The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, October 05, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
wovai tuning wwffwn
Correspondents ii
ICkkIi' l'lillll Kilirli'ln.
J. .1. Kryor mid fiinilly wont to
Kogiiu livnr limt Kuiuliiy.
MrH. ('iiwlcy, o( ICIuiiiiitli County,
viHitod Mrs. 'I'lioiuiiH hint wutik.
Thou. Coy in limiting homo im
iiruvrnimitH on 1 1 i h fiirm iiruorty.
Morrill Brown cuiiglit iiimsty
iiiiui Hah in liitllu Ituttn IiihI Sun-
Gno. lirown in getting lliu iim
iurinl on tin) ground to build liiK
new ri'nidonoo.
MomluiiH'H TliiminH mid Frury
wiiru in JutilcHonvillu on huuinuHH
ono liny luHt week.
Mr. ArgclcoGrcon, accompanied
by hor father, Mr. Kryor, inuilu u
a trip to Jiirlcrionvillu limt wck.
.A. V. llurnum, of Ft. Klitmnlh,
vpent Sunday night iu town on IiIh
way to Mcdtord to buy suppliuH.
Our Htockimin nru nearly ull buny
?athnring in boof cuttlo unci Homo
inre already Hold tlioir dill beef.
Jos. Under in gutting material on
the ground for making u few iin
proveincnU about bin Iiouhc mid
milking more fence.
i ......t.'. r. ...i i
Huttii creek biHt week, rumuining
several duyii Hulling and utijoying
tlicniHolvrH generally.
Mr. and Mm. Frank Nichols and
Momliimi'H TliomaK, Krary, Sinclaro
and Cawlny wero tho guuitU of Mr.
and Mr. J. W. 0 rover lust Sunday.
LHt wri'k K. I'ool, 0. Bnoider
and Wiu. Smith, accompanied by
Mm. K. Pool, wont to Applejrato,
the men to tako a hunt and Mrs.
I'ool to rinit friends.
Prof. Hazolton has been aocurcd
to teach tbn advanced departmont
of our school and as soon as a ma
jority of the pupils can attend ho
will enter upon lus duties.
During the lust week our school
directors have had tho school build
ing Insured, a well dug on tho
grounds mid a pump put in and it
begins to look as though they in-
tended to have things convenient
around there
Last Sunday wo had tho pleasure
of a visit (rom Mrs. U. M. fries.
Mr.' Anderson and Mrs. Amos
I.undy, the latter two ladies from
Klamath County. Mrs. Fries, hnr
aister Mrs. Anderson, and Mr.
Lundy whon childron, woro among
tho pupils In my nrst school on
Hutto creek in 1807, which mado
the visit, if anything, more pleas
Vm,.-.tirt-Aminrwlanr. linrn flniahnrl
hauling lumber from tho Welch
sawmill last week and while thore
learned that parties wore in tho
woods on tho head waters of lCvans
creek, who woro killing deer for
their hams and leaving the hides
and tho rest of tho carcass where
they wcro killed. Ono young man
reports having found fourteen car
casses in ono day.
Prevented a Traredy
Tlmoly Information if Iron Mrs. Geo.
T.nntr. nt Nil it StraltavTllo. Ohio, pre-
vualud a dreadful truirudy and savud
two lives. A (rlKlitfiil ooujrli hud long
Wnni, liui- awaku ovorr nlulit. Sho had
tried many roinndloa and doctors but
steadily irrow worno until urfuu uj iry
Dr. Ki nic'a Now Discovery. One bot
tle wholly cured hor, and iho writes
this marvelous mudlolao also cured
Mr. r.nnir of a sovero attack of ouou
monla. Such euros aro positive proof
of the mnteliliiHS in rlt of this grand
remedy for curing all throat, chest and
lunir irniihlnn. Onlv SOo and l. Evory
bntllo iriiarantoud. Trial bottles free
at Ohm. Strang's drug Htoro.
(lulls CrueU Item.
nv M. B. K.
(Heeelyed too lata for last week.)
Frank Dunitoy was a Gold Hill
visitor Sunday.
T Wm niaokort made a trip to
Foots creek 1 uesdny.
D. 1). Dunkin mado a flying trip
to Gold Hill Tuesday.
J. W. Dunkin went to Gold Hill
last Monday upon business.
Mr. and Mrs. Dumowood spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. ii
' Olson
Miss Anna Noah, of Gold Hill
was tho guest of Miss Stella Olson
Mr. and Mrs. IS. Goreline, of
Med ford, passed through here Sat
no., wtw vow.
urdiiy evening on their way to
Misses 10 tin mill Htlu 1 Drown, of
ICiiiick er.'ck, were visiting here
Thursday; ,
Our school commenced on Mon
day, September IU, with Miss Mary
Hinitli as leMcher,
Nliiry of a Slave.
To be bound lianil anil foul for yimrs
by tint uhiilim of diaeiiHo In this worst
form of Hlavory. Ciun. I. WIMIuiiih, of
Mune!ii;slur, Mleli., telle how such a
mIiivo whb iiiiuIo frue. Ilu says: "My
wife I iiih been ho helpless for live yearn
ihnl she uuuld not turn uvur In bed
alonu. Afliir uhIiik two boltlcii of Klim
trio flitters, she U wonderfully lm
proved mid ablu to do bur own work."
Thin supreme remedy lor female d In
cline quickly cures nurvouMiioKD, sleep
luhueB, mulmicliuly, heudauhu, track-
ilie, lalntlntf ana ai.iy imoiis. ibis
ilracie workitiK mcdiuloe Is a Godsend
to weak, slokly, run dowu people.
Evnrv bottle KUiirenUieil. Ouly bUeenta.
Held by Chun. Strang, druggUt.
Hrownsboro Items.
W. Farlow is stopping in town for
a few days with Mr. Baldwin.
MoCray nd party campod ov.i r
Saturday and Sunday in town. .
Fred Stanley has gone to Horn-
brook, Calif., lo spend tho fall sea
son. 1C. V. Osborne was taken suddenly
11 last 1 hursuay, hut is now lm
Mr. and Mrs. C. IS. Charley wore
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A
Miller Sunday.
Frank Grahnm, I'' rod Stanley and
Chris Edlur returned from eastern
Oregon a short time since.
J. A. Miller roturned lust week
from the building oi a bridgo across
tho north fork of liulte oreok.
T A. Culbertson and family, of
Ft. Klamath, and J. D. Culbertson
and family, of Lake Creek, were
the guests of their Bister, Mrs. J. K.
Uell, and family one night last
It Happened in a Druir Store.
"Ono dity laat winter a lady came to
my druu otoru and aiked for a brand of
oouvh medicine that 1 did nut havo In
touk," suy Mr. U. It. Urandlo, tbe
popular ilrutfifint of Onuirlo, N. Y.
"Hho wua uimipiMilnUxl nnd wanted to
know wliat coukIi preparation I could
recommend. 1 naid to her thul 1 oould
freely recommend Chiimborlnln's
CnuKh Hem ed y and that kI.o could tuko
a bollle of the remedy nud after kIvIiik
it a fair trial if she did not llnd it worth
tho money to bring bauk tho hotllo and
1 would relunU the nrlco puld. In the
ouurao of a day or two the lady oamo
back iu compnny with n friend in need
of aomiKh medluine and advised her lo
buy a uoltln ol Ulutmberlalu B (Jouku
Uumedy, I oonnlder that a very good
recommendation for the remedy.' It
! for sale by Clnm. Strang, druggiat.
An Meal Life Has thla Artist.
W. L. Taylor, who makes the Unest
plolurea that appear in Tbe Ladles'
Uouie Jourual, lends the ideal life that
every artist dreams of. He neither
nook a nor accepts work Irom any one.
no naa an Otfrcen nioome irom tne
Philadelphia muuatiuo, and an this is a
Kuneroua amount he has nothing in tbe
way of nnancca to worry him. lie lives
In n artistic homo at Welloslcy, Massa-
ehusutla, lo the top story of which he
out tils studio. Ills work Is carelully
laid out for him by his editor for an
entire year In advance, and he works
nt It only wlion no reels at ins nest.
Othorwlso he paddles in his canoe or
walks. Mo has no tune imposed upon
him when his work shall be turned In.
He generally uses un tho boat of two
Dion tbn to paint a ainelu picture. Few
arllsU bavo really a more ideal lite.
It Saved Ills Leg.
P. A. Diiuforth. of LaOi'an&e. Ga..
suffered Intensely for six months with
a frightful runolnir sore on his leg, but
writes that Uucklon's Arnloa Salve
wholly cured It in ten days. For ulcers,
wounds, burns, bolls, pain or piles It a
the boat salve in the world. Cure
guaranteed. Only 26 cents. Sold by
Chaa. Strang, druggist.
Real Estate Transfers.
Annie Houlltn nnd htiHbnnil to J K
Ituoilur nntl Wnltnr MtiKKOntlcr, HI) Huron
In auo 30, to H.i r. r 1 o I
Hnriih It I'm tit Wliuilu 11 Fox, U uuru In
Far nw nt. Ashliuin
John Iti KnbbltiH ul ux tn Win lliiarrisloy
inu nu iu aorou, oi nvt'A swy4l ncc iu,
tu m it, r 1 1
J II lineman to Lizzie ullinan, lot 18, blk
20, uoia urn
Ueo W UroWHon to Win Mooru, 111 or an
aoru In soo 14, In 89 a, r 1 o
Jaa Holms to Tbos Koruuson, 10 aorca In
auo 20 ti as a, r I w
II A Kuod and A K Kryo to Win Kramor,
Mounlalti Clilof quarts olalin, alliintod
In Foots crook mining tllHlrlcl ,
MiiIIhhii Mlllsan ann hiiHband to Olllo
Mbv MIllsaD. lot 7. Woolon'H addition
toAllllnnd 1W0
Slate ororeRon to .1 c lull, 120 acres la
suo 16, tp 40 a, r 3 0
ninlng Locations.
Kdwnrd Hcndriolts located Aug '!, quarts
olnlni In Amilcuutu mliiliiK ulstrlci.
M 13 Morlelocutuil Mopt'JO, a iUM'U claim In
uoiu 11111 uititrici.
Whon von oamiotsloep for cough Ing,
U 1b hardly necessary that any ono
should toll von that you need iv few
doses of Chiimburlaln's Cough, ltmnedy
to allay tho Irritation of the throat,
nnd make aluen poBnlblo. It in good.
Try It. For sale by Ohas. Strang,
Klamath Palls People Have a Market
for Their Hyrlads of Reptiles.
The following article from a
Klamath I'iiIIh correspomlent ap-
inaieil in a roontit issue of tho
I'lirlbiud Oregoiiiiin:
The Hiinku industry at Klamath
Kails bids fair to become important.
A few weeks ago Poiitmaster Caslel
received a letter from a concern in
Minnesota making i ikj 11 1 ry as to the
pi ice of the reptiles, mid if .a ship
ment could be uiMile lo 11 Minnesota
snake farm. Although the letter
was written on printed letter heads,
tho poHlniiiHter thought some one
was trying to pinpoint1 0 a joke upon
him. Ho replied, however, and
slated that ho would supply all the
snukes wanted at 25 cents a pound.
By return mail, much to his sur
prise, came an order for 400 pounds
of snakes, delivered at the nearest
railroad station. Tho Minnesota!!
went on to state that uext season
ho would make further, orders an
object to Mr. Caste!, but ho would
tuko 800 pounds more this fall.
Snake-catching is now tho order of
tho day bore. It is a paying busi
ness, as one man can easily capture
100 in a day, and this represents at
least 50 pounds.
Tho Klamath Falls snakes have
a , world-wide roputation. Along
this river or falls, on a warm day,
miles of snakes, curling, wriggling
and crawling over each other, is no
unusual sight, and if the weather is
a little cool, one ' has to wait for
them to get out of the way or take
a stick and lift them aside, as many
do. Tbe stranger, on his first t'ip
to this section, is continually dodg
ing and jumping sidewise, although
he is informed that the reptiles are
perfectly harmleos. The inhabit
ant doesn't mind them at all. Lit
tle girls gather apronfuls and boyB
carry small ones around in their
pockets. They are regarded as pets
here generally and are seldom
harmed. Tbey come down into the
very. town and while walking along
the streets a- ooupl of dozen may
be seen in going a block. They
simply wriggle out of tbe way
crawl between the cracks of the
plank sidewalks, or move off to one
side. The snakes are regarded as
benefactors by tbe community, and
there is some complaint at parting
with the few required to fill the Min
nesota man's order.
The reptiles live and breed among
the rocis and cliffs along the falls,
and it is asserted that they have
completely routed the rattlesnakes
from the entire section, besides de
stroying all the mice and other
pests that infested the place. They
attack a rattlesnake and while one
alone has been known ' to kill the
largestjattler, a number will wind
IhemgutVes about the venomous
reptile and strangle it in a short
time. It is claimed that before
these snakes made their appearance
that the rattlers infested the entire
region, but they are now seldom
It is believed here that tons of
the snakeB could be shipped from
this plaoe annually without ma
terially decreasing the supply, and
the industry may prove a paying
one. Snake oil oommanas an enor
mous price for medicinal purposes,
and it is known that a superior
quality of tho oil can be manu
factured from the Klamath Falls
"Fnr three davs and nights I suffered
agony untold from an attack of cholera
morbus Droucni on oy outing uuuuiu-
hiira."8nv8 M. JS. .Lowtlicr, clone 01 tne
district oourt, Centorville, Iowa. "I
i.hmmht. I Rhoulct Biirc v me. ana irioa
a dozen different medicines but all to
in mivnnsn. 1 sent (or a bottle of
niuimhurbiin'H Colic. Oholora and Dl
arrhoea Uomody and three dosos re
lieved me entirely." this remeay is
for sale by Chns. Strang, druggist.
Market Report.
Thn billowing aro tho nrloos paid by
our merchnnts this wook (or farm pro
duue. This list will bo changed each
wook as the prices utiango:
Whoat 2
Outs i"0
piour $1.50 per 100 lbs
Barley l-10 '' " "
Mill Peed... OOo
Potatoes, 75 " "
IjVgs in nor doz
Buttor,.... 20porlb
rutins, dry 03i ' lb
Bacon..... 10 " b
Hams H lb
Shoulders 09 " b
Urd, 0!)i " lb
Hogs live i " 1
mm' mm.
In some coaea the
lm is firmly within
la known. Ill other canes the blood is quickly filled with this poisonous virus and the
swollen glawla, mucus pntchca iu the mouth, sores on scalp, ulcers on tongue, sore
throat, cruntiona on skill, cornier colored nnlotches. and fnllintr hair and evehrnwn
leave no room for doubt, as thenc are all umniatakablc sigii9 of Contagioua Blood I'oison.
Doctors Btill prescribe mercury and potash as the only cure for Blood Poison. These poisonous min
erala never yet made a complete and permanent cure of Contagioua Blood I'oison. They drive the disease
back into the system, cover it up for a while, but it breaks out again in worse form. These powerful minerals produce mercurial
rheumatism and the most offensive sore and ulcere, causing the joints to stiffen and finger nails to drop off. Moroury and
potash mako wracks, not euros, and those who have been dosed with these drugs are never after free from aches and pain.
S. 8. 8. acta in an entirely different manner, being a purely vegetable remedy ; it forces the poivjn out of the system, and
instead of tearing dowu, builds up and invigorates the general health. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this specific virus, and
therefore the only cure for Contagious Blood Poison. No matter in what stage or how hopeless the case may appear, even
though pronounced incurable by the doctors, S. S. S. can be relied upon to make a rapid, permanent cure. S. S. S. 1 not a
new, untried remedy; an experience of nearly fifty yeara has proven it a sure and unfailing cure for this disease. It lathe
only purely vegetable blood medicine known. , . , ,
Mr. H. h. Myer. loo Mulberry St.. Newark, N. J., saya : BI wamfllicted with ft terrible blood dlHeniie, which was In spots at first, bat afterward
spread all over my body. These Boon broke out Into aorea, and It la eaay to Imagine the Buffering I endured. Heore I became convinced that taw
bbbs' BaBBBB"r
ever for this. All correspondence is held
Faauoua pblle Nlnarera Forearo Maair
Plrasurea for the Sake of
Their Art.
Adellna Palti haa led a life of self
denial for the sake of ht-r voice. Aa a
young girl she never had any of the
pleuauria which full to others, nays tho
Chicago Chronicle. I'nrties, dancing
and fun of every kind were denied her.
Her father and her brother-in-law. M.
Ktrakoach, who was also her impreaa
rio, were in eonatant fear that she
would fatigue her voice. One can im
agine how bright and lovely a child
I'lttil waa, how eager her delight in in
nocnt pleaaure, yet pleasure had to be
foregone. Aa to girliah flirtntions. un
til ahe married the marquia de Caux
it Si the little divn had been kea4 al
morit tike a nun at home and knew ab
solutely nothing of the world. The
pleasures of the table were not for
her. She used to eat only plainly cooked
incut nnd toaat, no that even the slight
est indigestion would not impair the
clearness of her voice.
On ordinary days, when Patti haa
to hlng in opera at night, she dines off
lii.ff mill nnlRtnn nnil hnkpil nnnloa nt
nee! anil potatoes anu Dakeu apples at
Biniii ii.uv j. 1.1., in, uni in miu tu
give force and apples amoothncua to
the voice. After diuner the prima
ilonna fasta until she singa, taking be
tween the acts of an opera homeopath
ic doses of phosphorus and capaicum,
both of which are beneficial to the
throat. If tired acupof bouillon is pre
pared for her.
I'ntti never apeaks a word on the
dnya when ahe haa to sing;. Nor doea
Mme. Albanl, who otherwise takes leaa
are' of. her voice than the diva and
fears only indigestible food, salmon,
nuts and such like. Doth declare they
never even "look" at tea, which hard
ens the vocal chords. Between the parts
of a concert or opera Albani drinka
a glnaa of clnret. She believes im
plicitly In the virtues of a cold bath.
Melba says: "1 eat anything, IvJJc
all day and my voice ia never affected."
But. then, Melba'a voice and her whole
physique arc singu'.arly strong and her
nerves are of the steadieat.
Jean De Ileszke. whoae throat ia not
strong, and who sniffers from change
able climatea and complains of
the heat of theatera behind the
acencs, ia chary of hia fine tenor
notes. He scarcely ever goes into
aoalety nowadays, restricts him
self as to diet and pins hia faith to
bicycling. Nothing, he firmly believes,
ia so beneficial to the vocal chords as
to tnke a quiet morning apin in fresh
country air.
Sims i'ecves, throughout hia whole
professional career, was sedulous in
nurhing his voice. Before singing he
nlwaya sucked a lozenge, in which he
much believed; it was "homemade"
of glycerine, lemon juice and gum
arnbic. Jenny Lind .avoided, fatigue
of all kinds, and whenever she had to
sing she partook at Intervals during
the day. of a soup, prepared with
chicken broth,, cream and borle.r.
which was supposed to be softening to
the voice. . ;
Off the Track
Means great disaster when applied to a
fast express train. It 1b just as bad
when It refers to disordered blood or
deranged stomach. Hood's Sarsapa
rllla puts the wheels back on the track
by curing the troubles.
Hood'B Pills.
nausea are cured by
Fer the Seashore.
Newport snd Ynqulna bay continue to offer
for the Bummer vacation, greator variety of at
tractions than can bo found on any othor north
Pacific rosort. Excellent beaches and safo
bathing, ontlalng rides and rambles, good boat
ing nnd fishing; olams, crabs and, oysters for
the guthoring, and uncqtialod profusion of poo-
blea and shells and ngatea. Add to this oucor
ful nnd obliging hosts, who are providing at
very reasonable rntos, homc-llko quartors, and
most liberal faro. Thoy wont lot one got hun
gry at Nowport.
Sco Southern Fnclflo ngont for tickets nnd
llmo tnblus. oroorrospond with C. H. Markham,
General Passongur Agent. Portland, Oregon .
Untied Statos Land Office, Rosoburg, Orogon,
Soptombor 17, lfMJO. Notice Is lioroby given that
In pursuance of Instructions from tbu Commls
sloncrof tho General Land Office, undur nuthor-i
Ity vostod In him by Seotion 2455, U. S. Kov.
Stat., nsnmended by tho not of Congross ap
proved Fobruary 26, 18!)fl, wo will proceed to of
fer nt uubllo snlo on tho 6th day of November,
HKHI. next, at this ollloo, the following tract of
lunil, to wit:
Lot 1, See 18, tp. SW S., R. 1 East.
Any nnd all persons olalraing adversely the
nbovo described lands aro ndvisod to Die tholr
olulms In this offloo on or beforo the day abovo
designated for the commencement of said snlo,
otherwise their rights will be forfeited.
J, T. Bhidhks, Register.
J. H. Booth, Receiver.
external algni of Contagioua Blood Poison
the gnisn of the monster before the true
uocujr could an me no icooa 1 nau anent a nunared
tried varum intent medicinca, but they did not
bollle of S. S. H. 1 waa areally Improved, and waa delighted with the result. The large, red splotches
on mv cheat iievan to grow Daler and amaller. and before lonv disappeared entirely. I reffalned na
lost weight, became stronger, and my appetite Improved. 1 was soon entirely welt, and my skin as
clear as a piece of glass,"
Send for our Home Treatment Book,
this disease, with complete directions for
in charge of physicians who have made
hesitate to write for any information or
in the moat sacred confidence. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, flV
All About Fence Posts.
KoiToa MenroBD Maii,: So many farmer
friends apeak tome about the Irritating decay
of fence posta that I venture, through yaur col
umn, to tll you now It can be avoided. Coat
lug with carbollneum avenarlua, the German
"oxl preservor, will absolutely arrest decay
from soil, climate and vermin. It hardens the
fence posts, bop polsB, bouse supports or other
woodon fixtures treated and adYa many yeara
to their uaefulnesa. I have saved time, work
and money by using thla compound and tblok
no thrifty farmer aboold be without It. I sec
from articles published In the Oregonlan that
tbey are employing carbollneum avenarins la
Portland for paving blocks, tbe Madison street
bridge timbers, etc., wllb excellent results.
What It accomplishes for city folka on a large
scale. It will certainly accomplish for country
people on a email scale when used for domestic
purposes. No expert knowledge is required in
using It. I hare applied ll with a brush the
same as I would paint; or la treating tence
posts or bop polea almply dipped them la a car
bollneum avenarlua bath. I have yet to record
an unsuccessful trial of .tbla preparation, and
can cordially recommend It as a sure preserver
or wood for whatever purpose used. .
Carbollneum avenarlua not only savea time
and money by Its preservative qualities, but
Its economic merits are augumented by the low
price at which It la sold In this territory if
others reap the benefit of my experience thla
letter will not be wasted, but prove an absolute
benefaction to our farming, community. -
1 I understand thla compound ean Be procured
jMD. H. Miller's tledford. Oregon. I bought
mine direct from Plaber. Thorsen & Co.. at
romana, uregon, wao repreaent tne uermaa
PBOoaossm Farmio.
County Treasurer's Firth Notice.
Omci or conrtT nuusuaza 1
or jACisor cooittt. Oanooa
n. (
J ACKaoanriLLs. obbgov. Sent. 28. 1900.
Notice la hereby glvea that there are funds In
tbe eoonty treasury for tbe redemption of aU
outstandlna conntv warrants protested from
January 1. 1897, to January 8, 1SD7, both datea
looluslve. InterestoaineaamewlllcessesUer
tne above aate. ..,
County Treasurer.
In the Ciroult Court. State of Oregon, County
Era Webber,
Plaintiff, gut for Divorce,
alary J. Webber, Summons.
Defendant. J
To Mary J. Webber, the abore earned defend'
an 1
Ton. von are hereby re am red to appear and
answer the complaint Died against you in tbe
above entitled cause in tbe above entitled
Conn on or before tbe 6tb dav of October. 1900.
the last day of the time prescribed In the order
tor publication of this summons, to-wit: - On or
before the expiration of six weeks from the
day of the flrt publication the first publica
tion thereof being on the 31st day of August,
I9uo; and lfyou fall to answer for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re
lief demanded In the complaint, to-wit: For a
dissolution of the bonds of matrimony exist
Ing between plaintiff and defendant and that
said marriage now existing be held for naught
and for such other and further relief aa to tbe
Court may seem lust and equitable and that
plaintiff have judgment against you for his
eosia iuq aisDuiawmeaw.
tms miuncation is raaae oy oroer or Hon. n.
K.Hanna. one of the Judffes for the Circuit
Court for the State of Oregon, In and for the
County M Jackson, which order was duly made
ana entered on tue atist aa; oi August,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
J. Nunan,
O. B. and Addle Dews,'
' Defendant.
BY VIRTUE of an exeoution issued
out of tbe Ciroult Court of the State of
Oregon for tbe County of Jackson, on a
judgment rendered in said Circnlt Oourt
on tho 4m day o! April, iuuu, woerein
J. Nunan. plaintiff, recovered a ludir
ment against O. B. and Addle Dews,
buaband and wife, defendants, for tbe
sum of two hundred sixty-six and 60-100
dollars, with interest thereon at the
rate ol 6 per cent per annum from the
8th day of April, 1899, and the. further
gum of twelve ana W-IW dollars costs,
which judgment was enrolled and
docketed iu the offloo of the county
clerk of Jackson County, Oregon, on
the 12th duv of ADrll. 1900. and where
as certain real property belonging to
said defendant, consisting- of the SEi
of Bee. 18, Tp. 40 8., K. 8 W., in Jaok
son Conntv. Oretron. was attached on
the 5th day of February, 1000, at the
stilt and instance ol tne aoove named
Dlnlatiff to satisfy the demands of said
plniutiff in said suit, and whereas an
order of sale of the attached property
was duly made by said Circuit uourt on
the 4 th dav of ADril. 1900. therefore in
obedience to the command of said exe
cution and order of sale, I did duly levy
upon and will sell as the law dtreuta, at
thu front door of the court bouse in the
Town of Jacksonville, JuoksoB County,
State of Oregon, on
Saturday, November 3, 1900,
At the hour of two o'clock p. m. of said
day, the following described property,
The Bouthoast quarter of Seotion IS,
Tp. 40 South, Range 3 West, in Jaok
sou County, Oregon.
Alex. Orme,
Sheriff of Jaokson County, Oregon.
Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, Septem
ber 28, 1900.
Not Cures
are ao alight that the
nature of the disease
aoilarl. wnicn was renuv tnrown away, x uacn
reach the diieaae. When I hat! finished my Stat
which contains valuable information about
self treatment. Our medical department i :
a life-time atudy of blood diseases. Don't.
advice wanted. We make no chartre what
Watch Repairing
USE ..
Carbolineum Avenarius,
The most efficient Wood Preaenrtni? Paint,
also a Radical Remedy ifilut Cblcfcm
Uca. Iu application to Inside walla ol
nouses win permanently exernu-
nate all Lice.
Resalts, healthy cnlcxeas
plenty of ej
prices; menll
nlentr of ers.
Write for circulars, and
Buon id is paper.
D. H. niLLER, MM.r.: Or..
KLTB CREAM BALM Is a poadtlveeaarav
Appljr Into tne nostrils. It la quickly absorbad. sa
aantsatDnunffataorbymall; aampkelOc by nasal
BLT BROTHERS, a Warns Sc. Hew Torfc COjk
The - Shasta - Route
' or THF ":
Hot jf Neb.
"South j T
:30 a. m Lv Portland - I
7:00 p. m Lv. Portland
11:18a. m Lv. 1 Med ford lit S:I avaw
10:46 a.m Lv. Medfbrd Lv SJSp. am
7:46 p.m Ar. Ban Francisco Ar. 8:15 a. bk
: a. m Ar Oxden Ar 1145 a m
9:00 a. m Ar Denver ' Ar 9:00 a. Be
7:Xb a. m Ar Kansas City Ar 7 :96 a. as
7:43 a. m Ar Ohleano ' Ar siSSawaa
1:20 p. m Ar. Los Angeles . . Ar 7:00 a. as
6:00 p. m Ar El Paso Ar 6:00 p. BB
1 8:30 s. m Ar i Fort Worth Ar JO. a. as, Ar New Orleans Ar a5.s
Dining Cars
Observation Cars
Pullman first-class and tonr
1st cars attached to all
through trains.
8 JO a. m I Lv
ft-a0 p. m 1 Ar
Ar 1 4:30 p. aa
Lt 1 7 JOak
I 6M p.m
I lKI6p.aa,
12:16 p m I Ar
a s as nanu ann nrvni pnn tisct.. ssrix. n r.rai 1 ssi bbl
of O. O. & B. rallwav.
(Kioept Sunday.) ,
4:Wp. mLv Portland Ar8:26.Ba
7:30 p.m Ar McMlnnvllle Lv 16:50 aw oa
&-J3Q p. m I Ar Independenoe Lv I 4:f0 a. m
Direct oonneotlon at 8an Frsnetsoo wtta
steamship lines for Hawaii, Japan, China, Th
Phlllnntnea and Australia.
(Irosa Mr. VV. V. Llpplnoott, Asent, Medford.
e or inrouan iieKeia ana mwa oan on or
Notice of Final Settlement. ,
NOTICE lb hereby given that tho undersigned,
artmU.tHtnUrix of the estate of Georgo W.
Meoknthorn, deoeosod, has tiled In the County
Court of Jnckaon County, State of Oregon, her
tlnnl ucoount as said adrainlstratrix of said es
Iftto, and that Monday tho 4th day of Nov em
bor, 1900, hus been fixed by sutd Coiirt as the
time for hearing objections to said report, and.
the sottlemont thereof.
Administratrix of tbe Estate of George W.
Heokathorn, Deooased. -