The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, May 18, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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L 0U COUNTY . . t
JttCkHOIIVlIlt) NttWH.
Miko Hmiloy, of Lnko Crook, wits
ovor from hi h runuh Tuesday.
Frud Furry, of Climax, was on
business at the county soat Friday.
W. II. Ponlngor, of Tolo, was do
ing biiHlaeHM in Jacksonville Satur
day. Geo. MoDonouah left for Myrtle
Point Friday, where he expects to
Ralph Doan wan up from Willow
springs Monday on business at the
court house.
C. D. MoDonald, of Ashland, ac
companied by bia wife, waa la Jack
sonville Sunday.
Vint Cook, one of the proprietor
of the Sterling mine, left Tuesday
evening for Portland.
Mr. and Mra. John Devlin, of
Applegate, were visitors at Jackson
Tillo during tho wook.
Geo. Crabtree, of Gold Hill, was
in town this week. Ilia father baa
gone to Prlnevltle to live.
Fred Poninger left for Tacoma
Friday to visit with 1 la mother,
who ia roportod to be very ill.
Sam'l Cook, of Applegato, a pi
oneer of Jackson County, was at
the oounty seat during the week.
Mr. and Mra. Dan'l Reynold and
daughter, of the Moadows, were vis
iting In Jacksonville last Friday.
II. Woydetnan, who has boon on
a visit to hia old home in Ohio for
seven or eight months, returned
luit week.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Grab, of
Wagner oreok, for many years resi
dents of Jacksonville, are visiting
friends here.
Miss Anna Koegan, formerly tel
egraph operator at Jacksonville, who
Las been at St. Paul for the past
four or five years, returned home
last week.
There was a pleasant social gath
ering at the Orth residence Friday
vening. Quite a number of young
people were present and a good
time was bad by all.
E. U. Borden, of Woodville, waa
a visitor at Jacksonville during the
week on business relating to the
Evans Creek Ditoh Company, of
whioh be is superintendent.
There will be a base ball game in
Jacksonville, Friday, June 1st, be
tween tho Jacksonville and Apple-
gate nines. It will be a rattling
contest and well worth witnessing
Dr. Ooo. DoBar, of Jacksonville,
was one of the ropresontatives of
Jackson County at the meeting or
the Southern Oregon Medical So
ciety held at Grants Pass, Friday,
the Uth.
Geo. W. Short, of Gold Hill, has
Vdoti sojourning in Jacksonville for
several davs. Ho will loavo in
short timo for Eldorado, OHf,
whoro ho rocs to examine some
good mining property.
J. C. Whipp, the expert marble
alitor, has put up a tine monument
over tho grave of the late Henry
Ulechor. The monument is hand
bo mo and artistiu, and would bo a
credit to the skill and taste of any
T. J. Leiningor, formorly a resi
dent of Klamath Palls, was in Jack
eonville Sunday on bis way to
Sterling mountain, where he is proa
peeling a mine which gives promise
01 developing into Bomeiuing yaiu
T. J. Williams and family, lately
of Indiana, who have been in Jaok
eonvillo for the past ten days, havo
is robbed of its terrors by
the fact that the best med
ical authorities state that it
is a curable disease t and
one of the happy things
about it is, that its victims
rarely ever lose hope.
You know there are all torts of
secret nostrum! advertised to cure
consumption. Some make absurd
claims. We only say that if taken
In time and the laws of health arc
properly observed,
will heal the inflammation of the
throat and lungs, and nourish and
strengthen the body so that It can
throw off the disease.
W have thousands of testi
monials where people claim they
have been permanently cured of
this malady.
Joe. and ti.oo, ill druggUu,
SCOTT k BOWNB, CtumliU, N.w York.
leased tho Kubll residenoe and will
locate here for a time Indefinite.
Mrs. Kubll will go to Portland to
live. ; ,
Tho Jacksonville nublio school
will filoso 'this week for tho summer
vacation, Commencement exorcises
will he hold In the U. S. hall. Tho
graduates are Cora CamoroD, Maud
Prim, Ethel FJorey, May Urimos
and Goo, Merritt.
C. L. Curr, who owns important
mining intorests on the head of
Jacksou oreok, oamo in Tuosday
evening from an extended prospect
ing tour, and says be will nave
something1 of interest to report to
Tun. Mail later.
Mrs. Ruohel Fisher, of Baa Fran-
claoo, wife of N. Fisher, who was
for many years in the merchandise
business In Jacksonville, arrived
last Friday for a visit with eld -time
frionds here. She Is the guest of
Miss Mollis Brltt.
Mrs. Annie Kaley, of Lincoln,
Neb., noe Miss Annie Cameron, ao-
oompaniod by her brother, Warren
ly. Cameron, who has been attend
ing a medical college at Chloago
for the past throe years, arrived in
Jaoksonvillo Tuesday evening.
Otis Krauflo and Tiney Cooper,
two Jacksonville boys, left for east
of the mountains Tuesday to look
for situations. They will stop at
Bly. 1 he boys wore well fitted out
with saddle horses and camping
outfit, and will oainp on the way
Mrs, Paulino Bilger, of San Fran-
oisc, wifo of the late Wm. Bilgor,
who used to merchandise at Willow
springs when it was a live mining
camp, arrived in Jaoksonvillo on
Tuesday evening's train for a visit
with old mends bore. Ube is tbe
guest of her nieoe, Mrs. Theo. Cam
The commencement exercises of
St. Mary's Aoademy will take place
June 15th. This is a fine educa
tional institution and deserves, as
it is receiving, the most liberal
patronage. Tbe exorcises of the
academy are always of a high order
and truly Interesting. Tbe man
agement spares no pains in tbe
training of its pupils. Those who
attend the commencement will en
joy a splendid evening's entertain
Hon. Wm. Colvig attended the
meeting at Moonville last Saturday
whioh was oalled to secure pledges
to institute a Workman lodge in
Sams Valley. Quite a number went
out from the Gold Hill lodge and
there were several members of other
lodges at the meeting. Fourteen
names were procured lor the new
oharter whioh insures a flourishing
lodge on the nortn side of Rogue
river. Sams Valley is a splendid
Hold for a lodge, and there is lots of
good material there. Past (irand
Master Colvig entertained those
present with a fine address on the
aims, objects and purposes of the
order, tho groat good it is accum
pushing and the resulting bone f Us
to those near and dear to membors
fiom association with it. His ster
ling address created much enthusi
asm, and when the time comes for
organization a big lodge may be
looked for in Sams Valley.
Beagle Items.
Mrs. Ollie Masiker is visiting
with her sister, Mrs. Hibler, of
Table Rock.
Rov. J. F. Wallace will preach at
tho Antioch school houBo noxt Sun
day at 11 o'clock a. m.
Howard Rodgers is sporting a
now Imperial bicycle, purchased of
W. J. Freeman, of Central Point.
Rev. J. A. Davis moved his
family to Gold Hill last week, he
having secured a contract of haul
ing wood at that place.
Road Supervisor Thos. Bailey is
making some much nocded im
proYomontB on our road, that is
known as the Case lane.
Wo hoar favorable reports from
tho Mountain district school, whioh
is u n dor tho ofliciont management
ol Miss uiara Ktcliarclson.
Miss Minnie Howard was taken
suddonly and dangerously ill with
inflanmtory rheumatism last wook.
Dr. Morrill, of Gold Hill, was called
and the patient is convalescent at
whs writing.
Table Book items.
Mrs. S. P. Morine returned from
Merlin Sa urday.
Riohard Jennings left lost week
for a visit with friends in Douglas
Airs. j. u. rendieton spent sev
eral days last week with friends in
E. B. Jennings and A. L. Martin
atartod for eastern Oregon Tuesday
morning, to be gone about two
. lion. j.. w. merrttt'a sheep are
undergoing tho shearing prooess
this week: ' Prospects are good for
a heavy clip.
Rev. Gregory, of Central Point,
preached to a good oongregation
Sunday, and will be here again on
the fourth Sunday.
Miss Roberta Rippey, the gonial
sohool teacher in the Chaparral dis
trict, spent Sunday with her par
outs In Central Point.
Mrs. E. H. Davis and son, Leslie,
have been sufloring wiih la grippe,
but are reported as improving. All
wish them a speedy recovory.
J, C. P.
Uold Hilt Items.
I. Humison and family
Wednesday in Medford.
Rev. Mathews is holding revival
services at Moonville this week.
Miss May Kellogg is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Chas. Stacey, of Sams
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Barneburg
made a business trip to Gold Hill
Jos. Ooldsworthy is very low with
consumption. He has been bed
fast for the past month.
J, C. Hall has moved his family
from Medford to Gold Hill and they
are now domiciled in the Dodge cot
tage. Dick Bosse, the boss drummer
driver of the valley, has taken a
position with Kellogg fe Darling,
tbe liverymen.
Milo P. Ward, of Portland, and
Surveyor J. 8. Howard, of Medford,
are spending the week at this place
in the interest of the High Line
Ditch Company.
Landlord Townsend has retired
from the management of the Gold
Hill hotel and will leave for Port
land tbe tirst ol next week to en
"" I
gage in other business.
n n
Young will take bis place.
F. R. Ray, of New York City,
the millionaire brother of Dr. C. R.
Kay, of this place, will visit Gold
Hill the last, of this week. He will
come in a special car accompanied
by bis associates in business. They
contemplate a trip to Crater lake,
via Elk o eek, to inspect their min
ing property in that locality. Mr.
Ray owns and la still purchasing
many mining properties in this vi
oinity and Elk oreek. Among their
holdings here, under the manage
ment of Dr. Ray, are tbe Braden
and Gold Hill mines which have
been strong producers for years.
Market Keport.
The following are the prices paid by
our merchants thin wools (or (arm pro
duce. This list will bo changed each
week as the prices change:
Whoat 47 1
Oats 50
Flour (1.50 por 100 lbs
Barley 91.10 ' " "
Mill Peed 90o " " "
Potatoes SI" " "
Eggs 10 per doz
B liter, 174 por lb
H-Mins, dry, 03 " lb
Bicon 10 " lb
Hams 15 " lb
Shoulders, 09 " lb
Ur.1 10 ' lb
Hoes live Mi " lb
aiaii -
You know ill
about it. The
rush, the
worry, the
You so about
1th a treat
weight resting upon
vou. You can't throw
off this feeling. You
are a slave to your work.
Sleep falls, and you are
on the verge of nervous
wnat is to be done r'
Take fcj
For fifty years it has
been lifting up the dis
couraged, giving rest to
the overworked, and
bringing refreshing sleep
to the depressed.
No other Sarsaparllla
approaches It. In age
and In cures, " Ayer's" Is
"the leader of them all."
It was old before other
sarsaparlllas were born.
tl.M a Mttt. All annMa.
Ayer's Pills aid the ac
tion of Ayer's Sarsapa
rllla. They cure bilious
ness. M eta. a lea.
' I hare oted Ayer's medloines for
more than 40 years and bare said
from the Ten start that yon made
the beat medfatnse In the world, I
am sura your Sarsaparllla eared my
life when I first took It 40 years ago.
I am now past 70 and am never
without your modlolhes."
Fbauk T)mas. f, M..
dan. us, ism. unon, i
W A Mm 1 m M
W ft. W Arafr
uuim, A 1
m Wrllm lh Hoerfar. Fl
m Wyou hare any, oomplalnt whatever nl
1 ana desire the hstt meotcal adrloe yon WM
m I can possibly rseelre, writs the doctor WK
V I f reefy. You will reeelre a prompt re- I am
I Sir, Without eost. Address, I A
j " ia, S. 0. ATKB, Lowell, Maasa
Ceuaty Commissioners' Court.
In the matter of the road petitioned
(or by John Kinklo and others; Samuel
Mathlos, Samuel Dulflold and John
SatlerNold appointed viewers to assess
damnum claimed oy 11 J Ormo; report
to made May 20, 1900.
Monthly reports of county ofllcors, (or
tho months of March and April, wore
examined and approved.
Assessor J O Pendleton notified the
oourt that bo had appointed UO Brown
deputy assessor.
In matter of road petitioned (or by T
II ifVedenburg and others; report of
viewers and survoyor rood, and road
ordered opened according to law.
Monthly report o( Emil DeRoboam,
Icooper of county hospital, oxamlncd
and approvod.
In matter of road petitioned (or by
H P Bailey and others ; consideration
of matter continued to next term of
Ordered that offlolal advertising (or
county be awarded to Horace Mann,
aod that bond (or faithful performance
Of same be approved. -
The oourt counted 81 scalps of wild
animals, (or April, entitled to state
Robert Garrett having resigned as
one of tbe Judges of election in West
Ashland, ordored that E J Farlow be
appointed to Oil tho vacancy.
Ordered that tbe tax sale certificate
hold by S J Day for tbe purchase of
lands assessed in tbe name of Jennie
Hardy, and which lands did not belong
to the said Jonnlo Hardy, be returned
to the county cleric, and the purchase
price of said lands bo refunded to S J
Day out ol the special county fund.
John Owens, who was appointed one
of tho clerks of election in Pleasant
creek precinct, having resigned, ordered
that w K Ingledue be appointed to nil
tho vacancy.
Ordered that a warrant for $25 be
drawn on tbe special fund (or stamps
for county ofllcors.
Ordered that the Postal Telegraph
Com piny and the Sunset Telephone
company do requestea to remove sua'
dry polos along tbe county road be
twocn Phoenix and Asbland, so as not
to obstruct the public highway or bi-
nn . n 1 . 1 ,.,, J . I. .. V.I 1
ujuio iwvu uu NMU IUHJ,BUUU1D UNMUIQ
iumrvilifir id dlrnntAH ti nolnfc nut in
said companies tbe poles necessary to
be removed.
Ordered that J fatterson, supervisor
of road district between Talent and
Phoenix, where fences encroach upon
county road, be directed to notify
parties owning said fences to remove
them out of tbe county road that the
grading ana Improving of tbe same
may not be obstructed.
The following bills were allowed at
the May term of the County Commis
sioners' Court:
Officers' Uric IU31 S7
J II Horton. S days' services at teachers'
examination IS 00
N H Clayton, 6 days' serrloea teachers'
examination IS 09
D Lion, ooffln Cor Mra A Johnson 10 U0
Home for Unemployed, boaid and care
of Oraoe Christie 10 00
Frank Darts, transportation of George
Chapman 4 00
Mm J u Whitman, supplies (or Hra
Robinson's family 5 00
CJ Morgan. supplieeforRebeoeeMorgaa IS 00
MrsC (Courtney, supplies tor sett aod
ramlly S 00
J Nunan, supplies for Mrs Hudson 5 00
o u neinenana, supplies or nrsurosoy
ana tarmiy,
i 00
6 00
W K Towne, supplies for Jaa Cottle. . .
Uutoblson a Lumsden, supplies for
tvincaiu family..
8 00
45J 70
Clroult Coutl expense bill, April term..
1 K Krford. serrloes sa notarr in Wat'
Ous Newbury, cxpressag-e on supplies. .
Kiun prcoinci 11 to
14 9U
1 75
S 00
rrana i rue, replacing plow oeam
C W Turpln, work on roads
Wailaoe Woods, lumber for road dis
tricts 2 44
W C Leorer. supplies for road districts.. 1 60
Medford Knqulrcr, printing forcounty. . 7 75
Irwin, Hodtun Co., supplies for re.
rders ofhoe II 40
UissB & Hrudbomme. deed record and
rcfrlHtratlon supplies 22 oo
ju n llHon, Cleaning stove pipe
1 ii
Alex Orme, board and washing for pris
20 64
J Nunnn. 3 months' allowanca for Con
Kane n w
J Nunan, supplies for M M Scott 8 80
auppucs ior court nouae ana
jail S
J C Whlpp, repairing raultdoor 3 SO
tioconiers oeputy nire ana expressage
on supplies 82 16
J u Smith, lumber for road dlsiriots. ... 14 93
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies 4 AO
Gar! T Jones, surrerlna: road 17 20
Hurreyor's assistants la 70
q e LiOomia, suppnus tor flira a t.iiiey
and Sarah Van IS 00
J It Wllsoo. work on road plow 6 00
Johu Watklos, repairs on Rogue river
lerry sou
P L cranflll. suonltes for F M Jordan... 15 00
H J Hloks, lumber for road U 00
W 8 Uroweli, puttlog wood la woodshed,
and stamps 8 00
Martin Perry, serrlcesascommlsaloaer.. 12 00
G H Butler, " ' " .. IS 80
Thos Turotn. serrlces on road 18 2o
Cost bill, State rs J C Hawthorne.... ... 11 00
The Festive School Girl.
From Saturday's Albany Herald.
"A woman In the habitat of a school
girl In short dresses was In the olty yes
terday and last night begging for fnnds
to assist hor in completing a course in
a business college. As she is a cripple
and has to walk with the aid of aorutoh
she succeeded In getting together the
small sum of about $25 for her day's
labor. Sho gavo her name as Lottie
Smith, but where she came from no one
seemes to be able to tell.
"This is tbe eame person, so the of
ficers say, who was arrested and tried
at Coburg a short time ago for hiring a
11 very rig in that olty and going to
Junolion City and leaving the rig. At
Corvallis she was known as Tillio Hob'
son and olalmed to be a oloso relative
to the hero Hobson, of Santiago fame.'
The same sohool girl (?) was In Med
ford last week and succeeded In Rath
erlng many shekels from the purses of
our sympathetic townspeople. The Eu
gene Guard says she raised 50 In Eu
Wheeler & Wilson Leads 'em all.
There is not a sewing machine on the
market so deservedly popular as Is the
Wheeler & Wilson. It has no superiors
and its equals are so scattering as never
to havo been definitely looated. The
Wheeler & Wilson has a rotating shut
tle, whioh is a great improvement over
the shuttle formerly ia use by lb and
now used by other maohlnes. The
Wheeler & Wilson Is a machine that
sellB upon its merits and so Bure are the
manufacturers of these merits Belling
the maohines that they are always anx
lous to have parties take them on trial.
John F. White Is aseat Cor these ma
ohlnes In Medlord. Be wants you to
oall upon him before you buy,
Additional Local Items.
Vlo MoCrary, engineer for the Med-
(ord-Butte Creek Ditch Company, has
been at work this week with a party ol
surveyors In the vicinity o( Fish lake.
Mr. C. B. Williams, one of the mem
bers of the ditch company arrived In
Medford Wednesday evening and will
go out ovei tho line. The indications
aro growing brighter (or this project
every day. The Mail firmly believes
tho oompany mean business and will
build the ditch provided our people
meet them hall way.
Butter, eggs and chickens we
want all you can bring us; cash or
trade. H. H. Howard & Co.
T. B. Butler and family, of Bedfleld
Klamath County, passed through Med
ford Saturday by team, en route to
Yaquina bay, where they expect to lo
cate. They had with them fourteen
head of horses which they expect to
find sale for. Mr. Butler recently sold
bis Klamath County stock ranch of 320
acres to Frank Ross.
For sale, two good driving horses;
see Schermerhorn at second hand
J. J. Martin, who waa formerly
connected with the Squaw Lake Mining
Oompany, in Jackson County, Is now
fitting out a mine at Elk City, Idaho,
(or Tacoma parties.
Wanted, old stoves of all kinds at
Schermerhorn 's second hand store,
Dr. Coble has invested in Belgian
hares and proposes to stock tbe coun
try and the markets with this table
Ail kinds of spring goods at White,
Harbaugh & Co's store, Medford.
Ned Orser writes from Burke,
Tdaho, saying that he baa secured em
ployment in a mine at $3.50 per day.
See J. R. Wilson for all kinds of
Piano machinery.
Everybody will vote (or T. W.
Johnson (or constable.
Ice cream and soda water Wilson's
Orthopedic shoes at White, Har
baugh & Co's store, Medford.
Cider, ten cents per bottle, at The
Boss, Jaoksonvillo.
Ladies' pulley bells at White, Har
baugh & Co's store, Medford.
1000 cords of 4-foot wood out and de
livered. Wanted teams to haul wood.
Steady work. Address, Dr. C. R. Bay,
Goid Hill, Oregon.
City Property for Sale.
One lot situated on Eighth street,
at rear of J. R. Wilson's Bhop, which
can be bought cheap. Ballding on
property. Inquire at Mail office.
Cheap Wheat
Makes cheap flour. There is no flour
made that's better than onr "New Pro
cess." We are selling it at $12 per
1000 pounds, 65 cents per sack.
A. A. Davis Co.,
Medford, Oregon.
Read and Save Trouble.
Th.3 party who toon the goods from
our counters last Thursday is known to
us ; if the goods are returned immediate
ly the matter will be dropped; "a word
to tne wise snouia oe sumciem.
J. G. Van Dyke ot Co.
Notice to Stockholders.
Notice Is hereby elven that the an
nual meeting of the stockholders of
The Medford Bank will be held at the
banking house of tbe association, in
Medford, Oregon, the 11th day of June
1900, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Republican Committee Meeting.
A meetlncr of the County Republican
Executive Committee ia called to meet
in Medford on Wednesday, May 16th.
By order of H. D. Kubll, (Jhalrman.
Taken Up.
There came Into my enlcosure, eight
miles east of Medford, on or about
February 10. 1900. one three-year-old
steer, branded "JY" on left hip-
brand connected, overslope on eaon ear,
color, red. Owner will Dlease call,
prove property, pay oharges and take
Dim away,
E. S. Stinson
A Bargain for someone.
Seven hundred acres of land nearly
all tillable two and one-half miles east
of Phoenix depot and seven miles from
Medford. Good orohard as good wheat
land as is In the valley, good corn land,
two good houses, good outbuildings,
five good springs of water, plenty of fire
wood. Will sell oattle, hogs and horses
with farm. Will sell reasonable.
C. T. Payne.
Land For Sale.
. I have fifteen acres of land, situated
one and one-fourth miles west of Med
ford, which I will sell oheap. Eleven
aores of the land is planted to fruit
trees; three acres In alfalfa, balance is
planted in garden. Good seven room,
two story house, fine well of water.
Everything in splendid oonditlon. Call
upon me at residenoe, or inquire of
Mrs. E. J. Cole, Medford.
W. 1). Clumpner.
Land Por Sale.
I have for sale, near Medford, the
following desortbed tracts of land:
160 aores,. In Sec. 6, Twp. 87, range 1
173 aores, In Seo. 35, Twp. 86, range
1 wesb
820 aores, in Seo. 33, Twp. 85, range
1 west.
Address or call upon Mra. Oscar
Gauiard, Ashland, Oregon.
County School Notes. I
By Supt. O. A. aregory.
Myrtilla Black Is again with her
favorite soiiool In No. 63.
Misses Huffer and Day, in districts)
37 and 47, are pleasing pupils and pa
trons by their work.
Jacksonville sohool doses this week.
Graduation exercises will be held om
Friday night at the U. 8. hall.
The dlreotors of No. 68 waited for t
return of Dottle Day, who had been)
spending the winter in the eaet, in
order to secure her services for the)
spring term of school.
Some good recitations were heard re
cently in the Eagle Point sohool, both
by pupils In the primary grades under
Miss Wilson and the advanced grades)
in charge of Mr. Haeelton.
Leila Anderson and Hattie Eaton ia
districts 24 and 10 have pupils who are
well advanced in several studies. Tho
completion of the eighth grade is not
far ahead of some of them.
It Is very encouraging to see the In
creasing spirit of co-operation between
parents, teachers and pupils. Our
children are our most precious posses
sions and we can well afford to make
the school where they receive their
education, the center of our united In
terests. .
Examination questions for those who
wish to complete the eighth grade work
in public schools under the state coarse
of study will be sent to schools which
have pupils ready to graduate, upon
application to the county superintend
ent. The examinations will be held
May 25th.
The people of Phoenix were out In
full force last Friday night to witness
the graduation of a class from the
eighth grade. Several of the olaas
gave orations of more than usual merit
and with an excellency of delivery not
common with pupils of that grade. Tho
younger pnpils, under the skillful man- .
agement of Miss Ganiere, presented a
number of songs, recitations and drills
which added much to the enjoyment d
the occasion. It was pleastog to seo
the willing assistance' rendered by adult
members of the community la the mu
sical part of the program. The gradu
ates are Nellie Beamea, Bertha Dunlap,
William Wilder, Harry Beames, Sun
beam Moore, Walter Stsmeliff and LIUlo
McTavlah. A. J. Han by and Louis
Ganiere have done a good year's work
in the Phoenix school.'
Among tne Churcues.
The usual services will be held next
Suaday at 11 and 7:45 o'clock. Theme
for tbe services will ' be "Christian
Manliness," and "The Judgment." All
are cordially invited. Strangers and
visitors in the city are always welcome.
You never drank coffee that's bot
ter than Hawaiian.
A. W. Sturges,
John Broad, Will P.
Allen. Wm. Ireland.
Joseph L. Llndley,
James H. Llndley,
Eugene K. Hanna
and Wm. W. Cod
mao, Defendaata.
DY VIRTUE of an exeoutlon Issued out of
A J 1
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore iron, for
th e county of Jackson, on the 14th day or May.
1900, upon a judgment duly -rendered In said
court on the 7th day or May,. 1900, which said
judgment was docketed in the olerk's ofBoe of
sam uoun in tne uoonty oi jaoaaon on tne vta
aayot stay, iwu, in laror or A., w. sturaeav
plaintiff, and against John Broad. Will P. Allen.
William Ireland. Joseph L. Llndley. Jamea H.
Llndley, Eugene K. Hanaa and' Wm. W. Coff
man. defendants, for the sum. of .fire hundnwl
atxty-seren (S567.00) dollars, and costs amount
ing to thlrty-seren and -6O.100 (SJ7.60) dollar,
and the further sum of one hundred (aioo.os)
dollars, attorney's fees, and;' whereas,- it waa
ordered, adjudged aod decreed; that the mort-
Kge mentioned in DlalntlfTs complaint herela
foreclosed and t!:e -mortgaged premises de
scribed therein, to-wtt : An unoirtdedQno-eUtli
Interest In and to the foltowtng-deacrlbed Quarts:
mining claim, situated la Forest Oreek mining
distrlot, J ackson County., Oregon, towlt : Com
mencing at the center stake of Rustler mine) '
and running In a northwesterly direotlon 160O
feet to a post marked oenter end post; thenea
to corner post marked oorher post No. 1; thenoe
to corner post marked post 2; thence to corner
post marked 3; thence to post 4; whioh said
mine ia known as tbe Gold King mine, together
with all the dips, spurs, angles, gold, sllrer and
all other minerals and metals of erery kind
whateoerer and alt of the1 quartz earth and
minerals within the said boundaries and run
ning a distance for 1500 feet In length and S0O
feet on each side of the 'said quartz lead or
rein, aud also all of the water rights, prlrllegea
and all of the appurtenanoes thereunto belong
'longtng, be sold, In the same nianner as upod
execution at law, to satisfy said Judgment, at
torney's fees, oosts and accruing costs, pubUo
notice is hereby glren that on
Saturday, June 16, 1900,
At the hour of 2 o'olock p. m. of said day, la
front of the oourt house, In the Town of Jack
aonrllle, Oregon, I will, In obedience to said
exeoutlon, sell all the right, title ' and Interest
of the abore named defendants, John Broad,
Will P. Allen, William' Ireland, Joseph L.
Llndley, James H. Llndley, Eugene K. Hanna
and Wm. W. Coffman, In and to the aboro de
scribed property to the highest and best bidder
for lawful money of the United states.
alxx. Ormk,
Sheriff of Jaokaon County, Oregoa.
Dated this 19th day of Hay.-1900.
P L. DAY,.
and Paper Hanger.
Twenty-five years' experi
ence; let me make a bid on
your work. ,
, an 1 u Medford, Oregod
. RoadTHB MatjCi for' the news.