The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, September 21, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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"Tho gladdest day In all my Ufa waa that
day Bennlo eorae,
Though when nil vha waa made my wire
my diooq waa tinetin' aomo;
How cute and beautiful ba waa, a-layln1
thore aaluepl
I had to Jlst knoel down beilda hla llltla
bed and weep,
Bec.iuse I felt o good, you knowt I prom.'
Iscd God that day
That I would leave the way below Tho
uroau hiiu yimui way.
"How proud we waa to show our boy I
mean his ma and I
Kach day he brought us greater Joy and
ratted us lo'rds the sky!
Wa hadn't n-ely lived before ho coma to
make us glad.
The blndln' link between us was that happy
nuie tau:
We lived for him, we saved, for him, In
every way we knew,
Day In, day out. I slaved fer him, well
We planned a grand career fer him, his
nappy ma ana me
Wa'n't nothln' too good here fer hlra, as
fur as we could see:
He'4 (ot to go away to school to collage
so we planned.
He'd got to have the beat of all a-goln' In
the land.
And ao we saved and slaved away and seat
- him off at last
I guess that I waa proud the day I heard
. uuj nam tieaeeui .
"He's home agen to stay awhile, until
vacation's through;
Ha'a learned a lot conceririn' style, he's
M11IU trl UiaiKUI. iUD ,
Ba brought another chap along,' they're
college chums, you know;
They Hde the horses 'round, and gol! how
they do make 'em gol
t(a harvest time, but, somehow, they don't
m ok seem to care;
While I must stay and work away they
gallivant somewhere.
"My back waa lama aa it could ba from
puttln' In the bay;
I overheard them talk of me this hap
pened ylaterdayl
My boy 1 used to carry 'round and pray
for every night
My boy that I have battled for and loved
with all my might
Be aald: My folks are good and kind, aa
you have seen, but. oh,
I'm sorry they are not retlned. as yours are,
you know.'
Ilr gladdest day was that day when I
learned a father's love.
The day God aent my little Ben down to
me from above!
I've slaved fer blm. I've saved fer him;
I held hta little hand.
And guided hla first steps; for him I've
laid awake and planned!
When he waa near the aky waa fair; I've
prayed beside his bed
O God of Love, why was I there to hear
them words he said!"
. Klaer. In Chicago Times-Herald.
Jones' Surprise Party
LMra. Jones Gained a Glorious ?
Victory. C
WHEN you get a woman who is a
genuine diplomat you'll always
Sod her in the excelsior class. It is the
privilege ot her sex to go to extremes
and when she seta out to attain an end
she hold the possibility of death
Much more lightly than she does that
ot defeat.
This charming little lady, who would
refer to be called Mrs. Jones under
the circumstances, lives within a block
f Woodward avenue in one of the best
sections of - the city. She has been
Married for eight years, and during
even years, eleven months and three
"weeks of that time there was one great
atrawback to her happiness. It is read
Hjr figured from this statement that
her release came but one short week
Jones must be classified as a good
fellow. In a few years more he is lia
ble to be called "Old Suavity," "Old
Smoothology," or by some other mod
ern designation equally expressive and
irreverent. His voice has a native note
of cordiality and is unctuous. His
laugh is a contagion, his handshake
suggists a vise and he at once impresses
ne with a desire to do something
thoughtful and agreeable. The Im
pression is not misleading, and one of
Jones' favorite ways of showing his
generosity was to invite people home
to dinner. Where the average friendly
snan would say to "Take a cigar," or
"Come in and have something," Jones
would smile his genial smile, laugh his
Jeappy laugh and insist that you go up
sand have dinner with him.
There is a commendable feature in
inch a display of hospitality, but what
"was to be condemned in Jones was the
fact that he never told his wife of these
arudden invasions. She repeatedly asked
this consideration, but Jones is a busy
Man and forgot. He would promise
volubly and kiss bis wife by way of
acknowledging his shortcoming, . but
three days would not pass before he
would surprise the patient little ma
tron by suddenly landing in with from
ne to four men for dinner. He always
told them in his hearty way that they
would have to take pot luck, but no
woman with the pride of a housewife
is going to set out a stingy little spread
for her husband's friends. She would
., suffer from it as a reflection bordering
, apon the shame of being niggardly and
improvident. So she hustled, planned,
'rred the maid to prodigies of exer-
and gained temporary accommo
from the larders of her imme-
f neighbors. Frequently it was a
. e Shave, but never did Mrs. Jones
ix 1 that her guests had been misused
or 'that her dinners were not at least
Her mother frequently urged that
he set these predatory birds of passage
down to short rations and let them go
away hungry for a few successive
times. "That'll bring Jones to his
senses," declared the elder lady. "He
needs a lesson, and that's the way to
give it to him; I'll show him. Do you
expect to go through life feeding a lot
of strangers on short notice? The un
certainty in itself is lorture. Have some
spunk about you and give Jones such a
setback that he'll give you due notice
from now on. I would."
But that is not the way of young
wives. Mrs. Jones even rebuked hci
-grim mother for such sdvice, and thing
aauved along in the same uneven
rooTC But last Sunday there cam
riijs. "flaw Jones down town sell
a friend of the family aa ha was pais-
ing. "Lot or fellows he used to know
in the east are here with the Christian
Endeavorcrs. They are having a plo
nk) talking over old times, and I heard
him invite half a dotcn or ao of them up
to dinner. Did he send you word?"
"O, wo know they're coining," she
answered loyally, though she. had just
heard of it, and the finest expert cuuid
not have detected that her smile was
counterfeit. She was In the kitahvu
before her informant had goue u block.
She imparted her enthusiasm to the
girl and the whole culinary tleiirUiicr t
rattled with activity. It was hot, but
a full head of gus was turned on in
the big range and there was a cookir.g
utensii in commission wherever there
waa room for one. Tribute was exacted
from all the people who were in reach.
boskets and brown paper beiug used
in the delivery of plunder. Two or
three women of the neighborhood were
enlisted as assistants, and the hilarity
maintained through such a stress of
work was something to be wondered at
A little later four young girls in "wash'
dresses and becoming aprons put in aa
appearance and one of tbs women de-
Toted her entire time drilling" these
young recruit to wait ua the table
without sniggering.
lone and bis frienda arrived with the
noise of a team of horses elatteriasr
over ut iron t porch. "Whewl" he b
gan, aa soon ss he had introduced his
wife and could get her by herself.
"what's the matter heret It i
like a pickle factory with half a dosca
imported odors thrown in. It's some
thing horrible. An oil refinery and a
tannery in the neighborhood would be
a decided improvement. Anybody been
burning junk or garbage? What in
creation is it?"
Oh, why didn't you tell me. dear.
mai you woum Drtii i? company to din
ner?" and there was a world of troubled
solicitude in the face of the demure
little Mrs. Jones. "But we'll get
through with It. It haoDen that we
nave a real surprise. I've heard you
tell so often of the merry Dutch lunches
you have had down town that I thought
I'd get up something warm in that
line, with a few other foreign dainties
tnrown in.
"But the house reeks with rarllc
"Thsts Spanish, you know. dear.
They're all old chums of yours, aren't
tney, jonesY It will be a lark for them.
It's the pot roast that gives forth the
variegated and pungent aroma. It is
regular vegetable bouquet, and if vou
and your friends are at all analytical
you could name most of the ingred
ients. There are onions, turnips, car
rots, cabbage red cabbage, dear
rutabegas "
"Thunder! Abbreviate by telling me
what there isn't in it I told them they'd
have to take pot luck, but a pot roast!
It's enough to drive them out of the
house on the dead run. What kind of
meat have you with this agricultural
"Don't be cross, dear. I know that
it's beef, but I can't make out just
what part, and then we have a few
German meats. If you had only sent
me word! But we must make the best
of it now."
Jones groaned and nearly fell off
his chair with surprise when the yountr
ladies filed in to act as waiters. His
companions also looked perplexed and
recognized a distinct jar in the domes
tic machinery. Jones swore in a loud
whisper when the round-faced girl
from three doors below asked the gen
tlemen whether they would prefer
roggen brod or pumpernickel. The
others were dazed and stammered as
assurance that they had no choice.
The fearfully and wonderfully con
structed pot roast lost none of its
fragrance by being loaded on the indi
vidual plates, and as no one liked all
the concomitants there was an osten
tatious pretense with scarcely any eat
ing. . ' . I
The guests made a gallant bluff at
weinerwurst, cervelet wurst, kippered
herring, dodged the liraburger, which
Jones declared with savage emphasis
was a relief from the abominations of
the other odors, took kuehen on faith
and came in unanimously on ein beer.
Little Mrs. Jones had fluttered about,
chattering merrily and trying to ani
mate her guests, but Jones was as grim
as a graven image, intimated that he
would have the house fumigated be
fore he slept in it and finally so far lost
self-restraint as to want te bet his wife
ten millions of dollars that it was all
a put-up job. She only smiled angelic
ally and said she was afraid Jones had
lost his appetite because of the hot
There was a suppressed period of
scattered and halting conversation
after the meal and the guests left as
soon as they decently could do so.
Jones could muster no language equal
to his anger, so be jerked a cbeir where
he usually lifted one, kicked things out
of his way, slammed doors and growled
without deigning to specify what he
was growling at The next morning
he dictated a blank form to his type
writer and told her to run off 200 or
300 of them. One of these forms will
be filled out and sent in a hurry when
ever Jones Is going to have anyone with
him for dinner. Detroit Free Press.
Hew Dlood Dlsesae,
Hermology, a comparatively new
medical term. Is a knowledge of blood
and disease as evidenced by the changes
observed in blood, it bos already made
such advances that many diseases may
be recognized by examination of the
blood. From a mere observation of the
relative number of leucocyte (white
blood corpuscles) and erythrocytes
(red blood corpuscles) it has advanced
to elaborate analysis of other elements
of the blood and the recognition of bod
ies foreign to normal blood. This 'ology
promises to be of especial value to man
kind in giving early warning of disease
otherwise not manifest and showing
the advance or decline of abnormal con
dition .Bt Louis Medical and Surgical
JoaraaL ...
, : v ' '. -' '
Bull ids of a tanner lleet 8ugr Fac
tories to Stiirt Hutea for Walnuts
Wife Murderer to IMlml I inutility A
Father Kills Ills Nun.
t J. W MoNoil was fonud guilty nt
ciuisun, last woolt, of miuiHlunghler.
Ho was tried on n charge of munlorlnx
ins nephew, J. W. MoNoil, nt Boiiioiu
lost July.
Tho preliminary work of fixing the
bonndurioN of a union high school lino
been begun nt Munition. As soon na
tho boundaries am Uxod a siwuitil oleo-
tion will bo called to vote bonds for tho
pur pone of erecting a high school.
a collision between the steamer
Dauntless and two small launches on
the San Joaquin river caused the death
by drowning of three oocupaut of the
launches, uavld Kent, Johu Doaoe and
John Da vis, all of Sacramento.
A T-year-oM sod of Chalmers King, a
weU-kaown raoaher of Ban Miguel, was
aeciaenlally shot and killed by his
fattier, in whose kaads a rifle was dis
charged prematBTelT.
Barbara, the 9-year-old daughter of
Professor David Btarr Jordan, died of
typhoid fever at the Stanford Univer
sity recentiy.
William Saadow. a rancher of Pa-
raiso, Salinas valley waa killed recently
by a backet falling on him while div-
ging wall.
Daniel Lucy was faang.-d in the jail
yard at Bun , Mont., fur the murder of
Patrick L. Regnn two years ago.
A misplaced signal caused two coal
trains to collide near Nnuainto, B. C,
and four men wore killed.
A young sou of a miuer uitined Ton
kin was killed at Castollu, northern Cal
ifornia, some days ago. While jumping
on a moving train hi foot slipped and
he fell under the wheels, hi body being
out in two.
Emil Shearer, a brakeraan, waa killed
at Kennel by being run over by a train.
Eleven teacher of the state uni
versity of California have been selected
te go to the Philippines te teach in
schools there.
A. K Zeigler, who is charged with
wife murder at Sauta Cruz, filed an affi
davit to the effect that his defense
oold be insanity, and asked that a
commission issne to two relatives in
Philadelphia for the psrpoee of having
their testimony taken, to prove that the
defendant's mother and brother had
died insane.
William Miller shot and killed James
McFarland in a hop yard at Pleasanton.
Both men were plotters and quarreled
ovor some i itty matter relating to the
work. Miller has been pluced under
The Walnut Growers' association has
established a rate of 10 cents a pound
for soft shell and ".'(,' cents for stand
ards. J. H. Tollis, oue of the most promi
nent business men of Pacific Grove, is
dead. "
A man named Alexander had both
leg crushed below the knees by a train
at Wow Lauding, while trying to
ride on a brakubenm.
J. 8. Dudgeon, a painter of Modesto,
was badly injured by falling from a
scaffold SO foot high. His left leg was
broken and bis knee dislocated.
N. J. Anderson, a farmer, residing
six miles south of Alinodun, committed
suicide Thursday by blowing his brains
out with a revolver. Anderson was a
Swede and had lived alone on his much
for the past ten years. Despondency is
apposed to be the cause of the deed.
A Southern Pacific south-bound train
was wrecked ut Green's Station, Or., a
low unys ago. A artver axle of the en
gine broke and the engine, mail and ex
press aud baggage cars went into the
ditch. No oue was injured.
At the request of the sheriff of River
side county Chief of Police Standforti
of Vallejo has arrested J. C. Carter
(colored) for a felony committed 14
years ago.
Mr. Anna Cremore, a resident of
Vallejo since I860, died recently.
Order for 22 locomotives for nse on
the government railroads of New Zea
land have been recoived by a Philadel
phia firm.
A man ha been arrested at Los An
geles who is supposed to be Jose Jn ra
mi 11a, who escaped from jail at Albu
querque, N. M., recently, after nearly
killing a trusty.
After 50 year of ministerial work,
the Rev. Dr. Joseph Wilde of tho Ply
mouth Oongregaiioual church of Los
Angeles has retired.
Saunas, September 15. The Sprock
et mgar faciury will soon commence it
90 days' 24-liour-o-day run. Twenty
carload of beets, ths first of the season,
wore received at ths Bpreokels factory
to-day. Oum battery of boilers was fired
up yeslerdu.v and everything was fonud
to worn well. The work of slicing
beets will begin the lattor part of next
It has been reported that Bokcrsfleld
has an epidemic of smallpox ud that.
other communities are disturbed for fear
of its spreading. The fact is simply
hat there are two patients, a mun
named Bogue, a tramp, who carried it
there, and a man named Frcoinuu. who
contracted the disease from liiin. Both
cases have been quarantined, aud all
persons Known to have been exposed are
under surveillance.
The Colombia river is to be bridged
at Robaon by the Canadian Pacific rail.
way, to connect the Colombia Koote&ay
railway with ths Columbia Weaten.
The saw bridge will give throagh fail
asrrlss from Ifalsea to Kosalaod sad
srtqr... i
" -, m .as
Ai'Cctable Preparation fur As
similating ihcRwdnruiUcguia
ling the Stoinochs and Dowels of
Promotes Digestionheeriir
nessandltest.Contalns neJUicr
OpBum,Moi?hine iwrMkieraL
A perfect Remedy rarCcnatlpa
Hon, Sour Sloawich,Diarrtoca
Worms .Convulsions.Fevvrislr
rurss mid Loss or Sleep.
facsimile Signature of
what Was Wkr a Masaaahaaslle
fkal-Tekr Was Aak
l KUalaa.
Because she told her scholar that
Christ was one of ten brothers and sla
ters. Miss Anna II. llasbrouck, tin in
structor in history, wits dismissed
from tho Holyoke (Mass.) high school
faculty by the school committee. Miss
Hasbrouck was asked to resign, and
her letter waa accepted without a dis-
aentlng vote, aays an eastern ex
change. '
The incident which cost Miss Has
brouck her position happened in the
medieval history class a few days ago.
The discussion drifted as to the pa
rentage of Christ, and one student
wanted to-know If Christ waa the only
aon. Miss Hasbrouck replied: "No;
lie is one of a family of ten brothers
and sisters."
A second student doubted Mis Ha
brouek' statement and wanted to
know her authority.
"I cannot tell you accurately just
now," she replied, "but 1 hare the im
pression the statement I made in the
Home of the students, still skeptical,
repeated the assertion at home. One
of the prominent clergymen of the
city, liev. I. J. llarkins. took occaKliin
to denounce the tenoher in his sermon
at St. Jerome's church.
"Pupils," he said, "should be with
drawn from the school if Incompetent
teachers are to mislnslruct students
as this one has."
Miss Hnsbrotiek declined to make a
statement. She wns appointed a
teacher In the Holyoke high school in
January, 1898. She is n graduate of
the .tr lork state normal college.
Tho steumer John B. Lyon of Clovc
land, O., was wrecked on Lake Erie
recently aud 14 of hor crow lost.
King Oscar of Sweden has accepted
tho resignation of tho premier, Erik
Gnstnf Bosirom. for reason of health
and has appointed Admiral Frederick
Wilheltn vou Otter to be hi snccessor.
The other members of the cabinet ore
not affected by the change and it will
not modify the present policy of the
government either in international af
fairs or regarding tho union of Sweden
and .Norway.
A report from Tombstone, Ariz.,
(tate that James Ames and David Beau
were killed last" Sutnrday by an explo
sion at me uoiaen rocx minus.
Dnringjin attack at temporary lnsnn
ity J. S. Petty, an employe of tho Uidiui
Oold Mining compnuy at Uarrlwu
Onlch, S nsta county, m ordered his
wife and then committed suicide.
Wheeler Wilson Lead 'em all.
There u not a sewing machine on the
market so deservedly popular as la tho
Wheeler & Wilson. It has no eunoriorfl
and its equals are so ncattorlng as never
to have been definitely located. Tha
wheeler & V, II son has a rotating shut
tle, which is a great improvement ovor
ine snuuie formerly in uso by it and
now used by othur machines. Tho
Wheeler A Wilson Is a maohlno that
sells upon i ts moritB and so sure aro the
manufacturers of those merits selling
the machines that thoy are always anx
ious to have purtlos tako them on trial.
John P. White Is apont for thoHO ma
chines in Medlord. Ho wnnts you to
oali upon him before yon buy.
In matters of final proof TitB MAIL
will mako out all paper neceBnary for
the commencement of proof free of
deslrlnt-airleiotha fori imposition, trtuisv'2
to)rr Mdei
--1 a n sftvwsf n n
, a For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
J. I Harden, Prop.
Shop on Seventh street, oppoali
Union Livery Stable.
Give me a trial and you will oorar
St. Paul, Duluth, Minneapulis,
Chicago and all Points East
Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers,
Dining & Buffet Smoking Library Cars
Tickets to points Kant via Portland snd the
OKBAT NUimiKitN HV. on eulo at Houlh.
orn Huoltlc Depot Tlckol Office, or OHKAT
NOItTHKKN Ticket Ontoo,
For Rates, Folders and full Information rs
garding eastern Trip, oall on or address,
City Psss. and Ticket Agent, Portland
visit DR. JORDAN'S ant-a-r
(BflwHa UU tsi naUt,J
The Ur(e.t Anatamteal ItBMaaa
fa the World.
OrrefM aUreeMea o (V oVret A
wtmtUrut itgMur vffltetv.
edleMe,HieMiveS9'aBiraSey a
the oldeil Mpecliillel eo the PaetSs
Owes, ialebaikMUyeara f
Twiif mtn ao4 Hlslsflit
rail auM mhm sirs. titfi.tkwm
erttluus r asoauM In natum
rvniia and DDTsUaal nvatklllav. ..
UVC'tal sir
canon) i prmiBMrr !, ntMlaiaF
rbapa, aoaarrfaceas. fBini. rrMMkiM
of tlrltintlsaff. al. ttf a anmblnikM a
(nisiwiivrai, us rev urn eeivs pvwsr.
aalv aalTiirii Tm rn fill a. Ui rmHmt.
cur a. Tba Doctor doea nnt olaJi
mlraotR. but i wall known U ba a lair and
Guar riijrmnmn tna niirffon.nramsaMrl
tiliaptRfaltr DlaMaa Han.
NTPlllf,i tlioronihly amdlcatad from
ihf ayotetu without thu dm at H straw r.
'affkiststaaal flttaai seta TT slAJlaail
w tor Hiiidtr, A ulolr and rtuVoat i
cur tor II1m, riaanra aod rilal7kf f
EVKHT HAH applflnn Ut tn wlU rMttn
or hotwit opinion of fifacointiiAl'il,
tVrJwU Dunrttnlt a POSITIVE GUmm
I mery m to und&rfnk.
Traattnant pftniotiailr or by laitar.
l wnia ror noon, rniiivvrni r
HAKKUB. rAii.anFiiaa, (Aratubiaf
l bouk lor mast,) Call ar wrtU
OR. lORDAN ft 00.. IMf Mftrkfl It, I. P.
, Th Mail tor job printing
soonest ana ouickesi Line
Y. uf A. -Court Ml. Pllt No, M, mU la I'or.
esters' Hull crsry Wediti'sflny at sp. m.
CI. W. HTsi'iiaxtuiN, 'Jbltif Itaniier.
1. 1). PimuiM, Klnanelsl HMretary,
"UO. (irK.-lrtOT'NoKt7uioel iahOjr.
hull nvnry Hulurtlny ut at 6 p, m, Visiting
brulliui'H always wolueitio, .
.1,11. HlliiAHUs, N. 0. '
i. II, BTMWART, KM. HtW. t
1. O. u. C. Itouuo Itiver Kiieutnpoient.
No. .Hi. tuiMitH In I. o. u. P. hull ttiu aeuunil utnl
(uiirtli WeiliiuhiliiyH ut eui'li tnimtli nt H i. in.
O. '!'. LAWKiM, 0. f.
W. T. YoitK, Herllio.
Ollvo lteliiUuli1,iiluu Nil. IIH, menta1 la l.a
O. V. hull Hist mill tlilril Tiiiisiliiys nf tuck
uimitll. VlnltliiKsliiternliivlteil touttullll,
Man. KriA HiiruiiKit, Itmi. Hun.
Miih. Maiitiia WmmjI, N. 0,
A. K. A A. M.MeniH nrst ITrlnuy on or b
lorn full uiuun ut u. in.. In Mnmmli) hull.
W. V, Lll'i'iHtioTT, Hue. Hno,
K, ot I'. Tulmmuu luago No. 81, musts Mos
day ovoiiIiik at II p. lu. Visiting brolbors si
ways wolooms. Kliosua Oka, 0. 0,
8. K. Uiiiji, K. ot B. anil H. .
Knight of In Uuueuoens. Trlumpk Tast
No. 14, Bluet la regular revlnw oo the 1st ana
re Wednesdays of wh mouth Is a. O, V. W,
Hall sit: p. in. VIslllniHIrKalfkUeoralifi
i iuvikiu Hiaiiauu,
B. H. Ps-r, Coattar,
W. T, Yotut, R, K
A. O. U. W., Heine ot lloaor Hslhsr loon
No. M, meets evety aeeaad aad fourth TneedaJ
efeolo of eaob month, al A. O. U, W. ball.
Mm. Camhib at, Oaouoa, 0. of H.
Mas. DsiJA Uoimib, Kee,
A.u. U. w.-Lodss no, as, Beets every tr
aad third Wednesday la the steal at Is.
la their hall Is the opera bloak. Visit!
baoUiora Invited to etleed.
J. W. Linos, at .
. L. Nana soak, Recorder.
WwUtn nf Hta Vn.M kl SA . -
event Krltlay eveolnf la Adkloe-Ueuel block,
Medford, Oroson.
W. II. atBSKHS, v, u
Jo Silos, dork.
Ohryasnthrmuin Circle, No. M, Wonen ot
Woodcraft Merle second and fourth Tiiaedava
ot facti month at 1 :u p, in. la Woodnea hall.
Vlsltlu slelere luvlted.
.. . iiAiuis w, a. m,
A li A M, Mll.lji, Clerk. . ,
V. . O.-Choster A. Arthur Itorns Ho. as
meets secuod and fou"b Monday of sack
month at II o'clock p. m., in Woodmen' kail,
VMtlni sisters Invited.
"it. H. WltlrelAS Pre.
Mahv li. ItKavas, Bee.
ti. A. It. Cheater A. Artnur I'nal Mm ee
moots In Woodman's hall ererv aenAed uS
fourth Monday ulglil In each month at 7: SB.
t isitin Lomraaes ouruislly inrlled to attana.
k. Asuao,0ov
P. M. Ktswaut.
W. I,'. T. U. Steele evere other UeonMAa
In the llalley Uloeb.
auuis li alls v, rrea,
Mrs. Mav Cox. He.
fraternal llrolherhond Ueele mr, SIA
eulug In Woodmen hall.
. Jobn M. Has, rrea.
1. n. I'snm, Herniary.
f U U 1.... m . .
ond sud fourth Thursdav'a af eath month at
mMiuiu .ion, eieoioru, uieeon. visiting SIS
lers and brothers always welcome.
Una Many K. Has v as, W, af.
Uha Hattib Uoks, HeereUrv.
Bain: Marks Kplsooial Hunday Mcbool meet
si episcopal cnureb ovorv Sunday morning at
10 O'clock: divine eervlre er
Mev. Cfiae. Iiooth, Ilo
nrsi aao lb Ira
auuuays ai 7 :jo p. m.
Methodist Kplsoopal Church W. II. Moore,
pastor. l"Tcooliln every Hahbalb at II a. m7
and 7:SDp. m. Hunday school al 10 a. n., H. U.
Ollkey, supt. class meeting every Hahbatfc
at oloso of sermon, levl rauuett. leader. Kp
wnrth leaue every Habbath evening al :SD, O.
Kauoetl, prest.. Itegulai weokly prayer meet
ing every Thursday evening at?:. I.adlee'
sewing clrelo every week. Mlsatooary socials
Doeu tho nrst Vrlday Is each month.
Presbyterian Church-
-Iter. A. Ilaberly, pas
tor. I'reachlnu at II a. m. and n m
day sohriol at 10 a. m. Y. I', a. 0. K., S:9 p. m.
junior r.nueavnr noclnty at :B0 p. m., Hunday.
Prayer miotlngon Weduuoday evening at 1 :1S
Mnntlst church Rev. T. f. nrkniii.ii
Sohliulh snrvlcoa: ,1'ruachlng II a. 111. and T:n
p. ni. Kahbath school 10 n. at. i U. Y. 1'. U. fckj
p.m. proyei mcetlni Wednceilay at 7:K p. m.l
oovennnt uicetlnir At s so n. in. n Haturili. nrl
cedlnir drat sabbath, hlrangera and frleuds al
ways welcome.
Christian church Corner of Blnn and 1
atntots. Ireachlnir at tl e. m mrt 7 n M
Sunday school al Tu a. m.j Junolr Knduavor at
s p. m. tY. I. 8. c, K. at 0:m p. m. I'tayor
innetlng every Thursday evening. Ladles
Mlselonary Auslllury to C. W. II. K. llrst Thtira
day 7:11) 1'. M. each month. Choral Union
overy Friday at 7:30 p.m. The poopln woloome,
0. 1. Gist pastor. Itosldos at tho church.
Molhodlst F.Dlsooonl Churoh Rnuth Rn. n
F. Wilson nnntor. I'roaalilno nvnrv Rtinititv t
II a. m. ami 7 p. lu.l Hunday school at 10 a. m.s
hliworth Leairun. nravitr iino nrulu n.Aila
each Hunday at S p. m. ; I'rayor mooting Wednaa
evonlng at; o'clock: Woman's Homo Mission
Hociety moots first Thursday In each monin at
i :ao p. m. M ra. K, li, 1'lcltel, president,
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
grand ronnm
Assistant General Passenger Areas.
Mo. M Morrlaoa Hk. set TklrSs
lias ,