The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, May 25, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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' -J
' : Ja. cvivAUn v 1 OKAllUllSi.
i. tai-rniulm Cliriniu Who
.'' u Baaatl'al amd Talukli
IUt.' i.oberr Mackenzie', D. D, psstor
lot the first Presbyterian church in tliis
olty and professor In the seminary at
Ban Anselmo, while attendtnir to the
arduous duties of his eccleaiaatleal
charge, has found time to make a for
;un. He is a man of great wealth,
ays the San Francisco liulletin, not
inherited', but the result of hi own
foresight and wise Investments.
About five miles from the beautiful
town of Kiverside, in the choicest part
of a refriom where landi is marketable
at price ranging from 1,000 to l,8O0
per acre, Dr. Mackenzie owns 90 acres,
all in bearing oranges. The land is
covered with trees in full bearing and
is worth in its present condition about
tlSO.OOO. The income must be very
large, for orange groves pay a largo
profit on the capital invested.
Dr. Mackenzie started the orchardin
a small way a number of years ago. He
had a few acres, which were carefully
planted. He tended his place" with
great zeal, and it is said that Mrs.
Mackenzie herself went over the first
few crop and sorted and boxed1 them,
a labor she would not trust , to,, less
careful hands than her own. " This
prudence gave the crop a superior qual
ity and a reputation. Wflh his annual
profits Or.' Mackenzie extended his
acreage until he became owner of the
'J present large and extremely valuable
i- Of coarse he has made a fortune oUl
of hi oranges. He has taken care of
his wealth and is now perhaps the rich
est clergyman in California.
iw Taaorr That Babhlaa Drlvaa mr
BaaHi Ballata Klo la
the Boar.
. Physicians in South Africa now hava
another theory for explaining away
' the charges made by both Briton and.
Boer that the other is using explosive
bullets,' says the New York Sun. The
..extensive laceration-often found in
bullet wound is now said to be due to
' the air which the bullet drives before it
Into the wound. The existence of .this,
phenomenon can be proved easily. If
a round bullet be dropped into a glass '
of water from the height of a few feet
it will be seen that when the bullet
touches the bottom a large bubble of
air will become detached and rise to i
the surface. In this case the bubble i
will usually be from ten to twenty
times the size of the bullet.
' Now a Mauser bullet traveling at
high speed is said to carry before it a
bubble of compressed air of large di
mensions. Experiments made by a sur
geon who fired a pistol bull into n glass
f water showed the bubble to be one
hundred times the size of the ball.
From the appearance of the wounds
and from these experiments it is con
cluded) that the mass of air driven by a
Mauser bullet' explodes in the bodvof
the wounded man with sufficient force
ou.t uicusire ulceration, lnisue-
tractive air bubble is well known t
surgeons under the name of projectile
All Varieties of Baaaara sad Impoa
t lora raatcn ThtnMlru Upon
the CoBsrcsatlon,
A rich congregation does not need
' to go to the poorest part of the city to
do mischief, for it can create, if it so
please, a nursery of genteel tramps
within its own borders, writes
Ian Maclaren,' in Ladies' Home
' Journal. When a minister and his
- people have the reputation of a
oft heart, and by that is often meant
a soft bead, the news spreads far
and wide, and there is an immediate
accession to (hp numho, "1 u.npc.:n
era. Tradespeople of the lower class
who wish to push their business andido
not feel sufficiently confident about
the goods they sell; young men who
'' lave lost their situations because they
wouldn't do their work; families of
- women who would consider it beneath
. them to do anything for their own liv
r. ing and. are adept in what may ' be
called genteel raiding; incapable men
. of business whom no bank would trust
with fifty dollars, but who hope to get
a thousand by quoting the Sermonon
the Mount all these gather and sit
down within the sheltering walls of
, the Christian asylum. -
loaali Heard la a Balloon; -
' Mr. J. M.Bacon, the Englishman, who
with his daughter made a lofty balloon
"sscent to observe the meteor shower
last November,' tell some interesting
things about the sounds that reached
their ears. At the height of 5,000 feet
the ringing of horses' feet on a hard '
'road could be heard. A' t' 4,000 feet tlie
Uplashing sound made by duck in a'
pond was audible. The barking of dogs'
and the crowing of cocks could be heard
at T.OOOor 8,000 feet. These sounds pen
etrated through a white floor of cloud
which hid the earth from sight. In
the perfect silence of the air around
this balloon they were startled by what,
teemed atealtby footsteps plose at. hand.
Investigation showed that this sound
was caused by the stretching of the
rope and the yielding of the silk aaj
the balloon continued to expand.
' "lllent" French.
An ex-dragoon writea; , "Having
lerved under 'Silent French,' I was not
n the least surprised to find that be
lad relieved Klmberley. He is an ex
unple at still waters running deep, a
nan of 7ew words, but one of the most
business' generals in the army and a
igid disciplinarian. I heard him
lummed up by a trooper whom he had
sentenced in u word or two to 14 days'
lonilnement tt barrack;' rM iuiti"
ira i earn a bit; Dutn crikey, don't he
-oloomin' weU bite I' "London Chron
icle. .;.;';."... ..:'...?;,
Am Ci-Clty Maretial Faund eallty of
Kiubasalametit llrolhare In Washing
ton In a Uaatllj Dual- A
Colony Formed to Taaa Up Meaert
In a recent ruling at Stock too. Judge
Budd held that justices' fees most be
paid in advance.
The Los Angeles oity counoil has in
itruoted the oity attorney to prepare an
ordinance of luteutiou to call an elec
tion for a board of freeholders to draft
a new charter,
' George Washington Hoffman, a pio
neer of Glenn county, died suddenly
at his home near Norman a few days
ago. He was a uative of Ohio, aged 73
A big strike of oil la reported from
Bonldiu island, near Stockton.
Mountain view .' to' nave a new
A co-operative ferry between Vallejo
and Mar ialaad U being discussed by
trade union. v.
Ventura bat organised a board of
Farmer of Ventura county are be
ginning to irrigate their land by mean
I ,,lan walla.
- Los Banoa i " enjoying a building
boom." - - I
Many new buildings are being pnt up
at Los Gatos, and old one are being re
modeled. bank ha begun business at Angela
Camp, Calaveras county,
, While attempting to escape from the
guard at the Presidio, A. C. Berguni, a
military prisoner was shot-and killed.
The shipment of peaahea ha com
menced from Saoramouto.
, Victor Bonton, oouviated of being a
ringleader of an organized gang of oat
tie thieves of Nevada, has been" sent
enced to aerv seren year in the Nevada
state prison.
Mrs. George H. Richardson, wife ol
a surgeon in the United State army,
committed suicide at San Francisco
some days ago by taking poison.
A consignment of frogs' legs was re
ceived at Fresno a few days ago from
a frog farm in Minneapolis, with a re
quest to popularize them among tho
epicures of the raisin center. It is the
first consignment in kind ever received
The San Francisco grand jury hai
found truo bills for perjury ugaiust
Mrs. Craven, G. W. Simpton and
Adolph Sylva. The indictments grew
out of the Fair case.
Thomas Horton, for many yean
ponndmaster of Stockton, committed
suicide by shooting himself in the head
with a revolver. Long suffering from
cancer of thi face led to the deed. He
:Wa 60 years old and leave a widow
, and family.
A stage coach on its way to the Yo-
semite valley was held np and robbed
by a lone highwayman some day age
and the passengers relieved or their
coin. The stage coming from tho op
posite aireotion Happened along at that
time and it passenger were also re
lieved of their coin.
A special from Everett, Wash., sayi
that E. O. Morrison shot and killed hii
brother, M. B. Morrison, at hi home
two miles east of Edmonds a few days
ago. ' trouble grew out of a game
of cards. The men began a pistol duel
at a distance of 100 feet. Eight shott
were fired, but only one took effect.
The murderer is under aired.
Hugh Morgan, a partner with D.
Carmichaol in the horseshoeing and
blacksmithing business at Sacramento,
was found dead in the cellar of the
establishment, evidentally from the ef
fects of poison self-administered. He
disappeared about a week ago. Finan
cial troubles, resulting from drink, are
assigned as the cause. He leave a wife
and two daughters.
Mannel Aniaya of Santa Ornz was
found guilty of murder in the first de
gree and sentence set at life imprison
ment. He murdered Q. D. Loucks, an
old hotel keeper for the purpose of rob
' Judge liorigan at Sau Jose has. reset
the date for the execution of Thomas
Flannelly, the Redwood oity man who
killed ill father, for June 29.
The 18-mile cinder bicycle path be.
tween Vallejo and Napa has been com
pleted. ....
Ex-Oity Marshal Pan! Chaigneau of
.Napa, was lonud guilty of embezzle.
meut of - the city funds. . It took the
Jury-Just 25 minutes td reach this con
clusion after listening for two days to
sne testimony and brief argument by
counsel .- before .. they retired, The
amount involved was in the neighbor'
hood of (8500 and covered a period of
several years np to nig resignation some
ten months ago.
. Thomas Collins, who was arrested by
the San Francisoo police for robbing
the First" National bank of Seattle of
$5000, .sprang a surprise in the Seattle
jail. by pleadiug guilty and making a
ooniesslon, In whion be olaims that he
did the johtaloue. The general impres
sion is that he is trying to save "Kid"
Parker, his pal, from a term in the pen
itentiary. Parker is now on trial.
A colony has been formed to take np
100C acres of desert laud near Indio,
where a strong flow of water at 500
feet has been found. Pumping plant
along this strata, it Is said, will provide
irrigation for thousand of acre of now
was land. ,
Henry ''Wright, a coachman, wail
VOWned while bathinc at the Kan Ma-1
tea beach Sua day. , . , I
''.".WAFl IN THE TNAN8VALL . ' '.
r ro( km ml right Batwaau Btltoa
and Boar,
London, May SI. Displayed lu the
most conspicuous style In the Dally
Bxpren 1 the dominant war new of
the morning: '
"We have the best reason for stating
that in the last it hour a telegram haa
been received at the foreigu otttou ad
dressed personally to the prime min
ister, from President Kruoger, promis
ing terms of poaoe.
"The exact terms of the mbssnge
oanuot be stated; but we believe it is
couched lu au exceedingly humble
train. . -
"It. is iuoonvelvablo, of uourso, that
Lord Salisbury cau have sent any roplv
exoept the one. that stands ready ou the
lips of every Briton unconditional
Lonixin, May SO. The War office haa
anuouueed that Lord Roberta has not
yet received official information of tho
relief of Mafeking. The following i
the text of Lord Robert's dispatch:
.' "Khoonstad, May JO. No official in
formation has yet been received,' but
Renter state that the relief of Mafe
king ha been affected. . ,
"Ruudlcrenorta barilla oornnlad Bras-
lei's Flat, Trommel and dowu, the
enemy falling back on Sunekal and
Fiekaburg. Fif ty rifle and 6000 round
were Surrendered by the Free Btatera
to a battalion of yeomanry working
along the telegraph liue from Bosh of to
iUocmfontoin. .. A field cornet and 8fl
burghers surrendered at Bosh of yeater-
"While at Hoops taxi Methuen secured
ISO rifle and between 400,000 and 600-
000 rounds.
"London, May SI. A dispatch to tho'
Daily Moil from Lunruuzo Murque,'
dated Sunday, aays: On Thursday the
entire Boer force around Mafeking, In
cluding the guns, was captured by ths
British. ' -
As a loaded logging train, consisting
of eight cars, au engine and caboose on
the Seattle and International railway
was crossing tue Raging river bridge
between Preston and Fall City, Wash.,
tn struoture collapsed, carrying ths
train and crew to the bottom of ths
aayon 110 feet below. None of the
man was killed, but two were seriously
A telegraphlo report of the river and
lake conditions received by the manage
ment of the White Pas railroad at Vic
toria by the steamer Danube leaves no
more doubt that the ioe king haa loos
ened his grip of many mouths ou ths
Ynkou and that tliA stAwnum am i(PA.iii ' dollars (75). and whuri'aa It wan ordttmu ad-
xutou ana inat mo steamvra are again , jutf,ed Bnd (JeflITP1 tn0 morl(ltttr m(?n.
n vi gating the waters and scows and i Honed in piutntin a complaint hrro.ii be fore
other craft are beginning to run. An-1 SSSfirfiSJiTs "K.afWtTXWSJ
other important point intule in the ro-' 30s., it. a w couiuinliiK w acroa, iw mm in ilin
port is to the effect that the water in j "a"nSo;'hTurToVASi,'Sa'
,1. V 1ITU WOlUf).
Brigadier-Geueral Theodore Sohwau I
who has talcnn a nrmninaiit mrt in i At the hour ot 2 o'clock p. m.. of nald day, In
wno nas caicen a prominent part lu tlie fronl of lh0TOllrl bouao. In tho Town of Jack
rebellion in the Philippine islandi ; Bonrlllo.Orciron. 1 will. Inohfdltinm to anld rx
reachal Sun Frnnoi. a f..r Hava .o-r, i '.cu,lVn' " 1,11 rlita. llllo and Inlonol ol
1 1 :l i m . c -w
"oiww ,coaaiB atuiuu irxjut Dflu X" mu-
cison laat WM,k fnr tJ,o On TJnm- M
fields, Eaeh vessel was loaded to its
fullest eapaoity with both passengers
and freight.
George Williams was acquitted al
Redwood City of the murder of Thomas
Hawkins. Both men were employed
at Bnrlingame, and the shooting occur
red after a quarrel. Williams olaimed
Charles Albortson, a miner, was shot
and instantly killed Saturday noon at
Cherry Flat, in the Brigdon mining
j..., - i- .
district, lYlUlty COUUty, by J. WcSS
Moore, an old mnn, also a miner. Moore
is a veteran, of tho civil war. Ihe
hooting was the result of a dispute
over the ownership of a mining claim.
The mou had quarreled ou sovernl pre'
vious occasions. They mot again and
tue qnarrel was immediately resumed.
Fivo car line are running in St. Louis
under police protection.
.. .
Two Letters from Women Helped Through
the "Change of Life" by Lydla E. PIiik
ham'a Vegetable Compound.
" Dear Mbs. Pinkiiam : When I first
wrote to you I was in a very bad con
dition. I was pawing through tho
change of life, and the doctors said 1
had bladder and liver trouble. I had
suffered for nine years. . . Doctors f ai led
to do me any good. Since I have taken
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, my health has improved very
much. 1 will gladly recommend your
medicine to others and am sure that It
will prove as great a blessing to them
as It has to me." Mbs. Geo. H. Juhe,
KOI DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
' Relief Came Promptly
" DeahMki. Pinkjiam: I had been
under treatment with the doctor for
four years, and seemed to get no better,
I thought I would try your medicine.
My trouble was change of life, and I
must, say that I never had anything
help me so much a Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. . Relief
came almost immediately.-,. I have
better health now than I ever had. I
feel like a new ' woman,' . perfectly
strong. 1 give ' Lydia E. Pinkham's
Compound all the credit, and would
not do without -her medicine, for any
thing. . I have recommended it to
several of my friends. There I no
need of women suffering so much for
Mrs. Pinkham's remedies are a sure,
cure. " Mah ALA. Butlkb, Bridge
water, 111,
; Another Woman Helped
' " Deab Mbs. Pinkiiam : I took Lydla
E. Pinkham's' Vegetable Compound
during change of life and derived great
benefit from iU use." Maby E, Jambs,
136 Coydon St., Bradford, Pa.
With the new faollltlea that B.. N.
Butlir put In his shop, hp (urns put a
good work tin repairing watohes and
- . .ii e' tr, '
i ui
ANtgclnble .reparation for An -slmllatliig
Hie Food niulRetfiiln -ling
the Stomachs unci Uavwls ol'
Fromotoa Digesllon.Chferfiil
nessaixIKrst.Conldlns ncltlMT
3 )ium, Morphine nor Mineral.
ot Narcotic. '"
" ' .aVJawaa
A perfect Remedy forConslapa-tj
turn, jum iiuuiaLii,iJiaiaJua
Worms .Convulsions ,Fevrish;,
ness nnd Loss or Sleep, .
Facsimile Signature of
txACT copy or wrappcr.
HY VIRTUR of n execution urtl out of
tho Circuit Court of tho Hut of Oreiton, for
the County of Jack moo, ou Uio 10th 0y of Aurll,
A. D., 1B0U, upon ii JuilKinuni duly rv microti In
Huld court on the 10th nay of April, 1WU, which
alii JmlKincnl wum UooKoiflil tn the clfirk'a of
Dec of Muid couri. In tho Ccuily of JackHon. on
the Mtb day or April. I'JOO, In ravtir of (its. W.
Inaaca, plaintiff, aotl aitalonl Jatnt'a b. and
Loulta K. Ort'iiiirv uud IkmIf .MoCullV. dtrriid
antit, for the nuin of one thouaund uvuntyllvn
andiH'lllOilolUni (IIU7.Y64) and coti ami din
bu momenta of ftutt to the amount of mivrnty-llvo
Saturday, flay a6, 1900.
ine anovc nauico tje'ciiduiiu, ji
mri K. Orrtf'
nrv. liulna K. llTriforv mill lull, Mnfiillv In
; "',, , w,. j i, i . .. . . i ;
I i.. i. . ".'S . .". '
I hb.'.'1. Ul,.d .n1 olddor, tor lawful nionoy or
the United Simon.
Anx. Onus,
Shorlff of Jackaon County, Oregon.
Dated this lSlh day of April, 1HJU.
KOSEIIL'IKI, OlIHOON. April 20, 1W. (
- Nottoo la huroby stven lh.u In compllnnco
with tho provlHloim ul the not of CuiiKruaa ol
Juno .1, 1878, entllli'il "All act for tho ulo n(
timber lundH lo the Mtutcn of California Urn
son, Nuvudu, and Washington Torrllory."
VVll.liKH L. Ollll, of Metlford, County of Jack-
i ii.iiKH l. wmh, oi jietuoru, t.ouniy or jack
I Hon. HlntoofOrrKon. ha thin day tiled In Uila
oITlce bla sworn alntcmrnl No. for the our.
cliae of tbo K NU. of Section No. G. In Town
ahlp No. 31, Kqiikh No. 'I K, and will oiler proof
to Hbow that the Innd ffouKbt Im moro valuable
for It limber or Nloiiutbnn for agricultural pur
pOKCH, und tocfltubllah bin clnlm to paid liuid
belorn the Hcklntui mid Receiver of thla onirc
al KoHoburg, Orrifnn, on Wednesday, the IHlb
duy of July, luu. Ha namim ita wIluekHOa:
William II. Moore, of Hone Hill, Iowa; J. K.
OlHon, of Mcilford, (Jreuon ; J. Helfnur, of Metl
ford. OrcKon, and II. illilnbolhnu, of Lccda.
OrcKon. Any and All perHonncInlinlnKmlvuraely
iuu nuui.rucnjriucu luiiua are reiiiuateu in I1IC
their elnlma in tbla onlco on or beforo nald IStb
uay or juij, itau.
J. T. HIMDiir.H, Itegister,
ROSSHDIKI, OIISIIOM, A prll 20, 1(00. 1
- Notice In hereby given tbat In compliance
rvlth the nrovlalona of the ant of C'onareaa of
Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for Ihn aals of
timber lands In the Htalea of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Wanhlna-ton Torrllorv."
W11.1.1AU II. Moods, of liono Hill. County of
Biiujairia, niato oi lowa, nan mis ony nioa in
this oOlee his aworn etnloraent. No. Mi. for the
purcbuHO of tho NJ4 NJ4 of Unction No. 0, In
Townnblp No. 84 H, Range No. 2 K, and will
offer proof to show thai tho laud nougbt la
more vnluablo for Ita timber or alono than for
agricultural nurponea,' and to ealablutb bis
claim to said iui.J before lbs fteglstor and Ke
ceiver of tbla office at Roaeburir, -Oregon, on
Wednesday, tbe 18th day of July. 1900. He
names SHWItneaaeal W. L. Orr, of Modford,
Oregon i J. K. Olaen, of Hedford, Oroganl J,
Uclfnor, of Hedford, Oregon, and IS. Illgln-
uutuam, oi i.ocna, urocon. Any ana an per.
Bona claiming adversely tho Boovo-dcHCrlhod
lands are requested to fllo their olaims In tbla
omco on or beforo said Hlh duy of July, IMJ0.
i J. T. IlitirHiKS, Ken later.
Administratrix's Notice.
NOTICE Is hereby givon tbat tho undersigned
baa boon sppofnfed by tbe County Court of
Jackson Connty, Oregon, admlnlatratrlx of tho
eataia or ueorgs w. neoualborn, dooensed. All
persona having claims against said ontuKi are
hereby notified to prosent thorn to tbe under
signed wltbln six months altar date of the ttrst
publloatton of this notloe.
iiaiea Hay , iwo. " ' ' .
Admlnlstrstriz of tho Estate of Ueorge W.
Heokathorn, Deoessed., . ; ,H
Land ofllco at Honobtirff, Orcon, April 2i,
IWO. Notloe in horoby Rlvnn ttmt tho following
nnmnd nottlor hnB mod notlne of hln Intontion
to rnuko final proof Id nupport of hm clnlm, aud
Ihftt nnld proof will bo mado beforo Wm. 8
Orowoll, jurtgo of Jnaknon County, Orogon, at
JaokHonvllle, Oregon, on June 9, two, viz: ,
On his H. K.. No. 80M. for the NWW . flWl
NWJ, and NWJ NlfiU, Hfro 26, Vp 80 H, k 2 WT
Hfl nnmtfH thrt fnllnwfiiaT wltnuMtinK tn nrnvA
hlBrontlnuouflresitlonco upon fend, cultivation
of Hatd land, viz:
wm. witonor. w. V( Glboon, -nobort Klnoalfl
and Ttalph Vaughn, all of Control Point. Jack
son County, Oregon.
r . ..', p , f,,',.,, J T.Bbidom. Register.
Sprlnff truolf..' for sprlnif houie-1
! ? 4 it f i
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
i i , t .. ,.
For Over
Thirty Years
VMf aairrua iHHtrr. New vea am.
Administratrix's Notice.
In the Matter of luo Kb in to of Jorph V. Wh I to
man. Heceaitod.
NOTiCiSta hereby Riven that the underpinned
haw been appolnttHl by the t'nunty Court of
Jackson County, Oroiion, Kdiululatratrlx of the
au.ove emaie.
All it or mm 11 Indebtrd to aald efltttto are re
julrvu to mtllo tho aanjo linmedlatnly
ily. and
lioae having claims BRalnnl Ihe namn wfif pro
wot thvm to my attorney, (.'olvin A KeamcH.
at Javkaonvllte, Oreeon. duly veriilfd, and
within all month) from the date of thU iidIIc.
Uutod April a), 1WJ0.
Admlnlttratrlx or the Fjitate of Jonvph W.
V tiltciuaii, Uecraaod.
l.und oirlco at ItONttburK. Orcuon, April 30,
mw. ihoiico im nornoy itucn umi tno ruiiitwins
ftninnl actllcr baa IIIihI linllco uf hlh llitrutlim
lo uiako flnal proot in aupport of bin claim, and
mat naiu pntni win no niaiio nvioro uuh new.
bury, county clurk ot Jackaun County, Urrtfun,
at jacaNonriiio, urcsou, on juno ivou, vu:
I v" ,a- ' ir idd r.'
On bin II. E., No. 7170. for Ibo K' NE'i, BW'
"' . H, T. X, ., II. I Kaat
He namea tbn following1 wltnfNMOM In nrnvo
hla oontluuoua rnaldonoo upon and oultlvallou
ui nam lunn, viz ;
J. OlK'Bcbaln and R Wrlnht, of Ills llutlo,
Henry Muliry, of Jacksonville, aid Win. Hate,
man, of Med ford, all of Jacknoii County, OreKon.
J. T. lIHIIKiaa. Krillater. '
Untied HlaU-e LandOlbce, Itoaeburg, Oregon,
nrll '7. 11100. Notice In hereby elven that W.
April '7, liMJ. Notice In bcrrhy Riven thai W
1. Vawrtflr. thuin DOHtofDco .()(lrfiit I M ml font
1. Vawter, whone poHtolDce aildreaa la Mcdford
Orr go n, ba tna4o uU)llcintlon lo nl(ot unilrr
Iff. 130 Slat. 'Mi. the follow.
inKiieacrioea traota: i ivu, eeotloil
Ip 'M n. t 'I o; ae!i aw, Hccllon 'M, tp Ida, r V u;
S nt-.'-i. ee'i nffi. acctlnn :rj. tp 33 a. r'J o; nH
nw4. nw-; nc',, wiH, tp M . r'Jo. Wltbln tbo
neii iniriy uay rmin aio iioreor pruictiti or
rontmtft againnt tbo vr)rotion on tbo ground
tht tlm Uod dfsicrlbcil, or mny ortlon thereof,
In morn valunblq fur Itn nilnrrttlM than fnr agrl
cultural purpoM), will bo rnontvrd and noted
for report to tbo gciiornl land nrtioc.
J. T. lIliimiKrt, Ut-glNtnr.
Unllod RiatON Land Otll or, Konoburg, Oregon,
April 24 IWiO. Notloe In hereby given that VV.
1. Vawter, whom; ponturica nddrniu In Miilfortl,
Orngon, ha, mnde appllratlnn to it nine I umlur
tbo Act of June 4, 1H97, (Htat. M), the follow
ing doncrlbcd traetii: I-ot t, being tbo nw1
eeotlon 7, tp XI n, r Vcimi; lot 4. being Uw
nm4 awj, m-cliou 6, tp 3fi h, r 8 eonl, Wltbln
tbe next thirty duyii from dnto hereof protefliit
or con lentil ugalnnt the no lea t Ion on tbe ground
tbut tho land dniiarlbed, or any portion thereof,
I more valuable for Itn mineral than nirrlaul-
tural purpoHOH, will be rcoolvud and miiud for
report to tue general laud omnit.
J. T. Uhidoiu, ReglNtor.
SWesi and dines! Line
St Paul, Duluth, Minneapulis,
unicagoano auroinis tasi.
Jhrough Palace and Tourist Sleeper,
Dining A Buffet Smoking Library Can
Tlokots to points Kast via Portland and ths
GREAT NORTHERN KY. on aalo at Boilth
ern Pnolflo Depot Ticket Oflloc, or ORBAT
NORTHERN flokot Onloo,
122 THIRD ST.,
For Rates, Folders and full Information re
garding Eastern Trip, call on or address,
( " A. B. C. DENNIBTON, ,
. . City Fuss, and Ticket, Agent, Pol Hand
I ''f A.i81ovor-tho tJfavteangot hire
itO'do your haullne. Household (roods
i i ii.i . , , " . .
aea utiiivj arbiQiw earciuuj anil' sarfel'
nantu,ear ama, ' aiway . naadjr n
4 4 if i '
1. of A. -Court Ml, Pitt No, M, mroti la Her
eators' Hall avcry Wm1noiluy at 811. 111.
U. W. mai-lilssnN, (Jlilrf ltiior.
1. 1., FtiHitiN, Klnauolul Hoorolary,
I, O.O, C.-I.oOko Nu, tta, nioots lul, Q, O. P.
hall oviiry Hntunlny at at D . ui, VlaltliiK
brutuurs always wulouino.
J. It. Hiikaiiks, N. O.
J, II, Bi'SWAUT, lino, Hou,
I. I). (I. K. Houlio
Itivur liliioiuiivniuut.
No. :, iiiuolH III I, o. (), V, hull Urn Kitmiiid am
fourill wuuuuHiiiiya ui uituu iiiuu.ii i n i, ui.
I). T. IMW'IDN, O. I'.
W.T.YOMK, Berlh.' .
Ollvn ItnboUuli l.odirii No. UH. lunula In I. O.
O, K. bull Hrnt ami tftlril Timmlaya uf oaok
Vlitlllnu NlHtorH luvlttMl lo uttpml.
Mum. iii,i,i an llAHvar, N.O,
A. V. A A. M. Mimi nrnt Crldtty on or lio
roru full moon ulHu. to.. In MhhoiiIo hull.
N. I.. Naiiiikuan, W, M.
W. V. I.II'IMK(!nT, Itoo. Ht'O.
K. of I1, t'nliHiuaii Initio' No. SI, nitiols Mon
iluy ovonlnir at s u. in. VInUIiiu Imitliora al
wityn woliHiino. KuiiHNM Oua, O. U.
H, K. Col,. K. ol It. miU H.
' KnlKlila of tho Miicoaotioif. 'I'rluuipli Tool
No. u, nintUN In roifiihir rovliw on t!i lat and
fit Tiiuntluya of oorlt ntunlli In A, t. U, W.
Hall at 7:u p. in. Vlslllug Hlr Knlxbla cordial-,
ly luvlied loaltomt.
U. Ii, Wxuil, Uouioiaailor.
W. T, Yoiik. It. K. i - -
A. O, V. W., 1)ck ot llouor-l(lhor lodso
No. M, mrnia avory avoond ami taurth TuSaJay
avaulu of oaob uionlli, at A. O, U. W. ball.
Mas. cahmk M, Oiiouom, 0. ol II.
Mm. Dki.ia UODOS, Hoo. i,
' A.t. tl. W,-I.oili( No IM, niaoil nvjry nr
sad ttilnt Wodnoaduy lu tbo manlhalNp. in
la thnlr hall In I ho ovora block,, VljlUu
bMllioraliirllodtoaitoiid. ' '
. J. W. Lawton, M,W.
N. I,. Nahiisuak, Rooorddr.
Woodmen ol the World t.'anio No. so. mools
avitry Friday evoulliK lu Adklua-Uouol bloob,
Uodford, Oroirou. . .
W. II. Mu, CO
Jos anon, dork.
(hryHniithpniiiin (Mrnlr, No, Ht,' Womnn ol
Woodumri. Mpeta xocoud and rntirlbTuoaday
ol onuli uuinth al 7:a p. ui, lu Woodiuou ball,
VMIlug alatora Invlteil. '
A ii A U. II I l.I ji, Clerk.
W. It. O.-L'hoMor A. Arthur Corps lio. M
nioola aooond and luu-'h Monday of oacb
nionlb al a o'clock p. ru., lit Woodman's ball,
VMiln alucra luvliod,
Mim J. II, WiurWAK Pres.
: MAiir K. kskvss, Hue. . .,
(I. A. K.-rlhaiter Ai Artour I'oal N.
oipota in Wuoduian'a ball ovory anoond amt
fourth Monday Dlslit In nach monlh si 7:..
Vlslllag Comrade, omllally Initllod la atfud,
1. K. amuhus, Oom.
r. U. HriWAHT, Adlutaau
W. t). T. V Moots avsryollxr Wedaoedsa
la Ibollalloy lllork.
Aiims, I'ro.
Mrs. Mat Cox, Ho.
Ham: Mark) Kpinoopa. Hunuav Hchooi meet
at KplneimU:butTb ovory Hunday morning at
Humluya al 7:3u p. m, Hcv. uIim. Ilootb, Iteo
Metboiiut Kplneopal ChurenW. II, Moore.
pant4ir. I'rtiftcbiiiK ovory Habhatb at 11 a.m. Hunday HuhiHil at lu a, m.. II. iH
(illkpy, mipt. Cli4 inetitlng every rtabbath
t wurth loaguo ovory Hubbntb evnitlng at 0:), '
Kituuett, prrnt. Hogular woukly prayer mm
at eioHeof nonnoti, Levi Kuurott, leatlor, Kp
klv uruvnr niMi.
Mowing clrHe everry week, Kllni
Mm PTorv i uiiriuiav o Villi Iflkf al
binary aooloty
uiuata tbe ttr
t Krldi
ay In oacb month.
IVoahytorlan Church Kov. A. Ilaberty, poa
tor. 1'rcacblug at 11 a. n. and 7:3u p. m. Hun
day achool at 10 m, ui. Y. 1. H. V. H.,6 S) p. m.
Junior Kndnavor Hoelety at t.SI p. m., Hunday.
Prayer ui otlng ou Wodnoaday ovculug al 1 :W
linptut ehureb-Kov. T, I.. Craadall, ponior.
naiiuain norvicns: preaching 11 a, m. kud 7:
p. m. ; Habbath arhool lo a. m.i II. V. I. V. tjn
p. in.; prayoi niceilntf Wducwlay at 7: p. m. t
oovonant tnrctttig ji if ao p. tu. ou Haturday pro
coding flrntHabbaih. Htrangera and liloada aU
ways wflatmo.
Obrtailan church Corner of HUtU and I
tttreetH, Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7. p. m.
HUlldaV Mbool KL 10 m. m Junnlr Knitntvun
3 p. in.: V. P.H.O. K. at o: p. m. prayer
cinoung ovory TDumday evening. Ladlo
UlMNlonarv Auilllarv to W. n k rin.i ri.i..
day 7:.'i V. M. oacb mmlb. Choral Union
every Friday al7:ai p. ra. Tho poopln wo loo int.
O. J. Glut paii lor, lloaldo al the church.
fttnihodlm Kplaoopal Church Houth Itev. b.
P. Mliton, ii an lor. Pronuhlng ovory Hunday at
II a. iii. and 7 p. m.; Hunday fcohool at 10. m,;
Kpworth I. eat; tie. oruvor und nruia.i iiimiMhi
oacb Hunduyntn p. m. ; Prnynr mooting WodnoN
ovoniiigatTo'nluok; Woman'a Home Mliwlon
Hociely meolH llrm 'riiurnday In ciit h uionlli at
atKOp.m, Mrn, K, II, Plokel, proNtdeiil.
Worth ern
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
t. Paul
Assistant Oenoral Psssongor Airont.
l; , No. S6 Morrison Bt oor Third.
() Jminhcpolh
,,r, JDuLuT" "
WCaooaaTow -
Hklina and
' tiU TTK
neweiry ajaoyooeinbouthflniureifoa
uv.u ujut jbk " mum ot OQDsrsr,