Dry Goods... in m w m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to m to s to to J. G. VAN DYKE S CO. Special value In Golf Skirts, Wo luivo suenrod tho groatost bargains ovor offurod in Modford in RAINY - DAY - SKIRTS Heavy welted Seams Stitched Bottom Finished in latest Style Special at $2.45 J. G. Van Dyke & Co, I! CITY HAPPENINGS J Tlio funoral of Ltd May, daughter of Mr. unci Mrs. W. V. Lippincolt, wns held (rora the family residonau Monday iiflornuoii. Rov. Father Horthlmimo, of Jacksonville conducted tho services. Ho paid a high tributo to tliu boniitlful oliarnotor of the deceased, and tliu iwoolnum and strength of hur llfo. Just stepping Into womanhood, jual en tering tho threshold of what pronilacd -a useful and honored enroer, at tlio vary onlranoc of that fair Held for whose delights and ((lories all ber pant scorned to havo been a designed preparation,! Initcrutlablo fata had ordulnod n paune. No ono reulitcd the tragic pal hot more thnn she, yet when hor (eel touched tho waters of tho rivor beyond where Ilea that undlsoovorod land, tho glnnro that sought Inquiringly lliat other thoro wus a one that hold no shade of fear, roullxlng thatshe was to bo wafted to a inoro congenial cllmo, where the soul may blossom and bloom not ns In Its sojourn horo, buffeted by the cold winds of earth hut to bloom for ever tn tho soft sunshlno of a brighter spltoro, surrounded by tlio.puro and sweet fragrance of n hlghor lllo. At tho conclusion of tho sorvlocs & large conuourso of sorrowing friends puld a last tribute to her, after which the re mains wore taken to tho I. O. O. F. cemetery U'ld luld to rest In tho family vault. , ' Thoro are no hotter sewing ma ohlniR than the Wheeler ft- Wilson. Nuw Homo, Davis and Standard. You can buy thorn of .Inn. F. White, Mod jonl. I'rlcos .'!() to $-15, according to style of woodwork. Ollvo Robokah lodgo, No. 2, I. 0. 0. V., held Initiation and Installation oeromonlos Tuesday evening, followed by a banquut, to which a number of In vited guests wcro present. Tho busi ness of tho evening wns concluded at 10 o'clock, at which time the guests com muueed to arrive, and after tho rondl tlon of a musical orogiam, whloh was pleasingly oxeculed, the assemblage re paired to tho banquet hall, where a du ilulnus suppor had been sproad, to wh'eh umplo justice was done. At tho o luluslon of tho feast tho guests again returned to thn pleasant lodgo room and spont an hour in pleasurable past- tlmei', nil soemlng to enjoy tbemsulvos to tho fullest oxtont. Tho Olive Ko- hekah lodgo Is ono of tho most oiithusl nutria fratornul orgunlr.utlon In the strito. It is composed of ucllvo womon and Its momboVsblp Is constantly grow .. A Complete ' 10 u CC1 Eg Violins at $2.08 to $25.00 gg Guitars at $5.00 to $25.00 E3 Banjos at $4100 to $20.00 en ' Mandolins at $3.50 to $20.00 "tn Also a full line of strings for above. Bows, pegs, "h rosin, bridges, cases, harmonicas and other mor bb chandiso not mentioned. Remember at . 69 EIWOOU S, ...Boots & SHOES it) Hi Hi v Hi Hi id $ Hi Hi id Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi i id l to id Hi Ht id Hi Hi id Hi id Ht Hi Hi Hi id Hi MEDKORD, OREGON ing. Tho following nowly oleoted of ficers were Installed by tho installing officer, Miss Vlrgie Woodford: Mrs. Minnie Calkins, N. C; Mrs. Nannie Woolf, V. O.j Prudence Angle, reo. sec retary; Z. Maxoy, Do. s orolary; Katlo Anglo, troas.; Mrs. Clara Drlsko, L. S. N. O j Virglo Woodford, It. 8. N. O.; Isaac Woolf, It. 6. V. G.; Kitty Webb, L. S. V. O.; Mamie Nicholson, warden; Allu Naylor, conductor; D. G. Karnes, guardian; Mrs. Carrio Goblo, chaplain. Tier wood, delivered ut $1.80 pur tier. Small orders given prompt at tention. Medford wood yard. Frank Holllngor, proprietor. Aotlvo work on tho Fish Lake Ir rigation and Power canal construction is practically certain to tie inaugurated at an early date. Several months havo elapsed slnoo anything doflnlto has been said regarding this great project, but the promoters havo not bocn Idlo dur ing this time. Conversely, tho com pany has been quietly adjusting mat ters portalning to a permnnont organi zation and have made definite arrange ment to commence work within a fow weeks, according to loiters received by Med ford parties with whom tho ohlef engineer Is engaged lu regular corre spondence. IIo stales that contracts for similar work In tho Hawaiian islands In which some members of this company were Interested have been completed and that the parties havo returned to San Franolsoo, and nro only waiting for favornblo weather,, to begin work. Without a doubt those gentlemen moan business and Intend to push the matter to us spjedy comple tion as poBSlble. Dr. Goblo, tho optician, will bo at his residence In Mcilford on Saturday of eauh wuek. Eyes tested frea of charge Corner Fourth and D streets. Tho mnny friends of W. D. Buldlo mail, formerly of Modford, but now o' Klamath County, will bo pleased to lenn of that genlluumn'6 Intention to soon return Ui Medford. He has re cently sold his Klamath County Inter ests lo Henry Gordon, of upper Rogue river, and as sunn as the mails bocome passable ho and his 'nmlly will remove to Mcilford and expect to mnko this their future uhldlng place. Inmmuoh as Mr. Boldlcmun wus enjoying his full share of prosperity In his interior home we are Inollned to suspect Unit the rigldncssol Klamath County el I in a to wus no smnll factor tn Ills determina tion to return to h is erstwhile homo. Ho status lu a letter' to a Med turd friend that tho show Is three feet deep and getting deeper, and that the wind wns and hud bocn blowing a turrlrtc Stock of nm CJ I nil itii c.i ir-u Bin liU no tea ca ma DEI En nn V'J en EM net uu En Bii ca to na Da the Jeweler and Optician na Hit gulo for u full wonk, drifting tho snow und rendering work or travel an lin poBHlhllly, The goutleiiiiiii find his estlmalile fiiniily will bo wuriuly wel comed buuk to their old homo. -Now Is tho tiluo to lin ve a riilliin of distilled whiskey in your house, Do not wall until ycu huvu the grippe or any other sickness, when you can get puro grain distilled whiskey from Vi:li pur gallon und un. at the lul l I ,r. lloo. Tlio O. A. 11, boys and tho Relief Corps girls held a Joint Installation at their hull Monday evening, which proved to bo the most pleasant mooting yol held. Mrs, Sarah Whitman, deputy lnBtiilllngolIlcorforthoW.il. C. In stalled -the following cfllcors: Mrs. Addle Van Antwerp, pres.; Mrs. S. R. Reeves, secretary; Mrs. N. II. Brad bury, trcus.; Mrs. C. C. Noble, con.; Mrs. T. Hmllh, guard; Mrs. Surnh Whitman, assistant conductor; Mrs. T. II. It. Taylor, nsslstnnt guard. Deputy Installing Officer M. S. Damon, in stalled tho following nowly elected of- cers of the G. A. It.: Frank Kuscufor, com.; L. T. I'loroe, S. V. C; W. Brown, .1. V. C; W. T. Kumo, Q. M.; 1. It. Kr- ford, chaplain; M. S. Dumon, O. D.; D. R. Andrus, adjutant; Win. Forsyth, O. 0.;G. H. Rowland, S. M. After tho business of the ovonlng had been com pleted a lunch of hot coffee, sandwiches and olbor seasonable edibles were spread, and a couple of bours wero spent In buying a jolly good time. When you want dravlng done tret filovor to do It. He's always ready always reliable and bis charges are always just right. Thn following Is from the Oregon lao's legislative correspondent: "The small son of Senator Cameron, a sturdy, bright-faced youth, wus naraod by President Fulton as ono of tho pages; and theroby hangs a tale. Senator Cameron was a member of the legisla ture of 180.1, and ono day ho was sum moned homo on a mysterious errand. Now, the Senator Is not a young man, and his (riends were not exactly pre pared (or the news that came later that to the Cameion household had been born a fine young son tbe first. When the Sonator returned he found his desk covered with flowers bjf his apprecia tive colleagues, and over since his (el-low-mnmbcrs have taken a solicitous in tercut In tho lad's welfare Tho Senuto pago Is the same youth whoso advent oauscd such an overflowing of legisla tive congratulations eight years ago." If your doctors have failed to euro you call and see Mrs. N. Frary, the magnetic healer, at Central Point, Or. She treats successfully old chronio dis eases, fosilive cure wlibout strong medicines. Wm. Angle, this week, sold a ten- acre tract of land to E. Bcnnott, for $50. ' The land Is situated north ot the Major Barron property, just north of Med ford, and it a part of the Enoch Walkor farm. It adjoins other property owned by Mr. Bennott, and gives him sixty acres of us good farm ing Innd as there is In tho valley. Mr. Angle no sooner disposed of this chunk than did be invest in another, he hav ing purchased Kt acres from Mrs. Guilders, paying (MOO for tbo same, this land is near Tolo and adjoins the Peningor ranch. You enn be cured of nervous dis eases, stammering, had bnbits, alcohol Irm, drug habit, sexual & Ueases, deaf ness and catarrh. Instruction In per sonal magnetism Send for literature. Institute of Psychology, Seventh and Washington streets, Portland, Mildred, the little three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mra. R. W. Tryor, died Monday night from typhoid pneu monia. Tbo luneral was held at tho family residence Thursday, Kpv. Gist, offtcltting. The little one had been III but a fow days and, notwithstanding everything that human aid could dcvlBe wasdont to relieve Its buffering, nothing could prevail against the ravnges of the disease. The stricken parent have tho deepest sympathy of nil In their nf diction. Interment was made Id the I O. O. F. oomotery lu Medford. When vonr coal oil ean getsvmpty hang out your oil sign and Henry Davis will call nt your resldenoa and fill it lor vou'nl the same prioa vou pay your erocitryman. It you have not been sup piled with curds set your can on the porch. A few weeks ago TnE MAIL printed a news Item to the effect that tho man Scott, who was recently arrested for burglary In Portland, was Scott the printer, who formerly wns employed Vvy tho Jacksonville Times. The item was gotten from a traveling salesman for a Portland house. It has sine hucn lournnil thai Scott, the printer, and Scott, file burglar, aro not one and tho sumo por-on. Mr. Soott, the prlnr ter, is now at Aberdeen, Wash., and seomingly has no thought of poi lonlng tho chattels of anot hoi. Pasture Lund Wo have good pas-, turiigu for stock $1 25 per hoad por mouth. Geo. CoMroll and H. B. Sample, on the Conger pluoe, two miles oust of Medford. The work of taking n now oensns of Moaford wus begun last week hy Tub Maiu and will ho completed with all possible dispatch We aro pleased to note tho Intcrost manifested In this mutter by the citizens of Modford, and tho courtesy extended to our represen tative. Thoro Is a iiront doal of work involved In this in liter but tho hoarty co-opcutlnn of thu citizens, as shown thus far. will materially oondttoo to tho efficiency af the count, und also tho speedy conolustoa of tus undurtuklug. ;r..,l t. KJI Tho Delglun hare craze as a fnd, is rapidly becoming a thing of tbo punt, and tho dangers lurking In II nro be ginning to suggest themselves to the public mind. It Is realized that on animal of such wonderful fecundity is liublo to become u dcstructlvo post if It shoul-1 oscnpo from captivity, and re nusslvo legislation in some sections is already deemed necessary. It has boon generally contended that theso hares worn so domesticated that they would not lenvo tho premises where they wero raised, but In San Diego County, Calif., whore thoro aro large numbers of them being raised, the county board of supervisors have passed nn ordlniinco prohibiting Iho liberation of these animals under any circumstances. Attornoy W. M. Colvlg, of Jack sonville, is proparod to give special at tention to divorce law, probate law and mining taw, as well as attend to all other law matters In any and all courts of tho state. Gordon, tho little four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Shone, died at the homo of its parents in this city last Thursday, (rom lung troublo, and was hurried In tho I. O. O. F. cemetery on Saturday, Rev. O. J. Gist, pastor of tbo Christian Church officiating. Tbe llttlo ono had lived long enough to niaka Ilh life mnitt nreofnuB tn the nar- cnte and Its death Is a grevlous blow to business at Yreka, arrived In Medford Thursday night, In response to a tele- gram announcing the death of the lriends child, Tho sympathy of kind Is extended to the parents in their af- four electoral votes of Oregon for Me ntation. I Kinlev and Roojovelt. Tbe electors of Tho Kln-Heo coffeo pot, sold by Warner & Wortman, is the boss- of all articles in that lino. Those who enjoy Af 1 .... n-,,,. . ....! i Bnn.j .M,U,,,co. to mlSB looking into tho good qualities i of this now Invention. -There has been varvinir chances in the weather within the last few days which serves to keep us guessing what is coming next. The snow storm which raged for several days over a large ter ritory was succeeded by a warm rain Saturday, which was also general throughout Oregon and Northern Cal ifornia. Small streams were swollen by the melting snow in tho mountains . .. .... and trade Iia6 aguin been blocked Landslides and washouts in tlio Cow creek canyon are causing tbe Southern Paciflo Company a great deal of trouble. No trains went south from Sunday noon until Tuesday afternoon. Do you know that the cheapest place in town to buy good jewelry is at Elwood'sf Attorney J. L. Hammersley, of Gold Hill, returned last week from a professional trip to Lake and Klamath Counties. Mr. Bamraerslcy was a resi dent of Lake County several years ago and while there met and had a very en joyable visit with many old time frieuda. On bis return trip he found bis prog ress Imp.-ded by snow to such an ex tent that only a few miles of the dis tance could be traveled during the day light of each day and he met with sev eral thrilling and Interesting experi ences. In tho language of the street Jacksou County looked pretty good to him" who n its borders were reached. All kinds of sasn and doors and screen doors, at lowest market price. W. Woods. Richards & Pringle's Minstrels was tho attraction at the opera house-Friday and Saturday evenings of last week. This company is one of tlio largest on the road, arid has several excellent Derformera among them. A feature of their entertainment is a departure from the old-time opening ac. Instead of the familiar row of dusky minstrels seated In a Bemi-circlo, with tambour ine, cymbal and banjo, the curtain rises on a scene from "Tho Realm of Mikado," whloh is new and interesting. I will fut-nlsh new sowing machines warranted fdr 5 year, prices $20 to tjo. Givo mo a call before sending away orders. Jno. F. White, Medford. The Medford Musical Association and every one Interested in music are oarnestly requested to be present at the Coss Piano House next Monday evening. Business of importance is to be trans acted. Matters pertaining to the South ern Oregon MuBieal Association to be held at Grants Pass in March, will be ujp for consideration and other matters of local Interest to all musicians will bo discussed. Ksmomber, Coss Piano Houso, Monday night, Jan; 21, at 8 o'clock. H. L. Gllkey, Fresidont. Aoetylene gas lights still ahead and guaranteed to be the best on tbe faoe of the earth. Wolfer'a tin shop. . An amendment is to be offered to tho Indian appropriation bill in oong russ appropriating $537,007 for carrying out the agreemint with tho Klamath Indians and pressure is bomg brought toAioar upon Oregon's representatives in the senate to support the amend ment. Senator Simon believes the land excluded from the reservation should bo restored to tbe Indhns, and will not support tho amend Jient, which will probably defeat It ut this season. at least. . . ..... l)jn l lorgot tnai i am paying a bettor price for turkeys than you can got from nny one else in Southorn Ore gon G. h. Davis. No sooner had Dr. J. M. Ke ino ar rived in Portland last week,, where ho went to take part la tho souatoriul fight than ho had mmo thrust upon him and was 'accorded due prontineKce among m w m m ft SHELVES Are still filled with Decorated China and Porcelain Ware REMEMBER Our Groceries are always fresh and pure; and prices right H. H. HOWARD 8 CO.'S the shrewd and popular politicians of tbo slate, by being caricatured by an Oregon Ino artist. Portland's big dally represented him as a shrewd politician with bandy legs, a well rounded bead covered with a derby hat, and facial features somewhat true to nnturo. Bo low tho caricature was tho inccriptlon "Doc Kecnc Telia What is Going to Happen," and Solomon in all bis glory could not have been made to look more eomplslsant than did the doctor la this We want all the eggs we can get; cash or trade. H. B. Howard & Co. Monday, the presidential electors met in Salem and formerly cast the o'her states also cast tbe electoral vote on that date, and at least one elector (r m each state will journey to Was b- !, ,, , ,u h l, ..1 " '"" college and formerly cast tbe states 'electoral vote for the candldateschoeen j b' the PeP'o last November. The largest Una or pipes ever brought Kurtz's. to Southern Oregon, at Inadvertently an Injustice was done A. H. C'bessmore in THE MAIL'S re port of the Poultry show last week. Through some oversight or misunder (standing nothing was said in regard to I hi, .1,11. Ti.l,n.. n.l,. lnnn II. his wblte Leghorn prize winners. He bad on exhibition several fine fowls of this variety which scored among the highest and which carried ofl first prize Notwithstanding they were young and te'eeted at rasdom from his large brood, one pullet to-ved 94 points. Have your oil cans filled at home from Henry Davis' oil wngon. We learn from a letter received from private sources that Attorney Robert Galloway, of Portland, has been com pelled to retire from the practice of bis profession owing to bis rapidly declin ing health. His muny friends in Med ford will hope that his illness will not b) such as to incapaqiate him for busi ness for any definite lengtn of lime. Watches cleaned and. wan-anted for one year, for $1 Pritvhard, the jeweler. B. I. Stoner, who has been very acceptably filling the position of night clerk at Hotel Nash, baa resigned bis position and accepted a situation with the Palm-Wbitman-Palm cigar com pany, of ibis city, as traveling sales man. Ho will introduce their goods in California. Cal Single has succeeded him as night clerk. : If you cn't find wbat you want go to G. L. Davis' he's got it.. Wm. Zimmerly has purchased a l'jb-acro ranch near the Rogue river ferry, from Messrs. Ulrlch and Slinger. He expects to take up bis residence there in a few months. The sale was made through the F. M. Stewart real estate agency. A --- - - - ' - - dkXrKKKKKKKUuXcl'IfK - - - - S REDUCTION ! 25 tO 41 ft ft ft t ft ft In lines of Ladies' and Children's CAPES and JACKETS g ladies Skirts. f New stock in this week. Best assortment " and best values of anything in this line ever brought to Medford. ft LADIES' and GENTS' UNDERWEAR. ft ft ft Most complete Special Reduction in ft ft ft ft ft ft ff.H. ftft4aiM44&4$$$3&&&SM$3ft& m The first through mail from Lake-: and Klamath Counties since January 2d, arrived Saturday afternoon. "Shmn blockade just raised was tbe first oner of note ever experienced on the Klam ath Falls-Ashland stage line. A larger force of men have been employed tnr breaking the road ever since the storm- Chase & Sanborn .coffee Davis'. at G. I.. Klamath County people anticipate? lively times in timber land circles next spring. The great tract of 300,00 acres of sugar and yellow pine adjoin ing tbo reservation which is soon to bee thrown open to purchase is expecteS to creite the greatest rush in timber baying ever known in that locality.. ? Spring trucks lor spring house hold moving. Wells & Shearer. It is said Lakeview business mere re opposed to tbe project of having ' railroad built to that place, for the. reason that it would do more barn than good. The railroad Drofector say they will build it whether it wanted or not. Yon can't beat Prltohard a Drices nor the quality of his goods. The Wrought Iron Range repre - sentatives, who have been operating fa Jackson County for several weeks, bar- -completed their canvass of this section.' of the country and have gone tov eaetern Washington to establish- headW quarters. " . & If you want to build a fruit cakei-. you will find the proper material at C. L. Davis'. Mies Nellie DePeatt, formerljr Postil telegraph operator in Medford", has secured a position with the West ern Union Telegraph Company at tber state capital at Salem during tbe legis lative session. A card from W. H. Parker, wrftlezr at Eugene Tuesday, states tbat oul of" twenty-seven attorneys be has smb, twenty-five of them bad subscribed for his Ready Reference Index, and that all commead it very highly. See tbe latest in piano chairs at the Coss Piano House. Four southbound passenger trains? arrived in and departed from MedfordL within an hour Tuesday. They wero tbe delayed trains of Monday and Tues day morning. ; A new lot of Japanese goods jbsfc. received. Call and see them. G. I Davls. Miss Mvrlle Nicholson, one of Thkt Mail's compositors, was confined U her borne several days this week with, an attack of la grippe. Fine line of very nice jardinieres received this week at G. L. Davis'. -Thi week the final trausfer lor the Crowell ranch was made and the nq- owners expect to take possession of tbes. I same in a few days. - - - - - - yX Of from Per cent stock in the city.