The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, January 25, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Publtshoa Kvorv Friday Mornirm.
Mboford, Friday, Jan. 18, 1001.
Ho la ol tow days; but qulto plenty.
colored In the Postofhco at Modtord, Oreeou
M Second-Class Mall Manor.
.'- In Bakor County last year 1000 mine
"locations were filed. ,
At. a recent rabbit drive lu Lake
-County 1500 rabbits wore killed.
Sheep and goats aro being stolen
-from farmers of tho Beulah vicinity by
iiuknown persons.
Baker City will sot aside SHOO por
month from water receipts for payment
of Interest on water bonds.
"Baker City has rescinded its contract
-with the local ga9 company for lighting
its streets, and the city is uow In dark
ness. A petition is being circulated asking
an appropriation of $1000 to repair and
, Improve the state buildluus and prop
erty at Sodaville.
Ed. Parker, of Astoria, had a tussle
with a footpad the other night, and
threw him off the street into the water
twelve feet below. The thug succoeded
in making alandlng.
Henry Luiz. a boy seventeen years ol
Age, accidentally shot and killed blm
self at Vale Sunday, while examining a
revolver. The bullet blew the righ
-side of his head to fragments.
The Lebanon eouncil is considering
5he matter of putting the recorder on
salarv. It will also take steps to have
the charter amended so that three
councilmen may be elected each alter-
jiate year.
A shooting affray took place at Long
Creek, Grant County, last Thursday, in
which Joe Williams, an ex-member of
the Rough Riders, was shot In the jaw
and neck by Bert Dustin. The shoot
ing was the culmination of an affair of
Jong standing. -
During 1899 and 1800 Governor Geer
ranted seventeen full pardons, twenty
commutations, seven remissions of un
served portions of sentences and thirty
pardons to restore to citizenship those
arho had served terms.
Twenty-four of the English-patrldge
-.recently imported from Europe arrived
in Albany, from Portland, shipped to
Mr. Edwin Stone, of this city, and were
-At once let loose on the farm of Frank
.tines, six miles from Albany, where
ihey will be carefully protected.
J. L Jones and J. W. Cook, of Cot-
- tage Grove, have sold their timber in
Aeresta on Brumbaugh creek, 10 miles
-southeast of Cottage Grove to the
Sooth-Kelly Lumber company. The
purchase price was $85,000. This is
h largest timber deal ever made in
south Lane County, and embraces sev
eral (thousand acres of choice fir tim
Aer. -
'The preliminary survey for six mileB
lias been completed for the irrigation
1' -ditch which will supply the farms ,Jbe
mow brants .Pass with Rogue river
-water. The water, light and pwer
company will use large pumps atiiiW
power-house to lift the water to the
proper level, and promises to have the
.-itoh completed by the time tbe water
-, -3&ceeded.
- Some excitement has been created in
ahe BeoVHll!e,-eight miles south of Sa
- Hem and four miles from Turner, hy tbe
discovery of a. large body of free mill
ing ore. .It is am the Clark Rogers
farm, antTits presence has been known
for., many yearsu but was deemed of
JLttle value. Recently it was assayed.
"nd the results have been so surprising
as to cause a mild mining excitement
Sn the neighborhood.
Dry, moist, scaly tetter, all forma of w
zema or salt rheum, pimples and other eo
.taneoug eruptions proceed from humors,
.either inherited, or acquired through, de
fective digestion and. assimilation.
To treat these-eruptions with trying
-medicines is dangerous.
The thing to do Is to help the system to
discharge the -humors, and to strengthen
the digestive and assimilative functions
against, their return.
... Hood's Sarsaparllla can be confidently
frelled -npon to do that, according to thous-,-andflot
voluntary testimonials.
' . It effects .radical and permanent cures.
"I was troubled with eczema for some
dime, but have had no return of tbe disease
reince taking Hood's Sarsaparllla." J. O.
ICmra, Franks, Ills.
- -"I was troubled with pimples on my face
mnd back and tCbafed skin on my body.
nHoooVs - Barsapatilla cured me of both
-.-troubles." Miss Axviha Wolteb, Box 212,
uaigona, Wis.
Mood's Sarsaparllla
"as positively nnequaledtho medicine fcr
sail humors. '
UlooD's fius are tha beit cathaille.
Gtt Wells & Sbcnrer to do your
moving satisfaction r'wryr-.
Indium 13 row " Host loan A llualmtul
Shoot n Mun to Saw Ills AVllo
A Mini UtiriuMl tu Dontlt lit Chlo
itgo Flro
Pat Orowo, tho alleged kidnapper of
f'ddio Cudttliy, is supposed to lmvo
Killed from Vnuoouvor, B. O., for Ori
ental ports rooeutly.
Manual Mnrquca wns shot and killed
iu Clifton, Ariz., by Ursula Martinets.
Mnrquoa, iu au intoxicated condition,
went to tho homo of the latter and offered
indignities to Mrs. Martinez. Hor hus
baud.viewiug hisstrugliug wife tlirough
a window, drew a revolver aud emptied
its contents into Marquoa' body. Knuh
bullet narrowly uiissod tho frautio
A speoial from Eufaln, I. T., says:
Deputy Marshall Uraut Johnson has
brought tho news that tho disaffected
Creek Iudiaus, known as the "snake
Kind" aro up iu arms and are raiding
the country, rifles iu hand, whipping
ami maltreating peaceful Iudiaus. Joliu.
sou run across a band of SO, headod
by Johu Ore. k, near Proctor, armed to
tho tooth and wore arresting some
Crooks of thispart.of the couutry, whom
they took to Hickory Grouud, their
headquarters, aud whipped.
The window glass trust has raised
prices of its products 30 per cent.
Fred Alexander, a uejrro, was burned
to a stake by a mob at Leavenworth
Kas., soma days ago. Alexander had
assaulted a young white, wouinu mid
was strongly suspected of having mur
dered Pearl I orbos last November.
By tho breaking of a car truck of a
passenger train ou tho Union Pacific
railroad several cars were detached
near Hillinrd, Wyo. Thirtoou people
were injured.
A shooting scrape at Corbin, Ky., be
tween James Shotwoll aud Rollio White
brought on a riot between factious there
iu which sevoral people wero killed
Most of the dead are victims of the
blowing up of a building.
During the year 1900 Great Britain
ranked fourth in the construction of
naval vessels.
Jamos A. Monnt died very suddenly
at Indianapolis, Ind., a few days ago.
He had just finished serving the state
as governor, retiring from the office but
two days prior to his death.
W. A. Clark, the Montana million
aire, has been elected United States
senator from Montana
la a fire which destroyed tho Aber
deen apartment building at Chicago,
Frank Crowell, superintendent of Swift
Ss company's factory, lost his life while
trying to save his bank book and insur
ance. policy. A' score of other tenants
escaped with difficulty. The loss was
$75,000, including the personal effects
and household gocds of 13 families.
Kidnappers are at work in Phoenix,
Ariz. They attempted to kidnap a boy
recently but his husky yells brought as
sistance, and secured his release. The
men involved escaped.
John Sheridan, who has been in
charge of the money order department
of the Havana postofnee, la under or-
rer- charge with embezzlement.
It i? estimated that the Argentine
wheat ..rnp will yield 2,600,000 tons.
While attempting to cross the Ni
agara river Snnday, John wiser and
John Marsh lost control of their boat
and were carried down the river,
rfarsh managed to reach the shore bat
Wise was swept over the falls.
It is feared that Professor Robert I
Garner, an explorer and . scientist of
Boston has perished in the wilds of
Africa. He went to study monkey life,
and when last heard of was IU. '
President Kruger of the Transvaal is
said to be dangerously ill, and can
scarcely live two weeks longer.
The wedding of Miss Ellen French
and Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, now
the head of the Vanderbilt house, oc
curred in New York recently.
Elijah W. Blaidsdell, one of the foun
ders of the Republican party and the
first man to propose the name of Abra
ham Lincoln for the presidency- died at
Rockford, 111., some days ago.
A big sensation was caused in Lon
don just after the death of Samuel
Lewis, the noted money lender, by the
announcement that he was married to
Fanny Ward, the American actress.
She will receive his entire estate, whioh
amount to $25,000,000, making her one
of the richest women in the world.
The Chico croamery plant, which has
been lying idle for a long time, i being
thoroughly overhunled and' prepared for
starting np January 15. The farmers
in the vicinity of Nelson, Biggs and
Gridley have been canvassed and many
have promised to bring in their milk to.
The Monterey Power and Electric
Light company, is putting in machinery
for the use of crude petroleum as f uoL
An improvement clnb has been formed
at San Pedro to work for niunioipal im
provements at that place and to circu
late literature descriptive of the advan
tages which that locality offers to home
seekers. The club will advocate the
buiding of beautiful drives lined with
trees, the curbing and sidewalking of
tbe principal streets of tho town, the
erection of a city hall, the laying ont of
parks and lawns and the planting of
fihado trees at suitable intervals on the
streets and avonueii, .
If troubled with a weak digestion,
belching, sour stomach, or if you feel
dull after eating, try Chamberlain'1)
Sumach nnd Liver Tablets. Price, 25
ceti! SnmpleB free at Obas, Strang's
di'ti store.
Ron 111 A tYlouir War.
London, January IT. Tho British
admiralty 1ms received a dispatch from
tuo comiimmlor ill chief at tho Cape
reporting thnt the oruber Syblllo, which
was landing bluejackets to intercept I he
Hoers, was usluiro at blomboeklnntoiii
Hour Lambert's bay, nnd adding that
notivo measures wero being taken to
(assist her. Tin. ollleial ilisimtiih iltlo.1
not say tho bylnllo wax wrecked.
press dispatch from Capo Town says tho
crow of the Sybil lo wero saved.
PltKTOKlA, January 17. Boer families
and thoir stools aro being systematically
brought into convenient, centers from
all over the country, They are kept In
ramps and fed. Those who surrender
voluntarily are supplied with full rations
mid those whoso husbands are still in
the Hold aro provided for on n reduced
scale, which is raised, when tho hus
bands surrender, tu n full allowance.
Lonoon, January 17. Tho important
report received from Johannesburg tint
General Do Wet lias crossed the Vaal
aud joined forces with the Transvaal
commandos, if true, probably means
the concentration of 7000 Boers, with
several guns, for nnotlier big attack
There is a rumor current lu Capo Town
thnt several Boer, leaders aro urging
an attack upon the mines. It has long
been understood that General De Wi
has been anxious to join tho invaders
in Capo Colony, ami this rumor may bo
spread to cover au attempt to break
in tho riiiiiii,iii.
IuilLO, Island of Pauay, January 17.
General Delgado, formerly tho head of
tho insurgents iu the island of Panay,
has voluntarily surrendered. Since No
vember the insurgent forco 1ms bum
brokon up i"'- iiuall bands. A truoo
conference 1 wj i Dolgndo and Major
Noble, ndinta... general of tho depart
ment of Visayas, resulted iu Delgndo
and his staff entering and surrendering
to Goneral Hughes. Dolgndo sent word
to tho remnant of his command, mini
boring 70 men, that tlioy wore to como
and surrender.
Tho commands of Generals Pnlion
Diocio and Qniuliii Sain are holding
strong positions iu the mountains of
Capiz province.
Private Pasqualo Tuzzo of tho Thirty
second volunteer infnutrv, has booii
sentenced to serve 09 years' imprison
mout at Manila for murdoriug a fellow
soldier. Army ofiinri iu tho Philippines aro
or the opinion that the end of tho re
bellion now seems to be near. They
base their belief ou tho faot thnt some
of the leading robels aro surroudoriug,
together with scores of officers aud pri-
The Oroville olive groves aro having
a good year. 1 lie crop is so largo that
tho capacity of tho oil and picking
works is severely testod.
The chicken ranchers of Sonoma
county will renew their attempt to got
an appropriation from tue legislature
for a poultry experiment station at
The orange markot is falling off in
tne laoe oi increasing competition from
bananas, and It is thought that buyers
who contracted lor croris on tho trees
win lose ncaviiy.
J. H. Tllton of Hanford thinks that
he has found in his orohard a new
variety of apricot of good quality and a
better resistor of frost than any other
variety known.
At the niiddlo of Docember it was es
timated that thoro remained in Florida
about 300,000 boxes of oranges for ship
ment hotter than those whioh had
been marketed, but not very good.
The business of canning vegetables is
rapidly increasing on the Sacramento
river. Asparagus is the favorite otod.
Orange picking fan begun in the few
groves near Lodi. They were found
profitable last year. This year Ihore
was quite a loss from the high wind
which blew off a large- part of the crop
while the fruit was still green.
A portable engine for burning orcde
oil has been devised which some believe
will supplant the gasoline engine as
crmde oil is much the cheaper per gal low
It has not yet been demonstrated how
much more will be required to produce
the same result.
The Glenn ranch in Cbtnsa county n
being; offered in sub-divisions to snit,
and many fruit growers- are going in
and will plant orchardsi Tbe land l
being; sold at low price as compared
witB ether fruit lands in tbe stato, and
if is-suitable for fruit growing these oth
chardists will be able to make cheap.
The- interest in tho Pan-American
Exposition at Buffalo f increasing in-
this: State. Tho State Beard of Trade),
the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce
and the Southern Pacific Railroad Oomr-
pany will co-operate in maintaining a
California exhibit. Too Legislature
will not bo asked for an appropriation,
but the Stato Board ol Trade will en
deavor to get more assistance from
counties than it now neeives.
There are two walnut associations' at
Fullerton, of which oue sold nuts this
season to the value of (83,225.03, and'
the other to the Tiiluo of $56,20JS.8&
The cost of handling was (89.86 pet car.
The prices received were No. 1 ml knoss.
10 cents per pound ; No. 1 hardsell, 9i
cents. For No. SI nuts the price hi each
oase was 2 cents less, and all prices were
subject to a discount of 6 per cent to tho
buyers. I
There is a temporary lull in the horse
markot. The Gorman government
bought about 8500 borsca at $125 per
hood for shipment to China. Whon the
Chinese troublos began to quiet down
tho government concluded that it did
not neod the horses, aud sold thorn baok
to the contractor at a good discount,
and they will be distributed iu this
state or elsewhero as markots are found.
Dr. R. B. Colo, at present coroner and
a pioneer physician, of San Frauoisoo,
died at his home there early Tueuday
morning. - '
Some lull rextiiu I'ViUiii-ok of (In
l.iiUtfiuu' UunliieK In the Ailiion-iluel-
The lumber camps, where the "slum
ry boys," who hew nut the annual nup
ply ol lugs in (lie Ailii'nm.ncu:., ue lim
ine,' the long winter u.oin i,.-,, me laii
uiv lathuis, LmiiIi of roumi, unlaw i.
l,i;.-, lunclud at Ihu cutis and laid to1
geiher "" siyle. At oue em,
is a door hmii on hluiris cut li-oiu an
old harness tug, at the uppiiMio end a
small window. In llus "n.iu t. slinul.v
the choppers, snwyci's, (.Kiiiiieis uuil
teainsteis lounge and bleep, ' Near by is
the "cook camp," another log eaniu,
Willi a lung, rough table in ihe eeuiei-,
avoiind which the men sit on wooden
legged benches to cat their "grub,'
us luey call four hourly meats or "bean
swagger," sak-iatiis biscuit, fried pork
and polaUHS, served lu llietu at day
light, at ten o'clock a. in., at three p.
m. and again after the day's work is
ended, about eight o clock iu the even
ing, lu the end uf this "cook cniiip"
the cuok mid hlsstttcllitc, the "cooKie,"
sweat over ti huge range, preparing the
rations for the hungry ui iny ol l-'reneli.
Cauiidiaus. lu a large log burn tit the
opposite side of the "men's shauly" the
logging tenuis are kept, baled hay be
ing stored iu a loft overhead, 'then
there are a granary, a blacksmith shop
and au olliee, while the foreman aim
sealer sleep, with ail cxlrii bed lor the
boss, or proprietor, when he visits the
camp, the whole forming quite a back
woods, village, says the New York .Sun.
l'or an average camp of some 0)
hands the "men's shanty" and the
"cook camp" are each utiout tic by
feet tu size. The men sleep lu rough
wooden hunks, ranged tu double tiers
along the sides. In olden tlnieH they
lay on spruce boughs, wilh a single
blanket spread over litem, but In these
degenerate days they have thin bed
ticks, luxuriously stuffed with hay,
though thi-y have not yet attained pil
lows ami sheets.
With the big stow in the middle of
the room kept roaring with four-foot
sticks of beech mid maple, no one suf
fers from cold. Along the lower low
of bunks tuns n wide seal, inaile of a
pine slab, upheld by wooden leis, aud
called a "deacon seat." Itatiged along
these seats ihe jovial crew sit for an
hour or so after supper, smoking their
short "dlimlct-iis" tilled with cut plug
of the strongest variety, and gibe and
jest go around and songs arc sung and
sti; ! :. The musician of the camp
brl:.g., o,.t l.lo fiddle, accordion or
moii'h organ, and the Jig dancer cuts
pigeou wings or the boisterous "stag
quadrille" or spirited "French four"
brings all hand.-, out on the puncheon
floor, hoeing it down iu moccasins,
shoe packs or "htrrigans," the latter au
offshoot of the moccasin with a top
ltesides these lumber camps there
ore many other little cabins scattered
throughout the woods, whose Inmates,
the "gum pickers" of the north woods.
make a livelihood from the Adlron
dack spruce. A large ierccntage of all
spruce trees arc made almost valueless
for lumber by cracks, which extend up
the trunks from the base to the lower
branches of the crown, in most cases
penetrating to the heart of the tree,
This sen in fills with resin, which ex
udes and hardens, forming the spruce
gum of commerce.
' " " ll Mld It.
Even a painful disease may afford
Its possessor some crumbs of comfort.
Mr. B , after having been afflicted
for ten or twelve yenrs with chronic
rheumatism, was persuaded to try the
medicinal baths at a famous health re
sort, nnd as the result of two months'
treatment be came home cured.
"Your husband looks like a new-
man," said a neighbor, conversing with
Mrs. B nbfliit it aftcrwnrd. "He
must be one of the happiest of human
beings after all his yenrs of suffering."
. "Well, I don t know," she replied. "He
seems kind o' glam nnd unhappy. He
hasn't anything to talk about uvw.r
Youth's- Companfon.
ins wile's
It la sineulor thing that in the
popular view of disease the Interde
pendence of the several oreans of the
body is tost sight of. The heart, for
example,, is diseased and it is treated as
if It were entirely separated from, and
independent of, every other organ.
The fallacy of this opinion is. shown
by the cures of heart & ".trouble," liver
"trouble," kidney trouble" and other
so-called "troubles," effected bv the nse
of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery. Primarily the " Discovery " is a
medicine for the cure of diseases of the
stomach and blood. But it cures dis
eases of organs seemingly remote from
the stomach, because these diseases have
their origin in a diseased condition of
the stomach and its associated organs
of digestion and nutrition.
I doctored with three different doctors for
weak henrt, but they rti.l me no ft-nori," writes
Mrs. lulls A. Wilcox, of Cyfrnet, Wood Co.. Ohio.
Box 52. "I wns so llrrtl ftud discouraged ff I hsa
hsd my choice t6 live or dfc 1 would have pre
ferred to die. My tnuh.ititl henrd of ' Ooldcn
Medics! Discovery ' nml he hoiif!i! n bottle. I
took that ond the first half seemed to help me.
T took six bottles before I slopped, l.nm per
fectly well, nnd nm cooking lor six bonrders.
It has been a God-send to me."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con
Bled Quarts
"1 am iiknifoiniikoniiid'woi'kctl for a 11111111)01' of yoni ii In (ho Now York K'nlfo
Co.'s factory at Waldon, N. Y. First tiling I know I commenced In blood Inuu
the mouth, Komctlmoii tvu much lis n quart Of blood would cinnu up from my
lungs at n time, l-'.vcry tiimi 1 coughed I ho blood eimilud out. It wan In ihu
lllll 1 gOl SO HUH, 1111,1 llll'WIIMI V 11
people told mo I had bettor
innlto my peace with tho Lord
nnd prepare to dlo, for I would
not live till spring. My homo
doetor couldn't do inotuiy good,
but iidvlsod mo lo got lo Now
York City for examination.
Tlioy finally took me to u med
ical college, nnd a whole lot of
plivslcluus inudo what they
called a diagnosis. There woiii
several students looking on.
Oito professor had n littlu Ivory
hummer, nnd with this ho
pounded my chest mid huld hin
ear close to listen. After
while tho profcHsor looked ut
mo solemnly nnd declined:
()uu of your lungs in about
gone mid tho other is iilfeclcd.
There may bu u bIIiii chnneo
for life If you quit winking ill
il..,, trt.if.. r..lf,i-v 1 1 vvriil Imclc
home, but didn't improve. Due day I
Ackor's Knglisli Remedy for Consumption, lieltig given itwiiy ny our liiitnodiug
gisls, Walker & Union. I got uno of these bottles, and il relieved mo. Then I
bought miuo of tho regular hUo, nnd my liuiiovoinoiit was ctiiilluunuii, allhougli
l. Mu .m.m, u wen, anion shod ami
because 1 was afraid it might bo blood, and I wanlcd to know for sure, 1 lmvo
no fear now, for nt last I nm a solid imui again. Although ono lung Is gotto, tho
other is as sound ns dollar, and answers; as well as (wo lungs, no far as I can
see. I want everyone to know the fuels mid that is why 1 toll them hero.",
(Signed) A. H. Simi'son.
Ackor's liiiKllnh Koiumly U sold bv nil ilrimif ll iinitur pnslllvo ttnsrsiitoo
Hint your money will lie rotund"! Ill eo "I Isllillo. tut. niul , tl bulllQ lit
United Slsles ulid Csnndii. In liilKlsn.l, i s' . . l!-. nm! M.
It uutWrto tlx uount yuurunlrt. II'. U. UUUHH it CU, t"nprUlur4. ton iurk,
Chas. y tnmtf, '.Di''
Mitchell, Lewis
llavo received a full s'upyly of tlio celelmitcd J
Oase Black Land Plows ?!
in Jiangs and single walking plows. (i
Wo have also just received a full stock of 9
Wo now have tho most conipleto stock on W
hand carriod
ana oacramonto aim will
fji, ing customers our lino lino of goods
D. T. LAWTON, Mgr. Medford Branch 1
2 T N . . Et3
. t- 'J
Plouus and Haiwouus
We have just received a carload of plows ,-J
and harrows direct from tho factory and Eg
now wo have tho largest stock in tho county, fl
Do you want a plow or harrow? j
Plows for black land
Plows for free soil gg
.Gang Plows and hand plows .pij
Call and soo thorn. No trouble to show jj
them to you. fjgj
HUBBARD BROS, medford. G3
rnnnrinrwiiiirriPinsiBnrsr rsnnnnnnF BnrnrnnnntiBnnoriiiinpineirapir'irri
The board nt
county has awarded tho contract for tho
repairs uuuuou on mo Dig Drldgo across
Busslan river at Dnvurvllla ...i.ii.
j . ....u, IT ...1.4, wn
suriousiy uamagoa Dy recont storms.
xno coutraoc was awarded to A San
Vranolsco company and tho prloo Is
(4076. Tho work onnsistii nt M, i...
modlato ropair of tho 40-foot hroak iu
tno irnstio; tno construction of a now
120-foot combination span and piers
thorofor: tho rnmnvnl unA i
' - v-cuviWUIl
of tho 00-foot span nt tho wost end of
tne present lau-root span and ttio neces
sary piers thorofor, oto.
Vlotoria. B. O.. in
ml 111 II IT boom onrruiiniinH k .it
j W( Vlinuur.
Dry of oro boaiincr cnuvrt.v. n
of the inland.
- Superior job printing at thfs offloo.
Market Report.
The lollowlnsr aro tho nrinnii
our merchants this wook for farm pro
duce. This list will ho chanced nnrin
wook as tho nricos nhanon-
Whoat.. 42
Oats '. ""nn
Elour -..Jl.fiO por 100 lbs
Barlqy (1,26 "
Mill B'eod (M)n " l !
Potntoos, 05 ii ii ii
g8Bs..;. 27j pordoi-.
5utt0"V. H2inorlh
3anB, dry,.
Bams. ......
H0U9 livo..
at a Time
v i JJ y
snw an advertisement of free sampled oi
so wan I. Alter iiiiik I lulled in Hint.
& Staver Go. i!!
by any houso botwoou. Portland JJJ
to and will take pleasuro in show-
take p
! ThooBht II All Or. 1
"I have called," said the young man,
"to ask you for your daughter."
"Tako her, my boy," the frreat finan
cier replied, "take Iter with my bless- .
lug. 1 havo liked you from tho first
moment I ever saw you. There Is no
man to whom I would rather jflve her.
But there's one thins; I feel U my duty
to speak ,to you about. You must b
patient with her. 1 nm afraid that sha
has been spoiled by lior foolish old fa-
inor. Kcmembur that she has not hud "
a mother's enre, poor child,"
"Oh," exclaimed tho anxious lover,
"I'll never think tho less of her for Hint.
I'll bo XviMltll. in m.b. ., . ..1 ..n
mice for her motherless condition.
Dear firlrlf I've thought of flint from
tho flrstr-Clovclnnd Leader.
Jt takes tho funks of ovr Mono
elephants a year to supply (he world's
piano keys, billiard ballnntid knife lmn-lUr-N,
- Vnn
knntv whsif
VOtl'm ttisttitlnn
whnn ir lu i. t
Forrv'a Rnnfisi it
Uiiy olioap nootlB you oon't
Bt I'orry'i. Dofilorn ovory-
rriiLnj f,'Ul mom. WfltO
loriwi HooU Aunuol-
0. M. FERRY CO.,