro improving rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Alox Armstrong, of Gold Hill, have taken up their resi dence in Mr. Clark's house. Wo nro pleased to havo them with us. Tho snow which commenced fall ing Now Years day, foil to the depth of 18 inches the first day. It reg istered five foot at tbe old Klippol mill, before it ceasod falling. Beat Out of an Increase of His Pension. A Mcxlenn war voterno and prom!' nunl editor writes: "Soolnir tho adver tisement of Chnmborlnln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ueinedy, I am reminded that its a soldier in Moxico in '47 and 'IH. 1 contracted Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy has kept me from gutting an liioronso In my pension for on overy renewal u doso of ll restores mo," It Is uncquiiletl as a quick curo for diarrhoea and Is ploitsant and Bnfo to take. For salo ty unns. ctirang, uriiggiBW Kanes Creek Items'. IIY SINE DIE. Mrs. MoDougall spent days in Medford lately. several Mrs. Robert Swluden, who has boon quite ill with chiokenpox, is convalescing. J. It. Mitchell and Mr. Simon were in Jacksonville on business one day last week. Misses Crookett, who have been tho guests of John mown and lam ily, are visiting in Medford. , Chiokonpox is prevalent in this seolion, and nearly every family has beon nfflioted. Some of the patients nro still quite ill. Tho late heavy rainfall and molt' ing snow has made an abundance of water for placer minors, Kanes oreek was higher than it had beon sineo 18U2. ninlng Locations. J P Mnllacltev and Joaonhtne Child looatcd Oct 'a, Itwo, a quartz olulm lu Bardlao oroolt milium dlmritit. . II J flolili located Jan 1, 1001, n quartz claim lu Vnots oi'colt dlHtrlot, HI Ormo InoatodJan 2, 1001, a quart claim In I'liotH oruok illHlrlut. 11 1' Hokum loimtod Jan 1,1001, a qnnrtz claim In X'oarl tnlultiK district. A MuKornhor located Jan 1, 1901, a quarts claim lu Ponrl district. A A Uolt u in located Jan 1, 1001, a quuru claim In samo district. II J Hrndrc locatod same day, quartz claim In Maino dlBtrlot. I) W Pcnco ot nl locatod siuno day, a quartz claim lu same district, Real Estate Transfer. Ali x Ormo In Juhiht fllwixoii, lot il), bllt il. It It ll'lflitloll 111 AhIiIiiiiiI a Alux urnm to Jimo Urine, Iota 1 Mill 'i, blk I, H II IliUllllllM to Aalllllllll Alrx Oriuii tu .limn (;rini', lot 'I und 5, llllt I). It It ndllUinri In AHhlfinll Ali-x ciriiin to .fiinu Ormc, l.'I.OU harm, ace t ;i7 H, r 'J w OA I) K It mill IJT Co tu (Ji'ii II '1'lrai, kw', nl n;j, mm :w, ip ax n, r i w, run. ihIiiIiik Mi iiiiri-M , u n in johui'Ii oi!jitiitrt, kw.'.j or hoc i, til ill Hi e 'I l. lIlllllHllllliI u'ai 'A II llyilo nt tlx tu I, V llyili:, 1IH.UI uutoH iii'ii 7, tp W, r l v Ini'iliil AmlorK'iii lo Kdu ,M Mf,ri)n. Ion, 7 MU, II), II uml II, lill(7(i, Mmir.ml ICO CIntiiHAii to lliiriimn AlunHifiiKnr, I.',- 100 urn KO i m iwu urn 1000 2000 i mho 7, tp M h, r 4 w, nt.o liititri'it In din-li uml wiitiir known im llrliliiu l'olnt Oo'llllltllll J (1 Vim Uykn to Mury Vim liykif.SI iicriiH In town or Mmiroril, lovn nnil iiffoctlon T I' li'lintliiy to I, Wiitoruimi, 1 ucru, tp ,'lt) Hi r i o ., ,, lloiillii (ll'ij lo JllM jlllltlHOII, M UVTI'A, Kl-C in, ip im, r I ii i iiiho mn 'i il on onmito NLtllirt, AHlllllllll H M Kliy to Kiln M llowluuil, KO uoroa, mic yil, tp 117 h, r 'J w Win I' It Wood lo MiikkIu I. Trcxulur, norm nil li i t i,l , hh !, mid l, lilk 8, I'urk mlilltliin to Mmiroril (i 1, DitviH to C it Corwln, proiiorty In. . McMllord Win I, Miller lo Kolit I. Miller. Lionel It, ol d I 13. 117. In 117 M. r '1 w U W Kox to Wliuihi II Kox and tiunlinnd, nun i unu at oik u, k it unillllon lo Anil Imid 174 U II HndrnwH to Mny nnd Limit Klllolt InlH vil, 'i itnd 'i-'it bl k N, It It addition lo AHlllllllll .... 0 M DinnoriiHt 10 Illnu DiiuIiiIiioii, nnil imuruMl in iuiirl. o.ulm, m:c Z7, tp -a, r 4 w Mnry Hpurri.'ll to Win Woodhnm. II oitiim ill nr.-c ib, ip i ii, r.wu, in union i.ouuty iiImo lotn 4 uml r,, hlk I), In LuHtllH, Or, ulnolrfl uuruN In u(i Hi, tp :1 h, i -I w lu Juiiknoii County (ilnrlouH News Comes from Dr. D. B. Citririlu, of Wnsh liu, I. T. Me .writes: "Kuur bottles of Kleetrlo Hitters has cured Airs. lirower of terofulu, wbieh liud cutued hur ifrviii suirorniir for years. Terrible soiea would break out on her huitd itnd face, and the beat doctors could give no belli: bul her cure is now cmniilulo and her health Is excellent." This shows whal thousands havo proved Mini IMcclric Millers Is the bcsl Mood purifier ever known. It's iho supremo remedy for eczema, totter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils nnd running sores. It sliiniilutes liver, kidneys and bowels, uxpcla poison, helps diueslion, builds til) lliu slreii;ll), (Jnly 6U cenl". bold by Clnm. Strum;, dru'uist. In I'robate Court. In Iho mnttor ofoliito of Jon rioldnworlliy. dtirunnt'd ; oritur coiillrmliik n.ilo of runt irnliito. In lliu innttLT ol tin' cntnto ol Ailrou t.urtor. lU'cuiini'd ; order continuing lumrlni of putlilou lo ni'll rcul t'Hlulu; C'ltitlnulnii lo l-rti IlKll. n lliu 'milter of atnto of J o InliOMin. dc- ouunud; order conllrinlnK sale of real estate. In tnullur ol ciuiito nna uuntomiMliln or ;or della Heuior; ordoroppolnlluiiClirlblloa Kculer guiirdlun. In tlic matter of the last will and testament of Itolil Taylor, deceased; order Hdmlttlnir will lourobate una aoDoituiDii Louisa r. ruyinr.es. ccuttlx and HT boniccr, H J fallow aud Geo Uunn atiliralHors in me mailer oiiiusnnansnipoi Ktta iisod, Mttlvlu WiIroii. llenrv WUaonuadNora Wilson: report ol ifuardlun approved. fn multor of tho eslulo of A I, rtoulor, dc. coused ; order Hull the llnal account sod stale moot bo approved and roslduo be paid and transferred lo distributee and executor be dl. cbatsed . in ruallorormiaraiansnino! I'ruaeoce waixer. ordor that citation tsaued to Prudence Walker, requiring her to appear Wednesday, Jan so, 11)01, ahuw oaust why W T York should bo ap noiiiied ffuardian of the said Dor son and real eauto of I'rudonce Walker. Cut this out and take It to Chas. Strang's drug store and got a free sample of Chntnberlnln's Stomach aud Liver Tablets, the best physio. They also curo disorders of tbe stomach, bilious ness and boaducbe. Circuit Court. nno rhurohman. vuardlan of Florence O Mc Carthy, nLL Love, Sarah Love and Mar H Chlldera; suit lo loreclose morlgagu. A Fine Dlatlnctlon. A young down trjjvn drug clerk who had beard the story of the colored wo tun n who hud naked for flesh colored court plaster ttud was given black by the obserrnnt dealer stored tbe Inci dent awny lu his mental dust box aud decided to usu It at the first opportu nity. He had not long to wait, tar a few nlghtA ago a comely colored girl stepped Into the store where bo was employed. "Ab wants some cou't plas ter." she said. "Wbnt.colorV" Inquired tho clerk, with affected nonchalance "Flesh culluh, sab." Trembling In his shoes and keeping within enny reach of a heavy pestle, tho clerk handed the woman a box of blnck court plaster, and be was sur prised at tho time that tbe situation af forded so little humor. Tho woman opened tho box with a dclllieratlon that was ominous, but sbc was unruffled wben she noted tho color of the con tents. "Ab guess yo' mus' a-mlsundorntood uioh onlnh. Ab asked fob flesh cullnh. and yo' done give we skin cullali." Tho drug clerk Is still a little dazed from tlio encounter, aud he bas firmly resolved to subject overy Joke to rigid laboratory test hereafter before using. Pittsburg News. Time to OH Up. Like every other complex machine, the human body has its periods for repair. Sleep is Nature's time for rest, when the" repair shops or the brain make good the damage of the waking hours. The man who cannot sleep, or who suffers from headache, nervousness, lost appetite, indigestion, heart trouble or pain, is running with a hot box. Give the tired brain and worn-out nerves a chance to rest. Stopl. It is time to oil up. "I Buffered from headache, nervousness nnd a general run-down condition. It was almost impossible for me to sleep at night and my health became so poor that I oould . ij perform the lightest work only with the greatest difficulty.. I began taking Dr. Mllos' Nervine and bofore the flint bottle " was gone could see an improvemot. I was able to get a good ' eloopt at night, and grow stondlly stronger undor the treat moat until I was cured." O. E. Hackett, Greene, N. Y. D. Miles9 Nervine feeds nnd-rests the weary brain and weakened nerves. It gives zest to tho appct,'", atimuJutcs digestion, increases circulation and restore health to body and mind, old by drug Ists on .luarantoo. r. Mn,i.e AIedicai, Co., Elkhart, Ind. CHEROKEE mwdm Charming Indian Maidens Who Are Weli fiducatcl. Some of Tlinn Aro Nnl Only f'oasoasod of (Jfum Iti'itut-' flut Aro Cirnoa rul nnil Itillmil Tho "Sijunw" Men, Long and pnlnst.ilting Investigation by the experts of llie United H talcs Ifoveriiment, just eorniileleil, shows Unit It Is lo the Indian girl the world may huve to look tor the development of her rnee. . A too general Impression regarding an Iniiiiiii frlrl of to-day Is thntalieis an unkempt, coarse appearing crea ture, with none fif the relliienit'iit ehar ncterlatle of the white woman and a general lendcncy toward ilegrudiHion. Il has seemed to be almost impossible to divorce the Indian girl from the Idea obtained through familiarity with Die story book squaw of other tltfiya or the impression given by the beryvMed Indian women one sees loung ing about the stations of the rail ways through New Mexico and Ari zona. It Ik true Hint, the majority of In dian girls have black hair and black eyivt, but it Ik equally correct to say that there are many perfect blonds among them, with roselcaf complex lona that a city hrcil woman would envy them from the Ix-ltoni of her heart. Again, the complexion of the Indian brunette is not nitiddy, but as clear and delicate ar one would expect (n a woman who had led the ordinary life of chilijKition. As a matter of fact, a proportion of the full-blood Cherokee girls of to day would be thoroughly at home in society and an ornament thereto. They are almost always of fine figure ami graceful carriage, the only partic ularly noticeable feature that- per haps detracts in a measure from their good look being the high cheek bones Unit are apparent in even the six teenth blood Indian. The voice of the Indian girl is never hoarse or coarso, but low und musical The nverage Indian girl of 19 to-day is possessed of a good education. To be sure, she is not n graduate of an eastern femnle college, but she has had ample opportunity to learn, and hns generally taken every advantage of the chance thus afforded her. It Is no exaggeration to nay that it is often very dilllcult to distinguish one of these Indian girls who hns married a white man from the white woman by whom she may perhaps be standing. During the last quarter of a cen tury tbe number of white men who have mnrricd girls belonging to the five civilized tribes has been astonish ing. It must be remembered that a white man who marries an Indian girl Is generally adopted into the tribe to which his wife belongs, and thereupon receives many of the privileges of the otJier members. Some people call these whites "squaw" men, but, juat the same, they are among the best cit izens of tbe nation. Boston Herald. Rope for Qovcromint Shlpa. Nearly all the rope used by the Unit ed States navy is manufactured in the government ropewalk at the Charles ton navy yard. The plant has just been thoroughly overhauled nnd electrical motive iKiwer has been installed there. At the time tt the outbrenl: of the Spanish war the government ropewnlk had been nllowed to deteriortte nnd the navy department was ob!:gt! to buy large quantities of supplies out side, but the improvements made since then, at a cost of over $100,000, hnve so increased the capacity, of the plant that it is now one of the largest lu the world. ' Hydrophobia has brokon out among tho dogs of the Yukon. Great-uneasiness is felt for feu the disease will spread, for should it do so there will be a serious tio-up in trafQo as dogs are the only present means of transporta tion. Martin Costello's 13-year-old sop, while hunting, was shot at Fairbank, Ariz. The little fellow hod been ont with boy friends and was standing with a rifle against his breast, when it was discharged, sonding the bullet throngh his body, and killing him instantly. The fathor of the boy is a weU.Jcnci.wn took and mining man, and the wealth iest man in Cochiso country. A rural free delivery will be estab lished at Halsoy, Linn county, Or., February IS. an esv There Is no poison so highly contagion: so deccp'.ive and so destructive. Don't bi too sure you are cured because all external signs of the disease huve disappeared, anr tlic doctor says you are well. Many per sons have been dosed with Mercury am Potash for mouths or years, nnd pro nouueed cured to realize when too lat' that the disease was only covered up Uko Bogots UUo. 8dX"eftXai out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi. cation find those nearest and dearest tc them have been infected by this loath some disease, for no other poison is sc surely transmitted from parent to child as this. Often n bad case of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula or severe shin" disease, an old sore or ulcer developing in middle life, can be traced to blood poison con- inBeCariy Tho S,n of tha life, for it remains smoldering in the sys tem forever, unless properly treated an J driven out in the beginning. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this peculiar virus, the only remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the blood, and it docs this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a-return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards. cures lniagious ttlood Poison in any and all stages; contains no mineral to break down your constitution ; it is Eurely vegetable and the only blood puri er known that cleanses the blood and at the same time builds up tbe general health. Our little book on contagious blood poison is the most complete and instruc tive ever issued; it not only tells ail about this disease, but also how to core yourself at home. It is free and should be in the hands of everyone seeking a cure. Send for it THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. . ENJOYS A GOOD CIGAR. There la No Mcama of Dlaconcerf tntf tbe Girl Who Slta In Siuokera' Seata. Men who wish to enjoy a smoke when coming downtown after breakfast aro often "put- out" by the feminine pa tronA of the street cars who persist' in getting in the seats- reserved for smok ers, even, though the rest of the car may be empty. One sufferer from this pro pensity on the part of the fair sex de clared the other lay that the only way to cure them of the habit was to smoke them out, says the Chicago Chronicle. The young man took his place on one of the seats. cigar im mouth. At Loomis street a young woman and escort entered the car.! Many vacant seats were ahead, but she calmly took a seat beside the afore- ssld smoker. The escort clung to the strap and chatted ig small talk. "Bera is my chance," thought the smoker.' Instantly there issued from his Iipaj enough 6moke to remind one of the power-house smokestack. Tbe move ment of the car blew It all in her face. Looking up at her escort she rsaid eweetly: .'.- "I'm in a smokeT's seatain'i 17- Ho agreed. The smoker wasfoverjoyed. felt that he was doing a kindness-tolll puffers of the weed. "She's weakening," he thought, "and sJiell move in a moment.' ! Still she sat. Tbe smoker puffed and puffed till he was nearly black in tha face. r v I "Do you know," she suddenly nid to her escort, "I do love the odor of a good cigar?" with a cruel emphasis on the word "good." r The puffing ceased and the puffer kept his eyes on the floor as she left the car. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tiie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Southern California. Rotable among tbe pleasnres aflorded by the Shasta Route Is the winter trip to Southern Callforaln and Arizona. Reneved acquaintance with this section will ever develop fresh points of Interest and added touroes of enjoyment, under Its sunny skies, In tho variety ol Us in dustries, In its proliflo vegetation and among Its numberless resorts of moun tain, shore, val ley and plain. The two dally Shasta trains from Portland to California have been recently equipped with the most approved pattern of standard and tourist sleeping cars, but tbe low rates of fare will still continue tn effeot. Illustrated guides to the winter resorts of California and Arizona may be bad on ajppltca. Hon to C. H. MAIIKUAM, Q. P. A fortland, Oregon, 'Wheeler & Wilson Leads 'em all. There is not a sewing machine on the market so deservedly popular as is the Wheeler & Wilson. It hns no super iors and its equals are so scattering as never to have been definitely located. The Wheeler & Wilson h6. a rotating shuttle, which is a great improvement over the shuttle formerly In use by It and now used by other machines. The Wheeler Sc Wilson is a machine that sells upon its merits and so sure are the manufacturers of these merits selling the mnohiuos that they are always anx ious to have parties take them on trial. John F. White is agent for these ma chines in Medford. He wants you to call upon him before you buy. . Meeting of Stockholders. JNOtloe Is hereby given that the reg ular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Jackson Oounty bank will be held at the oflioe o( said bank at four o'clock p. m., Saturday, Feb. 2 1001, or the purpose of electing dlreotors and the transaction of any other business that may come betore thorn. H. L. Gilkey, Sec'y, January 2, 1001, Davis v- Sewing Machines Have boen known foe , more tlniti 30.years aa the hand somest i n . design and finish oj cabinet work, tha highest grade in quality of material and workmanship, the easiest running, and above all the most durable Sewing Machine made. The New BALL BEAR ING STAND is a valuable Improvement in light run ning and long wear. JOHN F. WHITE MEDFORD. Agent. BUTLER. ...JEWELER Watch Repairing Some Reasons Why You Utouldintist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL Uneaualed by any other. Renders hard leather soft. -Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. Harness An excellent preservative. Seduces cost of your harness, ever burns the leather J its Efficiency is increased. tecures best service. ' ... titches kept from breaking. Oil s sold in all i : Localitiea. Mdbr . Scaadard Oil Ceaafwar. SO HEARS' ? EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks Designs -Copyrights 4c Anyone lending a sketch and description may ntiirtki utwrtAin onr oolnton tn whet bar an Invention 1b probably patentable. Commnalc. tioiia strictly oonfldential. Hand book on PaUmta sent lira. u:ue tuiBiiCJ ivi ntniutiiamiii r&tenu lasea larouanaiunii w. nmm rpecxai none. jninotH enanre. in ut $cknWic American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. , Tjinreat d . Tenna, $3 1 newsdealer Taamet dr - culatlon of any Bdentltle Journal. Tenna, $3 a year: foarmontns. i. DOia ay ail nflWBaeaiera. M NNCD.36tBro.,, New York acton, D.C. Branch Office, 625 F BU yaahlnston, 1 D. I. D AY House, Sign & Carriage Painter Gralner, Paper-HanRer and Calcimine a GET my prices before making your contract. Satisfaction duarantee A postal card receives prompt attention ' i - JIEDPOItD J. R. Harden, Pro?, Shop on Seventh street, opposite Union Livery Stables. SHAVING 10. HAIR CUTTING 25 Give me a trial and you will coma again. . .' . - Help Galveston's Homeless, And at the same time get a large, 000 page history of the Hood, full of photo graphs taken on the spot. Other agents moy offer books of this kind, but I have the only one the prollts of which will be shared with -tho flood sufferers; It 1 also the largest und boBt book pub lished. Hold your order until you havti seen my books. R, A. Caiiteh, Agent. Opposite HotjfKut. i