A LITTLE OF I PURELY PERSONAL mmm official vote of jackson coity, Oregon. Miss Mazie Llpptncott la visiting friends In Rooeburg. Hon. Bonj. Haymond was In from Book Point Mondav. n R HmM. at Biir Butte, was In Medford yesterday upon business Lemuel Charley and family, of Clt max. were In Medford last Saturday Andrew Contrail, of Jacksonville was In Modford Saturday upon business v.. C. Wells was among Modford friends Tuesday, as was also Landlord Jarvts. Attorney W. H. Parker left for Coles tin Wednesday morning for a week's recreation. Miss Delpbia Hammond is at Eugene this week visiting her grandparents and her sister, Hiss Bessie. Eli Hogan oarae over last week from t.u fina hums, near Wellen. with a wagon load of garden produots, Miss Minnie Coleman, who has been am.ndinir the Dast winter at her home ia Phoenix, left on Thursday morning's train for Pacifio Grove, uaw H. P. Bailey, of Bod Oak, Iowa, who has been visiting with his son-in-law, W. S. King, aad family, left this week for Josephine County. Prof. N. L. Narregan is at Portland this week in attendance upon a meeting of the a rand lodge of Masons, tie is there as a delegate from Medford lodge Mrs. Mary Walker has again taken a position as cook tor the Sugar Pine rnmmnv. at the Gray mill on Rogue river, and will leave this week for that nlaee. Merchant F. L. Cranfill and daugh ter. Miss Edith, left last week for a visit with friends atKoeeburg and Eu gene and a multiple of other places in the Willamette vauey. D.T. Lawton and I. A." Webb left Saturday morning for Klamath Falls, Ore. The former went on business and the latter for company and ac on ting. They returned Wednesday evening. Mm. J. K. Darnell and two sons re turned from Yreka on Monday evening of this week and will reside In Meaiora Mr. Darnell has employment, at Klam athon and la doing well and will re main there for several months at least. Robt. Hunsaker came over from Klamath Falls this week and loaded back with a four-horse wagon load of ice from the Modford brewing and loe plant. Mr. Rice, of the same place. was also over and loaded back with a wagon lood of beer. Alva Daaielson returned to Medford last week from Oakland, Calif. After a, f- data visit with relatives and friends here he will go over into North ern California, where he baa several weeks work in overhauling and repair ing an electric plant. E. J. Pool, of Olene. was in Medford this week after four wagon loads of farm machinery from Hubbard tiros warehouse. N. S. Drew, of Dairy, was also here after two loads of a like com modity from the same Arm all for the farmers of Klamath County Mrs. S. M. West and Mrs. H. D. West, and the lattere little ohild, of Reno, Nevada, arrived in Medford last j week for a stay of a couple or three months among relatives. They are housekeeping In Mrs. S. M. West's residence, on North B street. Butler Walker, of Bly, Klamath County, was in the oity this week upon business, Mr. Walker, in company with his brother, Is an extensive stock grower, they having about 500 bead of heavy draft horses on the range as well as from 1000 to 1600 head of cattle. Mrs. J. L. Day arrived in Medford this week from Dunkirk. New York Mr. Day and son arrived here several . weeks ago and decided this was a very proper place to tie to hence, the com- inr of Mrs. Day. Mr. Day is a house painter by trade and has been doing considerable work In his Hue. Merchant C. M. Ruch, of Ruch post offico, was in the oity Saturday. Aside from being a merchant who carries a full stock of sreneral merchandise, Mr. Ruoh enjoys the distinction of being the worthy and trusted postmaster of Ruch. He is a pleasant gentleman to meet and one In whom his neighbors nave the greatest confidence Samuel Overlander was over last week from his auartz ledge in the Ap- plegate district. Mr. Overlander has been DrosDectlue a ledze n3ar the Jef frev place, not far from the celebrated Wlnningbam & Pence ledge, for the past twelve months, and has been re warded for his labors by locating fourteen inch vein of quartz that mills over twenty-five dollars to the ton CaDt. J. T. C. Nash Is at Roseburg this week as witness before the clroult court. He was subpoenaed over the loner distance telephone and the boys are jollying the captain because that he refused to be subpoenaed In that wav. But when the sheriff asked him if he would come if a deputy sheriff was sent after htm, he changed his mina and repliod "Yes, by ; I'll come without sheriff." ', '- Mr. and Mrs. B. S. K. Bulok, of Rose burg, were.the guests of Mr. and Mrs W. V. LlDDlnoott over Sunday.'7'Mr Bulok was a resident of Jackson County CANDIDATES CONQltKaS FIRST DISTRICT. Bernard Daly, d, p W. P. Elmore, p James K. Sears, r-p Thos. H. Tongue, r jusxioa ox supaiMX cocht C J, Bright, p Thos. G. Green, d Chas. ii. woivervon, r ORKQOK DAIRY AND FOOD COMMISSIOMIB. J. W. Bailey, r P. L. Kenady, p W. Sohulmerlch, d, p. . . . DISTRICT ATTORNXV FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. A. E. Reames, d, p, s-r. . . C. B. Watson, r JOINT RXPRXSXNTATIVX. Albert Abraham, d, p ... E. D. Brigga, r Grant Rawllngs, r-p E. Russ, p RKPRXSXNTATIVXS. W. A. Carter, r Matthew Stewart, r J. L. Batohelor, d J, H. Beeman, cU J. W. Ling, r-p W. W. Willlta, r-p C. H. Hoxle, p William Svdow, p OODNTT OtXRK. S. J. Day, p W. B. Jacksoo, r-p.. Lee Jacobs, d Gus Newbury, r. . . . , BHXRIFF. W. H. Brunk, d Alex. Urme, r J . D. Stains, p J. W. Wiley, r-p COUNTY JCDQX. J. P. Gllmore, p S. H. Holt, r-p N. L. Narregan, r.... Chas. Prim, d COUNTY BICORDXB. Peter Applegate, r J. L. Downing, p. vr . u. marxs, a - Wm. M. Richards, r-p... COUNTY COHMISaiOHIB. W. A. (joraeu. p George P. Lindley, d K. K. minter, r-p Thomas Riley, r COUNTY AS8X8SOB. O. E. GoraeUne, p.... John Grieve, r-p Martin Mcuonougn, a J . U. f enaiewn, r. . . . COUNTY TBIASCBKB J. H. Gay, d A. L. Kitchen, p Max Muller, r M. a. Welch. r-D SCHOOL 8CFKRINTXNDKNT P. H. Daily, r L. A. Stocking, d..... COUNTY BUBVKYOB. Garl T. Jones, r Edwin Russ, p L. S.Trefren, d COUNTY COBONXB. George B. Cole, r J. W. Odgers, p Dr. J. E. 8hearer, d.. ?Mtf3?MQ ii g f f y ? f f 1 1 j j f I ? g 1 1 I : IS: r B- & I J I I 5 ! I ? f & 1 " r I : - ? j : f R- 1, i i : I f : : ! ? I I : r f i : ? : T T 1 f i i r : 1 : P B. : P r : : : '. : : : : : . : : : : : ' : ! ; ';'::!. !. I ;; ; t4ViViVtVt"V"i 'i "i it "i i i Tl'TTT"' 32 4310O 88 60 64 83 67 40 60 9 52 20 23 17 52 13 104 25 30 2 3. 87 U 18 W 20 4 25 43 .406 6 3 17 15 6 6 6 4 5 2 4 1 ' , f, 4 ,, 2 , .j 14 I 7 2I 6! S M 6$ ISloS n .3 2?. l3 83 , 1 A A 47 ,4 3D B 1 I4 .,01 7 a 7 1' 4 1 14 ; U 3 2 23 12 11 9 10 8 4 9 1 4 S ' ' J Ha , 4() ,5 m 0 S() 45 141H : tI i?Si745 S Jo SSiSiSiS S i S S S S SI'S Si iS ? !i .? . 66 31 154 132 69 43 49 88 J 23 38 ,8 6. , 14 7 72 17 14 21 .1 82 40 14 3U 25 U 6 23 1328 ; i8 I? 66 34 SS 70 6? 35 5 12 4? fl 18 17 45 14 84 18 30 24 28 71 48 19 45 16 31 3 80 4.1221 ?? S? PlS S 1?S X i5 ? !?lf !i it V I1 1 S5 S ?? ,5 8 UISS 22 87 S5 i 5 S8o S S S iS 4 1? 12 S V S S S S S IS 51 1 iS u u '. 70 Jmi46 72 52 X g ? - g g g g g g J? g g JgS .. 68 30 158140 68 33 55 95 95 24 35 17 65 31 20 ll gj 4 01 IB 10 ( H 8 :: g S 5 S S S d S f 5 ? g n 1 1 S. 23 o 24 ., , .0 32 . ,. .,2 1? ? 183 15 19 14 9 20 20 4 13 ' J 1 S . 1 i ! 4 ?2 ffi I! 4 3 16 17 8 IS 10 U 8 3 2 2 1 - J j 3 74 I. 4 2 16 10 3 4 8 3 8 7 I it .. 4 2 1 1 2 6 3 4 1 2 1 J 1 8 4 4 8 11 1 14 2 15 10 483 -1 ill S s s S a Ss H S b S s i as s s-s s s s ?s i sjsas 8 SSIS 8 8 fnt! stiSASSaySSSg 8,8 888-S? ,! 8 888 4 8 14 13 .2 .J J J J 18 n 11 11 9 11 7 4 6 1 8 2 1 2 7 1 14 4 12 430 16 12 21 17 38 32 23 44 45 19 18 13,31 It 11 I I fll 15" 123 94 .. 7 4 16 18 6 4 7 6 1 ft 1 1 3 1 1 5 13 5 22 5 7 22 777 .. 47 42 75 67 67 62 32 48 80 13 89 7 3o 1. 26 9 U 5 Jl i 7 0 10 27 26 14 29 22 22 8 9 jm 1017 - tl lOlM M 81 S HI 51 !5 69 " 40 2109 k 40 20 29132 79 19 49 17 19 4 25 31 I29 " , J 55 74l07ll2 30 67 19 77 34 25 28 35 16 103 25 17 28 16.87 62 23 6287 36 13 16 42 im 7 20 9 5 7 4 1 ,1 . 1 .j , ,s 1n - 43 ,2 32 , w OT in jI i110 SO 87 S3 69 49 32i 44 0 w, 10 i? ? ij - . - -- - - , , - 8 8 5 7-23114 12' 19 6 T ' M 1 I, . o o o-Jsi ln 4 A 5 5 '4 I .rl.,1 JU oJ .J on Q i l .1 4 a ?d ?5 i s ?i i n a n ? u io 4 1 1 1 ? i i ? 3S : . . . 73 36 174133 63 50 71 88 87 29 50 24 M 44 m iu si - - :" A r s s s ii s i J i li a s s i i &lh&Ai$& u i 3 itl g g o2 77 85 28 26 15 40 W 16 U 20 9 53 ,4 8 21 12 90 87 16 36 28 13 8 13 181327 30 29 90 71 48 29 41 66 53 32 67 6 37 14 17 Jl 46 11 76 19 82 22 25 40 38 9 8. 11 38 6 20 481110 ::::: g g g Hi i B S 1 V". i?,01 2 192 6 242 M ? '? .5 J J.o. , J J J J,J J fiol 60 2fl 70 39 33 27 19 9!122 19 28 12 79 4fl 20 48 25 2. 11 17 38 58 - 34 48 103 82 63 50 66 88 79 35 48 7 60 18 14 13 50 20 70 17 39 ST. 32 Wl 67 15 42 3.. 0 8y 62 12154.31 m 55 Wii 28 f 20 77 m 27 20 ,1 93 u 27 n v ,, - J otlfo J 11 35 4? 47 4 2l 48 iS 42 23 18 1 47 18 9. 20 37 21 28 77 j 57 .6 47 .6 32 4 20 48 129. ... 70 29 . 61 131 71 65 55 70 90 25 44 19 88 35 24 20 22 11 73 20 . 2 2.3 ,3 8' 42 ,4 87 8 27 1, 10 30.430 : 3 40 02 ?42 66 9 6210? 73 3? M 12 3? ll 22 19 57 li'lOOl 2 . 36 27 2! 70i 50 2. 50 11 27 6 44I33 Soimtor Chnuiiooy M. Donow ro- conUy t In n room at Wimhltig-, ton unJ tloHvorod u Hpoooh to it purty of frtmxlH In Novy York, ovor ii Ions iliativiuio tulupltoiiu. Hio diatuioo oovorotl wu 21K) miloB. Hitinoii'8 trudo luat your amounted to about u liillllou dollurB, ritthov moro than hall being Import. Tho bulk oi It watt tranHuotud witu .) AiDttrnliiHiiin uolonius. Iho Bharo ol tho United States amounted only to 1127,000, but will now "S it .. 1 ... rupiuiy luuruKiro. Prune Grower' Meeting. TllB MaU, has been asked by the Prune Growers Antioolatlon U an nounce that thuro will bo u uiuottng of the growur of Southern Orugon lu MiuKiird next Wednvsduy. Juno 20lh, at 3 o'clock p. in. Uusinoitt of Import anoo will aoino before tho moutlug and every meinour is urguu ui no uinwuu-anuu. St. Cecilia Club. Tho last meeting otthasuason.whtoh was to have been held on tho ovenlng of Saturday, June 10th, Is postponed one week. By the courtesy of Mrs. Pickol, at whsso home tho session will bo hold, this will be an open meeting and each nimnbor of the club has the nrlvtlnru of InvltlniT ono cuest. All olub mombors will answer to roll oall with an appropriate quotation or an Item of musical nuws, as at the provious mooting. Advertised Letter List. i i ... laii.H Mm.l.lnrnn ruiiuwiHi 1 - . " 7 oallwl lor la lbs Mwlfonl poatomco oa Juas 13, IWW. Dvl, liiu )lniln. Mr RihKC Ksuoli. Ilary tiomltiraua, I.uelstl V U.UiloB. MM U R MoV)uJo, Kl T Maudrr, lrnk I'lurwn, Mr Lr Mlmfard. Ur W W . ... 4 n un, will tui m tllA UiMQ dtt llry ol ueh of h bovo Istwrs. rontonil calling lor muj oi n will DtoMy " Advl'(lMi.,l Amoag toe Churches. EPIHOOrAl, CHURCH. Rov. Chas. Booth will hold sorvloes In Ht. Mark's Onuroh next Uuaday evening, Juno 17th. ' PRESHYTBHIAN CHUU0H. Th aiil aurvlnM will be held at eleven a. m. and eight p. m. At ten . 1 . 111. . . , "O. .M uUnl a. m. me oniiuroo us iqb duhui nuuvi will hare a special program. Parents and friends interested in the religious training or ine yovng are oorauuij ytted to these services. PMlUea Wanted. nMMtlnal nnmfMtjtnt nnirlnMr wants work during threshing season. Exper ienced in running traotlon engines. for lurtnar partiouiars auuress uox u, fnoenix, ure. Barr's Excursion To San Pranclnco will pass through Modford Monday morning, July 2, IU0O. olsoo and return, 610.50. Parties of ten or more can get a rui oi ii laro irom Modford to MonUgue and ruturn, mus making a very olieap rato to tho oity. For tickets or Information oall on H. f.. Ollkey. Moriford, or aildress, O. W. Uarr, Uibanon, tire. In an early day and has many friends here amone the pioneers, inese peo ple were met here by their son, C. D. Bulck, of Silver Lake, Oregon, and on fvf ondav the trio started for the young Mr: Rnlok's home at Silver Lake, where the old folks will vtBit relatives for couple of months. Mlaa Lottie Brown, of Eagle Point, is visiting in Medford. the gnest of Mrs. D. B. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Knotts and son . H. Knotts. of Gold Hill, were pleas ant callers at Thk Mail oSoe yester day. . G. S Brl2e?8. who is working a farm out near the desert, was in Medford Tuesday the first time for several weeks, he having been quite seriously 111 with la grippe. Miss Florence Simmons, of Rose- hnrir. Mich., arrived in Medford Sun day evening and will spend the sum mer and fall with her sister, Mrs. i. a. Moore, and family. Frank Ward, of KocKIora, Illinois, senior member of the Prank Ward Pumn Comnany. is in Medford this week upon a visit to his nephew, Mer- ihant H G.'Wortman. Mlna Edith Van Dvke returned this weak from Albany. Oregon, at which place she has been attending a Presby terian oollene. The young lady is pre paring herself for missionary work. Mrs. Bart Dowell left Sunday for Seattle, where she will reside. Mrs. J. W. Dowell, formerly of Medford, is already a resident of Seattle, Bhe hav ing moved thereto several months ago. Both J. W. and Bert Dowell are over at Prlneville, Oregon, where they have employment. - Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Roach left Mon day evening for their new home at Roseburg. Mr. Roach has been a printer lu The MAIL office for the past six months and has proven himself a verv able nrlnter in laot. an au-rounu newpaper man, and aside front this a "pleasant gentleman to have around, ad Is every Inch a sauare. honorable man and Thk Mail Is congratulating Rose burg upon having secured so worthy -a gentleman and estimable family tor per manent residents. Mr. Roach has pur chased a half interest In the Koseburg Plalndealor, and hereafter the paper will be published by Conner & Roach. Mr. Conner, who has oeen pnnuii owner of the rialnaeaier ior sevor-i months, Is a splendid gentleman and will hitch well In team harness wwn our good friend Roach. Th. aiantrin storm of ' yesterday , oreated havoo with the telephone and eleotrlo light wires In Medford. A tel ephone pole down near the Bear creek bridge was shattered, several oi mo wire running Into the oentrai omoe were burned off and more damage, done Inside. Lightning struck a wire run ning Into I. A. Webb's residence and burned out one of the lights burned so badly that the globe came out of the plaster paris socket. Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Poster, who .were In the room at the time, felt the shook and were al most thrown to the floor. Photograph gallery for rent $5.50 Der month. York & Wortman. XT M nnoa. manager of the Coss Piano House in Medford, has arranged for a grand muBical opening entertain ment at his salesrooms on the evening of Saturday, June 30th. The program, which will appear jnext week, will be made up of selections by the best mu sical talent in the oity. An Invitation is extended to all to attend. Mr. Coss -m alas, ha v nn exhibition a complete line of high grade pianos and organs, and small musical instruments. New Ceylon tea In air-tight pound cans. UnquestlonaDiy tne dbsi. .h the market at warner nu'" - The Choral Union fifty voices- held a reherBal Monday evening. They will rehearse each Monday evening uutil the Fourth upon whloh day they will furnish a part of the music for the forenoon exercises. The re hearsals take plaon in tho Workman Vial! anrl an Rtrilnt Ul'0 the voices that they oan bo'eiisiiy heard at the sohool building, six blocks away. b ..airahi., Hmall houses for ront.W'York & Wormian. . M. n. Wilkin, oriranlaor of the A. O. tf. W., has inado a round-up of sixteen new members to the order In Medford during the past week and the members had set Tuesday evoning as the time when those sixteen would be Initiated, but owing to the non-arrriv- al of necessary papers the Initiation was postponed. i-The girls tell us and they are au thority that our oandles have tne real flavor. The oholoest candies in Med ford at the R'alto. i-Prnf. Wood will fflve a high wire walkHxhlbltlon in Medford on July 4th. He will also appear In John Hardin's parade, where he will do the olown act, sing comlo songs "The Mason's Clerk" "Mary ann," "I'll Tell Your Ma,"or the Girl I Dld't Want;" also deliver aoomlo oration. Don't forget about those elegant dishes we are giving away, kvery Durohaser nets aooupon. w. a. ueexer & Co. There Is a strong probability that n w. Walters, formerly In the gro cery business In this oity, will purchase tho ainnir of renoral merchandise own- A hr White. Harbaueb & Co. An Intmlna nl atnnk Is nOW Doing UlKCn, after whloh tho deal will probably bo closed. rtMnu..i i,MnJaVtnfl ti dnvnlnn mines. uaiJivu, iui u... 1 Send average samples by express, pro paid, and full particulars. Dr. Kay, Gold Hill. T H. Riiv. nronrletor of tho paint and wall paper store, who was operatod upon a couple of weeks ago by Dr. Bo hannon for oanoor, Is very muuh Im proved and Is ablo to bo about, tho can cer having boen successfully removed. fan ffAnfa HAP HOIind for tllO next thirty days at the Bobs Jacksonville. Charles, the ton-vear-old son of wnrv White, of Rock Point, aocldont- ly shot himself In the hand and stom ach Wednesday with a twenty-two rifle. A physician was sent for but we uiu not loam whether tho shot was fatal or not. Hawaiian coffee, In ono and two pound, alr-tlght tin cans at Warnor & Wortmun's. ' the baloon "aeeenslon ; and para chute jump, will' be something worth golog miles to see. It la ft foature of the Fourth of July celebration in Mod ford. iita ham aandwloh lunch got It at Wilson's bakery. Tnnmlav nraa Old Fellows memorial rlav anil tlin mftmhera of Medford lodge paid duo respoot to deceased brothers by a proper decoration of thoir graves In Odd Fellows cemetery. Agricultural Implements and gar don tools G. L. Sohermorhoro's see ond hand store, Modford. Chllrlrftn'a Dav at tho Presbyterian Church In Phoenix will bo observed on June the seventeenth and the Lord's 8upper on June twenty-fourth. For aaln About fifty shoats. En nutrn at this office. Extunslve oroDaratlons are going on for a very appropriate celebration of the Fourth in Medford. See J. R. Wilson for all kinds of Piano machinery. John Gore was thrown from a horse yostorday afternoon and one of his collar bones was broken. Seo tho new baby carriages and go-carts at I. A. Webb's. Cashier H. L. Gllkoy has moved Into blB new residence, in West Med ford. Full lino of bee supplies nt H. H. Howard & Co.'s. Mrs. F. L. Cranfill is having a severe set-to with mumps this week. All llnla nt anah and dnnpa und screen doors, at lowest market price. w. WOOUB. -J. W. Oiluora. dentist, in Adklns blook. Work always flrst-olnss and gunranteoa, For sale, two good driving horses; bob Sohormerhorn at scconu nana atYirA. W Yt Mnnlrar Ar. C,n. wnntn to hliv your mohair. Highest market price naid. Wanted, old stovos of all kinds at Schormorhorn's seoond hand store -Fresh stook ot gurdon needs In "ulk or paokago, at G. L. Davis'. Got Wells & Shearer to do your moving satisfaction always. Window glass full line at I. A. Webb's. . Ice oream, loe oream soda and soda water at Wilson's bakery . M.,r hahtf napriatrna and iro-oarts soo tnora at I. A. Webb's. .rail nn Mlaa Medvnskl for tho lat est In summer millinery baok of new bank. A Bargain for Someone. flionn hundred acres of land nearly all tillable two and ono-half miloaoast of Phoenix dopot and sovon miles irom Modford. ttooa oronnra mm guuu wuwv land as Is In the valley, good oorn land, two good bouses, good outbuildings, five good springs of water, plontv of Are wood. Will sell came, nogs ana norsos with farm. Will anil rnaannahla. 0. T. PAYNB. Per Sale by Owner. r.nt inn2nA fnnt. between L and M streets. Onlloway addition, Medford, Ore. Title porleot. rrioo ammu. Address E. E. Falconer, 31 16 North 27th street, Taooma. Wash. Call on Mlis Medynskl for the lat est In summer millinery baok of now bank. Cheap Wheat- Makes cheap flour. There Is no flour made that's bottor than onr "Now Pro-' " wa n fc oaiiinir I r. ai t z. ner lOOO pouiidB, 65 oonts per sack. A.. n,i;ilVIDKW. Medford, Orsgon. -Spring trucks for spring house- bold movtng. Wells At Shearer. mistletoe Notice. Notloe Is hereby given that I have sold my horse "Mistletoe" to O. L. Corwin, who will continue the horse ln afiifl anrl twill nnllnnt nil mnnev due on this present season of 1000. Pool uorwin, manager. vv . el. iiiunuuiuBi. Vnu never drank oolfoo that's hot ter than Hawaiian. n,l, D... hua a aula fnnntnln Uflfn x I1U Ulaa un w "i v. n iui.i..".i. ...... f . JHnlFII n, (tawlnna llnanl.lnl.tnna In noil 11 1 HI rD w. . i ....... v. u . v. . , ... oonneotton, also nuts of all kinds, trop ical iruibS ana oigtirs. w uoa iu u ioa sonvillo, call. Ice oream and soda wator Wilson's bakery. Headache nillousnoBS, sour stomach, constipa tion and nil liver ills are cured by Hood's Pills The non-lrrltatlng cathartic Price 25 cents of all druKR.tts.or by null ot 0. 1. Hood It Co., Lowell, Mass, acarai