The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, October 19, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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W. T.' Weal was in from Paisley this
R. E. Peyton, of LeedB, was in Mijd'
ford Monday,
C. W. Myers waa over from Klam
athon Monday.
Miss Oora Bates returned borne from
Redding Sunday
Mrs. H. G. Wortman returned from
AshlaadSafurday. . ! ";' -v ,'
Mi D. Bowles, of Lake Creek, was
registered at the Nash Monday,
Mrs. Lou Whittle, of Central Point,
was Waiting friends in Medford Monday,
A. R. Jacobs, a prosperous young
farmer, living near Talent, was tn the
city Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Butler returned
Friday from their Visit at Willamette
valley points.'' ...i , .
W. G. Messal and family, of Xake
Creek, wore, registered at Hotel Nash
Ex-Commissioner W. H. Bradshaw
was in from Lake Creek Monday upon
businoss and jollying his friends.
E. Q. Fomeroy, our good and tried
friend, bver at Spikenard, was in the
city Wednesday upon business.
JT. B. Dent and Charlie Milligan,
who are employed at the Nye-Wortman
mine on Galls creek, spent Sunday with
their families in Medford
J. T. Spencer and family left Monday
evening for. their home at North boro.
Iowa, after a few weeks' visit with N.
H. Spencer and family, out on Griffin
creek. ,.
Carl, Edith and Pearl Webb, Grace
Foster and Dr. Burnett were over at
Table Rock Inst Sunday and enjoyed a
picmo dinner on the topmost point of
the rock
Mrs. Anna Colleen left Tuesday
morning for her home at Dixon, Calif
after a two weeks' visit with relatives
here. She is a daughter of Arnold
Chiiders, Sr.
Asbael Hubbard returned' Sunday
from the grand lodge, K. of P., which
Butler was also a delegate from Talis
man lodge, of Medford.,
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Fitzgerald re
turned Monday to their home near
Grants Pass. Mr. Fitzgerald is mak
ing a crowning saccess of his fruit ven
ture down that way and it's' all de
served. -
N.' H. Spencer and children, J. T
Spencer and Son, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Nicholson j Mr. and Mr., A. C. Nichol
son and Miss Myrtle Nicholson made
up a little picnic party whloh visited
Table Bock Sunday. . . ;'-
Mrs.H. A. Frenna returned to Med
ford Tuesday evening. Her husband
and son are now at work in San Fran
cisco, but they too will return to Med
ford about Christmas time, when the
family' will settle down for a permanent
stay It this city. . " .
T. J. Kelso was in from Eagle Point
Monday. He was a pleasant caller at
The Mail office where he left, the
necessary which pays his subscription
to 1902. He is engaged in hauling lum
ber from up near Talent to bis. place for
an addition to bis dwelling houBe.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Leever came
over from Ft. Klamath last week foe a
few days' stay with relatives and their
maoy friends. - Mr. Leever is engaged
in stock .raising and is doing well.
Both himself and wife like the country
immensely well and are healthy and
A. J. Stewart left Monday morning
lor El Paso, Texas, where be has large
interests ana wnere ne win speua tne
winter, returning to Meaiora next
Rnrincr. an htm hppn hffl wnnt tl dn fnr
several years. He is a splendid gentle
man and hia comings are always wel
comed by our townspeople.
Jeff Wilson was. over from Langell
Valley, Klamath County, last week.
Mrs. Wilson has been visiting with ber
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Obenohaln,
-at Central Point, for a couple of weeks
and returned to her home with her
husband. These people returned a few
weeks ago from an outing trip to the
Thos. Smith, the gentleman who re
cently purchased a -tract of land near
Jacksonville, was in Medford last Sat
urday upon business. He is very much
elated over bis pnrchase ai.d Is re
gretting tbat be did not buy a few
months sooner so he could have secured
about $400'fl worth of prunes which
have just been harvested from the
. W. T. York and family and R. B.
Orr and family were up Talent way
Sunday looking over tbe country. At
M. L. Pellctt's place they were shown
a bin of very Hoe. apples the product
of ; Mr.' Pellett's orchard. There are
several thousand bushels of these ap
ples and they are a prime article. It
was only a couple or three years ago
that Mr. Pellett was offering bis farm
for eule at a price tbat was very low but
since mat time ne nas raaae a liferent
arrangements and don't want to sell.
aiavrupunruii since men uus uiure
than paid the amount asKed then and
the place is still bis with prospects
(or its laying up a good bank account
'for him in years to come.
G. , 0. ' Culy, tho big stockman of
Steamboat, was registered at tho Nash
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Mltolioll ar
rived in Mod ford last weok from Klnm-
athon, Calif.
Capt, J,' T. C. Nash loft Monday
evoniug tor a busluoss trip to lioscburg
and Portland.
K. B. Jonulngs left Wednesday even
Ing for a throe or four days' business
trip to Rosoburg.
Mrs. Louis Bundy, wife of Dr. Bundy,
tbe dentist, -la down from Eugene visit
ing her husband. :: . f
Win. Gibbon, one of tho best frleuds
Tup MAIL has In the valley, was in
from DIB tarm, near uentrai i'olnt,
Mrs. A. E. Graves, who formerly
lived in the Applegate osuntry, stopped
off in Medford Monday for a day's visit
1th friends, en route from Portland to
San Franolsco. ,
Prof. J. A. Dish, teacher in the
Woodville schools, was In Medford over
Saturday and Sunday, visiting his par
ents and friends. Abe is making a de
cided success of sohool teaching and
his friends rejoice with him.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fryer and their
daughter, Mrs. Green, of Eagle Point,
were Medford visitors Saturday. Mr.
Fryer dropped into This Mail's new
shop to look around and to say en
couravring words all of which are fully
Mrs. D. I. Waldroop, and daughter.
Mrs. Bessie Plymale, and Mrs. Wald
roop 8 sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Crabb,
came no from Ft. Jones, Calif., this
week for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. D.
H. Miller and other Medford relatives
and friends. Mrs. Crabb's home is at
Dcs Moines, Iowa.
Mrs. S. D. Musso, of Bowman, Calif.,
arrived in Medford this week and will
visit for a couple of months with her
son-in-law. Editor A. H. Chessmore,
and family. Her son was hero during
the summer and was very favorably
impressed with the country and It is
not unlikely that he and his mother
will move here.
Rev. L. 0. Wilson and family, of
Grants Pass, were in Medford a few
days this week upon a visit to Rev. E,
Wilson and family. . These reverend
gentlemen ara brothers and both M. E.
Church pastors.' Rev. L. 0. has re
cently been transferred from Grants
Pass to Rod Bluff, Calif. - He is now en
route to his new Bold of labor.
P. H. Gray was over ' from Poo's
valley, Klamath County, this week,
He is going to engage in stock raising
over tbat way and is of the opinion
that there's big money for him as well
as other stocknftn. He bought a couple
of acres of potatoes when be first wont
over tnere, and he brought In a few
samples, which weighed four and five
pounds each and they had received no
cultivation whatever. Tbe variety of
the potatoes is the Blue Victor.
W. D. West, of Silver Lake, is now
visiting relatives in this city. Mr.
West is a nephew of T. F. West, Mrs.
E. M. Denison and Mra. R. T. Lawton
and a cousin of Mrs. G. H. Haskios, D.
T. and J. W. Lawton, whom he had
not seen for nearly twenty years. This
Mr. West's first visit to Medford.
He is greatly pleased with its general
make-up and go-ahead business aopear
ance. Mr. West is a practical engineer
and a good, all-round fellow aod can
not come too often or stay too long..,.).
J. H. McFall, a farmer living near
Central Polot,was in the city Monday
upon business. Tbe gentleman has
been living in the valley for a couple
of years, during which time he has
been doing pretty well in a financial
way, so well In fact that he has decided
to take hie family and pay his relatives
at Aurora, Mo., a three months' visit.
He has not visited his old home for
twenty-three years, and has decided
tbat right now is an opportune time
and he goes and may pleasures abound
where himself and estimable family
Geo. T. Richards, of Grand Rapids,
arrived In Medford this week after a
trip into eastern Oregon. The gentle
man and his family arrived in 0 regon
City from Michigan several woeks ago.
The family remained in tbe above
named city while Mr. Richards has
been making a detour of the southern
part of the Btate. He likes the Rogue
river valley and Medford end has de
cided to spend at least tbe winter here,
and has rented the Misses Townsend's
property out near tbe Orchard Home
tract. He left Monday evening for
Oregon City to get hia family, expect
ing to return to Medford the latter
partol this week. Mr. R. is a farmer
and if he likes the way our country
acts for the next few months ho will
invest in farm property hereabouts.
TbOBe Michigan men sb a rule are good
men and hustlers and Mr. Richards
seems very like the majority.
I will shortly bo in my new building
with a complete line of Japanese wear,
crockery and glassware; also groceries
and provisions.
Q. L,. Davis,
Your Grocer.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby civen that the on.
partnership heretofore existing by and
between T. Goodwvn and C. E. Tull.
doing busmen under the firm name of
Goodwyn & Tull, Is, bv mutual consent,
this day dissolved. All accounts due
the firm are payable to C. E. Tull, who
will continue the livery business, and
all accounts owed by the firm will be
paid by said 0. IS. Tull.
Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 10th
day of October, 1900.
T. Goodwyn,
O. E. Tull.
Cheap Lumber for Sale!
In shipping out our best graded lumber wo will luivu left
probably 10X1,000 feet, principally sugiir pluo. suitabto for gen
oral building and for inside finish, which wo have not
present faetory facilities for working upoui'solves, we will givu
,. . extra good bargains in. We lmvo nlso about a carload of
clear o,uartcr-sawed tlr flooring strips, tho tin nut ever sawed
in this county, which la also offered at a low (Inure.
We have in a pile about '250,000 feet of grados below No. 2
Sugar and Yellow Pino, which wo will suit at prloos from f5
to $10 nor M. according to selection and quantity sold.
We also have an abundance of Fir Inch boards, ronclng.
flooring and rustic in strips, bridge plunks and of about all
Fir dimensions suitable for house and ranch building, a full
list of whloh Is at Medford, which wn offer nt $6 nor M. for
grades from common up to No. 1. No. 1 flooring and rustic
strips at 7.
We also have for sale at Butlo Crook 250 bushels of sacked
Charcoal and u lot of 10-foot Cedar corral posts, and at Mod
ford a few tons of baled hay and numerous blacksmith tools,
almost new. For prices uud full particulars Inquire of
CHARLES H. PIERCE, Hedford, Oregon
McKlnley Club fleeting.
All members of the Medford McKin
ley club, and those t otcrs who muy wish
to become members of the club, are re
quested to meet at the town ball in
Msdford on Friday evening, Oct. 18th,
at 7 :S0 o'clock. There will be businoss
of importance to be transacted. There
Is work for all Republicans during the
next two weeks and we must meet and
organize for it. If you have the inter
est ef yonr country and party at heart
you will meet with us.
J. S. Howard, Chairman.
Additional Local Items.
' Clarence Gunn has moved to the
Riggs placo, south of Medford.
Ice eream Saturdays and Sundays
at iae doss, Jacksonville.
J. W. Wiley shipped two carloads
of hogs to San Francisco Monday.
The Coss Piano House his some
good horses for sale.
G. L. Davis shipped a carload of
Oregon red apples to Los Angeles Tues
School supplies at West Side gro
-T. H. Moore bos built a 16x16 foot
addition to his West Side grocery store.
He has also. put in a stock of tin and
granite ware. - '
For stamp photos see Mackey &
Dunlup. 24 for 25 cents.
T. F, Gooch has .purchased town
properly In Ashland but ho is not sure
tbat he will occupy It-"He is bunting
for a small farm of good alfalfa land
and If he finds a chunk that suits hlui
he'll invest.
Fresh eastern oysters at the itialto
-Mr. Wm. W. Bates and Miss H.
A. Medynski are to bo married on
Wednesday of next week, at the resi
dence of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. V. Medynski. Invitations are
now out.
See the latest in piano chairs at the
Coss Piano House..
H. E. Davis has taken a position as
salesman in G. L. Davis' grocery etore.
He is a nepbew of G. L., and is proving
himself to be a cracking good man. He
Is courteous, affable and ia catching on
to store maneuvers in good sbapo.
Seed rye for sale 1000 pounds, at
Hubbard Bros., Medford.
Several fruit packers left Medford
Wednesday morning for tho Charlie
Dlcklson ranch, at Table Rock, where
they will pack Charlie's apple crop,
about 400 boxes, which have been
bought by G. L. Davis.
-Ladies, my new pattern and street
hats are here. Call and sue them, at
my millinery parlor, bock of new bunk.
Miss Medynski.
George Coulter has leased the bil
liard bnll, formerly conducted by W.
I. Townsand, and on Wednesday opened
the some for business. If anyone can
make a success of this business its
"Virjin" that'll do It. Ho will carry
cigars, tobacco, candies, nuts and lunch
Benj, Fredenburg sold'to Ed Wilkin
son, the market man, this week, a five-year-old
steer that weighed 1500 pounds.
There was nbthlng especially out of
the ordinary as to weight, but Mr.
Wilkinson says he wus the finest animal
lie ever looked upon a. id E.J has seen
several in his time. The price paid
for him was 850.70.
A Model fjrocery Store.
For weeks past workmon havo bocn
"rolling logs," so to speak, In prepar
ing tbe large, brick store room, belong
in? to Thos Mc A ml rows, for occupancy
by G L Davis, the grocer The build
ing was completed last week and no
sooner was tho snow white paint dry
than did Mr Davis commonco tbe work
of moving lu.
Tho main building is 50x00 loot lu
size and Is all in one large salesroom.
The fixtures are all new, of modorn
style and conveniently arranged or tbe
uses for which InUindod Shelving and
counters oxtond tho full length of each
side and across the back end Tables
are located at various plaocs in the
room, while through the center are
large pyramid tables upon which is
fancy glasswaro and Japanese goods.
At the center rear is an clovutod ofllca,
leading to which is a flight of stulrs
and around wnich is a railing. Every
piece of the store fixtures Is pulnted u
pure white and when loaded with the
new goods which Mr Davis has put ,ln
presents a very pretty Bceiio to look
upon Tho windows are French plate
glass and around them have been In
stalled, abuut a foot apart, 124 electric
llghti, which with tbe aid of twelve
othtr electric Hgbts In other parts of
the storo, will afford a great abundance
of light.
The east side of tbe room is given up
almost exclusively to canned, bottled
ami funcy lunch goods; the rear to
orockery and houvy groceries: the west
side to Bhclf groceries, cigars and to-
bucco, while tbe center Is taken up with
vegetables, fruits, syrups, wooden and
willow ware.
Mr Davis carries a $6000 stock of
goods, employs five clerks and delivery-
men and does two men's work himself
His employes are T E Poltengor, Carl
Crystal, H H Davis, Everett Kads, John
Dent and Charlie Caldwell, tbe two
latter being drivers of the two delivery
wugoiis which the establishment keeps
busy going to all parts of tbe town.
Mr Davis' new buainoBS homo is,
without a doubt, tho II nest placeof busi
ness of Its kind In tbe state, outside of
Portland and The Mail is pleased
because that 'tis so not especially be
cause It's George Davis that's doing it
nil, but because that It's Medford on'
terprlse that'a forging ahoad.. The
place is a beauty spot in Medford and
Mr Davis Is entitled to wagon loads of
oredlt for having put forth so much en
terprise in this direction.
Empty barrels New and old bar
rels for sale cheap at the distillery office.
Candy ten cents per pound for the
next thirty days at the Boss Jackson-
Studebaker Vehicles
Tim publiu Is cordially Invited to call and Inspont my large
ussoi'tmuiil, Just received, of goiitloinon'a Driving Wngona uud
llugglos, aim light! business and road wagons and houvy 4 spring
uimiiitulii wuguns (bucks), ull of which will nu sold ut low llgurua
and on liberal terms.
J. A. Whitman' old stand. MEDFORD,
T. II. MOOUK, Prop.
(let 'oin on the went 1 1m Wrat
utile 'Orotwy I'srrlrN it tplfmiul
lliir ot llritfrrlrs, 1'ruvlnluus, Cliiurs
iiiiU Tubjuuu,
The West Side Qrocery
llulril liny,
Hiilltul Out
ami llarlny
All OXFORD TIES cut down
gQc a pair
Now is tho ti mo lo got ft pood low slioo ut coet.
Call toon and got your fit. So mo odils mid ends much bo
low cont. In order to mnko room for full goods' wo odor
fur the next few weukn hIioi'h that cost us 12.60 at $1.00.
Don't forget the place at Kanie'H Storo. If you aro hunt
ing a Bhoomukor cull in and lmvo your work douo in good
Still IO.
A Shoemaker always at Knme'i Store.
Boot and Shoe Repair Shop....
I have r-opened my shop tn Medford mid am prepared to oxcuto
firs-class work on short notice and at reasonable prices
Spop In Meeker & Co.'s store. M. S. BIDEN, Prop.
vaz vja ayM' m.' va
$ Cole's
My Farm
For Sale.
Consisting of 190 acres;. fifty acres
cleared; 125 fenced; 700 bearing prune
and poach troos; six acres alfalfa; 700
ung pear trees; house of seven roomR;
dud barn ; wagon shod, oto. Slluutod
two and one-half miles west of Phoenix
hiu! six and one-half miles south of
M. ilford. Cheap and easy terms. Ap
ply on premises or at my rosldonoo on
West Seventh streot, Medford. '
0. L. CORW1N.
Air-Tight Heaters
Best Heaters on Earth.
Acknowledged to be stiporlor lo all others In every
respect. Wo have sold tnnin lor live seasons and have
sold lots of them und all havo given entire satisfac
The Hardware Men
t Hovonth St., hot. 11 and C MKMFORD, OltE.
Ihe Wonderful "Snap Shot
Cured a Bad Sore Throat.
State of Oregon, I J. T. Roberts, being duly sworn, deposes nnd
Jackson County, f says: In April I got tho sore throat so bud f
could not speak above a whisper, but did not know what was the matter.
I wont to Mr. Sutton mid he treated it with Snap Shot and in nhoiil tun
minutes the pain and soreness left my throat and 1 havo not been
bothered since with It.
I ali-o hail tho rhuuinatiHin so badly I had to go with a cano, and the
cords were drawn so that 1 could nut bond my leg, I went to Mr. Sut
ton's olllco and used tho Snap Shot and in a very short tlinii I threw the
cane away and wont homo without any trouble, and have had to use the
cano no mora ami have hud no recurrence of tho rheumatism.
Sutton's Snap Shot Is a groat remedy. J. T. HOBKKT3.
Subscribed und sworn to before mo this 1st day of December, 1S8.
Ki.oim.vcK L. TinmiK. Notary l'uhllu for Oiogon.
Slltton'S Snap Shot. t'o wonderful destroyer of nil forms
of inflammation in man or beast. 50c and $fl per
bottle. R. K. SUTTON, Solo Proprietor, Ashland, Ore.
Machine repairing a specialty Second
Hand Engines and Steam Pumps Brought and
Sold ' 9ff ' 9f Bicycle Cones and Axles
Made to Order jf ?f jf f
Fir and Yellow Pine dimension lumbor all sizos
and lengths; also boxing. Orders for special, sizes
promptly filled.
Mill 5 miles west of Talent on Anderson Creek.
, Postoffico address, Talent, Oregon.
Let Us Figure on the Next Bill of Lumber You Order,
Wm. Richards & Co.