The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, December 14, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Honry White, of Knck Point, w'ur
in our oily IuhC 'f humility,
MUh Mulliii Muury, of 1'ooh Bull,
is visiting Mrs. J. D. Fay,
Juduu Brower, of Grunts Pans,
spent Tuosdny In Jnoksouvillo.
, Hon. W. A. Carter, of Gold Hill,
- was In JaoltBonvHIo Wudnouday.
Mrs. Bayio and son L. 0. Bayie,
vlaltod Jaokuouvllle laut weok.
Bert Burnoi, : of 0 rants Pans,
spent Sunday In Jacksonville.
Judge J. R. Noll has returned from
a business trip to Ban Francisco.
John Parnoll, of Applogate, was
at the county Beat Tuesday.
Mrs. Beebe, of Same Valley, was
a Jacksonville visitor Tuesday,
Danlol Reynolds, of the Meadows,
waa in town Tuesday.
J, D. Hoard, of Mod ford, visited
the county seat Monday.
Mrs. Win. Priest, of Washington,
will visit our city (luring tho noli
days. Mr. Hawkins, of Modford, was in
Jacksonville Monday upon business.
Z. Cameron, one of Applogate's
prominent citizens, was iu t
Tuesday. . .
Wort Pool and family, of Eagle
Point, spent Tuesday in JaokBon
Harrv Lansoll, youneont son of
Hon. N. Langell, loft for San Fran
cisco Saturday.
We aro sorry to report that Mrs,
Gus Newburv is duite 111 at her
home in Jacksonville.
Miss Lilllo Bolt, of Qold Hill, is
visiting in Jacksonville, tho guost
of Miss I'.mma Ulrioh.
Thomas Carr, of Foots orook, and
R Odvn, of Evaus oreok, visited
Jacksonville Tuesduy.
J, W. Manning, who Bpont eev
eral weeks In Jacksonville, has re
turned to Klamath County., ,
Dr. B. R. Freeland, an Ashland
dentist, was in our oity this week
upon business connected with bis
profession. . ;
Mra. Annie Dunn, who has been
visiting in the Willamette valley
for some time, returned last Thurs
daf. " ' " "
. A meeting was hold In the town
hall Friday evening to make ar-
rangemonts for a publlo entertain
ment to bo hold In this city on
Christmas eve. Committees were
aoDointed. end a Drosram will be
rendored undor the management of
the Jacksonville public school
Jane MnCully Cabin, N. D. of 0.,
mot ou Wednosday iiiiitat of. Inst
weok and olectod tho following of
ficers : Past Pres., Effio Bybee
Prlnij pres., Jotoplilni Orth; 1st
vloo pres., Amelia Brltlj 2d vioo
prns , lluttii) Nuubor; 8d vlco pres.,
Lilllo ' Urugory; iriiiiHlml, - Emma
Ulrloli; sr'o'y, Corn Mnn; F. S.
Hultu Mullur; truasurer, Mubul
At the rogulur niootlng of Wurron
hulgo, A. I'V A . M . held lust
Wednesday niuht, tho following of.
doors were elcoted: Wm. V. Col
vlg, W. M : R. F. Jooum, 8. W.j
Kmll Brltt, J. W.; Max Mullor,
soo'y ; S. K. Dunalngton, tylor.
Last Thursday afternoon tho
Birthday olub mot at tho rosidonoo
of Mrs. Hattie Nouber in - honor, of
that lady's birthday. The guests
were Mrs. T. J, Kenney, Mrs. Alice
Ulrioh, Mrs. Wm. Cook and Misses
Pauline Kurewskl, Nellie Holt ana
Emma Ulrioh. A splendid supper
was served In the evening, and the
ladlos were joined by T. J. Kennoy,
Chas. Prim and Qeo. E. Nouber.
An Invitation whist party was
given by the Mlssos Mullor at their
ome on California tit. last Friday
evening. Elegant refreshments
worosorvou.. Those presont were:
Mlssos Josephine and Ella Orth,
Paulino Router, Emma Rood, So
tibia and Detta Mullor, Messrs. Dr.
John Router, Jos. Murphy, John F.
fcillor, Kusseii u woii, iieruort Mc
Carthy and A. N. Boliss.
At a renular meolinz of Oregon
Chapter, Ne. 4, Royal A rob Masons,
held at tholr hall last Tuesday, the
following officers were elected for
tho ensuing year: A. E. Reamoe,
H. P. : W. I. Vawtor. K.: Wm. Rob
inson. 8.: D. Linn. C. of II.; Wm.
M. Col via. P. 8.! C. C. Boekman
R. A. C; F. R. Noil, Gj J. F. Milter,
M. of 1st; Emit Bntt. M. of !4u
Vail: F. R. Neil. M. of 8d Vail; C.
C. Beekman, treasurer; Max Muller,
atos thoir fnooH, as tho nrioos paid
uro considered qulto goad. ,
Miss Eva Sollss loft Modford
Sunday evening for Oroocont City,
California. She goes to spond tho
wlntor with hor sister. Mrs. W. if.
ICnlornrlso sohool gave an ontor-
tainmorit for the benefit of the
library fund Friday evonlng, De
cember 7tb, an admission fee of
fifteen cents being charged. Much
oredit is duo Miss Anna Jeffrey
for hor tireless energy in drilling
and preparing her ' pupils, every
thing being very creditably carriou
ut. ' There was a large orowa pres
ont, and the library fund waa . In
creased by the sum of $0.30.
If vou would have an anootlto like a
bear and a relish lor your meals take
Chamberlain's Blomaoh and Liver
Tablots. They correct disorders of the
stomach and regulate the liver and
bowel. Price, 25 oenti. Samples free
at Unas. Strang's drug store.
Among the
have used
tain of tliousinds who
Ohambarluln's Uooffh
llomudy for colds and la grippe during
tho nart fan yearn, to our koowleilo,
cot a single oao has resulted In pnou
monla. T hos. Whitflold it. Co.. 240
Wulmali bvoiiuo, CtilouRO. one of the
moat prominent retail druggists In thut
oltv. In sn.inlclnir of this says: "We
.nnnmmnnil Chamborlaln's Cough Rem
edy for la grippe In many cases, as it
not only givea prompt and complete
rocovery, out aiso cguiwnwu
tonilonoy of la grippe to roault In pneu
monla.'' For sale by Chas. Strang
flrugglat. .
Woodvllle Items.
is destruction of lung by a
growing germ, precisely as
moldy cheese 1 is destruction
of cheese by a growing germ
If you kill the germ, you
stop the consumption. r;Ypu
can or : can't, according' to
when you begin. ;. '. i.
Take Scott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil : take a little
at first.' ' ;"
' It acts- as
food: it is the
easiest food.
Seems hot. to be
foodi makes you
hungry ; ; eating
is comfortable.
Yougrow stf ong-
er. Take more:
not too much j enough is as
much as you like and agrees
with' you. . Satisfy hunger
with usual- food : whatever
you like and agrees with you,
, When you are strong
again, have , recovered : your
strehp;th-'--the rrerms are
dead ; you have killed them
If vou hiivA tint-tried It. send
for free sample, Its agreeable
taste win surprise you. , .
1 " . Chemists,
409 Pearl St., New York,
'L50o. and $1.00; all druggists.
The crenuine has
this picture ou It, CT
Miss Haltio ' Magorlo in, now
residont ol Woodville.
Mrs. McIIugh and Mfss Hurd
have roturnod from a visit with
relatives in Ashland. .,
Mrs. William llarpor, an agod
and rcsnocted lady of this place.
1b seriously til. Hor many friends
bono for her recovory. ' ,
Noorlv every family here has one
or more mombors on the sick list.
Among them ard Mrs. Wilcox and
Mrs. UantlaU ana littio aaugntcr
Rov. Booth, of Grants Pass, held
religious sorvicos hore Tuesday
aftornoon. Owing to tho short no
tico given, only a fow were present,
Rev. M. C. Munson washoro last
Sunday, tho Kuost of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Cox., lie visited the Sunday
school aiid encouraged . tho mom
bors with words of commendation
Miss Emma Bodford, who has
boon working at tho Wilcox hotel
accidentally poured boiling water
over one, of hor fcot last week, as a
result of which she will be disabled
for some time. . '
Prof. J. A. Bish closed his school
horelaBt Friday and roturnod to
his homo iu Medford. Mr. Bish
Wafl vqry 'successful. In -his school
work, and an express satisiacuon
with the way tt was .conouctou.
Preparations are boing mado for
a' Christmas treo here on Christmas
evo, . A liberal sum has been given
for . decorative . purposes, . and ,an
interesting musical and literary pro
gram will bo rendered. Altogether,
it promises to bo an enjoyanie ai
fair. :
' No one oan reasonably hope for good
health udIobb his bowels move once
eaoh day. when this is not attondod
tn. dlaordors of tho Btomaoh arlso. bll-
iousiioss, headache, ilys; opal a and piles
soon follow. If you wish to avoid thoso
ailments keep your Dowels regular
tuklnir Chamborlain's . Stomach nn
Ller Tablota whon required. Thoy
are so easy to take and mild and gontlo
in eiroot. nor bbio oy v.uus. atranir
druggist. , ' ' ' :
(irlflln Creek Gatherings.
Charles Wilson has rented the
Bash ford farm and moved thereto,
Mr, Bashford and wife haye moved
to Medfoid to reside. . ,
Mr. H. W. Andrews, of Wiohita
Kansas, has beon visiting with his
brother, A. Androws, ana lamiiy
of Griffin oreek, for the past two
weeks, , .
Several muoh needed improve
meats have been made on our roads
bv our effioient road supervisor,
P. True, and still thore is room for
. Most of our Griffin oreek farmers
have sold their hotts aud prunes
roalifcihg about the same per pound
for thorn tour and,ono-naii; coins
Consequently a broad smile illuml
ruocnix items.
Hold Hill Items
Miss Leah Plymire is visiting
Mrs. M. A. Castor.
Mrs. Wm. Clvde has been on the
siok list during the past few days.
Gub and Sunbeam Moore made
Medford a business call Tuesday.
Miss Stella Stidham spent Sat
urday and-Sunday at her home in
Contral Point.
K. F. Stancliff, wife and daugh
ters did shopping in Medford
Mrs. Honry Briley and children
visited Mrs. B's father, Wm. Butler,
of Ashland, last week.
Otto Caster and wife spent Sat
urday and Sunday with Mr. C's
mother, Mrs. M. A. Caster.
Mrs. F. Peflv has cone to River
side, California, to join her husband,
who has employment there.
Birdie and Lilhe McTavish
returned to Ashland, Monday, to
take up their school work again.
Miles Brownrig held services in
the Lavenburg Hall last Sunday,
both morning end evening. Boib
services were well attended.
Mr. and Mrs. McTavish returned
home Sunday evening from . San
Francisco. They left their eon,
JeBBe, muoh improved. .
Mrs. M. Childers and daughter,
Mary, of Salem, Oregon, arrived in
Phoenix recently. Mrs. C. is a
sister of Mrs. B. Hamlin of this
plaoe. , .
There will be a Christmas tree in
the ' Lavenburg Hall, Saturday
evening, Deceruber, 22d, given by
the Phoenx publlo sohool, for the
children of the Phoenix school dis
trict. There will be a short pro
gram rendered by the pupils of the
school. All are cordially invited.
At the regular election of the
A. O., U. W. the following officere
were elected : J. Patterson, Mas
ter Workman: Dr. Hargrove, Re
corder and Financier; Sim Morris,
Foreman: Otto Coster, uaide; Joe
Jacobs, Over-seer; D. O'Toolo, Re
ctever: Joe Hmer, indoor watch'
man: Arthur Jacobs, Out side
' II. T. Coffin, tho Galls creek
minor, has returned to Portland to
spend the holiduys,
Messors. McNeil a Landis began
some new development, work on
their .Surdino creek quartz mine
the first of the weok.
A. S. Rosonbaum was up from
Wolf creek, Wednesday, on busi
ness, j';'.'
Mrs. W. E. Darling visited Med
ford, Wednesday.
Reamos Bros, have decie'ed to
closo out thoir business hero, and
are engaged, in. .selling., out the
goods at cost. They expect to close
up their business in the next 60
days. : ' .
The town authorities are having
the railroad crossing on 4th street
W. If. Caine has secured the
contract to furnish the poles for
tho Sams Valley & Gold Hill tele
phono line. .
W. F. Horn of Grants Pass has
been in town the past week engaged
In several mining deals.
Alex. Armstrong, manager of the
Coffin mines on Galls creek, has
been in town for several days, this
week, on business.
Bart Carter of Fort Jones,' Calif.,
arrived Monday, to spend the holi
days with relatives.
The Best Prescription for Malaria,
Chllla and leror la a bottln of Unovt'a Taste.
Ma Chill Tonio. It ia altnply Iron aod qui
nine In a uuileleaa form. No euro no pay.
Price Oc.
A Musical Treat.
With the "Uncle Josh Spruceby"
Company, which 1b booked for Medford
for Friday, Dec. 14th, is the celebrated
"Spruceby" orchestra of 12 soloists.
This musical organization has a world
wide reputation and is under the direc
tion of a talented leader and composer
of note. A very popular program is
rendered between tnj acts. Two big
bands are carried by tbo company, and
a novel and unique (.arade is given at
noon dally and includes a concert by
the combined bands. A carload of
special scenery and mechanical affeots
are used. The realistic sawmill scene
Is ono of the most startling pieces of
stagecraft ever produced. Thirty-five
people are in tho company, which is the
largest attraction
popular prices.
parade at noon.
ever attempted at
Watch for the big
Fbahk J. CnsMKT makes oath that he la the
senior partner of the Arm of F.J. Chbmbt A
Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County
and Htatte aforesaid, and thai said firm will Day
toe sum or uns uunuubu ixiL,LAtus tor
each aod every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by ue use 01 hall a catarrh udri.
Bworn to before me and aubecrlbed in my
preaenoe, thla Otb day ol December, A. D. 1886.
.... A. Tf . UlABO!.
ssal f . Notary Public.
Haifa Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and
ecu dlreetly on the blood and mucous aurfaoea
oi ue ayaiem. Bono tor testimonials, iree.
r. j. uniBii s uo., 'i'oieao, v.
Sold by Druggists. 75o,
Hall's Family rills are lbs beat.
Central Point Items.
Mrs. J. M. Gibson made Medford
a business visit the ' first' of the
week. . : ,.
Wm. Gregory and wife left last
week for Hanford, Cal., to spend
the: winter. , , . . ; ; ' ' -
George L. Haff, one of Tolo'e en-
ergetlo mining men, ..was here
Wednesday. ". . , i -
Mrs. Lou Whittle and Mrs. I. C.
Robnett made friends in Ashland .a
visit this week. ,. ,,
lsaao Kent and family will soon
occupy their 'new residence, which
is nearly completed. ' .
Chas. Fifield and family arrived
here from Nebraska last week, and
will make this their future home.
Mrs. Dr. Frary, lute of Indian
Territory, has become a resident of
our. town and will practice her pro
-fession, ' ' - ' '
Elder J. C. Gregory is holding a
eerieB of meetings in the M. E.
church. The attendance ia good
and muoh interest is manifested.
Wallace Wrisley, who has been
British Columbia for the past six
years, returned home Tuesday. His
many friends are glad to see him.
Mandana C.. Thorp, of Corvallis,
-the state inspector of the . Women's
Relief Corps,; made W. 'H. Har.
risen corps an oflioial visit Tuesday,
J. W, Merritt butchered a large
number of bogs on Monday.
Harry Harvey and ' Miss Lulu
Newton, of Gold Hill, attended the
dedioation of the M. E. ohuroh
here last Sunday.
: Dr.' Hinkle has a large assort
ment of holiday goods displayed,
and more will arrive soon. '
A switohboard has been, put in
connecting the Eagle' Point tele
phone with the Sunset . system. It
will prove quite a convenience to
the peoplo of Eagle Point and
vicinity. '
permanently cured by using Mokl Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and
Indigestion, makes you eat. Bleep, work and
happy. Sailafaoiton guaranteed or money
ck. 25 cts. and 60 els. Sold by Chas. Strang
druggist. .
on Km
We know of
nothing better
than coughing
to tear the lin
ing of your
throat and
lungs. It Is
I better than wet
feet to cause
bronchitis and
inly keep it
up and you
will succeed in
reducing your
weight, losing
your appetite,
bringing on a
slow fever, and
making every
thing exactly
rlcht for the
germs of -consumption.
Better kill your cough
before it kills you.
cent bottle; and for the
coughs of consumption,
the- one dollar size is
most economical.
' My cough reduced me to rt mere
iike.etun. I tried many remedies,
butthoy nil failed. After using the
Chorry Tootoral I Immediately b
ffnn to improve, and three bottles
rentfired ino to health, 1 believo 1
owe my life to it."
Oot. 7, UW. Browntown, V.
DmDlements at
tub stoWer Bros; Mi Cos Wan,
I am now in receipt of a carload
of the most varied and complete
assortment of implements which
has ever been brought to this city,
and with the addition of .
on hand, I can show the best and
most complete stock in these lines
in Southern Oregon. I invite the
public to an inspection and a lib-
Now, Look Pleasant
and have your picture taken before Christmas. H. C.
Mackey t Boyd are the leading photographers and you will
get the best work of them. Prices reasonable; satisfaction
guaranteed. Hamlin Buildioir, 7th St. H. C. MAUCEY & BOYD.
COT 111 . . .
Cutlery that wilt carve turkey to the Queen's
taste. We have displayed in our show cases
the be3t stock of cutlery ever shown in
Medford. We have
; per set. The cheaper ones are all right for
: the price, but the higher priced ones are gems
. . in their line. Come in and look at them
they make a picture worth looking at., ,
botsek & menu,
Th Hardws re Men
Fir'and Yellow Pine dimension lumber all sizea
and lengths; also boxing. Orders for special sizea
promptly filled. -! .
Mill 5 miles west of Talent on Anderson Creek.
Postoffice address, Talent, Oregon. .
Let Us Figure on the Next Bill of Lumber You Order.
. A. E. Moore. :
I .... .-. - I
1 (Holeman Greek lime - -
I Absolutely the best Mme fr purposes', ever
I burned in the Rogue Kiver Valley.
I ... Kept in Stock at Medford . . ,.1, j
j D. R. ANDRUS r
: Handled In Medforal by J. R. HARDIN. . . .:';. S
Machine repairing a specialty , $f ff . Second
Hand Engines and Steam -Pumps Brought and
Sold 9f 9f ft Bicycle Cones and Axles
. Made to Order 9f 5f 9 : If 9? 9? It
(.Write for Catalogue and Prices.
ah Grade
auiiuici v
THE HEDFORD MAIL for Fine Job Work.