The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, July 27, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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FOIll), OKKUON, la tho only Klrst-Class Muslo Hoiiao
In Houthurn Oregon Wo oarry the fatnoua
Ulilakurtng, Weber, JuitiI-'D.iM, Whoolook, Htuyvusant,
United Makers, Miiralml mid oilmr Iihio Bur-
unit unu rtOWIllllll UI'O m villi union van on w
fur Miniill musical Instruments uuil about miialo. I
Wonlaoourrv thoold reliable Blugor Bowing Machine, Nuedloa, Oil J
and Kxti'ita. All tr.MHlH ut Portland prices. Husy turma $
mid anllHbuillun guaranteed.
.v a m i m.lA I aT
uiyayn a-"T-a"T'' T"'-T' Vfy
Heal Estate Agent Palm report
that bo haa, within tho laat oouplo of
wooks, oloaod tho following rual oalute
deals; Joa. Taylor, a filty-aoro traot of
land In tho Orchard Homo, oonaldera
tlon 11800. Mr. Taylor la now living
at Central Point but will oommenoe
Improving hla now purohaao at onco.
To A. J. Htowart two loU, with bunl
noaa bulldliia on them, situated on
tho oornor ol South Front and Eighth
atroota. TliU property waa formnrly
owned by Mrs. Uuated and waa Mold to
Mr. Btowarl for loOO. Mr. Stewart, wo
undoratand, will repair the building
mid will olTur thum for runt. Theao
are a little ofT the main atruut but If
put In good condition they could un
douhtodly be ronted to advantage The
bargain waa a good one for Mr. Stewart.
Anothor deal waa the wiling to Chaa.
Pleroo of throe and ono-half aorea of
land In Bouthweat Modford, conaldera
tlon WOO. Thla property la located
juatoutof and adjoining Prof. N. L.
Narrcgan'a home. It la very aultably
located for a good homo and Mr. Plurce
expeota to bnlld a flno dwelling home
thereon within tho noxt lew montba.
All loe oroam niado by the Rialto la
kopt In poruolaluatorugovowla. There
la positively no danger of being pois
oned whnn eating It. Immfldlatuly
after tho orouni la froon It la plared in
those poronlaln vessola anil thorn It re
malna until aold. It oonlil bo kept a
week in thla inannur and not bo Injur
ioua, but, "I don't koop il that long,"
uya Mr. Isoaoa, "the demand require
that I make fresh urcara oviry dny, ami
not for five minutea la It allowed to re
main In any olhera than porcelain ves
aola." D. T. I Jiwton, agent for the M Itohell,
Lewla & Btavor Co., haa about com
pleted hla Utile moving aol which ho
baa bad on for tho laat oouplo or three
weeka. Tho building h la moving
Into la 60x76 feel In alio, of briok and la
on North B alreet. The front of tho
building la not yet oomplolod, there be
ing alx foot more of a briok wall to bo
put on, which will add muoh beauty to
the alrunturo. Mr. Lawton haa put
two.nty-four aample riga on the floor
apaoe and thero I aoarooly a third of
the apace gone. It will easily hold
aixly rlga, but thla uumbur will not be
kopt on hand aa tho room will be re
quired for othor purposes. An ofllco
la to bo partitioned off In ono oornor of
tbo building and tho wholo interior
will bo colled and painted. Tho build
ing la without a doubt tho finest ouo In
Southern Oregon for tho purpose for
whloh It la to bo used and Mr. Lawton
Shirt Waists
lice Wit Brawo-Tlpl Waists
$1.35 reduced to. .. ...$0.95
$1.75 Waists now i.S
$0.75 Waists now .55
$0.50 Waists now 3s 4
WaMh SlllftS al80 at 25 per cent reduction
$1.50 Crashes J $1-15
$1.00 Skirts..... .85
Bear ta Mind Men's Tan Shoes
$4.00 Vicis, now ' $3Q0
$3.50 Shoes 2.65
$2.60 Shoes.... '. 2.25
Remember, everything is reduced 10 to 40 per ct
. . . Seventh Street Medford . . .
haa good grounda for congratulations.
After a little ho will move tho ahuda,
woat of tho railroad, whloh ho la now
ualng, to hla qow looatlon and will put
thorn up again for covering for his
largo stock of Mltuholl wngona.
Don t fail to drou Into the piano
atoro, whon In town, and aee tho latoat
aiylea In plunott and organa. The latoat
in organa la tho Newman Broe. pipe
attachment. Don't fall to hoar it.
I ,u 1oaa l'laiio House will kcop ovory
I lii it.' tho latest.
The applo crop of the Rogue river
valley will be tho largest thla year
over harvested. Thero are very fow
varieties which aro grown boro that
tho trees uro not very hoavlly loaded.
Meaara. Weeks St Orr will buvo at loaat
twenty oarloada, 01 well Bros, will have
between fifty and alxty oarloada, Capt.
Voorhlea will have ten carlonde and
J. A. Whitman at least fifteen. Weeka
St Orr report that they will also havo
aevorar oarloada of pears, whllo tho
pruuo orop waa not nearly all destroyed
by frost. Tho namos given above, of
course, are only thoao of the larger
growora. There aro a great muny other
orchards which will produce propor
tionately as heavy aa will those men
tlooed. An Idea nf the Immense orop
may perhaps bo gained whon wo tell
that Jako Hugur brought In a amall
limb from a trco on the Voorhlea place
tbla week, upon whloh wero twanty
four bettor than mi average sited
Jonathan apples and tho limb only
two fuut in length.
Lost In or nonr Central Point, on
Saturday, July Nth, a small brown
pursu containing a oouplo or tlireo dol
lars In money, some linger rings, atono
aottlnga lor rings ami a lew otnor articles.
Kinder will be rewarded by leaving
sumo nt Tiik Mail olllco.
Last Friday forenoon lire broke out
in tbu hay mow of ono of tbo large barns
on tho Ih farm and In a very abort
time the entire structure together Willi
I Its contents wero In aahea. Tho origin
of tho lire la a inyatory and no thoory
lu .luanniwl Tim ham wu 48x114 ftet
In alio and waa used for a horse stable
and bay barn. There wero about
twenty tons of bay In the born and four
driving horses, but- the boraea were
aavod by Mat Ieh rushing into tho barn
whon the Qamua wero waxing liot, loos
cuing thom'and rushing thorn ouulde;
and none too soon waa bo, as both him
self und tho laat horse out wero com
Dolled to dush through tho Humus in
making their exit. Thoro was also
soaio fnrm maohlnory In tho building
and It waa burned. The loss waa about
900; Insurance, JTOO. Othor buildings
stand within 120 feet of tho structure
that was burned but thoro not being
any wind theao wore suvod. Tho Jack
Are things that we can hardly af
ford, to carry over, and that you
certainly cannot afford with
out at the prices we are selling them
aonvlllo flro company was aont for and
arrlvod In time to afford protection to
adjoining building. Mr, Gore, son-in-law
of Mra. lab, Informs ua that tho
atruoturo will bo ro-butlt thla fall.
-Wood haulers wanted. Knnulro of
Chrla Ulrloh or Max M iller, Jackson;
-Married At tho realdenco of tho
brldo'a mother, Mra. F. M. Ply male, on
Sunday, July 22d, Mlaa Moda Plymalo,
of ModfortT, and Mr. O. W. Fox, of Ash
land. Tbo ceremony waa porformod by
Kov. T. L. Crnndall, pastor of. tho Bap
tist Church, of thla city. After tho
ceremony a aumptimia and delicious
supper waa aorved. Tno bride la tho
daughter of tho lato F. M. I'lymnloand
Mra. Jane i'lymaln, well known and
honored pioneers of the valley. The
groom la theann ol Mr. and Mra. Hcuton
Fox, of Ashland. Ho la a railroad man
nml has employment on tho Southern
Pacific, south of Aahland, Tho happy
couple left Medford Monday morning
for Aahland, whore they will reside, the
groom having already purchased furni
ture a'ld utenatla necessary for homo
keeping. Tho oouple ore now over at
Pelican bay enjoying an outing. ; Only
relatives of the bride and groom wore
proaont at the wedding. The bride waa
thereciplentof nuny beautiful pruaenta.
-Klnoafaurv anrlnua soda water at
tho Rlnlto. Thla la unquestionably tho
bent amla water that ever bubbled from
Mother Earth. It'a a wbole medicine
him a oushine snrini? of healthful In-
grediunta and Dr. Nature aaya take it
-ana ive pieaeani to ibku wuun, juu
got It loo cool like -no uiaiio serves
Carl Webb, Modford'e cartoonist,
and probable rival of Homer Daven
port, waa at Aahland laat week having
a talk with Prof. Packard, of Dayton,
Ohio, the celebrated cartoonist, who
geta 11000 por mouth for giving hla
chulk tulKa. Carl showed him some of
bla work and the professor gave him
groat encouragement and advised' that
he at once take a course of study in a
school of Illustration at Chicago. Med
ford'a amateur Davenport' baa made
some aplendld drawings, especially one
of bia father, and aa the young man
aeoma to bave a natural gl't in thla line
there la little doubt of him gaining em
inence He la ambltioue in tbo work
and when he ahall bave finished bis
school work he will undoubtedly take
up caricature work.
Joe Oosky, the scientific horee
ahoer and nil 'round mechanic, is again
on decK at Morrimun a oiacKsmitn
shop. All work done at this ahop is
warranted In every respect. Geo. F.
Morrimun, proprietor.
The Olwell boys, near Central
Point, have a novel way of clearing
their orchard of the windfall apples.
They are endeavoring to buy a drove
of lioga for thla especial purpose. They
will drive the hogs through the or
otiurd and all apples which bave
dropped will bo eaten by the hogs,
also the worms in the apples whloh
were the direct cauee of tbo apples
dropping. Thla mothod will very ef
fectually do awuy with tho woiras and
will fatten the hoga. It la only a part
of the Olwell orchard which la allecU'd
In thla way and this a part which waa
not anrayod because of a short fruit
yield on a few trees of a certain variety.
Driving loam for sale. A apan of
light drivora; well matched; perfectly
sound: seven years alii and good travel
ers. Knqulre at Mitchell, Lewis &
Slaver Co.
Tho officers of the Southern Ore
gon Soldiers' and Sailors' Association
met at. the office of F. M. Stewart, in
Medford Monday, and decided to hold
tholr annual re-union at Aahland, on
September 10th to 15th Inclusive. A.
C. Sciiuer, of Ashland, is coniuim.dor,
and F. M. Stewnrt, of Med'ord, Ib ad
jutant. Any desired Information will
bo furnished by oitlier of theao parlies.
Tho old boya and girls always bave a
good time at tholr re-union and the
one to oe held thia yoar will prove no
exception to the general rule.
If you want a oheap light and lota
of It, you want an acetylone gaa gener
ator. Get prices of E, 8. Wolfor, Mod
ford .
F. M. Stowart Informs ua. that ho
baa bad a great many letters during
the past fow weoka from partlea In all
parte of the United States making in
quiry as to the chances for purchasing
farm homes In the Rogue river valloy.
These, ho aaya, ask more quosttons
than could be answered on seven shoots
of lotter paper. It Is no small matter
of time and labor in answering all
these letters and the necesatty. of 'a
little printed matter upon tho resources
and oltmate of the valley la here pre
sented. '
For aalo ehoap Two horse power
engine and boiler, This la i second
hand engine but Its just about as good
aa new, having been overhauled and
repaired throughout. M. M. Oault,
maohlntat, South A street.
Victor Holt, a graduate of tbo Ore
gon university, who oarae to Southern
Oregon to spend his vnoation with
frlandB and In the interest of Sunday
school missions, was taken 111 soon nflor
his arrival here with typhoid fever. Ho
hns been stopping with his uncle, Dr.
Piokol, but Is now with his brother in
law, Rov. W. B. Moore, and Is very
muoh improved. Mr. Holt has nconpted
a position as sohool teacher at Ft.
Wranglo and will leave for that place
j soon after his reoovery which now
I seems assured.
For galvanized water tanks and
ordor work, go to K. S Wolfer.
' J, E. Hlglnbotham, son of Mrs. J.
K. Darnell, died In Medford on Mon
day of thla week of consumption, The
young man baa been 111 for aeveral
years' and everything possible wafsdone
to effcot a euro or givo relief, but all to
no avail. Deceased was seventeen
yoara of age, Funeral aervloea wero
bold at the family rcs'donco of J. K.
Darnell, on Tuesday and interment waa
mado In tho Central Point cemetery.
Listen to this! Tbo Dewey washing
machine will remove every purtlole of
dirt from wrist bands of ahlrto. W. H.
Hornbree, of Medford, is agent for them.
Lot him prove to you the excellent
qualities of tho machine.
Lost week these columns Buld that
Frank Isaacs and Luster Childa had
gone to Lakeviow with a livery team
which they hired to go to McAllister
spring. It now appears that tho item
was all a huge Joke on ua. We arc
told that parents of both the young
mon and the liverymen knew whore
they were going and that the team waa
hired to drivo to Lakcvlew Instead of
MoAUIater. Tub Mail printed the
Item aa a matter of news and aa It was
given to our reporter.
Tho Bosa haa a aoda fountain with
soft drinks of various descriptions In
connection, also nuts of all kinds, trop
ical iruita ana cigars, wnen in Jack
sonville, call.
S, Sherman waa In the city Mon
day from Talent. While here Mr.
Sborman visited Dr. Plckol'a office and
had the doctor's X-Ray turned on bia
crippled arm. It waa way back In '62,
when Mr. Sherman was doing service
for his beloved Uncle Samuel, that a
rebel bullet entered hla left forearm,
where It has since remained. Looking
through tbo X-Ray one could easily
discern tho bullet Imbedded between
the bonoa of the arm.
Capital furnished to develop mines.
Sand average samples by express, pre
paid, and full particulars. Dr. Bay,
Gold Hill.
L. B. Warner haa shown us a Sugar
prune, tho product of Burbank, the
potato and fruit man of Santa Rosa,
Calif. The prune is a mixture of three
different varieties which were grafted
and gave as a result of the graft the
Sugar prune. The prune la about three
tlmea tho elze of the Petite and la much
sweeter, and Is about a month or six
weeks earlier. One man in California
has 05,000 of them growing, but no
trccB will bo on the market before the
fall of 1001.
Almost all kinds of vehicles at
Schermurhorn's second haqd store also
new and second hand furniture. House
hold goods of all kinds.
Mrs. S. E. Ish this week presented
her daughter, Mra. Wm. Gore, with an
elegant concert grand piano, the cost of
which was $1400. This is unquestion
ably the finest and most expensive mu
sical Instrument in Southern Oregon.
It waa purchased from tho Cose Piano
House in this city. Other dealers have
been endeavoring to make this sale but
no instrument seemed to fill the bill un
til Mr. Coes showed hla concert grand.
Dr. Goble, the optician, will be at
his realdenco In Medford on Saturday ol
each week. Eyes tested free of charge.
Corner Fourth and U streets.
The Oregon Granite Company,
Hicks & Walker proprietors, have
gotten out a good lot of their celebrated
Oregon granite cemetery work for Ash
land patrons this week. They bave a
couple of Quarries of very fine granite
and tho boys are getting out a good
grade of work. The have orders for
10,000 pounds of work for Ashland now
Agricultural implements and gar
don IooIb G. L. Schermorhorn'B esc
ond hand store, Medford.
W. T. York has been appointed
local agent for the Equitable Loan As
sociation of Portland. This association
has qulto a largo membership In Med
ford and is reported to be one of the
very solid Institutions of the kind on
the coast. It Is backed and officered
by some of the wealthiest business men
of Portland.
New Cevlon tea In air-tleht pound
cans. Unquestionably the best tea in
tho market at Warner 4 Wortman's.
Street Commissioner Hooker has
been engaged )'a various street Improve
ments this week, among them being
that of putting down a new Bldewalk
near the Medford-Jaeksonvllle short-
line depot, aud In setting over several
eleotrlc light poles putting the poles
nearer the buildings and out of the
AH kinds of sash and doors and
Bcreen doors, at loweat market price
W. Woods.
Rumor had it around town that
Frank Shldeler, formerly of Medford,
bad died recently at Los Angeles. The
report was correct injhat there did die
a Frank Shldeler in that city but it was
cot our Frank. The Mr. Shldeler who
died waa a married man and onr Mr,
Shldeler has not as yet joined the army
of Bonedlota.
Stumn nhotoB that are rteht
Maokey fc Weston make them, 24 for
' cents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Darnell wUh us
to oxpreBB their heartfelt appreciation
of the many, acta of kindness shown
them by neighbors and friends during
the lllnoBB of their son and at the time
of his -death and fu coral. Especially
aro they grateful to those who gave so
generously of Bowers for his grave.
Wanted, old stoves of all kinds at
Sohormornorn's secona nana store.
Now Look
. .... . -
And have your Photos made by H. O. Mackey, If you
want fine pictures. My work is as good as Is mado In
the Kastern oltios, and my prices are very reasonable
for such fine photos. My ratos are fixed t please you
so do not noglect to come to my gallery oo the Fourth
of July, All work is strlotly First-Class.
Htudlo in Hamlin Bl'k, 7th St., next Jackson Co. Bank
m The Red-Headed
Call soon so as to insure a perlect
D. L. Day, the painter, whose card
appears elsewhere in this paper, has
been at work this week re-palnting the
Interior of Odd Fellows hall. The
lodgo has also bad Its hall kalsomlned
recently, all of which Is a very notice
able improvement and adds more beauty
to the boys and girls' (Rebekahs)
lodge home. ,
Have you seen those new style
photos at Mackey & Weston's? Tbey
are fine.
China pheasants are said to be
quite plentiful in the valley thla sum
mer. Partlea who bave occasion to
drive about the country report seeing
coveys of them in various parts. In
tbe Olwell orchard, within a mile of
Central Point, four coveys haye hatched
and tbe little fellows are reported to be
doing nicely.
For sale, two good driving horses;
aee bchermernom at secona nana
Frank Galloway reports big sales
on his waste-proof feed boi. Ho says
he Is getting letters of inquiry from all
parts of tbe United States and as well
from many foreign countries. Mr.
Galloway seems to tblnk he has struck
the keynote to success and he baa
good reason for thinking so.
Butter, eeea and chickens we
want all you can bring us; cash or
trade, u. n. iiowara w)
Capt. J. T. C. Nash has men at.
work this week putting new street
gutters In front of tbe Nash hotel.
Tbe old ones were of gravel with
cement covering, but the ones being
out in now are of small roek, and these
cemented over. A. M. Helms will put
a similar gutter in front of his place
"......,. tan Mnt, .1 nt nniinrf fnr tbp
. .. . j . .iT I I T 1. ..
next imnv aaya i mo uujm, rfutsouu-
T.nnt week we nezlecled to mention
iha AaatU nt thn thrpR-vear-old son of
George Monkbouse, of this cltfy," which
occurred on Wednesday, July iBtn.
On July 4th tbe little one ate too plen
tifully of peanuts, wnlcD waa tne direct
cause of htB doatb.
it ... n 1 1 .. n tinffoa in nnn And twn
pound, air-tight tin cans at Warner &
X nnlnt WArlritntr took olaCO at the
Presbyterian manse last Sunday after
nnnn. at 2 o'clock, when Mr. W. T.
Grieve and Miss Katie M. Fries were
.mitofl in mnrrtape bv Rev. Adolnh
Haberly, pastor of the Presbyterian
r..n lit tnf irnnprRl hnnnp-
work. Wages $3.50 per week. Dr. C.
K. Itay, UOIU mil, jreguu.
nr. ..nil .HdH.Inn in tha ari tf prt.isp-
. lii ii .w. ut..... w .
roent of the State Normal school, at
Monmouth, appearing in another col-
t ,kt. i..i,n Tha cnhnnl rpnnrtR
UUill Ut mi. wawi " - -1
a successful year, with encouraging
prospects lor me iiuai, dcboiuu. ... " j
teachers are taking the normal course,
both for tbe sake of tbe professional
training, now pretty generally de-
.1 1 an.l olart as . Vl 1. nPBt. til OR M fl F
Uinuucu, auu .du - -
preparation for scouring the state
tha Rarhart farm, one-
half mile south of Medford.
H a. Wortmnn has purchased an
half IntcroU In the rich Nve ledcre.
whloh waB recently discovered on Galls
oreek. From 100 pounds ol ore tney
took out $260 In gold ana orusnea tne
rock in a hand mortar.
THIS is a
G. L.
Pleaaant :
Those long delayed Ladies French Heel Dress Laoo Boot,
Ideal and French Kid have arrived. They are perfect beau
ties und are going off very fast. Also those famous Phit
eesi elastic-slilo Juliets, 3 widths slim medium and full .
Seventh Street, Medford,. Oregon
Don't Hold Off I
Any longer, waiting for $
Spring Styles or for new
goods in JJ
Oura are now here a full,
J complete and handnme line of aa 5
pretty goods as y m ever. saw.
Come In and examine them. f
: -' j
-rS. G. Van Dyke & Co. bave a new
ad tbls week In which they quote prices
on summer goods. J. Beek & Co. also
bave an aa in which tbey have some
thing to say of window glass and paints.
Ice cream Saturdays and Snndays
at Tbe Boss, Jacksonville.
A gospel temperance meeting will
be held at tbe BaptUt Church next
Sunday evening, July 20th, at 8 o'clock.
Five minute speeches will be made by
the ministers of Medford.
Ice cream, ice cream soda and soda
water at Wilson's bakery.
U. S. Bartholomew baa been quite
ill with typhoid pneumonia for the
past week but is now very much Im
proved and is able to be out. ., -
See the latest in piano chairs at .the
Coss Piano House.
.Mrs. E. Brown, who was quite ill
last week with fever typhoid symp
toms is roported very much improved.
Dr. Wait is in attendance.
Flowers at Brooks' tin shop at re
duced prices.
R. R. Blackwood, of Phoenix, left
Wednesday morning; for Butte creek to
spend a few days in fixing up his new
place in that section.
Why don't you drink Hawaiiao
coffee? - - - - -
D. L. Day, the painter, was called
to Jacksonville tbis week to do a job of
painting and graining for G. E. Keuber.
Miss Elsie Wiley is telephone ex
change girl during the absence of Miss
1000 cordB of 4-foot wood cut and de
livered. Wanted teams to haul wood.
Steady work. Address, Dr. C. R.-Ray,
Gold Hill, Oregon.
Estrayed or Stolen.
One holf-breed Hereford cow four
upnt-R nld. color red. white face, dew-
lapped, branded "JM" on left side.
Any person lurnisning inioimanon
leading to her recovery will be libprally
rewarded. O. C. Giixihrist,
Central Point.
Saddle Ponies Wanted !
I want to buy 500 Cavalry
Horses, weighing from 925 to
1025 pounds; height 14.3 to
15.2. Must be solid colors;
age from five to seven years.
Will be at the Nash stables
in Medford, with inspector,,
on Monday and Tuesday,
July 30th and 31st.
" Black Cat " . Hose and other Hose
best on Earth and bigest assortment
for Ladies, Misses and Children.
All sizes and qualities
WEBB, Raster.
'vI"bV .BVaV j