Ii V Buy now, uhio our stock of CIH11STMAS SPECIATIES is complete ,m Wo aro snowing a j Boxos, Celluloid Novelties, ffi Kto. For a useful m m HOLIDAY :: PRESENT in nothing is bottsr than a h Wo havo some bouutiful taffeta silk umbrellas,' with (IH lovely combination of gold and ivory handles; also ) (fit sterling and ivory at 3.00 and $5.00. Cheaper ft tj onus irom ouo up. jf A lady appreciates nothing better for anXmas fi prosent than a pair of nicely fitting gloves. Re- tj member out 'Czarina" glove,"all colors, 2 clasps, fr jfk 11.00. The best dollar glove in town. fr ' ranthenian l'roncn $ J. G. Van "J! Dry Goods MEDFORD, ORE. ft Bans ol Electric Light Kate. following In tliu supposed buala the ok'Olrlo 1 1 if I) t plant In run upon: Commercial lighting, 60 cunt por Id cnudlu power light until denting liinu, au looted lo bo between H and u o'clock; light used until '.0 o'clock, UU cents, ud I hone used until 12 o'clock, or dur lo t the uvuning run, 75 o nu pur light. All lights lo bo turned olT ut closing tlma, except special prlvilcgo of two in window. HoUils, txiola'l rating. ' Uouso lighting, 60oenls (or one light; 75 cents fur two light; II for thr.io llghis, anil 2A cents additional up to (2, nd 20 aunu additional 'roiu tburo up; 75 conu for bull light- llttlls and ahiirchos, special rating. Tho using of home light In supposed to bo until a reasonable bedtime, and no ono la entitled to uo moru lights than lie or alio puya fur on nn Hvorugi'.. Tho parson who puyi for two lights und baa four in the liouni, lor Instance, can burn uny two llghta in the house htoiio time, or uny number bo pay for, but It 'Ya not umloi'tood tbiil niiyono win uae tho number ho puvs for all tho tlmo anil all tho real In tho hiiuao addillouiil ua ho pleuaoa. If he uses mora tluin bu paya for at any time ho consequently will luivo to uao oonalduriiblo los al oth.ir lime. An electrolier counts tho BUuihor of lights It haa on it. Tlio putrona nf tho cleotrio light plant arc expected to lire up to thoir ngroomonta. and not uao mora llirlits than nro paid for, and to turn thnm oil accordingly. ' You van thua auve tho town time, hibor and expense. J. R. BltKOltn. Silpoi I'ltendont. l'eifi'clly II cAlttiy pipla havo pure, rich, warin.'nourlab Inir blood, xood nppetlto nnd irood di g Milnn. Hood's SHrMiipurlllKlv(i8 tluiHn, und thua It makea puoplo healthy and kecpa thorn to. Out only Hood'a. Sick PlllB. hoadaoho 2.io. ia cured by Hood'a Also WATCHES, tForan XNAS;GIFT.I At ELWOOD'S 'v,; "8lgn of the Biff Clock ft s viz nico lino of Doll's Work Air Quns. Tool Chests,. nico parasol or umbrella, it) ili kid, black onlvi l clasps, ili Dyke 6 Co. Boots 2 Shoes u i J' Going to Buy Klamath Reservation. Wahhiniito.n, Duo. 8. The Imlian Odlco today trniiBinittcd to Con grcHH tho Iroaty rocontly negotiated with tho Khtmitth Indians, wlicro by thoy aro to relinquish all claims to thoir rescrvati n us described in tlio treaty of 18(!1, comprising 021,- S'J-I iliriH fnr wlilnli t.. r?. -( - .....vi. .nu MUVGI ment in to pay $532,000. Modern Woodmen ot America Haa over 060,000 member; over 8600 camps; jiu.ouu.uoo paid to benuliciarlc In aevonloen yoara; IIJ8.174 OUJ of fra- wrniii proteutlon In luroo. Thuchuapu. inaunuico In tho world. For further pnruuu nra can upon Dliaa. It. Kllluld, at Hotel N.tsh, .MuJford. : f Special Mectlnj;. Tho oltlzisna of Mudfurd nro horohv nmllled that aauecial inectlnir of tho oily eouuull hat beun nulled for Momluv evuiiinn. Oeoeiuburl7, 11)00, lo uon.idof, iimons other quentloiiH, tho advlaiiblllly of liumlne a nuw charier for the eltv of Mud ford. Any animations will bu receive! from any preaont. It will hj noooasnry to take action at onco us tho k'tjldhihire moeta next month. J. J. HowaEit, Mayor. U. of O. Oleo Club Preaa Notices. "Tho unnv." truvoaly was oxoruclallnKly 'h'lilon la a how by himself." "Ulioiuaua ohnrau'.urizjU hv ainooth neaa and preel -.Ion.'1 . ' .'Prn7.or' ox. ou Ion is r.,iiH.(;iiMo." "Iiiiromiir wua (airly hatb-rod . into burlubquo by E:iton." Uoineniiv r tne Cihe Club umieort Deceml.ur H. Itu-erved seats, 50 cents; on anle at Howard's. For a present that El wood's. rill last, go to BIIiVBB'RBl MEDFORD, OR Evorybody la onlltled to u good laugh when thuro'a u juko on John Bellinger. The etory goes like this; Mr. Iiolllngor purchased a cow Irom a Medford dltlzun. Friday ol last week wus delivery day for Uio uforosuld cow, and Mr. U. rodu up to tbe burn wboroln wnii chewed tho cud by tho oow with tho crumpled horn.' Tho uniuml was loosened from her oorrul anil Mr, B., tho cow and an aid started for the groon paaturoa of Griffin creek, vrhero tho "lowing herd winds slowly o'er tho lea" and browses on sucoulont alfalfa, but at tbo outskirts of- town tho pro ceialon wus Intercepted and Mr, U. was brought to a sudden reulhutioa of the not that Instead of fruthortaff In the nnlmitl hn IiiiJ n,r.iti,id...l vn ln H.u.fwmju itw 1IRU, III" advertently, of oourao, swooped down Uion O. V. Iaaaoa' family cow an animal prized higher tbun gold brlcka and ono which would not be parted with under any clrcumatanocs. It Is told that JJolllnger ousaod until the air be. cumo sulphurous, but wo question tbo truthfulness of tho report. Howevor, ho would havo boon entitled to a right wj punciuro at icaat ono ol tho com monuments, and If ho did so puncture wo are sntisu'-u tho recording angol made no note of it tho provocations were ample exouao lor a clean and Rb.'oiuto pardon. Uelllngor hasn't been doing a thing elnco but Apologizing to tho ofTandcd cow and lta owner. Kurnlluro for holiday trade I ro contly made an ordor for a cui'load of furnlturo and novelties In the furniture lino lor tbo holiday trade of Southern Oregon. Hnvlog bought In car lota I am bettor prepared thun ever before to give pal roiu u flue lino to select from and at better prices. I.A.Webb. J, W. Cox cstno over from his Wood Rlvor vullov stock ranoh Frldav Of last week. Ho will remain in Jack eon (Jounly for a couplo of months, hav ing leu nia orotucr, r rnnx, and Uacur Bunch In obartro of the ranch. Mr. Cox haa U2S bead of stock on bla ranch, all of which ho ik homed this fall, and at a result, his slock, bo aays,' has Improved greatly in flesh and are much eoiler handled. Mr. Cox has a raooh of 11120 acres und all of It is good hay land. It Is all under an lrrlaatinn dltoh. Ho put up .W0 tons of hay this year and will nut up TOO tons next year. Mr, Cox built barns and sheds on his place this Ian season and now has ono of tho best, If not tbo best, stock farms In Klamath Count)'. Ho sold seventy flvo bead of beef cattle this fall at Si oonts per pound and will have more than thin number to sell another year at a better price as ho now fully be lieves. Nloe years In wood thnt Is the age of our ryo wblskoy. With tho correct amount of pure rock candy it will break your cold, lmprovo your appetite and Invigorate vour lungs. 11 per bottle only sold at Distillery Oflloe. Last yoar tbo University of Oregon (ileo Club toured tho stale as far ea,t as linker City. Thla jenr, in spito of tho many Invllationa to go elsewhere, tho club ia going through Southern Oregon, and will appear In Medford December 28, This ia tho drat vialtof any student orunnixntlon from our tiite'e school lo this city and tho club should have a reovptlon roval. As a musloal orgaulzallon the club comes highly recommended from mnnv nf th oltlus tb oighout thoslala. Tlio con-' i-erl will consist of chorus work, vwil .'solos by tho director, Prof. I. M. Glen, j Instrumental solos by .Mr. tVazer, the uny piamai, roaoi es oy Mr. Eaton, and tho sketch, a travesty on "Ingomar, the Barbarian." The club consists of sixteen voices uesiUi-s tho director and mo reaoer. Thero are no better sewing ma. onines than tho Wheeler & Wilson, New Homo, Davis and Standard. You can buy thoin of Joo. V. White, Mcd ford. Prices MO to $45, according to avjiu VI nuuu 1UI K. .. TiV n mSu:inB of tho Women's Re ilel Lorps or Chester A. Arthur Post. no in in Mod ford Monday, .December uni, me loinnvingiillioei s were elected: rieMdeut, Mrs Aililie Van Antwerp; ,Ki iMuniueni., l. j ivciiuen; jun ler viee proldeni, K J Oole; chaolaln, '1 Kami-; troai-urer, Edith G Brad bury; conductor. Mnggie Noble; guard, Mary L Smith; delegates to dept coi- Mry E Reeves and Mrs v x ivume. i no tlepu Inspentor, Mis. Manduna Thoi o. of Uorvullii uu ont and mado tho annual inspection. Slio was hlehlv u1phi.H with h. ol charitable work done bv tho W. B. C. durlny the past yoar. ' . Tbo Kin-Heo colTeo pot, sold bv Warner k Wortmuii. la tlm l,s ,,f ,.il articles lu that lino. Those wio enjoy a oup of good oollee cannot well nlToiil tO mlSS lllUkiOL' into the omul om.lliU. of this nuw lu von lion, Several hilVA natrn.l Tub. VI., t .!... lliori. wiia not a free ronill Medford. The M AIT. Hnn',. Ifnin uK. probably hecniiao the mat.ir u never given the required amount of u'-' tention. Wu cln lr,.u i, ..,...,... i.... i tnero nupht to bo ono nnd that whi n Proc rams are being gotten ont an onoe ostn'ilished it could be easily and ' nounclng the big shooting tournament cheaply maintained. Many of thegood booked for Medford Thursday, Decem U'llea of the town have agreed , to fur- her 20lh. Thoro aro many valuable msn ugreut number of miigiizliies mid' prizes offered and it is probable nooks free of olmrgp. Lot some philan-1 thoro will be a hot rivalry for their iiiroplii gentleman or ladv start the ! possession hetweon tho sportsmen of r ailing room ball u rolling. tbo several towns of tho vallov. BOOK DEPT, FANCY GOODS Special Saturday Saturday Only Saturday Sale We havo set aside a special tales- 100 Ouf , Special AuthOfS, 7n Shonping Baskets room for toys only. cloth bound, reg. 25c. Special 1 1 la, . ' , . T ' . . , . .; Shopping Bags, Gam a . Iron TralllS, regular 11.50, A I ftft 10 SetS, 5 Vol. 400 Pages, 01 OC rWv H.. Not our -SpeciAl to-day..,,,.... OI.ZU Kegular'$1.75; To-day..... OI.ZO 17, R0l! TOP Desks, regulai- QQ An Sickens, Set 15 Vol. cloth OK OC - OeluloidNovelt.es fi7,Uu,:sPecia1---- OJ.UU I bound, reg, $6.50; spedai 033 25 Per Cent. Lower Saturday edf ord Book Store Watch Tub MH working force bus seal- torod and thatturod hllli-iram! yon this who and that wo are able to print al all Is miraculous. One of nur duly com positors sidetracked Tiik Mail Satur day night and on Sunday was married ; another of our compositors v.aa ill u good part of tho week and our old line printer Hicks severed his connection herewith Saturday nirbt. ,.. ri . pnu ol Jacksonville, and Mias Ivtt I'urdlu, of this city, aro now on tho force and will bo lined up for good, solid service uuAb weea, Wbon you want draylng done get blovor to do it. He's always ready niwuyo rennuie nnu uis charges are uiwiiya jusi rigni. At asneclal mentlnirof tlm Mndforri olty council, held Tueadav for the purposo of regulating tho price ui uny water, a rate ol I4U pel month was established for thn Hnmh orn I'aolflo Railroad Company and the term oi use ut this price was placed at five years. Several years ago a rate of u per montn lor ine company was estaDiisneu. This contract expired November 14, 1000. Tho Increase of irain sorvice on tho line and tho addl viuiiui use oi wator at tho depot wus .thought to about doublo .tho amount oi wuier now used over tho amount uscu when the S20 rate was made Attorney W. M. Colvlg, of Jock unviiie, is prepared to give soeclal at tention to divorce law, prubutu low and mining law, us well ss attend to all other law matters in any and all courts oi mo state. H. Tripp, of East Medford, wbilo harvesting bis crop of dent corn this fall found ono stalk upon wblcb there wero eleven ears of corn. Tho ears were not as lone as one's arm, bnt that thoy wuru nu on one sialic is undisputed, in fuot'tbey wore all in one cluster. The prooucuveness of East Medford soli bcuiui never lo reacn a limit. It was tbcro that the twenty-twy-pound sugar uuuia were grown Mrs. Beamb makes hnlt anrtthn braids, pompadour fronts: buvs hair: renovates, repairs, colors or bleaches nair. Kesiuence Inn eautoi tlinT.iithnran uuurcn. At the la-t regular mentlno. nf Chester A. Arthur Poat, G. A. B., the uiiuw iuk unicera wore elected: r Kassa lor, commander; u T Pierce, senior vice commander; w Bowman, Junior i vuuiiumiuer, it i ivame, quarter. moator; J It Krford. ehanlnd,- M u uamon, ollicor of the day; W Forsyibo officer of tbo guard; E A Bourdrnan! guard; L T Plerco and W Forsylho, Tho patrons of the epera house will be entertained for ono night, Friday. December 14th, by the big comedy pro duction, "Uncle Josh Spruceby." This popular play comes woil recommended anu wilt no doubt bo received with en ihuslasm hero. The nieeA U .n,.oH w th every attention to sUige realism. n ine scenes are well mounted and acted. Tho startling "sawmill" scone is aula io oe tho masterpiece of stag mechanism. Many soecla.ticsare Inlrn diicd und tho simerb solo orehpAtpn carried by the company all go to make in s a very delightful production. wiucn lor Dig parude Santa Clans headquarters at Gur neu's racket suire, Ubildurs block. LnrgoBl line of toys and novelties ever Drought to .Medtord, Al the lii6t meeting of Tnlisman lodge, No. 81, If. of P., the following umuera were eiooieu: J c. Koyart, UU; nau rurujee, v u; rj u t-iwoou, f; J A Perry. M A: Geo Kurtz. M of E : Frrt Luy, M of F; J H Butler, K of R and S. Grand Chancellor Bradshaw will be in Medford this, Friday, evening and will make the lodge nn official vlsi', at which time tbere will be work in the second degree. I am now prepared to do dressmak ing und Invite tne patronage of the la dies of Medford. Mrs. J. K. Darnell, ut my old rnaldonce, corner South D und Eleventh streets. S. J. Losbier, of Nowburg, Oregon, who was at ono tlmo for a few weeks, a printer in The Mail olliuf, is now a full fl.idged preacher of tho gospel, of the Adventist faith. He joined the church it, - Bast Portland and is now preachiog in that place, but occasion ally makes a tour of the nearby towns of tho valley. Mrs. Kulhorine Splelman licensed mid-wi.'o. Culls answered dav and niirln. Charges reasonable. Mrs. Spielmun speaks three languages. Residence on North C street, between Second and Third. There are all kinds ot mean nennln in almost every locality, but none surely is meaner thun he or s'he who stole the ribbons, with which bouquets ol flowers were tied, from a newlv nindu irrv in Odd Fellows cemetery.. Such an aot has been porpolrated, and the person who did it. is too bnso to ba called a man and too degenerate to be called a woman they ure hyenas In human form. For Sale Posts and shakos. W have alwuys on band uny quautitv of posts and shakes sold reasonable and 1Jlllit.v ffuarnnteed, Geo. Brown & Sons. Eacle Point. ;i 4Ua II.ISJ jfl 8- vi nig nouuays Decorated China and Porcelain Ware 0 iv i it it) Wo-aro receiving nlmost daily a new and oomplote line of Tea SotH. Dinner Sets, etc., In Decorated China and Porcelain. This la a most artistic and up-to-date lino, including Toilet- Sets, Child's Seta, Kovolty Voces, etc., and many artlclea suitable for holiday gift. DECORATED LAMPS We have the largest and finest assortment of lamps, both hanging and standing, evei brought lo Medford. Call and see tnem. . , ' H. H, HOWARD II IJOiir A lt!;Arl stvl. a,l " ' TAYLER'S, THE Scvcnlh St, esTiie Wintfsor S. R KbbVhS, Proprietor. ' OREGON. NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE RoorWby the day, week or month, at reasonable i rates. Itooms newly furnished. The Alba Heywood Comoanv nlaved to a full bouse in Medford liut Th II PH. day evening. Tbe eotertainment was pronounced Drst-class bv all who at tended and many words of praise were spoken for eaoh member of the com pany. J ho K. of Y. lodee. under whose auspices tne entertainment was out on. cleared about (60. You can be cured of nervous din- eases, stammering, bad habits, alcohol- inn, i-rug iiaoit ana sexual diseases. Absent treatment. Instruction in nnr. sonal magnetism. Send for literature. institute or Psychology, Seventh and Washington streets, Portland. C. B. Fifield, a gentleman, who ar rived in the valley a few weeks aea villi his family from Tehama, Kansua, ind who has been stoonlnfr in Central Point with W. H. Beull and family, ia in Medford this week in the Intere.t of the orga' izatlon of a camp of Modern Woodmen of America. I will furnish new sewin? machines warranted for 5 vear. DrieeB S20 to 25. Give me a call before sending away orders. Jno. F. White. Medford. As an indication of the nrnsherniiia condition of our farmer population, let ua can u'.ienuon io tne met that this fall three large burns have been erected on farms which almost join the town of Medford on the south. Theee have been erected by James Hanson, John Don i ana j. l. credenoarg. With the new facilities that B. N. I Butler put In his shop, he turns out as L'ood work In repairing, watches and jewelry as any one in Southern Oregon. Ira Pliel os. formerly a urlnter In The Mail oflloe, now publisher of the S.intiam News, has been elected town recorder of bolo. Judge Phelps, what would be tile fine imposed on a fellow for hitching bis mouth-piece to a kee of fermented bartey extract? Want to. Buy Good, new milch cow, with call at side. No Jorseys need apply. A. M. Helms, Medfo'-d. Tho Women's Missionary Society ot the Presbyterian Church met Tues day nt tho home of Mrs. G. H. Haskins. The topics discussed were, "Our Mis- ions In Syria" and "Mountain Work u the South." A delicious luuuh was served by the hostess. . Gurnea's racket bns the largest line of Chinawate, celluloid goods, musical nstruments ana toys lor unrtstmas ever brought to Medford. ' The newly elected officers for Med ford lodge, Ho. 103, A. F. & A. M..are: K. ueuel, w al; J A Whitman, 8 W; E D El wood, J W; W V Llppincolt, seoretary; Z Maxcy, treasurer; board of trustees. N L Narregan. W I Vawtor and H H Whitehead. Djn't forgot that I am paying a better price for turkeys than you can get from any one else in Southern Ore gon G. L. Davis. . ' - ,-'! Born To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bush, on December 10th, a- fine bov Daoy. mr. ana Airs, cusn live at Pros pect, but Mrs. B. has been slopping with Mrs. S. SvStrayer, in this city, for the past few weeks. Call early and select your presents, as I havo sold a number ul ready. El wood. . Watches cleaned nnd warranted for one year, for$l Piltchard, the jeweler. our windows. KieHfor(i. i ft CO , M"""i- 0n Some-full lines of INFANTS. CHIL- Latest DREW'S and HISSES' SHOES. FITTER, neDFORD, OREOON. Loflgiqg House , . A AtEDFORD. Echoes From the Street. Bev. Tabor: "No, I did not find nr lost mackintosh. It was a good one the regular price being $10, and it was very little worn. I lost It on my trim--out to Asbestos." - , S. G. Edwards: "Yes, for an old man I am feeling pretty good. I secured deed to my home In Medford this week aod also have means with which I am. making several improvements about tbe place." H. G. Wortman:-"The Bill Nye mine is showing np better than ever this week. The vein you spoke of last, week s being eighteen inches in width, has widened out to thirty inches, anoT is all good pay ore with specimen rock scattered through it." . J. W. Cox: "I have rented 130 acres of the Crain furm to John Bohl and my Dead Indian stock farm to Pete and) Henry Barneburg. My wife and I will go to San Francisco on , the excursion. -Sbe will visit there for a few weeks. ' but I will return. Ye?, hereafter, I shall give my undivided attention to- ' the Ft. Klamath ranch.", . .. . 1 Charlie Johnson: "Speaking of curios and tbut sort o' things. I want to calk your attention to this apple. It's a Bene uavis mat is, it grew on a Ben iavi tree, but three-fourths of the annle. . you can plainly see, is Spitzenburg. See how perfectly those dividing line aro drawn, and see .bow like the two. kinds of fruit it is. Oh, no, I'll not let you prove tbe varieties by eating; tbe appie. You must take my wbrd for -it and the appearance of tbe apple The apple grew oa the J. D. Whitman: place, south of Medford." C. H.. Elmoro:t-"Did you ever see that bit of antiquity whiun J. W. Mc- Uonough has at his Tolo ranch? It is a sulky, undoubtedly the first one ever : brought to the vallev. It bos a larper wooden axle and ..the -wbeel8..are-heldV . onto tne heavy iron skeins by linchpins. : No, it is -not- in -use now. Mr. -.Mo- " Douongb is simply keeping it as a relic" ' The MaIl: "Speaking of -things antiquated, we want to call your atten- . lion to a book which John Banley loft with us this week for inspection. was printed In Massachusetts in 1818. and was written in 1817 bv Samuel i . Etheridge. It is entitled 'The Chris tian Orator, or a Collection of Speeches, delivered upon Public Occasions, be fore Benevolent Societies.' The book? bos 288 pages, Is bound in leather and treats upon many different subjects most of which are religions; some upon, tho importation Info tbls corntry by--England of slaves from Africa,, it con tains poems and is as a whole a very . , Interesting bit of literature. Mr. Han- ' ley says it has been In tbeir family for a great many years. He will present -. It to the Medford publio school, for nse . io the library, not of course as a book of information, but to give the pupils -an idea of primitive printing and.crudo: literature," . . " . -.. Town Lots at Auction. On Saturday, December loth, I will7, sell thirteen town lots in East Medford nt public auction.. Lots are located in tbe very best rosidonce portion of the town, good soil and very suitable for all residence, garden and lawn purposes, ' . L. G. PORTKR. m m m m- m x