The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, May 25, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    OUR. COUNTY ...
Jacksonville New.
II, K. NoIhoii, of Albany, wan In
JaokHonvillo TuoHday,
V. . Kolloy, wuii viHiting iu
JiiokHUiivlllu litHt wauk.
P. 8 way no, of Apploguto, was In
Jacksonville Saturday,
Mm. Minnie Liiy, of Modford, Ib
visiting In Jacksonville.
Minn Amy Cantrnll, of Applogate,
hue b9en v I tit lug in JaokHonvillo.
MIib Anna Koogan, lately from
Ht, Paul, 1b vleitlng friends in Sauia
Valley. '
Dr. Keene, of Modford, and Mr.
ICdgooomb, of Seattle, visited, here
John tlBomoro, the pioneer real
dont of Sam Vnlloy, was at the
county seat Friday.
Mr. and Mr. Cal. Cunningham
were In JaokHonvillo luHt Friday on
their way to Applugato.
Frank Atikony, who has boon
visiting tho homo folks at Kugone,
linn roturnod to tho .Sterling mine.
Mils CliPHtaln, of Klamath
County, la yUiting in Jacksonville,
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. I,an
goll. Rev, F. G. Strange, of Ashland,
ocouplud tlio pulpit of the Preeby
turlan Church in Jacksonville Sun
day. The Jacksonville and Euglo Point
base ball nines will play In Jackson
" ville, Friday, Juno 1st, for a purse
of 150.
JT 0. Whlpp has Just (iniihod a
a fine 1200 monument to mark tho
last routing place of tho late David
Birdsey, at Rock Point.
J. II. Hufler, Sr., is busily en
gagod in the clerk's oflloe preparing
tho poll books or the several pre
emote for the June election.
Mrs. V. L. Snelllng, of Lakeview,
arrived in Jacksonville last Friday
to visit with her daughter, who is
attending St. Mary's Academy.
Chris Martin, who has been team
ing for the C, & C. Mining Co., of
Jump-OtT-Joo, for some time, baa
removed his family to Woojviile,
Mrs. Mamie Gay, nee Mamie
Linn, who has been visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs.' D. Linn, for
a oouple of weeks, has roturncd to
her home in fort land.
There was a base ball game be
tween the Jacksonville and Central
Point piokod-up clubs Sunday,
whloh resulted in favor ot the for
mor. It was a spirited and intubat
ing game.
O. H. Brown and J, L. Iiatchal r
democratic, populist, fusiou candi-
dates for the legiulattiro, who were
lulled to speitk In Jacksonville Fri
(lav evening, failed to put in an ap
pearance. J. M. Hodson, of Portland, grand
master Mason of Oregon, is viHiting
viBiting tho lodges of Southern Ore-
- son. He met with tho mombcm of
Warren lodge in Jacksonville Sat
urduy night.
The commencement exorcises of
tho Jacksonville publio school,
whioh were poetponod lust week on
account of tho prevalence of measles.
will be held at the U. 8. hall Fri
day evening.
Geo. K. Walker, of Sams Valloy,
is in the county jail, charged with
rape on a stepdaughter under six
toen years of age. Sheriff Orme
took him to Sams Valley Monday
for the preliminary examination,
but the girl's condition was suoh
she was unable to appear as tho
prosecuting witness. Tho examina
Does the
Baby Thrive
If not, something must be
wrong with its food. If the
mother's milk doesn't nour
ish it, she needs SCOTT'S
EMULSION. It supplies the ; ;
elements of fat required for , ,
the baby. If baby is not
nourisnea oy lis artificial
food, then it requires
I Scott's Emulsion
Half a teaspoonful three
or four times a day in its
bottle will have the desired
effect. It seems to have a
magical effect upon babies
and children. A fifty-cent
bottle will prove the truth
ot our statements. X
Should b Imkea la turnout m f
well a wlaur..
tlon was postponed until Friday,
June 7th. and Walker was brought
back and lodged In jail,
Herbert Fielder, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs, S. L. Fielder, who has
been an invulid for several years,
died Friday morning, and was
hurled In, the Jacksonville oemetery
Several members of Warren lodge,
A. F. & A. M,, of Jacksonville, went
to AHhlund Tuesday to be present
at the ceremony of laying the corner
stone of the new East Ashland
sohool bouse.
Joan Ulenvenue, accompanied by
his son, Ooa, and daughter, Mrs.
Oarbe, left for Canada Friday on a
visit to relatives and friends at the
old home. They will be gone for
several months,
K. D. Foudray, of Phoenix, ao-
oompanied by bis wife and nephew,
IS. M. Foudray, of Portland, was at
the county seat Wednesday. Young
Mr. Foudray is representing a belt
factory in Portland.
Chi is Ulrioh, Judge Day and Miss
Lemberger, representatives of tho
different lodges of the I. O. 0. F. in
Jacksonville, have gone to attend
the grand lodge at Astoria. Hiss
It Isle Uay lull with the party to
visit relatives at Tangent.
At a meeting of the sohool direc
tors Saturday evening, Prof. I lor ton
wasomployed as principal and Miss
Belle Fetter as primary teaoher for
the ensuing year. They will ro
oeive the same wages as last year.
Teachers for tho other two depart
ments have not yet been selocted.
A large delegation from Banner
lodge, A. 0. U. W., of Jacksonville,
went down to Gold Hill Monday
night to assist the members of Nug
get lodge in initialing a lot of new
members. It was expected there
would be no less than twenty candi
dates, but only six of them had re
ceived the grand medical examiner's
reports, and only that number could
be initiated. The others will unite
with the lodge at its next meeting.
Nusget lodge will then have a
membership exceeding one hun
dred, mostly young man. The
members of Banner lodge report a
pleasant time.
Mrs. Mary Miller, of Jackson
ville, met with quite a painful acci
dent at her home Tuesday. She
put a stool on a table and was up
on it hanging some piotures, and
when through stepped down from
the stool on to the table, when it
tipped over, throwing her to the
floor and fracturing the small bone
in the loft arm near the r rist, and
cutting an ugly gash. Dr. Do Bar
sot the fractured mmber and
dressed the wound, and, aBide from
some bruie ;s about the chest, Mrs.
Millor stains not otherwise hurt.
It was a cloio call for much more
serious damage, and Mrs. Miller
has cause to fuel gratoful for her
fortunate eeoape under the oircum
Broivnsboro Items.
Geo. Almy, of Grants Pass, paid
a visit luat week to his mothor,
Mrs. M. D. Bowles, of Luke Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuels, of Central
Point, spent Saturday and Sunday
with their daughtor, Mrs. J. C. Geer,
and family.
Miss Belle McDonald, who haB
spent the past two years in San
i l : .- ! i ; I .
r ranciauu, in visiting uer parents,
Mr. and Mrs, R. McDonald, of this
Henry Peok an family passed
through here Saturday on their
way to South Butte, bavin? been
called there by the death of Mr.
Peok s brotbor, Fred.
Mrs. Sarah Wright, of Lake
Creek, made a trip to Medford Sat
urday, She was accompanied by
their teaoher, Miss Nellie Towne,
who went on to Phoenix for a visit
with her parents, returning to her
sohool Sunday.
Fred Peok, of South Butte, died
very suddenly Friday afternoon,
and interment was made in the
Hooff oemetery Sunday. The be
roavotl family and relatives have
tho sympathy -of the entire com
munity. Deceased was a native of
That Throbbing Headache
Would qulokly loavo you, If you uaed
Dr. King'!, New Lite Pills. Thousands
of auflorera have proved their matoh
Iosb merit for aiok and nervous head
uohoa. Thoy mnice pure blood and
strong norvoa and build up your health.
Eaay to take. Try them. Only 26
conts. Money book if not cured. Sold
by Uhas. Strang, druggiat.
Kanes Creek Items.
Mrs. Ida Knotts spent last Satur
day the guest of Mrs. Minnie
All those that were v so badly
affiioted with the la grippe are able
to Do about again.
Mr, and Mrs.. Jaokson spent last
Sunday the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
ifilmer iiiginuotbam.
. Rev. Davis preaohed an interest
ing sermon at the sohool house last
Sunday. There will be preaohing
next Sunday at 2 o'clock in the
Rev. Davis and wife and child,
of Sums Valley, have become resi
dents of Kanes Creek,
Mr, Pearce and family spent last
Saturday and Sunday at Grants
I'ubb pleasure and businetH com
bined. Miss Ada and Jfidd Swinden spont
Saturday and Sunday on Foots
creek, viHiting their parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Robert Swinden,
Mrs. Joel Stover, Mrs. Rnlland
and daughter Rose, and Ray Blak
ley will leave next Wednesday for
tho coast, to remain all summer,
Tbey go for the benefit of Mrs.
Stover's health, which has been
poor for nearly a year.
Tbo entertainment at the Darda
nells sohool house last Tuesday
night was quite a suooess, as re
ported. Professor Gregory was
S resent and delivered a tine ad
ress. After the entertainment was
over, all who wished to remain in
dulged in a little social dance for
several hours. Courta Masterson
tfle teacher, deservos credit for his
good management among the chil
dren. .
Do You Know
Consumption la preventable? Selene
has proven that, and also tliat neglect
la suicidal. The worst cold or cough
can bo cured with Shiloli'a Cough and
Consumption Cure. Sold on poaitlve
guarantee for over fifty yoara. Sold by
Chas. strung, arugglel.
Mold Hill Items.
Dr. Ray visited San Francisco
last week on business.
Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Davidson, of
Portland, visited friends here laat
Joseph Goldaworthy is still con
fined to his bed but improving
Milo P. Ward, of the High Line
Ditch Co., returned to Portland
Sheriff Orme was here Monday
en route to Sams Valley on official
J. H. Bacon, who is engaged in
mining in California, is visiting bis
family in Gold Hill,
Rev. Wallace, of Ashland, came
down on Saturday evening's tratn
to fill engagements at Sams Valley,
Capt. Pierce and Surveyor How
ard are actively engaged on the
nigh Liine JJtton, ami construction
will begin in the near future.
J. W. Markeberry has been cor
fined to his bed for several days,
the consoquence of a sprain in his
back received while oiling bis
Dr. Ray has about 30 men em
ployed in. operating the Bradon and
Gold Hill iuiuos and about 20 more
in developing new properties in this
J. II. Beecuan is operating hi
mill at the Lucky Bart, on Sardine
creek, to its fullest capacity. The
Lucky Bart is a steady produoer of
very noh ore from a 2-foot vein.
Kellogg & Darling have added
two new Racine drun.mer rigs to
thoir livery stable and have leased
the Dodge barn which they will
operate in oonneotion with their old
The town board has ordered
new hose oart and several hundred
feet of hose for tire defenses. The
city water plant is in full operation
now under the management of J. J
J. J. Owens,, photographer of
Cresoent City visited here last week
Mr. Owens was located here some
years ago and still owns residence
property here He was quite sur
prised at the improvements Gold
Hill has made in his absence.
The A. 0. U. W. lodge here ioiti
a ted fifteen candidates from Sams
Valley last Monday evening, and
alter the oeremonies the U. of H
gave a banguet in honor of the new
members. Visiting brothers from
Medford, Jacksonville and Central
Point attended in bodies.
The S. P. Company moved into
their new depot, at this place, last
Monday. The old depot was re
moved and was plaoed as an annex
to the freight room. This is an inv
provemont Gold Hill has long been
waiting for, and it can justly be
proud of the present accommodation,
ft being the largest depot building
in the oounty, outside of Medford
While Doll Moore and J. E
Coffee, with their wives, were driv
ing below town Sunday, the horses
beoame frightened at passim bi
oyoles and being unmanageable
struck a tree, upsetting the rig. All
were considerably bruised up but
Mrs. Moore sustained some very
serious injuries, breaking several
ribs, bruising her face and injuring
ner tungs. one is improving, al
though her injuries are very painful
I havo a No. 1 hay baler whloh I will
sen or craae. f or further information
inquire o( folic Hull, Spikenard, Jaofc
sua w7 vroguu.
Central Point Items.
Candidates of every political faith
are numerous.
Prof. L. A. Blocking spent Tues
day in Ashland.
J. J. Fryer, of Eagle Point, snent
Wednesday in our city.
Mihb Julia Martin, of Trail. 1b
visiting friends of this city.
J. W. Merritt is storinz a large
quantity of wool ready for ship
F. T. Downing, commission mer
chant of Grants Pass, was here pur
chasing hay this week.
Evangelist Skeels closed a verv
interesting series of meetings at the
Baptist church Munday,
A. 0. Hetberly and family are
now residents of Trail Creek, where
Mr. Hetberly is engaged in the
stock business.
Mrs. W. T, Leever, who has been
very ill for several weeks at the
family home, is no better at this
writing, we are Horry to say.
Miss Mary A. Mee returned home
fiom Grants Pass Friday, where
she left her sister Mrs. E. Bebb
somewhat improved.
W. T. Moore and wife left for
Portland a few days apo. where
they go to make their home.
How fa Your WlfsT
Haa oho loot her beautv? If so. con
stipation, indigestion, alck headache
are the prlnoipal causes. Karl's Clover
Hoot Tea has cured tbeae ilia for half a
century. Price 26 eta. and 50 ota.
Money refunded If results are not satis
factory . Sold by Ohaa. Strang, drug
gist. J. McDonougb, of the Willow
Sprlnga district, has closed a' contract
with Contractor A. C. Nicholson, of
this place, for the erection of a large
house. The main building will be
28x34 feet in size, two Btorles high,
with a 12x28 one story annex. ABide
from these there will be built a large
woodshed. Work will commence in
about two weeks.
Commencement exercises of the
Medford high school will be held at
the opera house on Friday, June 8th
free to everybody.
Cash for Wood.
Wanted 100 tiers two-foot wood
from full grown, live pine trees split
coarse. A. A. Davis
Milch cow for sale. Inquire atTRE
hail, omce.
Wanted Girl for general houae
work. Apply to G. W. Prlddy.
Orthopedio shoea at White,
baugh & Go's store, Medford.
Ice cream, Ice cream soda and soda
water at Wilson's bakery.
Advertised Letter List.
Following is & list of letters remalnlncrcn
celled for In the Medford pogtorQce on May
a, two.
Anderson. Arthur Bronson. Ooorge
ctmffor. Fred Sargent, Lizzie
Wheeler, J D
A charge of one cent win be made upon de
ll : 4rv of eaoh of the above letters
Perrons oalling for any of the above letter?
will please aay " Advertised."
Q. F. Mkriuuan, Postmaster.
Ever have them?
Then we can't
tell you any-1
thing about
them. You
tow how dark
everything looks
id how you are about
ready to give up. Some
how, you can't throw off
the terrible depression.
Are things - really so
blue? Isn't it your nerves,
after all? That's where
the trouble is. Your
nerves are being poisoned
from the Impurities in
your blood.
purifies the blood and
gives power and stability
to the nerves. It makes
health and strength, activ
ity and cheerfulness.
This is what"Ayer's"
will do for you. It's the
J 'oldest Sarsaparilla In the
iauu, i no amu uiai was
old before other Sarsa
parlllas were known.
This also accounts for
the saying, "One. bottle
of Ayer's is worth three
bottles of the ordinary
II.N a MO. All
WWVa thm Doe.
If too have ftitTeamplAlnlwbaMvw
and. ti&n bMt nMwftcl mMm Tm
flan poflilbly NMtvfl, write lb doctor
irMly, Ton will now prompt c-
arTNk Ever have them? K
?Therj we can't
,e" yu nv-t
i thing about
rr them, You k
JX f knov how dark t
everyin8 looks y
r and how vnu are about 4
Whkkkas, Modford town bonds,
known aa water bonds, in favor of
Faraon, Leach & Company, of Chicago,
In the sura of 120,000 are about to ma
ture, and
Wiibrkas, There la a large warrant
Indebtedness exlatin against said town
drawing interest at the rate of eight
per cent per annum, and
Wiibkeas, it is deemed for the best
interests of tbe Town of Medford that
said bonded and warrant indebtedness
should be refunded at a lower rata of
town or medford do ordain as
Section 1. That there shall be sub
mitted to tbe qualified voters of the
Town of Medford, tbe proposition
whether or not the said town, by Us
Board of Trustees, shall create and in'
cur a bonded indebtedness by issuing
tbe bonds of aald town in tbe sum of
115.000. which, with the interest there
on, sball be payable at such time and
times and places, In gold coin of the
United Statna of America, as the Board
of Trustees of said town may legally
direct the rate of interest on said
bonds not to exceed six per centumper
annum, payable semi-annually. The
proceeds of said bonded Indebtedness,
proposed Dy mis ordinance to be ere
a ted, to be used for the purpose of pay
ing the existing and outstanding bonded
lnaeDteonesa oi tne aald town ana lor
the payment of the warrant heretofore
issued by said town for the purpose of
extending the water mains, laying
sewer pipes and for suoh other and
further purposes as said warrants may
have been Issued.
Sec. 2. That for the purpose of de
termining wnetner or not tbe aald
Board of Trustees ahall issue the bonds
of said town in said sum of $45,000 as
provided or In section one of this
ordinance, a special election shall be
held and conducted on Monday, the 4th
dav of June. 1900. Said aoeclal elec
tlon ahall be held and conduoted In ac
cordance with tbe law and the provi
slons thereof regulating and governing
general elections in the State of Oregon
so tar aa tne same are appucaDie to
municipal elections.
Sao. 3. It is hereby made the duty
of the recorder of aald town to procure
forthwith at the expense of the town.
In the manner and form provided by
law, ballots for aald election ot uniform
size and color and sufficient for diatrl
button, upon whloh ahall be printed the
words, "for bonded indebtedness" and
"against bonded Indebtedness" aald
ballots to conform so far as possible
and convenient with the general laws
of Oregon lor the printing and dlstrlDu
tion of ballots.
Sec. 4. Upon the conclusion of said
election and after the same shall have
been canvassed by the judges and
clerks oi election the ballots and the
sheets upon which the said judges and
clerks make their returns shall be
forthwith deposited with the recorder,
and said ballots and all papers in con
nection therewith shall be by him kept
among tbe papers of his office. At the
first regular meeting ot said Board of
Trustees of said town or at a special
meeting called therefor the said Board
of Trustees shall likewise canvass the
vote cast for and against said bonded
indebtedness and tbe result of the elec
tion as determined by said Board shall
be spread upon tbe reoord book of said
town bv the recorder and made a part
of tbe permanent records of the town.
section o.
The recorder Is hereby required and
authorized to give notice for at least
ten days by posting in three publio
places in said town and by causing said
notice to be published in Tns Medford
Mail, the Medford Enquirer and Free
Preas. newspapers of general circula
tion in said town for two issues thereof
prior to the date of said election. That
said special election shall be held on
Monday, the 4th dav of June, iuu, Be
tween the hours of 8 a. m. and 6 p. m.,
for the purpose of voting on the ques
tion of said bonded indebtedness; that
at the time the vote on said question is
canvassed by the Board of Trustees the
aaiu recorder shall furnish to aald board
proof by affidavit of the posting of said
notioes and tbe publication taereot In
the said newpapers.
Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and after Its
This ordinance was passed by the
Town Board of Trustees at a meeting
held in the Town Hall on the 22nd day
of May, 1900, by the following vote:
Garl T. Jones, aye; N. B. Bradbury,
aye; J. R. Erford, aye; G. P. Lindley,
aye Trustees.
J. J. Howser. Mayor.
Attest J. W. Lawton, Recorder.
Lakeview Destroyed by Fire.
Lakevikw. OR...Mav 23. The entire
business portion of Lakeview was doj
stroyea oy nre last nignt. ine unuea
States Land Offioe, the "Examiner"
and "Rustler" newspaper offices, and
three hotels are included in the build
ings In the burnt distnot. The only
business structure saved was the drug
store of Dr. Bernard Daly. The con
flagration began In a lodging houae. It
Is not possible to state the loss or the
amount ot insurance at tnis time.
Taken Up.
There oame Into my enlooaure, eight
miles east of Meaiora, on or aoout
February 10. 1900. one three-vear-old
steer, branded "JY" on left hip-
brand oonneoted, overslope on eacn ear.
color, red. Owner will please call.
prove property, pay charges and take
aim away, .
,1 E. 8. Stjinson.
See J. R. Wilson for all kinds of
Piano machinery.
: -t-Ice otfaam and soda water Wilson's
oaifery. ,; ;
Ladles' pulley bells at White, Har
baugh Go's .atore, Medford.
Preparations for the Great Iveat f
This Year.
Mom Than Thlrtr Yu a
Total Cellpa. ot the M Ik
Atlantic Coa.t Nait Oaa
la ISM.
Aatronomers are now buay with.
their preparations for observing tha
eclipse of the sun, which will occur on
the morning of Monday, Ma M, ana
will be total along a traek varying
from 40 to SO miles in width, and ex-
lending from New Orleana to Norfolk.
From there the stiiwlow win cross tn
jceun, will traverse tne Mpamsu penin
sula, leap over the Mediterranean U
Algiers, and finally leave the earth not
far from ancient Thebea. Before reach
ing the United States it will have come
acrpsa Mexico and tbe gulf, its entlra
path being over 7,000 miles In lengtn,
taya Youth's Companion.
It is now more than 30 years ainca
a total eclipse of the un laat visited
the Atlantic coast of America, in 18M;
nor will the thing occur again until
132S. At any given point, therefore,
such events are extremely rare, and for
this reason, if no other, are of great
Even to the non-astronomical ob
server the phenomenon is perhapa the
most impresaive that the heavens ever
present; the moon slowly and inexor
ably creeping over the face of the sun,
the gathering gloom, the swiftly ad
vancing ahadow, the sudden darkness,
followed by the wonderful apectacla
of the jet-black disk, set around with
the solar prominences like blazing ru
bies, and surrounded by the lovely radi
ance of the corona, with ita streamers
of pearly light, and then, all too aooo,
the flashing outburst of light and day,
and the restoration of the world to lta
accustomed aspect. It ia a glorioaa
right, not to 1m missed if ita seeing ln
possible; once seen, never to be for
gotten. ' To tbe astronomer it la muoh mors
a precious opportunity; for then, dar
ing a few moments about 90 seconds)
in this case he is permitted to study
the surroundinga of the sun aa ha never
can at other times. All along the
track observers will be stationed with
'.elescopea, cameras, spectroscopes, pho
tometers and other appliances, with
which they hope, perhapa, to win soms
new discovery concerning the mfe
teries which involve the great star Uias
rules our system.
The selection of stations is ot coarse
mainly governed by weather probabil
ities. The data for the last three years,
carefully gathered by tbe weather bu
reau, indicate that thechances are best
near the boundary between Alabama
and Georgia; but there are several
points in North and South Carolina,
where they are nearly as good, while
the duration of the totality will be
some ten seconds longer an impor-
tant difference for the astronomer.
Near the coast, where the duration is
longer, the chances are poor.
Dr. J. Rlckenbach, of Pittsburg,
fa., win treat medically and surgically
all diseases of tbe eye, nose, throat and
ear, exclusively, cataract, cross eyes,
fitting of glasses, extraction of growths
in nose and throat, etc. Days, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday, at Grants Pass,
Take Notice. .
Parties using citv water will taka
notice that the hours for using water
are from 5 a. m. until 11 a. m. and from.
2 p. m. until 9 p. m. Manv are disre
garding this ordinance. In the future)
it will be strictly enforced. So look out.
Supt. City Water Works.
For Sale or Exchange.
200-acre farm situated five miles from.
Ashland and about six miles from Med
ford; 60 acres under plow; all fenced;
iair noure; spring water, w 111 ex
change for residence in Medford. Alan
ene block of building lots in Asbjand,
600x240 feet; inside property; nice lo
cation; fenced; some fruit. E. E.
Miner, Gold Hill, Oregon,
To the People ot Medfersl.
Since my return from Southern Ore
gon I have been receiving many in-
Juiries from persona who want to looate.
will remain here until July 10. - If
any of your readers know of a vacant
situation, (male or female), or of a good
business opening or a desirable farm or
residence for rent or for sale, etc., and
will write to me, I can be of service to
them. Address, E. 0. Pentland, Inde
pendence, Oregon. -"
The Boss Babbitry
Bonnie Bell Lady Sroilk
We raise only
High. Grade Hares
From the best imported blood.. Our
pedigrees contain Yukon, Lord Briton,
Sir Styles, Banbury, Commodore, Na
poleon and Unloorn. I am prepared to
furnish a limited number of tip-top
exhloition apeolmens. '.
At stud: My ohoioe imported' buok,
W. H. SMITH, Pop.,
araac Valley Calif .
Member N. B. H, AsMoUtloa. r..t ' , '