The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, March 09, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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1 f-i0-.- 1.- L.
C. H. Pleroe was at Eugono thle wook
upon business.
MIbi Blrdlo Jones, of Tolo, was In
Medford Monday.
Landlord S. R. Roovos, of tho Nash,
waa at Ashland Tuesday upon business,
lira. Mattlo Sowdoo roturnod last
weak from a visit with trlenda at Al
J. D. Heard came up from California
Sunday for a few days' stay with hia
lira. L. H. Settles and ohlldron were
at Talent thla week upon a visit to
Miss Olive Murray returned last Sat-
nrdav from a visit with Gold Hill
Dr. 0. W. Lowe, the optician, la at
Hotel Nash. Ho will remain until
It, E. Peyton and J. F. Ditsworth, of
Leeds, were in the city Saturday upon
1 Dr. J. G. Goble is at Ashland this
week looking after hia ooculist business
in that city.
. Miss Clara Torrlll, of Talent, was vis
iting over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
t)bas. Strang.
' Jake Hugor is in Portland tliia week
in attendance at the convention of
prune growers.
Mrs. Alioe Gorsline left Tuesday
evening for Glendale, to be absent a
couple of months.
J. W. Morksberry was up from Gold
Hill Tuesday, as was also Isaac Wright,
of the same place. '
" Henry Head went down to Gold Hill
Friday night to take a position as cook
at the Braden mine.
Harvey Richardson, the populist and
big sorghum grower of Trail, was in
the city Wednesday.
Miss Susie Cook left Saturday even
ing for a several months' visit with
relatives at Oregon City.
Mrs. Lay, of Jacksonville, was in
Bedford thia week upon a vlait to her
on, Fred Luy, and family.
Harry Luy, of Jacksonville, left Tues
day for San Francisco, at which plaoe
tie will be operated upon for appendl
eitls. Austin Albright came down from
Oakland, Oregon; this week and will
make Medford bis home a few months
.at least.
Mrs. J. 0. Pendleton and Mrs. Frierson,
of Table Bock, were pleasant visitors
among Medford friends last Friday and
Ex-Postmaster Purdin left for Red
ding, Calif., Tuesday for a few days'
visit with his son, Ira, who is at work
an that oity.
.Miss Delia Picket, having recovered
from her Illness, returned Friday even
ing to her studies at the state univers
ity at Eugene.
. Mrs. J. A. Anderson, of Santa Rosa,
Calif., stopped off in Medferd yesterday
for a few days' visit with friends. Her
on, Artie, at Pendleton, where she
has been, Is improving from the effect
of an accidental self Inflicted rifle wound.
Prof, and Mrs. Van Scoy came down
from Ashland Friday evening and re
mained over Sunday with their son-in-law,
D. B. Russell. Mr. Van Scoy
preached a very interesting sermon
Sunday morning and evening at the
Methodist Church in this oity.
Mr. and Mrs. John Banks, of Oak
land, Oregon, who have been stopping
in Medford for the past few weeks, left
Tuesday morning for Red Bluffs, Calif.,
where they will stop for a few weeks.
Mrs. Banks has poor eyesight and she
was here having ber eyes treated.
Ivan Humison, of Portland, was in
Medford over Sunday, the guest of Mer
chant H. H. Howard and family. Mr.
.Humiaon is connected with the Gold
;Hillfctgh line water ditch and is at
.preeunt stopping in Gold Hill prepar
ing for the commencement of work on
the ditch.
F. W. Waschau, the jeweler, left
Monday for Kansas City, Mo. Mr.
Waecuau has gone there to accept a po
sition in a large watch manufacturing
house at 818 per week. He formerly
toold thia position for throe years. The
gentleman Is a first-class mechanic and
capable of "holding down" good posi
tions. Attorney W. A. Cleland, of Portland,
' was in Medford tbls wees: upon a tour
:f inspection. He bad heard much of
: the Rogue river valley's many features
as an au-rouno country tor Dusiness
and ideal locality for habitation and he
-wanted to verify what he bad heard.
He Is a very pleasant gentleman to
meet and an able attorney. He was
formerly engaged in the practice of
law at Fargo, North Dakota, at which
place The Mail man flriit made his
acquaintance. His brother is a circuit
judge In Multnomah County.
For Sale or Exchange.
"200-aore farm situated five miles from
Ashland and about six miles from Med
Sordj 60 acres under plow; all fenced
Hair boure; spring water. Will ex
change for residence in Medford. Also
ne block of building lots In Ashland
400x240 feet inside. Property nice lo-
4IUOS ; ienoea; some iruit. rj. a,
Miner, Gold Hill, Oregon.
fleeting of City Council.
At the regular meeting of the oity
council held on Tuesday evening of tbla
week the following business was trans
acted: A petition from D. Brooks and olhors
asklnii that blcyolo riding on tho side
walks of South 0 street botweon April
1st and Novombor 1st, be prohibited,
was read and referred to street com
mittee. Some of thote petitions asked
that riding bo prohibited on all streets.
Petition was presented by D. T. Law
ton and othois asking that a four Inch
water main be laid along the east side
of North B street, from Seventh to
Third street and then east two blocks
to A street, was read and referred to
water committee with instructions to.
aot at onoe.
C. B. Rostel petitioned for license to
sell beer, for six months; same granted;
license of $100 paid; bond of 1500 with
B. P. Thetsa and E. Men as sureties
Medford Distilling A Refining Com
pany petitioned for liquor license for
six months; same granted; license of
$200 paid and bond in the sum of $500
with O. B. Rostel and E. Men as sure
ties approved.
An ordinance regulating the use of
city water for closets, watering troughs,
etc., was passed.
Ordinance committee instructed to
draft an ordinance compelling saloons
to close at 11 o'olock p. m.
The alley In block twenty-four was
ordered graded and graveled. This
alley is back of F. M. Stewart's place,
on North 0 street.
The aot of street committee in rent
ing street lights from R. A. Proudfoot
for $47.50 was approved.
R. A. Proudfoot waa appointed in
spector of connections of closets, bath
tubs, .etc., with the sewer, and is to
meet with the sewerage committee,
they being to change or amend the
sewerage ordinance.
R. A. Proudfoot waa lnstruoted to
send for new cylinders for the city
pumping plant.
The following bills were allowed:
John Peterson, work at pomp houM.
t 75
80 71
R A. Prouatoot. DumoUc
a i
i ignis.
sunary oms...
rv I
I07 7S
2! 10
63 10
1 00
J V Lawton, recorders fees
W H Barnum, work on pamp..,
WelU & Shearer, draytug
Maoroao Kail, printing
11 U
S 00
S 80
IS 60
11 55
20 00
46 00
2 SO
3 00
t 60
1 00
Oeo Detrtok. coal tarring boilers and
C Ferguson, mdae for Bonep
Charier UUIIgan, special poll
H Holllngswnrlh, carpenter work at
dqdd house.
I w Thomas, rent on city ponn
R B Lawton. engineer work
S H Murra, marahara salary.,
Oarl T Jones, surveying for sidewalk . .
Arthur Wells, coal tar for du
Quo If Dodge, blue prints for plans and
moauonaoi newer..
Aaluver, draylng..
J D Hooker, street i
Among the Churches).
Rev. C. A. Wooddy, D. D., superin
tendent of missions on the coast, will
preach at the Baptist Church next
Sabbath at 7:30 p. m. Come and hear
this big man and sing out of our new
Sirsum Corda hymnal.
At 11 a. m. the pastor will preach on
the subject, "Spiritual Gifts, Their
Purpose and End." At 7:30 p. m., For
eign Missionary meeting. The meet
ing will be addressed by Mrs. J. T.
Abbott, of Ashland. A program will
be rendered in connection with the
Rev. D. E. Finks, of New York City,
will preach in tbe morning and give a
lecture illustrated with about 100 su
perb stereoptlcon views on Sunday and
Monday night. Both lectures will be
free, but a silver offering will be taken
to defray expenses. These lectures and
views are very fine. Mr. Finks was re
called to the same cities again and
again. He gave seventeen lectures in
single city. Remember the time and
date Sunday and Monday, March 11
and 12, at 7:30 p. m., at tha Presbyter
Churoh. Resolutions of Sympathy.
Talisman Lodge No. 31, Knights of
Pythias, passed the following preamble
and resolution at its last meeting:
Whfrbas, Almighty God In his In
ntte wisdom baa seen fit to take from
Knight W. H. Penlnger hia wife, and
Whereas, The death of Mrs. Peninger
haa oast a gloom and shadow ot dark
ness upon the home ot Brother Peninger,
therefore be it
Resolved, That the members of
Talisman lodge No. 31, K. of P., of
Medford, Oregon, hereby extend to
Knight Peninger their heartfelt synv
pathy In thle his sad hour of bereave
W. S. Jokes, )
E. D. Elwood, Committee.
A. C. Hubbard, )
Yours, Attentlonl
I am prepared to register all voters
in Medford preoinot.
Lf. lt JLiAWTUN,
Notary Publloi
1000 corda of 4-foot wood out and de
llrored. Wanted teams to haul wood
Steady work. Address, Dr. O. R. Ray
Gold Hill, Oregon.
For Sale.
House and two large lots In
East Medford; lots on the beBt of
Bear oreek soil; no Incumbrances on
uronortv: all taxes paid. Terms, one'
third down, balance on time at 8 per
oont interest. For particulars call at
tms omce or upon k. vox. .
Aantial School Moating.
Last Monday was school mooting day
in Medford and, goo whtlllktus, what
a crowd there was In attendance more
people than one school room could hold,
Inoludlng hallway and stairs.
Tha mooting was callod to orJer by
theohalrman of tho directors, Mr, N.
B. Bradbury. Clerk Garl T. Jonea was
called upon (or his annual report which
was read aud upon motion was ap
proved. The election of one tohovd director
wai thtui In order aud W. S. Crowell
and G. L. Webb wore placed In nomi
nation. Ballots were prepared by W.
T. York and W. H. Meeker, who were
appointed tellers. There were 163 vote
oast of which Mr. Crowell received 63,
Mr. Webb 66, scattering and blank 3.
Mr. Crowell declared elected. Garl T.
Jones was re-elecwd olerk by acclama
tion. The directors asked for an expression
of opinion upon three points. One of
these was as to the advisability ot pur
chasing a small tract of land adjoining
the school properly on the south, for
additional play ground for the pupils
of the school. The price asked for this
property Is $225, of which amount J. R.
Krford, who is agent for the property,
agreed to donate his commission ot $10.
The directors were instructed to act
their pleasure in tha matter. The
matter of the town's assessment ot $150
for sewerage across school grounds was
also talked ot and tho directors were
advised to aot their pleasure. The
notes for $19,000 become due next De
cember and the board was directed to
call a meeting of the voters at least
thirty days prior to that time for the
purpose of devising means for meeting
the payment ot these notes. The pre
sumption being that money can be se
cured to take them up at a less rate ot
interest than seven per cent, the in
terest now being paid . It was thought
by some that a better way would be to
issue school warrants for the full
amount. These would bear but six per
oent interest and could In all proba
bility be sold at a premium. One of
the redeeming features as regards war
rants is that they can be taken up at
any time, and they are not taxable.
As will be seen by the following re
port of Clerk Jones the Indebtedness of
the school district has been reduced
12520.37 during the past year. This is
a splendid showing and the dlreoton,
Messrs. D. T. Lawton, J. R. Wilson
and N. B. Bradbury, are entitled to
commendatlo i from the taxpayers for
the economical manner in which they
have conducted the affairs of the dis
trict. Here ia the
From former clerk 340 71
Tuition 67 50
County apportionment 1627 10
Htate apportionment . . . . . . . . 1 Sit 00
Special lax 4670 6S
Total 784 SV
Paid teacher' warrants
Paid Incidental warrants
62S7 86
2279 69
I 7647 46
S02 44
To balance..
784S 89 7W 89
Outstanding warrrnta a SSS2 10
Interest on outstanding warrants 88 96
SSU 06
Ml 44
Less amount on hand. .
Balance outatandlng with Interest 8338 62
Notes outstanding 19000 00
Interest on notes outstanding 278 67
Total Indebtednes 122617 29
Warrants issued since March 6, M99.... I 627 08
Warrants paid since March 6, 1899 7647 46
Difference a 2620 87
Resolutions of Condolence.
Tbe following resolutions of condol
ence were passed at the lost meeting of
Medford lodge No. 83, I. O. O. F.:
Whereas, It has pleased the Sovereign
Grand Master ot the TJnivorse to re
move from our midst Brother Franois
Plymale, and
Whereas, Our pleasant association
with him as a member of this lodge
renders it meet that we record a re
membrance of hliu' upon our records
as well as in our minds, therefore be it
Resolved, That in the death of
Brother Franois M. Plymale Medford
lodge No. 83, I. O. O. F., loses one of
Its old and respected members, one
whom we all loved and respected as a
friend and brother;- the community an
honorablo, upright and loyal citizen,
and his family a loving and Indulgent
husband and father.
Resolved, That the heartfelt sym
pathies of tbls lodge be extended to
the bereaved family in their afil lotion.
Resolved, That these resolutions be
spread upon the record b of this lodge
and a conv be transmitted to the family
01 our deceased nrotner ana eaon oi toe
newspapers of the oity.
J. W. Lawton,!
J. G. Goble, Committee,
Z. Maxcy, I
H. H. Harvey, J
Republican Central Commute.
The members of tbe Republican
Oountv Central Committee of Jackson
County are hereby called to meet at
Jacksonville, Saturday, oiaron iu, ivuu,
at one o'clock p. ,m. Business of im
portance. A full attendance oi mem
bers Is requested.
. jr. jjuvuk,
Chairman of Committee.
Barred Plymouth Rocks.
I have the beat pen of Barred Ply
mouth' Rooks in uoutnern urngon.
Eggs for sale. E. W. Calktnv Modford
Farmers, ope.n np your nocountt
lth Whlto. Harbaugh & Co., Medford.
Thoy aro ablo and will trust yr.u right,
Adsrlttoaal Local
John W. Walls, ot Illy, sold a drovo
of 01 mules ou Monday at thla plaoo, at
tho prluu of $00 per head, to S. II.
King, an ngont for a party named
Hagan of California. Mr. King went
from hero to Kort Klaiuitth to purohnao
moro. Kluinath Falls ltopuhllottn.
When you want glasses IHUmI go to
opticians who are located here and who
spend their money with you. 80s
Uoblo, North Front street,
There are several new ads this
week and it will well nay our readers
to peruse all of thorn. They are those
ot W, H, Meeker Co., U. U Webb,
Hutchison A Lumsden, F. K. Deuel A
Co., Mltoholl, Lewis A Btavor Co. and
Tayler, tho foot filter,
Farmers, bring us your eggs, lard,
bacon and produce. We want your
trado. While, Harbaugh A Co., Med
ford. O. O. Smith, formerly proprietor
of a candy store In Medford, and better
known as "Candy" Smith, passed
through Medford last week en route
from New York to his home In Artaona,
in which territory he la now a railroad
Young man, before you go to see
rour Klrl, got a box of lino candy from
"'The Boss Candy Kitchen," Jackson
ville. The Presbyterian Ladles' Aid 'So
ciety will gl-'o a dime social at Mrs.
Lumsden's on Friday evening ot this
week, March I'th. A musical program
including the boys' ootct, will bo glvon.
A buffet lunch will be served. Tbe pub
lic is invited.
If you want a cup of good coffee,
try our fresh roasted Mocha and Java.
H. H. Howard & Co.
J. S. Howard, surveyor for tho
Gold Hill high lino ditch, Informs a
Mail reporter that there Is an abun
dance of inonoy on hand to complete
the ditch, and that work will bo com
menced on its construction about Juno
All kinds of sash and doors and
screen doors, at lowest market prloe.
W. Woods.
Mrs. L. J. 8ears has been confined
to her borne for several days with the
measles, but she Is not tho only one
who has taken on childish notions and
are Indulging in tbe measley disease
there are others.
Don't buy your wagons from a
tailor. Don't buy your clothes from a
blacksmith. Bodge is a tailor.
Will Nloholson Is Improving in
health and expects to soon be ablo to
go to his ranob in eastern Oregon. Mr.
Nicholson has been sink a long time
and news of his probable recovery will
be glad tidings to his many friends.
Attorney 8. S. Pentz can be con
sulted in confidence in all logal matters.
Charges reasonable.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Warner and
their daughter, Mrs. E. E. Gore, very
pleasantly entertained the members of
the Presbyterian Cburoh oholr at Mr.
Warner's residence, on Saturday evon
ing of last week.
Agricultural implements and gar
den tools G. L. Scbermorhorn's sec
ond band store, Medford.
Arthur Wells has oommonced tho
construction of a dwelling bouse on bis
resident lot, In Northeast Medford.
The building will be 24x20 feet in slzo
and one story high. A. W. Blab is do
ing the carpenter work.
Hewine machines this week from
$5 up, at White's sewing machine store,
At the ministerial mooting held in
Medtord last Monday It was decided to
bold a temperance meeting In Modford
on April 6th at the opera houso. Rev.
Tout, of Ashland, will address the meet
Come In and carefully go over our
styles. None bettor; none nicer. Wo
can please you. See Hodge, tbe tailor.
Tho Lakevlew Examiner says,
Prof. A. Day Parker and Mies Jennie
Maxwell arrived from Paisley Tuesday
night, both having resigned as teachers
of the Paisley school."
Fresh stock ot garden seeds in
bulk or package, at G. L. Davis'.
Tbe sentencing of tramps to hard
work on the public roads is to them the
severest punishment that can be In
stated, and is the most effective way of
dealing with the tramp problem.
Groceries at White, Harbaugh &
Co.'b, Medford.
Gov. "Bob" Taylor, of Tonnesace,
is booked for a lecture in Southern Or
egon during the next few weeks. Dates
will be given later.
Boat oualltv of roast coffee kept by
White, uarnaugn anu jo., mouiora
The school board has purchased a
parcel o land laying between thesohool
vard and the Medford-Jaeksonvllle
railroad, paying 1215 therefor.
All kinds ot novelties for the ladles.
at Whlto, Harbaugh A Uo.'s, Medford
Ranee Rouse is the happy parent
to a blooming boy baby which oame to
his homo ou Friday of last week.
Miss Lizzlo Ferguson will commence
the spring term of school In Grove dis
trict next Monday, Maroh 12th.
Ii. A. Murphy and family have
moved from Medford to their farm
home, on Oi'lftln oreek.
Tbo supreme court on Tuesday de
nted a rehearing in the ease of Medyn
akl va TholM. .
Nine , painters commenced work on
the now rUpot Tuesday morning.
geveral Elegant
AIho Finn Lino of Mon'a Tough Medium Weight Lace
8Ihh)b, itn lumr Waturproof uh ImUlinr 01111 bo tunned.
I'rloon tho lowest. TAVMCIt, The. Foot Fitter.
Will do nil kincU
KutiiufttoH Uivon
P. O. Ilox
Como to H3T H. C. MACKEY
,12 I hold llw high reputation ot being 0110 of the bust I'liotogntphurs
In tho Northwest. Have boon here over four yours, and have been
1110 only auuetwsiiii piioiouriitinor innt lias over lieun In Miidturd. I
deserve the patronage 01 Medford uml vicinity. Call and see me.
All kinds of phutos uml Knlnrgliig in Water Colors, India Ink Pas
tell and Crayons. Photo Buttons unci ull old faded photos brought
to life at at II. U. Maokuy's Photo tliillui y. Muku no mlhtuko In
gutting Into the proper gullury (or line work urn! reasonable prices,
Aro tho boat mnclo,
Wo have a large stock of
rows, also Oliver Chilled Plows, Gem Sooders. extra Shares.
Sngletrees, Doubletrees, Nock
who desire a flrst-olass smoke
always ask lor Kurts's
When tboy want a little better olgar for
a little more monuy they buy Kuril's
Smoke home made cigars
home industry.
Market Report.
Tho following aro tho prices paid by
our merchants this week for farm pro
ouce. in is list win do onangea eaon
woek as tbo prices change:
Wheat 471
Oats 60
Flour 11.50 per 100 lbs
Barley 11.10 " " '
Mill Kcod 90o " " "
Potatoes, 1" " "
Eggs 10 per dox
B.itter, 20 per lb
B-ans, dry 03
Bicon 09
Hams IS
Shoulders, 07
Lard 10
Hogs live (Mi
. fllnlng Locations.
O W Murshr located Feb 17, a Quartz claim In
Btflrllns district.
W L McClurc and L C Hmltb. same date, a
ela!m In Han. eravll district.
Ed I'cnca looatod Feb a, a watsr right of W
lnones, roreni oraeK.
Tnomaa mngny looaiea jcd t, acroa in
Oalls creek dlalriot.
C E Bmllh located Feb 2S, a quarts claim la
Applogate district.
Advertised Letter List.
FaiiowIbb' la a list of tetters rematnliurun
called for la the Medford postomce on Mar.
7, WOO.
Doge, Mr Bradbury, C V
Pavla, Mrs Josophlne Oordcn, Pranols
Hill, Frank II id fluid Mrs alary
Mowers, Marsnau rancor, airs n n
A charge of one oent will be made upon da-
livery ol each of the above leitors.
rontons calling for any of the above letters
will please say " Advertised."
O. F. USHHiatAM, Pootiaasler.
We havo saved many doctor bills
sinoe we began using Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy In our home. We keep
a bottle open all tbe time and when
evor any ot my family or myself begin
to oaten cold we begin to uso tne cougn
remedy, and as a result we never have
to send away for a doctor and incur a
large doctor bill, for Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy never falls to cure. It
isoertalnly a mediolno of great morit
and worth. D. S. Mearkle, General
Merohantand Farmer, Mattte, Bedford
County, Pa. For sale by Chaa, Strang,
Best Winter Route.
For sunBblne, flowers and oranges
toko tbe Bunset Route via Los Angeles
to all Dolnts East. Tourist excursion
cars and chair cars to El Paso, Fort
Worth, Kansas City, Chicago, Cincin
nati, HouBton, Mew Orleans and Wash
ington, u. u. ,
For rales, guides and Information ad'
C. H. MAIWHAU. Q. P. A..
Portland, Or.
Hoy ' and Little Oants'
Up toDale Oreit Laoe
Shoes, Illuok andTau.
Contractor and Builder.
of Konuiring,
uml Work (hiuruntood.
Medford, Oregon
both for froo soil mid stiokejr
John Dooro Plows and Har
Yokos, Clovisos, etc.
for a niokel
and build up a
Feet Hurt?
When thoy do, nino times out
of ten, it's because your shoe
doesn't Qt properly. They
neod attontlon. Bring them
to me and havo them fixed,
On Everything In tho Lino of Foot
woar at Reasonable Prices
With W.T. Kama
neit door to
DavlA' (.rooory
We Need Room!
Our Large Stock of New
Spring Shoes is now on tha
way, and until it arrives We
will nell goods at
In ordor to make room for tne new
arrivals. Inspect these Bargains,
Medford Shoe Co.
W. T. KAMK, Prop.
.. UB ..
Carbollneum Avenarlus,
The most efficient Wood Preserving Paint,
also a Radteal Reaaly against clkkta-
Lice. Its application to inside walls of
poultry houses will permahoatly eionol
nate all Lice. Itesnlts, healthy chlokms
plenty of eggs. Writs for circulars sad
, prloesi mealloD this paper.
D. H. niLLER, Msdfara-. Or..
Tlmo and money saved by taking '
the Northorn Paolflo to all points Oast.
Tickets sold from Modford same as
Portland. Do not forget that a North
ornJP,".ol,flo V PM"M through Med.
ford Wednonday evening onoh week for
the accommodation of passengers who
man n mouiur iruoi moaiord
to St.
rani wiinout oliange. W. T.
ngoni'i raenioru, urogon.
The sM ralltbhHIlis Weakly 0tskss4ast,