THEiMEDFORD MAIL FORAKER IS . WITH CORBETT . Published Every Friday Mormon. A. 3. BL1TON. ; Medford, Friday, Pkc. 7, 1900. ' MAN WM WRN TO HUSTLE. . . : H U ol torn .days; but quite a plenty SUBSCRIPTION ll.go PER YEAR Kntarod la the Postofhos at Medford, Oregon - sa Seoond-ClMa Mail Matter. ' New York oity has 1,622 polling places, only 51 less than the whole state of Nebraska, and 9 pore than there are in North Carolina. ; I U .; Skcbetaby Gage reoonimends a reduction of $80,000,000 in the war tax. . The War revenue act now raises $100,000,000 annually. These , are big figures, but this is a bin ; country, and it is doing ; very well financially. To be able to begin to reduce the war tax shows that the country's finances "are all right. "Albany Herald. : i The Klamath Falla Express ; is still harping polities' Say, Friend Pierce, you're dead to the world for at least three and a half years. You died November 6, 1900, aod it is not good etiquette to resurrect yourself after so brief a stay at the political morgue. Why not side track politics and give your readers a little news matter that's more current? -; The race for the United States Eenatorehip is beginning to wax: warm in everv oart of Oreeon. The fight, as it is now shaping itself, between Hon. H. W. Coibett,. of . Portland, and Senator MoBride, the present representative of Oregon at "Washington. As between these two known candidates, the choice in this section is, so far as our canvass of opinion has bten made, almost unan imous for Mr. Corbett. Of course the people do not elect the United States senators but they do elect the state legislators who have to do with the election of the state's rep resentatives at Washington. With out any attempt at a possible coer cion -of legislative opinions from this end of the state, The MAil feels that it is safe in positively Btaling that.if a vote of the people was to be taken Mr. Corbett would receive an overwhelming majority. The Republicans of this end of the state admire representative . men politically; men who have been Re' Dublicans from principal, rather than policy; men who have conyic ' tions to 'back their opinion, and men with sufficient brain matter to .form opinions and ; courage to ex nich ft nian is not Hoiu- H.- WY Cor bett. j:; .. . ', AmbDS the tens of thousands who have need Chamberlain's Uougn A.. I 1.4, . 1 la ,..... .... ,1 M t the past few years, to our knowledge, not a single case has resulted in pneu monia. Thoe. Whitfield & Co., 240 VYHUUbll vuivagv. vms u& ..v. most prominent retail druggists in that city, in sp-jaklofj of this Bays:- 'We recommend Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for la grippe in many cases,' as it . not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also' counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneu Ynnnin ! For gale bv Chas. Strane. Ohio Senator's Views on : . pine Tariff Industry, Moat-Favored Nation Clause ; Vlll Not Olve Other Powtra tame j 1 Right as Spain. tnonia druggiet. Death of O. W. Kinkade. ' Robert Washington Kinkade died of cancer at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J. Perdue, in Gold Hill, on Nov. 28, 1900, aged seventy-nine years, eight montbB and twenty days. ... The family wish us to extend their heartfelt thnnks to the frierfds and neighbors in Gold Hill, who rendered them valued services, and extended many expressions of sympathy. If you would biive an appetite like a hear and a relish for your meals take Chumberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They correct disorders of the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at Chas. Strang's drug store. Help Galveston's Homeless, ' And at the same time get a larire, 600 page history of the flood, full of photo graphs taken on the spot. Other agents muy offer books of this kind, but I have the oulv one the profits of which will be phared with the flood sufferers; it is ulso the largest and bcBt book pub lished. : Hold your order until you have teen my books. R. A.. Carter, Agent. Hcadacho Biliousness, sour stomach, constipa tion, and all liver ills are cured by Hood's Pills From the Ot(tonIm.: i ' The subjoined lettor has just been re ceived from Senator Poraker, in answer to a lettor written aim by Ex-Senator Corbett in reference to the posltlou takoo by Mr. Corbett, in bis letter re cently published In the Oregonlan B. W. Oorbett, Portlanrl.Or. My liear Senator: I was glad to receive your lettor of the lath mat., ana nave ruau with muoh interest the newspaper cup' Bln innlnnnd. Your Claim that CO other nation except Spain has a right to trado with, the Philippines on the same conditions as the United States, is entirely correct. Our title U two fold conquest and purchase. But If it rested on onlv one or the other of these grounds, the case wouiu oe tne same. The treaty provision, giving Spain the commercial advantage it provides, was a nart of the consideration lor tne pur chase in the one case, and a condition of the terms of rjeace in the other, Whethor viewed la the one light or in thn nthnr. tha nrovision iB not in viola tion of the "most-favored-natlon" clause of our treaties with-other governments. I take the liberty ol sending you, un der separate cover, some remarks made by me before the Union League Club In Philadelphia,. in regard to the legisla tion enacted by . Congress for Porto With kind remembrance and sincere good wishes, I, remain, i .. Varv truiv voura. etc.. . ' J. B. FPBAKBK. The following is the portion of Mr. Corbett' letter alluded to and answered by Senator Foraker: ,. It is important that products, espec ially of the Pacific stales, should be ex ported to these islands free af custom duties, if we ever expect to build up commerce witn tnem, ana receive in exchange the products of their indus try. It is well known that their prod ucts are dissimilar in character f-om ours, and we can well afford to exchange the products ol tne sou oi tne raciac states for those of these islands. It is stated that our treaty with Spain, by which we parchased these island for the consideration oi a,uw,u, ana substantially free trade between Spain and these islands for ten years, places us under the obligation to extend the same prlveleges, or free trade, to other nations, unaer tne clause mat tuey would be entitled to the same privileges "as the most favored nations," under their treaty stipulations. By this treaty ire made a purchase, certain' Conces sions' were continued: and guaranteed, and un-estricted trade was also sun etantiallv guaranteed to Spain for the ten yearn. These concessions and guar antees were as much a part ol toe pur chase price of these possessions as the $20,000,000. With these other nations have nothing to ao, ana naa no rign to question. It differs entirely from an ordinary commercial treaty. This was sub tantially a bill of purchase with certain conditions , attached, conse quently the most-favored clause usually in commercial treaties has no applica tion in this case. The president was undoubtedly right in recommending that the same revenue laws should be extended over Porto Rico as were In fprce In the other territories of the United States. A majority in congress determined otherwise, to. which, deck sion he cheerfully acquiesced, trusting to luture legislation for -.a, proper remedy (thereby preventing a division in bis party). The sound judgment of the Republican party can be safely trusted ultimately to determine the fu ture policy favorable to these new pos- essiuns.. I am one who cannot, interpret this treatv or bill of Durcbase as a treaty coming within the category that would entitle otner nations to toe same iree- trade privileges as Spain. -; ' Among the Churches. ... . - ,? ' . : PRESBYTERIAN CHOUCH. The usual services will be held' next Sunday morning and evening. All are welcome. ; M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. Revival services are being held this week and will continue through next week. The castor is beihz assisted by Rev. J. T. Cotton, pastor of the M. E Church, South, of Roseburg. . Echoes From the Street, ! H. M. Cossi ''riano sales are look ln im. I anlil ft thousnud dollar UP' right Instrument to. a representative buslnosa uutu of Medtord th la week. W ho was lit Oh, no, oan't tell you now but when tne utnno cornea ra ton yuu uu about it." Pnrrv Btawnrt: "How do VOU 'likn that store front? Isn't It a beauty? Well, why don't you say something? II you QOU t line U 1 It war uuv. Good enough, Is H? Well, if U suits vnn 1 irii It will suit Mr. Douel. But. oandldly.I waot to teH you that that is tne moat uprwaatesv store irvut i" Medford.V t j U- i ' '-- i ' Dr.. Burnett; Why do I go away? Weill I am going back to Riddle, where I'll do a tew week' work id dontlstry, after which I . will go to lud'upendonoe and spend Christmas with my parents first time with them In nine years. Oh, I will be buck In Southern Oregon again. My sister, Laura, is in tne rati llnery business tn Astoria and is mak ing all kinds of money." , J. W. Wllev: "I shall shin a oouplo of carloads of hogs to Sau Francisco the last of tills week. ' The market is a little off these times, occasioned. I pre' sume, from the fact that hogs are being rushed to the oity from all directions and in irreat numbers. The five car loads I Bhlone'd last week and the two that Mr. Reeves shipped just about clean jd up this. year's crop." C. H. Elmore: "Where have I been? Just been sick with la erlope. that's an but that's ouite enough. Am better now. Speaking about early day .relics. I could spin yon a yarn that woald be Interesting. Why, say, I.havea Mttson & Hamlin orcran in mv houso that was the first instrument of tbo kind ever brought to Jackson County. It wis packed in on a mule by Mr. Hoffman, a pioneer of Jacksonville. It's as good now as It over was. The keys are pure ivory and were worked out by hand." E. D. Elwood: "I'm enjoying a good business. Mv trade is better right now than it has ever been at tbis season any Srevious year since t have been In ustnesshera. Not onlv is my business here at home growing, but I am doing a little business with out of town people. On Monday I sent a 110 ring to Sweden and the same day L sold a (50 gold watch to .a Siamese.' at Singapore, India. The nrlce of ' the watch in United 8tates money was equal to abont 112 in India money. No I never carried as large a stock of goods before,, but my trade of previous year warrants It." , . H. C. Mackev: "We bar been hav ing a great amount of trouble of late with young girls of the town who teem to have a man la for eon Bscatlng pictures from the walls of our studio. Wo bave been missing pictures lor some time but not until Sunday morning did I catcb anv'one in the act. My wife and I were in tbe-baok room of the studio when we heard light footsteps in the front room. I beean an immediate in vestigation and upon entering discov ered a girl about sixteen years of age there with her arms full o: sample pic tures which she had taken from the wails, and wa reaching for more. She dropped the pictures upon being dis covered anu maae a nasty retreat, no, T don't know who Bhe is but 1 shall try and remember the face and I'll kuow It when I see it again.'. - . .. ACKER'S ' ENGLISH' REMEDY - WItL top a cough at any time, and will cure tfae wont cold lnlwttlv hoars, or moneg refunded. 25 eta. sod 30 ou. Sold by Cnas. Strang-, drug gist. ' ' Meeting of City Council. : . The Medford city cojncilmen mot In regular session on Tuesday evening of this week. - : I. . ; A oetition sinned by a goodly number of our townspeople, asking that Sixth street be opened between D and F streets, was presented to the board and was referred to the street committee. This is the strec', or crossing that - was closed last spring by the railroad, company.- . - -.: ..-'. .:-.-. V. J. King petitioned for' liquor 11-Censi.-'which was granted, with B.'Ros-' nthal and E. Worman as bondsmen ; An ordinance was passed making a 19C1 tax levy of ten mills for oity pur poses. ' - ' A new sidewaiK was oraerea iaia on the north side of Seventh street, from A street to the Bear creek bridge. . The following judges and clerks of election were appointed: , ; .' ' '. i.. ' EAST WARD.-: Judges F. M.'. Jordan, D,. Brooks, Jos. Scott.. ; , ... ,;. ... '.. - Clerks Wm. Ulrich, W. B. Jackson. WEST WARD. Judges-'G. C: Noble.iiG.- Li Scher- mtrhorn. W. L. Hallor. .! Clerks W. T. York, Orton Wiley., The following bills were allowed: W ti Holley, money advanced tor md9. I '9 92 c FflrffUHon. bal on account. L. nni'ey, money aavanceu lor e,ekrio llffhtmaterlal.i H Murrav. marahal sularv J w Lawton, recorder's salary ueinaeiiarat, worn loriowu.;.. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. - Laxative Bromo-2ulnine Tabletn cure a cold In one day. No Curo, no Fay, Price 'lb cents. Star Lecture Course. The first entertainment In the course will be a concert by the Boston Concert Company text Wednesday, Doc. 12th, at 8 p. m. Course tickets are now on iale at Howard's grocery store. jn account of the demand for tickets more seats have been reserved than at first planned. TJiese will be sold to first comers as long as they last. , ' Course tickets for concert and four lectures, $1; reserved Beats for season, 15 cents. , - . State or Ohio, City or j.olbdo, I f .TTAanrtriNTV. t Frank J. ciirney makes oath that he fs the senior partner ol the firm of P. J. Ulllllir A Co , doing Dullness In the City ol Toledo, County ana maie murunttiu, ,iu uu. n.m unu m, the sum ot ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS lor each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured Dy me use oi tiAuu svAijiiinn i-umb. . . FllANK J. ClIENBV. Sworn to before me and subscribed In roy rcsenoe, this nth day of December, A. D. 1880. , i , . A. W. OMEASON, seal 1 :. ' Notary Public, Han' Catarrh hnre la taken Internally and r.cts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces OI tne syaiem, send lor leHumuniuiB, iruo. F. J. cnxMEY & Co.i.Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 7ro, Hall's Family Fills are the best. " The non-lrrltatlng cathartic. Price 25 cents ot all druggists or by mall ol C.I Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass; - , 1 84 S712 4ft 00 was 19 88 10 n 14 89 11 So 22 27 Trlnp, work on bridge 6 77 m 22 .. r ss 44 75 '40 00 84 00 10 72 123 0-J Teane Morgan, work on street.. Mr Kerwortby, work on atreet with team will Garrett, work on street wiib team... l l ressier, worv nn linage ano gireet. HTrliiD. work on brldae H A Fredenburg, work on bridge and electric liffht nlnnt. K A Allen, work on bridge . : J W kiohnrdpen, work for city..;. K li L.awion, eulnefrrs salary -. . .. J D Hooker, street work , W s King, work on street with team....' Uoyden & Nlcbolfton, mdo No one can reasonably hope for good health unless bis bowels move once each Jay. When this is not attended to, disorders o( the stomach arise, oil iousness, headache, dyspepsia and piles soon follow.- If you wlah to avoid these ailment keep your bowels regular by taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Li sex .Tablets, when required. They are so easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. For sale by Chas., Strang, druggist. '". i THE BILL NYE IS AKLONDIKE. One of the Recent Rich Strikes Goes $8000 to Ton-Rock All Rich; and Lots of It , Another streak of very rloh ore lias been struck In the Bill Nyu mine ou Galls oreuk In fact two of them have been struck, and both are vary rich. The strikes were made on Friday of last week. v Devulonment work has boon going on since the .first rich strlko wus luadu last summer as rapidly its six men ooukl niuiratu to ndvanutso. and during all tills work of smkliiir shufts. running tunnels and lovols good pity rock hits been In sight, but no epcoial effurt has been mudu to reullsu nn the output, the aim seeming to bo to get In and down on the ledge to the greatest extent possible, and ascertain approximately tha amount of ore In the mine, or at least the amount botwuon the level at the bottom of the shaft and the eurfaoo oropplngs. Ono. of the rloh strikes lust made Is in tiom the mouth ot tbo tunnel about 100 feet, atid tho other Is In a level run from tho bottom of a shaft which Is fifty foot under tho tunnel. lu the first montloued strike It is estimated theoro will go tSOO to the ton, while In tho other SSOOO to tho ton Is the ostunatu The work so far done un the mine consists of a tunnel 185 feet in length. which at the furthest end is 80 feet from tho Burtace. About 00 feel from the mouth of tho tunnel u shaft wus gunk 6Q feet and from tbo bottom of this a lovel was run mid it wui in this level that the tbOOO rock wits uncovered. The ledgo at this point Is 1H Inches wide and In It la a alx-tnon vein irom which the richest ouartx was taken, and tbo adjoining twelve Inches, it Is estimated, will go io00 to the ton. An air shaft or "up raise" to tho sur face has been run and f'om this shaft sloping was commonoed about six feet over the tunnel. This stops bat been run In on the lodge to a point a few feet beyond tha eau oi me tunnel, ana was here the cither rich strike was tnadn. Tha ledire hero It two feet wide and elghteon Inches of It Is very rich. Thirty-five sacks of ore was taken out at tbU place up to Saturday night and it ir figured that this amount will mill 1000. " At notltnedurlngnll the development work on this mine nos there been rock takoo out that would mill los than (15 to the ton. Tho exact extent of the ledge cannot, of course, be arrived at, but from the fact that there aro surface cropplngs for K0) feet It Is reasonable to presume that there Is good pay ore for ut least this distance Since the first strike wns made on the Bill Nye a little over (15.000 has been taken out. That this mine Is one of the Holiest and best paying properties In Southern Oregon is not questioned and there sjnms no gooa reason tor doubting that It will continue Its gold producing for an Indefinite period. The manager, Mr. H. B. Nye, la one of the best posted mining men in South ern Oregon. Every move he has made on this proporty has shown good rosults, while every prediction he has made has proven him capable of guessing to a very close accuracy tbo peculiar turns and dips of the festive gold , bearing veins. "'. J. Beek & Go's. 18. Z7 1F7 Notice of Final Settlement. Id tbe County-Court for Jackson County, State oiOrefron. .. . . Id the Mailer of the Estate of A. L. Kcutor, X)atenm6, i NOTICE Is hereby given that the under signed, executor of the estate of A. L. Jleuter, deceased, fan tiled his final account as such executor In said court, and by ordor of said court Friday, January 11, 1901, at one o'clock p. m.t Id net for tbe bearing and settle' ment thereof. ' All persons Interested are bereby nolfflod to appear and file their objections to said account on or before said duy, , 1 Publfflhed In Tub MRDKOim Mail by ordor of Hon Cbns. Prim, Judge of said court,- - ' j Dated .December 4, i9uo. ! ' " 1 fr. 'C W. ttATtTEH, Executor of the EBtate ol A, L, R outer, 0c ceased.:''.!?": - .; .:. . ,':,, .... The only store In this city where tha Genuine Imported Stranaky-Steel Ware U sold. Alittlo higher la price, but outlastsa cozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled waro. , BCWAUCt Other wares look like it, but the genu ine baa the name Stransky-Steel 'Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived. First prize at 16 International Exhi bitions. Highest ward at World'a Columbian Exhibi tion, Chicago. Pro-' ferred by tho' best cooking authorities, certified to. by tho most famous chenv ista for purity and durability, it ia cheapest becauso BEST. Remember, thl celebrated onar.i olod waro ia specially imported for and sold in this city exclusively by VS. . .; ; It iocs not rust uor absorb r o a & o t oos sot discolor nor catch insldo;isnot . affected by -acids in fruits or vegetables X will boil, stew, roast . and .bake without ira- 8 ol previously cooked food, and will last for year. wot ', i T76 caution tho publlo against iau ,tU.oas, par 1 1 n flavor Death ot John Loosloy. Vrom tin Klainatli I'ulln Koiiuliltcnii. It ia reported that John Lopaluy, an old ButUor mid htghh niBpoolud resident of thlH ooimty, dlnd at Ills home at Ft, Klamath I nut Saturday, of heart trouble, with whioh hu hud been ft lung 8ullorr. llo wiih imod about 80 years. He oumo to Klam ath Comity from MoMimivillc, Or., in '72, H leaves a wife and seven eons and three dauglitcrs. The rOiiH are George, Pred, Philip. Bird, Ben and Marlon Loosloy, of Kt, Klam ath, Milan Looaley, who in in Alaska, and the daughter, Mm. Jno. Smart, Mri. Oaoar Punch, ot Ft. tClninuth, and Mrs, Geo. Nutloy, of Titcomit, Wash, The funeral took pi uoo Sun day. . i. The Mfst Planter, ' i 5 A piece of flannel dunipenetl with Ohamherlaln's Pnln Uiilm und bound to the alfuoted parts is superior to any Clantur. Whon troublnd with lame aak or palut Id tho sldo or chest, glvo It a trial and you. aro oertutn to bo more than pleased with the prompt io iiof which it atTortls. . Pain Bui in also euros rheumatism. One nppllontlon Slves relief. Fur sale by Chns. Btrntig, rung 1st. Resolutions of Condolence. Resolutions adopted at a regular meeting of Chester A. Arthur t'ot, No. 47, DeiHtrlinvnt of Oregon, ti. A. K.: WilKitKAB, It has pleased the Al mighty and Hupremo Vtulor of tho unl vurso In His Inilnlie wisdom, to remove from tho bosom of his family and tho comrades ot this post, Noah R. John ston, thorufuru ho It Kksoi.vkd, That wo slnoerely hare thu sorrows uf the hureaved family and extend to them our hcnrlfult sympathy In thulr inlsfortuho, eommondlng thvm In this, their greatest affliction, lu tho lender euro of lllm who suffered like wise for us mid who said, "Comv unto ino, nil ye that labor, und I will give you rest." And bd It Kksoi.vku, That wo tool wo have lost a faltlilut comrade of our order, a comrade who.n memory will be held In kindly remombranue and cherished as Hint of a trtio and loyul vltlxun, and .bo . It litrther , , , . . Hiaaoi,vicn, That our olmi'tor bu draped for thirty days und that a uoiiy of ihoso rusoliitlons uu printed in tho Mudfurd pupurs and sunt Io thu faintly of our duuuused comrade, and that u aopy bo plituud upon thu ruuortis of thu post, COMMl'l'TKIM. . Ma7rled-SmlthMyton. Tho Oriiuti Pass Obsurvor says: "Mr. 0. K. Hmllh and Miss 1011a Uyton wero married at tho rosldonuu of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Layton, on The groom is tho proprietor of tbo Uayton nntoi in tais oity, our nulling and prosperous business -inon. Mr. and Mrs, Binltli nrrlvotl hero la tbo evening and will make their fu ture home at tbo hotel." . . , Tho groom was .formerly olerk at Hotel Nash In this ally, und has many friends huro who Iwlluve they have a llaaasa to bestow upon tho bride pro fusion of congratulations and Turn Mail Is quo of those pullovers, 7 Dissolution of Partnership. Nottoo Is hereby gtvan that the oo partiiomhln heretofore enisling by and between . 13. Jennings and S.K. Lane, ' undur the firm name and stylo of Jen nings & Laue is, 'by mutual oousont, this day dissolved. 8. It. LanO has re tired and K. U. Jennings will eontinuo thu business. All accounts duo tho Arm will be paid to Mr. Jennings and air accounts owod by the firm will be paid by him. ' Dated this 24th day ol November, iiwo. E. B. JknninoB, 8. It. Lank. , Steam Feathtr Renovating. Owli g to many inquiries being inndo as to thu extent of this work, 1 wish to sUtto to tho publlo that all work will bo called for within a radius of live or six ml leu from Medford, which will tr.oludo' Phoenix,' Central Point, Jacksonville' and all tbo surrounding country. Orders can bo left nt our otlloe or by mull,. Lock Box 3i5. T. II. B. TaYLOU, Prop. Medford, Ore. Flrst-clikss oyster cooklatls, sill hours, ut White's ooufoetionery, Medford. MEDFORD . TintTk A TT TTR 'TT'IlT TjT7"D T OPARA MOU5B J? JKXUrX. X , JIHyJJCJi.JLJ. f That Ono night of "Yonuine Enyoyment" lelson Famously Funny Comedy For 4'- Has Plane Hi ii lions Laugti! AS OLE Hao Bftno a Yolly, Yonial, Yovial.Yoiitlemfln " ' NEWEST MUSIC LATEST SONGS NOVEL DANCES . Amorica'a Foremoet Dialect Comedian BEN HENDRICKS A BRILLIANT SPECIAL FEVTURIO THE NATIONAL LADIES' SWEDISH QUARTETTE A liELlOIITKUL FESTIVAL OK MELODY AND MONO '' World'8 Sweetest' Singers Dialect from jtockolm, Sweden PRICE'S, 50c and 75c. Secure Seats Now at Usual Place ARE Y01 GOING 9 To get a Piano or Organ for your wife or daughter : .-: ;.' ' v" ' yf'-- ''.'''.'":. ' If so, why not get one from the C0S5 PIANO HOUSE, t fledford, Oregon, . It Is the pltio nontor el the Rogue Itlvor Vslley and oarrlaa In stocik tho famous Chlokertn(r, tho rolloblo Wobor, tho nwoot-tonod Jacob Doll, the Whuolock, tho Btuyvosaat, th9 Unltod MaUoN, aid la fsat slm3it any;plsno msdo. Tho woll.known Ourdotto organ, also tho Nowmnn llros. orjun, fsmsus for Its pips attaabmsat, may be sssa tbsie. If you want aa lustra- ' meat buy It at THE C0SS PIANO HOUSE. t-IfyoJ want a toaohor you will DnJ Miss Itom thoro, Icavo orilori thore for llrst class piano tuning. Hjtlsr.iotion guarnnteod to all purohanrs or patrons. i m m M. S. : BIDEN, Prop. T and SHOE I linvn rc-opftnert mv aliopln Medford onl am proitnrotl in oxcotitc llrnt-clntis work on short notice and at roiixoiinblo prices. Shop In Meeker & Co.'s store. SJ La Flo v de fllfonso; A. new Cigar, long and Blim, with .'Havana' filler, Mr,, Kurtz's own niake'.,; It is a gratifying' smoke, and is proving a very popular Bp cigar. ( Have Vou Ever Tried ,.' i. KURTZ'S BOUQUET, It is hand, made, with , Tho pcpular lOq cigar? udoar Jiavaria llllor. I,RAIIMa DRANB8 O' KRY WRST AND tMPORTSI) OO0Dfl.t '. w t