$ Dry Goods Boots !!! Shoes jjj 1 J. G. Van Dyke 8 Co. ffk We winli to call tho attention of the .ladies of iif to Modford'and vicinity to our material to to to to to m to m m m to Battinlurg Point Laco, Flominh and DuohoflB Patterns; nWo Braids, Thread Kings, etc., for same. Our assortment of . Hemstitched Linen Doylies, Squares, Lunch Cloths, DroBsor and Sideboard Scarfs; also Stamped Haw Edgo Linens is com Broinard's and Armstrong's JJJ Silks are the Best. We sell to J. G. ICITY HAPPENINGS J "The work of replacing tlio oh) elooirlo light k1uk Willi now one unil preparing for tho change from II vo tiro light to fifty Inmwlescoiit light ' progressing rapidly and will noon bo finished. The ohiingu promise lo bo u vory desirable Improvumunt nnd satis factory lo all." Klamath Fulls Kopub llonn. Itoport suy tho Modford olty council l contemplating u change In 1 14 troel light svstom from Inaandoi cent to arc llirhl. If thin bo true It mlKhl ho wll fortlium Utootutiiunloatu with official in Klamath Fall nnd a certain why tho chnngo from nro lo In candescent light U being mado thoro. Tho samo conditions might ox 1st hero nnd we might ho able to profit by their oxpiTiono.i. The Mail I of tho opinion thttt moro allfolory result ton greater numbrr of pnoplo would comu from Inonndoiwont than lira llfhU. If tho mtmo amount of power necessary to operate tho required ntinih-ir of aro light wa used to Mipply Inonndosomit fights, nnd these placed nt tho dark trout corners of tho town, thoro would bo moro people buuitfllled and thero would bo fowor expressions of dlssntl (notion. Tho lono 10 onndlo power light at tho Intomcotlon of G and Sixth atroot light tho nldownlka cadi way for two block and In a boom to travel era jo that direction on dark nlhM. A few more of them on othor street, back from Suvcnth nnd C, would bo of material benefit to n great many people. Wo offer to thn tradoour puro rook nml fvn whlnb we recommend for con- immpUon, throat nnd lung, boldo a groat appointor. vur price, i per wuv tlo, oulv auld nt the dliitlllurv office. C. H. Stewart, tho orohnrdlst, la one of tho moat fortunnto men in till" whole land, nod If thoru Ik cold turkey lo bo had it ia almost alwuya ahlod hia way. Tho pruoo crop of Southnrn 0 re tro n h pretty nearly all been Bold at price on a basis of from four und a half to five cents, but It remained for Mr. Htcwart lo put tbo finishing touohoa on and "bjll" tho market, a It wero, un til It aultcd hia fnnoy anil hla funny wan eulled lnt week when ho sold hla prunoB (or six and ono-lmlf cents por pound f. o. b. Modford. Thla price win on a basis of 40s lo 0s of which Mr. 8 lavart baa n coiiHlderablo amount, but onu com! I lion wbm that they all bo putlle. Tho purohiiMO wiib mailo by New York parties and tho frull I now being packed for Bbipmont. Ho has al ready Bhlpped one carload to eastern parties, (or which he received bIx cent. Ho haa remaining owifull onrloud. Tho prlco received by other growora waa o muoh In advance of what they had bcon polling proviou year that they wore well satisfied and willing to lot tho I oon 1 buyer muko a little MnrKln. I am now prepared to.do.dros8ii1ak Inn and Invito tho natronaee ol thi la dle of Mcdford. Mr. J. K. Dnrnoll, nt my old residence, corner oulh D and Kloventli street. E. B. Wolfer, Urn titwmllh, lia two mon at work making waterplpo to aupplv two Hawmille up in tho foothill. Last week he put- out H23 (cot of ton luoh and 1H0 (oet of fourteen Inch pine for Mr. Brlaco, of Trail, who will plpo wntor lo hi water wheel, which whool opuratn u aawmlll. Anolhor order 1 for N. N. Charley, of Ollmnx, for 200 I D amiwelllDleased r lino of laco making w HI ft Hi 0) u it Filo Wash. Embroidery Ui them. ' VAN DYKE 8 CO., MPHPHDh HDP. ti feet n( twelve Inch pipe, to bo uaud alao for Bawmlll purpose. Tho rwllum." who are puttlnir up the plpu nnd mak ing all tho nolao In thi end of town aru .loo llurnham and T. O. Hpellmnu, recently from Mliineola. Mr. Wolfor Inform u that ho haa recently put In a alxUien light luiulylunuKUB plant for Dr. June at I.I Knt Medford roaldonco whlub work all right ho says and ia giv ing good aervlce. Hu will alao furnish light for tho Mcdford Poultry Associa tion during its suaainn hero In Januury. Atlorouy WvM. Colvlg,1 of Jack aonvillu, l preparod to glvo apeolal at tention to divorce law, probate law and mining law, ns well aa aiienii ui nu other law matlors in any and all courts ol tho atulc. "Wm. Ilvlico. ol Jacksfinvlllo. was in town Wudnusday on return from III annual hog drive to Happy Camp, Calif. Tho awluo aro assembled At hi Hybee bridge ranch, on Itoguo river, mid aro driven ono hundred and ten mile, thu last thirty mile from Waldo bolng over a mountain trull. Tho trip occupies abou two woeka, and six men aro noedod to koop tho prooessmn moving The d r I vo Ih is year ooiislalod of 1 50 hoad averaging two hundred pounds, and was aecompllsliod with the loss of one hog. Tho price at HuppyCamp was $7 40 on fool, or til dressed, netting Mr. Dybee n handsome margin. Mr. Uybeo has bcon In this ominous for. forty-one year, and tho miner nt Happy Camp 1,1. .m,lc In. u'lnl,,,- mnul " rUIIIIV lll ,l,o .w. ...u.v. w w . Grant I'aas Obscrvor. For Sale Hoat and shake. Wo have always on hand any qnantity of post and shakes sold reasonable and uunlltv guaranteed. Geo. Brown ti Hons, Kiiglo Point, Mr. Eliza I'almnr, mother ol Mrs. K. V. Mvdynskl, ha purchaned the McKee properly, corner Seventh and South O lroct, from Mr. McKeo (or .'iOOO. The property I now occupied bv tho Jackson Oountv Hunk, Attorney W. I. Vuwter, D. T. I'ritchard and John Hardin. Till I ono of tho best busi ness locations in the town, and while lliuio la uo Immediate prosM.-cl of the buildings luting Improved, His not im probable that a new brick block will be luiltthureon In due course of tlmo Tho properly ns it stands now Is a goud rovonuu enrnor. but a brick ouildlng covering tho en tiro lot would bo a source pi greater revenue. Mr., ltentno makes hair switches, braid, oomnuilour Ironts; buy hair: renovates, repairs, colors or bleaches hair, lien idenco juet cast of the Lutheran Uhuruu. In tolling of tho death of Curt Parker last week ThR Mail was not Quito correct in saying that ho waa on a wairon when he foil on tho ax. disnatuh from Heppner lo tho Oio ironinn snr: "In the mountain south of horn ourly tbie week Curtis P. Pnrkor bled to death He foil on n nouuiO' bitted ax. which ho hud stuck into treo ho had felled nnd was 'Bnaklng' down a hillside. He slipped on iho snow and fell on the ax.- The remains wore brousbl duwn.nnd buried nt Lex lnirton. near which ulnce Mr. Parker's family i entile, nnd consist ol Ji wife and eight children, ivocasvu selllod In Lane County in IB."2. and came to Morrow County lust spring. Gurnca'8 racket has the largest lino of Chlunwaio, collulold goods, muslcnl Instruments, and toy for Christinas over brought to Mvdlord, I havebccn alh around and niui that tne oest, cneap- est and largest stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, . JEWELRY, SILVERWARE and (Solid nnd Plated) CUT GLASS is carried by ELWOOD The Medford Jeweler and Optician An excursion I hookod for Hun Frunulsuo from Ashlund, to leave thut place nn tho regular overland train of Ueuomlinr 20th, Thu furo (or tho round trip is $1 1 .60, Muny biiHinuss mon as well its pluasuroscckors will avail them selves ol tills opportunity to visit Ban l'Vnnulsco at small cost, Arrangements will bo mado with some person in Mod ford to sell ticket. Tho oxnurslon I under tho miimigeinent ol II in 11 Poll and T. K. Itoltoii, of Ashlund, nnd thoso goutlumen promlso that everything posalblo will bo dona to make the trip a pleasant one. No better tlmo of tho year could bo selected for tho busy mon his business will then bo slack and ho'll bo needing a good rest, But few people In Jackson County know what kind of good I carry. Cull and see, ns I am always willing to show you. I'll wood, the juwelor and optician. Last week these column said that S. It, Lane, of Itoseburg, had purchased an half Interest in tho Union livory stable, from 1C. 1), Jennings. This week ivo aro tol Ing you that no has sum oui again to Mr. Jennings. It was like this: 1 ho puruliuso was miiuo condi tioned that if Mr. Lano could mako tho nu roll use ol certain real estate here the dual was ago with Mr. Jennings, but if ho oould riot thu Jennings dual was oil. Mr. Lano was unable to secure tho teal estate henoo thn sequel Mr. Jennings la alonoiigain. Later Hero la anomer hence: M. I' McCown, of Oregon City, lias bought u hulf Inturest In the stable and the linn is now Jennings & Mo Cow n . All Indies wanting a nleo tailor mado suit for Christmas' should call on Mr. G L. Wobh, ut tho ltauket, before Deo. (I, IbOO, and see thoso nice samples and pretty styles, from Standard Ladles' Tailoring Co. II. M. Cossi tho Cos Piano Bouso man, is arranging for a piano and violin recital sometime during tbo next few weeks. He Is expecting sooo, from New Yo k, a Cblckoring parlor grand which la sold to a nromlnont rcsidonl ol the valley, and upon it arrival tho date o( the rooital will be announced. Prof, liolfu, tho eminent violin l from Portland, will conduct the recital, ubly assisted by Miss Mao Ross, of Modford. Mr, Coss also has on tbo road i fine upright Chlokerlng piano for ono of our townspeople, also several Wobers. Mr. Coss hundloionly tho vory best Instru ment nnd there la-uuiucnance lor Do ing Humbugged when dealing with him. Don't forgot that I am paying a bettor price for turkey than you can got from any ono else in Southern Ore gon O. L. Duvis. John A. Fitzglbbons, an extensive ex mlne owner, operating near Cold Hill, was In tbo city Tuesday. The gentleman has but recently sold bis luo acres of placer ground, located live mile down tho rlvor from Gold Hill, to California capitalist for a price, the umouiil of which I not named, but it was a good round sum. The property Is fully equipped lor mining ana tne irround is rloh. nvaraclng thirty cents lo thu cudic yard. Mr.' r iizgiouons will Invest conttdoraolo money iu Kvansoreck nropertv. upon which ho will do qullo extensive development work. Don't forget that I make a specially of tne repairing ol watches, ciocks, anu jowulry. blwood, ttio jewoier nnu op tician. J. A. Whitman loaded and Bhlpped two carload ol fancy apples last weok. dlrool from Mcdford to Liverpool. Eng land, I hoy were lollow mewlowus and wero an ospcuially selected lot dainty and choico morsols, as It were, for England's nobility. While in years agono much of the fruit of Southern Oregon has found market In. foreign olllos, It has not Deon a common occur renue for it to bo shipped direct from placoof ludon. It is usually put throuuh from ono to three eastern commission houses beforo It roaches Its pluco of consumption, I will furnish now sowing machines warranted for 6 year', prices liu to t'Zo. Glvo me a call before Bonding away orders. Jno. t. wnito, Medford. Tho pnkor etchings, or burnt work which Mrs. C. P. Hicks has displayed In the show window of I. A. Webb' furniture store, aro subject mutter for no small amount of admiration, espe cially from the ludlo who are always Keen lor mo very latest in urt or Innoy work. The work is exquisite, novel and ornamentally without a peer. Mrs. Hicks has several pieces which sbo will soil, should thoro bo any who care to possess mat kind of work. , For Sale Span of vounir. well broken horses, weigh about 1300 pounds eacn. . uiwou tiros., central 1'otnt. Who has lost a blcyole? D. L Origsby found one a couple of week ngo, noar the Bvbeo bridge by the old Sicnlo ground, down the river from the rldgo. It was leaning against the bank fairly good wheol out the rims were warped badly. Mr. Grigsby has It nt hi place, about a mile above the bridge, the makers namo was not on thu whool. How a fellow oould forget his wheel or Just why It was left there is a quory. Crusade prize baking powdor none bettor none cheaper you get a prize with ovory can, Warner & Wortman, Tho Sugnr Pine Company is ship ping its sugar'piiio lumber hi the yards In Mcdford lo Grunts Pins. G. l. web: several times THE YELLOW FRONT .SSjSTiSfSS Itov. Dr. Holt, synr.dlcul missionary for Oregon, will give his now lecture on "The Crisis in China," noxt Thursday ovenlng, Deo.llth, at tho Presbyterian Church. Dr. Holt wus lor muny yoars missionary In China and will, there fore, speak wilh authority. You will learn moro on thu Chinese situation from him In an hour than you oun got from papers In a week. Dr. Holt will baptize tho Infant son of Itov, and Mr. liuburiy at tins service. All aro In vited. Thn most grievously afflicted Indi vidual in Medford Is a man who lias bad nineteen felons since last Decem ber. Felons are worm than tho seven- year Itch while they last und may last aa long as tne latter according to tho Men lord man' experience. Klamath Fall Itcpublicun. Wood choppers wanted at Wolf Creek, Josephine County, Ore. Good timber, long job, nno locution and ex cellent chance for workers to make money. For particular call on or ad dress J. T, TulTs, Wolf Creek, Oregon, Furniture for holiday trade I ro- contly mado an order for a carload of furnlturo and novel Hub In the furniture lino lor tho holiday trade of Southern Oregon, Having bmight In cur lots I am bolter prepared than ever before to dive patrons a lino line to select from and at beiior prices, j. a. Webb. S. L. Liomiclt la hauling his upules to marketand a line lot hu has. lie ha 200 nine-yenr-old trees nnd from these he will gather at least I OCX. boxes. They are Yellow Newtown and Mr. Whitman, to whom ho sold, classes them among his fancy lots. Sunta Clans headquarters at Cor nea's ruckol store, Childors block. Largest line of toys and novelties ever brought lo Mcdlord. At the lust meeting night of Rc bckan lodge, No. 28, the following of ficer wero elected : N G, Minnie Cal kins; V G, N.tnnie Woolf; secretary, Clara Drlsko; financial secretary, Zack Maxey, treasurer, Myrtle Nicholson. Why do people flock to thut Racket sale? liecanse they know enough to luko bargains while the; can get them. A dance was given last Saturday evening In Childer hall. Some twenty odd couple were In attendance and a very pleasant time was had. After the party a line supper was partaken of at tne Alooei rcsiuurant. There aro no better sewing ma chines than the Wheeler & Wilson, New Home, Davis and Standard, rou can buy thorn of Jno. F. While, Med ford. I'ricos .) lo no, according to style of woodwork. County Treasurer Muller hns a no tice In The Mail this week calling for all outstanding wnrrants protested Irom April 1, 18U7j to May 6, 1SD7, both dates Inclusive. Tho Kln-Hee coffee pot, sold by Warner & Wortman, is the boss of ail article In that line. Tbo.-e who enjoy a cup of good coflce cannot well afford lo mis looking Into tbe good qualities of Ibis Lew invention. T. H. Moore last week purchased tho old lumber olllco, wblcb was stand ing near the Jaeksonville-Medford rail road depot, and moved It to his vacant lot, cornor F and Seventh streets. It will be for rent. Dr. Coble, the optician, will be at his residenco in Medford on Saturday of each week. Eyes teBled free of charge. Cornor Fourth und D streets. Joe Kolley. who is "boss of tbo sic tion." did a commendable act when be built those granite walks at the railroad crossing. It was a good act, Joe, but why didn t you tnlnk ol it soonorr Ladles, my new pattern and street hats are here. Call and see them, at my millinery parlor, back of new bank Mis Modynski. Street Commissioner Hooker has finished re-planking the Bear creek bridge and now has a full force of men and teams grading North D nod F streets. Fresh, frozen, eastern oysters, large cans constantly on sale; price 50 cents to 75 cents. Inquire at White's con fectionery, Medford. M. O. Warner, tho famous piano tuner, will be in Medford in a few days. When ho tunes your piano it's tuned and ho guarantees his work. The Coss Piano House, Medford, wants about 20 cords of good wood. Somoone in the wood business can get an organ or n piano trade easily now. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Owens are glad parents to an almighty fine girl baby which came to their home on No vember 8, 1900. Frosh, home-made candy, pineap ples, cocoauuU, bananas, figs and nuts at lute's confeotionery store, Medford There Is a now nine pound boy baby out at Charlie TIcc' home, on the E1. Wilkinson plnoe, since Tbursday of last week. Perry Stewart and I. A. Palmer nro putting a lino front in F. K. Deuel's building. The shelving is being put In by Woeks Bros. The now sidewalk on South A street. from south corner of M. S. Damon's property to Ninth street, is nearly completed. Has sold us his entire Xmns stock at rock-bottom prices." We have as much more. We are going to sell them to you at the same rate TOYS, DOLLS, BOOKS CEL9JL0ID NOV- ELTIES-EYERYIHING MEDFORD BOOK Mr ' wn ' For the Holidays Decorated China and Porcelain Ware it ft Wo aro receiving nlmoat daily a new and complete line of Tea Seta, M Inner Sets, etc., In Decorated China and Porcelain, This Is a most jl Dl artistic and up-to-date line, including Toilet Sot, Child's Bet, Novelty Voces, etc., and many articles suitablo for holiday gift. DECORATED LAMPS We have the largest and finest assortment of lamps, both hanging and standing, ever brought to Mcdford, Call and see tnem. H. H. MAWADn m mm mmm m m w I - w TAYLER, Wishes to call attention to the receiveu: lvalues lvuiuhu i-oirap ami anu rariy uppers in OEacK,.an(lwtmJ For the gootlemen : Several lines of "Flolshoims" celebrated yCiiorJ ' Kid and Cornelius Hoyle celebrated Patent Leather Lace, and Bnton Dressy Phoes. Litest styles mid perfect flitter. A - " Custom work promptly done Seventh St, neDPOHD, OBEdON. , ..Itie Windsor S. R. REEVES, Proprietor. ' NEXT DOOR TO Rooms by the day, week 1 T3 t a iui.es. ivuuiuu ncwiv i ui Capt. J. T. C. Nash haB Bold his brick Uverv stable, but to whom is not Written, There is a little rivalry on between two Would-be buyer. B. 8. Lano, of Koseburg. is one of tbe gentle men wuo want to buy it and York & Wortman as Well have a buyer for It. The price paid, or to be paid, is $2600, Tbe Racket sale is going finely. If you want goods cheap, come soon. Last Saturday night the following "fflcers Were elected for elx months, .sonimencing January 1st, in Medford odge, No. 63, I. O. O. F.: N. G, I A Webb; V G, G C Noble: secretary. E W Jalkins; financial secretary, Z Maxey; treasurer, F Amann. Pasture Land I have good paitur lee for stock 1. 25 per head per month. Geo. Cottrell, on the Conger place, two ones east ol aiediord. Tbe dancing parly given by Misses Ithinebart and Koss last r riday even inn was well attended and fully euioyed aod 'twas an all-round pleasant social affair. For Rent The Brnden ranch of 120 acres tillable land, one mile from Gold Hill. Address Dr. C.-R. Kay, Gold mil, Oregon. Tbe new ad this week are those of H. H. Howard & Co.. E. D. El wood, Medford Book store and tbe Windsor lodging house. The R tcket is the place for bargains just now. Apples in any quantity for 25 cents per sack, at tbe Olwell orchard. Weeks & Orr shipped a carload ol apples to Minneapolis this Week. First-cliss oyster cocktails, all hours, nt White's confectionery, Med' ford., Spring truck for spring house hold inoviog. wells & bnearer. Found On streets of Medford, par eel containing silk goods. Inquire of F. H. Hull. If von want to build a fruit cake rou will find the proper material at G L. DaviB'. All kinds or sasn and doors und screen doors, at lowest market price. W.Woods. Acetylene gas lights still ahead and guaranteed to be the best on the face of the earth. Wolfer's tin shop. When you want draying done get Slover to do It. tie's always ready always reliable and his charges are always just right. With the new facilities that B. N. Butler put in his shop, he turns out as good work In repairing watones and .ewelry as any one in soutnorn Oregon Don't forget that Dr. Stephenson can be found in his offices over J. Beek & Co.'s hardwaro Btore, when not pro' fessionully engaged. Lost A large pookot book be tween C. E. Stewart's placo and Cen tral Point. Book contained Sunset Telephone blanks, railroad pass-and other articles. Findor pleuso leave at Strang's drug store, .Modford. Racket Goods at RacketlPrices! fa 1 m m m m m ft lift tord. Or.g. 'W THE MEDFORD BOOT AND SHOE DEALER AND FITTER .. i following elegant line of footwear just; Log! jloiise.. MEDFORD, - OREGON. POSTOFFICE or month, at reasonable 1 1 ' msiieu. Heartily Endorsed. M. O. Warner, the piano tuner, who has for a number of year made visits . to Medford, and who has made so many warm Inenui among tne musical peo- ' pie of our city, will be here in a few days to look after your instruments. . His work Is endorsed bv all the leadioz music house of the coast. Here ia one ' just received from Portland: Portland. Oreeon. Nov. 14. 1900. M. O. Warner, Eugene, Oregon. - Wear air: We have had numerous airu must cuuiess mat -we- are wen - pleased with the careful, pains-taking manner in which you have been looking - after tbe instruments and we shall at all times be glad to recommend your . services to anyone in need of a thor oughly competent, conscientious work- - man. we shall be glad to have you -look after the instruments sold by as and this letter may serve as a letter of introduction to anyone whom we may fail to notify in the regular way. Wish ing you abundant success, we are, Very sincerely yours, Eilers Piano Housk, By H. Eilers. The follawmg unsolicited testimonial has also just been received by Mr. War ner from Beatrice Barlow Dinrke, whose remarkable abilities as a pianist have been tbe talk of musical circles 01 the state recently: Kagene. Oregon, Nov. II, Itwo. . Mr. M. O. Warner. Dear Sir: Before leaving Eugene I must express to you my appreciation of tbe very careful and correct manner in which you tuned my Chlckeriog. rue tuning and regulating was simply per fect and vour work evervtbing that could be desired by tbe most exacting. Again thanking you and winning you tnuCD success, i am Very sincerely '-' Beatrice Bakuw Diekkb. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing by and between E. B. Jennings and S. R. Lane, under the firm name and style of Jen nings & Lane is, by mutial consent, this day dissolved. S. R. Lane has re tired and E. B. Jennings will continue the business. All accounts due the firm will be paid to Mr. Jennings an I all accounts owed by the firm will be paid by mm. Dated this 24th 1900. day of November, B. Jennings, R. Lake. Steam Feather Renovating;, as to tbe extent of this work, I wish to stale to the publio that all work will be calle'd for within a radiuB of five or six miles from Medford, which will ir.olude Phoenix, Central Point, Jacksonville and all the surrounding country. Orders oan be left at our oQlce or by mniltj. Lock Box 25. T. B. B. TAYLOH, Prop Medford, Ore. . .. - Superior job printing at this office. Come one, come all STORE